When I started blogging about birthers, the birther story was that Barack Obama’s mother made a quick trip to Kenya, Obama was born there, she hastily returned to Hawaii and registered his birth.
This story circulated for quite some time before there was any reason to believe it although eventually some reasons (albeit untrue ones) surfaced. The facts are:
- Obama’s birth certificate says he was born in Honolulu
- Hawaii didn’t register out-of-state births in 1961
- Honolulu newspapers listed Obama’s birth in a section of the newspaper that carried information from the health department
- Obama’s birth certificate shows he was born in a hospital and delivered by a doctor
- The Hawaii Department of health has repeatedly affirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii and that his birth certificate is legitimate
- Contemporary written accounts found in State Department files mention him being born in Hawaii
- Obama’s African relatives say he was born in Hawaii and not in Kenya (Sayid Obama and Sarah Obama).
- Contemporary statistical reports from the INS show that no American citizen flew from Kenya to the USA that entire year.
While we like to say that birthers are immune to evidence, there is so much evidence that it’s hard to ignore. Have things changed?
Look at birther lawsuits from 2008-9:
- Berg v. Obama et al. – Attorney Berg alleges birth in Kenya, cites “grandmother tape.”
- Kerchner v. Obama – Attorney Apuzzo alleges birth in Kenya, cites “grandmother tape.”
- Keyes v. Obama – Attorney Taitz, alleges birth in Kenya, cites fake Kenyan birth certificate
- Hollister v. Soetoro – Attorney Berg alleges birth in Kenya, cites “grandmother tape”
- Rhodes v. MacDonald – Attorney Taitz alleges birth in Kenya
When birther lawsuits started, “born in Kenya” was a mainstay of many of the cases including those prosecuted by Taitz and Apuzzo. Today, while allegations of forged birth certificates abound, I am not seeing affirmative allegations that President Obama was actually born outside the country (Fair v. Obama is the only current case I know that maintains some argument that Obama was born in Kenya). Taitz in Farrar v. Obama in Georgia and Taitz v. Obama in Mississippi avoids mention of a foreign birth. Apuzzo in his recent case of Purpura v. Obama is quick to claim the birth certificate is a fake, but not to offer a claim that Obama is foreign born. New plaintiffs, like Jerry Collette also allege a forged birth certificate from President Obama but stop short of claiming he was born somewhere else and offer no evidence of a foreign birth.
There might be several explanations including that I haven’t read all the cases and what I report isn’t true. It could be that plaintiffs are trying to shift the burden of proof to the President to prove where he was born. Maybe they still believe Obama was born in Kenya, but that they don’t have any evidence of it. It could be that birthers think it’s easier for them to win on the two-parent theory than proving foreign birth.
But is it possible that birthers have come around to the view that Obama is an American-born socialist, America-hating, fraud, cheat, liar and low-life rather than a foreign one?
Maybe the birthers who keep up with all the lawsuits and news have finally accepted that Obama was born in Hawaii. But the “born in Kenya” myth still persists; I saw it in a reply on another site just this morning.
Over at ORYR the recurring “His father was a NEGRO not AFRICAN” as a record in “Fathers race” section of the BC came up as of yesterday….
Birferism is a reflexive and instinctual pattern and response of hate, not a pattern of thought……
didn’t the plaintiffs (except the ditz) in ga stipulate that obama was born in hi?
Well it has morphed well beyond that.
Orly seems to be focused largely on the “fake Connecticut Social Security Number” and “fake Selective Service registration” claims. I admit that I don’t bother to read anything she submits these days, but my impression is that those have become her primary arguments in her claims of “fraud”.
How that bears on Presidential eligibility, I wouldn’t have a clue.
So much time wasted by Davidson and his acolytes due to the immaturity and duplicity of the Prez. Maybe someone should scientifically study the phenomenon someday.
birther berg REFUTED the ss# issue
from doc:
Phil Berg firmly rejects claims that Obama is using a fraudulent SSN and adds:
False information regarding the eligibility of Obama makes the question into the lack of Constitutional eligibility of Obama serving as our President a laughing stock.
If you wanted to make nonsensical noises, try duck quacking. It’s more entertaining and informative.
Idiotic birther bigots routinely contradict each other. Birtherism is a tangled web of lies and none of them are bright enough to keep all of the lies straight.
This is the part I never get with birthers. Their ready acceptance of anyone, no matter how tenuous, who says that the birth certificates are faked.
As you mention above, Obama has a birth certificate; the newspapers ran notices at the time; the Hawaii Department of Health has said repeatedly that he was born there; State Department files say he was born there; his relatives say he was born in Hawaii; and the INS says that no one flew from Kenya to the US during 1961.
For Obama to have been born anywhere but Hawaii would require a massive cover-up and conspiracy the likes of which are practically unimaginable in size, scope, and cost. It would require the cooperation of dozens, possibly hundreds of people, spanning decades, costing a massive amount of money.
But somehow, in this vast, expensive conspiracy, which not one person has ever admitted to, the collective conspiracy can only manage to churn out faked birth certificates which are “obviously” (to birthers, anyway) faked. So obviously fake that they’ve never, not once, hired a court certified forensic document examiner.
Obama can control everyone and everything, but somehow can’t (in birther minds) fake a document?
It makes no sense at all.
It’s interesting how the birthers claim to be focused on what the intent of the Founders was, yet somehow the Founders failed to mention that a valid SSN and Selective Service registration were requirements to be eligible to be President.
Just a guess but I suspect the SSN and SSR claims have less to do with eligibility and more to do with a pattern of forgery. If President Obama had to steal a SSN and forge a SSR than it could be inferred that he did not have a real ID otherwise why fake those, and thus the BC must also be a forgery.
Alternatively, they might believe that have those forged documents indicates criinal activity on his part and they conclude that somehow makes him ineligible.
Yes, but their bias is clear in their different standards of judgement. On the one hand, birthers reject all evidence supporting the real birth certificates, even though it’s overwhelming and of high quality, both the direct evidence (the Hawai’i administration’s statements, sworn and unsworn) and the indirect evidence (the notices in the newspapers). On the other, they accept any clearly forged birth certificates (the Kenyan one based on the Australian template, the one with the footprint) even though even they should know that there are pranksters around who enjoy concocting bait for the birthers just for the laughs.
I am surprised that the court system allows the birthers to get away with lying so much and so often. Isn’t it any sort of criminal offense to present clearly forged documents to a court? Don’t judges get annoyed at that sort of thing? If not, why not?
The birthers’ conspiracy idea is so far-fetched but they don’t seem to appreciate that – what fiendishly clever group would choose a mixed race guy with an unusual name (including the middle name Hussein, not exactly a turn-on!) as their Manchurian candidate rather than the more usual presidential material of tall white guy with lots of hair and an Anglo-Saxon-ish name?
If it’s not a group, but Obama himself pulling the strings, what is the fiendishly cunning hold he has have his collaborators? Has he enticed every single senior politician and administrator down to a pig farm and photographed them all having pig-sex?
They tried it the other way but the Dubya Experiment was a massive failure and embarrassment.
Listen please everyone here at the esteemed Obama Conspiracy Theories website,
Barack H. Obama II was born in Mombasa, Kenya. Not in Hawaii!
Please see the three (3) new reports now published at my WasObamaBornInKenya blog!
“There is a considerable possibility that agent Sean Boyer is now dead. (2009 photograph of Sean Boyer and attorney Phil Berg included.)”
“If the Missouri birther bill doesn’t pass the Missouri Senate it wont be my fault.”
“I didn’t just send the letter to Nancy Pelosi. I sent the letter to every single member (minus two vacant seats at the time) of US Congress, including non-voting members. 539 letters.”
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I see that Lucas D. Smith has popped up again with his Mombasa theory.
It was Lucas D.Smith that showed the “birth certificate” with the footprint on it that he CLAIMED to have gotten in Mombasa, Kenya. But what is the proof of the claim? In addition to the document having obvious problems, such as the use of US date formats (moth/day/year) and not the British format used in Kenya (day/month/year), Lucas D. Smith has never proven that he went to Kenya.
He has CLAIMED that he got the document in Mombasa, Kenya. But he has never showed a passport with a Kenya stamp on it.
We continue to wonder why Lucas. Here is your chance. Show your US passport with the Kenya stamp on it.
How did Lucas Smith get that felony conviction, anyway? I wasn’t following the Birther nuttery back when he was still a player in promoting it, so I never did learn what crime he committed.
Wasn’t it for forgery?
I honestly have no idea.
Found it! Right here on Doc C’s blog!
Expelliarmus March 20, 2011 at 2:01 am #
FWIW, here’s Smith’s Felony conviction record out of Iowa:
Felony 715.A(2) – forgery guilty 5/22/1998
Felony, forgery 715A.2(B) — Forgery – guilty plea to 3 counts – 2/28/2000
Felony 714.2(2) theft, 2nd degree- guilty 5/25/2000
Felony – 714.2(4) theft-4th degree – 4 counts guilty (srms);
(This action also included a felony count of 715A.2(A) Forgery which was dismissed, most likely as part of a plea bargain) 12/28/2000
Felony – 714.2(3) – theft, 3rd degree — guilty 8/9/2004 (multiple counts)
So basically there are 5 separate felony convictions, some involving multiple counts, between 1998 and 2004.
OMG, he also admits to having sex with a 14 year old when he was 24 AND to attempting to sell a kidney for $200K and then backing out.
Are there ANY prominent Birthers who are not, in fact, criminals or sanctioned attorneys? Even one?
Joseph Farah does not have a criminal record, but I read barnyard animals become skittish when he’s near.
The Kenya birth scenario is physically impossible:
I’ve been meaning to ask.
Do you have any idea where Gurney might find Bronso?
Apart from the fact that air travel was very expensive and slow and that it was still impossible to call Hawaii from Kenya direct at the time.
There is a pattern here: some birthers also claimed that the birth announcements were put in the paper by the grandparents – but the actual birth announcement was in a list obviously provided by Health Department records. That parents should announce the birth of a child in a newspaper advertisement is a relatively new phenomenon (started in the Times of London, I think).
Now here is the point: most birthers are well over 60 – they are old enough to remember how things were when Obama was born. Yet they are willing and ready to staunchly believe every farfetched theory put forward to deny that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii, even though they know by actual experience that things were different then.
So, here we are: everybody in their real mind would have given (and in a limited number of cases: did give) up birfering when the birth announcementS (the same list in TWO newspapers, proving that the birth announcemnts cannot possibly be forged, alhough even that has been claimed) were found, so who is to conclude anything about the reasons why birfers are silent on the born in Kenya issue now? There is no rationality here.
Although it could also be argued that rationality has nothing to with it, but that it is all caused by the fact that the man in the WHITE House is a ni**ah.
Also, admitted to bribing local law enforcement.
And . . . . . let’s not forget trying to sell a haunted house.
I don’t know that Mario Apuzzo, Gary Kreep and Van R. Irion were ever sanctioned. I haven’t done background checks, but there’s a long list of birthers I could mention that I’m not personally aware of being criminals. However, if you’re looking for dirt on the birthers, I’m not going to be your best source.
I’m sure there are a few out there. But an unusually high number of felons and disbarred or sanctioned attorneys sure seem to be associated with Birtherism.
He doesn’t have a stamp or proof that he went there, because the Virgin Mary floated him over there and back.
> It could be that plaintiffs are trying to shift the burden of proof to the President to prove where he was born.
Definitely. Their reasoning is that if they can “prove” his papers are forged, the burden of proof shifts to him because “he wouldn’t need forged papers if he had been born in the US”.
That’s somehow the same train of thought that you see from many laymen in court who believe that is enough to show that their opponent is a bad guy to grant them victory.
Majority Will: let’s not forget trying to sell a haunted house.
Please tell me that’s illegal somewhere!
It might be considered fraud?
Why would Obama then post a forged birth certificate online??? I am really confused on this…..I honestly believed that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii until this just came out Apr 11 2012. His own lawyer is now using the angle that YES the birth certificate was forged but NJ does not require a birth certificate to be on the ballot. Why would our president make a mockery of our laws our election process? Why? Again his own lawyers say that Obama forged the birth certificate and that he is not natural born. Why would President Obama lie…..what is he hiding.
Wow. My wasted youth spent reading all that Sci-fi is finally paying off.
Zixi is from Oz, not Dune. Wrong universe.
Caitlyn – I share your concerns, and I am glad you stopped by. Keep up the good fight!
I found a Kenya BC (Obama’s?) that may be what you are looking for.
Perhaps you missed this article debunking your crap, er, allegations:
Shocking video: Obama’s attorney doesn’t admit birth certificate is a forgery
It seems Obama isn’t the one spreading lies…
Some birthers (I’m thinking of one in particular and her followers) claim that all of the microfiche have been changed or replaced. I know from doing my own (non birther-related) research in small libraries around the country that there is virtually no chance of that being possible, much less probable. There are simply too many instances to make it doable.
Again, though, the fact that birthers think that Obama was capable of changing out all of the microfiche in the country, leaving no library forgotten, but can’t manage to fake a birth certificate is indicative of the fact that they’re willing to believe anything except for the truth.
Unfortunately, you’re correct. It’s a shame, especially in light of the fact that the Republican Party plays footsie with the birthers and is terrified of being called on it. I’m conservative, not a Democrat, and it makes me so ashamed of the GOP. If you aren’t for Truth and against blind bigotry, what can you honestly say you’re for?
I’ll ask you, for at least the 3rd time right here on this esteemed site, where is the photo of your passport with the Kenyan stamp?
As I’ve pointed out before, there is no danger is showing that you have a Kenyan stamp in your passport. Lots of people go to Kenya.
The danger would be in showing a valid birth certificate, which you say you have. Obama, obviously, would know if the BC was real, which would put you in danger. But since you’ve already shown that, you’ve done the dangerous part.
Well, it would be dangerous, you know… assuming the birth certificate is real.
No one assumes that. People who know your record assume that you aren’t telling the truth.
Either way, there is no danger in having a stamp in your passport.
So why won’t you show it?
Well that settles it. Get them under oath and in front of a House committee then. If you time it right you can set it up so that there won’t be a Democrat on the ballot in November. What are you doing here, when you have that?
Are you an idiot????
And the lie continues. No his lawyer never made this claim
Have you no shame being so ill informed and gullible? Do you like being made look foolish?
Never mind…
OK. I didn’t recognize Zixi, but Ix was familiar. And you picked the reference perfectly. I haven’t read Oz, but I live there.
Pray tell me, why would his lawyers do that? Just to flip off birthers?
It’s amazing to see another birther meme taking its own life. First it was “his lawyer admitted his BC is a forgery”, now we’re already at “lawyers” (plural) and “also admitted he’s not an NBC” and even that Obama admittedly forged the BC himself.
Oops, I meant “taking a life of its own”. Ironically, I was just discussing funny results of making errors using idioms as a non-native speaker…
After 4 years of this and still totally failing to understand what goes through birther heads I’d really like a birther, just one, (maybe Caitlyn?) to just once come back and explain what their thought process was when they heard a claim like this one (which ought to strike anyone, even birthers, as patently absurd right from the get go) and the steps they went through before deciding to place belief in it. Even better to also explain the thought processes they go through and how their mind deals with it when they are shown cast iron evidence that the lawyer in question said nothing even remotely resembling what was claimed.
I went through similar head scatching and requests for some kind of explanation with hundreds of 9/11 truthers but just can’t get to the bottom of this extraordinary feature of some people’s minds. The subject fascinates and perplexes me in equal degrees.
Some minds are weaker than others?
Marvin: It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level. — DNA
Quote from Mario Apuzzo, birther attourney, “I am not personally aware of Ms. Hill ever admitting during the court proceedings that the posted image of the 4-27-11 birth certificate is a forgery.” This was from the birther attorney who was actually there. Why would Mario Apuzzo state this? Is he an Obot Plant who was sent to new jersey to argue the case to lose? Or could it be that Ms. Hill never actually said what you think she said. What Ms. Hill said was that whether or not the birth certificate is forged is irrelevant to these discussions, because New Jersey doesn’t have one before it, and therefore it’s not going to go into it.
It’s like a birther game of telephone.
I’m sure its going to morph even further in that instead of toilet paper the president using copies of Emmerich de Vattel’s law of nations.
ah yes the rare birthers who claim somehow they believe Obama was a natural born citizen after he showed his standard birth certificate in 2008 but somehow became a birther after he showed the long form. We know you guys don’t exist.
You forgot the Sears catalog.
Monkey Ward.
Just kill Barack Adolf Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden and our problems will come to an end.
…And his nigger whore wife while we’re at it. Where’s the Secret Service when our country needs them?
I understand your concerns. I found a Kenya BC (Obama’s?) that will help you get him out of office. Thanks for visiting.
What refreshing candor. You win points for saying exactly what all the birthers think, deep down.
Agreed. I just can’t figure out, when a “9/11 Truther” is shown a photograph of a 95+ foot hole in the wall of the Pentagon then can just refuse to see it and insist that it is only 12 foot wide. It just boggles the imagination.
I don’t think that is your real name TripleEcks. Could you show us your birth certificate please?
If you really were “honestly believing” the former, you wouldn’t believe the latter (which is nothing but a birther meme without an ounce of fact behind it). So stop playing dumb, will ya?
Should be at your door any minute now. Think I’m kidding?
Pack yer sunscreen; awful hot down at Gitmo right now. You’ll fit right in with the America-haters down there. But on the bright side, maybe you’ll get some of the ‘dirty love’ you crave.
America will be better off without you.
If I thought that was a credible threat, I’d call the Secret Service. However, if the SS is interested, the IP address is
The email address, democratsarewhores@dscc.com, is an obvious fake. I presume that this is a reference to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee related to some comments I’ve seen on the Web; however, that domain is actually the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce.
From the beginning, at least half of the birther litigation has alleged that Obama was born in Hawaii, but with a father who was a UK citizen.
My initial reaction to the birthers took the form of the question, “how do you support Donofrio, who claims that Obama was born in Hawaii, but also support Berg, who claims that he was not?”
And by “birthers”, I mean “Gerald C. Newton” and “Eddie Haskell” on alt.politics.*.
How are you coming with that Congressional hearing? I haven’t heard back from you. You have a slam-dunk case, and the clock is ticking.
Purely co-incidental I’m sure but a cursory traceroute places this IP close to good old Tracy aka KBOA……Now if I was a birfoon that PROVES she is…. 😎