The occasional open thread: Leap Day edition

Did you realize that every time there’s a US presidential election, the year has an extra day? That day is today, February 29, 2012.

Place your comments not related to the open articles here. This discussion will close in two weeks.

Speaking of elections, here’s a new case for your iPhone 4. Just print it, cut out the black area and tape it on.

Obama campaign iPhone 4 case

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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271 Responses to The occasional open thread: Leap Day edition

  1. John Reilly says:

    Doc, one of the times we will disagree. In 1800 and 1900 we had Presidential elections but those were not leap years.

  2. Foggy says:

    WorldNetDaily had two articles about the Indiana ballot challenge, here and here.

    But after the pummeling Orly took from the Indiana Election Commission, crickets. They haven’t even mentioned casually that she lost.

  3. I stayed up all night reading through the Apuzzo Brief, and I prepared a Condensed Version:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  4. Arthur says:

    Whenever I see photos or video of Rick Santorum at important political events, e.g., last night’s primary elections, he’s surrounded by his many children, and they’re smiling and clapping, and nodding their heads, and laughing and crying in total support of their father. And his wife’s there and she’s silently nodding whenever he says something–no matter how stupid, wrong, vile, or mean spirited. And so my question is, well, how does he do that? How does he get their undying devotion and total approval for whatever he says?

    I’m nowhere near the wacko that Santorum is, but I could never get my kids to smile adoringly at what I was saying. My kids spend half their time rolling their eyes at me, or muttering, “Dad!” Which means, “Stop whatever you’re doing because you’re embarrassing me!!” And my wife–my God, if I said the things that Santorum says, she’d divorce me, then kill me, and then spit on my grave. And frankly, I wouldn’t blame her.

  5. JPotter says:

    John Reilly: Doc, one of the times we will disagree. In 1800 and 1900 we had Presidential elections but those were not leap years.

    Thanks for that tip JR! The things you learn here. I knew about the 100-year rule, but not the “divisible by 400” rule, which is why 2000 was a leap year. Now I can update my datebook accordingly. The things one learns here 😀

    Some exceptions to this rule are required since the duration of a solar year is slightly less than 365.25 days. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they are also evenly divisible by 400, in which case they are leap years. For example, 1600 and 2000 were leap years, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not. Similarly, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2900 and 3000 will not be leap years, but 2400 and 2800 will be. Therefore, in a duration of two millennia, there will be 485 leap years. By this rule, the average number of days per year will be 365 + 1/4 − 1/100 + 1/400 = 365.2425, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.

  6. Thrifty says:

    Presidential elections are so exhausting that we need an extra day just to deal with them.

  7. Rickey says:

    Squeeky Fromm:
    I stayed up all night reading through the Apuzzo Brief, and I prepared a Condensed Version:

    Thanks, Squeeky, that saved me a lot of time. I particularly like this part:

    “Being European, Emer Vattel realized it took both a man and a woman to make a baby.”

  8. Thrifty says:

    Probably because you’re not running for President, so they don’t have any motivation to put up with you acting like an idiot.

    The thing that puzzles me about the shenanigans of the Republican contenders is that they are trying so hard to out-conservative each other to the exclusion of any other political tactic. It’s like they forgot that even after getting the nomination, there’s still a general election to win and most voters aren’t hardline conservatives. I mean, sure, the eventual Republican nominee can pick up a conservative base, and maybe some independents who are voting against Barack Obama (rather than for the Republican), but an improving economy makes that voter base less reliable and it probably wasn’t a great thing to base your campaign strategy on in the first place.

    Whenever I see photos or video of Rick Santorum at important political events, e.g., last night’s primary elections, he’s surrounded by his many children, and they’re smiling and clapping, and nodding their heads, and laughing and crying in total support of their father. And his wife’s there and she’s silently nodding whenever he says something–no matter how stupid, wrong, vile, or mean spirited. And so my question is, well, how does he do that? How does he get their undying devotion and total approval for whateverhe says?

    I’m nowhere near the wacko that Santorum is, but I could never get my kids to smile adoringly at what I was saying. My kids spend half their time rolling their eyes at me, or muttering, “Dad!” Which means, “Stop whatever you’re doing because you’re embarrassing me!!” And my wife–my God, if I said the things that Santorum says, she’d divorce me, then kill me, and then spit on my grave. And frankly, I wouldn’t blame her.

  9. Dave says:

    JPotter: (quoting wikipedia)

    By this rule, the average number of days per year will be 365 + 1/4 − 1/100 + 1/400 = 365.2425, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.

    What this omits is the fact that, if I remember correctly, a years is actually 365.2422 days. Which means that in about 3000 years, we’ll be off by a day, and something will have to be done.

  10. JPotter says:

    Dave: Which means that in about 3000 years, we’ll be off by a day, and something will have to be done.

    Yeah, there was something in there about a tiny discrepancy. Make a note for 4500AD. Hmmm, a 3000-yr cycle. You know, at the end of such a long period, some nut just might read some signficance, beyond mere coincidence, into the approach of such a long anticipated milestone. 😉

  11. misha says:

    Intrade has Obama at 60.9%.

  12. JPotter says:

    misha: Intrade has Obama at 60.9%.

    Geez! Obama is like the new Apple! up 300ish basis points in less than a week (if I remember correctly…)

  13. G says:

    Well, I hope you’ve gotten some rest after doing that work for your mom and then being up all night having to torture yourself with Mario’s twisted musings. 😀

    As always, great allegory and imagery with the Easter Egg and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and the intended lesson from that. Indeed, Mario is just trying to “carry water” for the Birthers and pretend to be an academic instead of a real lawyer anymore.

    Apuzzo has given them their money’s worth, with 199 pages of single-spaced legal jargon cum Birther sound bites…
    …Prepare to see this Brief come out in book form with the title, The Birther Manifesto.

    Yeah, Mario’s being dense was so “dense” that even your brief summary required over 25 synopsis points and several asides.

    (NOTE: My favorite aside is this. Kudos:

    Aside: YEAH!!! On page 68, Apuzzo uses my “Swiss guy” language!!! Plus, I see other shadows of my arguments there.


    As you also noted, Mario owed a lot of his argument to Leo. It was a healthy surprise to see Mario’s ego bend to give those shout outs to both Leo and Freeper Rxsid. Too bad he couldn’t give you the same shout out as well. 😉

    If I had to further condense it to just the main 5 points, I’d say Mario’s Manifesto boils down to this:

    1. The Founders were really, really scairt of FOREIGN INFLUENCE.
    5. They would have gotten this concept from Natural Law, Vattel, The Bible, lions, Indian tribes, Whigs, Ancient Greeks and Romans, and some guy named Quintilianus;
    11. Just ignore the Wong Kim Ark stuff because that court had it all wrong.
    12. Vattel’s The Law of Nations was a very important book, and it was used as a reference a lot back in those days.
    21. Minor v. Happersett. Minor v. Happersett. Minor v. Happersett. Minor v. Happersett. Minor v. Happersett.

    To summarize it even further, I’d say you’ve already done that in your conclusions:

    Well, that is pretty much a run down of The Apuzzo Brief. Even in this condensed version the repetition is obvious.

    Apuzzo just can’t twist Minor v. Happersett into positively saying what he wants it to say, although he does make a Herculean effort. Conclusions and rationalizations about what the Founders meant by natural born citizen do not negate the precedental value of Wong Kim Ark.

    So yeah, in the end, Mario’s Herculean efforts to carry water, simply fail to hold water. That seems to pretty much summarize the whole mythology of Birtherism as well.

    Well done as always. Now get some good rest!

    Squeeky Fromm: I stayed up all night reading through the Apuzzo Brief, and I prepared a Condensed Version: FrommGirl Reporter

  14. G says:

    I also found the comments at your blog to be quite interesting.

    I noticed that “What a Hoot” gave you what amounts to really being a snooty back-handed compliment, when he said:

    I am sure if someone were to approach you and say they need the masses to believe the sky is lime green with purple polka dot clouds, you could not only prove it to them but they would erase from memory it ever being blue with white clouds.

    I’m sure you are just tired and trying to catch up on rest at the moment. Such a candy-coated offensive false charge surely deserves a proper rebuttal.

    After all, “What a Hoot” is essentially projecting the modus operandi of Birtherism onto you – making you out to be some propaganda spinning deceptionist, while smiling and saying that you write well while doing it.

    I find that to be particularly offensive, because it is the opposite of what has motivated you – to research and get to the truth and then tell that truth. It is a motivation that your efforts and our efforts have in common – we are trying to fight against those revisionists out there that try to lie to the masses and our writings are actually all about exposing their deceptions and lies.

    For “What a Hoot” to charge you as playing on their level is simply an unjustified libel of your efforts. He’s accused you of doing the opposite to what you are trying to do.

    Squeeky Fromm: I stayed up all night reading through the Apuzzo Brief, and I prepared a Condensed Version: FrommGirl Reporter

  15. I am really looking forward to tomorrow and Sheriff Arpaio’s report on the findings of his cold case posse. His task is daunting and I am wondering how he will manage it. He needs every vote he can get so whatever he does he cannot alienate the tea party. On the other hand he cannot come off has too much of a nutjob since that will alienate the folks that still have some active brain cells. He will need some real diplomatic skills here. His statement will need to appear to say something while really saying nothing yet be provocative enough to satisfy the birhers but not so far out there to turn off everyone else. Maybe that is why he is taking so long to release the results – he needs some advice by real career diplomats who are expert in that sort of talk. For once I am sorry it is leap year because otherwise today would be the day. If he rises to expectations it will be a tour de force in double speak and deflection. If not – well, let’s say his future may be in question. I can hardly wait – its like Christmas all over again!

  16. G says:

    From an astronomical standpoint, the actual precise length of our days (orbital spin) and even our years (orbital period around the sun) can and will fluctuate and change in small increments over time.

    The tidal effects of the earth-moon relationship are one of the main factors on the actual length of a day. The orbital and gravitational relationship between the earth and the moon are causing the moon to gradually recede further and further out from us. This has impacted the length of a day over a long period of time (making it longer) and that pattern will continue. Some good sources on this:

    The exact time it takes for a Year has some astronomically based fluxuations too. Our orbital period is influenced not only by minor fluxuations in the sun’s mass, but also by the orbits and alignment of other bodies in our solar system, which influence and perturb our own orbit.

    A simple rundown of that can be found here, which also provides some references for further research:

    Variation in the length of the year and the day

    The exact length of an astronomical year changes over time. The main sources of this change are:
    The precession of the equinoxes changes the position of astronomical events with respect to the apsides of Earth’s orbit. An event moving toward perihelion recurs with a decreasing period from year to year; an event moving toward aphelion recurs with an increasing period from year to year (though this effect does not change the average value of the length of the year).
    Each planet’s movement is perturbed by the gravity of every other planet.
    Tidal drag between the Earth and the Moon and Sun increases the length of the day and of the month (by transferring angular momentum from the rotation of the Earth to the revolution of the Moon); since the apparent mean solar day is the unit with which we measure the length of the year in civil life, the length of the year appears to change. Tidal drag in turn depends on factors such as post-glacial rebound and sea level rise.
    Changes in the effective mass of the Sun, caused by solar wind and radiation of energy generated by nuclear fusion and radiated by its surface, will affect the Earth’s orbital period over a long time (approximately an extra 1.25 microsecond per year).[8]
    The Poynting–Robertson effect shortens the year by about 30 nanoseconds per year.
    Gravitational radiation shortens the year by about 165 attoseconds per year.[9]

    JPotter: Thanks for that tip JR! The things you learn here. I knew about the 100-year rule, but not the “divisible by 400‘ rule, which is why 2000 was a leap year. Now I can update my datebook accordingly. The things one learns here Some exceptions to this rule are required since the duration of a solar year is slightly less than 365.25 days. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they are also evenly divisible by 400, in which case they are leap years. For example, 1600 and 2000 were leap years, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not. Similarly, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2900 and 3000 will not be leap years, but 2400 and 2800 will be. Therefore, in a duration of two millennia, there will be 485 leap years. By this rule, the average number of days per year will be 365 + 1/4 − 1/100 + 1/400 = 365.2425, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.

  17. Actually I get literally tens of thousands of comments praising the site.

    Here are a few examples received today:

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    So based on the content and sincerity of your message, I think the most appropriate thread is the Trash folder.

    Kenneth Olsen: Is this the best thread to publicly proclaim how inspirational your site is?

  18. G says:

    And…here we have another shameless attempt by a blogger who is merely desperate to drive traffic to his own obscure and inconsequential site and is simply here to attempt to goad others into clicking over there.

    Sorry, you’ve yet to demonstrate any credibility or give any reason why anyone cares what you think or should bother with paying attention to your little website at all.

    I have no interest in what you write at your obscure little site at all.

    If you have a point to make here, then you can post it here.

    Kenneth Olsen: Is this the best thread to publicly proclaim how inspirational your site is?

  19. justlw says:

    Zachary Bravos: he needs some advice by real career diplomats who are expert in that sort of talk.

    Maybe that’s why he had that tête tête with Rick “I Almost Haz a Frow Up!” Santorum. Looking for a reasonable, nuanced voice and all that.

  20. Before my time.

    John Reilly: Doc, one of the times we will disagree. In 1800 and 1900 we had Presidential elections but those were not leap years.

  21. misha says:

    Thrifty: Recent blurb from The Onion

    True story: I once tried to be hired as a writer for The Onion. They asked for some samples, so I sent them these:

    Chicago Aldermen To Oversee Iraq Voting


    ‘Architectural Digest’ Features Black Hole Of Calcutta

  22. Dearest Letter Man,

    As an heretical commenter relegated to the purgatory of moderation, I thought I was sending a private note to the [Text deleted. Doc]

    I’ll confess that I’m a shameless blogger who is merely desperate to drive traffic to my own obscure and inconsequential site.

    But I also have my bad points.

    For exampe, I can’t help but think your posts are way too short. Please forgive me.

  23. Rickey says:

    Zachary Bravos:
    I am really looking forward to tomorrow and Sheriff Arpaio’s report on the findings of his cold case posse. His task is daunting and I am wondering how he will manage it.He needs every vote he can get so whatever he does he cannot alienate the tea party.On the other hand he cannot come off has too much of a nutjob since that will alienate the folks that still have some active brain cells. He will need some real diplomatic skills here.His statement will need to appear to say something while really saying nothing yet be provocative enough to satisfy the birhers but not so far out there to turn off everyone else.

    My guess is that he will say that there are doubts about the birth certificate and that Obama could put an end to this by allowing a forensics expert to review the original LFBC and the microfiche. As if…

    And I could be wrong about this, but I also expect Arpaio to avoid getting into the two-citizen parent argument.

  24. misha says:

    Rickey: I also expect Arpaio to avoid getting into the two-citizen parent argument.

    Of course. It would disenfranchise half of the state.

  25. justlw says:

    Recent blurb from The Onion Romney Thanks State He Was Born And Raised in for Just Barely Giving Him Enough Votes to Beat Total Maniac.

    And the awesome part is that Romney gets 15 delegates while Santorum gets… 15 delegates.

  26. Funny how the media are just finding the story I wrote about last week.

    *sigh* Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse…

  27. misha says:

    technicschic: *sigh* Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse…

    I had seen that before, but it shines a light on what is really behind all of this. The “two parent” nonsense did not start until after Obama was elected, and Donofrio tried to invalidate it.

    None of those blathering idiots heard of deVattel until Donofrio found it in a dustbin. As I wrote before, if Romney is the candidate, and some PAC starts, Obama’s team will bring up George Romney’s Mexican birth. I think that Romney will tell everyone in advance, not to go near that third rail.

  28. Thomas Brown says:

    misha: I had seen that before, but it shines a light on what is really behind all of this. The “two parent” nonsense did not start until after Obama was elected, and Donofrio tried to invalidate it.

    But… Jeez… Vattel practically WROTE the whole Constitution! Don’t you Obots know anyfing?

  29. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: But… Jeez… Vattel practically WROTE the whole Constitution! Don’t you Obots know anyfing?

    Speaking of writing, I’m constantly interrupted by Max, a male Siamese. He cries for attention at the top of his lungs. As soon as I pick him up, Angel walks over and kicks me for attention.

  30. bob j says:

    The thought I keep coming back to, about the whole birther issue, is a quote from the movie True Romance.

    ” If I am wrong, I swear to [BLEEEEPP] I will apologize.”

    The problem I have with today’s resident Birthastanians is not with their belief, but with the mindset.

    I have a, somewhat conflicted, respect for Squeeky because of her acceptance of the April 27th showing.

    The fact that this “debate” continues is ridiculous. For Lent, and everafter, I am giving up birther sites.I am also giving up the ridiculousness.

    I will no longer visit Orly or WND, or ORYR.

    It was funny at one point, but as an American expat it has become embarrassing.

    I will check in here, just to see how intelligent people deal with this “controversy”, but if people really want to know about the greatest injustice in American history, it happened to a man from Venezuela named Armando Galarraga

  31. jayhg says:

    misha: I had seen that before, but it shines a light on what is really behind all of this. The “two parent” nonsense did not start until after Obama was elected, and Donofrio tried to invalidate it.None of those blathering idiots heard of deVattel until Donofrio found it in a dustbin. As I wrote before, if Romney is the candidate, and some PAC starts, Obama’s team will bring up George Romney’s Mexican birth. I think that Romney will tell everyone in advance, not to go near that third rail.

    I don’t think President Obama’s team would ever bring up the fact that George Romney was born in Mexico. Why? Democrats aren’t birthers….there’s no chatter among democrats/liberals about anything other than if you’re born here, you’re a natural born citizen and if you’re born out of the country and your parents meet the NBC requirements, you are a NBC, too.

    Not calling you one, but birthers always try to pretend that if republicans nominate Jindal or Mario in Florida, democrats would go all birther on them……….NOT!!! It’s stupid. They are just trying to pretend that democrats have birther loonies just like them……again, NOT!!

  32. misha says:

    jayhg: birthers always try to pretend that if republicans nominate Jindal or Mario in Florida, democrats would go all birther on them..NOT!!! It’s stupid. They are just trying to pretend that democrats have birther loonies just like them..again, NOT!!

    I wrote about this:
    and this:

    If you saw this already, I apologize in advance.

  33. JPotter says:

    jayhg: birthers always try to pretend that if republicans nominate Jindal or Mario in Florida, democrats would go all birther on them……….

    I thought the birthers were pretending that if any candidate disqualified by whichever flavor of birtherism the birther in question is purporting on a given day is nominated by the Republicans, that the birthers would birf on them. You know, as if equal opportunity crazy legitimizes the crazy.

    No, just indicates you’re crazier.

    I’ve never seen a birther alleges non-birthers would start birthing if the target was other than Obama. Please point me to this new strain of crazy! 😀

  34. misha says:

    jayhg: I don’t think President Obama’s team would ever bring up the fact that George Romney was born in Mexico.

    This is why I brought it up: “Some people believe that Obama, a native of Hawaii, was born outside the United States.

    When the host of NBC’s “Meet the Press” asked Boehner whether he, as speaker of the House, had a responsibility to “stand up to that kind of ignorance,” Boehner told David Gregory: “It’s not my job to tell the American people what to think. Our job in Washington is to listen to the American people.”

    Boehner denied that he is willing to let those misperceptions remain because they weaken and delegitimize Obama.”

    Read on:

  35. G says:

    But wait… Hasn’t that been Arpaio’s intentional goal all along…

    misha: Of course. It would disenfranchise half of the state.

  36. G says:

    Actually, I used to see that exact type of false equivocation straw man come up quite a lot in the early days of Birtherism. So yes, I’ve seen Birthers claim that Obots would become Birthers if only Republican so-and-so tried to run for office…

    The funny thing is, the only one’s who seem to be adopting the Birther’s predicted examples are the Birthers themselves. I actually suspect that the memes about Rubio and Jindal caught traction within Birtheristan for the very reason that certain Birthers brought them up as examples in conversation with “obots” to try to “goad” them…

    I seriously think that such things is just another classic example of how prevalent Projection is within the Birther mindset. They can only perceive others intent through the lense of their own warped and flawed thinking. Because they are willing to make up myths as a pure political tactic, in order to delegitimize an opponent; they automatically presume that “obots” would simply leap to do the same, if only the roles were reversed.

    As always, it only reveals their own sad and corrupt mindset and their inability to see a world beyond their own failings. So it is both somewhat ironic and also totally predictable that in reality, the only one’s who are actually susceptible to go “Birther” on Rubio, Jindal, etc. are the Birthers themselves…

    JPotter: I’ve never seen a birther alleges non-birthers would start birthing if the target was other than Obama.

  37. bgansel9 says:

    Has Orly Taitz tried to get a case heard in Montana? Seems there is a judge there who might entertain her circus, if he isn’t removed first:

    “The only reason I can explain it to you is I am not a fan of our president, but this goes beyond not being a fan,” Cebull said. “I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is. I sent it out because it’s anti-Obama.”

  38. misha says:

    bgansel9: Cebull said. “I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is. I sent it out because it’s anti-Obama.”

    Translation: I was caught.

    There it is…

  39. G says:

    Yeah. He only regrets being caught. Sadly, we have too many folks out there who have gone so far off the rails with their ODS and their bigotry that they think such sick slurs are a funny “joke” and pass them around.

    The comments on the article exempify this loathesome attitude is all to prevalent out there. (just as does every day). The sad thing is too many folks on the right think cr@p like this is “funny” and “ok”…and very few of the rest of them ever speak out against it. Such disgusting displays of ODS are so rampant because the GOP supporters tend to rally behind the offenders and give this type of behavior an accomodating pass… and they wonder why their broader views and party are perceived in such a negative light… *sheesh*

    misha: Translation: I was caught.There it is…

    bgansel9: Has Orly Taitz tried to get a case heard in Montana? Seems there is a judge there who might entertain her circus, if he isn’t removed first:“The only reason I can explain it to you is I am not a fan of our president, but this goes beyond not being a fan,” Cebull said. “I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is. I sent it out because it’s anti-Obama.”

  40. Update to The Birther Bible. The Book of Lamentations. I sure hope the Birthers have good reason to seek solace in it today.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  41. bovril says:

    Probably drownmed in his own bile.

  42. Arthur says:

    RuhRoh: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43:

    Wow, right before I came here, I was reading an article about Breitbart’s rant at Occupy protesters after he spoke at CPAC.

    We all die; it’s not a punishment, just a fact of life; however, I’m quite happy Breitbart is gone. He was a plague on the political life of this country. America will be a better place without him.

  43. RuhRoh says:

    While no fan of Breitbart’s, I do have sympathy for his family.

  44. Added coverage for New Mexico challenge letters to Secretary of State:

  45. Arthur says:

    Well, that didn’t take long. A commentator at ORYR is suggesting that Breitbart was assassinated by Obama, because at CPAC, Breitbart claimed to have video from Obama’s college days that shows him ploting with Bill Ayers to take over America.

  46. RuhRoh says:

    Arthur: Well, that didn’t take long. A commentator at ORYR is suggesting that Breitbart was assassinated by Obama, because at CPAC, Breitbart claimed to have video from Obama’s college days that shows him ploting with Bill Ayers to take over America.

    Similar sentiments are posted on nearly all of the RWNJ blogs.

  47. Lupin says:

    Arthur: America will be a better place without him.

    I couldn’t agree more. That said he was a very minor villain in a rather stellar cast. I’m waiting for Cheyney to croak.

    Ranking in evilest order, I’d say Breitbart, Limbaugh, Beck, Yoo, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheyney, Pinochet, Bin Laden, Hitler, Pol Pot.

    Obviously there are more.

  48. G says:

    I share this sentiment. I don’t intent to speak ill of the dead, but he was a cancer on the body politic. So sad for his family, yes. But healthier for America not to have him around.

    From the article, he died of natural causes. There was mention of him having prior heart problems. There have also been long standing rumours of cocaine use, which is not a good thing to combine with heart problems…

    Arthur: We all die; it’s not a punishment, just a fact of life; however, I’m quite happy Breitbart is gone. He was a plague on the political life of this country. America will be a better place without him.

  49. misha says:

    Breitbart was a shonde like Roy Cohn. They made a career out of destroying the careers of others. See Shirley Sherrod.

    That momser will not be missed.

  50. Arthur says:

    G: From the article, he died of natural causes.

    G, as usual, you’re too rational. You sound like a guest on Buckley’s old show, “Firing Line.” I can almost hear Bach when I read your posts. Dude, you need to loosen up, get angry, give into your fears, and think more like a birther–it’s real life and fantasy all mixed together, like being a Civil War renactor or watching the Republican debates. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about in the comments at ORYR:

    “Joe needs 24/7 guards. Keep Joe alive. Andrew Breitbart (2 weeks ago announcing to the WORLD — “I have Obama’s college video; I will vet him; you will know why class warfare & race – baiting is CENTRAL to Obama’s hope & change”) dies while walking alone late at night near his house !! ??I was born at night — but it was not LAST night !! Marxists murder those that threaten — Donald Young (BHO’s gay lover from church; now Breitbart). TOO bad Bari — the videos are still coming out you f*kin Muslim salami smuggler. USA ! USA ! USA ! USA !”

    All we are saying . . . is keep Joe alive!

    sing it with me–

    All we are saying . . . is keep Joe alive!

  51. G says:

    Doc C – FYI:

    The link for Charlie Revie’s NM letter incorrectly points to Berg’s filing in PA.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Added coverage for New Mexico challenge letters to Secretary of State:

  52. misha says:

    Arthur: Marxists murder those that threaten

    I just found a communist under my bed. Notify Orly.

  53. justlw says:

    I don’t see any way Andrew Breitbart, martyr, won’t become a permanent part of Orly’s canonical screed. She won’t be able to help herself.

  54. Rickey says:

    Chris Strunk is now challenging Santorum’s eligibility.

    Note that he is now Christopher-Earl: Strunk. At first I thought that the colon must be a typo, but it appears that way twice.

  55. G says:

    I’ll just summarize Breitbart’s death with one word:


    Arthur: G, as usual, you’re too rational. You sound like a guest on Buckley’s old show, “Firing Line.” I can almost hear Bach when I read your posts. Dude, you need to loosen up, get angry, give into your fears, and think more like a birther–it’s real life and fantasy all mixed together, like being a Civil War renactor or watching the Republican debates. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about in the comments at ORYR:

  56. G says:

    Ah, Strunk, NY’s vexatious frivolous filer of crazy.

    At least this one was simply a one page filing with 5 points and not a long, rambling screed.

    I see that one of Strunk’s biggest problems with Santorum really translates to bigotry against him being a Catholic…

    Rickey: Chris Strunk is now challenging Santorum’s eligibility. that he is now Christopher-Earl: Strunk. At first I thought that the colon must be a typo, but it appears that way twice.

  57. JPotter says:

    I wouldn’t call it karma until the cause of death is known. Being reported as “natural causes” … if natural as in lightning up the rump, then that’s pretty karmic. Some unnatural causes (let your imagination roam), would be far more karmic … poetic, even.

    Happy March 1st. 😀

    G: I’ll just summarize Breitbart’s death with one word:

  58. JPotter says:

    BTW, today, March 1st, is “National Pig Day”, and “Self Injury Awareness Day”!

    Can’t make it up.

    (Of course, with so many “holidays” and history to choose from, one can always find something appropriate …. but dang, those are funny!!!)

    JPotter: Happy March 1st.

  59. G says:

    😀 Agreed.

    JPotter: BTW, today, March 1st, is “National Pig Day”, and “Self Injury Awareness Day”! Can’t make it up.(Of course, with so many “holidays” and history to choose from, one can always find something appropriate …. but dang, those are funny!!!)

  60. misha says:

    JPotter: BTW, today, March 1st, is “National Pig Day”, and “Self Injury Awareness Day”!

    Beware the Ides of March.

  61. Lots of interest today.

    March 1 traffic on the site was the 2nd busiest day ever. I had 4169 visitors. The all-time high record was last April when the long-form was released, 8401 visits.

    I tried to get on Farah’s Western Journalism site during the Arpaio news conference several times and it crashed, although I finally got on to see if the video was any better there.

    I am soooo glad I moved my web site to a new host. The old hosting company would never have survived today, but as it is the site performed marvelously.

  62. Well, I have renamed the Cold Case Posse the Cold Cut Posse because they are full of BALONEY.

    Also, here is Corsi’s Job Application Letter to Arpaio from last September. I think I posted this here already, but it isn’t on this thread:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  63. misha says:

    Ask Judge Cebull to Resign Petition – Sign the petition today!

  64. Majority Will says:

    California attorney Orly Taitz plans to humiliate judges and officials and their children and threatens to have them tried for treason. Strong words.

    (excerpt) Posted on March 3, 2012. Prepare signs for April 15 Tea party revolt: “Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s papers are a forgery” “Touphest sheriff: Obama is a fraud” We need huge signs for April 15 revolt.

    We need to out of all of the corrupt media and corrupt judges and corrupt officials of this fascist regime.

    We need people with signs before all of the main media networks. For example:
    “CNN is a fraud
    Usurper is in the White House
    CNN says Naught”

    We need signs with big pictures of all of the corrupt media executives, corrupt anchormen and corrupt journalists. We need big signs with pictures of corrupt judges and corrupt bureaucrats and people standing with those signs in front of courts and their offices, in front of their homes (make sure you stand on public property, stand on the street, don’t stand on private driveways and private loans) . People need to know, who they are. they need to know, who needs to be tried for treason. Their neighbors need to know, how dirty they are.

    Let the neighbors of corrupt puppets like judge Land, judge Malihi, judge Wright know, that they are corrupt and dirty. Let their spouse feel embarrassed, that they are married to such dirty and corrupt individuals”.

    We need people on the public sidewalks in front of the houses of the dirty sold out traitors, who sit on the election boards and allowed the usurper Obama on the ballot and in the White House.

    Let the family of this corrupt commissioner Dumezich be embarrassed to be related to him, let his children be embarrassed to have such a corrupt scum for a father. We need the children of these corrupt commissioners in NH know, that they should be ashamed of their parents.

    Same with all the other corrupt commissioners, corrupt congressmen, corrupt judges, secretaries of state and so on. Until know there was no consequence for treason. Now there is a consequence: A scarlet “T” for traitor.

    (source: (emphasis added)

    The State Bar of California must be so proud. (re: Taitz, Orly Active 223433 Rancho Santa Margarita December 2002)

  65. misha says:

    Majority Will: California attorney Orly Taitz plans to humiliate judges and officials and their children and threatens to have them tried for treason. Strong words.

    For her and Lieberman, I got myself arrested at a Soviet embassy demonstration. I should have had my head examined.

    Thoroughly miserable people.

  66. Majority Will says:

    misha: For her and Lieberman, I got myself arrested at a Soviet embassy demonstration. I should have had my head examined.

    Thoroughly miserable people.

    Orly’s suggestion for a protest sign that says, “Try for treason corrupt bureaucrats and judges, who cover up for the Usurper,” should go a long way towards helping her the next time she’s pleading her bumbling, inane, paranoid stupidity in court or at a hearing.

    P.S. Will all of that fit and be legible on a handheld sign? Maybe she could just use a short URL for people to look up instead.

  67. Here is a new Internet Article about plausible deniability and Sheriff Joe Arpaio – Posse Whipped And Loving It!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  68. RuhRoh says:

    Majority Will: California attorney Orly Taitz plans to humiliate judges and officials and their children and threatens to have them tried for treason. Strong words.

    She’s moved on to naming her enemies specifically and suggesting they all be hanged. She’s about a half step from actually inciting a lynch mob.

    At the rate she is going, she’ll be joining Hal Turner in prison.

  69. Majority Will says:

    I hope the FBI and BII are reading Orly Taitz’s blog.

    Referring to Chief Judge Cynthia Wright, Orly says, “This woman should be hanging from the gallows for high treason against the United States of America” and of Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi, she opines, “but because Malihi is corrupt and dirty and belongs on the gallows for treason.” And she has declared that “corrupt judges like Nishimura, corrupt attorney General Luie, corrupt Deputy Attorney General Nagamine, Director of Health Fuddy, registrar Onaka are simply corrupt and treasonous and belong on the gallows for treason.”

    Orly seems to have an affinity for using the words corrupt, treason, hanging and gallows.

    RuhRoh: She’s moved on to naming her enemies specifically and suggesting they all be hanged. She’s about a half step from actually inciting a lynch mob.

    At the rate she is going, she’ll be joining Hal Turner in prison.

  70. J. Potter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Lots of interest today.

    March 1 traffic on the site was the 2nd busiest day ever. I had 4169 visitors. The all-time high record was last April when the long-form was released, 8401 visits.

    Borowitz went birther today, Doc! (meaning, he is snarking about them, not joining them). He explains that birther activity directly reflects economic activity, a relationship tracked by the S&P Birther Index…

    In Positive Economic Sign, Republicans Starting to Say Obama Wasn’t Born in US Again

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In what some experts are calling a strong indicator of improvement in the economy, Republicans in recent weeks have begun renewing their claims that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

    While most economists agree that any significant improvement in the US economy is generally accompanied by an uptick in GOP questions about Mr. Obama’s place of birth, there is now an econometric tool for measuring the increase in those claims: the so-called S & P Birther Index.

    The Birther Index, established in 2008, measures the occurrences of such words as “birth certificate,” “Kenya,” and “wasn’t born here” in Republican statements about the President, and has proven to be a surprisingly reliable tool for tracking improvements in the economy.

    Harland Dorinson, the economist who devised the S & P Birther Index, said that as the economy recovers the index also shows a strong surge in statements questioning the President’s Christianity.

    “As unemployment started going down, we saw an increase in references to Mr. Obama being a Muslim,” he said. “This is generally a very bullish sign for the economy.”

    But Mr. Dorinson was quick to add that while the surge in references to Mr. Obama being “an Islamic socialist born in a mud-hut in Nairobi” is encouraging, the economy is not out of the woods yet.

    “We won’t be fully in a recovery until the Republicans start calling him a Wiccan,” he said. “And if they start saying he’s a Satanist who practices human sacrifice and drinks the blood of children, then it’ll be time to pop open the champagne.”

    As always, it’s a joke, but as the economy picks up, Reds will be looking for any distraction to throw in its path.

    My favorite one is gas prices, the drum FOX keeps beating. As unemployment drops and the weather warms, demand goes up, price goes up. You want cheap gas or employment? Oh, right, have the cake and eat it too.

  71. ASK Esq says:

    Go to Always a great site, but the current front page has this story:

    In Positive Economic Sign, Republicans Starting to Say Obama Wasn’t Born in US Again

    S & P Birther Index Posts Big Gains

  72. misha says:

    “But Mr. Dorinson was quick to add that while the surge in references to Mr. Obama being “an Islamic socialist born in a mud-hut in Nairobi” is encouraging, the economy is not out of the woods yet.”

    Also, Marxist. I’m a Marxist. Here’s my favorite Marxist maxim:

    Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.

  73. Keith says:

    I’m already boycotting California lawyers until they do something about their Moldovan Mistake.

    The Doc is boycotting Arizona until they do something about Sheriff Joe.

    Now I think I’m gonna have to boycott both South Carolina AND the Republicans until they do something about respecting the Article VI of the Constitution and the 1st Amendment, in particular the ‘no religious test’ and the ‘no established religion’ clauses therein.

    SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican

  74. I may be the first person to ask this question: Is Sheriff Joe Setting Up A Mental Incompetency Defense???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  75. Keith says:

    OK. This is getting serious Mum TISM

    I might have to consider adding Indiana to the list, even if they did treat Orly with the respect she deserves.

    Indiana Lawmaker: Girl Scouts Are a Radicalized Organization’

  76. Keith says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: I may be the first person to ask this question: Is Sheriff Joe Setting Up A Mental Incompetency Defense???

    Maybe. But I think he’s just setting up an exit strategy.

  77. JPotter says:

    Welcome to Birferstan!

    … where having courage in your convictions,
    leads to the scourge of multiple convictions!

    (Thank you, thank you, I’m here all night, folks.)

    ((No, not really. It’s late and daddy’s old.))

  78. Lupin says:

    In Tennessee only 33% of GOP primary voters think Barack Obama was born in the United States, while 45% do not.


  79. RuhRoh says:

    Does anyone know if Herbert Hoover’s mother was a US citizen at the time of Herbert’s birth?

    Hoover’s mother was a Canadian.

    Haven’t seen this question asked or answered in the Birther wars, but now that Birthers are fixated on the mythological “two citizen parents” rule, it seems a relevant query.

  80. Scientist says:

    RuhRoh: Does anyone know if Herbert Hoover’s mother was a US citizen at the time of Herbert’s birth? Hoover’s mother was a Canadian. Haven’t seen this question asked or answered in the Birther wars, but now that Birthers are fixated on the mythological “two citizen parents” rule, it seems a relevant query.

    As I understand it, in those days women became automatically naturalized when they married a US citizen. Woodrow Wilson’s mother was British and the same was true with her.

  81. RuhRoh says:

    Scientist: As I understand it, in those days women became automatically naturalized when they married a US citizen. Woodrow Wilson’s mother was British and the same was true with her.

    Thanks! I figured it must have come up by now, but had missed it.

  82. Arthur says:

    Lupin: In Tennessee only 33% of GOP primary voters think Barack Obama was born in the United States, while 45% do not.

    And I imagine that an even larger percentage believes in a 6,000 year old earth and thinks evolution is satanic. Given the reactionary backwardness of the Republican base, it’s surprising that polls aren’t showing that 33% of GOP primary voters think putting aspirin between a woman’s legs is an effective form of contracep– . . . oh, wait.

  83. Ah, but did that mean she lost her British subjectship? Was there divided loyalty in the womb? Could Willy have been a “duel” (as the birthers say) citizen?

    I really don’t know (or care).

    Scientist: As I understand it, in those days women became automatically naturalized when they married a US citizen. Woodrow Wilson’s mother was British and the same was true with

  84. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Could Willy have been a “duel” (as the birthers say) citizen?

    Like Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr?

  85. Al Halbert says:

    March 6, 2012
    State attorneys general report tackles Obama’s unprecedented lawbreaking
    Mark J. Fitzgibbons

    On March 5, the chief law enforcement officials from nine states issued A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law.

    Nine constitutional conservative attorneys general say the report’s purpose is to “outline actions taken by [the Obama] Administration that are violations of law.” The report appears to be an unprecedented response to unprecedented lawbreaking.

    The Daily Caller quotes one of the nine, Virginia’s Ken Cuccinelli, at a press conference unveiling the report: “‘This is not about policy. … [It is about] this administration’s disregard for the law,’ he said. President Obama and his deputies, he added, are ‘the greatest set of lawbreakers that have run the federal government in our lifetimes.'”

    Joining Cuccinelli on the report are Attorneys General Tom Horne of Arizona; Pam Bondi of Florida; Sam Olens of Georgia; Bill Schuette of Michigan; Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma; Marty Jackley of South Dakota; Alan Wilson of South Carolina; and Greg Abbott of Texas.

    The report discusses the “continued disdain for the Constitution and laws shown by the Obama Administration.” But it’s about more than violations of the Constitution. “[T]his Administration repeatedly shows disdain for states, federal laws it finds inconvenient, the Constitution and the courts,” the report adds.

    The report lists 21 violations of law by the Obama Administration that these attorneys general are currently fighting. That number does not include the many Obama Administration illegalities that the attorneys general have not yet begun to tackle.

    The report is forward-looking in the remedies the attorneys general will seek, stating:

    This group of nine Attorneys General will grow and continue to serve as a de facto “task force,” assisting when possible to defend state laws and identifying “best practices” and legal arguments to fight back against the Obama Administration’s illegalities in a more cohesive and effective manner;

    The next election is critically important and as the states’ chief legal officers, the attorneys general will make a concerted effort to educate their states’ voters on the impacts that the Obama Administration’s legal violations have on their every day lives.

    We finally have some lawyers using the law for the right purposes. Let’s get them some assistance, and grow their ranks.

    Lincoln quote;
    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

  86. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: State attorneys general report tackles Obama’s unprecedented lawbreaking

    Al is upset with Obama and his eligibility arguments apparently were just a smokescreen.

    Thanks for playing my friend.

    With the economy improving and the in-fighting amongst Republican hopefuls… Good luck…

  87. sfjeff says:

    Hey Al-

    How come you dodged my questions three times?

    What is it about the questions that you are uncomfortable with answering.

  88. JoZeppy says:

    Al Halbert: State attorneys general report tackles Obama’s unprecedented lawbreaking

    And funny….not one of those things mention President’s citizenship status.

    And the things actually on the list are your sundry list of gripes that pop up between the states and Feds that are routinely litigated (some of which, they’ve already lost in court, like the Arizona “latino show me your papers” law). To call them “lawbreaking” is nothing more lame rhetoric.

  89. Obsolete says:

    Al Halbert:

    Lincoln quote;
    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

    Like a good birther, still repeating stuff (in this case a likely fake Lincoln quote) after it is debunked.

  90. Majority Will says:

    JoZeppy: And funny….not one of those things mention President’s citizenship status.

    And the things actually on the list are your sundry list of gripes that pop up between the states and Feds that are routinely litigated (some of which, they’ve already lost in court, like the Arizona “latino show me your papers” law). To call them “lawbreaking” is nothing more lame rhetoric.

    And the link is to the American Stinker, a fright wing cesspool known for smears and outright lying on any issue involving Democrats or the President.

    On Mark Fitzgibbons, according to The Nonprofit Times, state regulators have described him as “very litigious, “contemptuous,” and “a royal pain.” (

    Forget a grain of salt. The Dead Sea might be enough.

  91. Dave says:

    You are not going to believe this, but the Post & Email is now available only to people who buy a subscription. I just checked this myself, it’s true. I am struggling to understand how an organization that wants to convince people of their insane views wants to restrict their audience to people willing to pay.

    Anyhow, perhaps you’d like to move the Post & Email from “the ugly” to “the irrelevant.”

  92. JPotter says:

    Majority Will: And the link is to the American Stinker, a fright wing cesspool known for smears and outright lying on any issue involving Democrats or the President.

    Guess who was interviewing an ‘editor’ from that sewer last night, as an authority on American politics?

    “The BBC …. live from Bush House …. 6 minutes past 6 GMT ….”

    Talk about disappointment! I nearly ran off the road.

  93. JPotter says:

    Dave: You are not going to believe this, but the Post & Email is now available only to people who buy a subscription. I just checked this myself, it’s true. I am struggling to understand how an organization that wants to convince people of their insane views wants to restrict their audience to people willing to pay.Anyhow, perhaps you’d like to move the Post & Email from “the ugly” to “the irrelevant.”

    LOL! Making the crazy into a secret club! Is there an initiation too?

    This is the move WND wants to make, but Farah lacks the balls.

  94. nbc says:

    Dave: I am struggling to understand how an organization that wants to convince people of their insane views wants to restrict their audience to people willing to pay.

    Yes, the same thought occurred to me… Hilarious…

  95. G says:

    Grifters gotta grift…. doesn’t mean that they are smart about it…

    Dave: You are not going to believe this, but the Post & Email is now available only to people who buy a subscription. I just checked this myself, it’s true. I am struggling to understand how an organization that wants to convince people of their insane views wants to restrict their audience to people willing to pay.Anyhow, perhaps you’d like to move the Post & Email from “the ugly” to “the irrelevant.”

  96. RuhRoh says:

    JPotter: LOL! Making the crazy into a secret club! Is there an initiation too?This is the move WND wants to make, but Farah lacks the balls.

    I believe the initiation involves a frontal lobotomy.

  97. justlw says:

    Scientist: Woodrow Wilson’s mother was British

    Q: What’s the difference between Barack Obama’s British father and Woodrow Wilson’s British mother?

    A: Wilson’s mother stuck around to indoctrinate her son. (da da DAAAA!)

    Given the circumstances of the latter part of Wilson’s presidency, I’d like to know about Edith Wilson’s parents as well.

  98. justlw says:

    Doc mentioned there were thousands of page views here yesterday; I think most of them were me trying to find certain active threads. Is the search box actually supposed to work?

  99. Northland10 says:

    sfjeff: Hey Al-

    How come you dodged my questions three times?

    What is it about the questions that you are uncomfortable with answering.

    Me to.. come on Al, where does the Federalist Papers discus the issue as you said? I suppose I have to wait in line and take number to get an answer now..

  100. Whatever4 says:

    Doc mentioned there were thousands of page views here yesterday; I think most of them were me trying to find certain active threads.Is the search box actually supposed to work?

    I type into google:
    site: [search string.]
    Works better than the site search.

  101. Arthur says:

    Is anyone watching the results of Super Tuesday? Santorum may actually win Ohio. As a former Republican, I’m astounded at what has become of the GOP.

  102. misha says:

    Is anyone watching the results of Super Tuesday? Santorum may actually win Ohio.As a former Republican, I’m astounded at what has become of the GOP.

    Intrade has Santorum at 69.9% for Ohio, as I write.

    My parents always voted for Rockefeller; he was governor for 4 terms in a row, and he acquitted himself well when appointed Ford’s VP. The Republican party died with him – sorry. Jacob Javits always ran as a Republican, and was as liberal as can be, as was Jack Kemp.

    This nonsense started with Reagan.

  103. misha says:

    Arthur: I’m astounded at what has become of the GOP

    Intrade has Obama at 60.4%, as I write.

  104. G says:

    Yes, watching it closely.

    Here is another good link for details zeroing in on OH:

    Very close race there. Note how Romney is actually leading in the NE (where I live). This is a big “rust belt” region and also has a high Roman Catholic population. Santorum & Newt were getting a lot of support in these parts.. Santorum’s anti-JFK speech slam, saying it made him want to puke really, really angered the folks in this area. They are still not over it in these parts. Hence, why you now see him losing that region to Romney. Most of the GOP folks here who are voting for Romney don’t actually like Romney at all. They are just holding their nose and voting for him because they are sick of the GOP race and want it to be over. It is basically a capitulate and roll over vote for Romney in these parts.

    If Romney wins the state, it will be because he pulled off the margins in the NE, due to the fellow GOP Roman Catholics that Santorum actually pissed off and lost their vote.

    Arthur: Is anyone watching the results of Super Tuesday? Santorum may actually win Ohio. As a former Republican, I’m astounded at what has become of the GOP.

  105. The site search won’t find comments. You have to use Google for that.

    Whatever4: Works better than the site search.

  106. Arthur says:

    misha: This nonsense started with Reagan.

    And it got worse with George Herbert Walker Bush. As far as the current crop of candidates go, I’d say the GOP has electile dysfunction.

  107. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The site search won’t find comments. You have to use Google for that

    OK, thanks. And Google doesn’t seem to have this site on its “hot to index” list… I suppose I should just bookmark any threads that I want to revisit.

  108. DrC:

    Thank you for the link!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  109. Judge Mental says:

    Anyhow, perhaps you’d like to move the Post & Email from “the ugly” to “the irrelevant.”

    In respect of ugly, bad and now proposed ‘irrelevant’ lists, the possibilities for Venn Diagram drawing exercises are considerable.

  110. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: And it got worse with George Herbert Walker Bush. As far as the current crop of candidates go, I’d say the GOP has electile dysfunction.

    And it doesn’t make a vas deferens to any of them.

  111. J. Potter says:

    Arthur: As far as the current crop of candidates go, I’d say the GOP has electile dysfunction.

    Check out this election note:

    As I expected, Santorum won on the Red side, but even on the supposed “blue” side, Randall Terry won a good chunk of the state. I suspect foul play, as Okieland is very weird …. primary rules vary by jurisdiction, mostly closed, but some cities are open/non-partisan.

    Majority Will: And it doesn’t make a vas deferens to any of them.


  112. Majority Will says:

    “We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy. […] Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver or less?

    – Ronald Reagan

    (excerpt from) How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich

    The inside story of how the Republicans abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue their relentless agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent

  113. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: And it doesn’t make a vas deferens to any of them

    That’s it in a nut shell, Will.

  114. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: That’s it in a nut shell, Will.


  115. Arthur says:

    Katha Pollitt, writing in “The Nation,” presents an informative summary of Sandra Fluke’s testimony, testimony which led to her being called a slut and a prostitute by Rush Limbaugh. I found it interesting to learn what Fluke said, because I had only heard how her testimony had been characterized by people who sought to vilify her.

    “In testimony she was barred from giving at Darrell Issa’s all-male hearing, Sandra Fluke told the story of a fellow student at Georgetown law, a lesbian who, because of Catholic strictures, was denied insurance coverage for birth control pills needed to control her ovarian cysts. Unable to afford the pill herself, the woman eventually had to have an ovary removed, with serious consequences to her health and fertility. Please note: this woman’s tragic story is not about nymphomaniacal ‘co-eds.’ Nor were Fluke’s other examples: a woman with suspected endometriosis, a rape victim who assumed Georgetown wouldn’t pay for treatment and a married couple who couldn’t afford contraception. Fluke did mention the humiliating experience of one woman, who discovered at the pharmacy that her insurance wouldn’t pay for birth control and who had to leave empty-handed because she couldn’t afford to pay out of pocket.”

  116. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: Testify!

    When I testify, my ejaculatons will be loud and fervent. Truly, a seminal event of biblical proportions.

  117. Arthur says:

    J. Potter: As I expected, Santorum won on the Red side, but even on the supposed “blue” side, Randall Terry won a good chunk of the state.

    Interesting story, JPotter. I had no idea that Randall Terry, of all people, was running as a Democrat in Oklahoma, or as Okies might say, “Demoncrat.”

  118. JPotter says:

    Majority Will: We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share.

    This is one of my favorites (favorites to be pissed about!)

    The Reds still beat this drum. Check this out from my state, Okieland (repost, sorry, believe all should be aware):

    The tax panel recommended reducing the personal income tax by 0.5 percent over two years and a 1 percent cut to the corporate income tax. From 2012 to 2014, the top personal income tax rate would drop from 5.25 percent to 4.75 percent; the corporate rate would simply be cut from 6 to 5 percent.

    Estimated Income Tax Revenue Losses:
    Personal: $352 million | Corporate: $60 million

    The tax panel’s final report calls for the elimination of 46 tax credits and the personal exemption deduction, an exemption that reduces the tax liability for most Oklahoma households. About 1.5 million of 1.8 million taxpayers claimed the exemption in 2009, the most recent year with available data.

    Other proposed eliminations include $43.2 million in food sales tax relief to the poor and the Earned Income Tax Credit, a $31.9 million program that helps poor families with children.

    Yes, friends, this is what “lowering the rates by closing the loopholes” looks like. More Red shadowspeak, this time it’s code for regressivism.

    The panel does recommend cutting many business credits, but look where most of the revenue comes from:

    Personal Exemption $132,699,190
    Sales Tax Relief $43,212,000
    Investment in Rural Venture Capital Companies and Investment in Rural Small Business Ventures $37,406,000
    Oklahoma Earned Income Tax Credit $31,887,000
    Child Care $28,991,000
    Oklahoma Investment/New Jobs $28,497,000
    Venture Capital $12,294,000
    Investment in Qualified Small Business Capital Companies and Investment In Small Business Ventures $11,060,000
    Film Enhancement Rebate $5,000,000
    Oklahoma Coal Production $4,276,000
    Energy Efficient Residential Construction $3,776,000
    Agricultural Processing Facilities $2,517,000
    Oklahoma College Savings Program $2,412,122
    Dividend/Interest Income Exclusion $1,691,285
    Credit for Electricity Generated by Zero-Emission Facilities (Wind power generation) $1,239,000
    Railroad Modernization Credit $1,130,000

    Thankfully, even in this state, stupid only goes so far. This is high level, developed at the governor’s request. Watch for similar insidiousness in your state, and if the Reds take Congress, start working for cash.

  119. JPotter says:

    Arthur: Interesting story, JPotter. I had no idea that Randall Terry, of all people, was running as a Democrat in Oklahoma, or as Okies might say, “Demoncrat.”

    Yeah, Okieland, once a hotbed of progressive, socialist Plains populism, is now the basement of the inquisition, and has been for awhile. Commode-shaped with good reason, so what can’t be digested will flush down to Texas. 😉

    OKC Santorum supporter: “Mitt Romney is the Pat Boone of the Republican party.”

  120. justlw says:

    JPotter: OKC Santorum supporter: “Mitt Romney is the Pat Boone of the Republican party.”

    What does this even mean?

    I saw recently that Pat Boone is a birther — which is just sad.

  121. Arthur says:

    Say, in all the excitement, I forgot to offer my congratulations to President Obama for winning the Democratic primary in Georgia. I vaguely remember somebody trying to contest his right to be on the ballot . . . or was I just imagining things?

  122. JPotter says:

    justlw: What does this even mean?

    That Romeny is a cover band. Bland and artificial (evangelicals calling someone else artifical is hysterical to me (Perhaps they are jealous of his facade…and that he’s genuinely bland?))

    justlw: I saw recently that Pat Boone is a birther — which is just sad.

    Yeeeaaah.Another cranky old white guy (and a hypocrite too … who wants white bread with a spray tan?)

  123. justlw says:

    JPotter: justlw: What does this even mean?

    That Romeny is a cover band.

    OK, thanks. That shot right over my head. Them Santorites is just too clever for me.

    Rick Santorum is the Rick Santorum of the Republican party.

  124. JPotter says:

    justlw: Them Santorites

    The Santorum is a collective noun, no plural needed 😉

    I also like The Sanctomonified.

  125. JPotter says:

    An oldie but a goodie:

    Meet the Birthers: This is who Lou Dobbs is mainstreaming

    From summer ’09 …. the more things change …. they don’t change. The paragraph on Taitz was especially amusing! Her schtick hasn’t changed a bit.

    Here’s a fun search that always strikes Pyrite:

    Right Wing Stupidity

    Look! Okieland is a top result!

  126. Arthur says:

    Over at Obama Release Your Records (link at the bottom of the page) one of Breitbart’s explosive videos of Barack Obama speaking at Harvard has been posted. You’ve got to see it to believe it. Another OMG moment fer sure!

  127. You guys will probably love this!!!

    I did a Internet Article on it.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  128. justlw says:

    Clearly, this clumsily forged video released by the Obots in an attempt to prove that Obama ever went to Harvard…

    …oh, never mind.

  129. justlw says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: You guys will probably love this!!!

    He was so excited he nearly urped his lunch at least three times.

  130. Linda says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    I may be the first person to ask this question: Is Sheriff Joe Setting Up A Mental Incompetency Defense???

    You may be on to something. Just checked your site and saw that is Farrar’s musing that Obama is a communist because no one else is on the ballot. He is worse than I thought!

  131. y_p_w says:

    I keep on running into commentators who believe that being born on a US overseas military installation or a US embassy/consulate makes one born on “sovereign US territory” for citizenship purposes.

    People are so clueless. Once I provided the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual, and the answer was, well, don’t you think that’s the case?

    It’s like people who think that landing on Free Parking in Monopoly means getting $500.

  132. gorefan says:

    Meanwhile over at ORYR, our friend Dean Haskins has been called to explain the debossed seal on Virginia Sunahara’s COLB.

    From the tone of the one Anonymous poster, I think he is talking to Ms. Tickly herself.

  133. Keith says:

    y_p_w: It’s like people who think that landing on Free Parking in Monopoly means getting $500.

    Hey! House Rules, OK?

  134. Linda says:

    justlw: He was so excited he nearly urped his lunch at least three times

    Why does the uber-goober have to show the Texas flag in the background. I was just now living down Dubya and now it is going to start all over again.

  135. Thrifty says:

    Hey guys,

    Soros’ latest check cleared, so I decided to splurge and get some fake documents made. I wanted to get a fake Maryland birth certificate made, because I’m hoping to run a baby who was not born in the United States in the 2064 presidential campaign. I was having trouble deciding between the white skinned Canadian child named Steve Barnes and the dark brown skinned Nigerian named Adwele Okumbo. After much deliberation, I decided to go with Adwele. I’m sure I had a good reason, but I can’t remember what it was.

    At any rate, I went out and got the Maryland birth certificate forged, then used it to get a social security number with the 405 (Kentucky) prefix. Again, I don’t remember why. Then I decided the number “405” is unlucky, so I just murdered some old man born in 1910 and stole his social security number instead.

    Here’s the problem. Even though the forged BC passed muster enough to get past the social security administration and the stolen SSN was enough for me to fraudulently claim Adwele as a dependent on my taxes without the IRS noticing, I took it to Mara Zebest and Orly Taitz and they both said it looked genuine.

    My question is, what did the forger do wrong and what kind of sinister thing should I hide in the next birth certificate he forges for me?

  136. Northland10 says:

    Linda: Why does the uber-goober have to show the Texas flag in the background. I was just now living down Dubya and now it is going to start all over again.

    I am sorry for your shame, though, I would prefer uber-goober stay down there and out of the northern land. I suppose you might take offense if I suggested sending Chalice down there (how about Andrew Martin?).

  137. gorefan says:

    y_p_w: I keep on running into commentators who believe that being born on a US overseas military installation or a US embassy/consulate makes one born on “sovereign US territory” for citizenship purposes.

    In the Allen FOIA documents are several interesting documents.

    First is the handwritten Wood’s memo (page 35) about Obama Sr., Mrs. Obama and son,

    Memo 8/31/61
    Obama, Barack H. A11938537

    Claims to intend to attend Univ. Hawaii for at least one more year to gain Bach Arts Degree in Economics.

    U.S.C. spouse to go to Wash State University next semester. When finished school here plans to go to mainland school for a Doctor Degree in Econmoics – after that to return to Kenya. They have one child born Honolulu on 8/4/1961 – Barack Obama II, child living with mother (she lives with parents & subject resides at 1482 Alencastre St.).
    William J. Wood II
    Discussed with D.D.D & D.D – no reason to deny ext.

    Second is a form filled out by Mrs. Soetoro (page 70) and one of the questionson the form,

    Petition to Classify Status of Alien Relatives For issuance of Immigrant Visa

    5. If you are a citizen of the United States, give the following:

    Was your citizenship acquired through birth in the United States, through naturalization, through parentage, or through marriage?

    If acquired through naturalization give number of naturalization certificate and date and place of naturalization:

    If acquired through parentage or marriage, have you obtained a certificate of citizenship in your own name based on such acquisition?

    By parentage must refer to children born overseas.

  138. Sef says:

    Thrifty: My question is, what did the forger do wrong and what kind of sinister thing should I hide in the next birth certificate he forges for me?

    “Here come deboss.”

  139. G says:

    Yeah, that is PROOF right there that Born in US = NBC and has been viewed that way all this time.

    gorefan: 5. If you are a citizen of the United States, give the following:
    Was your citizenship acquired through birth in the United States, through naturalization, through parentage, or through marriage?
    If acquired through naturalization give number of naturalization certificate and date and place of naturalization:
    If acquired through parentage or marriage, have you obtained a certificate of citizenship in your own name based on such acquisition?
    By parentage must refer to children born overseas.

  140. NBC says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: You guys will probably love this!!!

    Poor Rudy… So excited about nothing and notice how he is willing to be the executioner… Poor poor Rudy… He will certainly not enjoy the next 4 years with Obama…

  141. gorefan says:

    G: Yeah, that is PROOF right there that Born in US = NBC and has been viewed that way all this time.

    Birthers have been very excited because they found a INS document that mentions native born, natural born and naturalized. Obviously this 1968 form reflects the idea that citizenship by parentage (natural born) was a reference to child born outside the US.

    Maybe Saantor McCain is the only person eligible to be President.

  142. There is a really really good piece by Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic that is the subject of this Internet Article, and he makes a really good point:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  143. G says:

    Great juxtaposition of Cujo & the term CUJO (I learned a new acroynm today!). Very apt.

    Also – excellent reference articles and very important points. As you & they so well explain, Birtherism may be the moment of abject ludicrousness that killed what credibility Arpaio had left; however his other litany of real offenses is what should have done so.

    Birtherism, after all, is just a set of silly stunts in fevered imaginations and has very little impact on the real world. Those other transgressions involving Arpaio have damaged real lives…

    Definitely important to have that reminder to keep perspective on all of this…

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: There is a really really good piece by Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic that is the subject of this Internet Article, and he makes a really good point: FrommGirl Reporter

  144. Linda says:

    I am hoping one of you can help me. I remember reading that the Social Security rules/laws changed after Obama got his SSN. Currently you have to apply in person, but then you didn’t. I know, I am within a year of Obama’s age, and I didn’t go to the SSA. Does anyone know when it changed or can give me a link to the rules for the late ’70s. There is a big, bad, birfer who (gasp!) won’t believe me.


  145. Thank you G!!! I am glad you enjoyed it. Believe it or not, the Bari Shabazz BS has gotten a new lease on life. Supposedly, Obama is posting at Apuzzo’s and “SaipanAnnie” nailed him. As Bari, of course. AND, it gets even better!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  146. Scientist says:

    Linda: I am hoping one of you can help me. I remember reading that the Social Security rules/laws changed after Obama got his SSN. Currently you have to apply in person, but then you didn’t. I know, I am within a year of Obama’s age, and I didn’t go to the SSA. Does anyone know when it changed or can give me a link to the rules for the late ’70s. There is a big, bad, birfer who (gasp!) won’t believe me.Thanks.

    You don’t have to apply in person. For newborns, the SSN application is routinely filed by the hospital along with the information for the birth certificate.
    We never had to go to SSA for my kids (born late 80s/early 90s)

    The change you are refering to was not in the SSA, but in the tax laws. Prior to the mid 1980s you did not need to provide an SSN to claim a dependent on your taxes. Thus, people were claiming non-existent kids, cats (sorry, misha), etc. So, they changed the law to require an SSN for each dependent. That’s why everyone gets an SSN at birth these days, whereas, in Obama’s time, they waited until they began working.

  147. Linda says:

    Scientist: You don’t have to apply in person.For newborns, the SSN application is routinely filed by the hospital along with the information for the birth certificate.

    Thanks, Science. That is how it was for me, and I am a year younger than Obama with the big 50 hurtling towards me. That ugliness aside, I remember my dad brought home forms for us to sign, he mailed them in and we received our cards in the mail. In the mid-late 80’s and early 90’s when I had children, I received the forms at the hospital.

    One particularly snide birf-puppy was telling me how I had been duped, etc., and that typos on zip codes, etc. didn’t matter because you had to apply in person. From personal experience I know it isn’t true, but he linked to the SSA where it says if a person if getting their first SScard and is 12 or over, they have to apply in person. I swear I have seen the rule/regs/law somewhere on when it changed, but I can’t find it and I can’t remember where I read it. Did I mention I am almost 50? The memory is slipping away…. I would love to slap down the perfect link to refute this spewer of ca-ca, but I can’t find it.

    “Anyone age 12 or older requesting an original Social Security number MUST be interviewed by Social Security. We will ask for evidence to show you do not have a Social Security number. ”

  148. Linda says:

    Northland10: I am sorry for your shame, though, I would prefer uber-goober stay down there and out of the northern land.I suppose you might take offense if I suggested sending Chalice down there(how about Andrew Martin?).

    I appreciate the sympathy and the offer, but I could not take advantage of you that way. We out uber-goober you 10 to 1.

  149. Scientist says:

    Linda: From personal experience I know it isn’t true, but he linked to the SSA where it says if a person if getting their first SScard and is 12 or over, they have to apply in person.

    That makes some sense today, when the normal situation is to get an SSN as a newborn, since the parents lose the tax exemption if they don’t. Thus, a 12 year old without one is an oddity and worth a personal visit. Back in the 70s, getting one when you got your first job was normal, since your parents didn’t need you to have one to claim the tax exemption.

  150. y_p_w says:

    Scientist: The change you are refering to was not in the SSA, but in the tax laws. Prior to the mid 1980s you did not need to provide an SSN to claim a dependent on your taxes. Thus, people were claiming non-existent kids, cats (sorry, misha), etc. So, they changed the law to require an SSN for each dependent. That’s why everyone gets an SSN at birth these days, whereas, in Obama’s time, they waited until they began working.

    Apparently starting from the 1987 tax year, but it wasn’t quite that simple. Apparently the SSN was required then if the child was at least 5 years old during the tax year. For 1989 this changed to at least 2 years old. By 1991 it was for at least a 1 year old. The 1995 1040 requested the SSN, but had a caveat that one should check page 13 of the instructions if the child was born in 1995. The instructions say, If your dependent was born in November or December of 1995 and does not have an SSN, enter “11/95” or “12/95” in column (2). The 1996 1040 had a caveat in the instructions that If your dependent was born in December 1996 and does not have an SSN, enter “12/96” in column (2).. From 1997 and later it was SSN for all dependents.

    Who makes up all this stuff?

  151. Sef says:

    Over at NBC’s site “Joe Acerbic” comments that it doensn’t matter whether the PDF is a forgery, that the legal document is the paper COLB or LFBC. I would just comment that since the PDF was admitted into evidence in GA President Obama’s attorneys must be careful in referencing this GA admission or they could be called to prove that it is not a fake. Of course, all they really need to do is enter the COLB if required and the thing of relevance is the information on the COLB, not the document itself.

  152. Al Halbert says:

    Obama could end all of this tomorrow if only he would release all his records for verification and vetting by 3rd parties. He also cannot be harmed by this as he has already released his true and certified copy of his BC in to the public domain, what is stopping him? This would remove all doubt from all Americans and the Worlds mind and literally destroy the birther movement in a single stroke. Having this cloud over him not only effects us, but the entire world.

    Can you imagine how this is perceived by the Worlds leaders and our enemies? More than likely they have taken the measure of Obama and found him wanting, much the same as a majority of Americans have, saying it is not so (the fantasy of Obama as a great leader), does not make it true. However he has spent something like 1 to 2 million dollars keeping everything (documents, credentials and bona fides) locked up never to see the light of day, why?

    If only everyone would get as WORKED up over Fast & Furious that caused the death and destruction of what, several hundred if not a thousand or more defenseless Mexican Nationals, by the Obama Administration as the Mexican Drug Cartels arms dealer and money launderers and…….

    Of course all those bodies and the several Federal Agents are a BIRTHER fabrication as well, better yet a vast MSM Media plot to discredit Obama, and Darrel Issa and Eric Holder are just a figments of our imagination as the hearings develop credible evidence of criminal acts and of willful negligence and malfeasance in office.

    If we follow logic (or lack of it) from liberal progressives it is just another data point that does not concern them, from the liberals perspective they are just a bunch or Mexican Nationals and necessary carnage as they bring about the new progressive order and sweep it all under a very lumpy rug, as there is no more room the under the bus.

  153. Majority Will says:

    Al Halbert: Fast & Furious

    “It’s not the guns that kill, it’s the maladjusted kids.”
    – Charlton Heston

    “Weapons don’t kill people. It’s the individual that killed these people.”
    – U.S. Senator Rand Paul

  154. Thrifty says:


    Is anyone else getting deja vu?

    Al Halbert: Obama could end all of this tomorrow if only he would release all his records for verification and vetting by 3rd parties.

  155. CarlOrcas says:

    Al Halbert: Obama could end all of this tomorrow if only he would release all his records for verification and vetting by 3rd parties

    What records? What “3rd parties”?

    Al Halbert: Can you imagine how this is perceived by the Worlds leaders and our enemies?


  156. Majority Will says:

    Al Halbert: However he has spent something like 1 to 2 million dollars keeping everything (documents, credentials and bona fides) locked up never to see the light of day, why?

    Where’s your proof?

  157. Scientist says:

    Al Halbert: Al Halbert could end all of this tomorrow

    Why not end it all, Al? Just stop……….;.;

  158. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: Obama could end all of this tomorrow if only he would release all his records for verification and vetting by 3rd parties

    No he could not. Those fools would continue to invent other nonsensical scenarios. His records have been verified by a 3rd party called the DOH of Hawaii…

    Anything else is just foolish. But blaming the victim, very mature… Sorry Al, you have been shown totally without any argument or evidence.

    And it is all ending. Courts are finding him to be naturally born now, courts are dismissing because of lack of standing, courts are just continuing to enforce the laws of our nation.

    What do you want?

  159. nbc says:

    Al Halbert:

    Can you imagine how this is perceived by the Worlds leaders and our enemies?

    Yes, the are amazed about the follies of some of our US ‘citizens’ who are raising non issues to undermine our President. Our enemies may look towards these people to help undermine Obama, and it would not surprise me if there are some involved here. That the former Russian media service is all over this comes as no surprise. Why self proscribed ‘patriots’ want to help the former Soviet Union communists is beyond me.

    Just mindless tools.

  160. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: If only everyone would get as WORKED up over Fast & Furious that caused the death and destruction

    The fast and furious started under Bush… It got out of hands. Sad. but so what?

  161. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: If only everyone would get as WORKED up over Fast & Furious that caused the death and destruction

    The fast and furious started under Bush… It got out of hands. Sad. but so what?

    And what does this have to do with Obama’s eligibility? Sigh…

  162. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: as they bring about the new progressive order

    God almighty, you are truly a poorly informed person… Afraid of ghosts, willing to undermine our President because you do not like his policies. Do you think your grandchildren will remember you fondly for this?

    Is that the legacy you want to leave behind? Being nothing more than a hapless tool?

  163. nbc says:

    Al himself has shown himself to be impervious to facts, evidence, logic and reason. The same applies to the birther movement which hates obama as much as Al and will never concede…

  164. Keith says:

    Scientist: Why not end it all, Al?

    Close to the edge there, Scientist.

  165. Keith says:

    Al Halbert: If only everyone would get as WORKED up over Fast & Furious

    You have a reasonable complaint there, Al.

    If you would stop getting all worked up about obvious lies, smears, and innuendo, and started discussing actual controversies, discourse in America would be much better for it.

    By the way, Fast and Furious was kicked off by a Bush Administration policy.

  166. misha says:

    Scientist: Thus, people were claiming non-existent kids, cats (sorry, misha)

    Curses, foiled again.

  167. G says:

    Actually, they’ve been peddling that wacky nonsense for several months now, I think. Martha Trowbridge seems to be the origin.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Thank you G!!! I am glad you enjoyed it. Believe it or not, the Bari Shabazz BS has gotten a new lease on life. Supposedly, Obama is posting at Apuzzo’s and “SaipanAnnie” nailed him. As Bari, of course. AND, it gets even better!!! FrommGirl Reporter

  168. Northland10 says:

    Pam Gellar brought up a Malcolm X theory back on 2008, I think. She said she did not necessarily believe it, wink wink.

    On mobile so I cannot give a link right now.

    Actually, they’ve been peddling that wacky nonsense for several months now, I think.Martha Trowbridge seems to be the origin.

  169. Al Halbert says:

    I woke up this morning and the scales have fallen from eyes, Obama is just the best President ever, golly gee what was wrong with me. How could I have ever doubted that all the deficit spending without a budget is doing great things for this country, and with such capable help as Pelosi, Reid and Holder to carry the legal and legislative torch we will all reach being comfortable but fair, in no time. Who cares if my children and grandchildren have to pay off this debt, no skin off my nose.

    Hillary is making sure we are loved by the Muslim world and helping Sharia Law to become ingrained into our Nation, after all we do need to be tolerant and embrace others cultures and peoples. And she is working very hard to bring that UN Small Arms Treaty into being that will destroy all those nasty guns in the hands of the people, just think of the massive reduction in violent crime when she is successful. No one will have to worry anymore when they can stroll down the street to get their unemployment and welfare checks in total safety.

    No one will have to work as we can all be on government assistance and make all those nasty evil rich people pay for it all, scumbag capitalists anyway. Don’t you just love what all the noble OWS crowd is doing paving the way for a better day when Capitalism is just a bad memory. If only we can make Obama President for life think of the good works he could do for us and the rest of the world.

    I was just deceived by those nasty Birthers and those Tea Party Racists spewing their hatred for the best president ever, wow what was I thinking. All the court cases lost by those nasty people trying to stop Obama, can’t they just see how right he is, so what that they never got a trial so the facts could be developed, they just deserve to punished for doubting Obama. What is wrong with them, can’t they see all the good work he has saved or created, if only those nasty Republicans would give him everything he wants this nation would turn around tomorrow.

    Sure the economy is hitting a rough patch, but the new safeguards and stimulus will kick in any day now and we will live in the land of milk and honey once again, I am sure of it. That nasty George Bush just wrecked this country, and still is after all we can directly link any and all problems to him, Obama is right it is all GWB’s fault.

    Then I awoke from the dream to the reality of the NIGHTMARE that we are in and just wanted to go back to sleep, but just laid their staring at the ceiling to frightened to close my eyes.

  170. Arthur says:

    Al Halbert: I woke up this morning and the scales have fallen from eyes, Obama is just the best President ever, golly gee what was wrong with me. How could I have ever doubted that all the deficit spending without a budget is doing great things for this country, and with such capable help as Pelosi, Reid and Holder to carry the legal and legislative torch we will all reach being comfortable but fair, in no time. Who cares if my children and grandchildren have to pay off this debt, no skin off my nose.

    I don’t believe that Obama is the best president ever, and I don’t believe that his policies are perfect. But I do believe, based on the laws of this country and a rational examination of available evidence, that Obama is perfectly eligible to be president. Likewise, you have a perfect right to endorse, support, and vote for an alternative. Trying to get Obama out of office through wishful thinking, fabrication, and spurious legal arguments, is ineffective and makes you look foolish.

  171. G says:

    Ah, good catch. I think Martha Trowbridge was the first one to come up with the Bari Shabazz nonsense angle though.

    I try not to pay that much attention to that extreme crackpottery at the bottom of the conspiracy bowl, so there might be other earlier originators that I’m easily missing.

    I’ll leave it to others to confirm or add what they know of who first introduced which stupid part of this fictional backstory into this mix.

    Northland10: Pam Gellar brought up a Malcolm X theory back on 2008, I think. She said she did not necessarily believe it, wink wink.On mobile so I cannot give a link right now.

  172. Scientist says:

    Al Halbert: Sure the economy is hitting a rough patch,

    Really? My Ameritrade statement says different, the jobs reports say different, and the fact that I can’t find parking at the local malls says different. But I’m sure some guy named Al on the innertubes knows better…

    Poor Al sold the 2 shares he owned in Jan 2009 because the ebul socialist was taking office. Meanwhile I bought Al’s shares and a whole lot more and have doubled my money. Poor, Al…..

  173. JoZeppy says:

    Al Halbert: I woke up this morning and the scales have fallen from eyes, Obama is just the best President ever, golly gee what was wrong with me. How could I have ever doubted that all the deficit spending without a budget is doing great things for this country, and with such capable help as Pelosi, Reid and Holder to carry the legal and legislative torch we will all reach being comfortable but fair, in no time. Who cares if my children and grandchildren have to pay off this debt, no skin off my nose.

    And here you reveal the true source of your problems. You see for the vast majority of us, the President’s policies have nothing to do with this discussion. It is a cut and dry question of the law, and his status under the law. It wouldn’t matter if the President in question was Obama, Bush, Reagan or Clinton. The law is the law. But here you show your motivation. You have no concern about the law. Your concern is ths substance of his policies and politics. Your issue isn’t with his “papers” it’s that you at your core, are fundamentally ungovernable. The only President that is legitmate in your eyes is one that you vote for and agrees with your political beliefs, and you will look for any excuse to delegitimize one that disagrees with your political ideology. You pretty much want an Iranian style government, that pretends to go through the motions of democracy, but all cadidates are “vetted” by an orthodoxy council, to ensure the candidates believe the right things.

    At least be honest enough with yourself to drop the charade that you care about the law, Constitution, or our American legal and political systems.

  174. Majority Will says:

    Al Halbert: I was just deceived by those nasty Birthers and those Tea Party Racists.


  175. G says:

    Al, if you could act and converse like an adult instead of resorting to being a mere sarcastic @ss, you would do better for yourself.

    First of all, again you go off on a litany of irrelevant political points, which have absolutely NOTHING to do with the focus of this website – the conspiracies around Obama’s eligibility.

    It just reveals that you simply don’t care about actual facts & truth and simply push the Birtherism nonsense because you are one of those petty propagandists who simply think that slinging unfounded smears against someone whom you don’t politically care for is ok. Well, it is NOT ok, Al. Just because you don’t agree with someone or their views, does NOT justify making up and spreading lies about them. It just demonstrates that you can’t win an argument on actual issues and have to resort to exaggerations and lies when you attempt to make a point.

    It simply reflects badly on only YOU and demonstrates that you seriously suffer a personal defect in character and integrity. You need to spend more time reflecting on your own litany of shortcomings.

    NOBODY here is going around claiming Obama is the “best President ever”. What an utterly irrelevant strawman argument you are trying to make. Stop coming across as such a hyperbolic hyperventilating child. *sheesh*

    If you would get your sorry head out of your @ss, you might begin to grasp that just about everyone *IS* concerned about the issue of our nation’s long term debt and that the real problem is petty folks like you who prevent the problem from ever getting seriously discussed and solved, because you are so quick to sling poo and distract to childish arguments that never solve anything.

    If you actually read and understood our Constitution, you would understand that Sharia Law cannot be imposed here. *DUH* Again, you simply have nothing but to parrot more bogeyman nonsense arguments; which simply makes you come across as an irrational idiot to reasonable folks.

    The Stimulus *did* do what it was intended to do – inject just enough to prevent the economy from completely melting down. When it was being discussed, many economists argued that the amount was simply TOO SMALL to do anything more that merely keep us afloat and was certainly way too small to impact a real recovery. They were right. It was your GOP that fought to keep the stimulus from being bigger than it was. It was also under leadership from your GOP that the economy crashed in the first place. So all your weak arguments do is work against you, as the actual record shows that the GOP has an absolutely terrible record at managing the economy. They are the ones who run up the debt when they are in power and who fail to raise the revenue to pay for it. You may not like the Democrats solutions, but the GOP only offers the same failed strategies that cause these problems in the first place and make the situation of long term debt even worse.

    If you don’t like the President, that is what the Ballot Box is for. But no, for petty blind partisans like you, you fear playing on a fair field within the law and that is what these lies are really about – for deep in your heart, your true fear is that the majority of America doesn’t agree with you and you can’t control other’s votes…and THAT is what really scares you and what this is really all about.

    Al Halbert:
    I woke up this morning and the scales have fallen from eyes, Obama is just the best President ever, golly gee what was wrong with me. How could I have ever doubted that all the deficit spending without a budget is doing great things for this country, and with such capable help as Pelosi, Reid and Holder to carry the legal and legislative torch we will all reach being comfortable but fair, in no time. Who cares if my children and grandchildren have to pay off this debt, no skin off my nose.Hillary is making sure we are loved by the Muslim world and helping Sharia Law to become ingrained into our Nation, after all we do need to be tolerant and embrace others cultures and peoples. And she is working very hard to bring that UN Small Arms Treaty into being that will destroy all those nasty guns in the hands of the people, just think of the massive reduction in violent crime when she is successful. No one will have to worry anymore when they can stroll down the street to get their unemployment and welfare checks in total safety.No one will have to work as we can all be on government assistance and make all those nasty evil rich people pay for it all, scumbag capitalists anyway. Don’t you just love what all the noble OWS crowd is doing paving the way for a better day when Capitalism is just a bad memory. If only we can make Obama President for life think of the good works he could do for us and the rest of the world.I was just deceived by those nasty Birthers and those Tea Party Racists spewing their hatred for the best president ever, wow what was I thinking. All the court cases lost by those nasty people trying to stop Obama, can’t they just see how right he is, so what that they never got a trial so the facts could be developed, they just deserve to punished for doubting Obama. What is wrong with them, can’t they see all the good work he has saved or created, if only those nasty Republicans would give him everything he wants this nation would turn around tomorrow.Sure the economy is hitting a rough patch, but the new safeguards and stimulus will kick in any day now and we will live in the land of milk and honey once again, I am sure of it. That nasty George Bush just wrecked this country, and still is after all we can directly link any and all problems to him, Obama is right it is all GWB’s fault.Then I awoke from the dream to the reality of the NIGHTMARE that we are in and just wanted to go back to sleep, but just laid their staring at the ceiling to frightened to close my eyes.

  176. Arthur says:

    JoZeppy: Your concern is ths substance of his policies and politics. Your issue isn’t with his “papers” it’s that you at your core, are fundamentally ungovernable. The only President that is legitmate in your eyes is one that you vote for and agrees with your political beliefs, and you will look for any excuse to delegitimize one that disagrees with your political ideology.

    Yeah, that seems to be the case with many birthers, at least as they reveal themselves in their articles and comments.

  177. Scientist says:

    Arthur: Yeah, that seems to be the case with many birthers, at least as they reveal themselves in their articles and comments.

    All birthers. I have been looking for the “pro-Obama’ birther for 3 years now in vain.

  178. Thomas Brown says:

    Majority Will: Yep.

    Poor Al thinks we operate like he does. He is against Obama, and so he then tries to prove the President is illegitimate. Contrarily, he figures the only reason anyone could be anti-birther is because they think he’s the greatest President ever. Thus he exhibits Symptom 5 on the Arduini Index of Conspiracy Theory Nut-Job Characteristics:

    5. Emotional (and other) projection.
    It is almost impossible to read someone else’s emotional state or actually know anything about them across the Internet. So nut-jobs regularly attribute their own emotional states, prejudices and motives to their opponents. This is often also called “Irony blindness.”

    I believe ‘Al’ has shown all 9 of the other Characteristics on other occasions, but #5 is the one showing up today.

    ‘Al’ is intellectually unable to separate the issues of eligibility and political approval. This is why I said earlier that he is ‘a half bubble out of plumb.’ That’s why he says things in sarcasm mode WHICH ARE ACTUALLY TRUE:

    “I was just deceived by those nasty Birthers and those Tea Party Racists.”

    Why, yes, in fact. But I limit this statement to the “eligibility question.” If you wish to buy into the other nasty Birther and racist Tea Partier lies about the President’s performance, that’s not on point here. Writhe and stew in your bitterness all you like. Just don’t try to say Obama is not eligible for the office, because he plainly is.

    Irony blindness, a major Nut-Job symptom. So sad. So funny.

  179. John Woodman says:

    Al Halbert: I woke up this morning and the scales have fallen from eyes, Obama is just the best President ever, golly gee what was wrong with me.

    Al, you seem to be confusing two things.

    Obama might well BE the “worst President ever.” If that’s the situation, then you shouldn’t have much difficulty making that case.

    But the quality of his Presidency is a completely different and separate issue from the legality of his Presidency.

    If you uphold and support the truth, then you will uphold and support the truth. Period. It doesn’t depend on whether or not you happen to like that particular truth.

    If you uphold and support the Constitution and the rule of law, then you will uphold and support the Constitution and the rule of law. Period. It doesn’t depend on whether the law (temporarily) installs a President whose policies you don’t like.

    You don’t tear down our Constitution and our laws for the sake of politics.

  180. G says:

    Bravo!!! Very well said.

    John Woodman: But the quality of his Presidency is a completely different and separate issue from the legality of his Presidency.

    If you uphold and support the truth, then you will uphold and support the truth. Period. It doesn’t depend on whether or not you happen to like that particular truth.

    If you uphold and support the Constitution and the rule of law, then you will uphold and support the Constitution and the rule of law. Period. It doesn’t depend on whether the law (temporarily) installs a President whose policies you don’t like.
    You don’t tear down our Constitution and our laws for the sake of politics.

  181. Thrifty says:

    That’s what I like about this blog. It’s about the President, but it’s not about politics. It’s about simple facts. It veers into discussion of the quality of Obama’s presidency sometimes, but I just skip over those. I’ve stated before around here that I find discussing the quality of a presidency useless and boring. I have my opinions and am not really interested in discussing them, nor am I interested in trying to convince others to agree with me. I find the prospect of trying to master political debate to be a bit overwhelming, so I just keep to myself.

    Birtherism though, has so many things wrong with it, that it’s easy to debunk. Also it’s completely 100% about facts, so that you can have people with political opinions that are polar opposites who agree that the position of Birtherism is complete bunk.

    JoZeppy: And here you reveal the true source of your problems. You see for the vast majority of us, the President’s policies have nothing to do with this discussion. It is a cut and dry question of the law, and his status under the law.

  182. Al Halbert says:

    Since the discussion has turned to truth, does anyone beside me remember the speech Obama gave at West Point to the “Tip of the Spear” for the U.S. Army Cadet Corps (pronounced core not corpse) on December 1, 2009? I thought his words were treasonous by giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and sending many of America’s finest to be needlessly slaughtered for no reason with many sitting in that audience before him. Just one more reason to place someone that has the moral courage and depth of character into the Oval Office, and this disgrace of a man the curb.

    Here is a nice synopsis;

    “Similarly, Obama stood before the world and simultaneously announced a surge in U.S. troops fighting the war in Afghanistan while declaring a drop-dead date on which he would withdraw our military in full, all with an eye to November 2012. What kind of commander-in-chief sends his soldiers into battle while giving the enemy notice to make plans for the date that the latter can retake control? Only a man who cares about himself with nary a care in the world for the lives of his countrymen would do so. Just as he did when he gave away top secret military intelligence after the killing of Osama bin Laden that led to the death of many of the Navy SEALs who completed that operation when their helicopter was shot down.”

    March 9, 2012
    Obama’s Political Expediency Is Hurting Our Nation
    By Lauri B. Regan

    Res Ipsa Loquitur

  183. Majority Will says:

    Al Halbert: Since the discussion has turned to truth . . .

    What does your post have to do with eligibility or the PIKA stamp?

    P.S. Citing, a birther cesspool of ridiculous fright wing propaganda and blatant lies, is laughable.

  184. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: Since the discussion has turned to truth, does anyone beside me remember the speech Obama gave at West Point to the “Tip of the Spear” for the U.S. Army Cadet Corps (pronounced core not corpse) on December 1, 2009? I thought his words were treasonous by giving aid and comfort to the enemy, and sending many of America’s finest to be needlessly slaughtered for no reason with many sitting in that audience before him.

    Man, you surely must have hated Bush for causing the deaths of close to 5000 US/NATO military and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi?

    You are not interested in the truth, you are interested in smearing President Obama because you fear and dislike him. That’s the worst excuse…

    How did President Obama give aid and comfort to the enemy

    The speech can be read here

    Just as he did when he gave away top secret military intelligence after the killing of Osama bin Laden that led to the death of many of the Navy SEALs who completed that operation when their helicopter was shot down.”

    Such lies… Al has no ability to defend them, other than by blindly following those who manipulate him. What a joke.

    Sorry Al, you have totally destroyed yourself by exposing yourself not to be interested in the truth or facts but rather someone who utterly hates our President and fears him and allows ignorance and fear to manipulate him to be the sockpuppet of others.

    What a sad legacy …

  185. nbc says:

    Majority Will: What does your post have to do with eligibility or the PIKA stamp?

    Al has no choice as he is intellectually constrained from making positive contributions towards the truth and instead has allowed others to manipulate his fears and ignorance.

    It’s sad really

  186. G says:

    Two things Al –

    Once again – you are veering into purely issues of political and policy nature, which are NOT the point of this blog and therefore outside of the scope of its intended discussion.

    These issues have ZERO to do with eligibility whatsoever at all.

    Second – What you are diving into is the realm of pure OPINION of how you feel about his statement, NOT what actual “facts” detail.

    The FACTS end with the part in which he had that speech. The rest is your personal opinion of it, nothing more.

    To that end, what you call “treason” simply IS NOT SO under any factual definition. Nor is it giving aid & comfort to the enemy, except in your mind.

    MANY officials have long discussed giving end dates for both the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. You may happen to hold a personal opinion that such should never be done. Many have expressed that same opinion.

    However, many have also expressed a completely opposite view – including a number of prominent politicians and military commentators. Such is NOTHING NEW and nothing unique to Obama and has been a part of the American dialogue on the issue of war and when it is time to bring it to an end for a long time.

    There is simply ZERO violation of any laws in that speech. You simply take issue and disagree with his position on the matter. A position which happens to be shared by many. Your mere opinions do NOT translate to any crime in any sense of the term.

    The problem here is with YOU Al – you simply lack the adult maturity to deal with a world that doesn’t always behave the way you want it to. You have some childish sense of spoiled entitlement that doesn’t have anything to do with reality. Whiney irrational folks like you are part of the problem, not Obama.

    Al Halbert: Since the discussion has turned to truth, does anyone beside me remember the speech Obama gave at West Point to the “Tip of the Spear” for the U.S. Army Cadet Corps (pronounced core not corpse) on December 1, 2009?

  187. Al Halbert says:

    So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what? Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification.

    Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want? Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

  188. Majority Will says:

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all,

    Do you mean a discussion or your blog or the one on which you are a visitor?

    Can you comprehend the difference?

  189. Scientist says:

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what? Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification. Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want? Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

    I would be happy to defend Obmam’s record, though he seems to be doing a pretty good job for himself and doesn’t need my help. There are about 10,000 politics sites on the web where you can discuss that until the cows come home. Find one of those and get the F off of this site, you cretin. And before you accuse me of incivility, that is toning down my true opinion of you by a large degree.

  190. Thrifty says:

    Discussing the quality of the man’s presidency is not the topic of this blog, any more than discussing the night life scene in Philadelphia. How is this so difficult to understand?

    You can dissent about his legitimacy and say he’s not a natural born citizen all you want, just like I can dissent and say that Ronald Reagan didn’t really die and is now a zombie. Both statements are demonstrably false and ridicule is called for when they are expressed.

    Al Halbert:
    So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what?Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification.

    Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want?Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

  191. Al Halbert says:

    Scientist: I would be happy to defend Obmam’s record, though he seems to be doing a pretty good job for himself and doesn’t need my help.There are about 10,000 politics sites on the web where you can discuss that until the cows come home.Find one of those and get the F off of this site, you cretin.And before you accuse me of incivility, that is toning down my true opinion of you by a large degree.

    Please show us all the depth of your intelligence and you wisdom.

    Ridicule the sanctuary of the small and peevish mind.

  192. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what? Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification.

    The point of having any discussion is to evaluate your claims relevant to Obama’s birthright citizenship status, not your personal dislike of our President, leading you down a path of self-destructive fear and hatred.

    Americans are of course allowed to dissent but you were pretending that there was reason to you doubting his eligibility status, only to finally admit that it was all about your dislike of Obama.

    Your ill-informed positions on Obama’s eligibiity have been demolished and have exposed the true Al.

    Not a pretty legacy…

    Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want?

    Is that now what you pretended when you came to visit this site, dedicated to the eligibility issue of our President?

    When you were exposed, you decided to just continue to smear our President with lies, innuendos and more. Do you have no self-respect left? Do you not care about the legacy you are leaving behind? Is this how your grandchildren should remember you by?

    You are letting your blind hatred take ignorant positions of fear and hatred, showing you to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for hatred.

    If you want to discuss Obama’s policies, you should first show yourself to be able to formulate a coherent position based on facts, not based on the writings of others.

    Trust and Verify… Something you have yet to show to be able to live up to.

    You have exposed yourself to be a sad, hateful person. I will keep you in my prayers my friend and hope for some recovery here. Hatred and fear are not what the Bible teaches us.

  193. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: Please show us all the depth of your intelligence and you wisdom.

    Well Al, it seems like a reasonable request. Now what?

  194. Scientist says:

    Al Halbert: Please show us all the depth of your intelligence and you wisdom

    I won’t waste it on the likes of you. Why cast pearls before swine?

  195. Arthur says:

    Al Halbert: Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want? Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

    If you don’t like the people who hold office, there’s a legitmate way of removing them. On the other hand, arguing fatuous claims of illegitmacy is ineffective and makes you look ridiculous.

  196. John Woodman says:

    Al Halbert: Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want?

    To uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America; to support the proper operation — not the CORRUPTION OF — the extraordinary system of government that the Founding Fathers created for us, and to uphold the rule of law against the tyrrany of the mob — no matter which “side” the mob claims to be on.

  197. Majority Will says:

    Al Halbert: Ridicule the sanctuary of the small and peevish mind.

    Would that be on your blog or the one here on which you are a guest?

  198. nbc says:

    Al Halbert: Ridicule the sanctuary of the small and peevish mind.

    Well, is that not how we dissembled your mutterings and exposed them for what they really were, the fears and ignorance of a mind unable to accept that we have Obama as our President and who has to allow his hate and fear drive him to become a marionette in the hands of those who use him to spread myth, lies and innuendo.

    Look Al, you are protesting too much. You came here pretending that you were interested in President Obama’s eligibility. When your position slowly dissembled under the weight of fact and evidence, you came to realize how poorly equipped you were to argue these issues

    Unwilling to take the logical step of informing yourself, you decided to continue downwards an ever spiraling path of more ignorance, fear and hatred.

    I pity you for allowing yourself to be dragged down by fear and hatred, unable to reach out to independently research the ‘facts’.

  199. Scientist says:

    nbc: Look Al, you are protesting too much. You came here pretending that you were interested in President Obama’s eligibility. When your position slowly dissembled under the weight of fact and evidence, you came to realize how poorly equipped you were to argue these issues

    I think that is true of almost all the birthers, They start with the position that Obama must be gone, no matter what. Not at the end of his term or 2 terms but yesterday. Their arguments are then formulated in the vain hope of achieving that goal. I doubt even 1% of the birthers would raise a peep if there were a conservative white Republican with a father from Britain who had spent a few years here on a student visa. They wouldn’t be asking what that smudge on his birth certificate was or twisting what his British grandma said about the layette she bought when he was born.

    Moreover, I would say that few, if any, liberals would be birthing in that situation. They would be attacking the policies to be sure and maybe the President’s personal character, but not his birth or parentage.

  200. JPotter says:

    Al Halbert: Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want?

    The rule of law. Applied consistently. And that’s exactly what we’re getting!

    Defending Obama’s right to hold office, apart from defending his policies, is a defense of sanity. Disagreeing with a person’s beliefs or actions is not cause to change the law to specifically proscribe them. See: ‘ex post facto law’, ‘selective prosecution’, ‘banana republic’, ‘kangaroo court’, ‘dystopia’.

    I do not like intelectual dishonesty. However, rather than agitate for laws restricting expression or thought I don’t agree with, I choose to defend your right to be intellectually dishonest.

    Add to your list of items to research: “The Golden Rule”.

  201. G says:

    Al – there are numerous blogs that deal specifically with debates of politics and policy.

    This is NOT one of them. Similar to how political commentary is inappropriate on articles which have nothing to do with politics either.

    Further, you haven’t demonstrated the ability to have any actual adult conversation whatsoever, you simply spout a bunch of irrational emotional talking points You seem to only be able to whine through a preconceived biased lense instead of argue any actual merits of any issue anyways. It is not our fault that you are stunted in your ability to communicate rationally.

    Every President will make policy decisions I agree or disagree with. Just because they handle something different that what I might do in a situation is not unusual either – it is to be expected. That is true with any person in charge of something. If I wanted them to do things how I would do it, then I should have ran for the job and earned it. Simple as that. Also, there are many decisions that I will support or that in my view didn’t go far enough…which other folks might easily take an opposite OPINION on.

    But that is all that amounts to – mere opinion. Nobody has taken away your right to have an opinion. But when you voice it, others have their right to disagree and even hold opinions completely opposite to your own. That seems to be the reality that YOU have difficulty accepting. You simply lack the emotional maturity to accept that the world is full of people who think and act differently than you do and that you can’t always get your way. In other words, you have no more emotional maturity than a small, spoiled child.

    Elections have consequences. Simple as that. Every 4 years, you have the opportunity to cast your vote for the option of your choice. When the majority chose someone other than your choice, that is simply how life works. You don’t have to be happy with it, but you do need to learn to accept and deal with it.

    In terms of the purpose of this blog – conspiracies around his eligibility – YES, I defend anyone’s right to run for office who is eligible to do so. That doesn’t mean that person will get my vote. That simply is fairly recognizing and respecting their right to run. It is a far cry from merely being eligible to being able to win an election. If someone can fairly win an election, they’ve earned it – whether I support them or not.

    In terms of policy – I simply fail to see all this bogeyman mantra nonsense that folks like you on the right spout all the time. It simply doesn’t seem to match up with reality. So while there might be specific differences or views I have on certain issues, I most certainly DO agree with the President’s position and direction on most things. That is my personal opinion and preference and I am certainly entitled to it as well. You don’t have to like it and there is nothing you can do about it either. That is simply how the world works. Learn to deal with it.

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what? Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification. Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want? Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

  202. JoZeppy says:

    Al Halbert: thought his words were treasonous by giving aid and comfort to the enemy,

    Clearly that is because you know as little about the legal defintion of treason as you do about anything else you spout off here in the past few days (hint: It is not treason to do something that you disagree with).

    Al Halbert: Just one more reason to place someone that has the moral courage and depth of character into the Oval Office, and this disgrace of a man the curb.

    Feel free to vote anyway you like. Unlike you, I embrace democracy even if the end result is someone I disagree with.

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what?

    The point of discussion is to dispel the lies people like you peddle trying to delegitimize a duly elected President. Yes. You are stuck with him for 4 years. That’s in the Constitution that you show so little respect for. There isn’t a little asterisk next to a clause that says “except of you really dislike the guy, then you can try to get him out of office with lies, innuendo, and making things up.”

    Al Halbert: Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification.

    You are free to dissent about his actions. That’s the beauty of the USA. But the rest of your statement is a flat out lie. He has done more to provide proof of his legitimacy than any President that came before him, or any candidate currently running. And where did that get him? Crazy @ss birthers asking for his kindergarten records. Here’s an idea….if he was really born somewhere else…why don’t you provide evidence that he was born somewhere else? Rather than making up total BS about the evidence he provided, which would hold up in any court, where is your evidence?

    Al Halbert: Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies

    Perhaps I can. Perhaps I can’t. Perhaps I’m a conservative Republican that believes in respect for the Constitution and the laws of the US. You really don’t know, do you?

    Al Halbert: but defend his right to hold the office,

    That is the whole point of this blog, isn’t it? President Barack Obama recieved more votes for the Presidency of the United States than any other candidate in the history of our country. He was born in Hawaii, has provided more documentation to back that up than any other candidate in our history, and not a shred of evidence to counter that has ever been produced. He absolutely has every right to hold office.

    Al Halbert: what is it you really want?

    Respect for the Constitution and laws of this country. Is that asking for too much?

    Al Halbert: Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

    And the American people are free to elect someone different this November. That’s how our country works. Our country has survived worse times, and worse Presidents, even in my life time. We got through them all. But never in our history did we decide that the best solution was to try to delegitimize our President, or try to get him off the ballot inorder to deprive our fellow Americans of the right to chose whether or not to send him back for another 4 years. It all comes back to a respect for the laws and Constitution of the United States, and the Office of the President of the United States. No one says you have to agree with him, vote for him, or even like him. But he is still the President of the United States, and if the American people decide he’s better than anything the Republican have to offer, he will be for another 4 years, and every American has the right to make that decision for themselves. Those fighting to smear him, and try to get him off the ballot, are at the core, unAmerican fascists.

  203. JPotter says:

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what? Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification. Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want? Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

    I nominate this for both the DUMBEST and MOST HONEST birther post ever.

    Now there are two things that are inextricably linked!
    A birther being honest is bound to say something dumb.
    By being so dumb, we are assured it’s his honest opinion.

    He admits his true agenda, and his willingness to compromise any principle to satisfy his fears and/or desires. Al is willing to bring down the temple to kill a spider. Genii like this are willing to destroy the republic in order to “save” it!

    Here’s another hint Al: the Presence of Obama in the White House is not evidence of a systemic problem.

  204. Well, in my lifetime I have felt “stuck” with several men in the Oval office that I thought were hurtful to the country. There’s not much to discuss because once a President takes office, save for impeachment, we’re stuck with them unless we want to overthrow the County and the Constitution. We have these things called “elections” every 4 years and that’s an opportunity to throw the bum out and in the worst-case scenario we have two-term limit.

    To defend Obama’s right to hold office is to defend the Constitution and the Rule of Law, concepts that are more important than any one President.

    The reason that I discourage general discussions about Obama’s job performance is simply because I do not want to blur the focus on what the blog is about. There are innumerable places where you can discuss politics in general and who you think should be the next President. Here, we try to clear up any confusion about who is (for better or worse) the current President.

    Sometimes I think that bigger proportion of people in China know who the US President than Americans do.

    Al Halbert: So then what is the point of any discussion at all, we are just stuck with a man in the oval office that is; what? Americans are not allowed to dissent about his actions, his legitimacy, his unwillingness to prove his life’s story with any measure of verification.

    Seems to me if you cannot or will not DEFEND the man and his policies, but defend his right to hold the office, what is it you really want? Whether you like it or not the two are inextricably entwined with the American People reaping the misery of his tenure.

  205. Al Halbert says:

    In an earlier POST I asked about what the Worlds Leaders and international perception of the Obama Illegibility question would pose; that has now been answered by a story out of Russia from Pravda. While many are going to flame on this issue serious questions are being asked on a Global Scale, case in point this story for Pravda;


    And a direct link to Pravda;

    So my assertions are once again based in FACT, not merely wishing thinking that Obama has NOT provided the American Citizens an acceptable nativity for his ascension, but the World as well now questions his legitimacy and…..

  206. Linda says:

    JPotter: I nominate this for both the DUMBEST and MOST HONEST birther post ever.


  207. Scientist says:

    Tovarich, I knew you were a Red. Now you have proven it. All hail Marx and Lenin! Workers of the world, unite!

    By the way why are the following capitalized?

    World Leaders
    Global Scale
    American Citizens

  208. Terri says:

    Lol Al…

    Online Pravda is a tabloid blog that allows anybody and their dog to write anything they want as long as it’s anti-american.

  209. J. Potter says:

    I took a day off of heavy landscaping to have some fun with ideas from recent discussions here. I started with the official WH portrait of Obama from Jan. 2009, by Pete Souza.

    Recently, NBC has nominated a culprit in the “forging” of the WH LFBC PDF … MRC compression. It’s a scheme developed by Xerox and commonly offered on their exquipment. Omnipage incorporates it. Ulead has a version. The concept of having layers with different resolutions just goes flying over birthers’ heads, so here is a portrait of Obama demonstrating the idea: Barack “Compressed” Obama. I did take it a step farther, adding a halo around the eyes … but that was way too creepy!

    Doc wrote a joke story which blurred the origin story of Superman* in with a fictitious ballot challenge. I joked that a version intended for birthers would make quite a comparison … and then realized that the birther version would naturally be derived from Bizarro, the inverse of Superman, just as birtherism is the inverse of reality.

    I am hesitant to post this ….Bizarr O’Bama … perhaps this is how the guy looks through birther eyes? Thinking of the character Bizarro, and how birthers characterize Obama, I think more and more it fits.


    * Superman through the Ages is pretty awesome, collecting several versions of the Man of Steel’s origins all the way back to 1938. Not nearly comprehensive tho…

  210. Majority Will says:

    Lol Al…

    Online Pravda is a tabloid blog that allows anybody and their dog to write anything they want as long as it’s anti-american.

    Birther bigots quoting Bat Boy from the Weekly World News is next.

  211. Majority Will says:

    JPotter: I nominate this for both the DUMBEST and MOST HONEST birther post ever.

    Now there are two things that are inextricably linked!
    A birther being honest is bound to say something dumb.
    By being so dumb, we are assured it’s his honest opinion.

    He admits his true agenda, and his willingness to compromise any principle to satisfy his fears and/or desires. Al is willing to bring down the temple to kill a spider. Genii like this are willing to destroy the republic in order to “save” it!

    Here’s another hint Al:the Presence of Obama in the White House is not evidence of a systemic problem.

    Hear, hear.

  212. G says:

    *rolls eyes*

    LOL! What a joke! The Pravda rag has been full of Birther nonsense for years. It is no different than citing Canadian Free Press for its Birtherism and claiming that somehow represents Canada. That is like citing The Globe as a reliable resource…

    You just make yourself look like an even more foolish joke here by citing such clear Birther resources. You might as well cite the Post & Email or WND and claim that they represent mainstream America.


    Al Halbert: In an earlier POST I asked about what the Worlds Leaders and international perception of the Obama Illegibility question would pose; that has now been answered by a story out of Russia from Pravda. While many are going to flame on this issue serious questions are being asked on a Global Scale, case in point this story for Pravda;Link; a direct link to Pravda; my assertions are once again based in FACT, not merely wishing thinking that Obama has NOT provided the American Citizens an acceptable nativity for his ascension, but the World as well now questions his legitimacy and…..

  213. bob j says:

    The press in the country where I live have, on occasion, run an article about the birther nonsense.

    Al, do you know why?

    Because anti-American birthers scream about this ” issue” like it has legitimacy.

    The thought is: If Americans think he is fake, maybe he is fake.

    It shows American weakness, which most countries will try to exploit. The world leaders ,and the people, who undertand the world are not questioning the President’s qualification to be President; they are questioning the abilty of an American populace, and its qualification to elect someone to office.

  214. justlw says:

    Omigosh, Peter Bergman just died. That ruins my night.

  215. misha says:

    Omigosh, Peter Bergman just died.That ruins my night.

    We used to act out their albums. I Iistened to all of them, repeatedly.

    Nick Danger, Third Eye.

    – “What kind of a fool do you take me for?”
    – “First class.”

    “That’s nothing but a cheap ring from a Cracker Back Jox.”

    “Betty Jo Biolorsky? Everyone knew her as Nancy.”

    “He walked ruthlessly. I wonder where Ruth is?”

    “I sat in my office reading my name on the door. [speaks gibberish].”

  216. justlw says:

    “Regnad Kcin”

  217. misha says:

    Omigosh, Peter Bergman just died.That ruins my night.

    “Peter Bergman tries to espouse his Jewish heritage as best he can…”

  218. Majority Will says:

    Omigosh, Peter Bergman just died.That ruins my night.

    (excerpt) Mr. Bergman got a taste of radio work when he was in high school, according to a biography on Firesign Theater’s official Web site. But he lost his job as an announcer on the school radio system, it said, “after his unauthorized announcement that the Chinese Communists had taken over the school and that a mandatory voluntary assembly was to take place immediately.’ Russell Rupp, the school principal, promptly relieved Peter of his announcing gig. Rupp was the inspiration for the Principal Poop character on ‘Don’t Crush That Dwarf.’ ”


  219. misha says:

    Terri: Online Pravda is a tabloid blog that allows anybody and their dog to write anything they want as long as it’s anti-american.

    The web Pravda has zero to do with the newspaper during the Soviet Union. I stopped reading it when someone wrote how “Jewish filth” was ruining Russia.

  220. Majority Will says:

    “Regnad Kcin”

    Lt. Bradshaw: All right, hold it right where you are! I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw with a piece of advice for you. Now, here in the studio it’s all knuckles and know how. But when that red light goes off, I’m just plain Harry Aames: citizen, weekend father. (background – “See ya tomorrow.” “Goodnight, Harry” “Bye Harry”) Now take a tip from a cop who does; radio work can be just as dirty and exciting as hunting down public enemy Number One. So when I get home, my old lady knows what I need, and how! A warm, heaping bowl full of Loosener’s Castor Oil Flakes—with real glycerin vibrafoam! It doesn’t just wash your mouth out—it cleans the whole system, right on down the line! So, come on you little rookies! Tell your mom to get on it, and do it everyday! Just remember what the guys down at the precinct-house sing…

    Men: (singing) Oooooohhhh… It ain’t no use if you ain’t got the boost, the boost you get from Looseners! Loooooooooooooo-snerrrrrrrz!

    Announcer: …the all weather breakfast! (organ) And now we return you to Act Three of Nick Danger, Third Eye! (organ fwah)

  221. misha says:

    Majority Will: But he lost his job as an announcer on the school radio system, it said, “after his unauthorized announcement that the Chinese Communists had taken over the school and that a mandatory voluntary assembly was to take place immediately.’ Russell Rupp, the school principal, promptly relieved Peter of his announcing gig.

    August 11, 1984, President Ronald Reagan:
    “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”

    When Bergman did it, he was reprimanded. When Reagan did it, he was re-elected.

    Conservatism at its finest.

  222. Keith says:

    I’m dying here.

    I spent a fair few minutes looking for a Henry Gibson video saying “What about the Buffalo” for another smart alek remark on another thread. I didn’t really find it, but one thing led to another, Gibson to Laugh-In to Lily Tomlin to Gilda Radner and finally to Father Guido Sarducci.


    Enjoy; Life is a job

  223. Keith says:

    Sorry. I can’t resist. Here’s another for those of you who would like to bone up on their Italian.

    Father Guido’s Slide Show

  224. Arthur says:

    Al Halbert: While many are going to flame on this issue serious questions are being asked on a Global Scale, case in point this story for Pravda;

    It seems that Pravada Online has suddenly become the “Old Gray Lady” of birtherism. At Obama Release Your Records, commentators are excoriating Bill O’Reilly for doubting Sheriff Joe, while lauding Pravda as the only news site with the courage to stand up for truth. Here’s one example,

    “I used to laugh at Pravda for their lies and distortions about Soviet Russia and applaud the US press for their honesty.Now we have the exact reverse. We have to get truth from Russia, while we get lies and deception from the US MSM.

    “The world has gone mad with insanity.”

    If you are in the mood for head-shaking imbecility, you really must read the ORYR thread on O’Reilly, for truly, birthers have gone mad with insanity!

  225. justlw says:

    I’ve seen Scientist mention a few times that he’s been looking for, but has never found, a pro-Obama birther.

    I posit that you will also never be able to find a birther who is a Firehead, or a MSTie, or a Python. (Or a GrouchoMarxist.) On the other hand, it looks like all of these are frighteningly well-represented here.

    My hypothesis is that conspiracy theorism and an absurdist sense of humor cannot be co-resident in the same brain.

    Conversely, the latter seems to almost be a necessary component of the anti-conspiracist mindset.

    Or, Robinson’s Commentary on Birfer Mockery: “Oh bite me, it’s fun.”

    For Peter:

  226. Scientist says:

    justlw: I posit that you will also never be able to find a birther who is a Firehead, or a MSTie, or a Python. (Or a GrouchoMarxist.)

    No, everything to them is monumentally serious. The name and skin color of the temporary resident of the White House (who is either almost done or almost halfway done) is beyond mere life and death. Distant galaxies are impacted by the fact that he has only 1 citizen parent.

  227. Paul Pieniezny says:

    *rolls eyes*

    LOL!What a joke!The Pravda rag has been full of Birther nonsense for years.It is no different than citing Canadian Free Press for its Birtherism and claiming that somehow represents Canada. That is like citing The Globe as a reliable resource…

    You just make yourself look like an even more foolish joke here by citing such clear Birther resources.You might as well cite the Post & Email or WND and claim that they represent mainstream America.


    Pravda Online should not be confused with the paper Pravda, which is pro-communist party. Pravda Online is actually on the other end of the political spectrum, Russian nationalist and anti-muslim. Their viewpoint on Israel and on the Jews is ambiguous.

    Many of their articles are sensationalist. They manage to doubt the moon landings and claim the Soviet Union already sent people to Mars simultaneously, for instance. Why should they have problems with birfer stories? (birfer stories seldom make it to the Russian or Portuguese language sections, however).

    I suspect some authors may actually be paying Pravda Online to get their stories published to render them credibility. So, I do not think the birther authors of these stories are paid much.

  228. Greenfinches says:

    bob j:
    The press in the country where I live have, on occasion, run an article about the birther nonsense.

    ……Because anti-American birthers scream about this ” issue” like it has legitimacy.

    The thought is: If Americans think he is fake, maybe he is fake.

    It shows American weakness, which most countries will try to exploit. The world leaders ,and the people, who undertand the world are not questioning the President’s qualification to be President; they are questioning the abilty of an American populace, and its qualification to elect someone to office.

    I think that here in (the left-leaning parts of) England the American voter is not taken that seriously – not since 2004 when W was re-elected! The Guardian newspaper went into mourning.

    Birtherism is just a new joke.

  229. If you want to watch something different but GREAT, check this out. The reviews will tell you about it:

    I ordered it a few weeks ago and I just love it, the way it is done. Like a silent movie, with ballet and music from Mahler.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  230. Thrifty says:

    Four dead, forty injured in grenade blast at bus station in Nairobi, Kenya.

    I only mention it here because, predictably, a story about Kenya brought Birthers out to make cracks about it being Obama’s birthplace.

    Also, because Yahoo News comments sections draw the most horrible people on the planet, there were some disgusting racist comments like “4 dead blacks = 4 less criminals” and “that zoo just lost some of their animals to terrorism… that sucks”

  231. donna says:

    any further news about this?

    IL -Freeman and Jackson – Criminal Complaint’

    Freeman and Jackson, whose foolish complaints in Illinois failed, now are trying again.

    Jackson and Freeman have filed the following criminal complaint with the all 100 U.S. Senators. . . .
    The criminal complaint was also sent to the editor of a local newspaper.

    Not to the AG or DA? Weird… After all, these are the people that could initiate a criminal proceeding. Congress has no appetite or reason to become involved in this quixotic drama

    Jackson also delivered a package to his county sheriff today with information from Sheriff Arpaio’s press conference.

    Two additional fools being misled by the crackpot team. Hilarious… Let’s hope some senator will pick it up and run with it.

  232. Jackson has also filed treason charges against Obama, by sending letters to the FBI and the US Attorney. It is on the JagHunter website, and I did a Internet Article on it too.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  233. G says:

    A good clarification of the difference between those two similarly named sources. Thanks.

    Paul Pieniezny: Pravda Online should not be confused with the paper Pravda, which is pro-communist party. Pravda Online is actually on the other end of the political spectrum, Russian nationalist and anti-muslim. Their viewpoint on Israel and on the Jews is ambiguous.Many of their articles are sensationalist. They manage to doubt the moon landings and claim the Soviet Union already sent people to Mars simultaneously, for instance. Why should they have problems with birfer stories? (birfer stories seldom make it to the Russian or Portuguese language sections, however).I suspect some authors may actually be paying Pravda Online to get their stories published to render them credibility. So, I do not think the birther authors of these stories are paid much.

  234. G says:

    Interesting updates. Thank you both.

    Of course, these increasingly desperate attempts will end up like all the others before them – in the trash.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Jackson has also filed treason charges against Obama, by sending letters to the FBI and the US Attorney. It is on the JagHunter website, and I did a Internet Article on it too.Squeeky FrommGirl Reporter

    donna: any further news about this?IL -Freeman and Jackson – Criminal Complaint’Freeman and Jackson, whose foolish complaints in Illinois failed, now are trying again.Jackson and Freeman have filed the following criminal complaint with the all 100 U.S. Senators. . . .The criminal complaint was also sent to the editor of a local newspaper.Not to the AG or DA? Weird… After all, these are the people that could initiate a criminal proceeding. Congress has no appetite or reason to become involved in this quixotic dramaJackson also delivered a package to his county sheriff today with information from Sheriff Arpaio’s press conference.Two additional fools being misled by the crackpot team. Hilarious… Let’s hope some senator will pick it up and run with it.

  235. gorefan says:

    misha: We used to act out their albums

    My favorite was always — Abraham Lincoln did not die in vain, he died in Washington D.C.

  236. James M says:

    Al Halbert: So my assertions are once again based in FACT

    FACT – False Assertion Contradicting Truth?

  237. NBC says:

    Al Halbert: So my assertions are once again based in FACT, not merely wishing thinking that Obama has NOT provided the American Citizens an acceptable nativity for his ascension, but the World as well now questions his legitimacy and…..

    ROTFL… Noone is really questioning his legitimacy other than those who want to undermine the United States. I guess giving comfort to ‘the enemy’ has become a popular ‘FACT’?

    Sorry my friend, noone that matters is taking your musings or birthers seriously. And that drives you quite crazy does it not…

    Poor Al, so gullible in his hatred and fear, being manipulated by the puppetmasters.

  238. John Woodman says:

    Al Halbert: So my assertions are once again based in FACT

    To repeat a quote: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

  239. misha says:

    Al Halbert: So my assertions are once again based in FACT

    There are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics. – Mark Twain

  240. G says:

    Borowitz has been on a roll lately…

    misha: An important message from Rick Santorum:

  241. J. Potter says:

    Borowitz has been on a roll lately…

    So thoughtful of him to include the leeches!

    Santorum’s pick for Surgeon General: John Constantine!

  242. Keith says:

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Jackson has also filed treason charges against Obama, by sending letters to the FBI and the US Attorney.

    I’m having a hard time with the definition of ‘filed’ here.

  243. The Magic M says:

    misha: The web Pravda has zero to do with the newspaper during the Soviet Union. I stopped reading it when someone wrote how “Jewish filth” was ruining Russia.

    Sounds a lot like the “EU Times” which also is an online amalgamation of birther topics, thinly veiled anti-Semitic rants, extraterrestrial sightings and general conspiracy articles. I used to comment over there but the people around there make the WND crowd look like sociable intellectuals.

  244. Keith says:


    How come I just now found Ballantine’s Natural Born Citizenship Research blogsite?

    And I’d like to nominate it for listing under “The Good”.

  245. I think Ballantine first posted the Google Book search results in a comment here. I am glad he put the research in a blog post. His article Taking Down the Minor v Happersett Silliness is also excellent. John Woodman’s and Squeeky Fromm’s blogs both have very good articles on WKA


    How come I just now found Ballantine’s Natural Born Citizenship Research blogsite?

    And I’d like to nominate it for listing under “The Good”.

  246. Lupin says:

    Alabama Republican Primary voters:

    Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
    Christian: 14
    Muslim: 45
    Not sure: 41

    Do you believe in evolution, or not?
    Believe in evolution: 26
    Do not: 60
    Not sure: 13

    Mississippi Republican Primary voters:

    Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
    Christian: 12
    Muslim: 52
    Not sure: 36

    Do you believe in evolution, or not?
    Believe in evolution: 22
    Do not: 66
    Not sure: 11

    Ironically, these are the same a**h*les who think there should be a literacy requirement to vote.

  247. Arthur says:


    Thanks for ruining my day with your distressing statistics. Admittedly, I had long suspected that those who deny evolution and those who deny Obama’s Christianity would be kissing cousins, or as they say in Mississippi and Alabama, brother and sister.

  248. JPotter says:

    Lupin: Ironically, these are the same a**h*les who think there should be a literacy requirement to vote.

    LOL! Lupin +10! Quote of the Day as well.

  249. Lupin says:

    JPotter: LOL! Lupin +10! Quote of the Day as well.

    Humbly I must admit I stole it from Dkos. So no credit for me. But it IS an excellent point. Maybe you should introduce a science requirement to vote? 🙂

  250. Arthur says:

    Dr. C. was walking along a South Carolina beach when he saw an old bottle. He picked it up, pulled the cork, and out popped a genie.

    “Thank you, Oh Master, for releasing me,” the genie exclaimed. “Because of your kindness I will grant you three wishes. But I must caution you that whatever you ask for, every birther will receive double.”

    “Not a problem,” said Dr. C., who was a very charitable fellow.

    “Very well then, what shall be your first wish?”

    “$10 million in small bills,” said Dr. C. unhesitatingly.

    “Good choice, Master!” And suddenly, right there on the beach were piles of $10s and $20s. And of course every birther also received $20 million, but as I said, Dr. C. was a very charitable fellow.

    “And your next wish, Master?”

    “A certified copy of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate,” said Dr. C. And presto! Right there on the beach appeared the form. And, of course, much to the befuddlement of birthers, two certified copies of Obama’s long-form appeared in their hands too, although none of them knew what to do with one, much less two.

    “And now, Master; what is your final wish?”

    Dr. C thought for a minute, and then said slyly, “You know, I’ve always wanted to donate a kidney . . .”

  251. This anti Birther argument might be helpful since Leon Panetta is in the spotlight:

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  252. Yes, the one on the right with all the stones.

    That was very funny.

    Arthur: Dr. C thought for a minute, and then said slyly, “You know, I’ve always wanted to donate a kidney . . .”

  253. Arthur says:

    I was happy to learn that Rush Limbaugh has now lost the advertising accounts of 140 companies.

  254. I was really hoping to hear something from Mississippi yesterday (Monday). Perhaps today.

  255. Keith says:

    I was happy to learn that Rush Limbaugh has now lost the advertising accounts of 140 companies.

    How long till the guys that yell

    ‘The silent hand of capitalism knows what is best! The market is all powerful and the market has chosen me to speak for it. My invective is what the market wants to hear, and I’ve got the advertisers to prove it’

    start screaming like a stuck pig that they are being denied free speech because the market has finally come to the conclusion that these guys are the pink slime that McDonalds rejected.

  256. Keith says:

    By the way, the thinkprogress article says that advertisers are pulling out of Beck and several others too.

  257. Majority Will says:

    Florida congressman joins ‘birther’ brigade
    By Steve Benen – Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:35 AM EDT

    (excerpt) “All I can tell you is that the general consensus is that he has produced a birth certificate. The question is, is it legitimate? That’s where we stand now. I’ve seen a copy of it on television. But you know the governor of Hawaii couldn’t get what he felt was an original of the birth certificate. He tried to do it and gave up on it.”


  258. JPotter says:

    Majority Will: Florida congressman joins birther’ brigade

    Nice one, MW….another spineless Red Weasel can’t stand up to his constituents.

  259. Lupin says:

    Rep. Stearns On Obama Birth’s Certificate: The Question Is, Is It Legitimate?’

    There’s obviously no penalty being paid for spouting crazy sh*t in politics.

  260. Paper says:

    He is playing to the wild cards in his district. He doesn’t have to worry what the whole country thinks, as much as those people in his local district. He clearly thinks this helps him there, and it may do so.

    Rep. Stearns On Obama Birth’s Certificate: The Question Is, Is It Legitimate?’

    There’s obviously no penalty being paid for spouting crazy sh*t in politics.

  261. y_p_w says:

    I got curious and looked up the “ALAN” birth certificate image again.

    I noticed something that piqued my curiousity. Most of it was redacted, but with quite a bit showing to show the signs of a real certificate. The signature of the “local registrar” is mostly obliterated, but I noticed “LT COL, MCS” was left intact as struck by a typewriter. It appears to me that the local registrar was probably an administrator at that military hospital and was authorized to indicate when the original certificate was accepted before it was delivered to the Health Dept.

    I think that was one also accepted by the “local registrar” four days before it was accepted by Hawaii. The first date was typewritten, but the second date was rubber stamped.

  262. For those brave enough to risk Orly’s web site, this bizarre bit of conspiracy thinking appears:

    Because of the persons mentioned and social-security numbers, I don’t think the story is appropriate for me to publish. It is strange though.

  263. Thrifty says:

    It’s a bit of a weird one. Something about a child molester being released from a Georgia jail early around the time Obama started his presidential campaign in 2007. I left the following comment, under a different name. Dunno if it’ll get past moderation

    “Hi Orly,

    Love your site. Keep fighting the good fight! We’ll get the Marxist usurper out any day now. The obots know their time is short.

    I don’t know if this will help, but I did find the criminal record of Bennie Edwards. I have a link in PDF format. The address is a little long, so I had to use a URL shortening service.

    The link leads to a YouTube video of Rick Astley singing “Never Gonna Give You Up”.

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