Shocking video: Obama’s attorney doesn’t admit birth certificate is a forgery

Mario Apuzzo calls a witness in the New Jersey ballot challenge, Purpura v. Obama, to contest the authenticity of the White House long form birth certificate image. Administrative Law Judge Jeff S. Masin questions the relevance of authenticity testimony, given that Obama didn’t submit any birth certificate to the New Jersey Secretary or the Court. Apuzzo counters that Obama did submit the birth certificate – on a coffee mug.1 Judge Masin responded:

In this case, I don’t have a mug. There is no birth certificate that has been presented to me – good, bad, indifferent, real, forged, certified, anything. It’s not here. So a debate about what he put on the Internet, the birth certificate, whether that is a legitimate birth certificate is not relevant.

Obama attorney Alexandra Hill, in a stunning display of courtroom strategy, let the judge do most the talking.


In the end, Judge Masin decided that presidential candidates in New Jersey do not have to prove eligibility (in New Jersey, candidates don’t even have to consent to being on the ballot). He further concluded that if Obama was born in Hawaii, he was a natural born citizen, and said of Apuzzo’s citizenship parent arguments:

The petitioners’ legal position on this issue, however well intentioned, has no merit in law.

Here is Plaintiffs’ attorney Mario Apuzzo’s take on the hearing.

1Starting around 13:55 in the video.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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50 Responses to Shocking video: Obama’s attorney doesn’t admit birth certificate is a forgery

  1. realist says:

    I was very impressed with Judge Masin. He was well-prepared on the law, both NJ election law and Constitutional law.

    Ms. Hill also did an excellent job.

    Birthers have now lost to an empty chair and Apuzzo had his ass kicked by a young associate attorney.

    I also really appreciate the birthers going around the country and building a catalog of precedent against themselves. 🙂

  2. The Magic M says:

    > Obama attorney Alexandra Hill, in a stunning display of courtroom strategy, let the judge do most the talking.

    That’s what good lawyers do. 🙂

    The first time I ever had to sue someone, the guy brought some false witnesses and the judge herself pretty much took them apart, my lawyer almost didn’t have to do anything.

    realist: Apuzzo had his ass kicked by a young associate attorney

    That must sting. I know one shouldn’t make wild assumptions, but people like Mario are usually misogynists par excellence.

  3. bovril says:

    I will admit to a certain delicious moment or two watching Mario being taken apart by the judge during this, actually worth the 3 hours out of my life watching the whole lot.

    Plainly the judge had taken the time to delve into other cases as well as general Birfoon insanity, was well prepared and dare I say, enjoyed the take down.

    The sad part is that the law firm and Ms Hill herself have, it would appear, received death threats for the heinious Birther crime of being right, knowing the law, slapping the Putz down and putting him and his asinine bogotry in their place.

  4. I think that bears repeating (so I did). For a partial list:

    realist: I also really appreciate the birthers going around the country and building a catalog of precedent against themselves.

  5. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Apuzzo’s expert Brian Wilcox is a copy boy. He ran into him along with RC in the Andrea Shea King show chatroom one night. Wilcox was going on and on about everything he could speak with no authority on. He had all the birther talking points and I destroyed them one by one until he finally left the chat. He tried to claim he was an expert “having worked with fortune 500 companies processing documents”. I asked what his job entailed and it was pretty much scanning and copying which means he was a copy boy and had no basis to make his claims. It makes me wonder how any of these people can think these guys are expert witnesses.

  6. Horus says:

    Why are the birthers blasting all over the net that Obama’s Attorney admitted that Obama’s BC is a fraud in that hearing?

    I saw nothing of the sort.

    Gotta love what the Judge said about the Two Parent citizen rule that Mario made up.

    “The petitioners’ legal position on this issue, however well intentioned, has no merit in law.”

  7. Horus says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): It makes me wonder how any of these people can think these guys are expert witnesses.

    It’s because they will believe anyone who supports their preconceived belief that Obama is a fraud.

  8. Horus says:

    Here’s another Whirled Nut Daily Arpaio fabrication.

  9. JPotter says:

    Horus: Why are the birthers blasting all over the net that Obama’s Attorney admitted that Obama’s BC is a fraud in that hearing?

    Because they read tabloids that tell them what happened, what conclusions to reach, and then either present a “creatively-edited” reference, or breeze right past the reference. Every time you go back to the source … oopsie! Amusing, but sad, you can find new examples of this everyday. It’s WND’s M.O. … heck, it’s the rightwing’s M.O. Don’t think, just listen! (To us, and only us).

    A great one popped up yesterday, courtesy of my favorite troll, Hermitian. Google “NPR Breitbart nazis” …. it’s an Alex Jones special, twisting an NPR reader’s review! Notice how nearly all the Google results have the exact same wording? Except, of course, the NPR piece, found here:

    Yes, yes, NPR is famous for going Godwin.

  10. bovril says:

    Horus: Why are the birthers blasting all over the net that Obama’s Attorney admitted that Obama’s BC is a fraud in that hearing?

    Errr, because the only consistent activities of Birthers ate that they are gullible and that they lie…..

  11. CarlOrcas says:

    Horus: Here’s another Whirled Nut Daily Arpaio fabrication

    Just looked at it and something caught my eye……the quote from Arpaio in the second paragraph:

    “They forget I have a four-decades long career in federal law enforcement that includes having been a special agent for the FBI and having worked for the Drug Enforcement Agency in the United States, as well as in Argentina, Turkey and Mexico.”

    I’ve been following the sheriff’s antics since he was first elected and this is the first time I recall seeing a reference to him having worked for the FBI. I’ve searched all his bios, including the one on the MCSO webiste, and there is no mention of it.

    Also there is no recent press release on the department website regarding this release of “new findings” or containing this quote.

    So….we are left with three possibilities:

    1 – Arpaio just remembered he once worked for the FBI.
    2 – Or he just made it up.
    3 – Or…………..Jerome Corsi and WND are making up quotes from the Sheriff.

    We report, you decide.

  12. gorefan says:

    Horus: Why are the birthers blasting all over the net that Obama’s Attorney admitted that Obama’s BC is a fraud in that hearing?

    The folks at the Daily Pen are at least partially responsible. They published a story with that headline when people pointed out that she never actually says that, they responded in the comments

    “The fact that Ms. Hill, in representing Obama, admitted that such a form of this record cannot be used to prove these claims by Obama, she is admitting that the image is not a truthful representation of those claims. Therefore, it must be a false representation of those claims otherwise, why did Obama choose to publish this record if not to provide proof of his eligibility? Website decoration? ”

  13. RuhRoh says:

    @gorefan: As far as I can tell, the Daily Pen originated this myth. I don’t have much nice to say about Apuzzo, but even he has been clear that Ms. Hill never said the image posted on is fraudlulent.

  14. Arthur says:

    Thanks for the information on Wilcox, Ken. I was wondering who that fellow was and where he came from.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Apuzzo’s expert Brian Wilcox is a copy boy.

  15. Arthur says:

    Wasn’t there a time when you could send in ten lables from Malt-o-Meal and get a super-duper special certificate that identified you as a “special agent” for the FBI? Maybe that’s what WND is referring to.

    CarlOrcas: that includes having been a special agent for the FBI

  16. gorefan says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Apuzzo’s expert Brian Wilcox is a copy boy.

    Doesn’t he post at apuzzo’s site as bdwilcox?

  17. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: Maybe that’s what WND is referring to.

    Could be. It certainly makes as much sense as some of the nonsense on the website.

  18. Tarrant says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):It makes me wonder how any of these people can think these guys are expert witnesses.

    We all know the answer to that one – the birther definition of expert is “Someone, regardless of qualification, certification, experience, or background, who gives the answer the birthers want to hear.”

    People that haven’t once examined a document in an evidentiary manner in their lives are world-renowned experts if and only if they answer that the birth certificate is a forgery, and are know-nothing’s or corrupt, regardless of years of experience or history of testifying in court if they say it is not.

  19. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    gorefan: Doesn’t he post at apuzzo’s site as bdwilcox?

    That is correct. He used that name as well in the ASK chatroom. The more he responded to me the more his inflated story fell apart.

  20. jayHG says:

    When I saw that headline, oh, on whatever “I’m a birther and get that usurper/scary black man out” website, I thought it was a joke until I kept reading. I believe it might have been that Obama Release Your Records place.

    Anyhow, the piece said flat out that the attorney admitted that the birth certificate was forged. Then there was much joy and jubilation until some posters actually listened to the video and read the transcript and DAMN, the attorney said no such thing. Then there was much wailing and knashing of teeth and such as that.

    It was quite entertaining.

  21. Bob Lee says:

    If Obama can not produce a valid BC the court must rule that there is no BC. All of the discussion overlooks the fact that it doesn’t matter where Obama was born. That has no merit. No matter where he was born he can never be a “Natural Born Citizen because his father was not a citizen. Therefore Obama is not Constitutionally eligible for the presidency. Obama is not a citizen of the US by any measure. In one of his books he states that his father is a citizen of Kenya. This book was submitted as evidence in Georgia. This fact makes him ineligible for president hence he can not be on the ballot. The facts are, Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the Costal Province General Hospital in Mombass, British Protectorate of Kenya. His young mother could not pass American citizenship to Obama because of her young age. She could not meet the Constitutional requirement of residency in the US. I have a video in which Obama states that he was born in Kenya. Obama inherited his father’s citizenship. Obama has no legal ID. His SS number is stolen. Obama is a fraud. Anyone attempting to put him on a state ballot for president will be a fraud. Fraud is a criminal act. The unknowing citizenry must learn quickly that Obama is a Socialist/Comunist and will turn to dictator if he wins the election. Wise up before it’s too late.

  22. US Citizen says:

    I can picture Arapio as Robert Stack in the FBI:
    “Taitz, Apuzzo, Youngblood…”
    (you *have* to have Youngblood.. 😉 )

    I also should say that I’m honored Ms Lady Liberty herself chose to come here.
    If she is reading, may I suggest she enter into actual debate here as a means to sharpen her in-court strategies.
    If she can’t argue it on a blog, she won’t do well in a real court.
    Come back, Orly, come back! (if not, at least send Lassie)

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    Bob Lee: Wise up before it’s too late.

    Good suggestion, Mr. Lee. You’re a couple years behind the curve.

  24. Scientist says:

    Bob Lee: The unknowing citizenry must learn quickly that Obama is a Socialist/Comunist and will turn to dictator if he wins the election.

    Bob: You are too late. He already won the election and has been in office for over 3 years. Let’s keep this just between you and me, OK?

  25. Scientist says:

    Bob Lee: In one of his books he states that his father is a citizen of Kenya

    I’ve always found it interesting that the birthers consider Obama a fraud and a liar, yet are happy to believe what he wrote in his book if it suits them.

  26. Jim says:

    Bob Lee:
    If Obama can not produce a valid BC the court must rule that there is no BC.

    No problem there Bob, he’s produced it many times over. Even been verified by the state of Hawaii. Besides, no court has asked for it.

  27. nbc says:

    Bob Lee: No matter where he was born he can never be a “Natural Born Citizen because his father was not a citizen.

    That was tried and rejected several times now. Sorry Bob…

  28. Linda says:

    You are incorrect about this and everything else in your post, except that fraud is a crime. That is not the rule, never has been. The courts have supported it throughout US history. Verify it.

    Bob Lee: No matter where he was born he can never be a “Natural Born Citizen because his father was not a citizen.

  29. Keith says:

    Bob Lee: If Obama can not produce a valid BC the court must rule that there is no BC. All of the discussion overlooks the fact that it doesn’t matter where Obama was born.

    No it doesn’t. It doesn’t have to make any comment one way or the other about a birth certificate if the birth certificate is irrelevant to the matter at hand. Which it was.

    And Obama has published images of his birth certificate in two different formats. If he is ever required to produce it in a court of law he will.

  30. Keith says:

    Bob Lee: The facts are, Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the Costal Province General Hospital in Mombass, British Protectorate of Kenya.

    Oh. I see, I misunderstood. Please stay calm and where you are, the nice young gentlemen will be there very soon to help you.

  31. Thomas Brown says:

    Update from Bob Lee:

    If Obama can not produce a valid BC the court must rule that there is no Santa Claus. All of this percussion overcooks the fact that it doesn’t matter because Obama was elected. That halves no ferret. No matter where he was formed, he will always be a Natural Born Citizen, even if his father was not a shih-tsu. Obviously, Obama is not Constitutionally ineligible for the Presidency. Obama is not a denizen of Atlantis with any pleasure. In one of Jerome Corsi’s books he states that his weiner sings Cumbaya. Corsi’s book was submitted as a stool sample in Georgia. This fact makes him insoluble in peroxide, hence he can not serve as ballast. The facts are, Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the Royal Egg Chamber in the Queen’s Palace under the South Pole of the Moon. His young mother could not pass American citizenship to Obama because of her lack of hands. She could not meet the Easter Bunny for lunch because of his residency in the Kremlin. I have a video in which Mitt Romney states that he was sewn together from spare parts in a yurt in Kiev. No, seriously! I do! Obama inherited his father’s dreamy eyes, but his head tentacles and gills are from his mother, Lavinia Whateley. Obama has no regal IUD, because it was swallowed by Cthulhu. His silverware was stolen by Maynard G. Krebs. Obama is a frog. Anyone attempting to put him on a stale ball of matzoh for will be frozen in solid Kryptonite. Freud was a Vaudeville act. The unruly peasantry must learn quickly that Obama is a socratic columnist and will turn to a pillar of salt if he spins an electron.

    Wise up before it’s too late.

  32. Tee hee. Another one fell for the fake birth certificate. 😉

    Bob Lee: The facts are, Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the Costal Province General Hospital in Mombass, British Protectorate of Kenya

  33. Tee hee. He fell for the spoof video too!

    Watch the video again. When you hear Obama “saying” he was born in Kenya, his mouth isn’t visible because the sound is edited. What Obama really said was that his Father was born in Kenya.

    What a loser.

    Bob Lee: I have a video in which Obama states that he was born in Kenya.

  34. By the way, there are some really nasty comments on that WND article, including one calling Queen Elizabeth a “bitch.”

  35. Linda says:

    Thomas Brown: If Obama can not produce a valid BC the court must rule that there is no Santa Claus.

    Kudos! Funniest post ever!

  36. Arthur says:


    Very funny! You better be careful, though–this might turn up as an article at ObamaReleaseYourRecords. If it does, I’m sure there will be at least one commentator decrying Obama for being a member of the Moonian aristocracy.

    Thomas Brown: The facts are, Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in the Royal Egg Chamber in the Queen’s Palace under the South Pole of the Moon. His young mother could not pass American citizenship to Obama because of her lack of hands. She could not meet the Easter Bunny for lunch because of his residency in the Kremlin. I have a video in which Mitt Romney states that he was sewn together from spare parts in a yurt in Kiev. No, seriously! I do! Obama inherited his father’s dreamy eyes, but his head tentacles and gills are from his mother, Lavinia Whateley.

  37. Arthur says:

    Tee hee!? Have you been hanging out with Squeeky?

    Dr. Conspiracy: Tee hee.

  38. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    By the way, there are some really nasty comments on that WND article, including one calling Queen Elizabeth a “bitch.”

    I live in Australia. I hear her called worse than that almost on a daily basis. But out of love of course.

  39. SluggoJD says:

    Bob Lee:
    If Obama………………………………………..


  40. BillTheCat says:

    This guy *has* to be a troll. I mean…. Seriously. Wow.

  41. richCares says:

    Bob Lee, can I get your email, I can get big commissions on names and emails I supply to South African Will Factories

  42. The Magic M says:

    Thomas Brown: The unruly peasantry must learn quickly that Obama is a socratic columnist and will turn to a pillar of salt if he spins an electron.

    Did you use a program to write this? 😉
    Reminds me of SCIgen:

  43. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Tee hee. He fell for the spoof video too!

    Speaking of falling for things, what happened to John/James/et al.? We went through the entire Apuzzo case without him proclaiming what would happen from Apuzzo’s “masterful argument.”

  44. JD Reed says:

    P>People that haven’t once examined a document in an evidentiary manner in their lives are world-renowned experts if and only if they answer that the birth certificate is a forgery, and are know-nothing’s or corrupt, regardless of years of experience or history of testifying in court if they say it is not.

    You hit the nauil head, Tarrant!

  45. Horus says:

    Arthur: Tee hee!? Have you been hanging out with Squeeky?

    Dr. Conspiracy: Tee hee.

    You don’t usually hear grown men using “Tee hee”

    tee hee.

  46. Arthur says:

    Horus: You don’t usually hear grown men using “Tee hee”

    Not unless they’re Tiny Tim:

  47. Thomas Brown says:

    The Magic M: Did you use a program to write this?
    Reminds me of SCIgen:

    Oh, no. Sad to say, that all just spilt out of my very own brain, very late at night, reacting to the pompous absurdity of Bob Lee’s screed.

    I know… I ain’t right.

  48. It felt good.

    Horus: You don’t usually hear grown men using “Tee hee”

  49. Arthur says:

    That’s the way it starts. A few “tee hee’s” find their way into your conversation. Then a couple of “so’s your old man,” and pretty soon, you’re saying “swell!” and shouting “twenty three skidoo!” upside down from a tire swing.

    We’ve all see it: first – medicinal wine from a teaspoon, then beer from a bottle. And the next thing you know Dr. C. is writin’ a blog and listenin’ to some big out-o’-town jasper go on about conspiracy theories. Make your blood boil, well I should say!

    And all week long, Dr. C. is frittering. I say, that this one-time gentleman and singer in the choir will be fritterin’! Fritterin’ away his noontime, suppertime, choretime, too. Hitting those keys with all ten fingers. Never mind gettin’ dandelions pulled, or the screen door patched, or the beefsteak pounded. Never mind paying the bills, so that his wife is caught without cable television on a Saturday night.

    And that my friends, is the danger of “Tee Hee”! It’s all documented here:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It felt good.

  50. JPotter says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Apuzzo’s expert Brian Wilcox is a copy boy.

    The curious correlation between scanners, copiers, and birther experts deepens.

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