Rush, you ignorant slut

I was up late last night and caught The Ed Show on MSNBC. On the show, they featured three stories of outrageous bigotry in high places. I was appalled by what I saw and heard.

The first was Rush Limbaugh, who responded to a young female law student’s testimony before a Democratic hearing in Congress (the full Republican committee refused to hear her.) He said that her taking money in the form of insurance coverage for contraception was taking money for sex and that made her a slut and a prostitute. When criticized for what he said, he got nastier. Is said that she was going to take public money for sex she should pay the public back by taking videos of her having sex and making them public. 

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Rush, you ignorant slut!

The next story was about the Chief US District Judge, Richard Cebull, in Montana who forwarded a completely disgusting racist joke attacking Barack Obama’s mother:

Normally I don’t send or forward a lot of these…. I want all my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine.

A little boy said to his mother": “Mommy, how come I’m black and you’re white?”

His mother replied, “Don’t even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you’re lucky you don’t bark!”

The judge defended himself by saying that he never intended that the email be made public. Richard, you ignorant slut!

Finally, the third item on the show featured Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, making a ridiculous accusation, also about President Obama’s birth – saying that his birth certificate is a fraud.

Joe, you ignorant slut.

It seems to me that in the current political atmosphere within the conservative right, there there are no bounds of decency and propriety any more. Racism and sexism, and junk science are no longer the subject of universal scorn but legitimate tools for political pandering. May God have mercy on your souls.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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32 Responses to Rush, you ignorant slut

  1. richCares says:

    Rush’s comments were sick, doesn’t he realize that women vote. Are right wingers anti-women?

  2. JoZeppy says:

    richCares: Are right wingers anti-women?

    Of course not….as long as those women know their place.

  3. Lupin says:

    “your” souls? Don’t you mean “our” souls? (from where you sit.)

    Otherwise, I heartily agree. We’re going through our own presidential campaign right now, and yes, opponents booed incumbent president Sarkozy in the streets of Bayonne yesterday (mind you, that’s Basque heartland), but there’s absolutely nothing coming from any side, even those who crawl under rocks — at least as far as I’m aware — that equals in sheer lunacy the ravings of your opposition party(ies?).

  4. I was referring to Limbaugh, Cebull and Arpaio. But I take your point.

    Lupin: “your” souls? Don’t you mean “our” souls? (from where you sit.)

  5. donna says:

    “Are right wingers anti-women?”

    they have alienated EVERY demographic except for (some) OLD WHITE GUYS

    rush audience is age 67+, white and male

    when they say they want to take our country back, they MEAN to before women could vote and african americans were WHOLE PEOPLE

    pat buchanan’s book is an example of their thinking

    that judge should be impeached and that 3rd year georgetown law student should sue rush

    99% of women have used contraception – that makes ALL OF US SLUTS

    and arpaio? ANY connection to corsi and wing nutzz daily makes his “investigation” bogus

  6. Arthur says:

    richCares: Rush’s comments were sick, doesn’t he realize that women vote.

    Nor does he seem to realize that married women use birth control, even Republican married women. For example, Rush has had more wives than Newt Gingrich, but no children. Of course, that might be due to something going on with Rush rather than with the women in his life.

  7. Sean says:

    In trying to insult women, Rush actually insults himself. He’s admitting he has a very unhealthy attitude towards women and sex. Serial killers talk in the same manner.

  8. Arthur says:

    richCares: Rush’s comments were sick, doesn’t he realize that women vote.

    And he doesn’t seem to realize that married women use birth control, even Republican married women. For example, Rush has had more wives than Newt Gingrich, but no children. Of course, that might be due to something going on with Rush rather than with the women in his life.

  9. Thrifty says:

    The comments were deplorable, but were they really new? I mean, use to be a time within the lifetimes of some people still alive today that it was perfectly acceptable to run on a platform of defending segregation and calling blacks inferior. Segregation use to be part of public policy only 50 or 60 years ago. I guess what I’m saying is that for overt racism, sexism, and bigotry to be part of politics is bad, but it’s not a recent phenomenon.

  10. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was referring to Limbaugh, Cebull and Arpaio. But I take your point.

    In that case, I think “their” souls might be clearer?

  11. Paper says:

    Rhetorical technique, as if speaking to them directly.

    Lupin: In that case, I think “their” souls might be clearer?

  12. bgansel9 says:

    It seems the world has moved off it’s axis. Where do we go from here? Are facts no longer necessary? Are history and reality what someone says they are now, rather than what truly happened/happens? How can that BE?

  13. The Magic M says:

    > The next story was about the Chief US District Judge, Richard Cebull, in Montana who forwarded a completely disgusting racist joke attacking Barack Obama’s mother:

    I think the birfers just found the judge they were shopping for.

    bgansel9: It seems the world has moved off it’s axis. Where do we go from here?

    The world has always had stupid bigoted leaders. It only becomes a problem when one of them leads a country that has significant influence and power – then this has often led to that country’s demise, see ancient Rome, Nazi Germany, …

    Then again, I think the times are over when a single individual played such an important role. Even if a total lunatic were elected President, I don’t think he’d get to inflict much damage against the existing structures (Congress, the states, the general administration, the military etc.).
    You can bet that an “abolish the Fed” candidate would not succeed in that regard and quickly back down once in office, simply because he cannot replace enough sane people with his supporters.
    Just remember what became of Obama’s “I’ll close down Gitmo for good, and real fast” idea.

  14. Dave says:

    There are two things that struck me about Judge Cebull’s “joke.” The first is that it isn’t funny, and I don’t mean that in the stuffy way, I mean that in the sense that it is witless and completely lacking in comedic value.

    And second, when the Judge issued an apology he said his motivation wasn’t racist, it was that he didn’t like Obama. One presumes that dislike has something to do with policy, but the judge expresses his dislike with a childish slur about parentage, which is completely irrelevant and pointless.

    I mention this because nobody gets to be a judge without being pretty smart. But this judge felt the need to forward an email that is neither funny nor makes any point, that is — I don’t know any other way to put it — just plain stupid. I think this illustrates the way partisan politics can completely shut down cortical function.

  15. Thrifty says:

    It’s the nature of the checks and balances of our country. Even the most virtuous and well intentioned man can become president, with high hopes, and get bogged down by the system. It’s a shame, but the same system that slows down the bad slows down the good.

    The Magic M: You can bet that an “abolish the Fed” candidate would not succeed in that regard and quickly back down once in office, simply because he cannot replace enough sane people with his supporters.
    Just remember what became of Obama’s “I’ll close down Gitmo for good, and real fast” idea.

  16. JPotter says:

    Thanks for the triple header, doc! Like enjoying a side in the Stupidity World Series (where all batters are born out!), featuring Bizarro Stupid Ruth, Bizarro Stupid Aaron, and Bizarro Stupid Greenberg.

    I do have to disagree with “May God have mercy on [their] souls.” I could sign on to, “May the God of the Old Testament hold you in the balance (good luck!)”

  17. JPotter says:

    richCares: Rush’s comments were sick, doesn’t he realize that women vote. Are right wingers anti-women?

    Rush has always had a huge problem with women, witness his turn hosting Pat Sajak’s show 20+ years ago. Coupled with his severe learning disability, I’d say forecast for improvement is slim.

  18. misha says:

    I am simply going to re-post this from the New York Times:

    “Only one Senate Republican — Olympia Snowe of Maine, who is retiring — voted against a truly horrible measure on Thursday that would have crippled the expansion of preventive health care in America. The amendment, which was attached to a highway bill, was defeated on a narrow 48-to-51 vote. But it showed once again how far from the mainstream Republicans have strayed in their relentless efforts to undermine the separation of church and state…”

    GOP + religion = fascism

    Hitchens was right. The same people who are trying to subvert the 1st Amendment are the ones financing the Settlers and their politicians. They didn’t have enough with Vietnam, Iraq and ‘Stan.

  19. Horus says:

    Rush being so bitter about sex is a sure sign he is impotent and not having any sex.

  20. G says:

    Well, by the record of statements and legislative attempts from them over the past few years – YES – they CLEARLY are very anti-women.

    …And sadly, they only seem to keep doubling-down on being ever more so.

    richCares: Are right wingers anti-women?

  21. G says:


    I’m surprised that we haven’t heard a rush from Orly and the other Birthers to try to push their nonsense in front of this judge yet…

    As others have repeatedly said all along, IRRATIONAL HATE causes REAL brain damage.

    As to Rush, he’s been so far beyond repugnant for so long, that all I can say is that I hope Karma finds him too…

    Dave: I mention this because nobody gets to be a judge without being pretty smart. But this judge felt the need to forward an email that is neither funny nor makes any point, that is — I don’t know any other way to put it — just plain stupid. I think this illustrates the way partisan politics can completely shut down cortical function.

  22. G says:

    Well said. I completely agree.

    misha: I am simply going to re-post this from the New York Times:“Only one Senate Republican — Olympia Snowe of Maine, who is retiring — voted against a truly horrible measure on Thursday that would have crippled the expansion of preventive health care in America. The amendment, which was attached to a highway bill, was defeated on a narrow 48-to-51 vote. But it showed once again how far from the mainstream Republicans have strayed in their relentless efforts to undermine the separation of church and state…” + religion = fascismHitchens was right. The same people who are trying to subvert the 1st Amendment are the ones financing the Settlers and their politicians. They didn’t have enough with Vietnam, Iraq and Stan.

  23. TheEuropean says:

    “your” souls? Don’t you mean “our” souls? (from where you sit.)

    Otherwise, I heartily agree. We’re going through our own presidential campaign right now, and yes, opponents booed incumbent president Sarkozy in the streets of Bayonne yesterday (mind you, that’s Basque heartland), but there’s absolutely nothing coming from any side, even those who crawl under rocks — at least as far as I’m aware — that equals in sheer lunacy the ravings of your opposition party(ies?).

    Lupin, the only reason I participate in the US-discussion is: European politics is so civilised, in other words, boring .. Bring me an European judge who makes “jokes” about the mother of any given President having sex with a dog. In France we have a far left politician – Besancenot – who works as a postman – and everybody – even the right – loves him. So little hate. How boring.

  24. Thrifty says:

    Some people have speculated that Rush Limbaugh is just trolling. That he’s playing a conservative character. If that’s true, I can’t decide if that makes it worse or not. It’s sure not a mitigating factor.

    Though by and large, I tend to shrug and not fret about people like him. Some people are just rotten people, and they’re not gonna change due to me shaking my fist at them in anger.

    G: As to Rush, he’s been so far beyond repugnant for so long, that all I can say is that I hope Karma finds him too…

  25. G says:

    I view any long term Performance Art trolling at such a vile level to be a much WORSE indictment of his character, if that turned out to be the case.

    Either way, he’s utterly loathsome and despicable, so it doesn’t matter. It most assuredly is not a mitigating factor…and if anything, would be an aggravating one.

    A pox on him as the important factor is that he has had a very strong imprint on poisoning the well of reasonable discourse in this nation for years. That the GOP so slavishly bends to him is a deep indictment of the utter loss of a true moral compass for their whole party. He’s one of the biggest cancers on the body politic as a result. So it doesn’t matter if it comes from conviction or merely an act designed to maximize his personal profit.

    The net effect is that he is one of the biggest things wrong with America today. It will be a great day for the world when folks like him are finally gone from the stage.

    Thrifty: Some people have speculated that Rush Limbaugh is just trolling. That he’s playing a conservative character. If that’s true, I can’t decide if that makes it worse or not. It’s sure not a mitigating factor.

  26. Sef says:

    I don’t have daughters, but if I did they could be proud of their President today:

  27. I was proud as an American when my President said that.

    That said, Obama also commented, “I do not know what is in Rush Limbaugh’s heart.” All he had to do was to ask Sen. Al Franken.

    Sef: I don’t have daughters, but if I did they could be proud of their President today

  28. I’ll share my story. A number of years ago I was driving a long distance and had the radio on. There was this guy running a talk show. He was abusing callers who disagreed with and in generally acting totally outside what I would consider standards for normal behavior. I concluded that I had stumbled on a comedy show, a comedian doing a parody of an asshole. It was Limbaugh. I had discovered an example of Poe’s Law.

    G: I view any long term Performance Art trolling at such a vile level to be a much WORSE indictment of his character, if that turned out to be the case.

  29. Keith says:

    Arthur: Nor does he seem to realize that married women use birth control, even Republican married women. For example, Rush has had more wives than Newt Gingrich, but no children. Of course, that might be due to something going on with Rush rather than with the women in his life.

    Of course, the women in Rush’s life might be considering that Rush is, in and of himself, a sufficient birth control method that no other method is required.

  30. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I concluded that I had stumbled on a comedy show, a comedian doing a parody of an asshole.

    Thanks Doc, for a lighthearted end to a very typical (bleh.) work day.

    Now off to a fine meal and wall-to-wall political coverage! Which crazy will the Okies vote for? my money’s on Santorum. This primary parody is a striking contrast to the ongoing Woody Guthrie centennial. I like his shades of red a whole lot better than theirs.

  31. G says:

    Here is how I see it – outside of some intentional comedic satire parody stint or an intentional movie role – ONLY an @sshole choses to spend a good part of their time playing the role of an @sshole…

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ll share my story. A number of years ago I was driving a long distance and had the radio on. There was this guy running a talk show. He was abusing callers who disagreed with and in generally acting totally outside what I would consider standards for normal behavior. I concluded that I had stumbled on a comedy show, a comedian doing a parody of an asshole. It was Limbaugh. I had discovered an example of Poe’s Law.

  32. misha says:

    JPotter: This primary parody is a striking contrast to the ongoing Woody Guthrie centennial.

    Woody Guthrie’s wife was Jewish. His son Arlo, is Jewish. When I was in high school, I memorized the entire “Alice’s Restaurant,” along with the guitar notes.

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