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- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
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My Other Blogs
Did anyone see the video “Dreams of My Real Father?”
Is it good or not? Is there a conspiracy there?
If you like fiction.
Here’s an oldie but a goodie… after all the birther nonsense… should make people laugh..
Allen West’s SS# released during his campaign: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJI7bZ3L4qM
Bill Maher parodies the birther movement: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/26/bill-maher-wifers-birthers_n_1547939.html?ref=comedy
By the way, what I’m doing with the open thread this time is making it sticky, which means it appears first among articles. That way it will be easy to find the open thread and folks will be less likely to post off-topic material elsewhere. I’ll try that out and see how it goes.
Great idea, Dr. C.
the Globe has proof that Obama was born in Kenya, proof positive, they have a copy of that 1991 bio error, They call it solid proof. numbskulls
but Corsi earns scum of the year for his slanders on Mrs. Obama in his blockbuster news that Obama Sr. is not the father, evidently he is in cahoots with Zabest. It would take Corsi a long time to ruise up to slimebal. he is so low
The most intense of my free range birthers (with 400 mg of Omega 9000 in each egg they lay) has started mutating into a two-parent jus sanguinis birther. It is an interesting mutation, developing in conjunction with the alternate father mutation. It had to happen, I guess.
I have been told that secret DNA tests may confirm that the President’s father is someone else, but that nonetheless the President was born in Kenya, that has been proven beyond a doubt. This new father, however, is American, thus giving Barack Obama two American parents. The birth certificate is still a forgery, though, and Hawaiian officials will soon be arrested for fraud.
What’s interesting is that in this transitional phase of the mutation, the test subject expresses all the theories in the same breath. When engaged in conversation on the subject of how these theories contradict one another, Birther #FR001 repeats a debate technique used frequently in multiple contexts, calling the researcher an insane liar in league with a murderer.
Good times in the free range lab!
I should note Birther #FR001 has until this moment been a hard-core forgery birther, originating as a Kenyan birth birther, all explained as just one part of the NWO globalist conspiracy.
Recent developments, such as the Arizona verification and PR bio, seem to have kick-started the mutation process, however. The release of the bio is supposedly part of a master plan to trap the President inch by inch, into contradicting himself. The verification to Arizona is just fraud changing nothing. FR001 remains consistently resistant to the observation that Hawaiian fraud contradicts long form forgery.
The main instigation to the current mutation, however, seems to be Breitbart’s death, an event that demonstrates to FR001 that someone wanted to stop Breitbart from releasing the video of false information being planted in Hawaii’s birth records. This event, with the follow-up of subsequent birther news, seems to have kick-started FR001 into updating the conspiracy template, cognitive dissonance and all.
You’re welcome. Here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y
Speaking of Zebest… if you haven’t heard, she’s used her Photoshop skillz to prove Obama was not really in the war room when bin Laden’s compound was raided.
“Speaking of Zebest… her Photoshop skillz to prove Obama was”’
that was funny, talk about jumping off the cliff, yet Corsi is taking her view and claims it is frog time (suggestion: don’t buy any frogs, no marching will occur)Zebest and Corsi are 2 pods in the pee!
I like it when they claim Malcolm X or somebody else was his father. Then you can say “So he WAS born in the US?” Then the birther has to decide which conspiracy he wants.
I was sitting back, bored out of my mind, and running some calculations. I realized that some time this year, I will be turning one billion seconds old.
I can’t be sure exactly when. My birthday was March 27th, 1981. However, I don’t know what time. So my billionth second will come in early December of this year. From midnight March 27th, 1981 to midnight December 3rd 2012, it is exactly 999,993,600 seconds. My billionth second should come at 1:46:40 AM, Eastern time, on December 3rd. But of course, that’s assuming I was born at the stroke of midnight on March 27th 1981, which I wasn’t.
Regrettably, my official Delaware issued birth certificate only lists the date I was born, not the time. I looked at Barack Obama’s short form, and that lucky dog, his birth certificate gives the exact minute.
Oh well, I guess I’ll have to do like we do with Jesus and celebrate in observance of the birthsecond since we don’t know the exact time.
Thrifty: you MUST get the exact time from your locality – astrologers use the exact time to calculate your chart
Sean: speaking of ….. the bogus assertions from this 2008 article are still being floated today
The Insider dirties all of us. It is 100% libelous, and infested with cockroaches.
Good job, Insider. You sound just like the evangelicals who fund you – the same evangelicals who fund JFJ, who are nothing more than latter day concentration camp capos.
Enjoy the inevitable train ride.
Have you seen the Australian Jewish News? It is primarily a printed paper, but they do, of course, have an on-line presence.
I haven’t read it a lot, but it certainly seems sane to me, an honest ‘newspaper of record’, sort of. I have seen a few rather ‘hot’ articles from time to time, but nothing too incendiary.
This was bugging me, so I asked my mother for an approximate time. It was funny watching her try to reach back that far. She recounted certain other events from the day, then she went on about how my birth was slower than some of my siblings’ and faster than the others. Mom approximated my birth at 11 AM. So I guess my billionth second will fall around 12:45 PM Eastern time on December 3rd.
After she figured that out, she wanted to know why I’d asked, and her first guess was that it was astrology based.
hi doc,
I spent the morning re reading lamecherry memorial day tributes, but do want to forward her recent thoughts. Some yarn, huh.
Also, I didn’t know anything about lia, et tu?
“ALMOST 100 family members and friends gathered at St Kilda Cemetery last Monday to bid farewell to Violet Movitz, 106, who was laid to rest next to her husband Gotal, who she outlived by more than 50 years.”
So she had 50 years of peace and quiet, and could do whatever she wanted.
“Violet finished school and, at 18, she married Gotal Movitz, a tailor.”
My Zelda she found her big romance
When I broke the zipper in my pants
My Zelda, she took the money and ran with the tailor – Allan Sherman
“The synagogue changed to its present location on St Kilda Road”
The saint killed a road? Oy vey!
Mudslinging aside, doesn’t this bust the “flew to Kenya to give birth” theory? There is an INS form dated 1964 that lists BHO,Sr’s last date of entry in the country as 1959.
They are so blinded by hatred and anger, they literally cannot see that.
I confess, that makes me enjoy it just a bit. Not the hatred part, just the part where they can’t see it. : )
BTW congrats to you and Angel on her certification.
“Woof, woof, arf, arf” [I ride inside.]
So, once Obama Sr. left for Kenya, he never came back to the US.
I did not see any records there for Obama, Sr., dating past 1965. In his book “Dreams of My Father”, Obama says his father visited HI for a month 1971.
First known posted video of Crazy Rudy’s “Constitutional Elections Summit” have been posted at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDc85EiOJCY
At about 8 mins into the drooling there’s a long crowd(sic) shot. The anti-birthers were well represented by a plethora of empty chairs, about 90% ish.
So, not counting the speakers, and the people working the tech, I count about 23 people in attendance.
Another colossal failure for the birther movement.
I think I may have met Violet shortly after I came to Australia in 1984. If it was the same lady, she was funny and sharp as a tack. She was almost as old as the AJN itself which started in 1886 I believe.
Something weird happened with that quote above. I tried to edit it and it went all ‘undefined’ on me.
The edit said something like this:
What about this one: Maccabi’s defeat Notre Dame in Football
Wow! A Jewish sporting team beat heralded Notre Dame in Football; clobbered them actually; 66-0. And here I thought that the Jewish idea of a sporting event was changing couches at the shrink’s office. 😎
Of course the football is rugby union and both Maccabi’s and Notre Dame are in Sydney, but still…
St. Kilda Road is Melbourne’s ‘grand boulevard’.
Do the Jews Own Anxiety?
Some of the comments, including mine, are like reading a stand-up routine.
Not a very authoritative analysis of the Jewish anxiety syndrome. It took half of the column before he even mentioned Woody Allen, and then just in passing.
I didn’t find your comment, it must have been too far down. The article was a good read by the way.
Isn’t it hysterical how the “someone else”s presented as possible fathers are always Americans?
In one stroke, they french fry every strain of birtherism. So brilliantly stupid, no one would have thought to spoof them in such a way, had they not been so desperate to embrace every smear that they did it to themselves. No one can screw them like they screw themselves, making the whole phenomenon like a big, long episode of MST3K. Obots in the peanut gallery.
Someday (in some dimension) they’ll come clean—”We oppose Obama because he is from the wrong party. We question his citizenship because he looks funny.”—until that where/when, I’ll keep watching.
This info has been known for quite a long time, but no, it in itself doesn’t entirely bust the “flew to Kenya to give birth” theory because it isn’t him who gave birth (though I wouldn’t rule out a defiant birther with an allergy to the use of the brain getting around to claiming that a man gave birth to Obama when they finally have worked their way back to the the bottom of the existing debunked laundry list of smears/conspiracy theories for the 300th time or so).
Ah! But don’t forget that the greatest DWI lawyer alive has already solved the potential problem.The info on the birth certificate would trump the DNA evidence….and would still be a forgery as well.
Anyway, in the alternative reality embraced by birthers it’s obvious to them that the Vattel worshipping framers would have intended that when a mother pretended, or even genuinely thought, that she had given birth to a child impregated by a non-US citizen the child could then never be a natural born citizen, no matter who the real father was.
Pah! Don’t you folks know ‘anything’ about the constitution?
Yes, I’ve always liked the “The birth certificate is a forgery, but if it turns out his father was an American, then while still being a forgery the fact that it lists someone else is still a disqualifier.”
Joseph Farah has made SPLC’s list of 30 right-wing extremists to watch: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2012/summer/30-to-watch
Or, if you believe in an afterlife, Gotal had 50 years of peace and quiet.
Along with People Magazine’s sexiest men if it were still 1978
Ah, so the sins of the mother do visit themselves on the heads of the children! It is a question of Original Maternal Intent. The ongoing fruits of Eve in the Garden. Always seems to come back around to women and sex and how dirty they are. Disgusting.
What’s worse, is that Pamela Geller has made the list: “Geller’s anti-Muslim stance has also drawn the admiration of white nationalist and even neo-Nazi proponents on the extreme right – a rather remarkable feat, considering she is Jewish.”
My favorite is page 34 of the Allen FOIA (Scribd Page 35).
– “Rabbi, does heaven exist?”
– “Who knows? We have enough to worry about right here.”
Want a laugh? View Mark Gellars interview with Mike “any day now” Zullo on the blockbuster non-info on Obama.
if you can make it through the whole video you would probably be a zen Budhist!
FOIA item added to the site Bookmarks menu
Yeah, but it demonstrates the underlying blind hate. FR001 is picking up on the resurgence of the Frank Davis b.s., given the Obama’s Real Father slander-ocumentary, as well as the nude photos claiming to be of Ann Dunham. FR001 is making a big thing out of those now. They are old news, but being recycled and revived, and FR001 seems to have caught that scent, probably from Alex Jones’ and Corsi’s “discussions” of it.
Ha ha ha! Zullo confirmed with Bennett what he had requested before he went to HI. They PLANNED to not include a request for the DOB so HI DOH would look bad. These f***ing idiots.
“Join Mark as he interviews Mike Zullo the lead commander of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse…”
‘Lead Commander’? An unusual title / rank. The only commanders I am aware of are in the USN. Is this something from NCIS? The CCCp is out to sea? 😉
Or… since a day is as a thousand years, he really only had 18 days.
He probably thought he would get a meeting with McGarrett of Five-O so he needed an appropriate title.
The comments are the Zullo interview are ludicrous. Apparently, it is a big secret (to those who fail to look) that HI verified exactly what Bennett asked them to verify. Proof the fix is in!
This is from Crooks and Liars:
Both of these people, President Obama and Mitt Romney, better get off the whole birther issue, the cars on dog roofs, the Bain Capital, these are side shows. Americans care about the main act and that is jobs, the economy.
Romney might be more fiendish that we even imagined.
Now that we know that Obama had access to CIA teleportation technology, many other scenarios become plausible. Obama’s mother could have given birth in Kenya after breakfast and then teleported to Hawaii by lunch time.
Yiddish 101:
‘Like a horse, I worked.’
‘Such a headache I had. You wouldn’t believe it.’
‘You want something else, maybe?’
Surely there’s no need for us to start using birther quality logic. Obama Sr not having left or returned to USA between 1959 and 1964 does not in itself preclude his wife having travelled to Kenya and back in 1961 without him.
Lots of other factors in aggregate had of course already rendered the Kenyan birth theory absurd and this INS file info about his father merely added another detracting factor to the list as soon as it was released last year.
The fact that the INS file info meant that Obama Sr could not have travelled to Kenya and back in 1961 (not legally anyway) was discussed at length on here last year as were various other aspects of the content of the file including the INS having stated in the file that Obama the child was born in Hawaii and was a US citizen.
So, both Obama’s Dad and Stepdad have memos in their INS paperwork spelling out Obama’s date and place of birth.
Good article at the LA Times: College transcripts replace birth certificate for Obama detractors
And an INS statistical report proves that Obama’s mother didn’t return from Kenya by air either.
In the comments I saw, “Obama himself gave rise to the ‘birther’ movement”.
This birther defense, which usually lists the Kenyan birthplace publicist’s error, seems to be popping up more often. Trump painted it as an “Oops!” kind of accidental admission.
Not taking responsibility for their own fear mongering and political smear campaign is a bizarre, cowardly and pathetic tactic.
Colde Beer Case Posse Chief Investigator Zulu claims Obama is not cooperating with his investigation
“We have had ample evidence that Obama is a witch,” Zulu claims. “Just today a giant pimple appeared on my face. A giant pimple! It looks like I’ve been hexed.”
But Zulu says he is willing to forgo all this secondary evidence and establish once and for all if Obama is a witch. But Obama won’t cooperate.
“It’s an easy test called dunking,” Zulu said. “Once we do it, we will know whether or not he is a witch. But Obama has declined all dunking requests. What is he trying to hide?”
[link to http://www.worldnuttersdaily]
Yeah, well he turned a former Speaker of the House of Representatives into a Newt – and HE never got better.
Precisely. One of the many factors I had in mind….and yet more good reason why none of us ought to feel the need to at this point in time to go floating inferences that the INS info about his father not having left USA between 1959 and 1964 in itself proves that his mother didn’t do so. If a birther followed that kind of logic we’d (rightly) slaughter them.
Anyway, no big deal, think we all know the score.
By the way any idea why I would always get a pop up saying ‘stack overflow at line 2″ every time I try to edit? I’ve never seen the pop up at any other time. I just click to cancel it, it disappears and the edit page comes up, so it’s no hardship, just odd.
Which browser are you using?
I was thinking of an article called the International Jewish Conspiracy v. Obama, but I’ll just link to what started the idea:
To get a further grasp into the outright racist bigotry and (not infrequent) anti-semitism of the Birfoons, what about Dr K(H)ate and here lauding of The Protocols of Zion..?
We are, I feel, seeing a devolution ever further into LameCherry territory
Thoughts on Romney and Birtherism from No More Mister Nice Blog:
Some charming comments there …. “I don’t care what my supporters believe, I need all the support I can get!” Yikes, where would Romney draw the line?
I get the same error when ‘editing’ using IE (browser mandated here at work (*gnashgnash*)). No matter what’s being developed, the problems are always in IE. But, the editor does work, after that minor squawk.
Works fine in FF. (Everything works fine in FF!)
It’s a general symptom of projection – like “Obama wants to be a dictator” followed by Thomas Macleran writing diatriabes at the Post and Email that basically say “If I’m elected President, I’ll suspend the Constitution and throw everyone out I don’t like” and birthers cheering.
It’s also a common trait among people who think idiocy can be justified by other people being idiots – like “Hillary was the first birther” or “[famous black person] is also a racist” or “Democrats supported the KKK (so it’s OK if I do the same)”.
I was very surprised when Romney welcomed the endorsement of Ted Nugent. It just didn’t seem very “presidential.” It’s way too hyper-partisan for a national election. I think that was/is Sarah Palin’s big problem. The president represents everyone not just those in their party.
It used to be that someone running for a national office would denounce- or at least ignore- a Ted Nugent-type. I’m sure Romney has done the research and believes he needs to pander to the foaming-at-the-mouth fringe.
Thanks doc for reading the ins info closely. It’s amazing how such copies of original documents survive and can be produced. I knew that you might like the references to the 8/4/61 birthdate. Poor mr William wood the second. Another person about to be, oh I don,t even want to suggest a verb, depending on who contacts him first. As Linda (thanks for responding) suggests, now we can pursue other inquiries.
Lamecherry relates how sister holiyah recalled young Barack reciting presidential speeches. just but for her own untimely death she’d be another good one to have talked to.
Internet Explorer.
No, it certainly doesn’t absolutely preclude Ann from having traveled alone. It just further drops the probability of her having done this into the territory of the probability of someone winning every lottery during a given week in every state in the U.S. Dinna happen!
Is his support fungible?
Dining With Birtherism from Booman Tribune:
That was interestingly wacky.
I must take exception to the quote of the day. Ettore Boiardi was a great American and a patriot …. and a world-class chef. Surely this quote is meant to compare the contemporary, cartoonish Boyardee brand with Arpaio, not Arpaio with Boiardi himself?
Corsi has some blockbuster news that will make Obama leave quickly, Corsi claims it’s frog marching time. I am selling frogs to birthers for this special Corsi blockbuster. Great for frog marching, $1.20 each or 2 for $3.00, get them while they last at birfirstan.com. Don’t come to the frog marching empty handed order now.Get the web special of 6 for $12.00, enter discouint code “BARF” at checkout.
Back when Obama was originally campaigning, he made a comment about “spreading wealth around.”
Is this when the socialist / socialism talk grew wings?
Was that one singular statement the original seed for such talk?
Also, who was the first prominent person or news outlet to tout birther ideology?
Phil Berg? Fox news? WND?
I’m curious about the origins of some of these. Thanks.
Whoa! The Tea Party has a lock on that:
Tea Party Spaz Ties Sandra Fluke to Vast Jewish-Socialist Conspiracy
Because anyone familiar with Boston and New York political history knows about the wealthy Mutterperl family’s long tradition of supporting the typical Jewish variant of socialism. I wonder if Adam has ever been to a kibbutz.
Ooh, those Jews, so rich and so socialist, at the same time. And Muslim, too, probably. You can’t spell “Keynesian” without “Kenyans.”
Fun fact: These are literally the same Tea Partiers who accused Occupy Wall Street of anti-semitism.
Read on: http://gawker.com/5893611/tea-party-spaz-ties-sandra-fluke-to-vast-jewish+socialist-conspiracy
An interesting book I just came across:
Bunch of Amateurs
About the history of tinkering in America, the drive for Everyman to be a self-taught expert at something (a drive noted here as being enabled by the internet; I would say the internet took and existing phenomenon and amplifed it, leading Everyman to believe he can be an expert at everything). If someone wanted to view the birthers as charitably as possible, perhaps look at the not-so-dark elements of their origins, they could be seen in this light. There is a line between ‘amateur’ and charlatan, and birthers, particularly the prophits, are well beyond it!
Dr. Kate says she knows the Protocols were written by the Tsarist police, but they accurately represent reality.
As I said before, this is the most bizarre alliance I’ve ever seen. Orly, Gellar, the Settlers and their politicians making common cause with anti-Semites, to smear Obama.
Warning – if Romney gets in, Israel will attack Iran. Fasten your seat belts. And kiss good-bye to the 1st Amendment. See Arizona SoS Bennett.
Yes. Colin Powell defended him, ‘All taxes are a redistribution of wealth.’
‘Obama was born in Mombassa,’ started with Berg, an ardent Hilary supporter. Berg is a registered Democrat, and his office is in Norristown. He did everything he could to derail Obama.
Cody Robert Judy has filed an “Ammended [sic] Notice of Appeal” regarding his fail in Georgia. He also has filed an Affidavit of Indigency claiming that he is “financially insolvent,” so he wants the taxpayers to pick up the tab for the appeal.
Romney releases alleged birth certificate:
Looks fake as a three dollar bill to me- it is only in black and white, and says “void” all over it.
He must think we’re fools. No hospital, no doctor’s signature. And “Michigan Department of COMMUNITY Health”. Community is only 1 letter different from Communist.
When will he show the real one? Where is the Kindergarten report card?
So what do Trump and the rest of the birthers do now? Do they accept it as Romney’s birth certificate? Do they mind that it, too, says Certificate of Live BIrth? Will they be checking for layers? Sending the CCP to Detroit? Mexico? Ontario?
Thanks Misha. (our resident mensch) 🙂
Of course. He’s white. Silly you. Plus, Romney is not a
communist marxist muslimsocialist, like Obama.His birth certificate doesn’t list race, so how do we know he’s white? Mitt seems Mexican to me.
apparently mittens DECLINED to release HIS birth certificate
we don’t even know his REAL NAME
Where is the raised seal? Why is the bottom border cut off? What are they hiding? Are they trying to hide the word “Amended?”
I read on the internet that “George” Romney was actually Jorge Romney, until he came to the States at age 6, and his father and both mothers, changed it to George.
Plus, only one of those sister wives was a US citizen, from what I’ve read.
Where is the ” vault” long form BC, everyone knows that these COLBs are not accepted for official acts? Definitely hiding something with that cutoff on the bottom, has the state issued a verification yet? How did mitt ever get a passport with this, what is he hiding, did Mitt travel to France on a Mexican passport?
It also says “VOID” multiple times. The whole thing stinks.
Who is up to form a posse and pay a visit to Michigan? I know it isn’t as scenic as Hawaii, but there are some very nice beaches on the Great Lakes.
I’ll go with a posse to Windsor, Ontario – but only if we’re back in time for dinner.
Know what the difference is between Nazi Germany and Arizona? Nazi Germany had a much nicer climate. – Lewis Black
I will likely make it to Michigan this summer, but I have no intention of being anywhere near Lansing.
I’d rather vacation in Michigan then Hawaii anyway. It’s a northern thing.
Both of my degrees are from schools in Buffalo, right along Lake Erie. Plus, every weekend was spent in Toronto, along Lake Ontario.
I could go 74 MPH without the OPP stopping me. The speed limit was 100 km/h, and I learned from others I could go 119 km/h, or 74.
Paul Shaffer is from Thunder Bay, and I dated a girl from North Bay.
Anyone can request a verification.
$10 plus another $10 for an expedited search fee. Anyone willing to do this in person can get it done in 1-2 hours. They can only verify for birth name, date of birth, place of birth, and date of filing.
BTW – Michigan’s list of categories of people who can request a certified copy of a birth certificate is shorter than Hawaii’s.
Here’s the request form, which doesn’t say anything about requesting a long form. I’m guessing that requests for long forms must be done in person.
a while back, during a dispute with a birther, i called his state – it was either wisconsin or michigan – i was told they no longer issue long forms and haven’t since they did away with photocopiers
another reason was identity theft – there’s too much info on the long form
What percentage of the people trying to get info on Obama from Hawaii will they will send requests now do the same with Romney and Michigan? Will democrats or unicorn-petition signers do the same?
This flowchart about rational discussions made me laugh and has clearly never been read by any Birther: http://twentytwowords.com/2011/03/15/a-flowchart-to-help-you-determine-if-youre-having-a-rational-discussion/
I simply could not justify in my own mind publishing this article here; it’s simply off topic and it would set a bad precedent. So I put it on my personal blog:
I have a fair depth of knowledge about the Mormons and disputes about them. Maybe if Mitt wins, I’ll open up a Mormon Conspiracy Theories blog.
That reminds me of John Essek who sued Obama in Kentucky federal court over eligibility, and applied as a pauper for fees to be waived. Essek was the founder of “The Society for Liberty and Prosperity.”
What I want to know is how many social-security numbers are associated with Mitt Romney in public databases.
Who needs a Birth Certificate. If you ask him where he grew up and went to school (Cranbrook) and he explains without pointing at his hand, he’s a fraud.
Donald trump brings out the birthers who repeat every debunked bullshit story in the book:
funny, isn’t it?
Now that’s funny right there. I don’t care who y’are, that’s funny.
Distribution of wealth is the central purpose of all economic systems.
Just stumbled across an interesting paper….
Myths Invoked to Defend Second-Class Citizenship for Naturalized Citizens
John Yinger
Revised, August 24, 2000
Yinger is a professor at Syracuse, according to http://faculty.maxwell.syr.edu/jyinger/aboutme/index.html
This paper was written about a movement in 2000, sponsored by Barney Frank, to pass an amendment removing the natural-born citizenship requirement, replacing it with a requirement that naturalized citizens be 20 year residents and 35 years of age.
Which obviously has not happened.
This key piece of the conspiracy failed, but They managed to get a foreigner in the White House anyway. Those guys are good!
I stumbled on this today looking for something else. From Babylon 5 – One moment of perfect beauty. Sometimes we all need that in a day.
There is a link to the full thing at the end in the comments. (Dont want to spoil the end of the clip by mentioning what the thing at the end is)
This weeks issue of New Scientist has a discussion of another paper that tries to shed some light on the processes that make the mind vulnerable to confirmation bias and other thinking flaws that on the surface would seem to be counterproductive to evolutionary success.
The article is reprinted, apparently in full at the Mutiny Radio blog ( The argumentative ape: Why we’re wired to persuade ). (You need to subscribe to read it at New Scientist – I don’t know houw Mutiny Radio gets away with it, but there you go).
The ironic thing is that the study the article is citing never existed. Sperber and Mercier just said they did a study, and since it sounds rational and believable, humans believed them.
I didn’t get to that yet. They may well have duped me… 😎
Oh my! Anyone familiar with this particular merde du jour? In addition to some pretty foul birther stuff, it says:
“Why does the Bible say God would allow someone illegal to rule Americans? The answer is our nations sins (Deuteronomy 28).”
Americans in the Bible?! No wonder they are so easily duped.
Lord Monckton’s birtherism has been mentioned on this blog before, but I found this recent item at ORYR interesting: Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in SoCal on Obama Eligibility, Global Warming.
What I find interesting is the juxaposition of the following two facts:
1. Birtherism, Agenda 21, one-world government — this guy is a full blown tin foil hat wearing wacko.
2. The Heartland Institute — a major player in climate change denial — has him in their list of “experts,” and calls him a Chief Policy Advisor.
Lord Monckton is Sasha Baron Cohen.
I thought ‘Monkton’ was busy flying around the world promoting his new movie, The Dictator.
Sasha Cohen vs Joe the volcano.
Who said vaudeville is dead? 😉
You wacky Americans you.
I am quickly approaching 6 billion.
I think my math is wrong or yours is. You’re 190? (Of course, you didn’t say you were close to 6 billion, only that you were approaching it. At the same speed as I am, probably.)
Yeah, Horus slipped somewhere. I’m ~1.8 billion seconds old at age 56.
1 billion seconds is approximately 31 years, 8 months, and 1 week. Someone who reached 3 billion would be elderly, and no human has ever reached the 4 billion mark.
Very elderly. So far as is known, no on has made it to 127. Outside of Genesis, that is. 😉
In 1897 there was a bill before the Indiana legislature (didn’t pass) to redefine the mathematical constant π = 3.2 and to redefine the area of a circle.
Southerners have long rejected the formula for the area of a circle A = πr because we know that cornbread are square; pie are round.
Verdict reached, but not announced, in John Edwards trial…
Judge just sent the Edwards jury back into the jury room! WTF?
OK, the Edwards jury only reached a verdict on Count 3-guilty.
This was about accepting illegal campaign contributions.
No verdict on the other 5 counts.
They are making history here. Geez.
Goodness, this Edwards mess may be heading towards a mistrial…
Former Governor Paterson skewers smear merchant WND:
Orly is so incredibly desperate to appear that she is winning the CA Senate race that she is now posting her bank statements on her blog in an attempt to show her campaign is highly funded.
Keep in mind that her last campaign filing said she had about $13-14K.
Since then, 13 deposits have been made and she suddenly has ( according to her bank statement, not any campaign filings) approximately $285K.
You do the math.
Orly is so incredibly desperate to appear that she is winning the CA Senate race that she is now posting her bank statements on her blog in an attempt to show her campaign is highly funded.
Keep in mind that her last campaign filing said she had about $13-14K.
Since then, 13 deposits have been made and she suddenly has ( according to her bank statement, not any campaign filings) approximately $285K.
ONE TELLER transaction, made yesterday, was for $280K deposit.
You do the math.
*The edit function is even worse in Firefox 12.0 than it is in IE. I get a blank edit box in Firefox.*
*the delete key doesn’t work either*
Orly Taitz thinks that $285,000 is a well funded campaign? Does she think it’s 1932?
Maybe one of the resident lawyers can help settle a dispute for me.
The premise behind the NBC show Community is that attorney Jeff Winger has to go to Greendale Community College because it was discovered that his law degree was fake. He was a practicing attorney for years, having passed the bar and all that.
Would Jeff actually have to get a college degree to practice law? Or is just passing the bar enough? Would he have to study law in school, or could he just get any degree in any subject?
Not a lawyer. I started law school but fled back to Engineering.
Anyway this information is from Wikipedia (but I can vouch for its veracity.) In what state is “Community” set? Are they specific about it?
[Bar] Admission without law school
In California, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, an applicant who has not attended law school may take the bar exam after study under a judge or practicing attorney for an extended period of time. This method is known as “reading law” or “reading the law”.
New York requires that applicants who are reading the law have at least one year of law school study (Rule 520.4 for the Admission of Attorneys).
Maine allows students with two years of law school to serve an apprenticeship in lieu of completing their third year.
I agree with James M, it is state to state, with most states requiring a degree from law school. And, almost all law schools require a college degree first. I know once upon a time, you could just take the bar in Texas, but no longer. You have to graduate from an accredited law school and pass the bar in order to practice.
[ CAUTION: Send all irony meters to another dimension, NOW ]
Apparently, little Joey Farah didn’t like being out’d as a Winger Extremus:
Morris Dees is a Con Man and a Fraud
By Joseph Farah
…. In which Farah presents an old letter by Stephen Bright, [alt] published in Harper’s 5 years ago.
More on the SPLC’s finances can be found at Wiki:
Good old Farah. Responding with borrowed criticism. Devastating. Surely with some effort (google, 15 minutes), he could put together a better response? He would be better served to simply let it lie, rather than draw his reader’s attention to a little-publicized attack.
While I am on the topic of irony meter abuse:
Obama and Stalin: How they’re alike
Exclusive: Robert Ringer sees both leaders as soulless beneficiaries of propaganda
* no, really, that’s the guy’s tag-line!
Farah also gives a platform to Jews who say they are no longer Jewish, and have become anti-Semites themselves:
No, she thinks it’s 1933.
I’ve gotten on a particular nasty and antisemitic “messianic Jew” mailing list.
Hey, it worked for Lincoln.
I haven’t had a single issue myself (FF 12.0)
While we were playing with Mario:
Beyond Doomed!!!
What ever happened to Orly on this one? Wasn’t it originally her case?
It’s set in Colorado, which looks like it isn’t on your list.
What about skinhead violent anti-Semites who suddenly find out they are actually Jewish and turn to ultra-Orthodox Judaism?
Are they ‘fair and balanced’? or “Fair and Balanced”.
I read it when it was first published. Irony wins again.
Off balance.
– “Who is a Jew?”
– “You’re asking me?!”
Doc, your site has a shadow. I was typing the url and not paying attention and was sent to obamaconspiracy.com and up came one of those fake real looking sites with a big for sale sign. I guess they must think your site is driving a lot of traffic.
Unfortunately, obamaconspiracy.net is just a white page. … .biz, which I had high hopes for, does not exist. I was expecting a redirect to WND there.
I think Orly chose not to link up with Kreep to file a Writ for Certiorari. The hate each others’ guts. Orly let Kreep tote this bag of crap to SCOTUS. Yes, it is DOA. It is kind of funny that in 2009 this was the case Orly said would have Obama out of office in 30 days and it is dying with a whimper almost three years later.
Rudy Davis, aka Lonestar1776, got a home visit from the Secret Service. His wife taped it:
A “eligibility activist”? LOL!
After watching the video, I’m glad to see they’re not nuts or anything. (ahem)
Let me take a wild guess: Rudy and his wife did not make it past 8th grade. Joe the Plumber, 10th grade.
“When you take the UNCF model that, what a waste it is to lose one’s mind, or not to have a mind is being very wasteful, how true that is.” — DQ
Of course not! And neither are the people who left comments at ORYR praising Rudy’s patriotism (and his erotic fantasy of executing the president) and excoriating the Secret Service for their “Gestapo tactics” (i.e., politing asking a lunatic, “Do you intend to kill the president?”).
I stand corrected. Lakin is an osteopath.
I do not mean to be impolite – technically, a lunatic only becomes insane during a full moon, like a werewolf. These people are nuts all the time.
Maybe it’s something about Windows 7 then, or the version I have, as I’ve had issues both in IE and Firefox. But the new edit functions work better(though not perfectly) for me in IE than in FF.
I use Windows 7 too.
I’ll see if there’s anything better, or if there’s some help available.
Can you please detail exactly what problems you are having and which browser?
Oy Vey! Talk about a polar paradigm shift!
Well, if that doesn’t demonstrate that those with an innate tendancy towards fundamentalist and extremist positions will just flip to another such extreme when their flawed worldview crashes down, then I don’t know what does…
I’m increasingly convinced that some folks are simply incapable of balanced and moderated behavior – period…
Firefox 12 works fine for me, but I’m on a Mac.
I just checked the Birther Scorecard. It shows it was updated and the losses are at 130, 10 pending!
fine for me (on Windows 7) and I see also for many others….. so maybe you need to find a geek to check your computer? is it a secret brither computer, sabotaging you when it can????
It is with a heavy heart that I unstick the Open Thread from the front page. I have reached this decision because the “current article” really has to be the first thing on the page. It’s what I want people to see, and it’s appearance up top makes it easier to see whether anything new is on the site.
However, I have added “Open Thread” as a top menu item to make it easy to get there with just a couple of clicks.
I have to keep in mind that only a tiny fraction of the 24,000 people who visit the site each month leave comments. I have to program for the silent majority.
When I started the site in 2008 there was an ObamaConspiracy.com web site, a shell of a project someone started, but with no content. I tried to contact them to buy it, but never got a reply. Now it’s been harvested by a squatter. I hate domain name speculators.
The placement of the hyperlink. I’d appreciate comments on this. Say the New York Times has an article on the Zombie Apocalypse, and I write an article based on it containing the sentence.
So where does the hyperlink to the Times article go? I think I am seeing a trend towards hyperlinks on verbs. In the first instance hyperlinking “assured” and I guess in the second example the hyperlink is on “reported.” I would still want to link the quoted story name” in the second instance when it was actually used, but I’ve been sticking to the verbs as of late.
I always link what best reflects the destination of the link.
In your first example, I would link the word “assured”, because, although the assurance is what is being linked to, the form that assurance took is not specified.
In your second example, the item being linked to is specifically identified, thus, I would link “Mayor says: Zombies under control,” the name of the article. Linking the verb reported would look really weird to me …. the title is right there!
So, I completely agree with you.
Again, I think verbs should only be linked when their object is the target, and the object is unnamed.Now, if the link if a joke, that goes to an item serving as a comment on the mode or quality of the reporting …. well, that’s different. 😉
Richard, is that you?
You may completely agree with me, but I think after reading your comment I completely agree with you.
It was Hillary’s camp that started the first legal cases against Obama’s eligibility two weeks after the 2008 DNC convention. Hillary knew Obama was ineligible. That’s why, as the beltway-insider, in early 2008 she yanked him into an intentionally uncomfortable 6-person Senate committee to dig through McCain’s eligibility. Initially Hillary probably planned to select Obama as her VP choice and surge to a clear victory with a stunning ticket; however, when Obama’s own campaign for the WH overtook Mrs. Clinton’s, thermo-nuclear war probably began between Dean, Soros, and the Clintons. Two weeks before the election, even Wolf on CNN said “If Obama is found ineligible, can Hilary win on a 2-week run?” The heat was on all the way to the end.
Reid and Pelosi were reluctant on Obama as the Dem candidate and knew joining on the Obama bandwagon could end in prison like Colson got after Watergate. That’s why Pelosi distanced herself as best she could by not certifying, at least for Hawaii, that Obama was Constitutionally eligible. She knew he wasn’t.
Yes Bush and Cheney most likely knew Obama was ineligible, so did Governor Lingle, so did Howard Dean, so did Aunt Bea and Andy Griffith. Everyone had to bend for two reasons: too many secrets, and to avoid national and international race and religious riots.
For crying out loud, Howard Dean created the largest super majority in a half century and then just a few days after the 2008 election resigns as DNC chair. Why? Answer: Separation. Space. Distance. From what? Ending up like those tangled up in Watergate. Even Blago got his foot tangled in the 2008 grab-bag net.
The bottom-line: Hawaii cannot produce the original piece of microfilm that has the Nordyke twins’ full birth certs and Obama’s connected to it. Obama’s never existed. Everyone knows this to be true.
That’s why in 2008 the Hawaii Democratic Party Chair Brian Schatz wouldn’t certify Obama as Constitutionally eligible as the Hawaii Dem Party did for Gore in 2000 and for Kerry in 2004. Like many others, to create some legal separation and distance from what was becoming a sticky problem, Brian only cited the DNC Convention guidelines rather than the Constitution regarding Obama’s eligibility to run on Hawaii’s ballot.
In addition, new legitimate evidence indicates Obama’s father is very likely Frank Marshall Davis, not Obama Sr. Where Obama’s mother gave birth to her son is still unclear, but Obama is the splitting image of Frank Davis, and bares no resemblance to Obama Sr. See ‘Dreams of My Real Father’ video.
I will leave the rest of your fevered fantasy alone, but if Obama’s father was a US citizen then he is unquestionably eligible, even by birther standards. Too bad for you..
Really? Please cite those cases for us – case captions, courts and docket numbers.
Really? That argument blows your claim about Obama being ineligible out of the water. Frank Marshall Davis was a U.S. citizen, as was Obama’s mother. So if Davis was his father, how is he ineligible?
This one is faking it. Doubtful they are a real Birther.
Sorry, but your little masterbatory fantasies won’t fly here. All you spout is fevered nonsense.
I take it you are one of those pathetic PUMAs, still sulking about and clinging to bitterness because “Dear Hillary” didn’t get elected.
You clowns were never part of her “camp”. Just a bunch of independent fanatic followers stomping your feet on the internet. Just because you claimed to “support” her, doesn’t mean she paid one lick of attention to you. Sorry, but there were no secret coded Orange Pantsuit moments and there was certainly NO actual birtherism nonsense in her actual “camp”.
Some of her early campaign staff, such as well-known sleaze-peddler, Mark Penn, was known for shamelessly and cynically encouraging sewer-level rumour mongering against opponents in order to gain an advantage. But none of those types believe their own nonsensse either. Folks like them are just there to manipulate the petty hatreds already deep inside gullible and easily hornswaggled folks like you. There is a reason why Mark Penn was kicked to the curb during her campaign. Such tactics are nothing but trash.
I’m not so sure. Sounds like just another bitter and whiney PUMA still licking their wounds. If you’ve forgotten, Andy Griffith did a campaign spot during the last election cycle. So that’s where those references seem to be coming from.
Apparently the fever has been around for a while. Most of what “WherestheTruth” posted here was posted verbatim last week on Townhall.com by “Clint9”.
Yes, we know, “they” all look the same.
This is the funniest birther rant EVER!! I may save this one to remember the birthers after Obama’s reinauguration.
The Clintons definitely knew!
Insider in Hillary’s 2008 campaign points to ‘original birthers’
Why would you believe this?
Is this the opening for a new novel? I looked in my list and I don’t see any Clinton v. Obama case anywhere.
If you ever come up with some facts to support your speculation, you be sure to let us know. But when you do, follow the Open Thread menu item to find the current open discussion topic, and don’t dump stuff on articles on other subjects.
Birtherism 101 = Propaganda 101. Repeat the lies often enough and their followers will believe them. It will take less than a month and it will have been added to birther lore as undisputable fact (just like the “Pakistan travel ban” or the “looming disbarment of Barack and Michelle”).
Check out this cartoon:
Let me get this straight… You, posting under an anonymous first name, claim a partisan propaganda website claimed that an unnamed ‘hollywood producer’ claims to have overheard Bill Clinton state that Obama is ineligible…. and that constitutes something you will believe, rather than the State of Hawaii, everyone in Congress, and every single Judge who has heard and rejected the Birthers’ so-called ‘evidence’ to the contrary?
And that doesn’t seem stupid, pitiful, desperate, and crazy to you?
I swear, you should never say that Birtherism can’t get any stupider. Apparently, Birthers view it as a personal challenge.
But its never Martin Luther King Jr. or Thurgood Marshall is it?
OK, time for the Obama Davis Dunham Challenge!
Compare a photo of Obama, his mom, and Frank M. Davis. Which one does not belong?
One of these things is not like the others ….
De birfers always put up a photo of Obama, Obama Sr., and Davis. Not that they would stoop to rig a game, would they? 😉 Or care to acknowledge that a “black” man could ever resemble a “white” woman.
All too easy.
Please allow me to suggest a meeting place?
Getting back to DC around election time may be problematic. Which makes it perfect!
I bet if you showed a Birther a line up of black men, without identifying who they were, they would identify Frederick Douglas based upon his photo alone as Obama’s father.
Why the hell do Birthers insist on getting this backwards. (yeah I know) Listen dud, she did certify him to Hawaii. Here is the letter sent to Hawaii
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the National Convention of the Democrat Party of the United States of America, held in Denver, Colorado on August 25 though 28, 2008, the following were duly nominated as candidates of said Party for President and Vice President of the United States respectively and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution:
Here’s an internet image for ya
The one sent everywhere else stated;
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the National Convention of the Democrat Party of the United States of America, held in Denver, Colorado on August 25 though 28, 2008, the following were duly nominated as candidates of said Party for President and Vice President of the United States respectively:
So yeah, she was so unsure she stated that he was in the letter to Hawaii and left it out everywhere else. Right.
No doubt you will be spinning this as proooof and ignoring what you said before this.
A little late on the Community question, but here’s the establishing quote for the premise — even if homophone hijinks don’t play well in print, there are at least a couple of fun resonances with our main topic:
With john, we’re reaching the event horizon of birther stupidity.
The Senate resolution was the result of several lawsuits filed against Sen. McCain:
And the Hollander v. McCain filed on March 14, 2008.
Senate Resolution 511 was submitted April 10, 2008 by Sentor McCaskill, Sen.. Leahy, Sen. Obama, Sen. Coburn, Sen. Clinton, and Sen. Webb.
Don’t forget to add Malcolm X and Denzel Washington
More Obama Derangement:
I bet Soros paid for the sausages too.
Makes the previous guy almost sane by comparison:
Oh yeah let’s vote for the Mormon instead.
No one expected the Spanish Inquisition.
Now let breitbart.com check if they were halal.
Just a question:
As active non birthers/ real truthers/ people who don’t have their head stuck up their a….., can anyone explain why we are still here?
Normal people know the score ( 130-0), but I am wondering if there has been any word from some of the judges about the birthers?
Tepid Republican denials aside, and a small amount of sanctions so far delivered; has anyone of importance, in the area needed, come out with a flat out ” Don’t be an idiot”?
Is Trump that rich?
Is there that much money to be had in overt racism?
There are some smart people on this blog, and there are some crazy people on the other side.
So why are we still here?
PS: I am mostly just riffing, but I am stunned that this story still has traction; or does it have traction because I am here?
Why won’t judges sanction these morons?
Orly needs a comeuppance. Soon. As does Mario, et al; ad nauseum
Bob, who exactly is the “we” that you are referring to?
Us Obots are still following Birtherism for various reasons. I just find them fun to laugh at. They’re like the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail; constantly being defeated but firmly convinced that victory is close at hand. I’m sure the other Obots around here have their reasons.
Judges keep putting up with the Birthers because they have to. I’m not sure why sanctions aren’t more frequently imposed. I know that when Judge Clay Land imposed the $20,000 sanction on Orly Taitz, he expressed reluctance to do so but only did because she was such a persistent pain in the ass. He gave her several warnings which she rebuffed, and the sanction came as something of a last resort.
In other words, judges seem to be slow to impose these sanctions, and the fact is that for as numerous and frivolous as these Birther law suits are, they are still being heard by dozens of different judges. Birthers rarely stick to an individual judge long enough to piss that judge off to the point of sanction. The judge likely just says “okay, dismiss this ridiculous law suit and get this moron out of my court room so I can get on to REAL cases”.
Birthers are still around because you just can’t get rid of a conspiracy theorist. Birtherism seems to differ slightly from the traditional conspiracy theory in that, with a traditional conspiracy theory, evidence that refutes the theory is incorporated into it as proof. Birthers just plain ignore that evidence, usually.
Birtherism is like a criminal investigation. Except a good criminal investigation will go “here are the facts and the clues; what conclusions can we draw and what suspects can we arrest?” Birtherism inverts this and says “Here is the crime that was committed and here is the guy who did it; what facts can we make up to support that?”
Or, mathematically, traditional algebra would give you the equation 5x + 3 = 18. And you could solve that to find that x equals 5. Birther algebra would say “x equals 6, so how can we make the case that 5x + 3 = 18”?
Freedom of speech. I have heard it said that the US is the only democracy without some sort of national hate speech regulation. I have no idea if that’s true, but even if it is, I prefer freedom warts and all.
In this case, freedom is being abused by deluded / dishonest persons who are mired in / peddling unreality. It’s an odious pain. Funny, but wasteful.
However, there remains the possibility that someday, the country may collectively go boink in some way. Popular passions run away faster and harder than the courts can constrain … or maybe slow enough, low enough, long enough, to warp the whole system—just like birthers believe has happened! Anyway, should the country be so warped. I would want the opportunity to have the case for a return to sanity heard. Even if it is hopeless.
The wondrous thing about America, is how flexible it is. America can contain darn near anything.
Rats…I got x = 3…I must be a birther! 😀
Maybe I’m missing something, but in my opinion, 5x + 3 = 18 has x = 3 as its only reality based solution.
Quote: Or, mathematically, traditional algebra would give you the equation 5x + 3 = 18. And you could solve that to find that x equals 5. Birther algebra would say “x equals 6, so how can we make the case that 5x + 3 = 18″?
No. It’s not about you.
But my best answer is that we are still here because the birthers are still there.
Thank you- the perfect reference
That is the short answer. And the birthers will persist, so long as Obama persists in being President.
To Doc’s periodic annoyance, their distortions about his performance and actions and totally intertwined with their distortions of his identity, beliefs, and character. They won’t drop one without the other, as they can’t see the difference.
Didn’t the Florida guy who shot that black kid raise something like $250,000 in a week’s time?
I’m really saddened by the Wisconsin results. Apparently some Union and Obama supporters voted for that guy? Can anyone here explain to me what’s going on?
My understanding is that the Republicans spent a ton of money in the state, taking the recall as a serious threat. The Democrats did not launch a similar notional effort.
I don’t know if Union supporters voted against the recall. There is a lot of opposition to overturning election results on general principle, as there should be. 1M people signed the recall petition, the governor received 1.123M votes in the election. Signing a petition (which typically finds you in the course of your daily business, requiring no special effort on your part), and actually going out and casting a vote, are two different things. As soon as the Reds committed to an active defense, the recall was doomed.
Actually, I realized the perfect analogy just last night talking to RC and Doc on the radio show:
The Birthers are… Wile E. Coyote. And Barack is the Roadrunner.
Wile E. was always fantasizing about finally catching the Roadrunner… he’d have visions of himself with a knife and fork and a napkin around his neck, and the bird looking like a Thanksgiving turkey steaming on a platter in front of him. He was always going to get his reward any… day… now. It can’t fail!
His machinations were ever-varying, but invariably laughable. He spent money (presumably) on gizmos and products, making the Acme Company (equivalent to Birther lawyers, authors and websites) rich. But they never, ever worked. In fact, Wile E. was usually worse for the hunt than if he had never set out on his quest in the first place. A painful waste of money, time, and effort.
And the Roadrunner escapes by just being what he is and doing what he does.
Pretty good metaphor, no?
The best was how The Roadrunner was often observing Wile E.’s machinations, and toying with Mr. Coyote …. another bit Obama has mastered.
Add a note that de birfers have far exceeded Wile E.’s records, and it’s perfect!
Poor Wile E…..records are made to be broken. Meep-Meep! Vrrrrrrrrrooooooom!
Lupin hearing some local coverage now, apparently the vote was very partisan, very partyline, came down to turnout, base mobilization.
Yes, ~35% of Walker’s votes came from Union households. Union members are not necessarily union supporters, a/o they may place party above union. When you drill down tot eh level of the individual voter, it’s never as simple as presented in the media! Real life is complicated.
Sorry Doc, I didn’t mean to come across as that type of arrogant. I have been living in Korea for the last 2 and a half years and I don’t have much in the way of American exposure. I read the NYT and Yahoo news pages, but I rarely talk to people back home, or from home. I wonder if the birther issue is bigger in my head, than it is in reality, because I find it fascinating.
I have talked to people from other countries, who ask me if it is true that Obama was not born in America. I am a teacher, and I have had students tell me they want to be the President of the United States of America because of Obama. It gets a little surreal sometimes
It disturbs me to hear about Presidential candidates seeking the endorsement of birthers like Trump and Sheriff Joe.It disturbs me to hear Rep. Boehner say that he won’t tell people want to think.
It is like trying to be President of the Casablanca fan club, and wanting the public backing of someone who tells people ” Play it again Sam” is the best line from the movie.
The cataloging of facts, court cases, players in the drama, etc on this site are really invaluable. I am grateful for it because I know there will always be birthers, but to see high profile birthers is unnerving.
Or rather, how can we make the case that it never was about 5x+3 making 18 and that (there is a conspiracy to cover up the fact that) the original equation had 4x+3=17?
Or how about these postulations:
For all Ac = American citizen …
2Ac = 1Ac, for all jurisdiction = American, all intentions = capitalist, and all beliefs = christian, as defined by whatever conditions are deemed by the author to be most expedient in the moment (required to minimize effort need to push ulterior motives which shall go unspecified no matter obvious they may be.)
1Ac + all not Ac = jack squat (and that’s putting it politely).
So, boiling it all down, birferism stipulates that 2=1, and 1=0. Astounding!
however, despite what you may have heard, 2+2 does not equal 5, as 2+2 is right out. Unnatural and ungodly.
Thank you for the explanations.
Saw the final tally last night from WI. There were indeed more votes cast in the recall than in the original election, and the %age was nearly identical.
The reaction on both FOX and MSNBC (I’ve only seen secondhand highlights) was high tragicomedy. How could anyone stomach either?
It was pointed out recently elsewhere that Republicans in Wisconsin and in other places have been successful in pitting the middle class against the middle class. In Wisconsin, Scott Walker has convinced many people that unions for government employees are hurting the state.
Another factor is that there are some anti-Walker people who nevertheless are philosophically opposed to recalls. Plus the Democrats failed to field a strong candidate.
On the other hand, they did successfully recall a Republican State Senator and the Democrats – for now, at least – have control of the Wisconsin Senate.
NBC and JPotter get a shout-out from PolitiFact:
Satire of Obama ‘birthers,’ Neil Abercrombie fools some emailers
Aww, shucks, that’s almost as sweet as being cited by WND! 😉
Thanks, Northland, made my night.
SWEET!!! 🙂
DUDE!!! 8)
There are websites devoted to people who have fallen for Onion stories. My wife, whose first language is Mandarin, fell for one story I had left open on the monitor.
This is my idea of fun:
I was in line at the bank. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abacus_Federal_Savings_Bank
A woman in front of me looked at Angel, who was wearing her vest, and said in Mandarin to the woman in front of her, she did not want to be next to a dog. Dogs are reviled in China. Could she go in front of her? Yes, go ahead. “Xie xie” (謝謝). The woman went around her, and peeked at Angel. Afghans are the most regal and gentle of the canines.
When she peeked, I said to her in English, “I’ve seen her rip out people’s throats.” Her eyes looked like saucers. I pointed to the woman and said, “Angel, kill her.” She started screaming.
Note to readers who are offended: I am the product of the Lower East Side, and the Borscht Belt. You were expecting the Prince of Wales, maybe?
I was looking for something else and came across this post from John from 2009- please read and enjoy:
“John October 15, 2009 at 6:11 pm # Obama’s COLB is meaningless because we have no way of knowing how the information on the COLB is derived. Was it derived from a hospital birth? We don’t know. Without any coorborating evidence of a birth in Hawaii, the COLB is meaningless.
Under ordinary circumstances a COLB would be sufficient proof of Obama’s birth in Hawaii.
But, since a moutain of circumstancial evidence exists that he was born in Kenya and given the loose laws of 1961 that allowed foreign born children to register their births in Hawaii, more concrete coorborative information is needed.
The birth announcements don’t provide the evidence because they are generated by the registeration of a birth in Hawaii which again could be for foreign born children in 1961 based a testimony of a relative.
It is likely Obama’s vital record that Hawaii has been touting as proof Obama was born there is nothing more than a statement from the grandmother stating that Obama was born in Hawaii.
What is really required in some sort of independent prove (Such as doctor’s signature) that proves Obama was actually born in Hawaii.
If some sort independent verified information such as a signature from a doctor or midwife can be shown and it is verified, then I will confident as well as many other persons that Obama was born in Hawaii.
To date, no evidence has appeared. Until then, Obama’s birth place will forever be in doubt and the fight will continue to get access to his records.”
What I find wonderful looking back is that of course now John has seen the original birth certificate with the doctors signature, and the doctor’s family has verified that signature…..
And John still doesn’t believe it.
Just fun to look back at the goalposts from 2009 and compare them to the Birther goal posts now in 2012
“Obama’s birth place will forever be in doubt”
Forever in doubt.
That’s a confession of a birther’s willful ignorance, blatant bigotry and true motivation.
‘Birther’ Pains for Dewhurst at GOP Convention
(excerpt) “We won’t stop fighting until we send Barack Obama back to Chicago.” The crowd erupted in applause.
Then someone from the crowd yelled, “Back to Kenya!”
Dewhurst seemed to have misheard and replied, “West Virginia? Okay, fine. Fine.”
Several in the audience clarified, “Kenya! Back to Kenya!”
Dewhurst, apparently unsure how to respond to the now discredited implication that President Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, responded, “Uh oh, Kenya? Ladies and gentlemen.” He paused. And the crowd responded with laughter and applause. Twelve seconds elapsed.
Finally, Dewhurst said, “Wherever he wants to go. That’s fine. Yeah. Yeah. Fine. Perfect. Great. I’m with you. I’m with you.” Wails of laughter could be heard in the background.
More vile pandering to the mentally challenged birther bigots. It makes Romney giggle.
So, what’s your reaction to this:
Illegal? First Amendment?
Threatening the President is not protected speech. ‘Free speech does not give anyone the right to cry ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre.’ – Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Terry Jones (no relation to Monty Python), is also an anti-Semite. This is the same crowd that funds the Settlers, and eggs them on into violent confrontations with Arabs. They love Israel, but denigrate the Jewish people, and Jewish culture.
Hitchens was right. “The Dark Side of Christian History” –
I promise, if that effing hypocrite is elected, I’ll emmigrate. I’m beyond fed up. No one will stand up to these Neanderthals, except McCain and Mike Castle, who were both defeated. This is exactly what preceded Adolf Schicklgruber.
GOP: Grand Old Psychos – “Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst – a candidate for the U.S. Senate – seemed to be taken off guard today when he was confronted during his speech with shouts from “birthers,”…
Dewhurst delivered a red meat speech that appeared to be well-received.
But things got uncomfortable as Dewhurst approached the end of his monologue. He announced, “We won’t stop fighting until we send Barack Obama back to Chicago.” The crowd erupted in applause. Then someone from the crowd yelled, “Back to Kenya!”
Dewhurst seemed to have misheard and replied, “West Virginia? Okay, fine. Fine.”
Several in the audience clarified, “Kenya! Back to Kenya!”
Dewhurst, apparently unsure how to respond to the now discredited implication that President Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, responded, “Uh oh, Kenya? Ladies and gentlemen.” He paused. And the crowd responded with laughter and applause. Twelve seconds elapsed.
Finally, Dewhurst said, “Wherever he wants to go. That’s fine. Yeah. Yeah. Fine. Perfect. Great. I’m with you. I’m with you.” Wails of laughter could be heard in the background.
Then Dewhurst ended his speech: “I’m honored. God bless you. God bless the great state of Texas. An honor to be with you.”
I would hope so but it would seem that there so many nutcases out there spewing that kind of hatred that I don’t know where you draw the line anymore.
These people are trying to incite a lone wolf. When called on it, they are being disingenuous when they cite ‘free speech.’
As I wrote before, this is exactly what preceded Yitzhak Rabin.
Pro-Israel editor suggests assassinating the President –
2000 Colorado citizens ask Mike Coffman to stop embarrassing Colorado.
It may be protected speech, but it’s not tax-exempt speech. IRS 501(c)(3).