Thanks to my customers!

I got this email from yesterday saying I had earned a $10.10 gift card. That seemed odd, but it turns out that you folks have been buying stuff through the “Recommended Books” widget in the right sidebar. To date a total of $329 has been spent through the link on 21 items, including 4 copies of John Woodman’s book: Is Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate a Fraud? It turns out that once you click on that link, whatever you end up buying credits “advertising fees.” For example, someone bought green tea and someone else a Vanilla Sky DVD. (Of course they don’t tell me who is buying.)

The “Recommended Books” link is there to promote reading books I think are worth reading, not to make money. Still, $10.10 will pay for the domain registration for a year.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Thanks to my customers!

  1. donna says:

    rush out and by a lottery ticket tho I HAVE the winning ticket

  2. J. Potter says:

    Congrats, Doc! Breakeven! Sort of. Time to update the financial statement? 😀

    I’m sure this transparency will catch on. Any day now.

  3. G says:

    Sweet! Knowing that, I’ll try to remember to attempt coming here and piggybacking off of any of your links to get to my online shopping searches.

    If I can still get to the places and purchases I’m looking for anyways AND put some money your way in the process, then win-win!!! 8)

  4. john says:

    [Off topic for web site comment deleted. Doc]

  5. jayhg says:

    [Off topic for web site comment deleted. Doc]

    What’d he say? Something like “Obama is a usurper and he must be removed, OLAY!!!!”

  6. Thomas Brown says:

    jayhg: What’d he say?Something like “Obama is a usurper and he must be removed, OLAY!!!!”

    I’ll fill in for John:

    “Bitter aspersion. Condescending projection. Impotent resentment. Nonsensical theory. Disproven rumor. Testy remark.

    Ad Hominem fallacy. Transparent lie. Seditious exhortation. Laughable misprision. Threadbare insult. Historical fallacy.

    Doomed prediction of triumph.”

  7. G says:

    LOL! Yeah, that would be the proper “Mad Lib” formula for just about every John post.

    He’s like a wind-up random birther syncophancy generator…

    His posts are about as predictable as they come…

    Thomas Brown: I’ll fill in for John:“Bitter aspersion. Condescending projection. Impotent resentment. Nonsensical theory. Disproven rumor. Testy remark. Ad Hominem fallacy. Transparent lie. Seditious exhortation. Laughable misprision. Threadbare insult. Historical fallacy. Doomed prediction of triumph.”

  8. dunstvangeet says:

    I prefer “Carthago Delenda Est!”

    That’s what birther remarks seem to me…

  9. Thomas Brown says:

    I prefer “Carthago Delenda Est!”

    …any millennium now…

  10. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Thomas Brown: …any millennium now…

    95% of birfers still live in the second millennium, though there are a few who are so anti-muslim, you’d think the first.

    Their anti- Obama crusade (note the substantive) belongs to that period. They are probably dreaming of a second battle of Toulouse. But they may not be the only ones.

  11. jayHG says:

    Thomas Brown: I’ll fill in for John:

    “Bitter aspersion. Condescending projection. Impotent resentment. Nonsensical theory. Disproven rumor. Testy remark.

    Ad Hominem fallacy. Transparent lie. Seditious exhortation. Laughable misprision. Threadbare insult. Historical fallacy.

    Doomed prediction of triumph.”

    Doc, please make this the post of the day. It’s tooooo funny!

  12. G says:

    You make a very important point here. A lot of the fear and rage out there stems from the basic underlying reality that some folks simply can’t handle and accept an ever changing world and they also tend to view the past through selective rose-colored glasses.

    So yeah, they completely resist the inevitable directions of the 21st century and modern society… Heck, many of them are still trying to resist most of the developments and reforms of 20th century and even much further back than that…

    Paul Pieniezny: 95% of birfers still live in the second millennium, though there are a few who are so anti-muslim, you’d think the first. Their anti- Obama crusade (note the substantive) belongs to that period. They are probably dreaming of a second battle of Toulouse. But they may not be the only ones.

  13. J. Potter says:

    G: So yeah, they completely resist the inevitable directions of the 21st century and modern society…

    Some confusion between centuries and millenia? G, you’re giving them more credit than Paul did! “A Second Battle of Toulouse” …. considering current events, they may get it in one form or another.

  14. Nothing related to Obama at all.

    jayhg: What’d he say? Something like “Obama is a usurper and he must be removed, OLAY!!!!

  15. Linda says:

    I am glad you said that! I hadn’t noticed it before, but from now on, I will go through to get to Amazon. Thanks.

  16. katahdin says:

    According to the Google, there have already been two battles of Toulouse.

    Paul Pieniezny: 95% of birfers still live in the second millennium, though there are a few who are so anti-muslim, you’d think the first.

    Their anti- Obama crusade (note the substantive) belongs to that period. They are probably dreaming of a second battle of Toulouse. But they may not be the only ones.

  17. Thomas Brown says:

    On topic for a change…

    Jeez, Doc; I thought George Soros was paying you $1000 a day to run this site! (snark)
    No, huh? Oh well, with those sweet advertsing kickbacks, you’ll be sitting in a tree learning to play the flute in no time.

  18. J. Potter says:

    According to the Google, there have already been two battles of Toulouse.

    Make that 3 …. 721, 1799, and 1814, plus various sieges of Toulouse, and Roman actions way back when. I knew it was a happening place, but had no idea of the extent.

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