Arpaio: birth certificate press conference March 1

In a brief remark to gathered Republicans today, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he would hold a press conference on March 1 to present the results of his volunteer “cold case posse” investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate.

Arpaio responded to a local Tea Party petition instigated by anti-Obama author Jerome Corsi by appointing a group of volunteers to look into birther allegations  of birth certificate fraud on the part of President Obama. The posse is reported to include an attorney and a former law enforcement officer.

Sheriff Arpaio was recently in birther news for refusing Orly Taitz’s subpoena to appear in Georgia in a ballot challenge hearing.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Arpaio: birth certificate press conference March 1

  1. richCares says:

    I especially liked this comment:
    “Arpaio said he took on the “investigation” into Obama’s eligibility to be president because he was “doing him a favor” by intending to clear his name.”
    What does “intending” mean especially to his birther supporters. How does that tie into his refusal of Orly’s subpoena

  2. bgansel9 says:

    Thanks Doc. I reported this OT on the thread below this. Our presidential debate is tomorrow in Mesa. Our GOP Primary is on the 28th, and he’s going to wait until AFTER all that happens to tell us what he found out. I think the voters would benefit from what he has to say BEFORE they vote for their primary candidate.

  3. Daniel says:

    Thanks Doc. I reported this OT on the thread below this. Our presidential debate is tomorrow in Mesa. Our GOP Primary is on the 28th, and he’s going to wait until AFTER all that happens to tell us what he found out. I think the voters would benefit from what he has to say BEFORE they vote for their primary candidate.

    Arpaio is only concerned with how it can benefit HIM… and how he can get himself out from the birther mess he’s found himself in without too much of it sticking to him.

  4. donna says:

    arpaio should have spent MORE TIME investigating 432 alleged sex crimes he IGNORED

    officials discovered at least 32 reported child molestations with victims as young as 2 years old where the sheriff’s office failed to follow through, even though suspects were known in all but six cases.

  5. bgansel9 says:

    arpaio should have spent MORE TIME investigating 432 alleged sex crimes he IGNORED

    officials discovered at least 32 reported child molestations with victims as young as 2 years old where the sheriff’s office failed to follow through, even though suspects were known in all but six cases.

    Yes, he should have. And now he’s getting raked over the coals for it. He still has is crazy supporters but a lot of people are pissed.

  6. Lord Basil says:

    Sheriff Joe will get to the bottom of this. The fact is that the Kenyan Marxist homosexual forged that birth certificate paid off Hawaiin officials to verify it’s authenticity, and Arpaio has the integrity and guts to stand up to the politically correct crowd and expose Obama’s fraud and the drive by media’s complicity in propping him up.

  7. Keith says:

    Lord Basil:
    Sheriff Joe will get to the bottom of this.The fact is that the Kenyan Marxist homosexual forged that birth certificate paid off Hawaiin officials to verify it’s authenticity, and Arpaio has the integrity and guts to stand up to the politically correct crowd and expose Obama’s fraud and the drive by media’s complicity in propping him up.

    Joe is, by nature, always on the bottom of things. Looking up. At the underside of the gutter.

  8. Rickey says:

    Lord Basil:
    Sheriff Joe will get to the bottom of this.The fact is that the Kenyan Marxist homosexual forged that birth certificate paid off Hawaiin officials to verify it’s authenticity, and Arpaio has the integrity and guts to stand up to the politically correct crowd and expose Obama’s fraud and the drive by media’s complicity in propping him up.

    Be sure to visit us on March 1 after Sheriff Joe announces what he didn’t find at the bottom.

  9. donna says:

    Arpaio’s big surprise

    Arpaio said he took on the “investigation” into Obama’s eligibility to be president because he was “doing him a favor” by intending to clear his name.

    That will be a shock to the tea party birthers… ROTFL… Be prepared for a non-event.

  10. NBC says:

    You’re such a joker… Pretending to be a birther… But you are over-doing it a bit with the Kenyan, Marxist, Homosexual… All three are just so easily shown to be flawed claims.

    Funny you are… I doubt the birthers will notice.

    Lord Basil: Sheriff Joe will get to the bottom of this. The fact is that the Kenyan Marxist homosexual forged that birth certificate paid off Hawaiin officials to verify it’s authenticity, and Arpaio has the integrity and guts to stand up to the politically correct crowd and expose Obama’s fraud and the drive by media’s complicity in propping him up.

  11. NBC says:

    Oh and Lord Basil, about this homosexual thing.. Me think you protest a bit too much… ROTFL… Is the closet getting to lonely?

  12. Arthur says:

    Oh and Lord Basil, about this homosexual thing.. Me think you protest a bit too much… ROTFL… Is the closet getting to lonely?

    Basil isn’t a closeted homosexual, he’s a poseur pretending to be a flame-throwing birther. As I’ve said, my wife knows his fiance, and she characterized him as a hipster leftist with a flair for the theatrical. His on-line persona is nothing more than performance art. I don’t want to completely unmask him, as I find his act slightly amusing, I just want people to know not to take him seriously.

  13. y_p_w says:

    Arthur: Basil isn’t a closeted homosexual, he’s a poseur pretending to be a flame-throwing birther. As I’ve said, my wife knows his fiance, and she characterized him as a hipster leftist with a flair for the theatrical. His on-line persona is nothing more than performance art. I don’t want to completely unmask him, as I find his act slightly amusing, I just want people to know not to take him seriously.

    Complete OT, but that sounds almost like the man who was once known as the “World’s Rudest Waiter” – one Edsel Ford Fong (his brother Henry Ford Fong work with him) of the Sam Wo Restaurant in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Upon being seated, he would tell customers to “Sit down and shut up!”. Among his many misanthropic attributes were slamming food down on tables, criticizing customers’ choices, telling customers they had no water or Coke (only tea), not translating the menu, screaming at tips of less than 18%, and taking food away before a customer was done. He also had a habit of feeling up female customers. He did it in broken English despite the fact that he was born and raised in San Francisco.

    From what I’ve heard, a lot of people have said it was mostly an act – one that bordered on performance art with a mean – or at least what he’d allow people to eat before taking away the food.

  14. G says:

    Bravo to you for confirming this. Due to the level of crazyiness out there, Poe’s Law has really been in effect. There are true Birther nutzo’s that are as crazy as “Lord Basil’s” over the top performance act pretends.

    So, it can truly be hard to tell the difference between immature dorks trolling as fakes and the true rabid crazies out there.

    Losers like Fake Lord Basil need to be outed – not in terms of who they actually are – I don’t flipping care who he is at all – but in terms of putting up that DISCLAIMER every time he wastes his silly time here by trolling his annoying act.

    While we have a lot of real entertainment and joking around here, this *is* a serious site and tries to deal with observing and analyzing these crazy conspiracy myths honestly.

    There is no place and very little tolerance for TROLLS of any kind here. Let me be perfectly clear about that to “Lord Basil” and his lame performance act.

    If he gets his kicks by coming across like an annoying crazy person, there are other places where his brand of “extreme satire” might be more suited – go over to the excellent Wonkette site and ply your act there. Don’t waste our time here.

    Arthur: Basil isn’t a closeted homosexual, he’s a poseur pretending to be a flame-throwing birther. As I’ve said, my wife knows his fiance, and she characterized him as a hipster leftist with a flair for the theatrical. His on-line persona is nothing more than performance art. I don’t want to completely unmask him, as I find his act slightly amusing, I just want people to know not to take him seriously.

  15. Lupin says:

    Bravo to you for confirming this.Due to the level of crazyiness out there, Poe’s Law has really been in effect.There are true Birther nutzo’s that are as crazy as “Lord Basil’s” over the top performance act pretends.

    So, it can truly be hard to tell the difference between immature dorks trolling as fakes and the true rabid crazies out there.

    Losers like Fake Lord Basil need to be outed – not in terms of who they actually are – I don’t flipping care who he is at all – but in terms of putting up that DISCLAIMER every time he wastes his silly time here by trolling his annoying act.

    While we have a lot of real entertainment and joking around here, this *is* a serious site and tries to deal with observing and analyzing these crazy conspiracy myths honestly.

    There is no place and very little tolerance for TROLLS of any kind here.Let me be perfectly clear about that to “Lord Basil” and his lame performance act.

    If he gets his kicks by coming across like an annoying crazy person, there are other places where his brand of “extreme satire” might be more suited – go over to the excellent Wonkette site and ply your act there.Don’t waste our time here.

    I couldn’t agree more.

  16. JPotter says:

    Rickey: Be sure to visit us on March 1 after Sheriff Joe announces what he didn’t find [in his] bottom.

    Minor edit.

  17. Thomas Brown says:

    Maybe we need to ask Lord Basil to prove he isn’t a fake Birfer by providing the Birfistan equivalent of a Birth Certificate:

    Commitment papers.

  18. NBC says:

    Arthur: His on-line persona is nothing more than performance art. I don’t want to completely unmask him, as I find his act slightly amusing, I just want people to know not to take him seriously.

    He seems to be quite committed to his ‘art’…

  19. Thrifty says:

    I’ll set aside the fact that you have no evidence this actually happened, and simply attack the narrative you’ve woven at face value.

    It makes no sense. Why didn’t he just pay off the the Hawaiian authorities to create a genuine birth certificate with fraudulent information?

    Lord Basil:
    Sheriff Joe will get to the bottom of this.The fact is that the Kenyan Marxist homosexual forged that birth certificate paid off Hawaiin officials to verify it’s authenticity, and Arpaio has the integrity and guts to stand up to the politically correct crowd and expose Obama’s fraud and the drive by media’s complicity in propping him up.

  20. The Magic M says:

    Thrifty: Why didn’t he just pay off the the Hawaiian authorities to create a genuine birth certificate with fraudulent information?

    That’s the goalpost that birthers will move to if they should ever get to see the vault document and cannot apply their bogus “expert” arguments to it.

    But there are contrived reasons why birthers have chosen their narrative and not a more probable version.

    They need a scenario where Obama personally can be held responsible. So they have to cling to the “he made the forgery himself, that’s why it’s so amateurish” meme. Any other scenario would allow him to claim ignorance (“why, gee, I really believed I was born in Hawaii, I had no idea somebody forged those records I have never seen personally”). And that’s something that’s unbearable to them – the thought that even if it was all “uncovered”, Obama could get away scot-free.

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