A debate between Orly Taitz, Republican Candidate for the U. S. Senate from California, and Peace and Freedom Party candidate Marsha Feinland is scheduled for 10 AM today (April 24) on the sidewalk outside 750 N. Gene Autry Trail in Palm Springs address of the Desert Sun Publishing Company.
According to a The Fogbow (report and photo):
There was Orly, the moderator, the P&F candidate, the news reporter from the Desert Sun, and TWO OTHER PERSONS being one seated woman and the other guy holding the sign…
Well that should be fun with a busy highway and an airport runway over their shoulder…..
Somehow, I think Orly’s screech will rise above the cacophony.
I just checked out Feinland’s page. She’s part of the Peace and Freedom Party and advocates for socialism. Orly should be screeching prior to even departing for the venue, let alone arriving there.
Peace and Freedom …. can’t argue with that. Feinland is representing a 3rd party … or running as a Republican? Living in a 1-party jurisdiction, I can barely remember having 2 parties. The thought of more is scary. So confusing! 😉
If she ever arrives there, will she show Feinland pictures of the Kishinev shack she was born in, to prove how bad socialism is and will she ask Feinland what she and her party have ever done for the Peace and Freedom of Cabinda?
Retorts by Feinland could be “I did not know Abe Lincoln was born in a socialist country” and “Where on the Moon or Mars is Cabinda? Because if it was on earth, and they had oil there, Bush would have found some Muslims there to decalre war on”.
Feinstein, Feinland, and another Fein mess someone has gotten Orly into.
OK I read that Karl Rove said along the lines (I know I have this wrong a bit but here goes..) “take up knitting, run for the senate, do anything, just stop the Birther sh*t” and apparently the ever clueless Orly took it to mean Karl Rove thought she would be a good senate candidate?
Can this possible be true and she is now running for CA senate???
Isn’t past time to turn in the paperwork or something?
Is it possible that Mad Ole orly mistook Feinland for Feinstein and believes she is actually debating with the the Senior Senator for CA….. 😎
Oh, that would be choice.
No, according to the Official Ballot Pamphlet mailed by the California Secretary of State, Mad Orley is one of around seven republican candidates for Senator.
I vote for this choice…
According to a Fogbower who attended the debate, there were only a few attendees
and the debate was scrapped.
If all things were equal, I’d guess some people could vote for her given her basic description as a lawyer, dentist, etc.
But I can’t imagine Orly managing a cohesive campaign or keeping her mouth shut about Obama.
Either of those failures will cause her to lose to almost anyone else. Empty chair + 1 level competition.
Well, we’ve officially reached the point at which reality is indistinguishable from farce.
If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the zeppelin.
I would pay $$$ for watching Orly debate Fran Fine. 😉 Though that would make two voices I can’t stand. Anyone ever heard Orly laugh? I shiver at the thought…
Includes a report and a pic of the “crowd” of… 6. 🙂
Apparently my extensive publicity blitz didn’t help.
I thought no one could top Dr. Kate’s Usurpathon Epic Fail. I was wrong.
Did I read that right? Was this debate held on a sidewalk near a hiking trail? That’s not a debate, that’s just a couple people arguing.
It was held in front of a newspaper building, the Desert Sun, that had publicized the event for a couple of weeks. A Sun reporter was among the 6 people attending. I understand that the debate didn’t happen (I guess due to the lack of spectators).
ROTFL… Yes… Hard to believe but the fails keep adding up… And soon Orly will be able to add another couple to her already ‘perfect record’
I think TECHNICALLY Dr K(H)ates Usurperthon had a greater turn out with 4 as this set of 6 was two “candidates” and a reporter leaving only 3 actual “attendee’s”
Then again, Mad Ole Orly wasn’t moved along by the park police so…… 😎
Or maybe it helped too well.
Looks like a bus stop.
She could not even get elected Secretary of State of California.
What makes her think she can become Senator?
She must just be in it for the money, like her birtherism.
She could not get elected dog catcher. Well, maybe that.
This is the proper way to argue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y
No it isn’t.
Oh, but if she won, she’d be *required* to chase her own tail. It wouldn’t be fun anymore!