US v. Arpaio

The US Department of Justice has sent a letter notifying Sheriff Joe Arpaio of its intent to file suit against the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, reports the Phoenix New Times Blogs, a consistent source if in-depth information about Sheriff Joe and the MSCO. This is the “put up or shut up” conclusion to a multi-year investigation of the MSCO over allegations of persistent civil rights violations.

This is in addition to an ongoing civil lawsuit against Sheriff Joe that charges that he used his office to harass political opponents.

Writer Matthew Hendley wrote:

Arpaio put himself in this catch-22.  He said he wouldn’t change how he does things and he won’t deal with the feds.  Now he’s going to be sued and lose in court, when he could have just done his freakin job, acted like a grown-up and sat down with the feds and hammered out a deal.

Note: the title of this article, “US v. Arpaio,” is descriptive of the parties in the conflict, but not a prediction of the names of the actual parties.


The Complaint has been filed.

U.S.A. v MARICOPA COUNTY, et al. (Arpaio) – Complaint

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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51 Responses to US v. Arpaio

  1. So I was going to check to see if the suit had been filed this morning and searched the Arizona Federal District Court for suits against Arpaio. There were 3071, just 36 this year.

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So I was going to check to see if the suit had been filed this morning and searched the Arizona Federal District Court for suits against Arpaio. There were 3071, just 36 this year.

    And how much do we think those – plus Lord knows how many in local courts – have cost the taxpayers of Maricopa County?

    On top of that are the many settlements of wrongful death suits plus the settled claims for the wrongful arrests in the fiasco that cost the former county attorney his law license and you are talking millions and millions of dollars.

  3. CarlOrcas says:

    The Feds have called a 10 am (Phoenix time/no DST) press conference regarding the lawsuit.

  4. Northland10 says:

    So Arpaio claims the DOJ is doing this so Obama ca curry favor with Hispanic voters. Given half of the GOP, including the Sheriff, try their hardest to push Hispanic voters out if the party, Obama does not need to do this to get Hispanic voters. Apario has been more then helpful on this.

    The Feds have called a 10 am (Phoenix time/no DST) press conference regarding the lawsuit.

  5. linda says:

    The US District Court of Arizona shows the case has been filed. Here is the info:

    United States of America v. Maricopa, County of, et al

  6. CarlOrcas says:

    Northland10: Apario has been more then helpful on this.

    Indeed. The last numbers I saw were pretty grim for the GOP with Hispanics.

    And here is the Republic’s first take on the lawsuit:

  7. Rambo Ike says:

    You all have outed yourselves on this one.

  8. Majority Will says:

    Rambo Ike: You all . . .

    Paranoid much?

  9. BillTheCat says:

    Rambo Ike: You all have outed yourselves on this one.

    lol wut?

  10. Jamese777 says:

    Rambo Ike is most likely unaware that the investigation into civil rights violations by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department began in June of 2008 under Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during the presidency of George W. Bush.
    I guess Alberto Gonzales, the grandson of illegal aliens from Mexico and the son of anchor babies “outed himself.”

  11. Majority Will says:

    Rambo Ike is most likely unaware that the investigation into civil rights violations by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department began in June of 2008 under Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during the presidency of George W. Bush.
    I guess Alberto Gonzales, the grandson of illegal aliens from Mexico and the son of anchor babies “outed himself.”

    You know how facts just anger and confuse birther bigots.

  12. Sam the Centipede says:

    While my head says it’s right and proper that the DoJ follow proper procedures (especially as the case is about that!), my heart would prefer to see Arpaio and his collaborators rounded up and put inside a gaol where all communication was in the Apache language (more Amurr’can than English, si?). Sadly, justice is too rarely poetic, and even if it were, I would prefer fair and just over poetic.

  13. chancery says:

    >>a consistent source if in-depth


  14. Horus says:

    Rambo Ike: You all have outed yourselves on this one.

    I was not aware we were hiding anything about this.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Sam the Centipede: While my head says it’s right and proper that the DoJ follow proper procedures (especially as the case is about that!), my heart would prefer to see Arpaio and his collaborators rounded up and put inside a gaol……

    You may get your wish yet. The criminal investigation continues before a Phoenix grand jury.

  16. Rambo Ike says:

    Jamese777: Rambo Ike is most likely unaware that the investigation into civil rights violations by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department began in June of 2008 under Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during the presidency of George W. Bush.I guess Alberto Gonzales, the grandson of illegal aliens from Mexico and the son of anchor babies “outed himself.”

    I’m well aware of went on during the Bush Administration regarding this issue. There is little difference to what is going on now.

    Spelled out in Article II, section 3 on the Constitution is one of the duties of the Executive Branch: “he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”.

    It’s a federal crime to illegally invade the USA:

    But there is a bigger problem that gets buried, and that will eventually affect the very foundation that America was founded on. That’s lack of assimilation.

    Of course this present bunch operating out of our Whitehouse must put Sheriff Joe in it’s crosshairs. Can’t let someone serve as a model for what other law enforcements should be doing. Sheriff Joe could bring harm to the present game plan.

    A few stats on what problems the illegal invaders have caused:

  17. CarlOrcas says:

    Rambo Ike: Sheriff Joe could bring harm to the present game plan.

    What is the “present plan”?

  18. gorefan says:

    Rambo Ike: A few stats on what problems the illegal invaders have caused:

    So how angry do you get at President Reagan for granting amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants?

  19. John Reilly says:

    Candidates are free, of course, to advocate rounding up and deporting every illegal alien. Indeed, some of the Republican candidates advocated such a policy. Some recognized that, soon enough, we will seek to deport some 80 year old grandmother who came here as a baby.

    And our friend Ike fails to recognize the great pressure from Republican business interests for cheap labor and to restrict the use of the employer sanction provisions of Simpson Mazzoli.

    Last, of course, Ike fails to recognize that in nearly 4 years President Obama has deported more illegal aliens than President Bush did in 8. Of course, Ike is one of those people running from President Bush’s record on anything.

  20. Sef says:

    Rambo Ike: But there is a bigger problem that gets buried, and that will eventually affect the very foundation that America was founded on. That’s lack of assimilation.

    “Resistance is futile.”

  21. Assimilation is a very old issue. I gained some perspective on this reading the book, Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends by Lonnie Johnson. There’s quite a bit on the difference between nation and state.

    The US has a pretty nasty history trying to obliterate Native American culture and to force assimilation. The Greeks tried to forcefully Hellenize the Jews in the time of the Maccabees. I call myself a Christian, but I never learned Greek: am I not assimilated?

    Anyway, it’s not a simple issue, and it doesn’t belong on this blog.

    Rambo Ike: But there is a bigger problem that gets buried, and that will eventually affect the very foundation that America was founded on. That’s lack of assimilation.

  22. Northland10 says:

    Rambo Ike: Spelled out in Article II, section 3 on the Constitution is one of the duties of the Executive Branch: “he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”.

    It’s a federal crime to illegally invade the USA:

    You did not read the actual complaint, did you? Faithfully executing duties mean ensure that the 4th and 5th Amendments are followed. They are claiming, with good reason in my opinion, that Sheriff Arpaio is not in respect to Latinos.

    Given the link you provided, I am certain that the writers and you are not really interested in the Constitution. The article is from FAIR and I see the American Patrol site is a wonderful collection of stories from those “unbiased” sites such as InfoWars and VDARE. They are even nice enough to give a link to American Renaissance (that would be white nationalist Jared Taylor’s rag).

  23. Thrifty says:

    80 years seems like an awfully long time to stay in the country illegally without getting caught.

    John Reilly: Candidates are free, of course, to advocate rounding up and deporting every illegal alien. Indeed, some of the Republican candidates advocated such a policy. Some recognized that, soon enough, we will seek to deport some 80 year old grandmother who came here as a baby.

  24. Jules says:

    I find it truly shocking that Mr Arpaio’s department has engaged in so many acts of lawlessness in the name of law enforcement without Mr Arpaio being driven out of office.

  25. Rambo Ike says:

    Northland10: You did not read the actual complaint, did you? Faithfully executing duties mean ensure that the 4th and 5th Amendments are followed. They are claiming, with good reason in my opinion, that Sheriff Arpaio is not in respect to Latinos. Given the link you provided, I am certain that the writers and you are not really interested in the Constitution. The article is from FAIR and I see the American Patrol site is a wonderful collection of stories from those “unbiased” sites such as InfoWars and VDARE. They are even nice enough to give a link to American Renaissance (that would be white nationalist Jared Taylor’s rag).

    Wow! This one really defines what you all are. This tops the government control one where yas had the Nazis & Taliban on the political right.

    So now it’s “We the World establish for ourselves & our posterity.”

    Ever wonder who the Bill of Rights was meant for?

    How about federal law being followed & enforced?

    You muddle the line between Latino American citizens & illegal alien invaders.

    32 million hits & thousands of articles and you find Jared Taylor? Amazing! I don’t see it.

  26. Thomas Brown says:

    I have always had great respect generally for Law Enforcement, and would always bristle when the word “pig” was directed at them.

    Now that I’ve gotten a load of Arpaio, however, I am prepared to make an exception.

  27. Daniel says:

    Rambo Ike: Wow! This one really defines what you all are.

    Yes…. educated…

  28. Daniel says:

    Rambo Ike: I don’t see it.

    That’s hardly surprising…

  29. Rickey says:

    Rambo Ike:

    You muddle the line between Latino American citizens & illegal alien invaders.

    No, it is Arpaio who muddles that particular line.

  30. Steve says:

    There are more U.S. Border Patrol agents than ever before.
    We are spending more money to secure the border than ever before.
    More illegal immigrants have been departed under the Obama administration than the Bush administration.
    In what way is the U.S. government not doing its job?

  31. Lupin says:

    Rambo Ike: You muddle the line between Latino American citizens & illegal alien invaders.

    There is no such thing as “illegal aliens” — I think that term may even contravene some international conventions. There are “undocumented” aliens; you don’t know if they’re here “legally” or “illegally” until you examine each case, and even if they’re here “illegally”, they’re not “illegal”.

    This is part of the Orwellian manipulation of the English language that the Right has inflected on America for decades.

  32. Majority Will says:

    Daniel: Yes…. educated…

    And not afraid of multiculturalism and not intolerant racists or small-minded bigots.

  33. Majority Will says:

    No, it is Arpaio who muddles that particular line (between Latino American citizens & illegal alien invaders).

    And, for example, here are specific allegations of racial profiling and discrimination:

    (excerpt) In one instance, a sheriff’s deputy stopped a five-months pregnant Latina woman, a U.S. citizen, as she pulled into her driveway and ordered that she sit on the hood of her car, according to the lawsuit. When she refused, the officer grabbed her arms, pulled them behind her back and slammed her stomach-first into the car three times before dragging her to the patrol car and shoving her into the back seat, according to the lawsuit. The woman had failed to provide the deputy with proof of insurance, a citation that was resolved when she showed a local court that she was insured, the suit says.

    During raid of a suspected drop house for illegal immigrants, sheriff’s officers searched a home next door without a warrant and with no evidence of criminal activity, handcuffed a Latino man and his 12-year-old son with zip ties and forced them to sit on the sidewalk for more than an hour next to 10 people seized from the drop house, according to the lawsuit. The man is a legal permanent resident of the U.S. and his son is a citizen, the suit says.

    During one traffic stop, sheriff’s officers are accused of stopping and detaining a Latino driver and Latino passengers for a human smuggling investigation because they “appeared to be laying or leaning on top of each other” and looked disheveled and dirty, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit said pictures taken at the scene show neatly dressed passengers sitting comfortably in the vehicle.

    In another traffic stop, deputies stopped a car with four Latino men because it “was a little low,” which the lawsuit says is not a criminal or traffic violation. The deputies ordered the men out of the car, handcuffed them with zip ties and made them sit on a curb for an hour before releasing all of them, the lawsuit says.

    In another instance during an immigration sweep, two deputies followed a Latina woman, a U.S. citizen, for a quarter-mile to her home for a non-functioning license plate light but did not turn on their police lights, according to the lawsuit. When the woman tried to go inside her home, the officers tackled her to the ground, kneed her in the back, handcuffed her and took her to a sheriff’s substation for “disorderly conduct,” the lawsuit says. She was later allowed to return home and her citation was later dismissed.

    (emphasis added)


    Where is there any regard for the pre-emptive identification or subsequent mistreatment of these U.S. citizens?

  34. Northland10 says:

    Rambo Ike: Ever wonder who the Bill of Rights was meant for?

    How about federal law being followed & enforced?

    You muddle the line between Latino American citizens & illegal alien invaders.

    Who is entitled to the guarantees of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights (no unreasonable search and seizure, no cruel and unusual punishment, etc.)? The 14th Amendment states all of those who are under the jurisdiction on the United States. Who are they? Let’s see what the Supreme Court stated in Yick Wo v. Hopkins (emphasis mine):

    The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says:

    “Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality, and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws. It is accordingly enacted by 1977 of the Revised Statutes, that

    “all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.”

    The questions we have to consider and decide in these cases, therefore, are to be treated as invoking the rights of every citizen of the United States equally with those of the strangers and aliens who now invoke the jurisdiction of the court.

    Despite what you want to believe, those coming over the border to work (or even to create mischief) are not considered an invading army. Therefore, as long as they are in this country, they are entitled to equal protection and, if they are found to have broken a law (such as entering the country undocumented), they are subject to those consequences, i.e. being sent home, and no more.

    If you happened to read the complaint and other comments here, such as from Majority Will, you will see that Sheriff Arpaio (notice I called him by his official name and title, as he holds an office, I will show respect for his office), you would notice that he allows his department to discriminate against US Citizens and documented immigrants because of their descent.

    Rambo Ike: Wow! This one really defines what you all are.

    I know your are just trying to troll and get me mad with that, but, sorry, no dice. I am only fascinated and amused by your statements Hopefully, you are only a troll, for if you were not, I would have to feel real sorry for you and the anger you live in.

    BTW, the Jared Taylor thing? Two clicks. One to their home page and then to their Link page. When quoting someone, know your source.

  35. Rickey says:


    There are more U.S. Border Patrol agents than ever before.
    We are spending more money to secure the border than ever before.
    More illegal immigrants have been departed under the Obama administration than the Bush administration.
    In what way is the U.S. government not doing its job?

    Various factors are at play, but illegal immigration is currently at Net Zero.

    I don’t expect Ramb0 Ike to acknowledge this fact.

  36. Rambo Ike says:

    Rickey: Various factors are at play, but illegal immigration is currently at Net Zero. don’t expect Ramb0 Ike to acknowledge this fact.

    This is not as cut & dried as you’re trying to make it.

    There is a high degree of propaganda coming from the government that both sides of the political aisle hope will pacify those forces that stand against the illegal occupation of America.

    The CSM article has many flaws in it, but i’ve been advised to not go there so I’ll drop it.

  37. Rambo Ike says:

    Northland10: Who is entitled to the guarantees of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights (no unreasonable search and seizure, no cruel and unusual punishment, etc.)? The 14th Amendment states all of those who are under the jurisdiction on the United States. Who are they? Let’s see what the Supreme Court stated in Yick Wo v. Hopkins (emphasis mine):Despite what you want to believe, those coming over the border to work (or even to create mischief) are not considered an invading army. Therefore, as long as they are in this country, they are entitled to equal protection and, if they are found to have broken a law (such as entering the country undocumented), they are subject to those consequences, i.e. being sent home, and no more.If you happened to read the complaint and other comments here, such as from Majority Will, you will see that Sheriff Arpaio (notice I called him by his official name and title, as he holds an office, I will show respect for his office), you would notice that he allows his department to discriminate against US Citizens and documented immigrants because of their descent. I know your are just trying to troll and get me mad with that, but, sorry, no dice. I am only fascinated and amused by your statements Hopefully, you are only a troll, for if you were not, I would have to feel real sorry for you and the anger you live in.BTW, the Jared Taylor thing? Two clicks. One to their home page and then to their Link page. When quoting someone, know your source.

    Does it get any dumber than this?

    What country in history has shown the same rights afforded their citizens is also given to invaders of their country?

    The Fourteenth Amendment broadened the definition of citizens to others who were previously excluded. That did not include invaders illegally occupying America.

    Even Mexico doesn’t believe the US has jurisdiction over their citizens who are illegally occupying America.

    You have no idea of the problems and fears that American citizen living in a proximity of the southern border.are going through. If a home boy like you you hasn’t a clue lived there you’d be begging Sheriff Joe to send some of his officers for protection.

    Law enforcement there have been dealing with millions of illegal invaders and you find a few cases where mistakes have been made to paint it as racist. Why aren’t you pointing out some of the heinous crimes committed by the invaders on American citizens?

    Typical! You were able to find a site among 80 others to spew your obsession, while over looking Jessie Peterson, Michelle Malkin and some others. What does that say about you? Did you spend any time reading what some of them were saying or was it all about finding your needle in a haystack?

  38. Yes, read the rest of your own comment.

    Rambo Ike: Does it get any dumber than this?

  39. Rickey says:

    Rambo Ike:
    You have no idea of the problems and fears that American citizen living in a proximity of the southern border.are going through.



    I have lived in Arizona, and I have close friends and relatives who live in southern California and Texas. I don’t know a single rational person who fears living in the proximity of the border with Mexico.

    In fact, their lack of fear is completely justified. A 2008 study in California concluded that “The foreign-born in California already have extremely low rates of criminal activity” and “in California, U.S.-born men have an institutionalization rate that is 10 times higher than that of foreign-born men (4.2% vs. 0.42%)..”

  40. CarlOrcas says:

    Rambo Ike: You have no idea of the problems and fears that American citizen living in a proximity of the southern border.are going through. If a home boy like you you hasn’t a clue lived there you’d be begging Sheriff Joe to send some of his officers for protection.

    Tell me about it Rambo. Just so you understand I was born in Cochise County and spent most of the intervening 65 years living in Maricopa County. No problems, no fear. Where do you live?

    And, no, law enforcement in Arizona is not “dealing with millions of illegal invaders”. There are only about 6-million people in the state and the best estimate of illegal immigrants in the state at any given time is 200-300,000 with the total down dramatically in the recession.

    Jessie Peterson? Are you taliking about The Rev. Jesse Peterson? The man who says it was a mistake to give women the vote? The man who has “thanked God and white people” for slavery? The man who said being on slave ships was like being on a crowded airplane? The man who says President Obama “hates” white people and especially “white men”. Is that the man you are talking about?

    With that we’re back to your original question: “Does it get any dumber than this?”

    Answer: I fear it does.

  41. Northland10 says:

    Rambo Ike: The Fourteenth Amendment broadened the definition of citizens to others who were previously excluded. That did not include invaders illegally occupying America.

    An invading army is a coordinated attack by some sort of political or governmental group. People sneaking across the border to find jobs (or, for some, create mischief), are not considered an invading army, now matter how fearful you are of them. Therefore, according to the 14th amendment and Yick Wo v. Hopkins, they are under our jurisdiction and thus, under the protection of the Constitution. Even if Mexico feels they are under their jurisdiction, since undocumented immigrants are not here as official representatives of Mexico, we are under no obligation to follow opinion (it is that sovereignty thing).

    Again, I remind you to read the actual complaint and see that Sheriff Arpaio and his department is being accused of profiling and discriminating against those who look Latino, despite their actual immigration or citizenship status. They have discriminated of United States Citizens of Latino descent.

    Maybe you can try, just once, to actually read the complaint.

  42. JoZeppy says:

    Rambo Ike: Does it get any dumber than this?

    If you are refering to what you wrote below, no, it doesn’t get any dumber than what you wrote.

    Rambo Ike: What country in history has shown the same rights afforded their citizens is also given to invaders of their country?

    And the US hasn’t….we did not afford any rights to the Japanese that occupied Alsaskan Islands, nor the British when they invaded in 1812….trying to think when else there have been invaders in this country.

    Rambo Ike: The Fourteenth Amendment broadened the definition of citizens to others who were previously excluded. That did not include invaders illegally occupying America.

    Actually it didn’t. The 14th amended didn’t change the definition of citizen in the least. All it did was remove any question lingering due to the poorly decided Dred Scott decision. And while you may think you’re being cute with your word games, it’s really just being stupid. They are not invaders. The are undocumented/illegal immigrants. Word mean stuff…particularly when you are attaching legal definitions to them. And to further the point that the 14th Amendment didn’t make the changes you purport them to, the concept of illegal immigrants didn’t exist when the Amendment was ratified1868. The first law restricting immigration wasn’t passed until 1875. The definition of citizen is what it always has been.

    Rambo Ike: Even Mexico doesn’t believe the US has jurisdiction over their citizens who are illegally occupying America.

    Yet another patently false statement. Every country recognizes that their citizens (with the exception of diplomats) are under the jurisdiction of the country they are visiting. However, those most of those countries (including the US) have entered into treaties as to how we will treat those citizens when they are in our borders (See Vienna Convention on Consular Relations). The US very frequently ignores those treaties (right be notified that they can have consual assitance). Just ask Humberto Leal Garcia Jr. and Jose Medellin what the extent of US jurisdiction is over Mexican citizens while in the US….oh wait, you can’t. That’s right, they were executed by the state of Texas. The ultimate expression of jurisdiction over an individual.

    Rambo Ike: You have no idea of the problems and fears that American citizen living in a proximity of the southern border.are going through. If a home boy like you you hasn’t a clue lived there you’d be begging Sheriff Joe to send some of his officers for protection.

    Sorry, but fear mongering to justify those who abuse power doesn’t work with me. The Stalinists pointed at the capitalists and counter-revolutionaries as why they need to be so oppressive, the Nazis blamed the Jews. Sheriff Joe is just another wanna be tyrant that abuses power. He deserves what he gets.

    Rambo Ike: Law enforcement there have been dealing with millions of illegal invaders and you find a few cases where mistakes have been made to paint it as racist. Why aren’t you pointing out some of the heinous crimes committed by the invaders on American citizens?

    There is a great difference between “mistakes” and a long pattern of abuse. Sheriff Joe seems to think that having brown skins is probable cause. Particularly disturbing, since there are quite a few brown skinned people that live in his county that probably can trace their ancestors to that land going back to when it was still part of Mexico. And I don’t know where you come from where two wrongs make a right, but here where I live one person’s violation of a law, no matter how henious, does not remove another’s obligation to comply with the law.

    Rambo Ike: Typical! You were able to find a site among 80 others to spew your obsession, while over looking Jessie Peterson, Michelle Malkin and some others. What does that say about you? Did you spend any time reading what some of them were saying or was it all about finding your needle in a haystack?

    Yes…let’s put aside the Christian Science Monitor, and ABC New and rely on Jessie Peterson, and Michelle Malkin…..I think this says a lot more about you than it does anyone else.

  43. Keith says:

    JoZeppy: And the US hasn’t….we did not afford any rights to the Japanese that occupied Alsaskan Islands, nor the British when they invaded in 1812….trying to think when else there have been invaders in this country.

    Pancho Villa made a few cross border raids to pick up supplies he couldn’t get in Mexico. There is now a statue to him in Tucson.

  44. Keith says:

    I should have added that the US sent Pershing into Mexico to chase down Villa, but he had to pull out before he could get him.

  45. Northland10 says:

    Rambo Ike: If a home boy like you

    Hmm… I think that is the first time I have ever been called that. Fascinating.

  46. Majority Will says:

    Northland10: Hmm… I think that is the first time I have ever been called [home boy].Fascinating.

    Are you Ranch, Bungalow or more Cape Cod?

  47. Northland10 says:

    Majority Will: Are you Ranch, Bungalow or more Cape Cod?


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