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New PAC add attacks Colbert run in South Carolina
This entry was posted in 2012 Presidential Election, Videos and tagged Americans for a Better Tomorrow -- Tomorrow, Stephen Colbert. Bookmark the permalink.
Wow! Colbert’s such a bada** … Nick Fury running errands for him!
I will say this about Citizens United and Speechnow.org … they found a way to take a ridiculous political system and kick it up to ludicrous speed!
🙂 H/T for the Nick Fury reference, JPotter!
Another brilliant piece of satire by Stewart/Colbert! LMAO!
No, I think they’ve gone plaid…
Who does this guy Coal-BERT think he is? People should vote for Herman Cain just to show this guy they don’t appreciate him making a circus of the election–when Mace Windu tells you these are not the droids you’re looking for, you believe it! 😉
Is that Herman Cain on the voiceover? Cain and Colbert are appearing together at a rally on Friday.
Favorability ratings from a recent poll from Public Policy Polling:
Newt Gingrich – 26%
Ron Paul – 27%
Rick Santorum – 30%
Mitt Romney – 35%
Stephen Colbert – 36%
No. Doesn’t sound like Cain’s voice to me.
It sounds like Samuel L. Jackson. His voice and cadence is fairly distict & so I’m pretty sure that “Mace Windu” is the Jedi Master we’re hearing on this one… 😉
LOL! Yeah, I saw those numbers last night when Colbert was discussing them.
Quite surprising in several ways:
1 – *Obviously* the BIG news from this result is that Colbert is LEADING all the rest in terms of Favorability from this self-identified voting base.
2 – The biggers story is how LOW *all* the favorability numbers are… that really says something about how devastatingly weak this entire GOP field is this year…
To paraphrase: This is NO motherf*cking tape on this motherf*cking Cain! 😉
It will be very interesting to see what happens in Cain’s appearance with Stephen…
I would note 2 things:
1. PPP is the same outfit that produced the poll showing Cobert leading Huntsman 5% to 4%
2. Cain and Colbert appearing together is more spoof? or a further blending of celebrity/poltics? Getting pretty weird.
3. If Red voters (purportedly who PPP has been polling) are really favorable toward Colbert, a spoof Red pundit who is mocking their politics and mindset, suddenly see him as that favorable after several spoof stunts and ads …. then either the state of SC has an amazing sense of humor, or the TV really is the Devil’s voicebox. 😉
hmm, adding that up equals 154%. Is that part of the satire?
No. These aren’t numbers that you add together.
It isn’t a question that is about people choosing BETWEEN different options at all.
Favorability ratings apply to EACH candidate on a separate, individual level, as a favorable / unfavorable ratio for THAT person.
In other words, when polled on how they viewed Gingrich, *only* 26% of respondants had a “favorable” view of him. The rest of those respondants therefore, felt “otherwise” about Mr. Gingrich.
Then they were asked a separate question about Paul for their views on him…etc, etc.
I hope that clears things up.
Just in case it isn’t clear, someone would want to have a majority favorability rating next to their name (i.e. over 50%), indicating that more than half of people had a positive opinion on them instead of a negative (or neutral) one…
The higher the favorable, the better. Favorability ratings UNDER 50% are not good…
Good one…
…and I agree – can’t wait to find out what happens in the actual event tomorrow. I hope I can find coverage somewhere on it, as Stewart & Colbert do not issue new episodes on Friday nights…
You can feel favorable towards more than one option I guess.
In response to each of your points:
1. PPP does seem to be the only pollster I’ve seen who has been asking about Colbert. However, PPP also has a fairly solid record over the past few years and has emerged as one of the most respectible pollsters currently in the game.
2. I was shocked last night to hear Colbert claim that the real Herman Cain will be with him on Friday! Part of me wants to take that statement with a grain of salt. Between the unpredictable Herman Cain and the crafty brilliance of Colbert… who really knows what to expect to happen on Friday! I just hope I can figure out in advance if there is any live feed coverage that will take place, so I can watch it play out (or at least record it)…
3. Surprisingly, every time this subject has been looked at, there still seems to be a sizeable segment of the GOP/Conservative base that thinks Colbert is serious and doesn’t realize it is performance art.
I say it is the corrolary Poe’s Law in effect… (Maybe that should be called Colbert’s Law in deserved tribute) 🙂
Correct. They are each individual and SEPARATE questions.
Therefore, you can feel favorable towards ALL of them or NONE of them or any combination in between.
Again, this is NOT a single question with a set of choices. So there is NO combined total to be made by adding results for more than one of these people together.
The unconventional endorsement that was promised, perhaps?
LOL! If it turns out to be that… LMAO!!! Just too funny to contemplate!
Oh, let it be so… 😉
To me too. Previous ads sound like Sam Elliot and John Lithgow.
The local Charleston newspaper seems to think it’s real:
oooh! a gospel choir!
What’s the over/under on how well ‘Herman Cain’ will do Saturday? 10%? Anyone? Anyone?
If nothing else, this might encourage some people to vote who otherwise wouldn’t.
I’ll take the “over” on 10%–it’s an open primary so Democrats can show up and vote for “Cain”…
Certainly I and Mrs. Conspiracy will be voting for Cain Saturday. I don’t know how many other Democrats and Independents will vote. However, the latest poll shows that 18% of South Carolina Republicans are kinda somewhat likely to vote for Colbert.
Many South Carolina Republicans are totally disgusted by the campaign and the current selection of candidates.
D’Oh! an open primary! Blast I should have checked the rules first and gone 20%. Even tho open primary states usually bar 1 person from voting in both primaries, I don’t think anyone will lose and sleep over not voting for Obama. I think he’ll do OK.
As Obama is the only name on the SC Democratic side, he’ll be just fine. All you need is just one loyal democrat to stay behind and vote for him and he still wins 100% of his party’s support. 🙂