Kreep v. Peed: Votes trickle in

Remove all food items from the vicinity of your keyboard and monitor, then settle in for this video from Rachel Maddow.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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38 Responses to Kreep v. Peed: Votes trickle in

  1. Michael Heuss says:

    I assumed that the name was pronounced differently. Pay Ed, for instance. Or Ped. Whattya know.

  2. BatGuano says:

    Michael Heuss:
    I assumed that the name was pronounced differently.

    the E’s are silent.

  3. Dave B. says:

    Well, if this judge business peters out and goes down the tubes, Mr. Peed’s still got his modeling career to fall back on.

  4. Arthur says:

    Looks like Garland Peed over Mr. Kreep, and Gary says the results stink.

    Garland Peed–say it, don’t spray it.

    After this election, we won’t get Peed again.

    Garland Peed made Gary Kreep.

  5. justlw says:

    Sticking with our continuing “stay classy” mode, The Daily Beast‘s headline:

    “Garland Peed on Top of Kreep”

  6. US Citizen says:

    When you’re in a nation, men must stand.
    We all must get a fair shake, but never miss our target or cause the snow to yellow.
    Only then will we get relief.

  7. Thrifty says:

    That was hard to get through. That woman is so obnoxious. Her attempts at humor through changes in vocal inflection was particularly grating.

  8. El Diablo Negro says:

    Between Maddow & Limbaugh, both are hard for me listen too. I was never one for over the top party-liners, but that’s just me.

    When it comes to drinking the political kool-aid…I stay away like a diabetic.

    That was hard to get through.That woman is so obnoxious.Her attempts at humor through changes in vocal inflection was particularly grating.

  9. Expelliarmus says:

    Peed has pulled ahead, strongly:

    GARLAND PEED 165360 50.17%
    GARY GEORGE KREEP 164267 49.83%

    This is a lead (for Peed) of 1,093 votes.

    88,000 votes remain to be counted.

  10. I don’t make a habit of listening to either.

    El Diablo Negro: Between Maddow & Limbaugh, both are hard for me listen too. I was never one for over the top party-liners, but that’s just me.

  11. Keith says:

    El Diablo Negro: Between Maddow & Limbaugh, both are hard for me listen too. I was never one for over the top party-liners, but that’s just me.

    I rather enjoy Maddow. She does go over the top sometimes, and then it is entertaining.

    But at least she doesn’t lie or hate like the guy you folks mentioned.

  12. jayHG says:

    Dr., your quote of the day says Kreep is superior court judge elect. Was that before final vote. Out? You guys are saying Ped beat him.

  13. Thrifty says:

    I suppose you have a point, but it seems like such total pandering BS. The lesser of two evils is still evil. Not that I’m calling Rachel Maddow evil. Just using the metaphor.

    Keith: I rather enjoy Maddow. She does go over the top sometimes, and then it is entertaining.

    But at least she doesn’t lie or hate like the guy you folks mentioned.

  14. Joe Acerbic says:

    I see some equating of Maddow and Limbaugh, which prompts me to point out an extremely significant difference: Limbaugh lies all the time about everything, Maddow doesn’t.

    Maddow also doesn’t travel to the child prostitution hubs of the Caribbean packing Viagra, AFAIK.

  15. Sef says:

    Can we assume that we are not going to see a decrease in the 88000 remaining uncounted ballots until Monday? Or will they work this weekend? They don’t really need to decide anything quite yet.

  16. gorefan says:

    Can we assume that we are not going to see a decrease in the 88000 remaining uncounted ballots until Monday?

    I saw this note at San Diego County’s website:

    Next update: June 11th at 5pm

  17. donna says:

    maddow has the BEST research dept on tv – and when she errs, SHE ADMITS IT

  18. Expelliarmus says:

    Dr., your quote of the day says Kreep is superior court judge elect.Was that before final vote. Out? You guys are saying Ped beat him.

    The quote is dead wrong. The election results have not been certified. At the point of the process when election-day votes had been counted, Kreep had a small lead in the vote count, of roughly 50 votes. At that time there were at least 135,000 uncounted absentee or provisional votes. Currently, in California, more than half of the voters are registered as “permanent absentee” or “vote by mail”.

    I don’ t know whether Doc intends to be satirical or is being uncharacteristically careless, but the San Diego registrar of voters web site reporting primary results contains very bold letters at the top of the page:

    Last updated on: [date] at: [time]
    There are approximately _____ Absentee / Provisional ballots still to be counted”

    Statistically, Peed & Kreep are tied and have been so throughout the reporting of votes. When every last vote is counted, if one candidate has only 1 vote more than the other, that person will be the Judge – though of course there would likely be a recount and potential challenges in that setting.

    But no one has yet been elected to fill that seat.

  19. Paper says:

    99% of the time. There are a couple instances where she goes astray and does not even notice much less acknowledge. Rare, but it happens. My take is her investment gets the better of her a couple times where she goes just a little further than she actually needs to make a good story. Keep in mind I am a huge Rachel Maddow fan. For one, because she is honest and corrects herself when she is aware of her mistake.

    I also don’t think she is over the top as some have said where. She is liberal and makes no bones about it, but she debates honestly and respectfully, while not taking spin. Her show is an opinion show, not straight news, but within that constraint she strives to be honest.

    maddow has the BEST research dept on tv – and when she errs, SHE ADMITS IT

  20. While I try to figure out whether this is satirical or careless, I’ll make an adjustment.

    Expelliarmus: I don’ t know whether Doc intends to be satirical or is being uncharacteristically careless, but the San Diego registrar of voters web site reporting primary results contains very bold letters at the top of the page:

  21. nbc says:

    Latest count:

    Last updated on: 06-08-12 at: 16:46:56
    There are approximately 88000 Absentee / Provisional ballots still to be counted

    GARLAND PEED 165360 50.17%
    GARY GEORGE KREEP 164267 49.83%

    At the end of the day of voting

    GARLAND PEED 147683 49.99%
    GARY GEORGE KREEP 147739 50.01%

  22. Sef says:

    changes in vocal inflection was particularly grating.

    You can have your audiologist adjust the frequency response of your aid so you won’t have this problem.

  23. Joey says:

    Barnett, Keyes, et. al. v Obama with Gary Kreep as attorney of record for the petitioners was distributed for conference at the Supreme Court of the United States on June 7th.

  24. Rickey says:

    Barnett, Keyes, et. al. v Obama with Gary Kreep as attorney of record for the petitioners was distributed for conference at the Supreme Court of the United States on June 7th.

    It was distributed for conference without any of the justices calling for a response from the respondents, which means that SCOTUS has already decided to deny cert.

  25. Joe Acerbic says:

    It’s like the Supreme Court process was designed to give birfoons many, many happy weekends full of hope followed always by inevitable Monday hangovers.

  26. Jamese777 says:

    Rickey: It was distributed for conference without any of the justices calling for a response from the respondents, which means that SCOTUS has already decided to deny cert.

    Darn it Rickey, you take all the suspense out of Cert denial. There are some of us who enjoy scrolling through the petitions and finding for ourselves that mystical word “DENIED!” 🙂

  27. Whatever4 says:

    Jamese777: Darn it Rickey, you take all the suspense out of Cert denial.There are some of us who enjoy scrolling through the petitions and finding for ourselves that mystical word “DENIED!”

    There’s always the exceedingly faint hope that one of the justices will attach a pithy comment, like “Denied, Dismissed, and Don’t file this crap again. Obama is a natural born citizen.”

  28. gorefan says:

    Jamese777: you take all the suspense out of Cert denial.

    Order list is out



  29. gorefan says:

    Lastest Vote Count

    26000 left to count

    Next update June 12, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.



    601 vote difference.

  30. gorefan says:

    Kreep is creeping up



    There are approximately 17700 Absentee / Provisional ballots still to be counted

    Next update: June 13th at 5pm

  31. justlw says:

    gorefan: Kreep gives an interview.

    As interviewed by Hipster KPBS Host.

    He’s still hanging on to Mombasa, eh? Birfers gotta birf…

  32. Sef says:

    The see-saw continues with Kreep ahead by 216 votes. 13500 ballots still to be counted.

  33. Sef says:

    The see-saw continues with Kreep ahead by 216 votes. 13500 ballots still to be counted.

    It looks like they counted 4200 ballots yesterday. At that rate this will take 5 more days.

  34. Kreep lead widens:

    Kreep 199998
    Peed 199174

  35. bgansel9 says:

    Orly goes after Gary Kreep:

    Too much to copy from her post, but this is how it ends:

    “California attorney Gary Kreep put his name and California bar license under this garbage and this attorney might become a judge in the near future. This is absolutely frightening. It is mind boggling that a person like this will be allowed to become a judge.
    If Kreep becomes a judge, lives of multiple individuals can be ruined. Many lives are affected even now, with him being an attorney. This matter requires urgent investigation, as Kreep might become a judge in near future. If he could show zero conscience, zero integrity and zero moral values in attacking multiple innocent individuals with a bogus law suit, colluding with a dangerous criminal and another attorney without ethics, he can inflict much more damage to the society as a judge. While I agreed with the subject matter of some other cases brought by Kreep, his latest actions are so outrageous that I cannot be silent and an urgent attention is needed.
    I trust the disciplinary counsel of the CA bar with review this matter with the outmost urgency.”
    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
    1. Disciplinary Board of the Supreme court of Pennsylvania
    2. District Attorney San Diego county, CA
    3. District Attorney Philadelphia, PA
    4. Disciplinary committee of the US District Court, Central District CA
    6. Disciplinary committee 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
    7. Disciplinary board 3rd District Court of Appeals

    Hahaha! Love it when they try to decapitate each other. Need more popcorn!

  36. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Kreep lead widens:

    Kreep 199998
    Peed 199174

    Looks like the odometer on my car (in kilometers). And it still drives like it came off the lot yesterday.

  37. John says:

    By the almost perfect 50/50 split, it is clear that most people who voted between Peed and Kreep put as much thought into their decision as in flipping a coin.

    I pay pretty close attention to politics and I don’t recall seeing any information about either candidate before the election. Plenty afterwards though. Then again, with the endless onslaught of political ads, phone calls and fliers, I tuned most of it out so maybe the info was there and I missed it.

    Isn’t there an old lawyer’s trick of hiding significant information in a mountain of useless claptrap? This may be a case in point. Now with billions to be spent in the next few months on the presidential election what we have considered mountains will soon look like molehills.

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