Monthly Archives: February 2012

Apuzzo lives!

Much speculation has been seen among the anti-Birthers over the non-participation of attorney Mario Apuzzo (pictured right) in the number of state ballot challenges rising, and falling, across the country, speculation primarily focused on the floundering do-it-yourself (pro se) federal … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Charles Kerchner, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged , , , | 30 Comments

Blog leads Romney

No big deal, but I was struck by this February 24 photo of Mitt Romney addressing a gathering of his supporters at Detroit’s Ford Field in his home state of Michigan for what was billed as a major economic address … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election, Lounge | Tagged | 25 Comments

Birther glasses

I’m always looking for ways to understand the Birthers better and this video from a couple of years ago helped.

Posted in Videos | Tagged , | 22 Comments

Wikipedia NBC article updated

I’ve been informed that the Wikipedia article on “The Natural Born Citizen Clause in the US Constitution” has been updated to correct previously incorrect information regarding to Alexander Hamilton’s proposal for language on Presidential eligibility (Hamilton himself was not born … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | Tagged | 3 Comments

Taitz expected to seize Republican Senate slot

I want you to take a moment to ponder this photo of Orly Taitz: Have you ever seen a photo where someone looks more genuinely happy, fulfilled and at peace? It strikes me that way. Feel the love. Orly Taitz … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | Tagged , , | 67 Comments

March of the Trolls

Play while reading …   A lot of new folks have appeared in comments recently, more than usual. Some of them have been arguing (or perhaps just pasting text) in favor of the conspiracy and legal theories that I debunk … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , | 79 Comments