Huffington Post corrects Romney Birther story

The Huffington Post had previously reported that Mitt Romney attended a two-hour meeting with right-wing bloggers and columnists, including birther vector1 WorldNetDaily. Now they are no longer saying that WND attended. A “confirmed list of attendees” includes:

  • National Review
  • Daily Caller
  • American Spectator
  • Washington Examiner
  • Human Events
  • RedState
  • Right Wing News
  • Powerline
  • Townhall
  • Ace of Spades
  • RiehlWorldView
  • White House Dossier
  • PJ Media

1Vector: n. an insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Huffington Post corrects Romney Birther story

  1. Jim says:

    Is birtherism going to cost the Pubs control of the congress? The backlash seems to be beginning

    This might be another area to keep an eye on Doc.

  2. clestes says:

    Romney will avoid the whole birther issue for as long as he can. He would prefer never to have to deal with it at all.

    After more than 3 years and more than 120 cases these people look and act like idiots. Sure he played up to them while he was seeking the nomination, but he will run the other way as fast as he can now.

  3. misha says:

    clestes: he will run the other way as fast as he can now.

    I hope he trips and falls. Speaking of which, he now has Richard Grenell to deal with. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

    Intrade has Mittens at 36.3%.

  4. IDemand says:

    The birther issues should be used as a metaphor for campaign reform. The people I come in contact with believe that all candidates should publicly (not just filed with the FEC) disclose all documents before they begin the campaign. Documents that should be included tax returns for the past 7 years and long form official birth certificates, because we now live in a world that is becoming increasingly multicultural and if the requirements set forth under the Constitution of the Unite States are to be upheld then provisions MUST be set in place in order to avoid unproductive rhetoric. If you agree:

  5. linda says:

    No, I don’t agree at all. In fact, if it were not so ridiculous, it would be offensive.

    “Because we live in a world that is becoming increasingly multicultural…?” Multicultural, as defined by Merriam-Webster “: of, relating to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse cultures” What does that have to do with the Constitutional requirements to be president of the US?

    The Constitution already has provisions dealing with presidential eligibility and verification and it doesn’t include producing either tax returns or birth certificates. Look it up.

    The 1st Amendment gives people the right to engage in unproductive rhetoric. No number of years of tax returns or birth certificates will change their opinions or stop them from casting aspersions.

    Obama has posted both his short and long form birth certificates online, as verified by the State of Hawaii, and also has 11 years of tax returns online at It hasn’t stopped any birther foolishness.

    IDemand: , because we now live in a world that is becoming increasingly multicultural and if the requirements set forth under the Constitution of the Unite States are to be upheld then provisions MUST be set in place in order to avoid unproductive rhetoric. If you agree:

  6. Judge Mental says:

    IDemand: The birther issues should be used as a metaphor for campaign reform. The people I come in contact with believe that all candidates should publicly (not just filed with the FEC) disclose all documents before they begin the campaign. Documents that should be included tax returns for the past 7 years and long form official birth certificates, because we now live in a world that is becoming increasingly multicultural and if the requirements set forth under the Constitution of the Unite States are to be upheld then provisions MUST be set in place in order to avoid unproductive rhetoric. If you agree:

    Setting aside for the moment that not all States are prepared to issue ‘long forms’, exactly what information relevant to constitutional eligibility to be President do you think can be found on a long form but not on a ‘short form’?

  7. Scientist says:

    Demands are normally followed by “Or else..” If Rmoney doesn’t satisfy you, what will you do? Hold your breath until you turn blue? by the way, if I were going to demand something from Rmoney, I would lean towards cold hard cash. That is what he is ALL about after all…

  8. linda says:

    Gasp! I had heard there were Rmoney is gay rumors!

    Scientist: If Rmoney doesn’t satisfy you,

  9. Scientist says:

    linda: Gasp! I had heard there were Rmoney is gay rumors!

    IDemand could be female. She could be 10 women who all want to marry the Mittster and live in a Mormon commune.

  10. misha says:

    Scientist: She could be 10 women who all want to marry the Mittster and live in a Mormon commune.

    Each Sister wife has her own dog – just look at each car roof.

  11. Majority Will says:

    Scientist: IDemand could be female.She could be 10 women who all want to marry the Mittster and live in a Mormon commune.

    Not likely a female according to the contact information on FB.

  12. linda says:

    True, all true. I was thinking of John Henry from a different thread. Still, has Rmoney ever denied being gay? Proven he wasn’t? What is he hiding?

    Scientist: IDemand could be female.

  13. Northland10 says:

    linda: The 1st Amendment gives people the right to engage in unproductive rhetoric. No number of years of tax returns or birth certificates will change their opinions or stop them from casting aspersions.

    As the Birthers have clearly shown.

  14. June says:

    Mitt Romney is the original anchor baby!

  15. Scientist says:

    Mitt didn’t “pal around with terrorists” in his younger days. He WAS a terrorist, at least as far as one victim was concerned.

  16. misha says:

    Mitt Romney is the original anchor baby!

    George Romney’s parents were anchor parents. BTW, Bobby Jindal and Michele Malkin were anchor babies.

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