Fogbow blows blowhard birther Arpaio to oblivion

After yesterday, I guess we have to call Joe Arpaio a birther, just like his investigative team: Mara Zebest, Mark Gillar and Jerome Corsi.

I apologize for doing this because I like to write my own stuff and do my own research and not just copy from other folks. However, there is just one of me and I am frankly overwhelmed by all the sand being raised by the birthers this week, what with Arpaio, and the ballot challenges, and Orly’s antics, and the day-to-day tasks of reading comments and maintaining the web site. I have to read news reports and read legal briefs and find all this stuff in the first place. I probably put 80 hours a week into the blog as it is, not that I mind the work because I think it is for a good cause.

So with that excuse, I present this hyperlink to the The Fogbow forum and their report into Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s claims about Obama.

Because this is not my report, I am going to close comments on it. If you wish to comment on the report, do so at the Fogbow forum.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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