Obot news service

If they were giving away free money, I’d be the one who wasn’t paying attention to the announcement.

It’s hard to stay in front of what’s happening so I can timely report it here rather than be two days late. I have some strategies:

  • I read comments on this blog
  • I read things people email me
  • I follow Jack Ryan on Twitter
  • I have Google Alerts set up
  • I get updates from a Facebook group
  • I run Google searches based on hunches
  • I infrequently visit the Fogbow Forums and other sites listed as “Good” below

I don’t spend much time, however, on anti-birther sites because I want an independent voice. They are most excellent sites and I highly respect what they are doing. I just want to be doing something of my own. While the Fogbow forums are an excellent source of news, it takes a long time to keep up with all the threads over there. There is also the Birther Aggregator, but that too takes time to wade through.

So I am making a modest proposal. I have started adding the tag #obotnews to all the articles titles I forward to Twitter. If anyone else would like to add breaking news or newly published articles, you can add #obotnews to your Twitter feed. It’s easy to search for this tag on twitter using your computer, or even your smart phone.

If you have a better suggestion, you know where the comment box is.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Obot news service

  1. Lord Basil says:

    You should call your site the Tyrant Enabler, because your shameful attempts to smear the good work of great patriots only does just that.

    And the sad thing is, the Kenyan Marxist homosexual’s “Civilian National Security Force” will come looking for people like you first.

  2. realist says:

    Lord Basil:
    You should call your site the Tyrant Enabler, because your shameful attempts to smear the good work of great patriots only does just that.

    And the sad thing is, the Kenyan Marxist homosexual’s “Civilian National Security Force” will come looking for people like you first.

    You should call your post “I am the King of Irony” (and a moron).

    Birthers are not patriots or anything even close to it.

  3. Arthur says:

    Lord Basil: And the sad thing is, the Kenyan Marxist homosexual’s “Civilian National Security Force” will come looking for people like you first.

    As usual, Basil old boy, (btw, Basil’s real name is Mayo Preet) you’re entirely wrong. My domestic partner Bruce, who is an officer and carries the rank of Fancy Man with Glitter Bombs in the CNSF (or as Bruce calls it “Clever Nancy-boys Strutting Fiercely”) informs me that it’s YOU who’s first for elimination.

    Well, elimination is too strong a term; actually, Bruce has you scheduled for a November 7th removal to a reeducation camp in Gayville, South Dakota, where the head of detention is an hot mess transvestite named Lady Papa. You’re curriculum will include how to buy nice clothes that don’t clash, and upon your release, you’ll be given a Shih Tzu named “Tanzy” and be relocated to cunning little loft in Portland, Oregon.

  4. Majority Will says:

    realist: You should call your post “I am the King of Irony” (and a moron).

    Birthers are not patriots or anything even close to it.

    I seriously doubt those posts are anything but exaggerated parodies of extremism.

  5. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: I seriously doubt those posts are anything but exaggerated parodies of extremism.

    I’m in complete agreement with you, Will. Speaking of parodies, there’s a new BadLipReading!!! This time, it’s Newt:

  6. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: I’m in complete agreement with you, Will. Speaking of parodies, there’s a new BadLipReading!!! This time, it’s Newt:

    “Bacon slap!”

    That’s the most sense that flimsy bag of rocks and dirt has ever made.

  7. Paper says:

    Taylor Swift offers a key lesson for all to-be-unnamed name-callers: she’s at the Grammy’s and all you’ll ever be is mean.

  8. Steve says:

    Lord Basil:
    You should call your site the Tyrant Enabler, because your shameful attempts to smear the good work of great patriots only does just that.

    And the sad thing is, the Kenyan Marxist homosexual’s “Civilian National Security Force” will come looking for people like you first.

    You don’t even know what a tyrant is.

  9. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Lord Basil: You should call your site the Tyrant Enabler, because your shameful attempts to smear the good work of great patriots only does just that.And the sad thing is, the Kenyan Marxist homosexual’s “Civilian National Security Force” will come looking for people like you first.

    Lord Basil I congratulate you on the excellent parody of a crazy person.

  10. Lord Basil says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Lord Basil I congratulate you on the excellent parody of a crazy person.

    This is not a parody. I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.

  11. Majority Will says:

    Lord Basil: This is not a parody.I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.


    Very clever. Another good one.

  12. Scientist says:

    Lord Basil: This is not a parody. I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.

    Marxism is a great American tradition. Karl Marx was the London correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune. And don’t forget those great Americans Groucho, Harpo and Chico. As for homosexuality, it’s as American as apple pie-Walt Whitman, Harvey Milk, Richard Nixon, Gertrude Stein, Larry Craig, Ted Haggard.

  13. JPotter says:

    Lord Basil: would be homosexuals

    “would be” homosexuals? in your traditionally bigoted moral scheme, are they better or worse than actual, practicing homosexuals?

    Still trying to resolve how a “Marxist fascist” avoids mudering itself. I guess whichever side gets it hand on a weapon first will win. What does such a person do if CPUSA and the ANP start scheduling their meetings on the same night of the week?

    Sooooo…back on topic …. Doc, sounds like a great idea, if I’m ever all a’Twitter, I’ll keep an eye peeled for the #obotnews!

  14. Arthur says:

    No, you’re a phony, Basil, and I have proof.

    Lord Basil: This is not a parody. I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.

  15. So you’re damned straight?

    Lord Basil: This is not a parody. I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Lord Basil: This is not a parody. I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.

    Please stop you’re making me laugh. You really got the intonation and mannerisms of a crazy person down. I just can’t imagine how much dedication you must have to the art of satire to be able to study crazy people and mimick their actions.

  17. aarrgghh says:

    Lord Basil: This is not a parody.I am a committed traditionalist who is trying to save America from the Marxist Fascists and would be homosexuals that Barry Soetoro has unleashed.

    how does one “save america” by posting nonsense on a blog?

  18. Majority Will says:

    aarrgghh: how does one “save america” by posting nonsense on a blog?

    Baby steps.

  19. Northland10 says:

    Lord Basil: I am a committed traditionalist

    The person assigned to the task of saying…. “We’ve always done it that way..”

    “…except when we didn’t.”

    (Disclaimer – I lean Anglo-Catholic, so I am not one who instantly discounts tradition, though it is only one leg of the three-legged stool)

  20. Judge Mental says:

    Meanwhile here’s the “obamareleasyourrecords” site pretending via a blatantly disingenuous headline that a petition signed by 100,000 people received by Sherrif Joe was in support of his cold posse investigation into Obama’s eligibility when it was actually in support of Arpaio’s completely separate and unconnected battle with the Dept of Justice…


  21. Stanislaw says:

    Lord Basil: I am a committed traditionalist…

    So you’ve finally been committed? ‘Bout time.

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