Now I know how a Birther feels

I have just finished watching the Arpaio press conference in Arizona. I am upset. I am angry. I have just seen the worst bunch of official lies presented under the guise of governmental authority since Watergate.  I have seen blatant abuse of authority. Sheriff Joe and his posse ought to be investigated for fraud themselves! Sheriff Joe should be removed from office. Somebody should go to jail!

Does that sound familiar? Now I know how a Birther feels every time they read the mainstream media, when they watched the two-part CNN investigation of Obama’s birth certificate, when they saw the White House press conference releasing the long form or when they read the Obama Conspiracy Theories web site. Even though up is down, black is white, and good is evil when it comes to comparing my view of the world to the Birther’s view, this experience is something we share: the feeling of frustration, utter wrongness and the desire to do something! It’s a lot easier to be calm when things are going your way.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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69 Responses to Now I know how a Birther feels

  1. Jamese777 says:

    I want the hour and change of my life back that I spent watching that sideshow. Yawn.

  2. Paper says:

    Reposting here from the other thread, because it is an expression of this same feeling of exasperation at such mendacity:

    “I’m not saying he’s an illegal immigrant. I’m not saying he’s mashed potatoes. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be president. I’m not saying anything really. I’m just saying, if it’s forgery and fraud, and we have these people saying it is, and if they themselves are not frauds, well, you see, I don’t why you’re saying the President shouldn’t be president, I’m not saying that, I’m saying if it is a forgery, someone should do something about that, show me something else, not a birth announcement in the newspaper from 1961, no not that, something else, that’s all I’m saying. I’ll apologize, I love apologizing. Just show me the same papers Rick Santorum showed me when I spoke to him the other day. I ask and people show me their papers. I don’t even have to ask. People just show me. I’m that kind of guy. I didn’t ask for this. This is not about politics. I don’t know what it’s about. But if it’s forgery, then that’s a crime, that’s my job. That’s what people tell me. I don’t tell them anything. They tell me. Don’t ask me why they put this forgery on the internet. We’re not talking about motive. We’re talking about a crime, and somebody should do something about that. I’ll be interested to know what I decide to do about that. You should check back with me later. Or just ask Mr. Corsi what I think. Skip the middle man. That’s all I’m saying.

    “I am the If Weasel, coo coo ca choo.”

  3. yutube says:

    It’s ok Doc, I’m sorry 🙁

  4. bernadineayers says:


  5. DP says:

    Why waste time and emotional energy being upset over it? If someone else wants to misuse their public office, there isn’t anything you or I can do about it. It’s not like it will make a hill of beans difference in the end.

    I would simply press Sheriff Joe to now do his duty. He said someone has to look into this. Well, no one else has deemed it worthy of convening an investigation, so it seems like that somebody is you, Sheriff Joe.

    Hang it around his neck and let him make a complete fool of himself disputing the state of Hawaii, which owns the actual record. And by all means, the more hearsay, unnamed affidavits, the better.

    I’m up for a billboard: “DO YOUR JOB, SHERIFF JOE!”

  6. ASK Esq says:

    Just remember, Sheriff Joe is a big fish in a tiny little pond. To paraphrase Joe Piscopo/Frank Sinatra, Pres Obama has chunks of guys bigger than him in his stool.

  7. Paper says:

    I ask myself, who are these people? But then I remind myself. I know. I see it all the time. I know these people. I know that cadence, the way Arpaio talks. I can go visit and hear it all night long if I want.

  8. Scientist says:

    So what happens now?

  9. G says:

    Actually, I didn’t really get upset much at all.

    If anything, I was more upset at the nearly unintelligible jerky feed during the first part of the Vattelvision broadcast. I could barely make out any of what was said until they were getting towards the final part of their power point presentations.

    I am surprised by just HOW Open Birther Arpaio openly went…but I disagree with classifying his performance act here as “full metal birther”… even though I love the sound of that term.

    If anything, Arpaio and his Cold Case dude were playing “Weasel Birther” at every opportunity. They were noticeably concerned about letting the full Birther Freak Flag fly. You could here their discussion during the first “Birther” question in the audience – they wanted to do everything they could to steer clear and avoid being associated with it. Same with the 2nd Birther question from the audience – they tried to weasel out by saying that other issues were beyond their focus.

    In other words, it was so obviously clear that this was an open game of trying to see if they could play Swift Boat and float a bunch of smears and quite open-ended insinuations… yet were afraid to totally “own” them…and desperate to back away from making any *real* direct accusations or committ to any *real* next actions.

    No, this was merely a Trial Ballon they were floating. WND’s deep involvement is no accident. Their whole hope here is to use the media and the Appeal of Authority via Sheriff Joe’s position to goad the media and government officials into going down a fishing expedition rabbit hole, with the goal of hoping they can harass and smear the President in the process. It is nothing but an attempt to create a Swift Boat atmosphere via playing up Birtherism.

    I think David Weigel summed up what the whole investigation “findings” amounted to best:

    Was unaware that cut-and-pasting WorldNetDaily articles was a “government investigation.”

    — @daveweigel via TweetDeck

    So all this amounts to is a new angle to try to again sow doubts in the public sphere and gain traction. The problem is, the Birthers have so discredited themselves over the past few years, that most folks are already innoculated against their cr@p.

    By mostly just recycling lame debunked WND arguments about meaningless PDFs, they are simply going down a road they already miserably failed to gain any traction on before. This line of “forgery” claims have been looked at and debunked. Not just on places here, but also by many in the mainstream media. Therefore, it will be much harder for even this “press conference” to have much legs as a news story.

    The Birthers of course will be excited and will be masterbating to that peformance for days…. But if it fails in its goal to get much traction or attention beyond that, then it still amounts to nothing more than stringing them along again. So again, if all this did was simply play to a limited and overly receptive choir, then it doesn’t change the equation at all.

    So my overall reaction was *meh* and a shrug. A bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing. Yes, it doubled-down much further along the line of Trump’s “I can’t believe what my investigators are finding” angle, but in the end, it really was nothing more than that – just louder and longer and full of meaningless dog & pony show details and full of only hollow weasel words in place of any real further action.

    Will that local GOP Birther congress critter continue to use this to push his latest Birther Bill attempt? Sure. Will a few others try to use this to push similar agenda items? Most likely.

    But does anyone seriously think that that the broader GOP is going to double-down on this rabbit hole and try to pull a Congressional Hearing farce? Or that any of this Birther Bills will make it to law and be able to impact Obama? Highly unlikely.

    Will Corsi sell a few more books from this? It depends on if he’s already reached his saturation point with sales to the Birther audience. If the gullibly faithful have already bought it, then they don’t need to buy it again. Again, I see very little chance that they truly grow their audience beyond those already suffering ODS.

    Other than the same cycnical spin propagandists trying to prop up this event and keep the issue alive, I think the broader public tolerance for Birtherism has long run its course.

    The HI DOH is really the only group that I could forsee taking the bait and responding with their own press conference in rebuttal. After all, the weasel insinuations by Arpaio really seem to accuse them of fraud more than anyone else. So they have a legitimate beef to push back, if they chose.

    But beyond that, I don’t see much need to even respond. Let their failed mass media Concern Trolling attempt fade into irrelevance like the total dud that it was.

  10. Bob says:

    That’s all the same crap that was dismissed as not worthy of being admitted as evidence in the Indiana hearing.

  11. Paper says:

    Yes, the If Weasel. Coo coo ca choo.

    G: If anything, Arpaio and his Cold Case dude were playing “Weasel Birther” at every opportunity.

  12. yutube says:

    no substance here..not one single claim against the evidence presented by Arpaio. stop winin’, man up. jeez you all look like Orly today.

  13. Scientist says:

    yutube: no substance here..not one single claim against the evidence presented by Arpaio

    Could you be specific as to what evidence was presented? And again, what would you propose to be done? If there is a crime, shouldn’t the Sheriff make an arrest? Isn’t that his job? if there is no crime, what is his business wiith this?

  14. G says:

    As I already said, Weigel summed up Arpaio’s “evidence” best:

    Was unaware that cut-and-pasting WorldNetDaily articles was a “government investigation.”

    — @daveweigel via TweetDeck

    So yeah, nothing really in his presentation that hasn’t been brought up and debunked nearly a year ago.

    But hey, they wasted a lot of time going down the rabbit hole of scanning photocopies and bringing them up in Photoshop and Illustrator. Too bad they never bothered to actually contact the HI DOH or ask to see the actual PAPER document.

    A wasted effort on a meaningless and irrelevant charade that only can fool fools. Congrats Yutube, you’ve been had…yet again.

    yutube: no substance here..not one single claim against the evidence presented by Arpaio. stop winin’, man up. jeez you all look like Orly today.

  15. justlw says:

    “not one single claim”

    Well, there’s the whole looking at the wrong thing part. I think that took up 40 minutes of the conference.

    Claim against the evidence #1: They were looking at the wrong thing.

    Claim against the evidence #2: People have seen, handled, and posted photographs of the right thing.

    Claim against the evidence #3: The canonical authority for producing the right thing says it’s the right thing.

    If they’d even pretended to address points 2 and 3, that would’ve been a major upgrade.

  16. veritas says:

    so if this is all rubish as you contend why the need for this web site?

  17. Paper says:

    Been there, done that. As you know, that forgery stuff has been covered here before.

    Not to worry, you can go listen to John Woodman on RC radio tonight. And people have already started responding in some of the threads about the nonsense presented under Arpaio’s auspices.

    The bottom line is it takes an exceptional and adamant fool to talk about a *forged* PDF when the state of Hawaii has affirmed the birth certificates (both short and long) and has posted a link on the official state website to the PDF in question.

    After that, the rest is an academic exercise, with actual experts demonstrating that talk of forgery is wrong. I’d provide some links but I know you’ve been around awhile and have seen them.

    yutube: not one single claim against the evidence presented by Arpaio.

  18. Jamese777 says:

    so if this is all rubish as you contend why the need for this web site?

    Because its such fun to laugh at the stupid people. All of us need somebody to feel superior to, for me, it’s birther-bots.
    For birthers it’s somebody non-white having the audacity (of hop) to get elected to the presidency.

  19. Dave says:

    In this context, I don’t understand this sentence: “It’s a lot easier to be calm when things are going your way.” It implies things are not going our way. But how so? It seems to me that the effect of this is somewhere between “nothing” and “embarassing the GOP.” I just don’t see any downside.

  20. Jamese777 says:

    A federal judge in Montana today joked that the reason Barack Obama is (half) black is that his mother had sex with a black dog.

  21. Prithee, allow us birthers and afterbirthers one magnificent, glorious day.


  22. Scientist says:

    Dave: In this context, I don’t understand this sentence: “It’s a lot easier to be calm when things are going your way.” It implies things are not going our way. But how so? It seems to me that the effect of this is somewhere between “nothing” and “embarassing the GOP.” I just don’t see any downside.

    The press needs to demand that all the Republican candidates comment on this. Talking Points Memo has already asked them and is prepared to keep asking.

  23. G says:

    What, are you incapable of reading the Visitor’s Guide?

    The purpose of this blog as our byline, fishing for the gold coin in a bucket of mud, says, is examining a vast array of claims, rumors and even lawsuits about Barack Obama and his eligibility to be president, to see if anything there has credible backing.

    So yeah, we observe, analyze, debunk and get some laughs inbetween.

    It is also always wise to keep an eye on crazy unhinged movements and be watchful for threats of incitement or other illegal and improper acts.

    veritas: so if this is all rubish as you contend why the need for this web site?

  24. G says:


    Let me put it in this analogy of why both sides are happy with this today:

    Birthers are like flies. Flies love sh*t. Arpiao served them a whole heap of sh*t today. So the flies are happy because they’ve got sh*t in front of them.

    Most other creatures are repulsed by sh*t. Which is actually an intentional natural property of sh*t. You are supposed to be repulsed and turned off by your waste products. It is nature’s way of keeping animals from feeding on what their digestive system has already rejected.

    So everyone else sees & smells the sh*t that is now all over Joe Arpaio and is simply repulsed and turns away by it.

    Only the flies are attracted to it. Everyone else gets one whiff and wants to get as far away as possible.

    Dave: In this context, I don’t understand this sentence: “It’s a lot easier to be calm when things are going your way.” It implies things are not going our way. But how so? It seems to me that the effect of this is somewhere between “nothing” and “embarassing the GOP.” I just don’t see any downside.

  25. Thomas Brown says:

    so if this is all rubish as you contend why the need for this web site?

    The site acts as a sort of ad hoc IQ test. If you think there is anything to the Birther crap, your IQ is below normal. Conservatives with a decent IQ know there isn’t and are embarrased by Birferdom.

    Not all stupid people are birthers, but all birthers are either really stupid, willfully ignorant,or pathetically gullible, except for a very small group at the top of the steaming pile who are intelligent and know the birther mythos is bunk, but use it for partisan purposes.

  26. BillTheCat says:

    Hey yutube, won any court cases lately? No? Lost 100 so far?

    Get back to us when a single judge in the US agrees with you and the shurriff. Excuse us if we don’t hold our breath waiting.

  27. Paper says:

    Having close relationships with some relentless birthers, I do not begrudge them their anger at corruption and such things. We know corruption actually exists, conspiracies do exist. We grew up with such things in our faces, affecting our lives directly. I just wish they were competent in their ideas of what is corrupt.

  28. donna says:

    had I wanted to conduct a LEGITIMATE “cold case” investigation , it would have been with FRESH EYES

    the DEBUNKED CORSI and WING NUTZZ DAILY would not have been within 3000 miles of my investigation

    my NAMED forensic experts would have been COURT QUALIFIED and PRESENT at the press conference

    the archivist would have also been present to authenticate the missing dates in the archives

    today was NOTHING MORE than ANOTHER FRAUD perpetrated this time by a law enforcement agent and his minions


  29. veritas says:

    I’m waiting for Obama Conspiracy Theories to start a web site to prove that the moon is NOT made of cheese and the earth is in fact not flat.

  30. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: except for a very small group at the top of the steaming pile who are intelligent and know the birther mythos is bunk, but use it for partisan purposes.

    Like McConnell, Boehner and Cantor.

  31. G says:

    If we were dealing with a current phenomenon in which those particular conspiracies were quite active, then there probably would be a need to have a sight to report on and debunk that phenomenon.

    But we don’t. The Flat Earth Society still exists and even has annual meetings. But they don’t generate enough activity to maintain a blog site.

    When Dr. Conspiracy started this site, he didn’t think there would be enough material on these myths to maintain it for more than a few months. At various periods of low Birther activity (as recent as late last fall), he’s questioned how much coverage this issue still garnishes.

    Right now, with another Presidential election looming, we of course see a renewed spike in the propaganda tactics of Birtherism. So this site remains very viable and relevant in addressing the phenomenon.

    Although the most delusional out there will probably be babbling “any…day…now” on Birtherism nonsense for the rest of their miserable lives, most of the issue will eventually become too irrelevant at some point to merit regular coverage.

    Using the similar EPIC FAIL movement of the PUMAs as a guide, I can see there being enough desperate and crazy activity to cover this phenomenon for at least another full year. After that, I’m sure there will be some new crazy conspiracy worth covering. There always is.

    veritas: I’m waiting for Obama Conspiracy Theories to start a web site to prove that the moon is NOT made of cheese and the earth is in fact not flat.

  32. misha says:

    G: The Flat Earth Society still exists and even has annual meetings.

    Thanks for reminding me. My membership is due.

  33. Foggy says:

    Veritas is also Red Steel on Free Republic, rs on ORYR, redd on many websites including the dearly departed Ed Hale’s site, and probably other birther aliases. Orly outed her the other day, like Orly will do to all her supporters. Full name, town she lives in, the works.

    Hi, redd.

  34. Obsolete says:

    veritas: I’m waiting for Obama Conspiracy Theories to start a web site to prove that the moon is NOT made of cheese and the earth is in fact not flat.

    The people who believe and advocate for those beliefs aren’t trying to overturn a free and fair election, spreading seditious lies, calling for a military coup, or advocating violence and revenge against 69,000,000 Americans who voted for the “wrong” guy.

    the birthers, on the other hand…

  35. Obsolete says:

    Foggy: Veritas is also Red Steel on Free Republic

    Oh, I’ve read Red Steel’s bigoted & batsh|t posts over at that sewer. Stalinist-like censorship at its finest!

  36. G says:

    Good to know, thanks.

    Regardless of who he is, he’s nothing but a completely obvious Concern Troll with not much substance to his act.

    Foggy: Veritas is also Red Steel on Free Republic, rs on ORYR, redd on many websites including the dearly departed Ed Hale’s site, and probably other birther aliases. Orly outed her the other day, like Orly will do to all her supporters. Full name, town she lives in, the works.Hi, redd.

  37. G says:

    Oops, meant to say she. Left off the “s” by accident.

    G: Good to know, thanks. Regardless of who he is, he’s nothing but a completely obvious Concern Troll with not much substance to his act.

  38. jayhg says:

    veritas: so if this is all rubish as you contend why the need for this web site?

    Birther websites are full of crap and I’ll bet you don’t question THEIR existence…… stupid birther…..

  39. G says:

    Well said!

    jayhg: Birther websites are full of crap and I’ll bet you don’t question THEIR existence…… stupid birther…..

  40. jayhg says:

    Jamese777: A federal judge in Montana today joked that the reason Barack Obama is (half) black is that his mother had sex with a black dog.

    Yes, but he says he’s not racist…..he doesn’t like President Obama and blah blah blah….”I accidentally pulled out my klan robe and now I’m busted…”

    He’s an idiot bigot who should not be sitting in judgment when there might be someone other than a white person in front of him.

  41. misha says:

    jayhg: Yes, but he says he’s not racist…..he doesn’t like President Obama and blah blah blah

    Jay: Here is the actual e-mail he sent. NSFW:

  42. Northland10 says:

    Kenneth Olsen: Prithee, allow us birthers and afterbirthers one magnificent, glorious day.

    Enjoy your time in the glow.

    FYI.. I cut off you final line while quoting your comment (the H word.. or the A word in Latin) only because it is Lent and.. well, I am Episcopalian.

  43. joyeagle says:

    Hey all. I’ve been off-line for quite some time due to overseas now with limited connectivity–but just got a new ipad and saw the Arapaho press-conference headline on Drudge. I knew this site would be all “juiced up”. Too bad Doc is not being truly capitalistic and running ads, selling stuff and making money off of it. 🙂

  44. G says:

    Hi Joyeagle! Great to hear from you! I hope things are well for you overseas and that you’re family is doing well too. (I’m not sure if they are over there with you or back in the states while you are over there.)

    Hey, now that FL is in the rear-view window, can you share how you & your family ended up voting in the Primary? If you wish to keep it private, I understand. Still an up-in-the air primary over here…

    Keep well and I hope you get another chance to drop by soon!

    joyeagle: Hey all. I’ve been off-line for quite some time due to overseas now with limited connectivity–but just got a new ipad and saw the Arapaho press-conference headline on Drudge. I knew this site would be all “juiced up”. Too bad Doc is not being truly capitalistic and running ads, selling stuff and making money off of it.

  45. joyeagle says:

    Hey, G. Thanks for your thoughts–the family is still back in FL. I was quite eager to share how we turned out. I was dissappointed in the FL results. I actually didn’t know my wife’s vote or daughters, until it was in the mail. My daughter voted like me for Ron Paul, and my wife voted for Rick Santorum. My Dad in different part of Florida, voted for Rick Santorum, and my two brothers and sister all voted for Newt Gingrich. I was dissappointed in Ron Paul’s showing, even with his lack of participation in the state. I thought he would get more just from my conversations around. I was also disappointed he didn’t pull out a win in Maine. I think his chances have nearly zeroed out, although he can still have an impact in the convention and the conversation.
    My second choice now is Santorum and third Gingrich, although unless one or the other gets out, I dont see either of them getting the momentum they need to overcome “the establishment”. And, of course, neither of them will be getting out before super Tuesday, so we’ll just have to see if either of them can pick up enough post-Super Tuesday momentum to play out against Romney after that, where Romney plays better in many states. Good enough contest to remain interseting.
    My friend here, a guy I started this current job with, is from Maricopa county, and completely buys into the whole birther thing. He espcecially believes anything the Sherriff will “validate”. I try to reason with him, but not making much progress. I try to keep from getting too “judgemental” knowing it wasn’t a year ago I was in his shoes.

    G: Hey, now that FL is in the rear-view window, can you share how you & your family ended up voting in the Primary?

  46. Thrifty says:

    Well, look at it this way.

    Birthers are what, 0/100 in court? A notoriously intractable Republican Congress hasn’t shown the slightest interest in pursuing articles of impeachment. Birthers have a minor moral victory compared to the dozens and dozens of actual failures. They’ll ride this emotional high for a week or so, then they’re back to their normal cranky selves.

  47. G says:

    Wow, thanks for the report! Your family votes were quite spread out amongst the available options! The only one with no support was Romney…ironically, the one who ended up winning FL.

    Then again, Romney’s FL machine was pretty darn unbeatable. Not just the 5 to 1 money advantage, but he had a *huge* ground game. But he still didn’t do as well as the overall picture looked, when you take a look at the actual county-by-county results. Gingrich actually won a *huge* number of counties. Of course, that will only become a contested issue if Gingrich somehow becomes viable again in this race. Then again, this is Gingrich we’re talking about, so who knows.

    Super-Tuesday is really a key milestone in this race. If Newt doesn’t win at least GA, he’s finished. Paul also is truly out of contention if he can’t pull off a win through Super-Tuesday. I understand your frustration about FL, but it really ended up being one of the least contested states by Paul (due to the winner-take-all thing). I heard he might have had 1 volunteer campaign office in that staff…if that. You are right about Maine – that really was the one Paul needed to pull off to convince a broader spectrum that he was really in this competition. Then again…the Maine contest has been the *biggest* debacle of all yet…with several pro-Paul voting districts numbers conveniently still “missing”… But perception of a win is what drives momentum and what matters.

    Had Paul won Maine, his future path would have been much different. He had a strong base of support in WA (votes in 2 days), not to mention AK, VT, ND and a few other places. Without a pre-Super Tuesday win under his belt, it is hard to see how he gets those wins on Super-Tuesday. The odds are now highly stacked against him. His main window was Feb and he didn’t deliver. In less than a week, his window will close.

    So next Tuesday’s big results *could* turn into the first major shake-up in the race since SC. Of course Paul won’t drop out, but without a win (and if Newt doesn’t take GA), it would become a point in which it really dropped down to a 2-person race instead of 4.

    My state of OH is again becoming “ground zero” for these political battles. There are strong bases of support here amongst the GOP voters for each of the candidates…so it truly is a place where any of them with proper momentum would stand a legitimate chance (we truly earn our role as being a very mixed and blended state). The funny thing is, Romney is the *least* liked in OH amongst any of the GOP voters around here. The exception to that is in the state Capitol of Columbus – where he has a lot of support amongst the establishment types. There are some pockets of the Cincinnati area that seem warm to him too, but that’s about it. Here in the northeast, those that plan to vote for Romney are quite open that they don’t even like him at all, but simply think he’s likely to be the nominee, so they might as well hold their nose and vote for him. The Newt, Paul & Santorum supporters around here were much more passionate. They knew their candidates were all mixed-bags with some big flaws, but they actually “liked” them.

    Santorum’s biggest mistake for the heavily Roman Catholic Northern part of the state here (where that should have worked in his favor…particularly since we’re part of the “rust belt” and have a strong blue-collar mix) was in saying that JFK’s famous speech on religious freedom made him want to puke. If Santorum loses OH, it will be due to that statement alone – it has really stoked an open anger amongst many that were supporting him up until that moment.

    But it has been a season of many twists and turns. So it will be interesting to see how Super-Tuesday turns out…and what dynamic pattern emerges as a result. If Romney doesn’t really beat expectations on Super-Tuesday, expect a longer race, as the rest of the March calendar could become quite difficult for him and the April calendar mixed. Romney’s perceived areas of strength in the Northeast & the Mormon population centers of the west won’t really come back into force until many of the May & June options.

    The toughest thing to figure out will be the actual delegate projections – the GOP formulas really stink, especially in these caucus states – too many “unbound” allocations and weird multi-step selection procedures that can change a delegate’s loyalty from one round to the next. Ron Paul’s campaign is the only one that seem really to grasp and focus on this fact – so I still expect him to scoop up a lot more delegates in the end than his actual ballot results earned. However, without actually winning states to establish legitimacy, I’m not sure what he can do with the bargaining power of those delegates.

    The real problem is that all of the delegate count forumulas will remain varied and likely fairly uncertain and “off” until possibly even the GOP convention. Ugh! I enjoy a good race, but I like to have a solid sense of where it actually stands. In a race where a decisive win could be hard to come by, it doesn’t help that several hundred delegates can possibly shift at the last minute… if there is not a clear and clean 1144 threshold victory, those perceived shifts could become quite debated and ugly!

    joyeagle: Hey, G. Thanks for your thoughts–the family is still back in FL. I was quite eager to share how we turned out. I was dissappointed in the FL results. I actually didn’t know my wife’s vote or daughters, until it was in the mail. My daughter voted like me for Ron Paul, and my wife voted for Rick Santorum. My Dad in different part of Florida, voted for Rick Santorum, and my two brothers and sister all voted for Newt Gingrich. I was dissappointed in Ron Paul’s showing, even with his lack of participation in the state. I thought he would get more just from my conversations around. I was also disappointed he didn’t pull out a win in Maine. I think his chances have nearly zeroed out, although he can still have an impact in the convention and the conversation.My second choice now is Santorum and third Gingrich, although unless one or the other gets out, I dont see either of them getting the momentum they need to overcome “the establishment”. And, of course, neither of them will be getting out before super Tuesday, so we’ll just have to see if either of them can pick up enough post-Super Tuesday momentum to play out against Romney after that, where Romney plays better in many states. Good enough contest to remain interseting.My friend here, a guy I started this current job with, is from Maricopa county, and completely buys into the whole birther thing. He espcecially believes anything the Sherriff will “validate”. I try to reason with him, but not making much progress. I try to keep from getting too “judgemental” knowing it wasn’t a year ago I was in his shoes.

  48. BillTheCat says:

    A good follow-up to today’s events:

  49. Just wondering says:

    Why are so many of the comments on this board coming from the same I.P. address but using different user names?

  50. G says:

    Because Birthers have always loved their sockpuppets? Who knows. We are so used to them pulling that lame tactic that it barely phases us anymore. I suspect they sockpuppet in order to give the false impression that there are more of them then there really are. Then again, some of these folks are probably crazy for real…and maybe we are just talking to their different multiple personalities. It is a good question.

    Just wondering: Why are so many of the comments on this board coming from the same I.P. address but using different user names?

  51. Given that IP addresses aren’t visible to you, I am wondering exactly what kind of fraud you’re into.

    [Looks like a drive-by]

    Just wondering: Why are so many of the comments on this board coming from the same I.P. address but using different user names?

  52. LineInTheSand says:

    Doc, take two aspirin with water and call me in the morning. When you wake up Obama will still be a fake and the investigation will be continuing full force.

    No obamabots can laugh off the diagnosis – ‘probable cause’ from an official police investigation – anymore.

    One good thing for you obamabots, it’s like terminal illness, it’ll all be over soon and your misery will be over.

  53. Mitch says:

    I’m not going to get mad over a carnival sideshow. The sheriff just embarrassed himself and the people who elected him. He’s pathetic, really, but I still point and laugh.

  54. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Given that IP addresses aren’t visible to you, I am wondering exactly what kind of fraud you’re into.

    [Looks like a drive-by]

    Maybe he is pulling a feed or some other emailed response and noticed that all the comments are coming from Given birthers investigative abilities, it would not surprise me.

    Then again, just a drive by who claims without any information is more likely (it is so hard sometimes to figure out when they are lying or really that clueless).

  55. Northland10 says:

    Just wondering:
    Why are so many of the comments on this board coming from the same I.P. address but using different user names?

    Well, maybe instead of just poking the drive-by troll, I should give him a hand. I will help in in his investigation by given him the IP address that is showing on my computer right now. Listen carefully:

    Because our highly paid Soros work, that address may be difficult to trace so I suggest you use an expensive, paid version of the various DNS tools available.


  56. misha says:

    Just wondering: Why are so many of the comments on this board coming from the same I.P. address but using different user names?

    Because they all originate from the subterranean headquarters of the International Jewish Conspiracy™.

  57. bernadineayers says:

    if the shoe was on the other foot, all of you would expect an opportunity to explore the truth without being personally excoriated. that’s what. this has always been about for me, and you always knew it. however this turns out, i shall always reserve my right to question authority (as would all of you). in retrospect, i think race has convoluted the issue.

    if obama is pure and everything is copecetic, then you should have nothing to worry about and would want the investigation to continue.

    in an abstract way, i have respect for what all of you are trying to accomplish, and yes respect, for your dedication and loyalty to the obamas and the party.

    print this, or don’t… makes no difference to me. all i ever wanted was for the objectors to try to view things evenly. this is about the character of one leader. this story has moved beyond all of us, perhaps president obama’s story belongs to the ages now

  58. Paper says:

    I grew up with corrupt police force in my town, not in the news but in my family’s face. So my exasperation yesterday was about seeing such mendaciousness or utter incompetence (take your pick, or mix and match) live in front of cameras. I respect honest officers, but I mean, at least the dishonest ones I knew wouldn’t have gone in front of a camera to make fools of themselves. I suppose that suggests the possibility that Arapaio is more incompetent than mendacious. When in doubt, go with stupidity.

  59. I think that’s the IP address of my printer.

    For those not familiar with the Internet, IP addresses beginning 192.168 are for private networks (i.e. inside your house) and they don’t route across the Internet. The IP address you present to the outside is different, and can be found by accessing such web sites as:


  60. Scientist says:

    bernadineayers: if obama is pure and everything is copecetic, then you should have nothing to worry about and would want the investigation to continue.

    I DO want the investigation to continue. We have misuse of public office to pursue a political witch hunt (I don’t care if the investigation was “funded by private sources”, Arpaio held a presser at 1 PM Arizona time on a Thursday, which is normal working hours and he draws an annual salary). We have possible fraud and falsification of business records (that’s what the term in New York is; don’t know what the law is called in Arizona) by Corsi and others. This absolutely should be investigated by the US attorney.

  61. Paper says:

    I was just going to say that, Scientist. Yes, please, Sheriff Arpaio, please proceed, do.

    Bernadineayers, I do have nothing to worry about. Hey, maybe someone someday will find something real about something else, some hypothetical real crime, but if so, it will be a crime by an American citizen duly elected, eligible to serve and having served as president.

    I note the obvious: Richard Nixon was a natural born citizen. There I said it.

    In the meantime, let the Sheriff proceed, by all means.

    Scientist: I DO want the investigation to continue.We have misuse of public office to pursue a political witch hunt (I don’t care if the investigation was “funded by private sources”, Arpaio held a presser at 1 PM Arizona time on a Thursday, which is normal working hours and he draws an annual salary).We have possible fraud and falsification of business records (that’s what the term in New York is; don’t know what the law is called in Arizona) by Corsi and others.This absolutely should be investigated by the US attorney.

  62. JoZeppy says:

    bernadineayers: if the shoe was on the other foot, all of you would expect an opportunity to explore the truth without being personally excoriated. that’s what. this has always been about for me, and you always knew it. however this turns out, i shall always reserve my right to question authority (as would all of you). in retrospect, i think race has convoluted the issue. if obama is pure and everything is copecetic, then you should have nothing to worry about and would want the investigation to an abstract way, i have respect for what all of you are trying to accomplish, and yes respect, for your dedication and loyalty to the obamas and the party.print this, or don’t… makes no difference to me. all i ever wanted was for the objectors to try to view things evenly. this is about the character of one leader. this story has moved beyond all of us, perhaps president obama’s story belongs to the ages now

    I’ll put it pretty bluntly, if he has evidence, why is wasting time with press conferences rather than going to a prosecutor? Usually that’s how things are done. You have the investigation, take it to a prosecutor, to make sure you have a legal case, and have a press conference after you have an indictment. If you don’t have sufficient evidence for an indictment, you keep your mouth shut, because that would mean you’re just dragging someone’s name through the mud.

    So now that Sheriff Arpaio has said he has evidence of forgery, I fully expect to see a case prosecuted in the very short term. I don’t know what he’s waiting for. Otherwise that would mean that he really doesn’t have jack, and perhaps this press conference had less to do with Obama and more to do with perhaps the investigations against him.

    So where are the indictments?

  63. donna says:

    “A representative with the Hawaii Attorney General’s Office said no one from the Sheriff’s Office ever requested to inspect or collect documents related to the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate.”

    Read more:

    wouldn’t hawaii have been the FIRST STOP?

  64. BillTheCat says:


    Again, you are going to be a sad little panda come this November, when Obama is reelected handily.

    Take two asprin, get some sleep, and tomorrow your lies will be just as untrue, the Shurriff will be just as despicable and despised as before, and your ilk have will still not won ONE SINGLE COURT CASE. And you never will. 🙂

    You know, where it counts.

  65. amanda playwith says:

    I am extremely disturbed by Sheriff Arpaio’s inability to clearly see the real truth. Barack Obama isn’t just an alien, he is an ALIEN!!!!!! It is clear that he is a representative of an off world race sent here to confuse the public. Sheriff Joe, please wake up and see the saucers for the documents. Those of us at Cold Space Posse stand, or sit as some of our members are elderly, ready to help you break through this horrendous cloud of deceit. It is time, now, before every one on earth has been anally probed by the invaders to reject this effort to pass off this intelligent, articulate, black man as a member of the human race. Its time to call a, oops sorry for this, a spade not a spade. If there is anything we can do to help you Sheriff Joe, we are ready and willing, You are one of us, at least we think so at the moment.

    Amanda .

  66. G says:

    Agreed. That is how I felt about it too.

    Mitch: I’m not going to get mad over a carnival sideshow. The sheriff just embarrassed himself and the people who elected him. He’s pathetic, really, but I still point and laugh.

  67. Northland10 says:

    Luke, I am your printer..

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I think that’s the IP address of my printer.

    For those not familiar with the Internet, IP addresses beginning 192.168 are for private networks (i.e. inside your house) and they don’t route across the Internet. The IP address you present to the outside is different, and can be found by accessing such web sites as:

  68. Obsolete says:

    bernadineayers: all i ever wanted was for the objectors to try to view things evenly.

    Says the person who agreed to a radio debate and then bravely ran away.

  69. misha says:

    Obsolete: Says the person who agreed to a radio debate and then bravely ran away.

    And who poses as a woman, online. Huh???

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