Monthly Archives: May 2012

Big government solution to birther angst

It seems to be a birther media frenzy of late, fueled by the latest Donald “zombie birther” Trump remarks. Now everything “birther” is all the rage — from Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Michigan candidate for the U. S. Senate Pete … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election | Tagged , | 74 Comments

Purpura v. Obama Appeal hearing video 5/31/12: Updated with results and new video!

My notes follow the video below.   1. The judges seemed to notice that Apuzzo is trying to use a primary election statute to gain standing to challenge the general election. 2. Apuzzo clearly misstates the law of the United … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Lawsuits, Mario Apuzzo, Videos | Tagged , , , | 113 Comments

Colbert highlights Romney/birther connection

I said it first: Romney needs the birthers to become President. Stephen Colbert’s staff perhaps reads my blog because last night he did a deliciously funny piece on just that topic. Highlighting the connection between birther Donald Trump and and … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election, Donald Trump, Videos | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Apuzzo deathwatch (progress notes added)

Today we remember the Purpura v. Obama ballot objection, born April 5, 2012, in New Jersey and declared terminally ill by Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin a mere 5 days later. The suit was ill-conceived and born with fatal defects … Continue reading

Posted in Ballot Challenges, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged , | 36 Comments

Romney releases putative birth certificate

In a move that smells of further pandering to the birthers (since there are no legitimate questions about Romney’s birth facts), Willard Mitt Romney released his birth certificate to the press, according to a Reuters story. The PDF file provided … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election, Birth Certificate | Tagged | 87 Comments

Obama uses birthers to attack Romney

A new campaign video from the Obama Campaign contrasts John McCain and Mitt Romney. McCain, it says, had the courage to stand up to the extremists in his party; Romney does not. Republican leaders have said that birtherism is a … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Presidential Election, Videos | Tagged , , | 25 Comments