Media blackout on Arizona Cold Case Posse

Amid widespread reports on the Internet of extreme pressure being brought to bear on the mainstream  to enforce a blackout of information coming out of the Arizona Cold Case Posse’s investigation into the President’s birth certificate, a small handful of news organizations have courageously reported the story. I salute the following who are an example to the rest:

  • ABC News
  • Alamogordo Daily News
  • Alaska Dispatch
  • Albany Times Union
  • All Voices
  • Arizona Daily Star
  • Arizona Daily Sun
  • Arizona Republic
  • Atlantic Wire
  • Austin 360
  • AZ Central
  • AZ Family
  • Asheville (NC) Citizen-Times
  • Associated Press
  • Atlanta Journal Constitution
  • Australian Eye
  • Baltimore Sun
  • BCS
  • Belleview News Democrat
  • Bellingham Herald
  • BET
  • Biz Journals
  • Bloomington Pantagraph
  • (owned by NY Times)
  • Bradenton Herald
  • Broadcast Newsroom
  • Business Insider
  • Canada Free Press
  • Calgary Sun
  • Camp Verde Bugle
  • Capitol Hill Blue
  • Carlisle Sentinel
  • Catholic Online
  • CBS News
  • Centre Daily Times
  • Charlotte Observer
  • Chicago Mag
  • Chicago Reader
  • Chicago Sun Times
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Christian Post
  • Cineplex
  • College News
  • Color Lines
  • Cypress Times
  • Courthouse News Service
  • Daily Beast
  • Daily Caller
  • Daily Herald
  • Daily Mail (UK)
  • Deseret News
  • Detroit Daily News
  • Democratic Underground
  • Denver Post
  • Digital Journal
  • Duluth Weekly
  • East Valley Tribune
  • Economic Times
  • El Paso Inc
  • Emirates
  • Eurasia Review
  • Fort Worth Star Telegram
  • Fox News
  • Fresno Bee
  • Fronteras
  • Global Grind
  • Greenfield Daily Reporter
  • Guardian (UK)
  • Herald Times Reporter
  • Hill, The
  • Hispanically Speaking News
  • Honolulu Star-Advertiser
  • Hot Air
  • Houma Courier
  • Indian Express
  • International Business Times
  • Journal Register
  • KAAL
  • KATV
  • KENS
  • KGW
  • KHOU
  • KING
  • KLTV
  • KMPH
  • KOWB
  • KPHO (Phoenix)
  • KPNX
  • KSWT
  • KTAR
  • KVVU
  • KXL
  • KYMA
  • Las Vegas Review-Journal
  • Lexington herald Leader
  • Longview Daily News
  • Lubbock (TX) Online
  • Macomb Daily
  • Macon Telegraph
  • Main Justice
  • Maximum Edge
  • Media Matters for America
  • Mediate
  • Merced Sun-Star
  • Metro (UK)
  • Miami Herald
  • Mid Columbia Tri City Herald
  • Minneapolis Star
  • Mobile Tribune
  • Monterrey County Herald
  • Moriches Daily
  • MSN Money
  • MyFox Los Angeles
  • Myrtle Beach Online
  • National Post
  • National Review
  • Navajo Post
  • National Public Radio
  • NBC San Diego
  • NECN
  • New American
  • Nerdvana
  • New York Daily News
  • New York Post
  • New York Times
  • Newsday
  • News Banner (Louisiana)
  • News OK
  • News On 6
  • News One
  • News Sentinel
  • news Tribune
  • News 10 (NBC)
  • Newser
  • NOLA
  • North Cable News
  • North County Times
  • Northern Voices
  • Official Wire
  • Ology
  • Op Ed News
  • Oshkosh Northwestern
  • Outcome Magazine
  • Phoenix New Times
  • Police News
  • Policy Mic
  • Politic 365
  • Quad City Times
  • Reno Gazette Journal
  • Republic, The
  • Root, The
  • Royal Oak Daily Tribune
  • Sacramento Bee
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • San Jose Mercury News
  • Seattle Post Intelligencer
  • Seattle Times
  • SF Weekly
  • Slate Magazine
  • Sonoran News
  • Spokesman Review
  • State Column
  • State, The (SC)
  • Stir, The
  • STL Today
  • Sun Herald
  • Sunday Zaman
  • Tecca
  • Think Progress
  • Toronto Sun
  • Town Hall
  • Tri Valley Central
  • Truth Dive
  • Tucson Citizen
  • Tucson Weekly
  • TVNZ
  • U-T San Diego
  • United Press International (UPI)
  • Ventura County Star
  • Verde Independent
  • Washington Post
  • Washington Times
  • Wausau Daily Herald
  • WHBL
  • WHNS
  • Wizbang
  • WorldNetDaily
  • WBOC
  • WBRC
  • WCNC
  • WFAA
  • WFIE
  • WHBL
  • WIS
  • Wisconsin Rapids Tribune
  • WNEM
  • WNYT
  • WPTV
  • WRAL
  • WRCB
  • WSHM
  • WTAM
  • WTOP
  • WTSP
  • Yahoo
  • York Daily Record
  • York Dispatch
  • 13 ABC Action News

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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37 Responses to Media blackout on Arizona Cold Case Posse

  1. Thrifty says:

    Such bravery in the face of the Soros/Obama Regime is truly admirable.

  2. justlw says:

    Yeah, but aside from them.

  3. alg says:

    that’s it?!?

  4. J. Potter says:

    But is anyone doing original reporting, or just relaying the wire report?

    You could start listing blogs, plenty of original commentary in the blogosphere, but that might blow up your own blog!

    This gets back again to denialism and reality spin …. saying something doesn’t make it true. Every parent deals with this, and when children attempt to alter reality by describing their preferred version of events, parents call it “lying”. Due to the dangerous nature of “lying,” it is typically punished relatively harshly, in some households punished as severely as violence. It is hard for an individual or subgroup to productively coexist with larger groups if a common understanding cannot be maintained, and the act of “lying” subverts attempts to maintain that understanding. Thus liars must be corrected or expelled.No parent wants their kids to be an outcast. One of the key milestones in childhood development is outgrowing the temptation to lie by attaining the maturity to face reality.

    Birthers need a good spankin’!

  5. US Citizen says:

    That’s one hell of a black out.
    All the major networks who are syndicated too.
    ABC, CBS, NBC (as MSNBC), etc.

    Hey.. maybe there wasn’t any black out at all.
    Maybe it just didn’t seem like much news being that the man is president already and he showed every possible evidence he was born in Hawaii.

    The birthers should be glad nothing else happened that day other than Brietbart dieing.
    They wouldn’t have even seen airtime and then they’d blame whatever happened on Obama.
    Cause he’s the likely suspect….

  6. Even NPR just used the AP story. However, the Arizona papers did a little leg work and of course the Phoenix New times Blog is the epicenter of dirt on Sheriff Joe.

    J. Potter: But is anyone doing original reporting, or just relaying the wire report?

  7. ASK Esq says:

    No, no, Doc. When the birthers say there’s been a news blackout on the story, what they mean is, no reputable news agency has reported the story the way THEY want it reported. You know, by ignoring facts and truth and annoying details like that. These places just went and explained how the sheriff didn’t actually back up any of his claims with anything that hadn’t been debunked long ago.

  8. Keith says:

    The Australian Eye? Never heard of it until now. Hardly MSM. Not updated very often.

    A better choice would be or the Global Mail. However I’m not sure if either of those covered the story.

    Quality Australian papers would be Fairfax papers like The Age in Melbourne or News Corp papers like The Australian. Broadcast media is the ABC, SBS, and Radio National.

    I’m pretty sure that Phillip Adams’ show “Late Night Live” on Radio National mentioned it in passing but I couldn’t swear to it now.

    I’ll see if I can find any reference to the story at any of these sources..

  9. I just searched Google News for “Cold Case Posse” over the past month and took what they gave me.

    Keith: A better choice would be or the Global Mail. However I’m not sure if either of those covered the story.

  10. bgansel9 says:

    AZ Central and Arizona Republic are the same source (AZ Central is their internet portal, it is owned by Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. (The same company issues my paychecks for being an independent newspaper carrier for The Arizona Republic.)

    KSLX (100.7 Classic Rock – Phoenix) is doing the exact opposite. They have a news lady named Sandy Wells on every weekday morning who has made many claims about Obama not presenting his birth certificate (before the Long Form was released), recently she’s been pushing the Joe Arpaio says Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery story. I’ve complained about her numerous times, doesn’t seem to do any good. I love their music, I hate their news lady.

  11. Pravda reported it, too.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reportert

  12. G says:

    BRAVO!!! Well said!!

    J. Potter: This gets back again to denialism and reality spin …. saying something doesn’t make it true. Every parent deals with this, and when children attempt to alter reality by describing their preferred version of events, parents call it “lying”. Due to the dangerous nature of “lying,” it is typically punished relatively harshly, in some households punished as severely as violence. It is hard for an individual or subgroup to productively coexist with larger groups if a common understanding cannot be maintained, and the act of “lying” subverts attempts to maintain that understanding. liars must be corrected or expelled.No parent wants their kids to be an outcast. One of the key milestones in childhood development is outgrowing the temptation to lie by attaining the maturity to face reality.
    Birthers need a good spankin’!

  13. Lupin says:

    I did a google news search on French sites and amusingly no reputable French site talked about the posse,k but Belgians ones did.

    Wacky Belgians!

  14. aarrgghh says:

    birfers have been making lists, too:

    “Don’t forget those that had Obama’s mother SAD passport records turn up missing and apparently fabricated a story about them being destroyed including what looks like a fake cable which I could duplicate in an hour.

    Then those responsible for the missing National Archives records and those that did nothing to secure them.

    All the attorneys who represented the government in numerous FOIA cases. The should have known or did know his BC was irregular.

    WH staff and others who purposely and unreasonably delayed FOIA requests.

    All the judges who refused to hear the merits of challenges, including the US Supreme Court for dereliction of duty. Imagine a voter does not have standing to challenge a candidates eligibility.

    All of Congress who ignored the problem and did nothing to uphold their sworn duty to the Constitution. They continue to do nothing they have not passed any new laws to make sure proper vetting will be done in the future and eligibility will be able to be challenged and must be shown by candidates. Corrupt to the core.

    All Secretaries of State and Attorney Generals who did not properly vet Obama and let him on the ballot.

    All Attorney Generals, Govenors, and Secretaries of State who are now aware of Arpaio’s report who continue to do nothing.

    It may include those that kept his school records hidden if they show ineligibility. His relatives that said nothing… the list goes on and on…”

    … and don’t think they’ve forgotten about Y-O-U!

  15. aarrgghh says:

    also, too:

    We need the first domino to fall. I care not who it is. Hopefully the Sheriff is closing in on his person of interest’. But the first to go down must do so from a legal sniper shot – not legal carpet bombing. Maybe 1 or 2 more will also have go down the same way via very targeted prosecution. But until the useful idiots’ feel more threatened by the good guys than the bad guys – this usurpation will continue.

    If its Okubo (a good choice) good – she should get good long term if not be held for treason; if it is Joe Miller – who now works for the CBO (talk about a pay-off) also good; if they get him they should get his partner in crime Jess Henig; the creator of the LFBC – probably some 20-something kid in the White House – fine – give him 20 years. Fuddy – she deserves 10 to 20 easily. These are the people who probably have committed real crimes that crimes of commission. Others as well, I certainly do not provide this list as a finite thing. But I call them out because these are the people who most likely have committed actual criminal fraud of some type. And it the people who have done the evil kings bidding who must be addressed first. You can not get to the King without capturing some of the pawns first in a chess game. There has been too much focus on the King and not enough on the pawns – until Sheriff Arpaio. Buttered – hopefully your work and focus is used by the good Sheriff. It is the basic corruption of basic laws that has allowed the larger fraud to go one. You are one of the few who have kept that focus.

    But somebody has to go to jail for a specific, basic crime. Not a high level Constitutional issue as many have called out for – but a real basic crime – forgery and/or fraud. The first to fall will not be those whose crime is one of omission. That includes judges and media. When it comes to crimes of omission I do call out Brian Schatz by name because if there anyone alive that knows the facts – it is he. Brian Schatz left out the eligibility wording in the OCON in Hawaii in 2008 – why?!?! Because HE KNOWS and when this house of cards falls – he believes he will be safe because he did not materially lie in 2008 on the OCON – that is completely obvious to any rational observer. I would say he obviously has the responsibility to come forward – and maybe he wants to. But either he a great Democratic foot soldier or, like many, maybe he and his family have been threatened.

    People who I know who are connected to the Federal government have made their decision about this administration and many are now speaking their minds. They say this administration is evil’. That is their exact word. And that description comes from multiple people connected to the government.


    Be safe all.”

    (this freeper echoes butterdezillion — who gets a shout out — so well that i’m tempted to dub him or her “margerinedezillion”)

  16. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I just searched Google News for “Cold Case Posse” over the past month and took what they gave me.

    I couldn’t find any reference to “arpaio” (from this year) or “cold case posse” on any of the ‘reputable’ Australian sites I searched. I don’t know that I am familiar with all ‘reasonable’ sites.

  17. The Magic M says:

    aarrgghh [quoting birthers]: You can not get to the King without capturing some of the pawns first in a chess game.

    And as usual, birthers fail as soon as they claim anything as “fact”.

    (It is possible to mate the opponent’s king using a clever setup with knight and rook, though that requires “help” or a really bad opponent – black king on h8, another black piece on g8, black f-pawn moved from its initial position, white knight on g6 and rook on the h-file is enough; in a normal chess game, if you need to break up the pawns around the opponent’s king, you can sacrifice pieces – not necessarily pawns – but don’t have to capture any of the opponent’s pawns in the process.)

  18. J. Potter says:

    ASK Esq: When the birthers say there’s been a news blackout on the story, what they mean is, no reputable news agency has reported the story the way THEY want it reported.

    You mean, birthers don’t know the diff between a blackout and a cover-up?

    Well, duh, of course they don’t. Hysterical that a group that habitually buys into spin can’t recognize it … which is why they buy into it. No concept of objectivity, so they assume everyone if spinning and all things are spun! If it isn’t their ‘truth’ then it means their ‘truth’ has been ‘blacked out’.

    I don’t suppose we could get the FCC to yank all programming for 3 years and force all channels to air philosophy courses 24/7, can we?

  19. J. Potter says:

    aarrgghh: “margerinedezillion”


  20. Paul Pieniezny says:

    I did a google news search on French sites and amusingly no reputable French site talked about the posse,k but Belgians ones did.

    Wacky Belgians!


    Which Belgian newspapers? I googled News with cold case posse and *.be and all I get is:

    Too many be’s in that one.

  21. Lupin says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Which Belgian newspapers? I googled News with cold case posse and *.be and all I get is:

    Try googling: Arpaio Obama acte naissance

  22. y_p_w says:

    Keith: Quality Australian papers would be Fairfax papers like The Age in Melbourne or News Corp papers like The Australian. Broadcast media is the ABC, SBS, and Radio National.

    I did a search on the Sydney Morning Herald (says Fairfax Media on the bottom of their webpages) website of “Arpaio”. The most recent article was from Aug 31, 2011 on the shooting of a puppy by actor and then Maricopa County reserve sheriff’s deputy Steven Seagal. It’s in the Entertainment section.–over-the-alleged-shooting-of-a-puppy-20110831-1jl8w.html

  23. y_p_w says:

    Keith: Quality Australian papers would be Fairfax papers like The Age in Melbourne or News Corp papers like The Australian.

    Wasn’t News Corp responsible for “quality” British papers like News of the World?

  24. Gas Guzzler says:

    However, recent work and revelations from Arizona’s Cold Case Posse has found multitude of fabricated documents of our CIC proven from competent investigations that has produced compelling evidence of these facts!

    The kick in your face amateurish forgeries shows that this administration has no fear of consequences. Either they are completely naive and stupid or extremely self serving, arrogant and totalitarian in their beliefs of themselves and the minions of us they are to rule over.The general public has been dumb’ed down so much by our esteemed educational system since the late 1960’s that their fruits have produced the hordes of dumb asses that follow the Hollywood Media 2 second sound bite lead.

    If we as a nation cannot verify the documents and credentials for the most important job in the world, how can we as a country and a society be taken seriously at home or more importantly abroad? Damned shameful and regrettably reality in the times we live in!!

    What is even more troubling is the cover-up..

    Can you Spell W-A-T-E-R-G-A-T-E???

    I would call it O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E!!

  25. Gas Guzzler says:

    It’s amazing how the troops are held to one exacting standard, and the politicians can just weasel their way into office and then you get nothing but Flim-Flam topped with jokes and blames…

    When you join the military your documentation has to be impeccably accurate and correct, and if not are prosecuted for it.

    However, recent work and revelations from Arizona’s Cold Case Posse has found multitude of fabricated documents of our CIC proven from competent investigations that has produced compelling evidence of these facts!

    The kick in your face amateurish forgeries shows that this administration has no fear of consequences. Either they are completely naive and stupid or extremely self serving, arrogant and totalitarian in their beliefs of themselves and the minions of us they are to rule over.The general public has been dumb’ed down so much by our esteemed educational system since the late 1960’s that their fruits have produced the hordes of dumb asses that follow the Hollywood Media 2 second sound bite lead.

    If we as a nation cannot verify the documents and credentials for the most important job in the world, how can we as a country and a society be taken seriously at home or more importantly abroad? Damned shameful and regrettably reality in the times we live in!!

    What is even more troubling is the cover-up..

    Can you Spell W-A-T-E-R-G-A-T-E???

    I would call it O-B-A-M-A-G-A-T-E!!

  26. misha says:

    Gas Guzzler: Can you Spell W-A-T-E-R-G-A-T-E???

    See ya real soon
    Why? Because we like you

  27. I prefer I-N-V-E-S-T-I-G-A-T-E because the only fraud is coming out of Arizona.

    The Cold Case Posse investigated birther web sites and a smear book. There is no forgery and there is no cover up. There are only conspiracy theorists who have lost the ability to tell fact from fantasy, and are so blinded by their own confirmation that they will believe anything so long as it says Obama’s not really the President.


    [I don’t know why I waste my time. Birthers are beyond help.]

    Gas Guzzler: Can you Spell W-A-T-E-R-G-A-T-E???

  28. I think you’re missing a word there. But the Cold Case Posse hasn’t “found” anything. What they have done is to repeat long-discredited crank experts and to copy word for word from Jerome Corsi’s smear book from last year. The only thing I saw “new” was that they proved that a “08” upside down is “80”. But any kid knows that.

    Gas Guzzler: However, recent work and revelations from Arizona’s Cold Case Posse has found multitude of fabricated documents of our CIC proven from competent investigations that has produced compelling evidence of these facts!

  29. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: [I don’t know why I waste my time. Birthers are beyond help.]

    It’s a form of mental illness.

  30. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The only thing I saw “new” was that they proved that a “08‘ upside down is “80‘. But any kid knows that.


  31. Jor-El says:

    y_p_w: Wasn’t News Corp responsible for “quality” British papers like News of the World?

    Not all News Corp papers are evil. They are all conservative though. The Australian is a pretty good newspaper. It strives to be a ‘national’ paper, but its main audience remains Sydney centric. On the other hand the Sydney Morning Telegraph is worse that NotW ever was.

    In Melbourne the News Corp paper is the Herald Sun. It is barely literate, but does have good articles keeping everyone up to date on “My Kitchen Rules”, “Australian Idol”, “Top Chef”, and occasionally “Better Homes and Gardens”. It also has pretty good sports coverage. It’s number one Opinion Columnist just got convicted for racial vilification and cost the paper a 6 figure settlement. The economy columnist cant count up to 11 without taking his pants off.

  32. Keith says:

    eh. Sorry, somebody who shall remain nameless (but his middle initial is “K” – and I know who I am) fudged my comment ID block.

  33. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The only thing I saw “new” was that they proved that a “08‘ upside down is “80‘. But any kid knows that.

    Maybe someone put Bloated Jerome into endless giggle spasms after showing him 58008 upside down on a calculator.

  34. Majority Will says:

    Gas Guzzler: It’s amazing . . .

    Nice satire.

  35. Scientist says:

    Gas Guzzler: When you join the military your documentation has to be impeccably accurate and correct, and if not are prosecuted for

    In fact there are many illegal immigrants currently serving in the US militarry with false documents. Here is one example
    I’m surprised you didn’t know about such cases since the idea of granting these veterans citizenship in recognnition of their service has been much discussed. In previous wars, such as World War II, many men too young to enlist lied about their age and were sent into battle. It was so common as to be a cliche.

  36. J. Potter says:

    Gas Guzzler: The kick in your face amateurish forgeries shows that this administration has no fear of consequences.

    Thanks for re-confirming this particular ODS meme. You know it’s a forgery because it’s associated with Obama. You took a dumb idea too far, got burned down—multiple times—and have been forced to double-, triple-, quadruple-, … infinituple-down.

    Every time you see that image, it’s like a needle in the eye. You made it’s impossibility gospel, so its existence is blasphemy. Well, tough. You made your stupid, suck it up like a man.

    Or here, have another helping of crazy and continue to entertain! As I always say, the choice of handle tells you all you need to know! A “Gas Guzzler” has got to be good for some quality entertainment.

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