Oh, the irony!

Things have been pretty busy for the Obama Conspiracy Theories warehouse staff since the Cold Case Posse’s report was released in Arizona. In fact we’ve been receiving shipments around the clock from all over the country. Basically every time someone uses the phrase “official investigation” in the same sentence with “Cold Case Posse,” an irony meter somewhere burns out. (Thanks to design changes, few of the latest generation of irony meters actually explode.)

Obama Conspiracy Theories is under contract with the March to Success Irony Meter Factory in Guangdong, China, to process U. S. returns of damaged meters. We’ve had to add staff and expand our warehouse facility to accommodate the flood. I spent a good part of the afternoon coordinating the shipment of the most recent batch of damaged meters back to China for refurbishing. This video that I took shows the blown irony meters being prepared for shipment.

Just to give you an idea of the ongoing seriousness of the issue, there are 709 comments on this web site alone containing the word “irony.” Multiply that by the entire Internet and you get, well you get a really big number.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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37 Responses to Oh, the irony!

  1. Dr. C:

    Well, it is all because of the cheepo Chinese instructions you packaged with the meters.

    2c. Make happy day, gladly gain squelch beneath sitting Birthers makes pop up blow fuse.

    This should have read:

    2c. Lower Gain and Raise Squelch settings when measuring Birthers or your unit may blow a fuse.


    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  2. J. Potter says:

    Another homer, Doc! We continue to appreciate your efforts. I think this is the first 9:16, “tallscreen” clip I have seen. A new format for documenting subjects with a vertical orientation?

    I’ve spent much of the last week, and all of today, landscaping the backyard. Doing something productive to improve my environment is rewarding—I suggest birthers give it a try. Moving dirt from one spot to another feels an awful lot like refuting birther memes. And when doing it with hand tools, about as futile.

    One spoonful at a time ….

  3. richCares says:

    this story leongs on “The Onion” please forward to them

  4. G says:

    LOL! Great video Doc!

    Also – Kudos to Squeeky. Loved your post too. 🙂

  5. The video reminds me of the first time I went to big electronics and computer show. The flea market was outside and had hundreds of tables. It started to drizzle and I noticed folks were only covering up about quarter of the junk with tarps. I could tell they knew most of it was just that, junk.

  6. Geir Smith says:

    Daniel VAn Koughnett always uses the word Irony-Meter.

  7. Sef says:

    J. Potter: landscaping the backyard

    Send us a portrait when you’re done.

  8. I really don’t know what happened. It’s an iPhone 4 movie. When I play it with Windows Media Player it’s “landscape”. I need to do some experimentation.

    J. Potter: Another homer, Doc! We continue to appreciate your efforts. I think this is the first 9:16, “tallscreen” clip I have seen. A new format for documenting subjects with a vertical orientation?

  9. ASK Esq says:

    Sorry, Doc, but I’ve got no sympathy. As soon as I realized that Arizona would be the first state to deny a ballot challeng after the CCP’s report, I shut down my irony meter until the irony storm passed. Anyone who failed to take this basic precaution deserves a busted meter.

  10. Thrifty says:

    Guys, seriously. Have you not figured it out yet? You need to stop wasting irony meters and start developing irony powered turbines and engines. As an alternative fuel source, irony power blows solar and wind out of the water.

  11. Norbrook says:

    I’ve found that it really helps to install a potentiometer and an irony surge breaker on the inputs to my irony meters. If I know there’s going to be a serious irony storm, I can max out the potentiometer and if the surge still causes the breaker to trip, I can reset it once the irony returns to more normal levels.

  12. My problem is that the What the flux? capacitor shorts out.

  13. Geir Smith says:

    http://www.facebook.com/dr.orly.taitz Steven Feinstein steps in it at Orly Taitz’s Facebook by saying if I don’t stop saying Obama’s Antichrist and i’m the messiah he’ll threaten me physcially.

    DNC and WH in deep poopoo.

    I’ll not say we should contact the feds and sic them on’m bec Daniel Van Koughnett’ll ban me AGAIN. YOu Coward!

    [I see that Mr. Smith has 42 posts on Orly’s first Facebook in just the past 4 hours, many repeating his Antichrist meme over and over, and even replying to himself. I am so very glad that I have him in moderation here so he can’t try to take over this web site like he has with Orly’s Facebook page. Having saturated that site, he’s spilling over here. Well Geir, don’t bother to sit down. Doc]

  14. You guys do righteous indignation much better than you do comedy.

  15. Paper says:

    We leave it to the professionals?


    Kenneth Olsen:
    You guys do righteous indignation much better than you do comedy.

  16. Paper says:

    That of course is because Jon Stewart has advanced military-grade top secret irony meters installed.

  17. Geir Smith says:

    Doc Daniel Conspiring; you (sic) problem is you associate with your ilk of Radical Communists so basically you’re all stupid ugly morons.

    [Heads, I delete the message. Tails I answer it. — flips — tails. For the record, as far as I know I never met a Radical Communist, much less associated with one. You are one real nut case, you know that? Doc.]

  18. Majority Will says:

    Guys, seriously.Have you not figured it out yet?You need to stop wasting irony meters and start developing irony powered turbines and engines.As an alternative fuel source, irony power blows solar and wind out of the water.

    And then once a year we can have a national holiday to celebrate and recognize the massive steam engine powered from melting our excesses of irony.
    It will be called Ferrous Boiler’s Day Off.

    “Oh Yeah… Oh Yeah… Oh Yeah
    The moon… beautiful
    The sun… even more beautiful
    Oh Yeah… Oh Yeah… Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah… Oh Yeah…

    Good time.”

    { From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/y/yello-lyrics/oh-yeah-lyrics.html }

  19. G says:


    Dr. Conspiracy: My problem is that the What the flux? capacitor shorts out.

  20. G says:


    Majority Will: It will be called Ferrous Boiler’s Day Off.

  21. Majority Will says:

    “You guys do righteous indignation much better than you do comedy.”

    Oh, the . . . never mind.

    “But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.”

    – Carl Sagan

  22. Thrifty says:

    I’ll have to admit, Birthers do comedy much better than we do. I think it’s because they do it inadvertently. Like a cheesy movie enjoyed ironically, something about their constant blundering makes it funny.

    Kenneth Olsen: Quote) #

    You guys do righteous indignation much b

  23. J. Potter says:

    Kenneth Olsen:
    You guys do righteous indignation much better than you do comedy.

    Now, now, Mr. Olsen! Intentionally trying to blow out the irony meters on a thread about irony meter abuse!

    Whew, that was a close one. Thankfully, when I saw the warning about refurbishment overloads, I issued Order 69, dictating that all irony meters in the Tulsa office be deposited in my favorite pocket dimension, Dimension X.

    Unfortunately, when judging when it’s safe to retrieve them, I have only my personal sense of irony to rely, which I’ve had to dull with regular C-SPAN sessions in order to cracking up completely. I guess the coast will be clear when I can no longer tell the difference between daily life and C-SPAN.

  24. misha says:

    Kenneth Olsen:
    You guys do righteous indignation much better than you do comedy.

    Orly Taitz does comedy best of all, and she does it effortlessly.

    Every time I hear her, it reminds me of all the refuseniks I knew in Israel who tried to sound profound, and ended up sounding like the idiot on SNL.

  25. Thomas Brown says:

    Sorry, Doc… I need another new meter. Charlene, over at NBC’s site, blew mine out with this one: (fair warning… Lower Gain and Raise Squelch settings or your unit may blow a fuse.)

    “Thomas Brown, That is an inane comment. This is what is known as an Alinsky tactic.”

  26. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: “This is what is known as an Alinsky tactic.”

    I hear a dog whistle.

  27. John Woodman says:

    Literally the MOMENT before I hopped over here, I was listening to the “conclusion” video by Mark Gillar, the “Tea Party Power Hour” radio host (who as far as I know has no computer credentials whatsoever) solemnly and “authoritatively” intoning, “It should be noted that NONE of the self-proclaimed computer experts claiming to be able to replicate the layers…”

    Busted a brand new, heavy duty, dual-display Ironitec irony meter, right there.

  28. John Woodman says:

    Needless to say, I’m a bit hacked off about it. I think I’m going to send Mark a bill for the replacement cost.

  29. misha says:

    Intrade has Obama at 61.4%, as I write.

    Thank you Rush and Rick, and the rest of the crazies. Romney is a crazy too – he tied his dog to the roof of his car, for 12 hours, causing Seamus to do a romney. To make matters worse, the car was a Chevy. Take that, dad.

    Hey, why doesn’t anyone ask to see Willard Romney’s BC? His father was born in Mexico.

  30. richCares says:

    besides breaking irony meters, birthers have problems in their personal lifes and marriages. So I’ll be starting a new busines on the internet, “BirthersMingle.com” to help them get new mates. (especially Orly)

  31. J. Potter says:

    richCares: “BirthersMingle.com” to help them get new mates.

    Is there a sterilization requirement? Remember, folks, spay or neuter your birthers today!

  32. misha says:

    richCares: So I’ll be starting a new busines on the internet, “BirthersMingle.com” to help them get new mates. (especially Orly)

    ashleyMadison.com beat you to it.

  33. Keith says:

    G: LOL! Good find.

    US Citizen: http://tinyurl.com/7p6y4u9

    I agree. I was in the States for my brother’s funeral when the Obama talk to the kids
    ‘controversy’ was in full swing.

    I was absolutely flabbergasted at the Fright Wing’s invective. And completely blown away that some school administrators actually pandered to them.

    When I was in school it would have been a big thing for Ike, or JFK, or LBJ to have done such a thing.

    The only thing I could figure out was that maybe they were afraid the same thing would happen as the last time a President made a big deal about talking to school kids (that was Bush43 on a rather fateful day in September if you recall).

  34. US Citizen says:

    Keith: …Obama talk to the kids
    controversy’ was in full swing.

    I was absolutely flabbergasted at the Fright Wing’s invective. And completely blown away that some school administrators actually pandered to them.

    What can I say? They “see evil.”
    If Reagan said he was going to eat a ham on Thanksgiving day, they’d have praised him for his all-American spirit.
    If Obama said it, they’d call him a ruthless pig killer.
    It boggles our minds why they can’t see things clearly or see people as evil.
    They condemn higher education, then want new cars and gadgets with all the engineering done by college graduates.
    Almost everything they love, some “liberal” brought to their doorstep.
    They continuously watch their movies, use their computer operating systems and text all day on their cel phones, yet don’t stop to think that it took higher education to realize these wonders.
    We gawk in wonder how they don’t understand things.
    But as an old Genesis song once said “… you kill what you fear and you fear what you don’t understand.”

  35. Northland10 says:

    ” If Obama said it, they’d call him a ruthless pig killer.”

    And then complain he is a Muslim.

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