I hate spam

Chart of the number of spam comments received on this blog, by month

Chart showing rapidly increasing number of spam comments 

photo of angry Tiger

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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6 Responses to I hate spam

  1. richCares says:

    Spam is stil very popular in Hawaii, all the lunch trucks serve it, usually with rice and vegetables, I ate a lot of Spam while at U of H, it was all I could afford, so don’t knock Spam, OK?

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    richCares: Spam is stil very popular in Hawaii, all the lunch trucks serve it, usually with rice and vegetables, I ate a lot of Spam while at U of H, it was all I could afford, so don’t knock Spam, OK?

    It’s the unofficial state meat!! Spam Jam is coming next month……you will want to make plans:



  3. J. Potter says:

    Sorry to hear it, Doc, spam is like ants. 1 ant finds something tasty, and calls all its friends, and they call their friends, bleh.

    Even worse if being intentionally targeted. 🙁

    Appreciate your efforts as always.

  4. NO, no, no. the meat is SPAM®, not spam.

    richCares: Spam is still very popular in Hawaii, all the lunch trucks serve it, usually with rice and vegetables, I ate a lot of Spam while at U of H, it was all I could afford, so don’t knock Spam, OK?

  5. Horus says:

    I delete a thousand spam emails everyday on my original Yahoo! email account that I have had since Yahoo! started.

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