In a move that smells of further pandering to the birthers (since there are no legitimate questions about Romney’s birth facts), Willard Mitt Romney released his birth certificate to the press, according to a Reuters story.
The PDF file provided by Reuters is a putative computer-printed short-form birth certificate. An image version follows:
I’ve worked on so may vital records projects that I had to stop and think whether this certificate is one of mine or not (it isn’t).
There’s not much interesting unless one thinks like birther, and then one has to consider that the Cold Case Posse said that a scanned birth certificate must have 40 or more layers, and this one doesn’t. There’s no name of the hospital (it’s known) and there’s no doctor’s name or signature. The certificate is obviously trimmed and there is no visible raised seal. So by birther standards, this is just an image on the Internet, and not a very satisfactory one.
Also we remember that Obama’s certificate had the infamous Alvin Onaka smiley face. Well, this one has the Glenn Copeland furrowed unibrow:
This is definitely a fake.
It’s got “VOID” down both sides.
Duty bound, I think Ken Bennett has no choice but to ask for a verification.
“I’m not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii — or at least I hope he was,” Bennett said on the show. “But my responsibility as secretary of state is to make sure the ballots in Arizona are correct and that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for the office they are seeking.”
Sorry, not acceptable. It was issued on 1/18/12, it’s no good if it’s not the original. Can’t have one set of requirements for one candidate and a different set for another. I expect Corsi and the CCP to get right on it!
My Michigan birth certificate is blue. This thing is so bogus it hurts.
We need all of the file numbers of everyone born within 3 days of that date.
Furthermore, I note that the various exemplars of given letters all look similar. Isn’t that a sign of forgery? Also, isn’t it a sign of forgery if they don’t look similar?
It says “Date Filed”, not “Date Accepted”. So, it was never accepted.
I’m reserving any opinion until a sheriff from Hawaii inspects the original.
Fun Fact:
Detroit, purported birthplace of “Mitt” “Romney,” has more Muslims than any city in the United States.
Anybody could use one of those stamps. Everyone knows it needs to be sworn before a notary. And it just says it matches the birth records they have on file. It doesn’t say the records on file are accurate. (Actual comments I read about the Verification sent by Hawaii to AZ.)
I doubt birthers will really question Mitt Romney’s birth. There is no doubt he was born in Michigan. I have never heard anything or seen anything to the contrary unlike Obama where there is an absolute mountain of evidence that calls into question a severe doubt about Obama’s alleged birth in Hawaii.
Weasel words that give the department an out when the fraud is exposed: it’s only certified as “representation of the birth facts on file”, not verified actual facts.
So – being somewhat serious for the moment – did the fact that Romney’s father was born in Mexico ever become an issue during his Presidential run?
An obvious forgery. We demand to see the original record, the microfiche, his baptismal records, all education records, and sworn affadavits from people who witnessed the birth.
Nothing else will suffice. Unless of course Rmoney produces all the above records, in which case we will think of more necessary proof.
Apparently, it did, but he wasn’t in the race long enough for a such a hardy group of birther devotees as there are now. The article linked above goes into it.
Yeah. Where are the witnesses to his birth? No one remembers him? How about his girlfriends too? Where are they? What else is Willard hiding?
What about the microfiche? Need to make sure it’s not…oh it one of those fancy new laser printer ones. Oh well he’s white its ok.
You’re probably right about Romney; however, there were never any legitimate concerns about Barack Obama either. I’m sure that exercising the same birther diligence and lack of critical thinking a Romney conspiracy theory could be concocted. Heck, Lucas Smith can go to that hospital in Canada and get a copy of Romney’s real Canadian birth certificate. The reason I don’t think it will happen (except as a joke) is that liberals are higher-class thinkers than birthers 🙄
on the bottom of obama’s colb, it states:
“this copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding”.
NO SUCH disclaimer on mitten’s colb
It was an issue, but George Romney didn’t get far enough in the electoral process for it to become a big issue. Those were simpler times.
I’m sure you’re correct there John, he’s the “right” color.
A Birther question Romney’s birth certificate. ?! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard today.
Remember how one of the Birther forgery arguments is that Obama’s father’s age is wrong, seemingly being off by two years?
According to Wikipedia, William Reitweisner’s genealogy of Mitt Romney, and the Social Security Death Index, Lenore LaFount was born on November 9, 1908. Indeed, she appears in the 1910 federal Census (on a sheet collected in April 1910), with her age given as 1. Mitt was born March 12, 1947, when his mother was 38.
Yet on this birth certificate, Lenore’s age is given as 36. Off by two years.
OK, we’re all having fun with how how many ways the certificate has all the evidence of “wrongness” that the birthers tagged Obama’s BC with, but the real wrong is that what Romney has really presented today is the receipt for his manhood, as sold to Donald Trump.
his manhood?
he didn’t stand up to limbaugh regarding fluke
he didn’t stand up to conservative evangelist bryan fischer regarding grenell
and now trump and company
az’s sec of state bennett is romney’s co-chair in az
arpaio was a co-chair of romney’s campaign in 08
as bryan fischer said
Fischer: Let me ask you this question, people have raised this question, if Mitt Romney can be pushed around, intimidated, coerced, coopted by a conservative radio talk show host in Middle America, then how is he going to stand up to the Chinese? How is he going to stand up to Putin? How is he going to stand up to North Korea if he can be pushed around by a YOKEL like me? I don’t think Romney is realizing the doubts that this begins to raise about his leadership.
“Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’ “
Warning: if Romney gets in, Israel will attack Iran, and the US will go along for the ride.
Borowitz Report on Trump and Romney: [the headline cannot be printed]
North Carolina Weighs Ban on Electricity, Soap
“Mr. Pinckton is careful to emphasize that under the proposed law, there would be certain situations in which the use of electricity would be permitted: “You could still use electricity for things that are explicitly mandated by the Bible, like transvaginal ultrasounds.”
“My friend Bibi”…has Mitt Romney reached the age of 60+, and is still engaging in the worst form of juvenile name-dropping? That has to be one of the most bizarrely failed attempts at impressing people that I have ever read. This guy is hopelessly inauthentic. He reminds me of the car dealer in “Fargo”, a total cipher.
Or the drunk ne’r-do-well in “Shameless”?
Some more birther points:
+ Only a COLB, not a long form, let alone a “birth certificate”
+ Proves father was not a US citizen (for the Vattelist crowd)
+ Obviously a computer font, not a document from 1947
+ No footprint
+ Is stamped “VOID”*
+ No seal*
+ No hospital name*
+ No indication of credentials of certifying person (registrar or cleaning woman?)
+ “Date filed”, no “date accepted”*
+ Lines of text aren’t on one line when they should be**
+ Says it’s a “representation”***.
* These were mentioned before in this thread
** See for example the “Father’s birthplace” line where the text in the second column is slanting upwards. (Actually it only looks that way, it’s all on one line, but this argument was made by birthers by “simply looking” instead of using a screen ruler.)
*** The dictionary defines “representation” as “An image or likeness (!) of something … An account or statement, as of facts, allegations (!), or arguments. … A presentation or production, as of a play.” This obviously means it doesn’t say it’s a true and correct *copy*.
But somehow I think birthers will be just fine with this and go “see, Romney showed his!!!”…
Hey Doc, did I miss this one – how did all you non-proofer obamabots explain this one?
‘Thursday, April 12, 2012
NEW YORK, NY – After a Maricopa County law enforcement agency conducted a six-month forensic examination which determined that the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 Certificate of Live Birth posted to a government website in April, 2011 is a digital fabrication and that it did not originate from a genuine paper document, arguments from an Obama eligibility lawyer during a recent New Jersey ballot challenge hearing reveals the image is a fabrication.
Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. ‘
I’m sure you brainiacs will come up with something – you always do…
“unlike Obama where there is an absolute (sic) mountain of evidence”
. . . a mountain of despicable lies Invented by delusional birther bigots like “john” and his ilk.
Interesting adjective: absolute –
– viewed or existing independently and not in relation to other things; not relative or comparative as in “absolute moral standards”.
How many millions has Willard spent trying to hide all of his records? Why does he have a law firm on retainer if he has nothing to hide? What connections does Willard have with the Freemasons, the Rothschilds and the NWO?
Doesn’t Willard believe in transparency?
The only problem, obamabots, is that Romney’s is real and obama’s is fake. There will be no expert testimony leading to an official police investigation leading to ‘probable cause’. There will be no questions asked because there are none to ask. No leads to follow. Done and dusted.
But the obama b.c. investigation, however, goes on…..
Must be the worst scan in the history of scanning! Was this an official release, or was it ‘leaked’? Seriously, it looks as though it was scanned under duress. Crappy fax from deep inside the Romney Unit’s control center.
Will the bottom half be phoned in later? Is this like one of those spy games in which two halves of a document are separated for security purposes, to prevent destruction of the whole should one agent fall into enemy hands?
Apparently, Mitt can’t even spell “America”. Of course, we have learned from the birthers that any mistake, no matter how trivial, and no matter who makes it, is an indication of a deep conspiracy.
I agree that Romney is real, but Obama is too. Truth is separate from conspiracy theory, which is based in rumors and junk analysis. There’s no “probably cause” except for criminal activity on the part of Sheriff Joe, and that’s the subject of a boatload of lawsuits now pending against him.
You shouldn’t get your news from birther web sites. They make things up. You’ll find no source for this alleged statement. It was made up by a birther to fool birthers, who after all will believe anything (except something good about Obama). The entire transcript of the 3-hour hearing is available in Apuzzo’s Appeal of Purpura v. Obama. See for yourself.
“admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery ”
as this never happened, are you lying or being lied to, fess up.
the transcript is availaable, are you lacking in reading skills
If you have evidence that President Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery, then you _must_ take that evidence to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and seek _criminal_ _prosecution_ against the perpetrators of that crime. If you fail to do this, you run the risk of becoming an _accessory_ to this crime, and could be charged with _conspiracy_ yourself.
If you choose to continue to withhold such evidence, your choice could lead you to a life behind bars.
So I ask you, why have you not disclosed your evidence?
“the transcript is available, are you lacking in reading skills”
that would REQUIRE INDEPENDENT RESEARCH – since their computer browsers have PARENTAL/MENTAL controls for CREDIBLE websites, the research would result in an ERROR CODE
Secure a criminal conviction against Dr. Alvin T. Onaka for the crime of forgery, and then we’ll discuss it. Short of that, there is no forgery.
My mole says the bottom part of Romney’s BC says “amended.”
Doctor Conspiracy said:
I’m confused. I thought layers proved a forgery, per Birther logic.
You do know that Alexandra Hill never said that, right? I know you’re a birther and not all that bright, but even you can be so stupid as to keep repeating something that can be fact checked in a few seconds.
Here, I’ll help:
Go ahead and have someone read that to you. It has lots of big words and we all know you birthers have problems with those. You’re welcome!
No, by advanced CCP logic, “too few layers” also proves forgery (the CCP obviously managed to produce a scan with layers, but it was like 40 or something, so they decided that a legit scan would have at least as many layers, not just 9 like Obama’s).
This is an extension of birther typography which states “if the letters look alike, it’s proof of forgery, and if they don’t look alike, it’s also proof of forgery”.
It all originated from the birther bible, “Catch-22”.
This live birth is not signed by the parents. The hospital where Romney was born is not on it.
No midwife or Doctor has not signed the live birth. This seems to be a fraud. lol
You’re obviously too dense to realize there’s two problems with your statement:
1. I did ask. Just see my posting above. Since we already got ten times the birther count to ask Bennett to verify Mittens isn’t a unicorn, what makes you think we can’t get 1,200 emails to Bennett asking questions about Mittens’ BC?
2. You birthers should ask. Because if you were actually trying to protect the Constitution as you claim, you’d be just as suspicious about Mittens as about Obama. I mean, in your world, Obama has just proven it’s possible to sneak past “unsuspecting voters”. And here you go proving that you will *willfully* allow another to sneak past, just because he… yeah, what exactly, maybe “isn’t black”?
Maybe, but the key is that it’s just a COLB, i.e. something birthers never accepted from Obama.
I just love to see them squirm now on the WND comments section to explain away why their “experts” aren’t all over Mittens’ BC.
My favourite was “he isn’t President yet”. If anybody needed proof these people are deranged, that’s the one. They are bending over backwards to explain why scrutiny is only necessary for that one guy.
And why hasn’t the state of Michigan vouched for its authenticity yet? We have that for Obama but not for Romney. Just one more reason why Romney’s COLB is an obvious forgery.
romney’s mom was born in 1908 but 36 when he was born in 1947?
Well the other one I have heard is that this stuff isn’t important for the primaries…..
So Republicans don’t need to know whether a candidate is eligible or not when they are deciding who should be their candidate?
Racism kills brain cells.
I don’t see the Doctor’s name or his foot prints!
But what about his middle name? It sounds awfully German to me.
Also, Mitt avoided service during the Vietnam War and his father didn’t serve in the military during World War II. His grandfather sat out the Spanish-American War while living in Mexico. That’s un-American.
And wasn’t Michigan still using shillings and pence in 1947?
ANY DAY NOW. Win ONE court case, and I’ll give a crap what you have to say. Thanks for playing!
I think the sad thing about this release is not that Birthers will give a series of pathetic excuses why this image of Romney’s birth certificate on the Internet is okay, but we need to see the original long form vault copy of Obama’s.
No, I think the sad thing is that while all us Obots are making our clearly satirical declarations of “forgery!”, they are going to take these statements completely seriously and think we’re hypocrites or whack jobs.
Oh, well if you say so. Case closed, I guess.
Thanks for pointing that out. You are correct, there has been no “expert testimony” about Obama’s birth certificate and there has been no “official police investigation” leading to probable cause.
That is an clear forgery……it’s the short form. I WANT THE LOOOONNNGGGG FORM!!!! And even a blind man can see that smiley face on there!!!
Of course not……they might hate him and that mormon stuff and all, but he’s still white.
FORGERY! Where’s the raised seal?
FORGERY! Where’s the Hospital name?
FORGERY! Where’s the Doctor’s name?
FORGERY! Says “Void” right on it!
FORGERY! Not certified by the Governor or SoS of Michigan!
I’m not saying that the Romney BC is a forgery.
However, in my personal opinion, visually, that looks AWFUL.
Barack Obama’s birth certificates were high resolution, shiny, and colorful. The Romney BC is black and white and all smudgey.
…there are no legitimate questions about President Obama’s birth facts, either. I wonder what the difference is between the president and Mitt Romney????
This is a Certificate of Live Birth, not a birth certificate. Come on birthers…..where are ye??? Help me out here. I’m so confused!!!
Good point: an authentic BC always has the doctor’s footprints.
Oh, Line in the Sand, where have you been all my life!
I’m looking for some people to join my new branch of humble truth seekers. Aren’t you just as fed up as I am with all this nanny-talk of evidence? Evidence this evidence that. Blah. Where are the real patriots?
We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence. We’re birthers and we’re proud. Real birthers know fake presidents on sight. Fake birthers need a bunch of excuses. Fake is fake. Get real. Join the real birthers now!
…but Mittens participated in pro-draft demonstrations before skipping to FRANCE to dodge the draft, so he has probably the most awesome conservative chickenhawk credentials ever!
I mean, think about it, Line in the Sand. I’m Free Range. You draw lines, I cross them. We’re made for each other. You’re a fighter and I’m a lover. Bad cop, good cop. Let’s do it, man. These other birthers make excuses, always trying to reason with Obots. Blah blah blah. Let’s cut to the chase. No more pussy footing around. Fake is fake. Right?
When I ordered a new BC from Michigan last year, one of the questions on the online form was “what do you want it for?”.
I just answered: ‘personal use’ and got back a ‘long form’.
Given that result, I can’t imagine what you would say to get you a ‘short form’.
By the way the State Seal is sort of ‘built in’ to the border decoration, and is both colored and raised. The whole form is quite beautiful, but I can’t figure out how the thing was produced that way.
I think this whole thing stinks…I don’t believe this faked-up birth certificate….I want to see the long form too…really, I wonder if Willard wasn’t born in Mexico…that’s where he went to avoid the draft in the Viet Nam years…and just how many wives does he actually have?..and what about this cult thing about being able to marry dead people?..did he do that?…just asking..
Mexico? He has told earlier that he went to France to dodge the draft. That Romney just can’t keep his story straight… but that happens when you lie so much.
“I just answered: ‘personal use’ and got back a ‘long form’.”
“Given that result, I can’t imagine what you would say to get you a ‘short form”
if you said “passport”, you might have been issued a “short form”
“personal use” could mean for genealogy purposes where you would need more info
i called wisconsin (?) after a dispute with another birther about his state – they said they haven’t issued short forms since they did away with photocopy machines and that long forms contain too much info for identity theft
i know that, at least since the 60s, ri hasn’t issued long forms – ny, at least since the 70s
Trump, Birthers Should Learn from Democrats’ 1880 Mistakes
Republicans Could Lose on the Birther Issue in 2012 the Way Democrats Did 132 Years Ago;_ylt=A2KJ3CSxuMZPYXQAuxPQtDMD
The Birther contingency on Free Republic is not happy and are asking questions I didn’t expect they would (why is it a COLB? I thought for sure they’d try to overlook that one – they proved me wrong).
There’s also a lot of confusion about if/when George Romney was or should have been naturalized (because, you know, Title 8 means nothing to these people) –
“Mitt”? No, not even close to any common German first name. (Or were you thinking of the German word “mit” that means “with”?)
However I found:
“MITT is Russia’s leading and largest travel exhibition.”
This should raise some flags, shouldn’t it?
But they also come up with some nice examples of their state of derangement.
For example, the explanation for the “VOID” marks was quickly accepted and then turned into “if BC’s have this security feature, this proves again Obama’s is fake since it isn’t marked VOID”. Fascinating. Gee, do you think they would have accepted Obama’s COLB being marked VOID because “that of course means it’s real”? *facepalm*
Rickey may be making a pin on “mittel”, being as Mitt is Romney’s MIDDLE name…
Ah, I missed that. Kinda related to “Duplicate Mae Obado”.
Or it could be that “Willard mit Romney” is close to “Willard von Romney” (German nobility names also would permit “Willard zu Romney” or even “Willard von und zu Romney”).
Ugh, I hate myself for clicking on that link. Why do I always knowingly click on Freeper links? There isn’t enough soap and hot water in the world to wash off that stink.
Someone has pointed out the layers of Romney’s BC…
From this thread:
It’s easy to support an Asian war while you are enjoying a draft deferment in Paris.
It’s worth noting that Donald Trump also managed to avoid the draft, even though he received his college degree in 1968, at the height of the war. He somehow managed to finagle a medical exemption in 1968 and then he received a high number in the first lottery in December, 1969.
Yes, that was what I had in mind – although I like Scientist’s explanation better!
Funny that the birthers made a big deal about the Father’s race on Obama’s COLB. Yet there is no mention of either the Mother or Father’s race on Mitt’s COLB.
The only possible logical reason for leaving it out: “unicorn” was simply not an available option in the official classification.
Apparently Bennett says no. His reasons are because there’s no allegation from a “law enforcement agency”. So he’s changing his story.
However, since we have all four pieces of information that Michigan will verify to anyone with the proper information, we don’t need no stinking government official to conduct our own research. I’m wondering if Michigan will have as much fun with people asking about Romney’s birth than the Hawaii DOH.
I’m just wondering why he doesn’t just do it. I’m thinking it’s going to be a lot easier than what he went through with Hawaii since Michigan allows anyone to seek verification.