It’s the age of social media, and the Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler has responded to numerous birther demands that he remove Obama from the ballot on his Facebook page. His response drew criticism from Democrats (well that’s what Democrats do) who suggested that Schedler was using his office to “launch partisan attacks…and pander to extremists,” as Democratic Party Chairman Buddy Leach put it.
Schedler responded:
Read more:
Well, Schedler did tell people to contact their Rep or Senator, rather than saying that he wouldn’t support or encourage baseless partisan attacks and smears. Kind of weaselly, if you think about it. He could have taken a stand, but he did what so many other elected Republicans have done when faced with birtherism. Rather than denounce it, they step aside while suggesting that the birthers may have a point, or at least allowing the birthers to think that’s what he said.
Another Constitutional Officer who can give a S**t about his oath.
It’s the Metamucil.
The birthers are the Republican Party’s crazy mistress. Various Republican politicians will continue to throw little dog whistle messages of support to the birthers, like saying that they “don’t know” where President Obama was born, or saying that “as far as they know” he’s a citizen.
But like the married man with the crazy mistress, Republicans don’t want to be seen canoodling in public with the likes of Orly Taitz or Mario Apuzzo. They want birther votes and support, but they don’t want their wives (sane voters) to know that the blowzy tart in the bright red dress and feather boa who keeps throwing them kisses is anyone they actually know.
Face it John. You’re just their little something on the side. They like you just fine, but they’re not risking everything for your back alley charms.
He might have more credibility if it wasn’t for the fact that many GOP lawmakers are involved in birthering. New Hampshire, Arizona, Missouri, Georgia to name a few states where birthering is prevalent.
Birthers are pests.
In most states, the SOS has no duty to vet. That’s why those suits fail. Informal complaints, petitions, letters, facebook messages, are all, from what I can see just a waste of time. Filing in court, against the state Democratic Party, is the only universal solution. In some states, certain people, such as losing candidates, or Democratic voters, may have some limited opportunities, usually within a short window of time, to make court challenges under the election code. And, even in court, many judges will duck these issues and not examine the evidence or rule on the merits.
Here is the LA SOS Oath Form:
Notice that Support of the Constitution is listed first. The Constitution specifies that ONLY Natural-Born Citizens can be POTUS. (Must be born in the Country for the most liberal view.)
The LA SOS has knowledge and his office has received numerous evidence that Obama’s birth records are in doubt and that Obama’s Natural-Born Citizen status is in question.
It is therefore the SOS’s duty in his SWORN oath to Support the Constitution to vet Obama’s qualifications or otherwise forbid him from the LA ballot.
It appears the LA SOS is like all the others – Cowardly with no honor who really has no interest or duty in upholding their God Sworn Oath.
Honor and integrity truly goes to Terry Lakin and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Hi, John! Good to see you again. I think I saw you on the corner of 7th Avenue and Broadway yesterday. Do you have long white hair, with long beard to match . . . wearing a sandwich board sign saying, “THE END IS NERE [sic]!”?
John’s hero’s and defintion of “honor and integrity” are a court martialled coward and a racist bigot with delusions of adequacy.
No, John, he’s upholding his oath. What you and your ilk want is for officials to ignore their duty,, the law and the Constitution for your convenience.
They are upholding their oath and you are “bearing false witness.” What you call evidence is not, and so, they have no requirement to act on birthers poo.
Mr. Lakin showed no honor to his fellow soldiers and left them in the field.
Sheriff Arpaio shows no integrity. His own department would take an inmate who had not yet been convicted and was due to be transferred for reasons of mental health and punished him by forcing (literally forcing) the pink underwear on the inmate. Again.. he was being held but not yet tried.
So he has knowledge that some people have doubts and some are asking questions. So what? I’m sure he also has knowledge that some people in LA have doubts that UFO’s are not abducting them, and some have questions about whether the government is using flouridated water to control our minds. Just because people have riduculous doubts and questions doesn’t mean that an elected official should pay any notice to those doubts and questions.
Bottom line: Let’s add Louisiana to the growing number of states (Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) where President Obama has been declared to be a natural born citizen and eligible to be on the state’s ballot.
JOHN: “Honor and integrity truly goes to Terry Lakin and Sheriff Joe Arpaio.”
why didn’t arpaio comply with taitz’s “NOT VALID” subpoena?
why didn’t he appear in ga and why didn’t he provide the requested documents?
why haven’t arpaio and his posse VOLUNTEERED to swear under oath as to their “findings”?
CERTAINLY their “[h]onor and integrity” depends on that
Contrary to John’s assertions, the ‘constitutional officer’ is following the law here. That it does not match John’s best understanding, does not surprise many of us I am sure.
nbc: i love your recent post from taitz:
This might be our only opportunity to present the testimony before a judge before the November election. This should be the number one priority for law enforcement officers. Arpaio and Zullo need to testify and present their findings to the judge.Making money by selling books with Jerome Corsi and promoting Joseph Farah’s WND should be secondary, this should not be the number one priority.
Please, confront Arpaio and Zullo during tomorrow’s press conference and demand that they present their evidence on April 16th to special judge R. Kenneth Coleman in Jackson MS. They should assign to the media circus with Corsi and WND a secondary role. After all, we know there is a complete blackout and censorship of the national media. National media not even mention either Corsi or Arpaio after the first press conference and they will continue the blackout until one judge kicks Obama of the ballot. Then, maybe, the national media will report as they will have to explain to the public, why Obama’s name is not on the ballot for the general election in the state of MS. That will get the ball rolling.
where is their ““Honor and integrity”?
No they don’t. Nobody is “ducking” anything. The “merits” of a case include that it meets certain basic thresholds in order to be heard further. Those merits include issues of jurisdiction, statement of a claim and injury, etc.
Cases that don’t meet those basic threshold standards simply don’t need to be heard any further and are deservedly dismissed as frivolous.
There’s a simple legal reason for that. Birther claims have no merit. Why waste a court’s time and money on a claim with no legal foundation?
Judge Malihi in Georgia was deferential enough to the plaintiffs to adjudicate their claims on the merits rather than offering a summary judgement when the defendant’s (Barack Obama)n lawyer boycotted the proceeding in protest. The Judge ruled in the defendant’s favor anyway, “on the merits.”
All of the ballot challenges for the 2012 election have been decided on the merits of the balllot challenge. Thus far, in 20 plus challenges (decided on the merits) the President’s eligibility has prevailed every time.
Exactly. Lakin and “honor” in the same sentence, lol!
ROTFL… Did Lakin not refuse a lawful order and caused another doctor to have to deploy in his place?
Honor? Funny definition you have
The Constitution nor any laws require him to establish the eligibility of a Presidential Candidate.
And there is a good reason for that, and it’s called the Constitution.
But I doubt John will ever understand, he is just upset that another SOS is standing up to the follies of the birthers and taking his task seriously.
Arpaio and Lakin have as much integrity as The Three Stooges have gravitas.
Accurate analysis bears repeating.
Yoo-hoo.. Oh John… Question…
If the Sheriff has honor and integrity, why is he refusing to testify or send an affidavit for Orly’s Mississippi case?
I would add that Arpaio proudly brags about the low cost of the meals served to inmates — only TWO meals per day (breakfast and dinner) amounting to roughly 900 calories. If John believes that demonstrates “integrity” I suggest that John give a year-long crash diet a try.