Wrotnowski to New Hampshire SOS: “be a man”

Cort Wrotnowski was one of the early plaintiffs challenging Obama’s eligibility in 2008 (a case in New Jersey that was ultimately refused a hearing by the US Supreme Court). In an email to supporters yesterday, he had strong words for the New Hampshire Secretary of State, William M. Gardner:

You need to wake up.  You have been caught lying, aka breaking the law; the word is spreading; folks are working overtime to inform others of your law breaking along with the Ballot Law Commission (the radio interviews are getting lined up, bloggers are being engaged, flyers are being passed out in the street, people are signing petitions);  there is a pending suit before the state supreme court about which more people are being informed…what are you going to do? Run? Hide?  Make up more lies?  Get mysteriously ill? Leave town? Run a scam against the people who caught you? You are running out of options.

My question is: Are you going to be a man and face the facts, or are you going to keep on stonewalling and playing stupid?  My advice is to play it straight.  It’s OK to be terrified of making this big step.  But taking Obama off the ballot for the reasons mentioned below will show you are able to rise above prejudice and partisantship [sic]; that, once again, you are able to administer your office in a fair and impartial manner that simply follows the law, no matter how controversial your decision.

Count this as an early storm warning.  Failure to heed it only means you are sunk.

In the preceding, I believe Mr. Wrotnowski intends to  the phrase “fair and impartial” to mean “believes my conspiracy theory.” I wonder what me means by “sunk.”

In passing, I would note that on the Republican side there have been, to date, 30 individuals who have filed with the New Hampshire Secretary of State as presidential candidates.  Fourteen are signed up on the Democrat side. The Republican list includes self-proclaimed King of the Birthers and Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin [not his real name]. On the Democrat side, I note Vermin Supreme. I have questions about the eligibility of Mr. Supreme for President because he doesn’t meet the two natural born kidney requirement. Why is Wrotnowski not out in front on this issue?

Vermin Supreme video

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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7 Responses to Wrotnowski to New Hampshire SOS: “be a man”

  1. JPotter says:

    interesting take he has on ways to rise above prejudice and partisanship.

    still waiting for the birther who genuinely believes in birther legal theories because they believe them to be true, rather than being lead to them by pre-existing prejudices, political leanings, plain old bigotry …. my first reaction to this nonsense, that if it had even a toothpick to stand on, then at least some of Obama’s supporters would reluctantly agree, still stands.

    But I guess O’s opponents aren’t disposed to believe any of his current / former supporters have however much integrity such an admission would take. Some of these unfortunate will go to their deathbeds railing against “that man” who “shouldn’t ne’er even been Pres’dent in the’ firs’ place!”

  2. Robert says:

    I really wish these people would stop this pointless attack. Even if a court, or SoS, improbably finds that Obama is not eligible, a higher court will strike it down. As Congress is the only body allowed to check qualifications of their body (hence why we have had a senator younger than 30), the same precedent means no state can interfere with the Constitutional requirements of the President(basically, only SCOTUS can rule on eligibility).

    Furthermore, it is a huge waste of taxpayer resources

  3. Norbrook says:

    I really wish Mr. Supreme was running on the Republican slate. He’d be injecting a much needed note of sanity into the process.

  4. G says:


    Norbrook: I really wish Mr. Supreme was running on the Republican slate. He’d be injecting a much needed note of sanity into the process.

  5. sfjeff says:

    Well considering that in the Presidential race, Huntsman is considered by the Republicans as the oddball….explains unfortunately the current Republican Party too well.

    John Hunstman- successful businessman, successful Governor, former Ambassador, fluent in the language of our largest global competitor, without a hint of scandel vs

    Newt Gingrich- successful book writer, successful(just give him this one for arguments sake) Speaker of the House, levered his role in government to make his personal fortune, his time as Speaker was marked by scandals, including his accepting censor from the House for ethical violations, two failed marriages, 2 affairs with the future Mrs. Newt, failure to pay child support….

    This election is the Republicans to lose….and I think they might be able to pull it off.

  6. JPotter says:

    Catching up on my Sunday TV … in the 2nd segment of Meet the Press, it was suggested a certain part of the Republican base wants to see nothing less than Newt Gingrich engaging Obama in a debate and calling him out as a “Kenyan Socialist”.

    Now that would be AWESOME!

  7. Obsolete says:

    JPotter: it was suggested a certain part of the Republican base wants to see nothing less than Newt Gingrich engaging Obama in a debate and calling him out as a “Kenyan Socialist”.

    I would be OK with Obama responding that Newt was a fat, entitled dough-boy.

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