Birther headlines

My attention was called today to a birther aggregation web site, Birther Headlines. This attractive, convenient and fast-loading site fronts content from the major birther web logs. While it describes itself as “All Eligibility News Blogs In One Place,” it might more accurately say “All Anti-Eligibility News Blogs In One Place” since it only covers sites that take the negative position on Obama’s eligibility.

It’s a pretty comprehensive compilation.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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25 Responses to Birther headlines

  1. Andrew Vrba says:

    Awesome find, Doc! Now I can get my daily dose of fail, and not have to trudge across fifty sites to do it!

  2. JPotter says:

    Suitably all in black. Or is that just for a 24-hour mourning period for the latest birther bomb?

  3. Paul says:

    “…it only covers sites that take the negative position on Obama’s eligibility.”

    But on the other hand, the comprehensive report on Orly’s Indiana ballot challenge that they point you to is by Fogbow’s “A Legal Lohengrin”.

  4. donna says:

    great find, doc

    i love this headline

    Orly Taitz Deposing Hillary Clinton: Mississippi Election Challenge

  5. donna says:

    did you see this one?

    for technical reasons Indiana case will be refiled as 2 cases: one for fraud, negligence and breach of fiduciary duties, second for agency review – 06/13/2012


    Former Secretary of State of Indiana Charlie White appeared today in court in response to my subpoena, however for technical reasons, due to different requiements the complaint will be divided into 2 complaints; one for fraud, negligence and breach of fiduciary duties by Seretary of State of Indiana and members of the elections commission Dumezich, Bennett, Long and Steele-Riordan and another for agency appeal.

    Judge Reid did not find any merit in the claims by corrupt assistant attorneys that I practice law without license in Indiana. Judge Reid confirmed that I have a right to appear in Indiana pro se, which maens that all of the Psy Op claims of sanctions were bogus.

    Refiling will be done shortly. As Arpaio and Zullo issued their sworn affidavits, we will attach copies of their sworn affiddavits to the complaint, as it is being refiled. I will advice of the date for the new hearing in Indiana, after I refile and the date is confirmed by the clerk.

    I will advice of the fraud ethics complaint against Pelosi and her 5 attorneys later.

    It is 2:37 am I will need to get some sleep.

  6. JPotter says:

    donna: did you see this one?

    Orly is a hydra. Court system will have to resort to cauterization or suffer her forever.

  7. Jason says:

    “Orly Taitz: Obama’s Mother Alive and in Australia”

    OK, sure. Why not.

  8. justlw says:

    JPotter: Orly is a hydra

    If only Frank Frazetta were still alive — we need an epic illustration here.

  9. Doc, I too like the ‘Birther Headlines’ website. I first saw their website after they posted a comment on my blog and ever since then I have been checking in on them every few days and they conntinue to check in on me every few days with a helpful comment.

    I also wanted to say to Doc and the readers and participants of his Obama Conspiracy Theories website that is has been, as you know, a few weeks since I have made any accouncment regarding bolg reports published at my Was Obama Born In Kenya blog.

    My dear Obotopians I I will now list the reports below stating with the most recent report:

    ‘Willard Mitt Romney’s disappointing birth certificate.’

    ‘Los Angeles Times: ‘Mitt Romney worked to combat climate change as governor’.

    ‘Lord Monckton Investigates Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate?’

    ‘new book (Marco Rubio biography) – ‘The Rise of Marco Rubio’ by Washington Post reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia.’

    ‘Romney’s birth certificate.’

    ‘new book – “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up”’

    ‘I found another of Barack Obama’s footprints.’


    Thank you for reading my blog. I implore and encourage aggresive and subjective comments (although I love the objective comments provided by analytical and critical thinkers) under my blog reports. There is no call or stipulation for politcal correctness in the comments sections of the blog so please speak your mind even if you think it might offend me or hurt my precious feelings. Give me what you’ve got. There will be no banning and there will be no censorship. Posting a comment is much like casting a vote so please exercise your right to do so!

  10. Sef says:

    justlw: If only Frank Frazetta were still alive — we need an epic illustration here.

    Is this his version of “any day now”?

  11. Benji Franklin says:

    Hey, Doc! As Bill Maher would say, it looks like they missed a few sensational breaking stories from World Mutt Daily:

    Supremes Seen Ready To Reverse Obama Presidency Based on Cold Case Posse’s expected Seizure of Tide-turning possible Evidence on Hawaiian Beach!

    Highest court said just about “fed up” with Obama’s Reverend Wright led and Saul Alinsky-inspired Usurpershippery.

    WMD sources closed to irregular SCOTUS watchers say the Justices’ abrupt continuing silence on the Eligibility issue signals Obama’s arrest and imprisonment before “Sweetest Day”.

    Shocker! Our Readers Spare Soetoro’s Children As First Usurper Lady embarrasses nation by winning WMD’s “Which Obama would you like to see flogged and run over by a road grader?” poll.

    Has New WMD Proposed Constitutional Amendment Gone Viral? Eligibility-determining Exception to Expo Facto Law would Replace Full Faith and Credit Document Standard with Anything Tim Adams recalls “Everybody Knew”.

    New Series! Godly mathematicians predict Obama’s Illusive Last Straw is CERTAIN to be among all of the eligibility-related ones WMD is grasping at!”

    Eligibility Game Changer for sure this time along rural Kentucky gravel road! WMD investigation finds another unidentified dog has crapped! (Affidavit to follow).

    World’s Foremost Constitutional Scholar and member of our advertising staff: “Minor IS binding president!” (sic)

  12. misha says:

    Jason: “Orly Taitz: Obama’s Mother Alive and in Australia”

    Orly is really seeing things. Obama’s mother was seen in the frozen food aisle, next to Elvis. Sheesh.

  13. Sef says:

    Benji Franklin: New Series! Godly mathematicians predict Obama’s Illusive Last Straw is CERTAIN to be among all of the eligibility-related ones WMD is grasping at!”

    Have they given up on attempting to legislate the value of pi?

  14. Benji Franklin says:

    Sef: Have they given up on attempting to legislate the value of pi?

    They own pi; it’s after all, an irrational number.

  15. Bob says:

    Orly renting out property to a marijuana dispensary:

    “And it turns out Orly is intensely interested in this issue, not only opposing the Obama administration’s usurpation of states’ rights with their marijuana crackdowns, but actually renting property to a dispensary herself. Who knew? I guess that does make a sort of sense.”

  16. Mr. Smith’s blog is one of those included in the Birther Headlines aggregation.

    Lucas D. Smith: Doc, I too like the ‘Birther Headlines’ website. I first saw their website after they posted a comment on my blog and ever since then I have been checking in on them every few days and they continue to check in on me every few days with a helpful comment.

  17. Keith says:

    “Orly Taitz: Obama’s Mother Alive and in Australia”

    OK, sure.Why not.

    She’s my next door neighbor.

  18. Craig says:

    misha: Orly is really seeing things. Obama’s mother was seen in the frozen food aisle, next to Elvis. Sheesh.

    Damn, the secret’s out. Now Elvis is gonna have to go deep(er) undercover and we’ll lose our weekly jam sessions.

    *shakes fist* OOORRRRRRLLLYYYYYYY!!

  19. US Citizen says:

    I heard Obama’s mother was dating Jimmy Hoffa, but broke it off adding “he’s not half the man he used to be.”
    Hoffa, distraught, has now started dating Amelia Earhart instead.

  20. donna says:

    ann is DEFINITELY dating elvis cause “the world’s a stage and EACH must play a part” OR “FOOLS [will] rush in where WISE MEN NEVER GO”

  21. Horus says:

    Arpaio intentionally misspelled Obama’s first name.
    That’s his get out of jail free card, to avoid perjury charges.

  22. bgansel9 says:

    I actually stumbled upon this site myself a few weeks ago. I’m sorry you didn’t know about it Doc or I might have informed you if I’d known.

  23. mimi says:

    Birther Headlines is a Fogbower’s site. It’s chinacreekpj’s site.

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