Birther appeals dismissed in Georgia

In an order today, the Judge Cynthia D. Wright of the Fulton County Superior Court dismissed appeals by all Petitioners (Farrar, Lax, Judy, Roth, Swensson, Powell, and Welden) in a series of ballot challenges raised against Barack Obama.

The court decided that under the U. S. Constitution and under Georgia Law, the Secretary of State may not interfere in the internal decision making of a political party, in this case the Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. Earlier the court had denied admission pro hac vice to Orly Taitz.

Read the order:

GA – 2012-03-02 – ORDER Dismissing Farrar, Swensson, Powell, And Welden Complaints

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Birther appeals dismissed in Georgia

  1. DanFromMo says:

    So Osama Bin Ladin could run for President? Oh Great! Yes, I hear he is dead but that won’t stop them in Georgia!

  2. Tarrant says:

    Even if he could, Dan, who would vote for him? The most fascinating, and damning thing to me, about birthers is not the fact that they want the black guy out of office via a magic reset button, it’s that they have zero faith in American voters. They believe that voters should essentially only be allowed to vote for the “right” candidates, and to ensure they do, the “wrong” candidates should simply be removed from the ballot. And they’re perfectly happy to redefine what a “right” candidate is, if someone they don’t like has a chance of winning. Note OPOVV’s rants at the P&E where he argues that anyone that any liberals, Muslims, Pagans, or atheists should simply be barred from candidacy within the US. A belief that wouldn’t be out of place in Iran.

    The amusing thing about this dismissal is that the judge ruled that Jablonski’s original Motion to Dismiss – the one that Malihi said was completely wrong when he denied it and insisted on having the circus that was his hearing, was correct all along – that, contrary to what Malihi ruled, the Secretary of State has no ability to prevent any candidate for President (and President only, because as we all know, you do not vote for President, you vote for electors) of a major party from being listed on the ballot if they are certified by said party.

    In essence, the judge ruled that the entire hearing shouldn’t have happened at all, which is exactly what Jablonski said from the start.

  3. I presume that there will be an appeal, even if the primary is this Tuesday.

    The approach taken by the Georgia Court seems to be the same we’re seeing other states.

    You know, what they might try would be to try to remove Obama from the Ballot in Hawaii in the general election because the Supreme Court of Hawaii has ruled before that the Secretary of State can exclude a general election candidate for President for ineligibility.

    Tarrant: In essence, the judge ruled that the entire hearing shouldn’t have happened at all, which is exactly what Jablonski said from the start.

  4. richCares says:

    So Osama Bin Ladin could run for President?
    hows that, Obama had him killed!

  5. BillTheCat says:

    DanFromMo: So Osama Bin Ladin could run for President? Oh Great! Yes, I hear he is dead but that won’t stop them in Georgia!

    As usual, another brilliant bit of logic from a birther!

  6. Arthur says:

    “The court decided that under the U. S. Constitution and under Georgia Law, the Secretary of State may not interfere in the internal decision making of a political party, in this case the Democratic Presidential Preference Primary.”

    This is the rationale that I thought would cover any and all primary ballot challenges and make moot any challenge from outside the party.

  7. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I presume that there will be an appeal, even if the primary is this Tuesday.

    The appeal courts have discretion to hear the case so they will likely deny to hear the case. It’s all the way down now…

    Beautiful sight really

  8. donna says:

    i say AGAIN

    for CONSISTENCY, i WISH the birthers followed their (il)logic with the gop candidates

    i have several unanswered questions about romney’s birtherstan natural born citizenship

    there are also questions about santorum & paul in birtherstan logic

    the only candidate that seems to qualify is newt

  9. G says:

    Congrats, you win the prize for the stupidest impossible imaginary scenario of the day!

    OBL never was an American at all, you moron. Same reason that Paul McCartney couldn’t be on a GA ballot either. *duh*

    But go on, keep crying your bitter Birther tears and throwing tantrums that only reveal how brain dead and ignorant you are..

    DanFromMo: So Osama Bin Ladin could run for President? Oh Great! Yes, I hear he is dead but that won’t stop them in Georgia!

  10. DP says:

    Question for the day:

    (1) If Osama bin Laden turned up alive in Georgia running for the Republican nomination;


    (2) Promised to suicide bomb the hated mainstream media, decried Obama as a socialist hater of religion, and called women using birth control sluts,

    Do you think he, too, could have his moment in the sun eclipsing Mitt Romney in the polls for a week?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Question for the day:

    (1) If Osama bin Laden turned up alive in Georgia running for the Republican nomination;


    (2) Promised to suicide bomb the hated mainstream media, decried Obama as a socialist hater of religion, and called women using birth control sluts,

    Do you think he, too, could have his moment in the sun eclipsing Mitt Romney in the polls for a week?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Only if Andrew Breitbart gave him his blessing.

    Which he is probably doing at the moment.

    Nobody expects the Saudi Inquisition!

  12. I think the Birthers would vote for Bin Laden provided he was running on the Republican ticket against Obama.

    Tarrant: Even if he could, Dan, who would vote for him?

  13. Well if you want answers to crazy hypothetical questions like that, you’re asking at the wrong place.

    DP: Inquiring minds want to know.

  14. J. Potter says:

    So Osama Bin Ladin could run for President?
    hows that, Obama had him killed!

    I’m pretty sure that’s why Obama had Osama killed. Politics is a ruthless business. Have to win at all costs, you know.

    Wait … what? Osama did what…? Oh, um, never mind.

  15. insomnia says:

    Donna: “the only candidate that seems to qualify is newt”

    Isn’t Newt adopted? What do the birthers think about people who are adopted?
    After all no one knows WHO his parents really are.
    Maybe the GOP has NO NBCs in the running at all!!

  16. DanFromMo says:

    Why even have a ballot challenge?

    Why are people removed from the ballot all time after challenges?

  17. J. Potter says:

    Why even have a ballot challenge?

    Why are people removed from the ballot all time after challenges?

    Even in broken English, you managed to answer yourself …. I think.

  18. misha says:

    insomnia: Isn’t Newt adopted?

    Yes, his surname was MacPherson, as in auto strut.

    insomnia: After all no one knows WHO his parents really are. Maybe the GOP has NO NBCs in the running at all!!

    No one ever asked to see George Romney’s BC, despite being born in Mexico. Why is that?

  19. misha says:

    DP: Inquiring minds want to know.

    Inquiring minds want to know if Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

  20. DanFromMo says:

    My understanding is that this challenge was in part that the Certifying Party did not bother to verify this candidate met the eligibility requirements!

  21. G says:

    What is your basis for that? Simply because you heard some rumor to that effect?

    Yeah… that pretty much sounds like the full extent of it.

    Simply put, there is no credible evidence that Certifying Parties did not do their proper jobs in accordance with their own rules and laws. All there are are unfounded rumours making such claims. Nothing more.

    DanFromMo: My understanding is that this challenge was in part that the Certifying Party did not bother to verify this candidate met the eligibility requirements!

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