I’ve seen a few commenters here over at the AZ Central web site where Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being discussed. One commenter there left this in response a comment by me (although not referring in the main to my comment):
What I see continually posted on these numerous news story comment pages is a disparagement of law enforcement including county sheriffs of Arizona. Hundreds and hundreds of comments making wild claims of sadistic murder, calls for white holocaust, claims the Sheriff seizes Hispanics without just cause, claims of lawless warrants, corrupt judges and a criminal judiciary. Now one can do that only for so long. Eventually one gets an uprising against civil government. And there are those endorsing that as well, promoting it, providing books, pamphlets, Ernesto Che Guevara posters as a Hispanic hero, false history and claims all property titles in the state are null and void. Stolen land all from the current group of cadres. I gather people are justifying here and gaining momentum for the Revolutionary Cadres with their raised fist of Marxist Revolution symbology and their AK-47’s for their Glorious Day of anarchy. Smears and denunciations of civil government without stop will do it. One fact and 50,000 lies will do it. And that is the tip, the smear campaign Sir. These people want blood and they mean to have it, but it will all flow from others. All they need now is a few martyrs to the cause, or plausible dead which can be called martyrs of convenience. That is what I see.
So if you are the lone denouncer using a fact, it is just more to the tide who simply don’t care. Viva la revolución
This writer, it seems, feels a great deal of fear about Hispanic Americans. It reminds me of feelings in the South before the Civil War, that there would be an uprising of slaves that would turn on their owners and kill them, particularly since in some parts of the South, the black population outnumbered the white. Great effort was made to keep the slaves from learning to read, and to prevent them from congregating. Slave uprisings, such as they were, and imagined slave uprisings were dealt with brutally. I think that much of the fear was based on guilt about slavery itself.
I don’t want to read too much into the comment above, except to say that the individual seems to share some of the fears of whites in ante bellum South Carolina.
The comment has a strange structure. Going from alleging hundreds of allusions of civil rights abuses and crimes on the part of AZ law enforcement, written to imply such allegations are baseless:
And then the writer turns, suddenly stating that such actions would lead to widespread unrest, even revolt:
So, they make an allegation, provide no proof, and assert that the rebuttal of any such aspersion on AZ law enforcement is the absence of an open rebellion?
So, the cart is before the horse? I have been told you are a thief, but if you were a thief you would be in jail. Makes perfect sense. And it’s operfectly OK for frightwingers to discuss possible “civil disobedience”?
Perhaps we should suggest the militias join up with the oppressed “hispanics”! One revolts against teh left side of the government, the other against the right, like a tag team revolucíon!
That same poster made this comment to me,
“Thank you for commenting on Thomas Jefferson’s active part in fraud, though he is not a Founding Father of the United States and was merely an attorney and a former President. Have a nice day.”
This was a strange comment. First because birthers are always misquoting Jefferson and second because I had not even mentioned Jefferson.
Then she posted,
“I correct my self and apologize. You did not mention Thomas Jefferson. However my facts about him are correct.”
So I posted some facts about Jefferson and his various postions in the new government.
and her response,
“it should be remembered that Thomas Jefferson adopted much of the atheistic theory of the French Revolution while in France and returned to the US a complete atheist, slashed his Bible up into a few quaint verses which is called the Jefferson Bible, or possibly all the stuff I don’t like kicked out Bible.”
“it was Thomas Jeffersons personal letter issued in 1812 which contained the words “separation of church and State” which is now presented as Constitutional law by a (none) Founding Father of the US Constitution as its unimpeachable intent within the document, though quoting from a mans personal letters. A man who never was at the Constitu6tional Convention and debated nothing on the document.”
So now I got it, she blames Jefferson for not being able to put up a nativity scene at her kids school.
This whole thing just shows another form of clear Projection by these folks. THEY are the ones who fantasize about civil unrest and fomenting uprisings.
They are simply expressing their desperate desire to goad others into enabling their self-fulfilling prophecy fetishes.
The way I read it, she says that anything that suggests that Hispanics are not being well-treated by law enforcement invites them to take AK-47s and kill white people, and that left wing radicals are a powder keg just waiting for a spark to explode. Or perhaps that if the authority of government is undermined by criticism, it will lose control and the well-armed non-white radical (whoever they are) lefts will start a race war.
What I read is lunacy…pure and simple. It looks to me like it’s the same nonsense I’ve been reading and hearing going back almost 50 years
The John Birch Society used to hand out mimeographed sheets full of this stuff on street corners in Phoenix. They also filled the mailboxes of the news shops where I worked.
Back then it went right into the wastebasket……now, unfortunately, it goes right out there to knock around cyberspace for eternity.
Put that to music and you’ve got something.
Was that from the same commenter, MW?
Yeah. Doc evidently deleted it as spam? I thought it was mildly intriguing. 😀
a laugh riot indeed, thanks for “saving” it. 😉
Just remember these important words: “Samson was love Delila.”