The Florida ballot challenge (eh?)

The Birthers are raising money for the Florida ballot challenge, to be filed by former prosecutor Larry Klayman.

The problem? They aren’t going to print any ballots in Florida. Since Obama was the only candidate, the State decided it was a waste of time and the Primary was effectively canceled.

So the $12,500 is for what, exactly? I’m just sayin’.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to The Florida ballot challenge (eh?)

  1. Arthur says:

    Boy, I’m pretty confused, Dr. C. I hope you or someone else can clarify. Wikipedia says, as you alluded to, that in the Florida Democratic primary, “As there was only one candidate, ballots were not printed and the primary effectively cancelled. There were no published results.”

    However, Wikipedia also says that, “The [Florida] State Democratic committee proposed an alternate delegate selection system, which consisted of county caucuses which are to take place on May 5, followed by a state convention in June.” The use of past tense in that sentence is confusing because it makes it sound as if the actions described have already taken place–which, of course, is impossible . . . right?

    Now about Klayman’s ballot challenge . . . what exactly is he trying to challenge? President Obama has already been accepted by Florida as a candidate, right? Is he going to challenge the caucuses? I just don’t get it.

  2. katahdin says:

    I think the point is to keep the paypal buttons clicking.

  3. Arthur says:

    katahdin: I think the point is to keep the paypal buttons clicking.

    Yes, but can the people they solicit be so ill-informed that they would donate money to . . . or never mind.

  4. G says:


    katahdin: I think the point is to keep the paypal buttons clicking.

    Arthur: Yes, but can the people they solicit be so ill-informed that they would donate money to . . . or never mind.

  5. misha says:

    “So the $12,500 is for what, exactly?”

    Leftover bills from suing his mother, and taking it to trial. Anything left over, he’ll give to Jews For Jesus.

  6. alg says:

    I have a copy of Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate and am willing to sell it to Mr. Klayman for $12,500. I’ll even throw in a copy of his Indonesian birth certificate for free.

  7. dch says:

    Klayman is a pro. The birther-grifters just got their PayPal con hacked by a guy who had the brilliant idea of setting up a super pac and individual state legal case funds. This is a fly wheel of money as he can continue to lose state by state yet keep the money flowing. By moving on to the nest state. The super pac is a black hole of money as he can simply hire himself to carry out the act ivies at inflated prices, e.g. sending emails and faxes.

  8. dch is dead on.

    Klayman waited until the Georgia challenge crashed and burned before he decided to jump in front of the birther parade.He is counting on it losing everywhere.

    He’ll get a deposition or two and claim progress, but I suspect the WND/Esquire PayPal button well has run dry, and he’s out looking for an easy mark.

  9. dch says:

    Yes he hacked the grifters and set up a clever sequence of state by state cases that he can keep adding to as each earlier case dies. 12,500 is just a number, but an obtainable number. The super pac is the ultimate legal fiction as there will be no accounting or reporting required. He can write the filings in his sleep.

  10. bob says:

    Klayman was just indicted in Ohio for failing to pay over $78k in child support.

    He needs the money.

  11. dch says:

    Motive established he needs the money and is putting his vexious litigation skills to use. He must figure birthers are easy marks for the PayPal nickel and dime scam. Considering that the core birthers have withstood 90 court defeats and still persist in the delusion. The beauty of the scam is that he is not stealing, the marks are sending him money for filing dubious cases that he can file and forget. Orly is gonna be pissed!

  12. Keith says:

    Not only, but also:

    There seems to be a bit of an issue in Florida with Klaymans license, to the tune of $25,000 (so it isn’t ‘just a number’ it is a significant number):

    (from Talking Points Memo via Turning The Scale)

    In 2007, Natalia Humm filed a grievance against Klayman alleging that she paid him a $25,000 retainer to handle her case, in which she was charged with arranging sham marriages for immigrants. But, Humm says, Klayman never delivered. After submitting the dispute to the Florida Bar Grievance Mediation Program, Klayman agreed to pay Humm $5,000 within 90 days, but he never delivered.

    From the Bar’s complaint: “In response to the Florida Bar, [Klayman] indicated that he was facing a very difficult financial situation, but that he had every intention of honoring his agreement with Humm. [Klayman] further indicated that he would be able to pay the outstanding amount by September 30, 2009.” But…he never delivered.

    In early 2010, Klayman said he was going through bankruptcy and provided the Bar with his financial records and a check for $1,000 for Humm, as a good faith sign that he would eventually pay up. In August 2010, the complaint alleges, Klayman told the Bar that he had been in a car accident, but he would soon send more payments to Humm. He then stopped responding to the Florida Bar and didn’t make any more payments.

    According to the same Turning the Scale Post, Klayman is also under administrative suspension in PA. So what is he doing getting involved there?

  13. Rickey says:

    Oh For Goodness Sake has a good rundown on Klayman’s legal and ethical problems:

    Twenty-five thousand Birther dollars for a guy who sued his own mother who was suffering from Alzheimer’s at the time; is under indictment in Ohio for criminal non-support of his children; was banned for life from a California courtroom and was banned for life from a New York courtroom; had his law license suspended by the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; was accused by Judicial Watch of misappropriating more than $200,000; and sanctioned and reprimanded by the Supreme Court of Florida, on behalf of the Florida Bar, only six months ago, this stemming from the last time he screwed somebody out of a $25,000 retainer.

  14. Majority Will says:

    Oh For Goodness Sake has a good rundown on Klayman’s legal and ethical problems:

    Twenty-five thousand Birther dollars for a guy who sued his own mother who was suffering from Alzheimer’s at the time; is under indictment in Ohio for criminal non-support of his children; was banned for life from a California courtroom and was banned for life from a New York courtroom; had his law license suspended by the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; was accused by Judicial Watch of misappropriating more than $200,000; and sanctioned and reprimanded by the Supreme Court of Florida, on behalf of the Florida Bar, only six months ago, this stemming from the last time he screwed somebody out of a $25,000 retainer.

    In other words, the ideal role model and hero for birther bigots.

  15. Rickey says:

    Majority Will: In other words, the ideal role model and hero for birther bigots.


    Note what the idiots say in their plea for contributions: “We have a time-sensitive opportunity to hire a top-flight, nationally known, dream attorney, Larry Klayman.”

    Sure. Time-sensitive because so many people are bidding for Klayman’s services.

  16. misha says:

    To Dr C and readers:

    I am embarrased by Klayman, Orly, Berg, Breitbart, Roy Cohn, neocons, Settlers and the rest of their coterie.

    I want to point out Rabbi Hillel: “Did Hillel Invent the Golden Rule in Judaism?

    According to Jewish tradition, the best known version of the Golden Rule derives from the teachings of Hillel. Here’s the origin of the tradition. When a non-Jew came to Hillel, seeking to make fun of the old teacher, he asked Hillel to teach him the entire Torah while he stood on one foot.

    Unlike Shammai, who chased the practical joker away, Hillel knew exactly how to make his point poignantly clear to his wily guest. Hillel exclaimed, “What is hateful to you, do not to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah, while the rest is the commentary thereof; now go and study it.”

  17. Arthur says:

    Rickey: Sure. Time-sensitive because so many people are bidding for Klayman’s services.

    Rickey, I thought it was time-sensitive because they know that they’ve only got a few days before Klayman’s notorious reputation becomes generally know and the contributions dry up.

  18. Majority Will says:

    To Dr C and readers:

    I am embarrased by Klayman, Orly, Berg, Breitbart, Roy Cohn, neocons, Settlers and the rest of their coterie.

    I want to point out Rabbi Hillel: “Did Hillel Invent the Golden Rule in Judaism?

    According to Jewish tradition, the best known version of the Golden Rule derives from the teachings of Hillel. Here’s the origin of the tradition. When a non-Jew came to Hillel, seeking to make fun of the old teacher, he asked Hillel to teach him the entire Torah while he stood on one foot.

    Unlike Shammai, who chased the practical joker away, Hillel knew exactly how to make his point poignantly clear to his wily guest. Hillel exclaimed, “What is hateful to you, do not to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah, while the rest is the commentary thereof; now go and study it.”

    “One should see the world, and see himself as a scale with an equal balance of good and evil. When he does one good deed the scale is tipped to the good – he and the world is saved. When he does one evil deed the scale is tipped to the bad – he and the world is destroyed.”
    – Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides)

  19. RuhRoh says:

    Sam Sewell posted the current draft of the FL ballot challenge over on Citizen Wells’ blog:

    He says it “will be amended as we proceed”, which I suppose means it will be amended if they can scam enough money to pay Klayman and Klayman actually does any work on the suit prior to their planned filing date of February 16th. 😉

  20. Sam Sewell says:

    Article II Super PAC is a ‘political’ entityestablished under the rules and guidelines of the Federal ElectionCommission. Furthermore, all such political entities, monthly filings of
    income/expenses are filed with the FEC. These reports, as required by law,
    are made available to the public for review at the FEC website.

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