Monthly Archives: February 2012

Apuzzo appearance in PA: CANCELED

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has denied a motion to admit pro hac vice the celebrated New Jersey birther attorney Mario Apuzzo to represent Charles Kerchner and Dale Laudenslager in their challenge to Barack Obama’s position on the PA Primary … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged , , , , , | 33 Comments

Sunahara v. Fuddy

I open with the usual caveat, I am not a lawyer. Very early in this blog’s history, long before President Obama obtained under a special waiver a certified copy of his long-form birth certificate, we discussed the question of whether … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , | 106 Comments

Milk: a study in fallacy

This is from Mario Apuzzo’s brief in the Kerchner nomination challenge in Pennsylvania: …some person’s argument regarding the Minor definition of “natural-born citizen” is the equivalent to one arguing that the definition of milk which is: “milk” noun 1. an … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Mario Apuzzo, Tutorial | Tagged , , | 48 Comments

The occasional open thread: Leap Day edition

Did you realize that every time there’s a US presidential election, the year has an extra day? That day is today, February 29, 2012. Place your comments not related to the open articles here. This discussion will close in two … Continue reading

Posted in Open Mike | Tagged | 271 Comments

Rules of Interpretation and Construction

I want to thank a commenter very early in this blog’s history for pointing me to the “No Points” video. I was reminded of one bit of it when reading Mario Apuzzo’s Brief in the Pennsylvania ballot challenge by Kerchner … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Tutorial | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments

Apuzzo v. Lavelle

The battle in Pennsylvania is joined. On one corner Mario Apuzzo and Karen Kiefer for Kerchner/Laudenslager; and  in the other John P. Lavelle, Jr. for President Obama. Briefs were flying today from both sides. (Check my Pennsylvania page for updates.) … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Charles Kerchner, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged , , , | 66 Comments