Orly Taitz took a shot at Newt Gingrich. Fox News reports:
"Somebody who wouldn’t be good enough, who wouldn’t be certified to pick tomatoes or clean bathrooms is sitting in the White House," Taitz told Gingrich, to gasps and some applause from the tea party audience.
At first I thought I would propose a Constitutional amendment that would give the Congress the power to revoke the citizenship and expel naturalized citizen bigots like Orly Taitz from the United States. Then I thought of a better solution: Newt could send her to his new moon base and just leave her there with plenty of food and water, but no Internet.
Does the angry/evil smiley indicate a change of mood, Doc? Or is he left over from last post? Sure is a menacing little guy.
Queen of the Lunatics.
The symbol is made using the word “evil” between two colons. It does indicate mood. I’m really upset by Orly’s bigoted remark, and by Newt’s lack of integrity in speaking out against it. John McCain had the balls to shut down such things, but Newt does not.
Fortunately for all concerned, Gingrich is pretty much washed up as a presidential candidate, based on the latest polls.
Not to mention the applause. For once, I was not surprised. I should be shocked, outraged, but it’s more of the same. Yeah, Gingrich is toast. Quite a swindle he pulled on the Adelsons. Hope they kept their receipts. Maybe there’s a double-wide hole in the desert in need of filling.
Newt has been written off as dead several times before. While it seems that the current dynamics of the race make another comeback highly unlikely, I certainly wouldn’t rule it out. This is an unstable year with a very weak and unsatisfying field, so it can’t be ruled out.
Newt’s true GOP base of support comes from those who respond pavlovian-style to angry, red meat. Before this is all over, the ODS sufferers out there, who just want a viscious attack dog, could still return to provide Newt with another surge of “Newtmentum”.
If “Angry Newt” returns in the Feb 22nd & March 1st GOP Debates, then there is always a possibility of yet another shift of perceptions and comeback performance from him…
Conversely, if Super-Tuesday comes and goes and Newt loses GA, expect his Las Vegas Billionaire backer to be gone for good and for Newt to truly be done and out of this race, whether he himself accepts that reality or not.
I noted Newt has the makings of a perfect Birther Demegogue. Perhaps he’s hedging his bets by not rebuking Orly. He could make a modest retirement off the birthers. A Trump-Corsi-Newt triumvirate. Just kidding. Birther Newt would be the end of Corsi. just imagine a Trump-Newt Tag-Team Tirade all through Obama’s second term. There go the cranky old white guys with stupid hair. Like gold and silver, day and night. Hellfire without end!
Newt has all the makings of a dangerous demagogue – PERIOD.
I think you can see it in the background here.
(I’m sorry; I just love this ad, and if Sharron’s back, then this ad is back, dammit.)
Wonderful link, justlw. What a remarkably inept commericial. Somewhere in Arizona, a community theatre is missing its chorus to “Annie Get Your Gun.”
Newt is a politician in desperate need of every possible primary vote that he can get. I have no problem at all with him lying down with birther dogs and getting the fleas that come with making that choice.
“All’s fair in love, war and politics.”
That ad seems a little long if you ask me. And such terrible acting too.
Haven’t politicians on both sides been dipping into the Social Security fund to pay for other government things for, like, decades?
I think Ike was the first. It helped fund the Interstate Highway system IIRC.
What can you expect from people who think liberal arts classes are evil?
In a manner of speaking. The Social Security Trust Fund invests its money in U.S. Treasury securities. The money is then used by the Treasury to pay for whatever. But the Trust Fund gets it all back, with interest.
Can anyone explain to me why the Moon Base comment was widely ridiculed?
Was it because of who made it? Was it the context? Was there more to it?
Because, for sure, the USA would inspire more admiration and respect around the world if you had a grand design about space, Ã la JFK.
(Or for that matter about nanotech, or biogenetics ,or new energies or anything scientific.)
As it is, you just cancelled your participation in the next European Mars probes and that looks really bad.
Hey, as a *huge* astronomy fan and advocate for a much, much more active space program, I understand your concerns.
While some of the ridicule in Conservative circles surely comes from a bit of anti-science & “why spend money when we have so much debt” perspectives, a lot of it surely has to do with Newt being known for being overly grandiose in his proclaiments, along with being accused of just pandering to the loss of NASA jobs in FL as well.
One of the key things is that Newt stated we would have an active moon base before the end of his “2nd term” as President. Even if you are a big supporter of wanting a moon base, it completely stretches credibility to claim that such could be active and running within 8 years time. Particularly when our nation no longer even has a shuttle program anymore.
Further, such a statement is overly presumtious by Newt. For him to boldly claim what he will accomplish during his *second* term…when he’s fighting an uphill battle just to contend for the GOP nomination to run for President… well, it certainly casts an air of “delusions of grandeur” over any type of bold plan that is talked about in such a way. As the old saying goes, that is certainly “putting the cart before the horse”…
I can’t see the use of a moon base given that many of the experiments on the moon can be duplicated mathematically or by other means.
That kind of money could do better things on Earth.
A moon telescope would be a better idea, but according to the 2007 article below, that would even be about $4.5 billion dollars.
As much as I despise Gingrich, I thought his proposal was rather bold, and I liked the audacity of it. I am not sure that we need a Moon Base, but I liked his proposal none the less.
At least it wasn’t the usual political backstabbing.
Thank you for the explanations (in particular G’s), I understand the context much better. I wasn’t aware of the “2nd term” etc stuff.
(What an *ss; instead of making a bold JFK-type statement he ended up making a joke out of it.)
This remarkably diary on DKos explains far better than I could why establishing a presence on the Moon is a good thing:
I suspect that the US needs to establish its credibility in science first and that means taking climate change more seriously….. a grand design in alternative technology (and a real marginalisation of birtherism?) makes more sense to me if you want respect.
A moon base sounds like a big ticket purchase, and times are hard – somebody needs to maked a case for this expenditure. I am sure that a case could be made, but Newt didn’t even try to do so.
The point of the Moon Landing program was not to land on the moon, the point was to advance technology so that we could land on the moon.
But that was back in the days when the American people and the politicians they elected actually wanted America to be great, world leaders in peace time, educated, and more technologically advanced than her global rivals.
However, that mindspace didn’t sit well with the would be oligarchs, who have over the last 35 years or so managed to completely reverse that vision for America to ensure that America is no longer a world leader in anything, more poorly educated than almost everyone except Africa and getting worse, technologically rusted over and refusing to even consider advancement.
Conservatives are right on one thing: America is no longer great at anything. And it is all on their plate.
Instead of bonuses for the Wall Street guys that convinced Bush to bail them out, the stimulus should have gone to building some really big solar plants in Nevada and some wave farms in the Gulf of Mexico.
I personally thought it might be insincere. It’s hard to take seriously a program that would involve massive government spending from someone who is trying to make the government smaller.
I would want to see a substantial improvement in the behavior of the human species before I could support inflicting ourselves on the rest of the Universe.
“I would want to see a substantial improvement in the behavior of the human species before I could support inflicting ourselves on the rest of the Universe.”
Excellent comment from Scientist. I recently saw a documentary about American whale fishing during the colonial era and the 19th century; many whale species are now endangered because of Western greed for the oil derived from them. Seeing the images of whales “playing” in the water, and their brutal killing by harpoon and spear, I realized more forcefully than ever the ugliness and corruption of homo sapiens compared to those beautiful and highly evolved creatures. The same goes for the American buffalo (hunted to extinction for its hides, with the carcasses left to rot on the plains), the elephant (ivory) and the rhinocerous (for its horns and their spurious effect on male virility).
Lets face it: we’ve become a cancer on this planet. What right do we have and go and do the same to another, or to the Moon?
One final comment (bringing this back to politics: this was one of Gingrich’s spasms of craziness. He doesn’t really mean it, or much of anything else; in fact, he doesn’t take responsibility for anything he says. (As in “I cheated on my wife because I’m such a patriot and care so much about my country.”)
…and it wouldn’t even impact the federal budget.
Orly would fly to the moon on the wings of her flying monkeys.
…and her little PayPal too.
Found Gingrich’s moonbase…in Vegas!
Like Gingrich’s second term, a hideous pipe dream that will go unrealized.
(This concept has floated around for at least a decade.)
I particularly like the Social Security “lockbox,” which looks like something they grabbed at the last minute from Pier 1.
That link was phenomenal. Thanks Lupin!
The stellar collection of lunar images and the focus on scientific detail were all excellent!
I also thought the article had one of the best diagrams and explanations of the positioning of the Earth-Moon Lagrange points I’ve seen.
I agree that our species needs to explore and eventually colonize beyond our little, blue planet. Due to the high effort and costs associated with having to leave (and even re-enter) our planet’s gravity and atmosphere, a whole host of alternative “waystations” are needed to become the future launchpads of exploration and resource mining.
Both the surface of the moon, as well as the array of Lagrange points it offers, provide a nexus of useful “waystations”.
In addition to what others have said, there is the matter of Gingrich proposing that the Moon Base would be considered for statehood once it has 13,000 residents. This from a guy who has consistently opposed statehood for the 600,000 or so residents of the District of Columbia.
So sad but true… ğŸ™
Then again, Newt’s life history is full of examples of where he’s held onto a particular sincere interest in space and space exploration.
Yes, on the surface, it seems laughably inconsistent, for someone who wants to radically shrink the government, to also talk about launching an unbelievably massive and expensive government project.
Then again, Conservative thought is full of inconguity and inconsistency between idea and practicality.
What I’m getting at is that, while I totally feel that Newt’s statement was yet another example of self-serving politics and delusions of grandeur; I also believe he mixes his delusions with elements of sincere fantasy dream projects and I do think a moon base falls in the category of pet ideas he sincerely does dream about.
WND has spun the story into newt supporting orly’s efforts:
bless their little creative-writing hearts.
I think, (considering his heavy Adelson support) this is the lunar outpost Gingrich has in mind …
(this concept has been floating around for at least 10 years … it has a better chance of existence than Newt’s second term)
For more moon fun, google “terraforming the moon” …. I like the theory about using nukes to transform the moon into a smaller version of earth. Talk about crackpot … !
Yes, let’s use those nukes Obama doesn’t want to melt all our lunar cheese. As a bonus, it will glow in the dark. Wait, it already kinda does. Hmmm.
i wonder if oily has considered comparing her certification and qualifications as a lawyer to her presidents, and then thought what work she might be ineligable for.
i’m sure there’s no shortage of latrine diggers.
“Somebody who wouldn’t be good enough, who wouldn’t be certified to pick tomatoes or clean bathrooms is sitting in the White House,” Taitz told Gingrich, to gasps and some applause from the tea party audience.”
From the mouth of a streetwalking refugee. Arabs and Iranians don’t have anything to worry about. Israel is filled with psychos like her, and the whole country is going to implode. Those psychos are financed and egged on by American evangelicals, to the tune of ~$250M/year.
Settler leader: Democracy must be dismantled
“The veteran settler leader, Benni Katzover, was caught telling some meshigene Chabad paper, “Beit Mashiachâ€, that “I would say that today, Israeli democracy has one central mission, and that is to disappear. Israeli democracy has finished its historical role, and it must be dismantled…”
Hey Orly: hurry up, and get on that airplane. They need you. When you’re done schtupping CEL III, you can start with Lieberman.
No, Orly is just going down on the diggers. That’s all her mouth is good for: spitting it out, or sucking it in.