A peculiar story appeared in the Honolulu Star Advertiser newspaper Monday. Two persons identifying themselves as “authorized by the Sheriff of Maricopa County” and carrying badges of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office showed up at the Department of Health and asked for verification of President Obama’s birth certificate. In addition to Mike Zullo, member of Joe Arpaio’s volunteer Cold Case Posse, was Brian Mackiewcz.
The story does not indicate whether the two were shown a copy of the index of 1961 births which available to the public at the Department of Health. (It would have been a nice touch.) They were, however, shown the legal requirements necessary for them to be eligible to obtain the verification. Presumably they left without getting what they came for. A phone call would have saved a lot of money.
It sounds like a publicity stunt to me.
I guess they were not arrested for impersonating a police officer. Birfoons always get special kid gloves treatment because they’re “special”.
I posted them in the Hawaii,Arizona: hostilities increase thread but there are two other stories on this at WND and the Arizona Republic.
The WND story says Jerome Corsi is “imbedded” with Zullo and Mackiewcz and he won’t be able to report anything until the trip is over….to “protect the investigation”.
The Republic story has Sheriff Arpaio saying Mackiewcz, a sworn deputy, is accompanying Zullo due to “security issues”.
At the Secretary of State to the mix and it’s quite clear they’ve gone mad in Arizona.
Make that “Add the Secreary of State……………….”
Gawker – Arizona the worst state in the Union:
“The sheriff of the area is an insane lunatic cowboy wannabe who rules the town like Gene Hackman in the The Quick and the Dead.
…the state’s governor Jan Brewer, a perky-eyed psychopath who speaks in tongues. Arizona is swiftly devolving into a dystopic free-for-all of armed mad men patrolling the state with guns, often to disastrous effect.”
Thifty is going to get on my case again, but there is something worrisome about a “first world” nation devolving — or some parts of it, to be fair — into “third world” nation behavior.
I live in the poorest part of France; for those who watch the lovely TV show JUSTIFIED, picture me in the French version of Harlan County, minus the meth labs. And for all the local vices, drunkenness, loutishness, petty crimes, etc. we’re a million times more civilized than what I read about Arizona and some of the other Southern States.
A civilized society is a compact which to some extent make everyone unhappy because they don’t get their way once in a while; without that compact you get Bosnia, Haiti or Rwanda. I honestly don’t want to see the USofA go that way.
I’m sure there are plenty of complex reasons for this, and I’m not as much criticizing (something many other Americans have done & are doing much better than I could) but just expressing my concern; that’s all.
Wouldn’t the correct paper be needed anyways for such a request? That would have been the first thought, but when you are running a “posse” that could be forgotten.
TPM has the email chain between Bennett and Hawaiian officials, who patiently explain to Bennett that he has not established his qualifications under Hawaiian law to obtain a copy of Obama’s BC.
Will they be flying from Honolulu to Lansing to check up on Romney’s birth records? I know it isn’t as exotic and delightful as Hawaii, but Michigan can be nice this time of year. They can also stop in Toronto if they don’t find the records in Michigan, in case Mitt’s folks took a quick trip across the border.
my question is STILL, why isn’t the az AG tom horne speaking speaking with his counterpart in hi?
Because it would immediately be over. WND wants to drag it out and pretend that Hawaii is stonewalling. Publicity is a necessary ingredient of a smear merchant’s business plan. There are “books” to sell.
It makes for better politics in AZ not to.
The TPM correspondence is great reading. The Arizona SoS Bennett gets totally owned by the HI officials when they ask him to provide evidence that his requests are part of a larger process to vet all candidates. They clearly are experts after 4 years of dealing with delusional birthers. Bennett’s real mistake is doing this in his official capacity IMHO, he is using state resources to carry out a clearly partisan action.
1. He put his true MOTIVES in writing with the emails to the birther kooks setting himself up for a disaster if he tries to interfere with the ballot.
2. His actions to date provide clear evidence that he targeted a single individual, corroborating the evidence in the emails.
3. All of his actions have been directed from his office in his official capacity as SoS – so he is using his state office to thwart access to the ballot – which is beyond just stupid and gets him into a whole new level of risk.
Can’t the Democratic party just start suing this idiot for interfering in their balloting and electors and get him removed?
I think he is past the point-of-no-return with his birther emails, he can’t go back and he can’t get to his destination.
And who is to blame for all this? Barack Obama! He’s the one who chose Janet Napolitano, then governor Arizona, to become head of Homeland Security. Jan Brewer was Secretary of State, and per the Arizona constitution, she succeeded Napolitano as governor.
Bennett’s easiest way out is to simply say that information referred to him by Hawaii State officials confirms that Obama was born in Hawaii and he doesn’t need any more information. That won’t buy him any friends at the tea party but it may partially restore his credibility among the less rabid parts of his constituency. Then perhaps, by the time his gubernatorial campaign ramps up, people will have forgotten.
Not only Thrifty, my friend!
Long and short, we are not devolving. The challenges of this nature that we face have always been with us. As a whole, it’s not where our momentum is. There are pockets of nonsense, but I’ve travelled and lived all over (this country and world), and for all our issues, we are most definitely not devolving. Our critical challenges are not these sideshows, but the big issues and decisions. Those decisions are off-topic for this blog, and this blog is about the sideshows. I get a lot from this site, but I don’t mistake sideshows for our de-evolution.
Through all the email from the SOS and the posse, I do not recall any of them ever requesting a certified copy from the Obama campaign. If they needed to verify something, wouldn’t it be from a hard copy provided by Obama?
The party does not need to do a thing, it will burn itself out.
Bennett will be messing with Federal Law if he tries to keep Obama off the ballot.
Stroke of genius, actually.
Let’s give WND’s Arpaio the benefit of as much doubt as we can muster. Couldn’t the most outlandish claims made by this mob just be typographical errors and insufficient proofreading? Didn’t they really intend to convey the sense as indicated below in CAPS?
WND reporter Jerome Corsi is embedded (IN BED) with the investigators in Hawaii with the provision that reporting during the trip be curtailed to protect (PROLONG) the investigation.
The deputy joined Mike Zullo, a volunteer member of Arpaio’s cold-case posse, in Hawaii this week in part due to “security (INSECURITY) issues,” according to Arpaio, and because the investigation has progressed (PROLAPSED).
thanks for the giggles – of course i knew that (why the az ag is not involved)
after all, why put an attorney in contact with an attorney when you have a NEW BIRTHER (as opposed to bennett last year)?
a NEW BIRTHER, who is considering a run for governor, co-chairs romney’s az campaign and OBVIOUSLY DOESN’T KNOW THE LAW
i LOVE this part from Nagamine
As the Secretary and I initially discussed, it appears that you might be eligible for verification of the record based on subparagraph (2), but we need to see what your authority is “to update official lists of persons in the ordinary course of your activities.” Will you send me a copy of your law that allows this, and will you send me information that shows:
(1) What list are you updating?
(2) Is it your normal procedure to update all entries on your list by requiring birth data verification?
(3) Are you requiring birth data verification of all entries on your list, rather than just TARGETING ONE NAME on your list? (please provide evidence that you are doing so)
There’s talk she is going to try and run for a third term. Her first came when Janet Napalitano left and she moved up from the Secretary of State’s office. The second she won on her own. Supposedly the Governor is limited to two terms but now they’re arguing about what that means.
Flashing a Maricopa County Sheriff’s badge in Honolulu, Hawaii gets you nothing. Arpaio’s birther posse thugs have no jurisdiction in Hawaii. It is hilarious that they think they do though.
CarlOrcas, she would have to circumvent the Arizona Constitution to try it.
Note to Doc: I’ve opened up a Facebook page regarding the Ballot Challenge in Arizona. If I get any trolls, I’m sending them to you. 😛
You know that. I know that. I don’t think they do.
The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution has specific language that anyone who has been elected twice as president can’t be elected again, and that anyone serving at least two years of another President’s term can’t be elected President more than once. It’s pretty clear what the cutoff would be, although I guess that word games could be played as to what “two years” means – either two years until the term is completed or two years until the date of the election. Then there’s the question as to what would be the date of the election. Would it be the day in November or the day that the Electoral College casts its ballots?
However, that leaves an entirely crazy set of possibilities. The biggest loophole is that it doesn’t set the number of times someone can be elected Vice-President, and that it doesn’t preclude a former President (regardless of the number of terms served) from being elected Vice-President. I’ve heard suggestions that a popular President could theoretically campaign for Vice-President with the implicit understanding that the elected President could resign and elevate that person to President.
Ummm, okay, I’m confused. What does this have to do with the Arizona Governor exactly? The Arizona Governor is elected according to the Arizona Constitution (which also states that a governor cannot serve more than two terms, including through having obtained office through forfeiture of previous official. It’s the same concept, but here in Arizona, our governor is not elected according to the United States Constitution.
Article 5, Section 1 (amended) states that no governor shall hold office for more than two terms of four years. Jan Brewer is saying there is ambiguity because the term of office is stated as four years… but if she seeks a third term, does she expect everyone to believe she would resign after two years? Otherwise, if she did not, and she won re-election, she would be in violation of the Constitution after two years.
.0001875 % of Arizona’s population told Bennett to jump off a cliff . . . and he did.
Wow!! I think that Joke the Shruiff is getting desparate. He’s got some birthers who have pinned all the hopes of seeing President Obama frog marched SOMEWHERE on him, and he’s got to deliver…….SOMETHING.
Now an actual deputy from Maricopa County has gone with this Zullo nut to Hawaii for…what??? The Hawaii DOH is not going to give random folks, badge or no, any of President Obama’s birther records or ANY records from that department.
Seriously, this is lunacy and I guess it will be moreso as the election year progresses.
I’m just saying (without looking up the Arizona Constitution) that there can be backdoor ways into certain offices.
As I recall the idea is that her current term…..begun in January 2009 when she moved up to the office – won’t count because it really isn’t a full term.
As one wit on Talking Points Memo put it: You can’t have crazy with AZ.
Sheesh……make that You can’t have crazy without AZ.
The 12th amendment takes care of that.”But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.” Since a President who has served his time is no longer eligible to the presidency, he is also no longer eligible to be VP.
“the elected President could resign and elevate that person to President.”
you mean president hillary & vp bill?
Q: Could former President Bill Clinton be vice president?
A: Probably not, but it’s an untested constitutional conundrum.
However – what is the “constitutional eligibility”? In generally it’s accepted that it means the base requirements – natural born citizen, at least 35, and a resident of the United States for a certain amount of time. The two term limit is specific about being elected. It would be an interesting case if anyone tried, because the language probably didn’t anticipate anyone trying.
But, if she were to find a way to get re-elected, and serve four years, she would violate the AZ Constitution after two years.
After getting reelected in 2016. She’s find this year.
So let’s see….
We have Arizona’s Secretary of State, who is the state co-chair for the Mitt Romney campaign, having discussions including apparent strategy planning with various members of the “Surprise Tea Party”, which was one of the motivating factors for the Mariposa Cold Case Posse’s “investigation”. And some of whom have members who have written for World Net Daily and the WND affiliated Western Center for “Journalism”. (Remember that the Western Center for “Journalism” is currently ran by GOP dirty trickster Floyd Brown.)
And said Secretary of State is using taxpayer monies and time to try and force officials in the State of Hawaii to produce information he may not have a legal right to, and is playing partisan games with.
Then you have a Sheriff who has been using his position to also play partisan games, and who sends a taxpayer-funded deputy to the State of Hawaii as “support” for an “investigator” affiliated with the above mentioned “Surprise Tea Party”, and who also doesn’t have a legal right to the information they’re trying to get. And it just so happens that a “reporter” for World Net Daily – and a reporter that’s known for his lies and political dirty tricks – is “imbedded” with the deputy and “investigator”. Said deputy’s sole purpose seems to be an attempt to intimidate Hawaiian officials, and is part of a MCSO department that the Sheriff in question has used in the past to harass and intimidate his political rivals.
Oh, and said Sheriff was the 2008 state campaign chairperson for the campaign of…….Mitt Romney.
Add this all up, and the naked partisan stink can be smelled clear over here in Washington State. And Joseph Farah, though his World Net Daily and his Western Center for “Journalism” is involved in it up to his pornstar mustache. This is heavy-duty political dirty tricks going on, and it has elected officials are using their office and taxpayer money to give it the color of authority. And all involved have clear connections to World Net Daily and it’s cadre of dirty tricksters, the Western Center for “Journalism” and IT’S cadre of dirty tricksters, AND the presidential campaigns supporting Mitt Romney.
In 2004, Jerome Corsi introduced to political language the term “Swiftboating”.
I think it’s safe to say this is nothing more than the start of attempts to “Swiftboat” President Obama for partisan gain.
That’s exactly how I see it. Anyone have anything to add?
Of course I’m sure Corsi is modelling his campaign on the swiftboating in 2004. I don’t share the opinion that the swiftboat garbage was decisive in 2004-the incumbent usually wins in a non-recession economy and Kerry was a weak candidate (his accomplishments in the Senate were very light for someone of his longevity). Obama is an incumbent and the primary factor is his record (not bad given the circumstances) and whether Rmoney’s plans strike anyone as likely to improve matters (exceedingly doubtful; more likely to make things worse).
The biggest factor is that the end game is that there is documentary proof in Obama’s case and if Bennett really wants to push things and leave Obama off the ballot, actual paper birth certifiicates can be brought into court. The swiftboat matter was never going to be decided by a judge.
I wonder what such a badge would mean legally in Hawaii.
Just wondering. How much is the CCP going to reimburse the Sheriff’s Department? Is it going to be for the cost of the deputy? Is the deputy getting paid during the time that the sheriff sent him to Hawaii? Is he using vacation time and doing this on his own time?
So, a Deputy Sheriff gets paid a minimum of $44,304 in base salary, they can make as much as $63,003. Now, for math sake, let’s make it easy: 50 weeks (sheriff’s deputies get a minimum of 15 days off a year, 10 paid holidays), and this excursion is taking 1 week of time. So, that’s a minimum of $866.08 in base salary that the CCP should reimburse the people of the great county of Maricopa for use of their deputy. (Divide this by 5 if you want to do daily).
Benefits are usually somewhere around 1/3rd of your base salary, so let’s say that it’s anywhere from $14,768 to $21001 a year. So, the cold case posse should also repay a minimum of $295.36 for the cost of benefits for that deputy for that week. We’re upto $1161.04 should be recompensated per week of the Deputy’s time, and that’s before we get to the air-fair, meals, hotel, and any other things that people normally get while travelling.
Maybe good for a law enforcement discount at the diner.
It’s clear that Gnome Corsi is trying to swiftboat Obama. With Kerry the charges were vague, open to all sorts of interpretation, and based on what was in his heart and mind — there was no definitive proof of anything. With Obama, there is one sheet of paper in an archives that proves he’s eligible. It just makes Corsi and his flying monkeys look stupid.
TPM reports that Arpaio said the taxpayers are covering the cost of airfare and hotel for the investigators, plural.
“He said taxpayers were footing the tab for the airfare and hotel for the investigators, but he hopes the agency will be paid back through private donations. Before now, Arpaio has said the investigation was funded entirely through donations, which are being encouraged by the conspiracy website WorldNetDaily.”
“Flashing it” with the implication that one is assuming the authority of a law enforcement agent in order to persuade them to violate a state law should be a crime on the order of bribery.
As much as a decoder ring, from a Crackerback Jox.
I believe it is a crime. Any lawyers here know what statute they violated?
They know they don’t have squat, it’s all just part of the show.
To fleece birthers of even more of their money.
Zullo’s badge means nothing……even in Arizona.
The other guy’s might mean something depending on Hawaii state law and how it deals with reciprocity. Every state is different.
Police officers travel to other states all the time for investigations, extraditions, etc.so there’s nothing out of the ordinary about it.
In this case, however, it’s painfully obvious this is nothing but a publicity stunt….just as Doc noted.
It still amazes me that the office of Governor of my State is not required to have at least a 4 year college degree to hold that office.
Jan only has an AS in X-ray tech.
She’s nothing more than a puppet for the private prison industry in AZ.
You’d have to research Hawaii law. It probably isn’t a crime….especially for the sworn deputy. Zullo may be another matter because posse members often get charged with impersonating a police officer in Arizona when they badge a real cop.
Now….if dumb in public is a crime in Hawaii they may both be in big trouble.
“The “Kids for cash” scandal unfolded in 2008 over judicial kickbacks at the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Two judges, President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Conahan, were accused of accepting money from Robert Mericle, builder of two private, for-profit juvenile facilities, in return for contracting with the facilities and imposing harsh sentences on juveniles brought before their courts in order to ensure that the detention centers would be utilized. Ciavarella and Conahan pleaded guilty on February 13, 2009, pursuant to a plea agreement, to federal charges of honest services fraud and conspiracy to defraud the United States (tax evasion) in connection with receiving $2.6 million in payments from managers at PA Child Care in Pittston Township and its sister company Western PA Child Care in Butler County.”
Read on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal
About the only thing I can figure is that Hawaii grants the right for “Qualified Law Enforcement Officers” to carry concealed weapons if they would otherwise be granted that right as sworn officers in their home jurisdiction. They also state that anyone doing so for more than three days would have to register it with the chief of police of the county (all Hawaii local police are county police). They could also only carry while on duty and are limited to only 10 round magazines.
I don’t know how this would apply to federal law enforcement. I was under the impression that they are authorized to carry in all 50 states while on duty, and Hawaii would have a tough time restricting them to 10 round magazines. There’s federal law enforcement working all over Hawaii including Secret Service, FBI, etc. If FBI or any number of plainclothed federal law enforcement was sent into Hawaii for an investigate, I doubt they could stop them from carrying concealed weapons.
Arizona’s Private Prison Pay-To-Play Scandal Widens: “Much has been made of Governor Brewer’s intimate ties to Corrections Corporation of America. Her Chief of Staff, Paul Senseman, is a former CCA lobbyist, and his wife is currently a lobbyist for the company. Brewer’s campaign manager and senior policy advisor, Chuck Coughlin, runs a consulting firm that also lobbies for CCA in Arizona. Brewer accepted a total of $60,000 in contributions from people associated with CCA for her campaign…The scandal made waves after the passage of SB1070, raising questions about CCA’s role in drafting legislation that would potentially provide the company with millions more in contracts for immigrant detention facilities in Arizona.”
Read on:
As I read the guidelines the officer must also be on “official duty”. That means Sheriff Joe can’t carry when he’s vacationing in Hawaii.
Each agency has different rules but generally they are not dependent on state laws for any of their authority.
I would try to reenact that scene from Bad Lieutenant. “You two are bad girls.”
I’m pretty sure that federal law enforcement is required to have local permission to enforce state or local laws. There’s probably something in Hawaii law to address that.
However, there’s tons of MPs in Hawaii as well as several National Park Service sites with their own law enforcement. However, I’m pretty sure that federal regs/laws allowing federal LE to carry supercede these laws. I think they usually open carry, although there are probably civilian DoD LE that carry concealed. The NPS also has plainclothed investigators in the US Park Police who often come to investigate incidents.
I’m just hoping that Arpaio find firsthand that federal law enforcement has the authority to arrest him for criminal violations. Maybe just walk right into his office at the MCSO and come in to arrest him with a small army of FBI and maybe US Marshals for backup. Heck, he’s so unpopular in the area that I wouldn’t be surprised if they couldn’t get Phoenix Police to assist.
I think we’ve been through this before. State law handles this. The two I am most familiar with, Arizona and California, allow most federal officers to enforce state laws without specific permission.
I suspect the Supremacy Clause and several decades of case law have settled that.
If and when it happens he will go with a whimper.
Democratic Governors have a habit of getting tapped for Feds duty. Raul Castro (Ambassador to Argentina), Bruce Babbitt (completed his terms before being called to the Interior Ministry), and now Napolitano.
Republicans, on the other hand have a completely different habit of leaving office under a cloud. Ev Mecham was impeached, recalled, and indicted for a felony; Fife Symington was convicted of bank fraud.
That should be Arizona Democratic Governors and Arizona Republican Governors.
I believe the limit is 8 consecutive years, but I haven’t looked it up. A second term would put her over the 8 years.
Nope. The Vice-President has to meet the same qualifications, including years already served as President.
That’s because Republican governors are graduates of the Spiro Agnew School of Public Administration™. They learn vital terms such as Nolo Contendere, and how Jews distort public debate. This last is not an exaggeration. After resigning, Agnew turned out to be an anti-Semite.
I wonder if Zullo and his security detail are still in Hawaii. If they are I’m sure they’ll want to run right down and explain to the Hawaii AG how they got it all wrong.
Yeah… Hilarious. When Arpaio is now going to claim that there is something fishy with the electronic version of a certified copy, they can now point to AZ SOS Bennett who has received official verification that President Obama was born in Hawaii..
I’d love for the other shoe to drop, and learn that they haven’t been _allowed_ to leave until they can convince a magistrate that they didn’t commit a crime when they attempted to persuade a state official to break a state law by flashing their badges, essentially impersonating police officers, knowingly using law enforcement credentials _far_ beyond their jurisdiction.
Frankly I’m surprised they were not arrested on the spot.
Maybe they were. We haven’t actually heard from them, have we?
“they can now point to AZ SOS Bennett who has received official verification”
why did sheriff joe send them to Hawaii when it is well known there have been no big foot sightings in Hawaii, and what will sheriff joe say to bennett? and what will the birthers say to bennett? and what will big foot say about sheriff joe, lots of what ifs!
what’s that about weaving webs?
Pick one of these:
Lay off Bigfoot. He’s in my kitchen having a midnight snack.
I’m glad to hear this, and I certainly hope that you’re correct.