Zombie files in Georgia court

Orly Taitz, asserting that her needs are more important than the State of Georgia Superior Court Rules, files a request for Letters Rogatory with the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia. Taitz, who is “dead” insofar as her admission to practice law in Georgia, lumbers across the telecommunications pathways and files again, perhaps in a vain attempt to suck the brains from Judge Cynthia D. Wright. I don’t know – those 41 pages might suck the brains out of anyone.

Guess what Orly? Insulting the court doesn’t go over any better when coming from a zombie than a real lawyer.

It is apparent, though, that this court places form over substance

Perhaps another nasty letter from a Georgia Court to the California Bar Association is due?

2012-2-19 FARRAR v OBAMA APPEAL FCSC -Petition for Letters Rogatory

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Zombie files in Georgia court

  1. donna says:

    enter the cockroaches – QUICK, turn on the lights

    GA – Farrar v Obama – Cody Robert Judy

    Motion to Proceed Pro Se with Supporting Memorandum

    page 10 #18: Petitioner is simple; an American boy hoping the Court will call out corruption rather than shrink into it by granting his Motion to proceed pro se.


  2. ASK Esq says:

    Every time I think Orly can’t do anything that is more confusing and absent of any legal understanding than what she has done in the past, she manages to surprise me. She states that the Petition is related to the original case. Well, isn’t the original case over and done with? Please, can someone explain?

  3. G says:

    *face palm*

    And Orly directly goes to insinuating that Malihi’s Iranian background is to blame… *sigh*

    It is one step beyond reprehensible paranoid crazy when she makes such accusations on her website. It is quite a leap beyond that for her to do the same in her actual filings to a court…

  4. A problem, I think. Cody Judy is not a Georgia resident, and not an “elector” according to the statute. He has no standing under Georgia Law to challenge the Ballot.

    I believe that this fellow is the same Cody Judy that tried to get Mormon First President Howard Hunter to read a three-page document that supposedly detailed God’s plan for Judy to lead the church, threatening Hunter and a crowd of 15,000 with a suitcase in which he said there was a bomb.

    In true Mormon tradition, Hunter set his face like flint and refused.


    donna: enter the cockroaches – QUICK, turn on the lights

    GA – Farrar v Obama – Cody Robert Judy

  5. G says:

    LOL! You were right about this whole thing & #18 in his motion…

    …I also found #15 to be quite a standout doozy as well…

    15) Petitioner ,Cody Robert Judy, herein states simply that this Constitutional demand for President is not a partisan issue, nor is a political doctrine question for the courts to escape breeding the appearance of bribery and corruption upon Georgia for awards such as a license to build two reactors at a nuclear plant in Georgia, or the Savannah Harbor and Expansion Project going forward. The corruption appearance is seen as a rubber stamp on the extinction of the United States Constitution providing the appearanceof a positive reward for depreciating the document binding the United States rather thanan incentive for upholding the reputation of the United States Constitution as the greatest protection of individual rights against the majority the world has ever seen.

    *rolls eyes*

    donna: enter the cockroaches – QUICK, turn on the lightsGA – Farrar v Obama – Cody Robert JudyMotion to Proceed Pro Se with Supporting Memorandumpage 10 #18: Petitioner is simple; an American boy hoping the Court will call out corruption rather than shrink into it by granting his Motion to proceed pro se.http://www.scribd.com/doc/82237906/2012-02-18-FARRAR-v-OBAMA-APPEAL-FCSC-Cody-Robert-Judy-Georgia-Pro-Se-Motion-Memorandum

  6. G says:

    Yes, that is the same mentally unstable Cody Robert Judy from the Morman briefcase bomb claim…

    In addition to the points you made about his standing, I would also like to point out that his claims as a “Democratic Presidential Candidate” are meaningless to the issue in GA as well. It is immaterial that he’s done the cheap federal filing, as he’s NOT on the GA ballot at all.

    Dr. Conspiracy: A problem, I think. Cody Judy is not a Georgia resident, and not an “elector” according to the statute. He has no standing under Georgia Law to challenge the Ballot.I believe that this fellow is the same Cody Judy that tried to get Mormon First President Howard Hunter to read a three-page document that supposedly detailed God’s plan for Judy to lead the church, threatening Hunter and a crowd of 15,000 with a suitcase in which he said there was a bomb.In true Mormon tradition, Hunter set his face like flint and refused.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cody_Judy#Cody_Judy

  7. richCares says:

    During the last trial that Orly was at, a large part of those in attendence were wearing garlic around their necks. I strongly suggest wearing siver crosses instead, it is like killing 2 birds with one stone.

  8. John Potter says:

    A double helping of silliness today, Doc; thanks for serving it up! Only a few more months until the primary challenges are behind us, so we can get on to the real show, challenging the Democratic Party’s right to nominate Obama. And then after the election, pointless attempts to block certification of election results! Sour grapes for months. And then the inauguration … Haskins will still be carrying on about how the Birthers went wrong … without ever admit[ting] that they just plain got it wrong. In Obama’s 7th year, this crap will finally wane, as the next election cycle winds up, and the nutters will be fixated on their chance to finally replace Obama. Will the country give in to another rightwing backlash? Oy.

  9. Lupin says:

    Orly is like a pet monkey throwing feces around at a party. Bizarrely, all the party goers appear to tolerate the monkey.

  10. AnotherBird says:

    Substance? I just love that word. Maybe, Ms. Taitz should spend more time finding “substance” for her claims. Every claim she has brought to the courts on this issue has no “substance.” The end result will be that the courts will have no more of her frivolous lawsuits. That is another word I like “frivolous.”

  11. Rickey says:

    John Potter:
    Haskins will still be carrying on about how the Birthers went wrong … without ever admit[ting] that they just plain got it wrong.

    Speaking of Haskins, his “Birther Summit” is only five weeks away. I wonder how that is working out?

  12. richCares says:

    “Speaking of Haskins, his “Birther Summit” is only five weeks away. I wonder how that is working out”

  13. G says:

    As richeCares mentioned, it has now formally been cancelled. See here for a link and detailed analysis:


    Rickey: Speaking of Haskins, his “Birther Summit” is only five weeks away. I wonder how that is working out?

  14. Arthur says:

    re: cancellation of the birther summit

    First, HA HA, titter, chuckle, belly laugh. Or Lord, what fools these birthers be.

    Second, I was amazed at the kind of money Dean Haskins said he need to produce this thing. From the press release announcing the cancellation:

    “Also in July, an extensive analysis was done to determine what it would take, financially and logistically, for an event like this to have any chance at success; and, the overall capital required was estimated to be in the neighborhood of $800,000. Of course, that figure included all the expenses related to bringing in and putting up the participating leaders of the movement for the first-day working conference, producing a large rally the next day (at least 15,000 attendees), and also marketing the event to the general public.”

    $800,000.00!? My God, even if Dean brought in 20 birther bull moose loonies and spent $10,000 a piece on them, that would still leave nearly half a million bucks to support the rally. WTF?

  15. misha says:

    Orly is like a pet monkey throwing feces around at a party. Bizarrely, all the party goers appear to tolerate the monkey.

    Actually, I’ve seen people say “he’s sooo cute,” as the feces fly. Same principle for Orly and her soulmate Lieberman. Before being elected to Parliament, Lieberman was a bouncer. Ah, only in Israel.

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