I was afraid this would happen. Orly Taitz has filed an application in Fulton County Superior Court for admission pro hac vice (pronounced “pro hack wee-chay”) and she messed it up. She asks the court to let her represent ballot challenger plaintiffs appealing Judge Malihi’s decision, although she is not admitted to the Georgia bar. Such one-time-only admission is common, and Orly’s request was granted (unopposed) by Judge Malihi before, but that was just for an administrative hearing.
Rule 4.4 governs pro hac vice admission in Georgia and Orly apparently didn’t read the rules. Here are the application requirements:
The Domestic Lawyer’s application shall include:
1. the applicant’s residence and business address;[OK!]
2. the name, address and phone number of each client sought to be represented;
[no addresses or phone numbers]
3. the courts before which applicant has been admitted to practice and the respective period(s) of admission;
[no periods of admission]
4. whether the applicant (a) has been denied admission pro hac vice in this state, (b) had admission pro hac vice revoked in this state, or (c) has otherwise formally been disciplined or sanctioned by any court in this state. If so, specify the nature of the allegations; the name of the authority bringing such proceedings; the caption of the proceedings, the date filed, and what findings were made and what action was taken in connection with those proceedings;
[no statement; sanction in Rhodes v. MacDonald not disclosed]
5. whether any formal, written disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against the applicant by a disciplinary authority in any other jurisdiction and, as to each such proceeding: the nature of the allegations; the name of the person or authority bringing such proceedings; the date the proceedings were initiated and finally concluded; the style of the proceedings; and the findings made and actions taken in connection with those proceedings;
[no statement. Orly once mentioned that she had to prepare a response for the California bar, but I don’t know any details]
6. whether the applicant has been held formally in contempt or otherwise sanctioned by any court in a written order for disobedience to its rules or orders, and, if so: the nature of the allegations; the name of the court before which such proceedings were conducted; the date of the contempt order or sanction, the caption of the proceedings, and the substance of the court’s rulings (a copy of the written order or transcript of the oral rulings shall be attached to the application);
[no statement. Orly was also sanctioned in Taitz v. Liberi for violating an order]
7. the name and address of each court or agency and a full identification of each proceeding in which the applicant has filed an application to appear pro hac vice in this state within the preceding two years; the date of each application; and the outcome of the application;
[no address]
8. an averment as to the applicant’s familiarity with the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, local rules and court procedures of the court before which the applicant seeks to practice; and
[no statement, but her inept filing indicates that she is not familiar with the rules]
9. the name, address, telephone number and bar number of an active member in good standing of the bar of this state who will sponsor1 the applicant’s pro hac vice request. The bar member shall appear of record together with the Domestic Lawyer.
[no sponsor]
One out of 9 correct is a flunking grade in my book.
Read more:
1Mark Hatfield is sponsoring Van R. Irion pro hac vice in the Welden appeal.
My hunch is that she probably does not have that information herself. In Orlylaw, clients are a name you put at the form so she can argue her case in court.
Ironic isn’t it?
Orly is less qualified to do her job than Obama.
She isn’t even a natural born US citizen.
No wonder she hates him.
The man doesn’t even have to set foot in a courtroom with her and she loses.
Could there be any greater shame for a lawyer than losing an unopposed case?
(yes, there’s disbarment… and I’m still waiting for hers.)
It should really take a normal person a great deal of effort to be so awful at doing their job. Not for Orly, clearly, but still.
After her pro hac vice fails in Georgia, Orly should refocus on California and take up an appeal for PETA. It seems that PETA made a bid to free SeaWorld’s killer whales using the 13th Amendment’s prohibition on slavery. As reported by the Daiy Mail,
“A court has thrown out a legal bid to free whales from SeaWorld by campaigners claiming they are enslaved.
“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) claimed that five killer whales at the San Diego SeaWorld are treated like slaves because they are forced to live in tanks and perform daily.
“But a federal judge yesterday dismissed the lawsuit saying the 13th amendment – which outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude – applies only to humans.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098671/Judge-throws-PETA-lawsuit-saying-13th-amendment-applies-humans.html#ixzz1mVzzAGs8
Ok, the whales may not be human, but aren’t they natural-born cetaceans?
Orly is allowing some negative comments on her site, such as this one:
No, it’s not mine.
i don’t know where this was ORIGINALLY posted but there was a brief comment from a James A Davis posted on orly’s site about a reply he received from REPUBLICAN senator jeff sessions
this is what was posted on native born…
Senator Sessions from Alabama educates a voter on why President Obama is indeed eligible. He is not pleased…
James A Davis SR
February 15th, 2012 @ 10:37 am
Ms Taitz,Esq
I sent an e-mail to Senato [sic] Jeff Sessions of Alabama. I question Obama eligibility to serve as President of the US.Below is his responce [sic].
January 18 2012
Dear Mr Davis
Thank you for your recent e-mail concerning President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of president.
As you are aware,many stories have circulated that call his citizenship into question. Additionally,various law suits have been filed alleging that the president is not a natural born citizen of the United States, and is therefore constitutionally ineligible for office of president. However,in June 2008, President Obama released a digitally scanned image of his certification of live birth, and Hawaii’s director of the State Department, Chiyome, verified it’s authenticity. Futhermore [sic], on April 27,2011,President Obama released a copy of his long form birth certificate, which includes the signature of President Obama’s mother, the hospital attendant, and the local registrar affirming the authenticity of the released certificate
While many to express concern, I believe that President has met all of the qualifications to hold the office of president as set out by the constitution, and therefore is eligible to be president. In the 1898 United States Supreme Court case UNITED STATES V.WONG KIM ARK, the court held that an individual born on Americam [sic] is a natural born citizen as required by the constitution to be elected president.President Obama’s birth in Hawaii satisfies that requirement.
I firmly believe that the presidency should be held in high regard and the president treated with respect,no matter who occupies the position. Rather than engage in personality politics, Americans should expect Congress and the president to work together to find substantive solutions to the pressing issues facing our nation.
It is difficult for me to believe that this all the evidence he has,maybe it is ,because he never looked for more, i guess.He was once a fereral prosecutor And has been senator forever.I guess they all have so many skeletons in their closet the are not about to stir up a hornets nest.
“I guess they all have so many skeletons in their closet the are not about to stir up a hornets nest.”
Say hello to Newton
MacPhersonGingrich. He has a house full of skeletons – try every closet.Gingrich’s campaign did not answer my e-mail, asking who pinned the scarlet letter on Callista. A bunch of humorless, stick in the mud, apparatchiki (аппара́тчик).
Max is a natural born feline, whose birth was recorded by the PSPCA. Angel is a natural born canine, whose birth was recorded by the AKC, and confirmed by the chip under her skin.
Hey birthers – put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Misha: “Hey birthers – put that in your pipe and smoke it.”
I always assumed they must already be smoking something. Kanyeshna!
She never denied being a streetwalker in Romania, just like Glenn Beck never denied having anything to do with the demise of that poor girl.
She is a natural born refusenik.
Is that anything like a self-hating lawyer?
The Daily Show had a segment about this on Wednesday night. At the end of the segment they served PETA with a lawsuit claiming that PETA failed to get permission from and compensate animals for using their images on PETA’s calendars, etc.
PETA has a history of doing nutty things. I remember when PETA tried to pressure the town of Fishkill, N.Y. to changes its name to Fishsave. PETA apparently didn’t know that Fishkill was settled by the Dutch, and “kill” means “creek” in Dutch.
I saw that too. Props to Wyatt Cenac!
I love animals but I can’t stand the extremist nuts of PETA. They are a clear example of where the Left still has a lunatic fringe element that gets way too much support and attention…
Holy crap! One of my comments got through moderation on her site?
analogy test
Orly: Local Court Rules
a. baby: diapers
b. dogs: fire hydrant
c. Kardashians: marriage vows
d. cats: litter box
e. All of the above
The moral here is that incompetence can sometimes also be incontinence.
Politicians are like diapers.
They should be changed often.
And for the same reason.
(sometimes attributed to Mark Twain, other times to anonymous)
But this one is definately Twain’s:
The radical of one century is the conservative of the next.
The radical invents the views.
When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them.
Correct. In the Netherlands, Viskil is both a place that no longer exists and a family name (like Soebarka/Subarka). One of the early inhabitants of Schenectady, Abraham Buys, was, according to web genealogy, born in Viskil. i have a suspicion that that Viskil was in fact present-day Fishkill, New York.
Orly fails all nine requirements in her application. Making it even more egregious is the fact this is her second attempt. The first was returned with a handwritten note from the (either clerk or judge) to read Uniform Rule 4.4. She obviously either didn’t read it (likely) thinks she should be immune from following the rule (even more likely) and/or (based on remarks in her ap) believes being admitted unopposed in the administrative court admits her to the GA Superior Court.
Farrar would be better off proceeding pro se anyway. He certainly could do no worse than Orly will.
Oh my, that’s what that thing was on her site, the first attempt.
Yes, Daniel. Here it is:
Take a screen shot and frame it!
Are we sure this is the case? Could it also be that what she posted was her copy of this motion with the court stamp and the note from the clerk saying “go check this rule moron”? I would think both PHV motions would be on the docket if that were the case unless the clerk just sent the first right back. Anyway, as you point out it is a mess regardless.
Now that I looked at both documents the cover sheets are not identical. They are both stamped but in different locations. The date is February 13 on both stamps. So if she refiled it was the same day. Something else I noticed is that the PHV application shows only Barack Obama as the defendant (which we know is not correct) while the appeal lists Barack Obama, Secretary of State. What a goofball.
Sometimes I get to thinking that Orly Taitz is in fact brilliant and is pulling a massive Producers style scam on us all.
That’s interesting.
Back in the 90s there was a pet store there called Fishkill Aquarium.
The Courts have denied Orly’s Pro Hac Vice application. For all the reasons previously pointed out:
Farrar seems to be up the creek without a paddle… That’s what he gets for hitching his wagon to Mad Orly…