Monkeys with typewriters

It’s been said that if you get enough monkeys randomly typing for a long enough time, they will produce the works of William Shakespeare

That thought came to mind as I was reading a web link provided in an email from Deep Birther. The link was to an article by Martha Trowbridge at The Terrible Truth blog. Trowbridge has made a name for herself in birther circles with her alternate biographical stories about Barack Obama including him being fathered by Malcolm X.

I looked at the particular article in question briefly, and decided it was really too crazy to delve into. Whenever I decide not to look into something I feel a little defensive. I can imagine an argument being thrown at me: “just because Trowbridge has been proven wrong before [e.g. in the case of saying Obama went to Indonesia at age 2 to live with President Suharto] that doesn’t mean she’s wrong now.” That’s true. However, it is also true that just because a dozen monkeys have not come up with the works of William Shakespeare yet that they won’t do it today.

If I want to read Shakespeare, I go to the library and not the zoo.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to Monkeys with typewriters

  1. Lupin says:

    I quote from the diarrhea :

    “Reportedly, on 17 June 1935, Fred was born to Jewish parents and…”

    Say no more.

  2. Majority Will says:

    However, instead of an actual tempest, birtherism is more of a comedy of errors and much ado about nothing.

  3. ASK Esq says:

    Martha’s writing seems to be the result of dropping a hamster with seizures into the middle of a Scrabble game.

  4. Majority Will says:

    ASK Esq:
    Martha’s writing seems to be the result of dropping a hamster with seizures into the middle of a Scrabble game.

    That sounds like a midseason replacement for a reality series on Fox.

    Episode 1: Epileptic hamster battles Trump’s head badger in a cage match for World Scrabble dominance.

  5. Wile E says:

    ASK Esq:
    Martha’s writing seems to be the result of dropping a hamster with seizures into the middle of a Scrabble game.

    I can see that. Boggle in zero-gravity also comes to mind.

    I’ve often thought that the good folks over at The Onion should, in retaliation for making their job harder and in a show of reverse-irony, just take the day off on April 1st and simply reprint in full one the many bizarre yet apparently sincere articles like this one.

    I still have trouble believing her writings aren’t some form of strange performance art.

  6. misha says:

    If 1,000 chimpanzees sat at 1,000 typewriters, eventually they would produce all the speeches of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Probably Shrub, too.

    “There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee…that says, fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me…you can’t get fooled again.”

    You can’t make this stuff up.

  7. J. Potter says:

    misha: You can’t make this stuff up.

    You’re right, Misha …. we can’t …. but they CAN! 😀

  8. Epectitus says:

    Your quick bail on this weird article denied you a small pleasure in it’s last line:

    “- Private Investigator Neil Sankey contributed to this report -“

  9. Northland10 says:

    Sorry for the post to an older article, but I happen to fall upon an old article that may be appropriate here. Though I had heard hints of the “Malcolm X” story earlier than Trowbridge, I did not realize until now that it may have had a large push in October 2008 by none other than the hater extraordinaire Pam Geller.

    She appears to have walked back her opinion and says she does not believe it, but there it is, filled with some of the same various ideas that trolls come as spew here on a regular basis (DSA, Alinsky, Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc.).

  10. G says:

    Kudos on your find!

    I think you are on to something here. Definitely looks like a proto-argument that likely contributed to seed the current birther myths of this ilk…

    Northland10: Sorry for the post to an older article, but I happen to fall upon an old article that may be appropriate here. Though I had heard hints of the “Malcolm X” story earlier than Trowbridge, I did not realize until now that it may have had a large push in October 2008 by none other than the hater extraordinaire Pam Geller. appears to have walked back her opinion and says she does not believe it, but there it is, filled with some of the same various ideas that trolls come as spew here on a regular basis (DSA, Alinsky, Ayers, Rev. Wright, etc.).

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