Birthgate: Doctors v. Obama

Among the vast list of cases challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility, there is a peculiar one that challenges the validity of legislation signed by President Obama. It begins in a rather normal way.

The suit was filed in Maryland US District Court by the 11 Doctors (sounds like an episode of Dr. Who), first of whom was a Dr. Anderson for whom the case is styled Anderson v. Obama. The original complaint alleged (among other things) that Obama had illegally pressured a Senator to vote for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and that the law should be invalidated. The case was dismissed in July of 2010 by District Judge Peter J. Messitte.

An appeal was filed in August before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. This where I first see some of the documentation, and it strikes me as decidedly odd with hyperbole such as this from “Appellants’ motion for reconsideration of Court’s order denying motion for temporary injunction pending appeal, reply to Appellee’s opposition to motion for temporary injunction pending appeal, and opposition to cross-motion to dismiss appeal”:

This is child’s play, but it turns out to be devilish mischief for the cathedral of American medicine which has been shaken to its foundations.


There has not been a smokescreen like this since the Lucky Strike commercials of black and white television.

Still at this point one would not find the lawsuit remarkable, and the Supreme Court denied cert January 10, 2011 (case 10-612). However, plaintiffs have more recently filed a motion for reconsideration by the Supreme Court that ratchets up the rhetoric and adds a complement of birther conspiracy theories. Those who want to read the motion will need a subscription to WestLaw (see 2012 WL 1652592 (U.S.)).

The Doctors say that the birth certificate controversy is known as “Birthgate” (a new term to me) and argue that SCOTUS should reconsider based on an argument that the PPACA is invalid because President Obama himself is not valid. They wrote:

That in an attempt to quiet “Birthgate,” Obama has asked the American People to discount the statements made by his grandmother. His grandmother’s purported statements revealed that she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya, after which his mother flew with her newborn in arms to Hawaii, where she ran a “Notice of Birth” in a local Honolulu newspaper. Even if her son had been born in Kenya, it is understandable that she saw no need to make mention of that in his “Notice of Birth” in the local newspaper. Her son, now the current President of the United States, is not a credible eyewitness to the place of his birth since, although he irrefutably was personally present, he assuredly has no memory thereof.

This is of course the worst birther ignorance since a) Obama’s step grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya, b) the INS said that NO American citizen flew from Kenya to the United States that year and c) the newspaper notices were placed there by the Department of Health, not the parents. The Doctors speculate that perhaps Obama’s mother never told him.

The doctors demand a detailed forensic examination of the long-form birth certificate including molecular spectroscopy of residue from the typewriter “platan” (sic) and forensic analysis of the ink.

In a decision published June 4, the Supreme Court denied the Doctors’ motion for rehearing.

Another one bites the dust

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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53 Responses to Birthgate: Doctors v. Obama

  1. aarrgghh says:

    “… including molecular spectroscopy of residue from the typewriter “platan” (sic) and forensic analysis of the ink.”

    at this rate birfer goal posts should be just passing venus about now …

  2. john says:

    Obama’s step grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya – This is not true. According to Dr. Corsi, Obama’s grandmother did in fact state she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya. The Grandmother has apparently repeated the claim over the years.

    b) the INS said that NO American citizen flew from Kenya to the United States that year – Sheriff Joe’s team discovered evidence of document tampering, so this may not be credible.

    c) The newspaper notices were placed there by the Department of Health, not the parents. – Sheriff Joe’s team has said the birth announcements are not credible or probative evidence of the birth. The birth announcements could have been generated by the grandparents merely registering the birth with Hawaii DOH.

    The verification so far proves nothing. It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released. However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so. Further, we do not know how the BC was derived. It appears the Long Form BC may only be an abstract of Obama’s complete birth record. Dr. Fukino mentioned vital records, plural meaning there are more records that we are not seeing. These records probably contain the information on how the grandparents registered the birth with Hawaii DOH.

  3. Thrifty says:

    That in an attempt to quiet “Birthgate,” Obama has asked the American People to discount the statements made by his grandmother. His grandmother’s purported statements revealed that she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya, after which his mother flew with her newborn in arms to Hawaii

    Something just sprung to mind when I read this. It is approximately 10,750 miles from Mombassa, Kenya, to Honolulu. Young Stanley Ann Dunham allegedly wanted to smuggle her Kenyan born son into America for some odd reason.

    Yet there are 49 other states in the U.S. Philadelphia, for example, is 7700 miles from Mombassa. Dunham’s hometown of Wichita, KS (I think that’s where she’s from, I forget), is 8862 miles from Mombassa.

    There is literally no place in the United States further away from Kenya than Hawaii. Birtherism was stupid enough already, but this somehow makes it even stupider.

  4. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: Something just sprung to mind when I read this. It is approximately 10,750 miles from Mombassa, Kenya, to Honolulu.

    It’s ~12,700mi if you go east from Honolulu (the long way) …. just sayin’!

  5. Pastor Charmley says:

    So let’s get this straight; they really want us to believe that Stanley Ann Durham, a young woman with no political clout at all, was able to cover up her son’s birth in Kenya? That’s completely ridiculous.

    Why would anyone WANT to cover up the fact that their son was born in Kenya? In 1963 the idea that a black man would ever be president of the United States was completely inconceivable. Besides, who thinks “maybe my son will one day be president?” in such a serious way that they cover up anything that might disqualify him? The only reason anyone would cover up a boy being born in Kenya rather than Hawaii would be if they knew one day he would be president – which would require either clairvoyance or time travel.

  6. Sef says:

    I thought doctors were supposed to have a modicum of science & logical thinking training. No?

  7. US Citizen says:

    “There has not been a smokescreen like this since the Lucky Strike commercials of black and white television.”

    Sounds like mad men have been watching Mad Men.

  8. Scientist says:

    Sef: I thought doctors were supposed to have a modicum of science & logical thinking training. No?

    In my experience, many doctors in basic office practice do not make much use of science. They perform procedures that have not been rigorously evaluated, because they are what they learned in med school and residency. This is a big problem in medicine.

    And how do they KNOW the President doesn’t remember his birth? Where is their evidence?

  9. Sef says:

    Scientist: In my experience, many doctors in basic office practice do not make much use of science.They perform procedures that have not been rigorously evaluated, because they are what they learned in med school and residency.This is a big problem in medicine.

    And how do they KNOW the President doesn’t remember his birth?Where is their evidence?

    Makes you wonder why they are the ones who want to be called “doctor” the most.

  10. jayHG says:

    Pastor Charmley: …The only reason anyone would cover up a boy being born in Kenya rather than Hawaii would be if they knew one day he would be president – which would require either clairvoyance or time travel.

    Not really. It only requires that one be a birfer.

  11. Thrifty says:

    The surgeons on Scrubs are jockish meat-headed idiots, but they still seem to be good surgeons. In audio commentary, one of the show’s directors says that they learned from the doctors that they use as creative consultants on that show (who were actually close friends of show runner Bill Lawrence), say that this is pretty much true in real life too.

    Also, at my 10 year high school reunion in 2009, I spoke with a girl I knew back then who had some job with the local hospital doing some kind of training for med students. It wasn’t exactly medical training I don’t think, because she herself was not a doctor. But what she told me was that a lot of the people she teaches were kinda stupid, and she couldn’t believe these people were gonna be doctors.

    Scientist: In my experience, many doctors in basic office practice do not make much use of science.They perform procedures that have not been rigorously evaluated, because they are what they learned in med school and residency.This is a big problem in medicine.

  12. Thrifty says:

    Don’t forget that Orly Taitz is a dentist after all. That’s maybe not as rigorous as being a doctor, but it’s in the neighborhood.

    I thought doctors were supposed to have a modicum of science & logical thinking training. No?

  13. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    Sef: I thought doctors were supposed to have a modicum of science & logical thinking training. No?

    Never mind the doctors, check out the background of their attorney, R. Martin Palmer of Martin Palmer & Associates of Hagerstown, MD, “Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Lawyers”:

    Among the other gems there is something that apparently Palmer himself devised, to wit, the “Thomas Jefferson Amendment” to the US Constitution:

    When the United States Supreme Court and lesser courts are called upon to decide a constitutional question, the United States Constitution shall be the only constitution governing and concerning these United States. The United States Supreme Court and lesser courts shall be without power to alter, expand or contract the plain meaning of the Constitution by giving the court’s own interpretation to the wording thereof.

    This amendment shall be retroactive and the States of the Union shall be free to revive and again enforce such laws as they may choose heretofore found to be “unconstitutional” by the United States Supreme Court and lesser courts applying their own “interpretation” of the Constitution.

    Henceforth the mandatory retirement age for Supreme Court Justices shall be age 70 (seventy).

  14. Paul Pieniezny says:

    1% Silver Nitrate: Never mind the doctors, check out the background of their attorney, R. Martin Palmer of Martin Palmer & Associates of Hagerstown, MD, “Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Lawyers”:

    Where there is also a link to

    Note that the name seems openly chosen to resemble

  15. Paper says:

    Corsi has a PhD. Doesn’t help him.

    I thought doctors were supposed to have a modicum of science & logical thinking training. No?

  16. Paper says:


  17. Well, Jerome Corsi wasn’t there. I’ve have the audio and I have the transcript, and what Jeromi Corsi says is irrelevant. As for her repeating the claim, that is an out and out lie which you either made up yourself, or repeated irresponsibly.

    john: Obama’s step grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya – This is not true. According to Dr. Corsi, Obama’s grandmother did in fact state she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya. The Grandmother has apparently repeated the claim over the years.

  18. Jerome Corsi, who was not on Sheriff Joe’s team, CLAIMS that he couldn’t find records of a few flights to Hawaii, however an International flight from Kenya came through New York, and the report to which I refer was published in 1962, and any modern tampering with records would not have affected that report.

    john: b) the INS said that NO American citizen flew from Kenya to the United States that year – Sheriff Joe’s team discovered evidence of document tampering, so this may not be credible.

  19. Sheriff Joe’s team are birthers. They know nothing. The Newspapers themselves reported that they were not advertisements. Sheriff Joe’s cold case posse are nothing but liars and frauds who provide nothing whatever to back up this made up information.

    john: c) The newspaper notices were placed there by the Department of Health, not the parents. – Sheriff Joe’s team has said the birth announcements are not credible or probative evidence of the birth. The birth announcements could have been generated by the grandparents merely registering the birth with Hawaii DOH.

  20. Thomas Brown says:

    John, when are you going to realize that Joe Arpaio and Jerome Corsi are nothing but liars?

  21. Thrifty says:

    Didn’t Doc post an article refuting this just yesterday? Are you shifting into turbo mode for ignoring new evidence because we’re getting closer to the election?

    john: It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released. However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so. Further, we do not know how the BC was derived. It appears the Long Form BC may only be an abstract of Obama’s complete birth record. Dr. Fukino mentioned vital records, plural meaning there are more records that we are not seeing. These records probably contain the information on how the grandparents registered the birth with Hawaii DOH.

  22. 100 Proof says:

    To the contrary, John, it proves the birth certificates Obama has released, in particular the long form PDF online, CANNOT be forgeries. That also means Sheriff Arpaio and friends say foolish things, and anyone who still talks about forgeries is speaking utter nonsense (well, extra special utter nonsense with shaving cream on top).

    Do the math. Also try reading the birth certificate where it gives the name of the hospital where he was born, plus the doctor’s signature. Hawaii verified that information. Thus, no grandmother registering anything, no home birth, no foreign birth, nada.

    The information on the birth certificates Obama has released is the same as what Hawaii has, so says Hawaii. That information is the information about where he was born. We don’t actually need Barack Obama Sr.’s shoe size, you know.

    You’ve got writing down somewhat, but you also need the reading and ‘rithmetic.


    The verification so far proves nothing.It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released.However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so.Further, we do not know how the BC was derived.It appears the Long Form BC may only be an abstract of Obama’s complete birth record.Dr. Fukino mentioned vital records, plural meaning there are more records that we are not seeing.These records probably contain the information on how the grandparents registered the birth with Hawaii DOH.

  23. 100 Proof says:

    Rereading your comment, John, I realize I need to make something extra clear. Hawaii said the information on Obama’s released and public birth certificates matches their records. We agree. But you seem to miss that 1+1=2. The very fact that they say that information matches their records MEANS they are saying it is VALID information. That is called a tautology. A is A because A = A.

    If you want to say Hawaii’s records are invalid, that is your business, and you need to get right on that. You need to start just declaring it outright as your own true belief, no weasel words. Don’t try some word game or try to find a loophole in what Hawaii says. A = A, remember. Just man up, and say Hawaii is lying and you are going to spend the rest of your life finding the proof. Don’t wait for those losers kissing up to Sheriff Arpaio. They still believe in forgeries.


    The verification so far proves nothing.It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released.However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so.

  24. JPotter says:

    Paper: Corsi has a PhD. Doesn’t help him.

    In political science, wasn’t it? I am sure Scientist has a few words to say on just how science-y a discipline polisci isn’t.

    Certainly ain’t hard engineering.

  25. Paper says:

    It’s not the political science that is a problem. Plenty of people get such PhDs and are able to do real worthwhile work. He just became a spinning scam artist in the slander-for-hire subset of political science.

    JPotter: In political science, wasn’t it? I am sure Scientist has a few words to say on just how science-y a discipline polisci isn’t.

    Certainly ain’t hard engineering.

  26. AlCum says:

    Obama’s step grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya – This is not true.According to Dr. Corsi, Obama’s grandmother did in fact state she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya.The Grandmother has apparently repeated the claim over the years.

    b) the INS said that NO American citizen flew from Kenya to the United States that year – Sheriff Joe’s team discovered evidence of document tampering, so this may not be credible.

    c) The newspaper notices were placed there by the Department of Health, not the parents.– Sheriff Joe’s team has said the birth announcements are not credible or probative evidence of the birth.The birth announcements could have been generated by the grandparents merely registering the birth with Hawaii DOH.

    The verification so far proves nothing.It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released.However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so.Further, we do not know how the BC was derived.It appears the Long Form BC may only be an abstract of Obama’s complete birth record.Dr. Fukino mentioned vital records, plural meaning there are more records that we are not seeing.These records probably contain the information on how the grandparents registered the birth with Hawaii DOH.

    Wrong, john. The grandmother never said Obama was born in Hawaii, she said that SHE was present in Kenya when Obama was born IN HAWAII. Please learn to read. Corsi is of course a liar and the grandmother of course has not only never repeated this over the years, she never said it at all, ever.

    And yes, the Hawaii certification proves it. As if that were needed. The COLB in 2008 proved it. case was closed a long time ago.

  27. Sef says:

    Obama’s step grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya – This is not true.According to Dr. Corsi, Obama’s grandmother did in fact state she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya.The Grandmother has apparently repeated the claim over the years.

    b) the INS said that NO American citizen flew from Kenya to the United States that year – Sheriff Joe’s team discovered evidence of document tampering, so this may not be credible.

    c) The newspaper notices were placed there by the Department of Health, not the parents.– Sheriff Joe’s team has said the birth announcements are not credible or probative evidence of the birth.The birth announcements could have been generated by the grandparents merely registering the birth with Hawaii DOH.

    The verification so far proves nothing.It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released.However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so.Further, we do not know how the BC was derived.It appears the Long Form BC may only be an abstract of Obama’s complete birth record.Dr. Fukino mentioned vital records, plural meaning there are more records that we are not seeing.These records probably contain the information on how the grandparents registered the birth with Hawaii DOH.

    Either John is a f*in idiot or he thinks we are.

  28. John Reilly says:

    John is a liar. I refuse to give him credit for only being an idiot.

    The way I came to the birther nonsense is a buddy sent me a story that Pres. Obama was born in Kenya, and his grandmother had confirmed it. I drilled down until I found the tape and a transcript. I though this was quite a shocking story. After all, how did this guy get elected if he was born in Kenya (unless having an Amercan Mother made a difference).

    So I listened. The first question pretty much just jumped into the issue, with no set up about who is present and who is translating. And the question, from some phony minister, is what the lawyers call leading. But darn if the grandmother didn’t say he was born in Kenya, although the translated answer is still a bit ambiguous. But if you listen to the whole tape, there is no doubt that Grandma says she was present in Kenya when Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii. No doubt whatsoever.

    I can guess that there are some folks who will believe a third hand account and not look at the source material. For me, I learned long ago that when I was getting intelligence passed along in Iraq and Afhhanistan, I wanted to see the locals and be present for translations. My life, and the lives of my crews, depended on it.

    John has been at this long enough. When John says that Grandma said the Pres. Obama was born in Kenya, John is a liar. Plain and simple. Were we in OT times, he would be struck down by lightning. John’s not an idiot. He’s smart enough to know he’s a liar.

    Misha, do you have any connections? I heard a joke once about a hot line to God that Netanyahu has in his office. Let me know if you want it repeated.

  29. Suranis says:

    Thomas Brown:
    John, when are you going to realize that Joe Arpaio and Jerome Corsi are nothing but liars?

    I recon it will be around the 1st of February 2017

  30. misha says:

    john: According to Dr. Corsi, Obama’s grandmother did in fact state she was present at Obama’s birth in Kenya.

    Sigh. I’ll try again. The Kenya birth scenario is physically impossible:

  31. misha says:

    Pastor Charmley: which would require either clairvoyance or time travel.

    I go to a medium all the time – Madame Goldberg. She starts each seance with, “Hello, bubbe.”

  32. misha says:

    US Citizen: “There has not been a smokescreen like this since the Lucky Strike commercials of black and white television.”

    Just like this:

  33. misha says:

    Sef: I thought doctors were supposed to have a modicum of science & logical thinking training. No?

    Remember, half of all physicians finished in the bottom half of their class.

  34. misha says:

    Paper: Corsi has a PhD. Doesn’t help him.

    In Corsi’s case, it stands for ‘pile higher and deeper.’

  35. JPotter says:

    Paper: It’s not the political science that is a problem.

    Didn’t say it was, just pointing out that his particular major was in the humanities. Corsi would be no credit to any field, even if it was the corn field he was standing in!

  36. US Citizen says:

    misha: I go to a medium all the time

    You’re lucky.
    I’ve heard it’s rare to find a medium well done.

  37. The Magic M says:

    john: The verification so far proves nothing. It only says that the information Hawaii has matches what Obama released. However, he have know no idea if it is valid or not as Hawaii has not said so.

    Seems with the latest from Hawaii, birther word parsing is in overdrive.*
    So after years of birthers claiming “Hawaii never confirmed what Obama showed was what they have”, the goalposts have been moved to “Hawaii never said what they have is valid/true”. As I predicted – the goalpost after “we want the original vault document forensically tested” is “we have no idea if the information on the vault document is true”.

    And the silence about Romney’s documentation is deafening.

    * By now, it reminds me of a silly game children play. They run around asking men/boys “Bist du Mitglied?” (“Are you a member?”) which can also be understood as “Bist du mit Glied?” (“Do you have a penis?”, gramatically incorrect), so if people answer “No”, they yell “So you’re a girl!”

  38. Paper says:

    True enough, but scarecrows with PhDs? Never heard of such a thing! A PhD in Humbugology you say? The square root of the hypotenuse, I say!

    JPotter: Didn’t say it was, just pointing out that his particular major was in the humanities. Corsi would be no credit to any field, even if it was the corn field he was standing in!

  39. AlCum says:

    misha: In Corsi’s case, it stands for ‘pile higher and deeper.’

    How do we know Corsi really has a PhD? Where is his documentation? I have never seen anyone or heard of anyone who remembers him at college.

  40. misha says:

    John Reilly: Misha, do you have any connections? I heard a joke once about a hot line to God that Netanyahu has in his office. Let me know if you want it repeated.

    A joke I heard in the IDF:

    General: “Get me Lieutenant Finkelstein. Hurry.”
    Aide: “Don’t get excited, don’t get excited. But first, I have to know one thing.”
    General: (exasperated) “What is it?!”
    Aide: “Do you want Lieutenant Finkelstein the tailor, or Lieutenant Finkelstein the furrier?”

  41. misha says:

    US Citizen: I’ve heard it’s rare to find a medium well done.


  42. PaulG says:

    I thought the entirety of the grandmother’s actual statement was as follows:


    followed by a correction about 5 seconds later.

    One random word does not equal “the statements made by his grandmother” These doctors should go into practice with blue falcon Lakin.

  43. The Magic M says:

    PaulG: One random word does not equal “the statements made by his grandmother”

    Exaggeration is another part of birther 101.
    Just like “the publisher printed a wrong fact on a promotional flyer for a book that was never published” turned into “Obama wrote in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya”.
    It’s almost as if someone was trying to test how far he can go with the gullible, and every time he shakes his head and goes “it’s unbelievable… how can I make something up that they WON’T believe?”.

    Back in school a friend of mine wanted to get rid of his girlfriend but didn’t want to be the one breaking up. So he tried doing meaner and meaner things to her, only to find out she’d still idolize him and make up contrived excuses why he was not an a-hole and why instead she deserved being treated this way.

    After seeing this once, almost nothing surprises me. I mean, have you ever seen religious zealots tell their leader to shove it after the umpteenth prediction failed?

  44. sfjeff says:

    John just posts his crap here and walks away.

    Hawaii has repeatedly specifically confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Everything else is just Birthers squirming trying to find some things to quibble about.

    John- you said in 2009 that if we saw a birth certificate with the doctors signature on it and that signature was confirmed- then you would believe it.

    You have- and you still don’t.

    You never will.

  45. richCares says:

    after the verification was issued can anyone guess what the resluts will be in Taitz vs Mississippi, I’ll give you 3 guesses, if you guess wrong I’ll give you a ticket worth 2 hrs at your local shrink!

  46. It also got retold as “His official Harvard University biography.”

    The Magic M: Exaggeration is another part of birther 101.
    Just like “the publisher printed a wrong fact on a promotional flyer for a book that was never published” turned into “Obama wrote in his autobiography that he was born in Kenya”.

  47. Yes. See “The Great Disappointment”

    The Magic M: I mean, have you ever seen religious zealots tell their leader to shove it after the umpteenth prediction failed?

  48. Stanislaw says:

    Sef: Either John is a f*in idiot or he thinks we are.


  49. nbc says:

    sfjeff: Hawaii has repeatedly specifically confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Yes but John neither speaks nor comprehends the English language. And he surely has no interest in letting facts change his mind.

    He has gone over to the dark side ages ago. Sad really.

  50. Arthur says:

    I believe the technical term for John’s behavior is “dump and run.”

    sfjeff: John just posts his crap here and walks away.

  51. JPotter says:

    I believe the technical term for John’s behavior is “dump and run.”

    Nailing his 95 feces to a door. Picture a nutter trying repeatedly to nail feces. Try, try again. It just won’t stick!

  52. Arthur says:

    Rudy (Lonestar 1776) might be just the nutter to try.

    JPotter: Nailing his 95 feces to a door. Picture a nutter trying repeatedly to nail feces. Try, try again. It just won’t stick!

  53. Wile says:

    US Citizen: You’re lucky.
    I’ve heard it’s rare to find a medium well done.

    It’s even more difficult when the medium you are trying to find is both small and at large…

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