Monthly Archives: April 2012

OSBC, you’re our only hope

While I have always been skeptical that there’s significant money to be made in birtherism, they do keep asking. The latest in my mailbox was a fundraising appeal from Pamela Barnett (of Barnett v. Obama fame) for the Obama State … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges | Tagged , , , | 38 Comments

Ubayd changed his name in Canada?

The following story is from 2011, but it’s making the rounds again. Birther attorney Stephen Pidgeon has a “new” book out called The Obama Error in which he claims that he found a record for a name change from “Barak … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Books, Debunking, Old News | Tagged , , | 81 Comments

Birther jokes

The suspense was intense waiting to find out whether President Obama was going to crack any birther jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Mitt Romney sustained a 7.0 zinger and even the Secret Service wasn’t immune. “My name is … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Videos | Tagged , | 27 Comments

Obama impersonator addresses birther questions

In one one of those media events where I was somewhere else and glad of it, Obama impersonator Phil Cambre (known as “The Prez”) and journalist impersonator Jerome Corsi appeared on the show of talk show host impersonator George Jarkesy  … Continue reading

Posted in Jerome Corsi, Media | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Removing the Liberty Legal Foundation

It looks like a trend may be starting, removing cases from state courts to federal. It only makes sense for a lawsuit where federal constitutional issues are raised. The latest removal is the Liberty Legal Foundation lawsuit against the Democrats … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges | Tagged , , | 47 Comments

You’re crazy and I’m not

I almost used a Stephen Colbert-style title for the story: I’m sane, and so can you! I cannot help but observe with some bemusement the claims and counter claims that birthers and their detractors level at each other. As an … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Lounge | Tagged | 71 Comments