Investi-Gate: Cold Case Posse leader to share in book profits

According to the web site, Cold Case Posse leader Mike Zullo will split the profits from a book coming out of his investigation that leveled charges of fraud in the direction of Barack Obama. Zullo, a former detective, led the group of volunteers that leveled a barrage of conspiracy theory allegations against previously-verified documents showing President Obama’s birth in Hawaii.

Zullo is listed as a co-author, along with Jerome Corsi, of the book “A Question of Eligibility” available as an e-book through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. According to Corsi:

Since he’s a volunteer, Mike owns his work product and as such, he’s permitted to utilize that work product for compensation

Corsi says that Sheriff Joe Arpaio was informed 6 months ago of his commercial intent. Mary Rose Wilcox, Maricopa County Supervisor is quoted as saying:

I’m shocked to learn about this book.

I’m shocked too. It appears that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office has become a branch office of WorldNetDaily, who writes their reports and gives them a cut of the profits. Corsi told Phoenix 3TV that Sheriff Arpaio himself will not share in the profits for writing an introduction to the book.

The obvious point is that if the Cold Case Posse had come up something not sensational, there would be no book, and if it hadn’t been decided six months ago at the outset of the investigation that the results would attack Obama, WND wouldn’t have told Arpaio about their financial interest.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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135 Responses to Investi-Gate: Cold Case Posse leader to share in book profits

  1. Bob says:

    The Cold Case Posse report was an infommercial for another WND/Corsi book.

  2. donna says:

    “The Cold Case Posse report was an infommercial for another WND/Corsi book.”

    i AGREE

    i wonder if there was a book signing after the presser

    on amazon, no listing under “hot new releases”

    i’m CERTAIN it’s an oversight

    searching under “zullo” it’s listed at #23

    9 reviews:

    – Corsi? These nuts will try to make money by any means.
    No one but the extremely uninformed could possibly spend money for this trash. This subject has been resolved and it isn’t what these two goofballs speculate.

    – No one but the extremely uninformed could possibly spend money for this trash. This subject has been resolved and it isn’t what these two goofballs speculate.

    – Corsi’s previous “book” had no publisher. This one has no paper. His downward spiral continues.

    The only thing about this “investigation” that surprises me, is that it took this long for America’s most disgraceful excuse for law enforcement to leap into the birther klan rally.

    For a thorough report on this lunatic, compiled by conservative Fox News no less, see my comment below.

    Boys and girls, the State of Hawaii stands behind the birth certificate. Always did. That includes governors of both parties. It’s just that simple. Build a bridge and get over it.

    – I only have the sample download and knowing the credentials of the author (Jerome Corsi) of this book, I was dumbfounded to read “I was approached on this issue because I dislike “of” the standard …” on page 2 of the introduction followed on the next page (page 3) with “I instructed them to go at this investigation with no preconceived idea “that” and I personally …”

    I quit! If I am to pay $10 for a book I want to buy one without obvious errors in the first 3 pages! Not worth the money having seen the hour plus news conference and read the report released thereafter – – both freebies.

    I’m sure this effort may be worth reading; however, not on my dime!

    there are more

  3. The obvious question arises: What of the other 4 members of the Cold Case Posse? Do they share the profits? Do they even exist?

  4. PS: How do you like the word “Investi-Gate” that I coined?

  5. Arthur says:

    At first I thought this whole thing was just a ploy to embarass Obama; now it appears that it was a ploy to make money.

    God, these guys are good.

  6. donna says:

    quien sabe?

    in instances like this, IF there are others and they’re NOT included, there’s infighting and someone will tell someone and you, doc, will find out

  7. donna says:


    love it!!!

  8. richCares says:

    hiow many birthers were at the presser, anyone Know,the video didn’t cover the audience.

  9. Scientist says:

    Split the profits? What is half of $42.50?

    This was not an actual law enforcement investigation. No charges will ever be filed, except against Arpaio, which could come any day now. In the interim, what are the procedures to remove a corrupt Sheriff?

  10. sactosintolerant says:

    I heard this book will give you the flattest abs… and teach you how to make millions in real estate.

  11. CarlOrcas says:

    This is just mind boggling. I’ve seen some harebrained stuff in Arizona over more than 50 years watching the circus from the cheap seats but this one tops ’em all.

    It sure looks like Zullo and Corsi played Arpaio like a cheap violin.

    I’d sure like to know more about Zullo. Google his name and there’s not much. There is a reference to an auto sales company in Scottsdale and there is talk about him being a retired “detective” and another mention talks about him being from New Jersey but just an officer not a detecive.

    Other than that….nothing.

  12. I saw Dean Haskins (who I guess was doing video) in one of the still photos. Of course Mara Zebest and Jerome Corsi were there.

    richCares: hiow many birthers were at the presser, anyone Know,the video didn’t cover the audience

  13. Cue John: saying there’s nothing improper in this.

  14. donna says:

    LOVE the letter to “sheriff joe”

  15. sactosintolerant says:

    It is a bit ironic considering all the birther fuss made over the state of Georgia getting some boon from the Feds following the ballot decision there.

  16. Well said!

    The MSNBC piece said that Arpaio was an old hand at “the politics of revenge.” He was ready to be punked.

    CarlOrcas: It sure looks like Zullo and Corsi played Arpaio like a cheap violin.

  17. John says:

    Since Sheriff Arpaio has adamantly said the Cold Case Posse is not funded by taxpayers money, Arpaio needs funds to carry on the investigation. Producing a book for profit that will help fund and carry on the investigation is not improper. I would be concerned if the profits being gained from the book are not being used for the investigation.

  18. I told you so.

    John: Producing a book for profit that will help fund and carry on the investigation is not improper.

  19. donna says:

    “Arpaio needs funds to carry on the investigation.”

    i read somewhere that arpaio will continue his “investigations” with his deputies

    tax payer funded?

    that should go over well since they didn’t BOTHER to investigate over 400 cases of abuse

  20. Uhhh. They aren’t being used for the investigation. They are being split between Mike Zullo and Jerome Corsi.

    Are you concerned now?

    John: I would be concerned if the profits being gained from the book are not being used for the investigation.

  21. sactosintolerant says:

    Since Sheriff Arpaio has adamantly said the Cold Case Posse is not funded by taxpayers money, Arpaio needs funds to carry on the investigation.Producing a book for profit that will help fund and carry on the investigation is not improper. I would be concerned if the profits being gained from the book are not being used for the investigation.

    So presumably, Corsi and Zullo will split the profits… by each writing separate checks to the Posse?

  22. J. Potter says:

    CarlOrcas: I’d sure like to know more about Zullo. Google his name and there’s not much.

    Just a wild guess, but I’d say he’s big in the Maricopa County Tea Party, maybe the one that contacted Corsi and got the whole ball rolling.

    Just a guess. Literally.

    As for anyone being shocked …. WND is a “publishing company” specializing in exploitation. An experiment on their part in honest journalism or effective investigative reporting would be “shocking”. 😉

  23. John says:

    Most of all what Dc C. produces is just a distraction and attack on the Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation. Doc C. appears to have been well versed in the attacks of Salinski. Since Obots can’t refute the investigative findings, they have no option but to resort to attacks. FogBow, John Woodman and Doc C. are simply not credible entities for very simple reason that they are not established official, legal and recognizable investigative bodies. They simply don’t have the resources and official connections as well complete privy to details of Arpaio’s investigation to make any vaild and meritful claims.

  24. John Woodman says:

    This is rotten all the way down.

    I’ve read the ebook, and I wrote a review which I initially posted to Amazon. Then I read their review-posting guidelines, and discovered that authors with a competing product are excluding from writing reviews. Well, that makes perfect sense to me, and I agree with it perfectly, and if they post the review I will request that they remove it.

    That said, I’m going to post the review somewhere — probably at my own blog.

  25. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    PS: How do you like the word “Investi-Gate” that I coined?


  26. sactosintolerant says:

    J. Potter:

    check this out

    “I am highly educated and have went to Harvard.”

    Is this real!?!?

  27. Thomas Brown says:

    sactosintolerant: “I am highly educated and have went to Harvard.”

    Is this real!?!?

    Umm, no…. This is superb satire by one of the brightest young writers I have encountered in a long time, whose ‘nom de web’ is Squeeky Fromme.

  28. donna says:

    “Is this real!?!?

    HARDLY but funny

  29. Thomas Brown says:

    Correction: she spells the last name “Fromm” to make sure BOTH the first and last name are different from the Manson Family charm queen’s. This makes it all the more delicious when some Troll says “hey, when did they let you out of jail?”

    Morons. Bless their hearts.

  30. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The MSNBC piece said that Arpaio was an old hand at “the politics of revenge.” He was ready to be punked.

    What goes around comes around….hopefully.

    For those not familiar with the details of Arpaio’s reign of error in Arizona here is one story that deals with how he punked the previos Maricopa County Attorney (no District Attorney’s in Arizona) and the price he is paying…………….

    If you really want to make your brain hurt look at the New Times Arpaio archive that details years of stuff from laughable nonsense like the bologna sandwiches and pink underwear to the criminal like indicting and arresting critics and political opponents.

    The New Times can go a little over the top at times but on the whole they have done a great job with this story.

  31. donna says:

    a positive review from “law enforcement” (i’m beginning to question law enforcement)

    I watched the press conference, and after read this report. As a former Law Enforcement Officer there is more than enough probable cause for Congress to do an investigation and demand the original microfiche, original documents and chain of custody of said documents from Obama and Hawaii. At this point if he fails or refuses to provide it is time to start the impeachment process. The Nixon scandal will pale in comparison to this when this investigation is completed. I have no doubt that this will go down as the biggest scam perpetrated on the American people ever in the history of our founding.

    Every time you turn around someone in Washington D.C. is claiming we are in the middle of a crisis. Well we are in a crisis alright, a Constitutional Crisis. Dr. Jerome Corsi and Sheriff Arpaio and his investigators are to be commended for taking up a controversial matter and investigating it with professionalism and integrity, which is more than I can say for most in D.C.

    If you have any doubt about Dr. Corsi’s claims for the last several years, you need to watch the press conference with Sheriff Arpaio and his team and you need to read this book. AFter you do, I believe there will be little doubt left. God Bless Dr. Corsi, Sheriff Arpaio and his team.

  32. CarlOrcas says:

    J. Potter: Just a wild guess, but I’d say he’s big in the Maricopa County Tea Party, maybe the one that contacted Corsi and got the whole ball rolling. Just a guess. Literally.

    Not a bad guess but the Surprise Tea Party folks are all the way across the valley from where Zullo apparently lives.

    Also he isn’t listed on the Tea Party website or the Maricopa County GOP website and there is no Mike Zullo on Facebook.

    Add WND into the mix and and we’re right down the rabbit hole.

  33. CarlOrcas says:

    donna: I watched the press conference, and after read this report. As a former Law Enforcement Officer there is more than enough probable cause for Congress to do an investigation and demand the original microfiche, original documents and chain of custody of said documents from Obama and Hawaii. At this point if he fails or refuses to provide it is time to start the impeachment process.

    Another brain bender: Congress has no authority to conduct criminal investigations hence “probable cause” is irrelevant.

    It can conduct investigations of almost anything it wants but an investigation leading to impeachment of President Obama is nothing more than a birther wet dream.

  34. Linda says:


  35. Jim says:

    “Since Sheriff Arpaio has adamantly said the Cold Case Posse is not funded by taxpayers money, Arpaio needs funds to carry on the investigation.Producing a book for profit that will help fund and carry on the investigation is not improper. I would be concerned if the profits being gained from the book are not being used for the investigation.”

    OMG, I CANNOT believe you wrote that!!! In order for there to be profits for these books, there had to be a certain conclusion reached. If the conclusion was that the President was eligible, there would be no books. That’s a given. So, the conclusion was reached before the investigation was even started and the plan for the books was hatched at the same time. And you’re not worried that one of the so-called independent investigators is profiting from a certain conclusion? You see why the courts keep throwing this junk out as garbage…because it is!!!

  36. justlw says:

    John: I would be concerned if the profits being gained from the book are not being used for the investigation.

    I understand that the soon-to-be-acquired Deppity Pornstache Investigatin’ Winnebago, with flower decals on the side, will be completely funded by the profits from this not-at-all shady or partisan book.

  37. justlw says:

    donna: check this out

    Hate the name (but I guess I’m s’posed to; kids today…), learning to love the brain. I LOLed.

    I would not be at all surprised to learn that Squeeky has read The Lazlo Letters.

  38. J. Potter says:

    sactosintolerant: “I am highly educated and have went to Harvard.”

    Is this real!?!?

    Oh, how I wish!!! Very well done. But why so low-res? Can we get a web-enhanced PDF version?

  39. jayhg says:


  40. J. Potter says:

    CarlOrcas: Not a bad guess but the Surprise Tea Party folks are all the way across the valley from where Zullo apparently lives.

    Aww, poop. Can’t win them all! There’s a lengthy run-down at Turning the Scale:

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Elmer Fudd Brigade gives new meaning to the word buffoonery.’

    “…And who is this Zullo fellow? He’s advertised as a retired detetctive from Bergen County, NJ, which could lead many people to assume he was a police officer. After a pretty exhaustive literature search, and a search of the state’s retirement database, the only reference I can find to him is a 1998 story in the Bergen Record about the chase for an elusive money launderer. Zullo — who lived in Phoenix, Az. at the time — is quoted, and referenced as a “former private investigator.”

    Mike Zullo is a pseudonym? a stage name? That’s my next guess.

  41. Majority Will says:

    J. Potter: Aww, poop. Can’t win them all! There’s a lengthy run-down at Turning the Scale:

    Mike Zullo is a pseudonym? a stage name? That’s my next guess.

    A transgender post-op from the Witness Protection Program with an attraction to short Libras, an addiction to Starburst candies and a rare collection of 8-track tapes?

  42. jayhg says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I told you so.

    Damn you’re good…….

  43. I don’t see this as a “competing product.” It’s not like a refrigerator where you only buy one. I see it as a complimentary product for the buyer who wants a balanced view.

    John Woodman: Then I read their review-posting guidelines, and discovered that authors with a competing product are excluding from writing reviews.

  44. Here’s another prediction based on the same principle:

    The sun will rise in the morning.

    jayhg: Dr. Conspiracy: I told you so.

    Damn you’re good…….

  45. So you are basically saying that I am not allowed to refute Arpaio’s investigation because his retired private detective is an expert and I am not, even though no credentials have ever been offered for him.

    Well, Mike Zullo is either an incompetent or a liar and I am neither. You, on on the other hand are as predictable as the rinsing of the sun, which provides no useful information on this topic either.

    John: Most of all what Dc C. produces is just a distraction and attack on the Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation. Doc C. appears to have been well versed in the attacks of Salinski [sic]. Since Obots can’t refute the investigative findings, they have no option but to resort to attacks. FogBow, John Woodman and Doc C. are simply not credible entities for very simple reason that they are not established official, legal and recognizable investigative bodies. They simply don’t have the resources and official connections as well complete privy to details of Arpaio’s investigation to make any vaild and meritful claims.

  46. CarlOrcas says:

    J. Potter: Mike Zullo is a pseudonym? a stage name? That’s my next guess.

    I think it’s a real name. When you search for it in phone/address data bases it comes up with one aged 51 and another 83. I recall seing something about the old person dying. All the addresses were in Scottsdale or the northeast valley.

    I find nothing on the name in the Arizona Republic archive other than this story.

    And if he was a police officer in Bergen County long enough to retire, and especially if he was a detective, you would think his name would have shown up sometime in the Bergen Record. The county only has a population of 900,000.

    Anyway…..something doesn’t make sense about this guy. Time will tell and it’s not on his side if he isn’t what he represents himself to be.

  47. CarlOrcas says:

    CarlOrcas: about the old person dying

    I meant to type “older person”. No disrespect intended.

  48. J. Potter says:

    Majority Will: A transgender post-op from the Witness Protection Program with an attraction to short Libras, an addiction to Starburst candies and a rare collection of 8-track tapes?

    Wow, MW! It was there right before my eyes! “From Jersey, living in Arizona …. duh.” Of course he’s been “relocated”! Zullo + New Jersey returns some results regarding the Lucchese crime family … 😉

    As for Starburst, he can have all my yellows.

  49. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So you are basically saying that I am not allowed to refute Arpaio’s investigation because his retired private detective is an expert and I am not, even though no credentials have ever been offered for him.

    I just read the transcript from Fogbow and was appalled at the media who were there and the questions they asked….or didn’t ask. Not a one (assuming the transcript is accurate) asked Zullo who he is and who the other members of the “posse” are and what their qualifications are. Amazing.

  50. I think I am boycotting Arizona until Arpaio leaves office. I wouldn’t feel safe.

  51. J. Potter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: the rinsing of the sun

    No, Doc does not make typos.


  52. CarlOrcas says:

    John: FogBow, John Woodman and Doc C. are simply not credible entities for very simple reason that they are not established official, legal and recognizable investigative bodies

    Hmm. So Woodward & Berstein and the Washington Post weren’t “credible entities” then during Watergate?

    John: They simply don’t have the resources and official connections as well complete privy to details of Arpaio’s investigation to make any vaild and meritful claims.

    See previous question and, if I may ask, what are you privy to that allows you to be so sure in the things you say? Just curious.

  53. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think I am boycotting Arizona until Arpaio leaves office. I wouldn’t feel safe.

    We’ve been gone for a year and a half and when people ask where we moved from I either mumble or just say “the desert”.

  54. John Woodman says:

    This is the new birther variation of “the actual facts don’t matter.”

    What matters THIS WEEK is whether the person saying something has an official title.

    This is from the exact same people that swear up and down that two Governors of Hawaii, all of their officials who’ve confirmed the authenticity of the birth certificate, and the President of the United States are all bald-faced liars.

  55. John Woodman says:

    And the reason, of course, is that THIS WEEK someone with an official title actually said something John wanted to hear.

    No matter what an enormous load of nonsense it was.

  56. Thinking about John’s relevance reminds me of a Firesign Theater comedy recording where the dialog goes something like:

    Porgy: Gee! Everybody at Morse Science High has an extra-curricular activity but you.

    Mudhead: Well doesn’t Louise count?

    Porgy: Only to 10, Mudhead

    John Woodman: This is the new birther variation of “the actual facts don’t matter.”

  57. John Woodman says:

    Oh — and did I mention that all of the judges who have dismissed more than 100 birther cases are all corrupt, bought, or terrified?

  58. Ramjomi says:

    Most of all what Dc C. produces is just a distraction and attack on the Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation.Doc C. appears to have been well versed in the attacks of Salinski. Since Obots can’t refute the investigative findings, they have no option but to resort to attacks. FogBow, John Woodman and Doc C. are simply not credible entities for very simple reason that they are not established official, legal and recognizable investigative bodies. They simply don’t have the resources and official connections as well complete privy to details of Arpaio’s investigation to make any vaild and meritful claims.

    John, as someone who does not support the reelection of Barack Obama, can you please do me a favor and find a cave and stay there until November 7th, 2012. As a matter of fact gather up the rest of your birther buddies too, you guys can have a big 9 month pow-wow out in the middle of nowhere. Corsi will be there, Farah too, Sheriff Joe, Pastor Manning, and Orly and Victoria Jackson will provide some female company. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

    Every reasonable GOP voter who does not believe in this birther non-sense and is tired of having the crazy ass birthers being rubbed in their faces every they are involved in a political discussion (seriously you are making us look bad).

  59. Whatever4 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    PS: How do you like the word “Investi-Gate” that I coined?


  60. Whatever4 says:

    Since Sheriff Arpaio has adamantly said the Cold Case Posse is not funded by taxpayers money, Arpaio needs funds to carry on the investigation.Producing a book for profit that will help fund and carry on the investigation is not improper. I would be concerned if the profits being gained from the book are not being used for the investigation.

    If the funds go to Corsi and Zullo, they need to worry about income tax, and charitable deductions assuming they would donate them. If the funds went directly to the posse, no one would have to worry.

    They aren’t going to donate the funds. John, you need to grow a skeptical section in your brain.

  61. Whatever4 says:

    donna: a positive review from “law enforcement” (i’m beginning to question law enforcement)

    Maybe that’s Zullo. He never mentions his name, just Corsi’s.

  62. Joe Acerbic says:

    Hasn’t everyone learned by now that a birfoon has whatever title a birfoon chooses to have: “detective”, “certifiable document examiner”, “former KGB agent”, “retired CIA agent”, “Adobe expert”. Name it and claim it.

    Joe Acerbic
    Retired God Emperor of the Universe

  63. J. Potter says:

    Of course they will donate the funds! They are the posse!

    Perhaps they will count out the proceeds (“one for me …. one for you ….”), and then exchange piles.

  64. John Woodman says:

    My review of the book — including some VERY interesting discoveries — is now live at

    Amazon says reviews should not contain:

    Sentiments by or on behalf of a person or company with a financial interest in the product or a directly competing product (including reviews by authors, artists, publishers, manufacturers, or third-party merchants selling the product)

    The question is whether my book is a “directly competing product,” or whether (as Dr. Conspiracy maintains) it is complementary, offering the other side of the story. It is not as if these are two competing books on (for example) how to succeed in business.

    I am open to suggestions and comments on that issue.

    The review can currently be seen at:

  65. Expelliarmus says:

    John Woodman: The question is whether my book is a “directly competing product,” or whether (as Dr. Conspiracy maintains) it is complementary, offering the other side of the story. It is not as if these are two competing books on (for example) how to succeed in business.

    I am open to suggestions and comments on that issue.

    John, I think the key is disclosure, and you did this. I personally am an author of two published books and I have reviewed books by other authors about similar/related subjects, and it never even occurred to me to consider Amazon’s policy. My writing is on a far less controversial subject, and I simply don’t think “competition” is qualitatively the same in the book world as it would be for, say, an appliance.

    I mean, if as a purchaser, I go to Amazon with the idea of buying a household appliance (let’s say a toaster), I’ll look at reviews and then choose whatever I think is the best toaster in my price range. I’m only going to buy one toaster, and if a seller of a rival brand deliberately posts a false review… that could be a problem.

    But books are different. Let’s say I decide that I want to read a book about dog training. Amazon will keep on telling me that people who bought the book I’m looking at also bought another dog training book by another author, and they might even offer me special pricing if I buy two books together. Books & music are commodities where people simply end up buying more items, rather than choosing one or the other. So “competition” just doesn’t work the same way.

    Of course that also means that your negative review might not have the desired impact of diminishing sales. A reader might just opt to buy the book because of your criticism, with the idea that they want to see what all the fuss is about, or decide for themselves.

  66. Dr. Conspiracy:
    PS: How do you like the word “Investi-Gate” that I coined?

    Very clever!!!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  67. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Thinking about John’s relevance reminds me of a Firesign Theater comedy recording where the dialog goes something like:

    Porgy: Gee! Everybody at Morse Science High has an extra-curricular activity but you.

    Mudhead: Well doesn’t Louise count?

    Porgy: Only to 10, Mudhead


    “Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers”

    “Peorgie’s Song” (from Paranoid Pictures’ “High School Madness!”) 1970.

    (Android Sisters:)
    Porgy Tirebiter!
    He’s a spy and a girl delighter,
    Orgie Firefighter!
    He’s just a student like you.

  68. I read the review. You fairly disclosed who you are, and Amazon approved the review.

    I thank you for the review because of what I learned from it, namely that there was no investigation, as proved by the fact that the investigative report was actually a reprint of Jerome Corsi’s WND articles.

    John Woodman: The review can currently be seen at:

  69. After this birther business is over, I’m gonna take off my shoes, climb a tree and learn to play the flute.

    Majority Will: Porgy Tirebiter!
    He’s a spy and a girl delighter,
    Orgie Firefighter!
    He’s just a student like you.

  70. Let me test my memory here…

    If you’re lookin’ for the captain of the ringball time
    You can bet he won’t be there
    You’ll find him up at Pop’s Sodium Shop
    Thrillin’ a Red, with red hair!

    Doobie Doo-wah

    Porgy, Tirebiter
    He’s a student like you,
    He’s a student like you,
    Just a student like you-ooooo.,

    Majority Will: Porgy Tirebiter!
    He’s a spy and a girl delighter,
    Orgie Firefighter!
    He’s just a student like you.

  71. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    After this birther business is over, I’m gonna take off my shoes, climb a tree and learn to play the flute.

    That beats finding a bunch of guys that dress alike and following them around.

  72. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Let me test my memory here…

    If you’re lookin’ for the captain of the ringball time
    You can bet he won’t be there
    You’ll find him up at Pop’s Sodium Shop
    Thrillin’ a Red, with red hair!

    Doobie Doo-wah

    Porgy, Tirebiter
    He’s a student like you,
    He’s a student like you,
    Just a student like you-ooooo.,

    “Stop singing and finish your homework!”

  73. US Citizen says:

    Joe Acerbic: Regards,
    Joe Acerbic
    Retired God Emperor of the Universe

    Retired? Oh, that would explain a lot of things.

  74. Jim says:

    @John Woodman: Excellent review. Thanks for doing that.

  75. donna says:

    jim: And, another challenge bites the dust.


    Federal District Court Judge John Sedwick has slapped down a couple of Epperly’s lawsuits, calling them “frivolous.” A federal appeals court charged him $2,500 for bringing a frivolous appeal of a dismissal.

    EVERY JUDGE should do this

  76. J. Potter says:

    Jim: And, another challenge bites the dust.

    That was fast. Another cranky oldster is dismissed.

    Anyone know which birther wannabe plaintiff is the youngest?

    Much of the “movement”, especially the court cases and ballot challenges, seems to consist of “lawyers”, “theorists”, and “writers” (hucksters all!) in their 40s and 50s taking advantage of the fears of the elderly.

    Please, please, please, someone redeem these slimeballs by proving me wrong. Redem them a bit that is.

  77. richCares says:

    it is now 4 days since the really big Sheriff Joe news, still no frog marching in fact the price of frogs dropped 68%, the book sales is falling, Corsi is scratching his head and Sheriff Joe seems lost. The big birther OMG moment turns out to be a dud. The final laugh may be Orly trying to place this crap into evidence. LOL

  78. J. Potter says:

    John Woodman: My review of the book — including some VERY interesting discoveries — is now live at

    John W.,

    I too, found it to be an excellent, cautionary review. It will be helpful to anti-birthers and curious passersby, letting them know, “yep, more of the same” as they consider whether to add it to their collection of birther screed. (Being assured nothing new is afoot, my time capsule is already sealed and set for 2050.)

    I see you’re already getting the typical birther responses, but oh well. Engaging on the imaginary memes just goes in circles. Questioning the intent of the writer, quality of the “research”, originality of the material, all draw cries of “disprove this!” and “ad ho-muh-nym!”


  79. Epperly’s filing contained standard Sovereign Citizen blatherings, the 14th Amendment claims are SOP for SovCits. He may well have also tried to claim that the USA is a corporation…I am glad to see that the racist little sh1t has been slapped down, and it is good to see somebody being fiscally sanctioned for wasting the time of the legal system. Now if we could only get more jurisdictions to award costs against these frivolous piles of steaming brown fertilizer masquerading as filings…

  80. Judge Mental says:

    John Woodman: My review of the book — including some VERY interesting discoveries — is now live at says reviews should not contain:The question is whether my book is a “directly competing product,” or whether (as Dr. Conspiracy maintains) it is complementary, offering the other side of the story. It is not as if these are two competing books on (for example) how to succeed in business.I am open to suggestions and comments on that issue.The review can currently be seen at:

    Maybe I’m hving a senior moment but I can’t find any review from you at that link. Could it have been removed?

  81. misha says:

    Ramjomi: John, as someone who does not support the reelection of Barack Obama, can you please do me a favor and find a cave and stay there until November 7th, 2012.

    Keep this going, John. Intrade has Obama at 60.2% – you have to keep reminding people about Obama’s, Alinsky’s and Soros’ conspiracy.

    Actually, I read your comments with interest. And I think Sanctorum is right: contraceptives should be outlawed, pre-marital sex should be ciminalized, and dogs should be tied to the roof of a car, for 12 hours. Oops, that last one was Romney. Sorry.

  82. richCares says:

    “find any review from you at that link”
    it’s still there look right next to “Vs”, title is “Debunked, Derided, Disgusting”

  83. misha says:

    Ramjomi: John, as someone who does not support the reelection of Barack Obama, can you please do me a favor and find a cave and stay there until November 7th, 2012.

    Ask Federal judge Cebull to join them.

  84. donna says:

    epperly previously challenged lisa murkowsky cause she’s a WOMAN and THEREFORE INELIGIBLE

  85. misha says:

    epperly previously challenged lisa murkowsky cause she’s a WOMAN and THEREFORE INELIGIBLE

    Standard issue of the GOP base. USA! USA!

    Now GOP leaders are telling Obama that Bibi can dictate terms. They think they’ll peel off the Jewish vote in swing states with Israel, and we’ll ignore the rest of their odious platform.

    Attention GOP: The 1st Amendment is more important than Israel, and I’m a Zionist. Also, the Settlers are flirting with fascism, and your evangelical buddies are funding them. When is Callista going to get her letter?

  86. Greenfinches says:

    The amazon reviews are not really about the book, are they?

    All about the vital role birthers are playing in saving America from godless (whatever) and how scared obots are about (something unspecified).

    One assumes that the book’s reviewers don’t actually read any of it………which is no surprise! Very few birthers who come here seem to pay any attention at all to facts which don’t suit their needs.

  87. J. Potter says:

    Greenfinches: One assumes that the book’s reviewers don’t actually read any of it………which is no surprise! Very few birthers who come here seem to pay any attention at all to facts which don’t suit their needs.

    Shocking assumption, GF, as the first defense all birthers on Amazons employ against contrary reviews is: “Since you don’t agree with the book, you obviously haven’t read it.”

    You mean …. they’re … hypocrites?!? :O

  88. John Woodman says:

    “find any review from you at that link”
    it’s still there look right next to “Vs”, title is “Debunked, Derided, Disgusting”

    No — my review at Amazon HAS BEEN REMOVED — no doubt at the request of Jerome Corsi.

    Personally that’s okay — I FULLY agree with Amazon’s policy of not allowing authors to post reviews of “competing” books.

    HOWEVER — I also think that the information contained in the review is important. I would like to invite Kevin Davidson or some other knowledgeable individual to use the INFORMATION in the review I posted in a review that THEY will write.

  89. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Here’s another prediction based on the same principle:

    The sun will rise in the morning.

    Ah, but will it rise in the east or in the west? Halal Birthers would like to know …

  90. sactosintolerant says:

    And now WND is running ads for Sheriff Joe’s PAC on their website… no shame in their game.

  91. Northland10 says:

    I personally enjoyed the part of the article:

    “Alaska elections officials have dismissed a challenge to the placement of President Barack Obama on the ballot, saying a Juneau man who had sought the action didn’t know what he was talking about.

    Borderraven referring to Epperly as a bigot in the comments was also rather humorous.

    And, another challenge bites the dust.

  92. Thomas Brown says:

    Majority Will: That beats finding a bunch of guys that dress alike and following them around.

    You must not be an alumnus of Communist Martyrs High.

  93. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: You must not be an alumnus of Communist Martyrs High.

    Plus, I was indoctrinated with Marxist thought for a year, on the kibbutz. Marxism was reinforced at the cinema. Remember this Marxist maxim: ‘Either this man is dead, or my watch has stopped.’

    Remember conservatives: If Groucho Marx and John Lennon wrote a musical together, it would be a Marxist-Lennonist production. Aieeeee……..

  94. bovril says:

    “find any review from you at that link”
    it’s still there look right next to “Vs”, title is “Debunked, Derided, Disgusting”

    “Debunked, Derided and Disgusting” was written by another contributer not Mr Woodman

  95. misha says:

    John Woodman: I would like to invite Kevin Davidson or some other knowledgeable individual to use the INFORMATION in the review I posted in a review that THEY will write.

    ‘This is the finest book I have ever held in my hands. Some day I intend to read it.’

  96. Rickey says:

    I’m seeing an address for “Mike Zullo” on W. Tasha Drive in Surprise. I can’t tell if it’s the same guy, though. There are at least two and possibly three other men named Michael Zullo in Maricopa County.

  97. My Google alerts indicate that newspapers are picking up on the story of Zullo selling his work for the County.

    AP story at

    As an ordinary citizen, I really thought what Zullo did was unseemly and I think the average person (except John) would feel similarly.

  98. Majority Will says:

    Thomas Brown: You must not be an alumnus of Communist Martyrs High.

    “Shoes for industry! Shoes for the dead! Shoes for industry!”

    “Hi, I’m Joe Beets! Hey, what chance does a returning deceased war
    veteran have for that good paying job, more sugar, and the free mule you’ve been
    dreaming of. Well, think it over, then take off your shoes. Now you can see how
    increased spending opportunities means harder work for everyone and more of it
    too. So do your part today, Joe. Join with millions of your neighbors and turn in
    your shoes.”

    “For industry!”

    Oops. Sorry, my clamcakes are getting damp.

  99. John Woodman says:

    misha: This is the finest book I have ever held in my hands. Some day I intend to read it.’

    That’s kind of the gist of some of the birther reviews, isn’t it?

    Anyone is welcome to make use of the information I dug up, such as the fact that virtually all of the info in the ebook on the actual birth certificate itself was copied from two WND articles Corsi posted last summer; and the following chapter was mostly “self-plagiarized” from Coris’s book and the Abercrombie article he wrote.

    However, this is not my permission to “copy” from my review. Anyone who writes a review should read the book for themselves and legitimately write their own review.

  100. Thank you for leaving me the best line:

    You can believe me…because I never lie …….and I’m always right!!

    (paid for by the Tirebiter for political soultions committee…sector ‘R’)

    Majority Will: Oops. Sorry, my clamcakes are getting damp.

  101. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Thank you for leaving me the best line:

    You can believe me…because I never lie …….and I’m always right!!

    (paid for by the Tirebiter for political soultions committee…sector R’)


  102. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    PS: How do you like the word “Investi-Gate” that I coined?


  103. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: As an ordinary citizen, I really thought what Zullo did was unseemly and I think the average person (except John) would feel similarly

    It is beyond unseemly.

    Once we know more about Zullo I predict we will know just how unseemly.

  104. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think I am boycotting Arizona until Arpaio leaves office. I wouldn’t feel safe.

    Tucson and Flagstaff are great. Avoid anything north of Casa Grande and South of Prescott. I dunno Prescott is iffy; better make that south of Sedona. Watch out for wankers in Sedona though.

  105. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: I’m seeing an address for “Mike Zullo” on W. Tasha Drive in Surprise.

    The name of the home owner is Emmanuel M. Zullo. Possibly a relative?

    There are no listings in the Assessor’s records for a Mike or Michael Zullo.

  106. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: We’ve been gone for a year and a half and when people ask where we moved from I either mumble or just say “the desert”.

    I’ve been gone 28 years and just in the last couple have I resorted to saying Southern Arizona or Tucson specifically when Australians ask where I’m from. I used to just say “Arizona” They would look at me blankly and I would say “you know Cactus, Cowboys and Indians”. Still blanks, so “just east of California and north of Mexico”.

    Some would recognize it and say “Oh yeah! Phoenix!” and I would have to edumakate ’em real proper like. The sophisticated would say “Grand Canyon!” and I’d say “Yes!, but have you seen the southern deserts during monsoon season?”

  107. Sef says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    PS: How do you like the word “Investi-Gate” that I coined?

    This is also very appropriate in that the birthers have “invested” so much psychic energy into their fiasco. They cannot back away.

  108. Keith says:

    jim: And, another challenge bites the dust.


    Federal District Court Judge John Sedwick has slapped down a couple of Epperly’s lawsuits, calling them “frivolous.” A federal appeals court charged him $2,500 for bringing a frivolous appeal of a dismissal.

    EVERY JUDGE should do this

    Epperly will just get EPPERLY to pay for it. No problem.

  109. Jim says:

    I particularly like the Phoenix article on it. Be sure to vote in their poll!

  110. RuhRoh says:

    Loren (Fogbow, Barackryphal blog) did a comparison Chapter 1 of the e-book to Corsi’s previously published works. It’s pretty damning:

  111. JPotter says:

    Sef: This is also very appropriate in that the birthers have “invested” so much psychic energy into their fiasco. They cannot back away.

    Need to get Vogt to beam them all up so they can start over some where else. 😉

  112. JPotter says:

    Jim: I particularly like the Phoenix article on it. Be sure to vote in their poll!

    Thanks for the tip Jim! I voted correctly. Heh.

    More from Zebest. In classic bad textbook layout. Again. Reusing templates from the ’90s!

  113. John Woodman says:

    Loren (Fogbow, Barackryphal blog) did a comparison Chapter 1 of the e-book to Corsi’s previously published works.It’s pretty damning:

    Chapter 2 is equally damning. It’s simply recycled material from Corsi’s book (pages 76 and 77) and his article falsely claiming that Abercrombie couldn’t find a birth certificate.

  114. John Woodman says:

    I should say, NEARLY equally damning.

    The reason why Chapter ONE is actually the MOST damning is because that’s their entire content on the supposed investigation of the birth certificate itself. One page of introduction, then two recycled articles from Corsi from last summer.

    In spite of a claim of “2,200 hours” worth of investigation, the only indication we have of ANY supposed investigation — of the birth certificate itself as a document, not investigation of peripheral issues — is the video presented at the press conference that says they went through the exercise of printing some things out on safety paper and trying to scan in and optimize the result.

  115. JPotter says:

    John Woodman: the only indication we have of ANY supposed investigation

    I got some emails in early February from Gillar, he was specifically asking about “T::E”. Didn’t want to hear about anything else. Perhaps he was “researching” his narration. 😀

  116. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: the best line

    Heh. I already outed youse guys as card-carrying Fireheads in an earlier thread.

    But the best line is from Babes in Khaki:

    LURLENE: Where are you from?

    BABE: Nairobi, ma’am. Isn’t everybody?

  117. Loren says:

    John Woodman: Chapter 2 is equally damning. It’s simply recycled material from Corsi’s book (pages 76 and 77) and his article falsely claiming that Abercrombie couldn’t find a birth certificate.

    Yep. I plan on doing a side-by-side breakdown of that tonight. There’s less material copied word-for-word, so the visual might be less impressive. But an awful lot of the chapter consists of rewritten Corsi material.

  118. Loren says:

    JPotter: I got some emails in early February from Gillar, he was specifically asking about “T::E”. Didn’t want to hear about anything else. Perhaps he was “researching” his narration.

    He was also posting Twitter messages to Savannah Guthrie in early February, asking her to repost her photos from the April 2011 press conference.

  119. justlw says:

    I’m willing to bet I’m the only one here who has both Two Places and Dwarf on their iPod. I hope that makes up for my clearly deficient slide rule skillz.

  120. justlw says:

    Loren: asking her to repost her photos

    “Repost” ? Doesn’t this guy have the Alta Vista?

  121. JPotter says:

    Loren: He was also posting Twitter messages to Savannah Guthrie in early February, asking her to repost her photos from the April 2011 press conference.

    She has better things to do! Repost? Did Gillar’s Google break? Hopefully he was hinting at the possible existence of higher resolution shots.

  122. richCares says:

    a neat comment over at fogbow concerning Farah’s complaints on the reception of his presser in the real world

    “Farah cries foul after devastating humiliation and epic fail of presser!”

  123. justlw says:

    JPotter: She has better things to do!

    Nonsense. Don’t you see how important this is?! A commenter on HuffPo says billyuns of people are asking!

    What might be interesting is to put together an “All X Has To Do Is Simply Y And This Will All Go Away Scorecard” living document and assign monetary value to the time and resources for each Simple Act being requested.

    My favorite so far is the guy who suggested that the president’s original COLB should simply be put on display in Hawaii in a glass case.

    (“Why can’t we touch it? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? If we could simply touch it, this would all go away.”)

  124. Scientist says:

    Here is the editorial Arpaio wrote in the Aizona Republic.
    It’s the typical losers blather about “biased media”. One day I would like a birther to say, “Hey, we gave it our best shot, but it didn’t fly. That’s life”. These crybabies are NEVER at fault for anything. That’s why the sports world, despite its flaws, has it all over the world of politics. A 0-99 team that blamed the referees for their record would be laughed out of town.

    By the way, Arpaio specifically says they checked the records for flights into Hawaii. No way someone coming from Kenya in 1961 would enter the US in Hawaii. Not even today.

  125. donna says:

    apparently, a day before the grand announcement, Zullo’s e-book quietly went up for sale online. It was first spotted on Friday by a journalist for Phoenix television station KTVK.

    Neither Arpaio nor the sheriff’s office would be making any money from the book, he said.

    Arpaio said he is considering handing the investigation to some of his office’s detectives, who are funded by taxpayers, because the volunteers found what he described as “probable cause” to believe a crime was committed in the creation of the birth certificate.

    The sheriff did not mention, however, that much of their investigation was centered on a theory — involving “white halos” and “layers” from a digital scan of the birth certificate — that was already investigated and proven to be false by the conservative National Review Online before his own inquiry even began.

  126. aarrgghh says:

    justlw: What might be interesting is to put together an “All X Has To Do Is Simply Y And This Will All Go Away Scorecard” living document and assign monetary value to the time and resources for

    here’s one from the transcript of shurf arpaio’s birfer press conference:

    ARPAIO: “Mr. President, please, come up with some other information where you were born. If this isn’t true, the birth certificate,come up with some other information, and then everybody will go away.”

  127. Scientist says:

    Further on the Archives records, what “investigator” simply asserts, “They’re missing, ergo there is a crime”? First you ask the Archives to locate them (since you may have looked in the wrong place). Then, if they truly cannot, you ask them for an explanation and to conduct a more detailed search. You interview the Director of the Archives and the responsible section heads. Maybe you discuss this with the FBI who would have jurisdication over the Archives, which are part of the Federal Government. What you don’t do is assert because YOU couldn’t find them that is evidence of some kind of nefarious plot.

  128. CarlOrcas says:

    Scientist: What you don’t do is assert because YOU couldn’t find them that is evidence of some kind of nefarious plot.

    Any anomoly involving Obama is evidence of a crime, evidence of a decades long, all consuming, all pervasive conspiracy involving half the human race.

    But you do have to wonder if these guys are so good as to run that sort of operation for a half century how come they were so sloppy with the little stuff?

    Another conspiracy… expose the original conspiracy??????

  129. JPotter says:

    CarlOrcas: all pervasive conspiracy involving half the human race.

    Whew, glad to be in the right half.

    CarlOrcas: Another conspiracy… expose the original conspiracy??????

    All misdirection by the guilty half to pin it all on the innocent half.

    Which half does the 99% fit into? I don’t want to believe any of the little people are in on it.

  130. JPotter says:

    aarrgghh: “Mr. President, please, come up with some other information where you were born. If this isn’t true, the birth certificate,come up with some other information, and then everybody will go away.”

    The classic line of every Hollywood torturer … “just tell us what we want to know and we’ll make it stop. Just tell us, and it all goes away.”

    … except the torture scene in this case is imaginary, they don’t want the truth, they want to be right. They are torturing themselves! While everyone else watches in bemusement.

    Grandstanding from an empty hand.

    Have had anlogous experiences in real life. Always darkly pleasurable to truly not care about something someone else is adamant about, to have nothing to lose by calling a nut’s bluff. The moment of realization on the nut’s behalf that they indeed have nothing is sweet. That to me is what’s frustrating about a net phenomenon like birtherism. No way to force the endgame.

  131. CarlOrcas says:

    JPotter: Which half does the 99% fit into?

    The big half.

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