Alabama supreme court judge goes coo coo for cocoa puffs

imageIf I had seen this story tomorrow, April Fool’s Day, I wouldn’t have believed it. The Friends of the Fogbow (who have a certain penchant for punking the birthers) have obtained an “unpublished” (so how did they get it?) concurring opinion appearing in McInnish v. Chapman from an associate justice of the Alabama Supreme Court that agrees that there is no original jurisdiction at Alabama Supreme Court to issue a writ of mandamus to a state official, nonetheless, he says there might be something to the allegations of a fake birth certificate. Associate Justice Parker wrote:

McInnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the “short form” and the “long form” birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public.

Of course WorldNetDaily is all over this.

In researching Associate Justice Tom Parker, I found sound academic credentials. I also found that he had addressed a Tea Party meeting, and spoke on a child welfare topic, arguing in favor of absolute parental rights until proven unfit.

Parker attempted to get his opponent removed from the ballot [text of lawsuit] in a previous judicial election, unsuccessfully. In that race, Judge Parker received a $146,000 contribution from the “Patriot PAC,” a conservative policy organization whose only political activity appears to be giving money to Parker.

Parker got a shout out at the Free Republic for his dissent from an Alabama Supreme Court decision upholding the administration of Drivers License written tests in Spanish.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Alabama supreme court judge goes coo coo for cocoa puffs

  1. But isn’t this what is really sad about Sheriff Joe and The Cold Case Posse to begin with??? That they lend an imprimatur of legal legitimacy to the whole forged birth certificate smear.

    As far as Parker, no one knows how deeply he went into the Posse’s alleged “findings”. My guess is that he just took them at face value, like a lot of people are probably doing.

    Sueeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  2. Dr.C:

    OK, this is for the birds. You just changed the title to “Coo Coo for cocoa puffs” which brings up an image of the cuckoo bird. And, at that same time I am doing a Internet Article on this with an image of an old buzzard.

    Synchronicity strikes again. Uncanny.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  3. J. Potter says:

    A Deep Red judge in the deep red south … I suggest modifying title for “Longtime Fan of Cocoa Puffs Orders Another Bowl” or perhaps, “Known Nutter Judge Churns out Another Jar”

    Simultaneously an argument for and against the election of judges! Politicians elected as judges are still … poilitcians, and beholden to the politically active, which tend to extremes. Yet if appointed to the bench, he’d be near-impossible to remove!

  4. Phil Cave says:

    “Unpublished” is legalese.

    Prior to the internet when people only had books and paper documents there were many opinions in case written, but they weren’t published in the book/paper format. Because of that they have no precedential value and are considered dispositive on an issue. That situation remains, it’s just that now all of the documents can go on line.

  5. Dave says:

    IANAL, but anyhow, I believe that when an opinion is “unpublished” it doesn’t mean it’s a secret. Courts designate opinions as “published” if the court believes it contains material that should be used as precedent in future cases. Otherwise it is called “unpublished.”

    Getting futher out on a limb, I believe that when lawyers cite legal authority in a brief, they are not allowed to cite a case unless the court that issued it designated it as “published.”

  6. richCares says:

    n April 28, 2012 Jimmy Kimmel will headline the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Parker will not attend, also Sheriff Joe has not responded to his invitation yet. Chances are high he will not attend. Birthers beware!

  7. J. Potter says:

    n April 28, 2012 Jimmy Kimmel will headline the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Parker will not attend, also Sheriff Joe has not responded to his invitation yet.Chances are high he will not attend. Birthers beware!

    So the birther roast will not become an annual tradition?

    Jimmy Kimmel? A dull choice. IMO.

  8. Al Halbert says:


    Once again SHOOT the messenger, not the message, much less how his OPINION is wrong on his legal reasoning. Please NOTICE his opinion is specifically written in page 2 paragraph II:

    “Mclnnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the short form’ and the long form’ birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been made public.”

    Your disinformation is blatant today, as well as your blind faith in all that is Obama.

    Entire decision is published at the following link

  9. Thanks for leaving that comment. I didn’t want to seem piling on in the article, so I didn’t mention it.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: New Justice Parker slower than colleagues

  10. Oh you don’t know the half of it. Crazy synchronous stuff goes off around me constantly.

    Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter: Synchronicity strikes again. Uncanny.

  11. Why did you post a link in your comment that was already in the article you’re commenting on and then quote the section already in the article? I fail to understand how anything you said describes “disinformation” on my part.

    If you have an argument as to why the Alabama Supreme Court was in error when denying original jurisdiction in the McInnish case, present it. However, farting in our general direction is counterproductive, The wind is blowing towards you.

    Al Halbert: Your disinformation is blatant today, as well as your blind faith in all that is Obama.

    Entire decision is published at the following link

  12. Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh you don’t know the half of it. Crazy synchronous stuff goes off around me constantly.

    Well, let me give you a weird one. A few days ago, I was doing a Internet Article on Jeffrey Kuhner, and I was teasing him because he is President of the Edmund Burke society. And I was using William Burke, the grave robber to tease him with. Sooo, I was reading about Edmund Burke on Wiki, and typing, and LO AND BEHOLD!, somebody on TV, I think it was maybe somebody on FOX, said “Edmund Burke said Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.”

    Sooo, I locked the doors and got out my tin foil.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  13. Majority Will says:

    I’m all for any birther bigots on the bench embarrassing themselves with vociferous public pronouncements.

    Proudly and loudly proclaim your angry birther jackassery.

    It’s reelection gold.

  14. J. Potter says:

    Al Halbert: Your disinformation is blatant today, as well as your blind faith in all that is Obama.

    My allegiance is to reason. That allegiance alone compels me to detest birtherism. If only birthers could get out of their own heads once in awhile.

  15. Rickey says:

    J. Potter:
    A Deep Red judge in the deep red south …

    And from the same state which gave us Judge Roy Moore.

  16. Northland10 says:

    Al Halbert quoting Judge Parker: “if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation,”

    Yet, it is this part that the Birthers are unable to figure out. Even by that judges statement, the Birthers will continue to fail.

  17. J. Potter says:

    Rickey: And from the same state which gave us Judge Roy Moore.

    …. who couldn’t bring himself to defend Parker in the article Squeeky linked to!

    Defend re: performance, not re: birtherism.

    Really telling that the guy has so much work, and chooses to put some effort into birther actions. Assuming he is prioritizing (a big assumption … ?), he’s put birtherism ahead of a couple dozen other cases. But hey, it involves the President, it must be tops in importance, riiiiiiight? *wink, wink*

  18. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I didn’t want to seem piling on in the article, so I didn’t mention it.

    Out of the same fairness, I will avoid linking to the lovely photo of him hanging out with members of the League of the South and the Council of Conservative Citizens.

  19. G says:

    Well said! DITTO!

    J. Potter: My allegiance is to reason. That allegiance alone compels me to detest birtherism. If only birthers could get out of their own heads once in awhile.

  20. OH, this judge has got a lot more going on than anybody ever realized!!! Parker was born Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk in Breda, the Netherlands. I just did a Internet Article on this and Judge Tom Parker has got a lot of explaining to do.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

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