Who does Orly Taitz represent?

There is a legal adage that goes: “He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” I don’t quite have a snappy way to put this variation, but it might go something like: “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer should get a lawyer.” To Orly Taitz, a client is nothing more than a ticket to get her into a courtroom to argue her delusions and to bask in front of the TV cameras afterwards. She only represents herself.

Capt. Connie Rhodes (Rhodes v. MacDonald) learned that the hard way and scrambled to protect her military career by the advising the Court that she didn’t authorize the appeal Orly Taitz filed, and that Taitz no longer represented her.

Now Taitz has done it again, in the case of Farrar v. Obama in Georgia. When Orly Taitz presented her case in Atlanta, she didn’t even acknowledge the other plaintiffs in the case: Lax, Judy, Malaren and Roth; and she didn’t argue for their interests in her Proposed order.

While David Farrar was gracious in defeat, Orly Taitz wrote a most inflammatory letter to Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, on his behalf in which she accused administrative court judge Michael Malihi of “gross abuse of judicial discretion and in flagrant violation of the law,” and even worse:

This behavior of judge Malihi was so outrageous, that not only his advisory opinion needs to be set aside, as not grounded in any fact or law, but state and county grand juries and the Attorney General of Georgia need to launch a criminal investigation into actions of judge Malihi and possible direct or indirect undue influence by Obama.

Are these Farrar’s sentiments? Apparently not. He said:

I[t] was unauthorized. I am in the process of addressing this issue with my attorney even as we speak.

Much more silliness appears in Taitz’s Emergency Appeal to Secretary of State Kemp, including a claim that it was unfair for Judge Malihi to use a citation from another court that the defense didn’t cite. A real lawyer would have known better.

2012-02-04 Farrar v Obama Emergency Appeal to Secretary of State Kemp

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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98 Responses to Who does Orly Taitz represent?

  1. Perhaps commenters can come up with a better ending to:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”

    I thought of “should represent himself” and “needs a psychiatrist too.”

  2. donna says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …” also needs a new dentist and real estate agent

  3. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Perhaps commenters can come up with a better ending to:
    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”


    Go directly to Jail. Do not pass “Go”. Do not collect $200

  4. Arthur says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for lawyer will find something crazy in his briefs.” Just ask Charles Lincoln.

  5. J. Potter says:

    Much more silliness appears in Taitz’s Emergency Appeal to Secretary of State Kemp, including a claim that it was unfair for Judge Malihi to use a citation from another court that the defense didn’t cite.

    Birther rules!

    Dr. Conspiracy: “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”

    … will lose to furniture.
    … suffers a -5 penalty on all saving throws.
    … would be better off with no lawyer at all.
    … has gone over to the other side.
    … should save his receipts.
    … pays legal bills with Paypal.

  6. …should have a back-up plan.

  7. gmyers25 says:

    I could have read it, but I couldn’t get over the font that Orly uses for her personal info. I mean, I know that she isn’t a real lawyer but come on!

    Okay, I read some of it, and I don’t think that my mind is capable of the mental gymnastics necessary to understand her abysmal logic and equally abysmal legal arguments.

  8. Lupin says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”

    …doesn’t have a lawyer.

  9. Lupin says:

    How about:

    “Orly Taitz is to the legal profession…”

    “…what Jack the Ripper was to obstetrics”.

  10. J. Potter says:

    gmyers25: I could have read it, but I couldn’t get over the font that Orly uses for her personal info.

    She could do worse, but not much. First time I have seen her use this ‘style’—and SIZE!—I think. Far short of business like. Give that woman a template, somebody.

    We can choose not to read it, but unfortunately her target has to, or whoever the target delegates it to has to. Bad day at the office!

  11. DP says:

    He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer should throw himself upon the mercy of the court, pleading that he’s tried to fire her to no avail. She just keeps showing up and filing things.

  12. katahdin says:

    He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer…has a fool for a lawyer.

  13. PaulG says:

    How about:

    “Orly Taitz is to the legal profession…”

    “…what Jack the Ripper was to obstetrics”.

    what King Herod was to child-care.

  14. G says:

    Bonus points for the D&D reference!

    J. Potter: … suffers a -5 penalty on all saving throws.

  15. PaulG says:

    Much more silliness appears in Taitz’s Emergency Appeal to Secretary of State Kemp, including a claim that it was unfair for Judge Malihi to use a citation from another court that the defense didn’t cite.

    Ankeny was cited in the MtD filed on 12-15-2011 (and shot down shortly after. Bet Malihi regrets that order.)

  16. Obsolete says:

    He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer…has a case or claim so ridiculous that a real lawyer wouldn’t touch it.

  17. G says:

    Yeah… that is the ending I think is most appropriate right there.

    If we weren’t so used to Mad Orly by now, this 23 page filing of frothing crazy should shock and offend us. However, it has become so typically predictable outrageous Orly behavior, that I feel I’ve already said everything there is to be said about such things, dozens of times before.

    The day will soon come where some (or several) jurisdictions start to again hold her accountable for her vexatious and utterly unprofessional behavior.

    Someone as unstable as her has very little business being allowed out in public, let alone practicing law. In a more pragmatic world, she’d be safely straightjacketed and medicated in some padded cell somewhere…

    Dr. Conspiracy: “needs a psychiatrist too.”

  18. Daniel says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”

    … shouldn’t.

  19. BatGuano says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”

    ….. has no need for a circus clown.

  20. Sort of like “dog bites man” is not news.

    There’s a line that I think comes from the 1989 movie Scandal. In court the witness was confronted by a statement from someone and hen asked to explain why someone would say something that contradicted her, she said “Well he would, wouldn’t he?” She meant that people will say things that serve their own self interests.

    I always think of that moment when confronted by the latest outrage from the birthers. It’s what they do. What would be shocking would be a headline like “Orly Taitz submits professionally done and well-reasoned case” or “Mario Apuzzo addresses the issues fairly.”

    Obsolete: If we weren’t so used to Mad Orly by now, this 23 page filing of frothing crazy should shock and offend us. However, it has become so typically predictable outrageous Orly behavior, that I feel I’ve already said everything there is to be said about such things, dozens of times before.

  21. G says:

    There is a serious question that goes along with the very headline of this article:

    Can Orly even Appeal the SoS ruling in GA, once it takes place?

    Of her “plaintiff clients” (i.e. her stooge props) … only Farrar had “standing” to bring this issue as a GA resident. She never even bothered to represent her supposed other “clients”, who claim to be “candidates” for President. None of them will appear on the GA ballot in the first place and she never even tried to get their claims of candidacy into the record.

    Farrar sure doesn’t seem to appreciate her “respresentation” of him, in her latest two crazed and insultingly unprofessional accusatory “emergency” filings to the SoS.

    Once the SoS rules, her only recourse is through the Appeals process…and the SoS will be the defense.

    She can’t even attempt that without overcoming 2 key hurdles here:

    1.) She must have a willing client with “standing” in this GA case.

    2.) She must convince the courts to allow her to practice in GA or get some local sucker attorney to vouch for her and put their own career on the line in doing so.

    I seriously question whether Farrar will agree to continue along with her folly.

    Leah Lax, Cody Judy, Thomas MacLeran and Laurie Roth simply don’t have a pot to piss in here anymore, without Farrar being on board.

    Irion and Hatfield are most assuredly not going to vouch for Orly either.

    So, the question remains… can she even find a Court or local attorney foolish enough to let her continue to play her games in GA at all ???

  22. G says:

    That does beg one other question about the Appeals avenue.

    I know that Farrar has indicated that he will not pursue this further…

    …but he is the actual “plaintiff” in Orly’s mad fail quest here. If he changes his mind and *does* want to Appeal, he could always drop Orly and go with some other local GA representation for that stage of the process, right?

    Couldn’t he just swap out lawyers (maybe grab Hatfield or some other GA lawyer for that purpose?).

    G: I seriously question whether Farrar will agree to continue along with her folly.

  23. J. Potter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Sort of like “dog bites man” is not news.

    I was pointing this out once in regards to the Gospels. In each of the Gospels, each of the major miracles that is related in that Gospel, occurs only once in that Gospel. An exceptional occurence becomes less exceptional every time it repeats. If Christ had raised more than one dead guy, changed water into wine at every party, walked on water every day, resurrected himself more than once … they would all become party tricks. Watering down the miraculous into the mundane. “Yeah, yeah, another cripple is walking, great.”

    The one-note birthers need some new notes. “Whooo, another birther fail.” There never was suspense, now there’s only laughter. If not for gloating and spectacle and procrastination I wouldn’t be here. Nothing new!

    I do appreciate the dedication of those documenting the saga for future reference.

  24. J. Potter says:

    G: Couldn’t he just swap out lawyers (maybe grab Hatfield or some other GA lawyer for that purpose?).

    How would Orly react to being fired? LOL!

  25. G says:

    As badly as she reacts to everything else, I imagine…

    Fararr would be tarred as an “Obot traitor” by her in no time at all…


    J. Potter: How would Orly react to being fired? LOL!

  26. ASK Esq says:

    Sorry if I’m late to the party, but:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer…
    has the lawyer be deserves.”

  27. I had always heard that rulings from administrative law judges could be appealed, but in this case the actual decision is coming from Kemp and if something can be appealed, that is where it should go. If no appeal, a lawsuit against Kemp could always be filed. Any number of secretaries of state have been sued by birthers (e.g. Sec. Bowen in California, an Orly case).

    As to the question of a suit from Orly Taitz, I would think she could find some birther in Georgia willing to let her use them to file a suit.My understanding is that an out of state attorney need not have a local sponsor to appear before an administrative judge. I suppose that’s not true for a higher court.

    Tatiz’s Pro Hac petition was unopposed by Obama in the Farrar case (does this tell you something?) but a court could reasonably reject any Pro Hac petition in the future based on her prior sanctions in Georgia, and this most outrageous display of unprofessional conduct in the Farrar case.

    G: There is a serious question that goes along with the very headline of this article:

    Can Orly even Appeal the SoS ruling in GA, once it takes place?

  28. Stanislaw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Perhaps commenters can come up with a better ending to:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer …”

    …Has a really strong claim of legal malpractice.

  29. It seems to me that at least some of the miracle stories are structured to demonstrate the superiority of Jesus to the prophets.

    J. Potter: In each of the Gospels, each of the major miracles that is related in that Gospel, occurs only once in that Gospel

  30. G says:

    Wouldn’t she be limited in this situation to only appealing her existing case on the record?

    I would assume that she couldn’t just “Birther shop” to find an entirely new sucker to represent if Farrar doesn’t go along with it….

    Dr. Conspiracy: As to the question of a suit from Orly Taitz, I would think she could find some birther in Georgia willing to let her use them to file a suit.My understanding is that an out of state attorney need not have a local sponsor to appear before an administrative judge. I suppose that’s not true for a higher court.

  31. J. Potter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It seems to me that at least some of the miracle stories are structured to demonstrate the superiority of Jesus to the prophets.

    Not wanting to start a religion thread, just want to note that I agree. They demonstrate authority, as in why you should believe this guy. Why you can trust him above all others.

  32. G says:

    Is there a point where a legal malpractice claim can fail, because the client should have known better than to get such a disreputable and incompetent lawyer in the first place?

    Can that actually be used as a defense in such claims… that the client should have known better from the start???

    Stanislaw: …Has a really strong claim of legal malpractice.

  33. nbc says:

    Lakin denied license in Kansas

    Includes transcript of hearing and rulings.

  34. G says:

    Then again, none of those types of miracles were necessarily “new” ideas when Jesus was around either.

    Many prior religions in that overlapping region of the world already had their own strikingly similar tales of such types of miracles happening… from Osiris & Horus in Egypt, to Mithras in Persia to even the various gods and myths of the Greeks & Romans…

    J. Potter: I was pointing this out once in regards to the Gospels. In each of the Gospels, each of the major miracles that is related in that Gospel, occurs only once in that Gospel. An exceptional occurence becomes less exceptional every time it repeats. If Christ had raised more than one dead guy, changed water into wine at every party, walked on water every day, resurrected himself more than once … they would all become party tricks. Watering down the miraculous into the mundane. “Yeah, yeah, another cripple is walking, great.”

  35. Arthur says:

    nbc: Lakin denied license in KansasIncludes transcript of hearing and rulings.

    Couldn’t have happend to nicer birther.

  36. bovril says:

    Typical Birfoon, when he has to stand in front of a committee that will decide his professional competence to practice his trade, instead of going “Mea culpa, I had bad information, I realize now that my stance was nonsensical and I have learned” he continues with the whole, “I don’t believe, the BC is not real……”.

    No sympathy, all contempt.

  37. Comic Sans would have been worse.

    I thought it went rather well with her “Rancho” address. It has a cowboy, or perhaps a circus flair. I think the font is EF Algerian, or similar.


    If someone ever did a knockoff of this font, they could call it Taitzesque.

    Interesting read on typography for briefs:


    J. Potter: She could do worse, but not much. First time I have seen her use this ‘style’—and SIZE!—I think. Far short of business like. Give that woman a template, somebody.

  38. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Interesting read on typography for briefs:http://www.ca7.uscourts.gov/rules/type.pdf

    I also found the discussion of typography interesting. All birthers over the age of 60 should pay special attention to this section:

    “• Avoid setting text in all caps. The convention in some state courts of setting
    the parties’ names in capitals is counterproductive. All-caps text attracts
    the eye (so does boldface) and makes it harder to read what is in between—
    yet what lies between the parties’ names is exactly what you want the judge
    to read. All-caps text in outlines and section captions also is hard to read,
    even worse than underlining. Capitals all are rectangular, so the reader can’t
    use shapes (including ascenders and descenders) as cues. Underlined, allcaps,
    boldface text is almost illegible.”

  39. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I thought it went rather well with her “Rancho” address. It has a cowboy, or perhaps a circus flair. I think the font is EF Algerian, or similar.

    Are you saying the Orly Taitz is using a font named for an Arabic country that is 99% Muslim??

  40. Paul says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer…is ill-served.

  41. G says:

    Excellent find!

    I fully agree with KS denying his license and their underlying reasons, especially points #12 & #13.

    For those who want to see the underlying motions, they are here:



    And here was the source article that NBC referenced:


    From that source article, it lists Lakin’s current activity as:

    Lakin’s only recourse now is a judicial appeal, but he’s uncertain that he can afford the costs. He has a book coming out this month detailing his experiences.

    It should be noted that the original hearing and DENIAL took place on 10-21-11 and then he was DENIED again in the RECONSIDERATION on 12-22-11.

    The only change that was accepted in the 12-22-11 motion was an agreement to slightly change how they characterized his military charges, but the denial of his medical license stands in that reconsideration.

    nbc: Lakin denied license in KansasIncludes transcript of hearing and rulings.

  42. Scientist says:

    G: Is there a point where a legal malpractice claim can fail, because the client should have known better than to get such a disreputable and incompetent lawyer in the first place?
    Can that actually be used as a defense in such claims… that the client should have known better from the start???

    I doubt that is a valid defense.

    However, what exactly would Mr Farrar sue for? What damages has he suffered by losing this case? Obama will be on the Democratic ballot and Farrar is perfectly free not to vote for him. In fact, I know from reading his comments on TPM that he is a Tea Partier, and therefore, i doubt he is a Democrat, so he won’t be voting in the primary anyway. This isn’t like some accident victim who is left a pauper because his lawyer screwed up.

  43. G says:

    Agreed on those points.

    I do think he could file malpractice motions with the courts or the CA Bar that simply request her to be punished for failing to uphold her legal obligations of representation. In other words, simply bringing to their attention that she is violating the rules of conduct for her profession.

    I think that might be a different matter than claiming damages. I’ll leave it to the actual lawyers here to answer these questions for us…

    Scientist: I doubt that is a valid defense.However, what exactly would Mr Farrar sue for? What damages has he suffered by losing this case? Obama will be on the Democratic ballot and Farrar is perfectly free not to vote for him. In fact, I know from reading his comments on TPM that he is a Tea Partier, and therefore, i doubt he is a Democrat, so he won’t be voting in the primary anyway. This isn’t like some accident victim who is left a pauper because his lawyer screwed up.

  44. ASK Esq says:

    If someone ever did a knockoff of this font, they could call it Taitzesque.

    Can any of the computer experts here tell us if a font can be programmed to only write with poor grammar, rampant misspellings and extraneous commas?

  45. roadburner says:

    G: As badly as she reacts to everything else, I imagine…Fararr would be tarred as an “Obot traitor” by her in no time at all…LMAO!

    that would be a shame.

    i´ve been in contact with david for a few months on the web, and despite disagreeing with each other, he has in no way been offensive nor racist.

    he appears to have his own strong views on the issue, albeit misled, and has a tendency to listen more to the people who tell him what he wants to hear. on the whole, he doesn´t come across as a bad guy, just very fixed in his point of view as far as constitutional law is concerned.

    when he said he was being represented by orly, i suggested it wasn´t a good idea (o.k, i wasn´t that subtle) but he seemed to think she was his best bet. he seems to be regretting it now and appears to be horrified by her latest outburst.

    pity really, because out of all the birthers i´ve come across, i´d probably enjoy a beer with the guy, unlike the others.

  46. y_p_w says:

    Scientist: I doubt that is a valid defense.

    However, what exactly would Mr Farrar sue for?What damages has he suffered by losing this case?Obama will be on the Democratic ballot and Farrar is perfectly free not to vote for him.In fact, I know from reading his comments on TPM that he is a Tea Partier, and therefore, i doubt he is a Democrat, so he won’t be voting in the primary anyway. This isn’t like some accident victim who is left a pauper because his lawyer screwed up.

    Georgia has an open primary.

  47. Daniel says:

    ASK Esq:
    If someone ever did a knockoff of this font, they could call it Taitzesque.

    Can any of the computer experts here tell us if a font can be programmed to only write with poor grammar, rampant misspellings and extraneous commas?

    Well you could mix up which ascii code applies to which character…..

  48. Scientist says:

    y_p_w: Georgia has an open primary.

    I didn’t know that. Even so, how is Farrar damaged by Obama being on the ballot. He is not obligated to vote for him. So, even if a court found malpractice, it’s hard to see what compensation they could award him.

  49. y_p_w says:

    Scientist: I didn’t know that.Even so, how is Farrar damaged by Obama being on the ballot.He is not obligated to vote for him.So, even if a court found malpractice, it’s hard to see what compensation they could award him.

    Certainly I agree that monetary damages would be impossible to determine. However, I guess he did have standing to question the qualifications because he could theoretically vote for someone else – perhaps a write in in the Democratic PPP? It’s all one hell of a stretch though.

  50. jayHG says:

    Something is seriously wrong with this woman……I wonder why people who love her won’t offer any help her. She’s clearly got something mental going on. Does Orly assume that any lawsuit she brings means she will win. Does she understand very basic concept of how lawsuits work, which is that sometimes folks win, sometimes they lose and sometimes folks work out an agreement.

    It is clear that she’s convinced that she is supposed to go to court and do whatever she wants and make folks jump around at her whim. That’s how crazy folks think. Seriously..

  51. G says:

    LOL! The best write-up I’ve seen of this latest Orly madness is from Wonkette. They totally rip into her on her font choices.

    I give this my highest “must read of the day” recommendation for everyone looking for their LULZ:


    My favorite excerpt:

    Taitz, who evidently steals bedspreads from Las Vegas hotels and fashions them into suits, has now ordered an “emergency appeal,” which is the kind of thing that Actual Lawyers use when their client is about to be put to death, etc.

    But for Orly Taitz one Georgia citizen’s loss of a trial to prove Obama is a heathen from abroad is AKIN TO DEATH, so, writing in five different fonts, including underrated favorite of seventh-grade history presentations, StageCoach, and using, variously, all-caps, bold and underline to convey her point, Taitz has ordered for the criminal of investigation of the presiding judge in the case, Michael Malihi, and Obama’s lawyers, and of course Obama, as well as, probably, the court typist, the courtroom attendants, and that one elderly lady who was drinking from the water fountain outside the courtroom when the trial let out.

    Judging by the fact that between zero and one news outlets even covered the Farrar v. Obama ruling, really the only noteworthy thing about this is Orly Taitz’s ability to make a really strong case for herself as a lawyer by insulting a judge and otherwise throwing a tantrum in broken legalese.

    The comments over there are always a must read as well. From what there is so far, these are my favorites:

    If you put ten baboons in a room with ten typewriters, made them each drink a Red Bull Slurpee and then rigged the typewriters so that certain keystrokes would fire a Taser dart at one of the other baboons… Orly Taitz wouldn’t have to write her own legal appeals.

    Loosing to an empty chair will not look good to all her other high profile clients. Well at least she always has biting the heads of chickens at state fairs to fall back on.

    Is Orly Jerome Corsi in drag or vice versa?

    Oily apparently has her brain on caps lock permanently

    Is it just me, or does the text of that appeals brief become progressively smaller and smaller point as it goes? Almost as if the writer is slowly running out of air because they keep shouting so fast…

    On a serious note of her craziness, one of the commenters over there went to Orly’s site and reports that Orly is now pushing this as her latest connect-the-dots conspiracy madness:

    Coincidence… 1] hussein dunham meets secretly with supreme court 2] law clerk hired for judge carter shortly before Orly hearing 3] eric holder apparently seen entering judge land court house before hearing 4] Orly hawaiian hearing changed from before hussein’s arrival to after hussein leaves hawaii 5] Iranian valerie jarrett speaks in ATLANTA shortly before the iranian judge malihi hearing in Atlanta….hmmmm????

    *facepalm* *rolls eyes* *facepalm*

    ASK Esq: If someone ever did a knockoff of this font, they could call it Taitzesque.Can any of the computer experts here tell us if a font can be programmed to only write with poor grammar, rampant misspellings and extraneous commas?

  52. Bob says:

    An oopsie in your write-up: Farrar, Lax, Judy, et al were plaintiffs, not defendants.
    IANAL, but it would seem to me that they would have a cinch malpractice suit against Orly, except that damages would be impossible to quantify. Then there’s the whole point of what kind of idiot would ever have Orly as attorney.

  53. bovril says:

    C’mon…..no one has yet mentioned WingDings as the Taitz Legal Font of Choice……..

    Yer slacking folks…. 😎

  54. G says:


    Actually, the Wonkette folks did mention Wingdings in their comments.

    Someone there suggested it for her and the response was that if she did, her filings would still “retain the same level of parsability”


    bovril: C’mon…..no one has yet mentioned WingDings as the Taitz Legal Font of Choice……..Yer slacking folks….

  55. bovril says:

    Low minds think alike…… 😎

  56. J. Potter says:

    bovril: C’mon…..no one has yet mentioned WingDings as the Taitz Legal Font of Choice……..

    Speaking of that, remember her trouble with checking boxes? Doc posted instructions for inserting a new checkbox, a moderate pain. I finally fired up Word (not a fan) and gave the subpoena file a spin. All you have to do to check the existing boxes is right-click on’em and change the properties. If you left-click, you get a typing cursor to the left … right …. where …. Orly makes her X’s.

    Pretty petty criticism to make, but par for course Orly. I keep picturing her cursing her stolen laptop … “Nohhhh! Go eeeen it, the box! Eeeeeen the box! Eenfernul So-shee-list box! …. ***posting on blog*** E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y-!-!-! Needs boxes willing to be checked. As many as possible.”

  57. G says:

    LOL! So they were pre-formatted check boxes all along…

    No surprise that Orly would manage to even screw up something as basic as that… LMAO!

    J. Potter: Speaking of that, remember her trouble with checking boxes? Doc posted instructions for inserting a new checkbox, a moderate pain. I finally fired up Word (not a fan) and gave the subpoena file a spin. All you have to do to check the existing boxes is right-click on’em and change the properties. If you left-click, you get a typing cursor to the left … right …. where …. Orly makes her X’s.Pretty petty criticism to make, but par for course Orly. I keep picturing her cursing her stolen laptop … “Nohhhh! Go eeeen it, the box! Eeeeeen the box! Eenfernul So-shee-list box! …. ***posting on blog*** E-M-E-R-G-E-N-C-Y-!-!-! Needs boxes willing to be checked. As many as possible.”

  58. J. Potter says:

    G: LOL! The best write-up I’ve seen of this latest Orly madness is from Wonkette. They totally rip into her on her font choices.

    Broadcasters simply can’t afford to waste precious air time on this.
    Gods bless the infinite capacity of the interwebs!

  59. Daniel says:

    Orly “files” an Election challenge in Indiana. In her submission she includes her “proposed summary of facts of law” from GA, but completely fails to note that the Judge did not use it, and also fails to include the decision from the GA hearing.

    IANAL, but I would think including a proposed judgement from another case, but failing to disclose the Judges decision that went against you, would be seen as unethical for a lawyer?

    http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=31294 (malware warning)

  60. Rickey says:


    It should be noted that the original hearing and DENIAL took place on 10-21-11 and then he was DENIED again in the RECONSIDERATION on 12-22-11.

    Originally it was announced that Lakin’s book would be published last September, and then mid-January, but it still isn’t available. Since it is a vanity project, I wonder if he is having trouble coming up with the cash to pay the publisher. It’s interesting that Joe Farah apparently isn’t willing to publish it, particularly seeing as how his lackey Unruh is involved.

  61. donna says:


    i guess she’s ignoring

    Ankeny v Gov of Indiana – Natural Born Defined – Born on US Soil regardless of citizenship parents

  62. Greatkim says:

    Orly better find herself a lawyer. Quick !

  63. Well Taitz SHOULD be a defendant.

    Bob: An oopsie in your write-up: Farrar, Lax, Judy, et al were plaintiffs, not defendants.

  64. donna says:

    01-20-2009 – Ankeny v Governor of Indiana – Defendant’s Memorandum in support of Motion to Dismiss

  65. Benji Franklin says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a tin lawyer is a foil, not a client.”

    Benji Franklin

  66. richCares says:

    hey, there is one good thing about Orly, what we need is a contest to find what that one thing is.

  67. G says:

    Yeah, sounds like Lakin is facing a number of money woes in every report I see on him.

    No sympathy for him or even his family. He brought it on himself and his family has shown over time that they have been helping to support and reinforce his delusions.

    Rickey: Originally it was announced that Lakin’s book would be published last September, and then mid-January, but it still isn’t available. Since it is a vanity project, I wonder if he is having trouble coming up with the cash to pay the publisher. It’s interesting that Joe Farah apparently isn’t willing to publish it, particularly seeing as how his lackey Unruh is involved.

  68. Northland10 says:

    “He who has Orly Taitz for a lawyer…is ill-served.

    He who is sued by Orly Taitz is never served.

  69. G says:

    Very accurate. I nominate this as another one of my favorites.

    Benji Franklin: “He who has Orly Taitz for a tin lawyer is a foil, not a client.”Benji Franklin

  70. G says:

    Jerry Springer level entertainment value…

    richCares: hey, there is one good thing about Orly, what we need is a contest to find what that one thing is.

  71. y_p_w says:

    G: Jerry Springer level entertainment value…

    Unlike Orly, Jerry Springer graduated from a real law school and worked for a real law firm.


    However, his status is inactive, and his Ohio license file shows an address and job title that he hasn’t had in years.

  72. misha says:

    Hey Orly: go back to your West Bank settlement, where people will applaud you for beating up Arabs. And take your bouncer Foreign Minister Lieberman with you.

    Birds of a feather, and all that.

  73. misha says:

    “Who does Orly Taitz represent?”

    The asylum inmates where she used to live. Orly and Andrew Adler dirty the rest of us.

  74. justlw says:

    If someone ever did a knockoff of this font, they could call it Taitzesque.

    Should the practice of randomly rendering blocks of text in capital letters be henceforth known as “Taitz-up” ?

  75. Judge Mental says:

    David Farrar has written to Kemp disassociating himself from Orly’s allegations of criminality on the part of Malihi which were contained in the Emergency Appeal she sent.

    He then proceeds to ask for reconsideration on the grounds of errors by Malihi, quoting Appuzzo’s flawed analysis.

    Farrar himself posted the text of his letter to Kemp at Sqeaky Fromm’s in the comments section here…


  76. J. Potter says:

    Judge Mental: David Farrar has written to Kemp disassociating himself from Orly’s allegations of criminality on the part of Malihi which were contained in the Emergency Appeal she sent.

    Yay! Maybe there’s hope for him yet!

    Judge Mental: He then proceeds to ask for reconsideration on the grounds of errors by Malihi, quoting Appuzzo’s flawed analysis.

    … or not.

    Not much difference between a lil’ bit o’cwazy and a lot’a’bit o’crazy. Just 2 letters.

  77. Tomas says:

    Now the birthers are attacking the Judge..

    “Immediately after hearing that Georgia Judge Michael Malihi ruled against the Plaintiffs in the case regarding Obama’s eligibility to be on the 2012 presidential ballot, and hearing that Malihi was a Muslim Iranian, I decided to find out all I could about him. Is his ancestry really Iranian? Is his faith really Muslim? And did either of these things, if true, play a role in his decision to side with Obama in the Georgia eligibility hearing?”


  78. Arthur says:

    Farrar’s decision break off with Orly and embrace Mario has all the logic of giving up smoking in order to chew tobacco.

    Judge Mental: David Farrar has written to Kemp disassociating himself from Orly’s allegations of criminality on the part of Malihi which were contained in the Emergency Appeal she sent.
    He then proceeds to ask for reconsideration on the grounds of errors by Malihi, quoting Appuzzo’s flawed analysis.

  79. Joe Acerbic says:

    ASK Esq:

    Can any of the computer experts here tell us if a font can be programmed to only write with poor grammar, rampant misspellings and extraneous commas?

    That would have nothing to do with a font. It would have to be a spell “checker” programmed with Orly spelling and grammar. Think e.g. MS Word grammar check pointing out commas that don’t belong and do the opposite. Maybe a website that would Orlynate any text fed to it 🙂

  80. Keith says:

    Rickey: Since it is a vanity project, I wonder if he is having trouble coming up with the cash to pay the publisher.

    Quick! Nobody tell him about Lulu.

  81. Paper says:

    Better a fool for a client than Orly Taitz as a lawyer.

  82. John Reilly says:

    Re Farrar writing to Kemp:

    The lawyers here ought to be able to help, but something strikes me as wrong in having two appeals from one party. Except of course that Dr. Taitz is really a party in her own mind.

  83. So I was going down the road this afternoon and I saw a hair styling salon. Their sign used the same font as Orly’s heading in her Emergency SoS (pun intended) letter.

  84. I have written a new article titled: Out of the frying pan and into the Apuzzo, but I’m afraid to upload it until I get the database issues worked out.

    Arthur: Farrar’s decision break off with Orly and embrace Mario has all the logic of giving up smoking in order to chew tobacco.

  85. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Comic Sans would have been worse.

    But more descriptively accurate, perhaps.

  86. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    So I was going down the road this afternoon and I saw a hair styling salon. Their sign used the same font as Orly’s heading in her Emergency SoS (pun intended) letter.

    Sure, it’s inspired by old display type. And attractive to middle-aged women?
    At least she hasn’t resorted to Comic Sans.

    No comments or categories appearing at right, but the site is up! Good luck!

  87. Bran Mak Morn says:

    Well, looks like one Indiana birther-blogger realizes how insane Orly is to try to bring a case into Indiana, even if he disagrees with Indiana’s ruling:


  88. Arthur says:

    Hey Nerds:

    There’s been a lot of talk about font’s on this thread; here are two humorous videos on the subject:



  89. richCares says:

    it’s a good idea to wear garlic when meeting Orly, note that she is never seen during daylight hours. I never believed in Vampires untill Orly arrived on the scene.

  90. misha says:

    richCares: I never believed in Vampires untill Orly arrived on the scene.

    She spent time in Romania, so there’s an explanation: http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s5i9982

  91. Daniel says:

    Well partly right, see Orly is Moldavian vampires. Now Moldavian vampires are like Transylvanian vampires in many respects, except that instead of sucking blood, Moldavian vampires suck eggs.

    You can always tell when a Moldavian vampire has struck, because all the chickens are in a mysterious trance, and each egg has two small holes in the shell.

    The only way to kill a Moldavian vampire… is to drive an Omelet through her heart.

  92. G says:

    LOL! 🙂

    Daniel: Well partly right, see Orly is Moldavian vampires. Now Moldavian vampires are like Transylvanian vampires in many respects, except that instead of sucking blood, Moldavian vampires suck eggs.You can always tell when a Moldavian vampire has struck, because all the chickens are in a mysterious trance, and each egg has two small holes in the shell.The only way to kill a Moldavian vampire… is to drive an Omelet through her heart.

  93. dellmartin says:

    Why doesn’t she just go away?!?! She’s a laughing stock and belongs in an asylum.

  94. Majority Will says:

    Why doesn’t she just go away?!?!She’s a laughing stock and belongs in an asylum.

    If only it was that easy.

  95. G says:


    Majority Will: If only it was that easy.


    dellmartin: She’s a laughing stock and belongs in an asylum.

  96. Nathanael says:

    J. Potter: How would Orly react to being fired? LOL!

    Well, she was fired by Rhodes.

    And in the present case we may be on the brink of finding out. TFB reports someone posted over at Reality Check that Farrar has fired her after her latest vitriole-filled filing.

    Farrar may be a crazed birther, but in my interactions with him he’s always struck me as well-mannered and generally polite. I can’t imagine him being happy with a double-helping of Orlytaunt, particularly when it’s got his name attached and may well be opening him to monetary damages.

    ‘Course we know what Orly’s reaction will be: “They got to my client!”

    No, Orly — it was you. YOU got to your client. He couldn’t take any more of YOU.

  97. She’s filed an appeal on behalf of Farrar in Fulton County Superior Court. I presume that she still represents Farrar.

    Birthers are not all that good at learning lessons.

    Nathanael: And in the present case we may be on the brink of finding out. TFB reports someone posted over at Reality Check that Farrar has fired her after her latest vitriole-filled filing.

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