Shocking video: Secret Service visits birther

YouTube birther Rudy, aka Lonestar1776, gets wound up pretty tight, as I pointed out in my article: “This is death penalty stuff.” I think I first noticed him around June of 2010 when he got all excited about Tim Adams. That video, “Us birthers were right all along” was subsequently removed from YouTube.

I figure that the Secret Service keeps up with “threats” like this, and a new video shows what happens when they come calling. I think the video that prompted the visit is the one titled “Public Beheading”.

Rudy posted the following video after the Secret Service visit, sharing his thoughts:

Watch more:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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75 Responses to Shocking video: Secret Service visits birther

  1. Mary Brown says:

    The agents demonstrated how to behave as professionals. Come to think of it, parents who raise teens may have to use the same techniques. Do not engage the excuses, do not lose your temper and maintain civility. In addition, I see that he believes in a huge government conspiracy that has invaded his life. Then he refuses to give names of folks who know him. If this conspiracy is so vast wouldn’t that government already know who his friends are, refuse to let him film and just maybe come back and take him away. Alice in Wonderland rules again.

  2. DSAgent says:

    Hi Doc,

    Well, not having seen the original video, these vids looked about it would go and should go if Agents come visiting.

    He could have gone away in cuffs if he’d have said the wrong things, but he stayed calm, reasonable, and polite – just a citizen voicing his views and beliefs. Whether he’s right or wrong is irrelevant to why they were there.

    Likewise, the SSAgents were faultless in their demeanor and questions.

    Happy ending for all…this time.

  3. richCares says:

    a demonstration of a complete idot, Rudy is so full of hate that nothing will convince him otherwise.

  4. Arthur says:

    Rudy is gonna’ pray and trust in the Lord. Yeah. I wonder how many birthers are atheists? Wonder how many are fundamentalist Christians? The difference between those two numbers helps explain my own unbelief.

  5. I think this is the video that promoted the visit. It’s titled “Public Beheading.” I’m not sure how long it will stay up:

    I’ve added a link in my article.

    DSAgent: Well, not having seen the original video, these vids looked about it would go and should go if Agents come visiting.

  6. G says:

    I agree completely with your assessment. Having watched these two clips and having seen the original that led to this very necessary visit, I am very glad that this has so far ended as well as it has.

    I was very impressed with the behavior of the agents and yes, Rudy during the encounter. My greatest concern was that the agents weren’t succeeding in getting through to Rudy strongly enough about what he actual did wrong – even though they said several times that it is a federal crime to even make such suggestive statements against the office of President – period. That the issue isn’t really whether Rudy thinks that capital punishment is the justified outcome of a treason conviction, but that the very public youtube insinuation of justifying that against an uncharged, untried and unconvicted man, especially the President, can easily incite and encourage others to feel justified into taking matters into their own hands. It is a responsibility with speech issue that goes beyond one’s personal beliefs on a matter.

    However, I was very relieved to see in Rudy’s follow-up video (starting at 7:26), where it seems that maybe, just maybe this lesson did sink through to him. I was very glad to see Rudy publically come out and tell his audience that NO ONE should even consider taking matters into their own hands, regardless of how they feel about it.

    Therefore, I feel so far that this has been one of the best possible outcomes that can come from such things and I hope the lesson sticks.

    Obviously, Rudy is a “true believer” in the Cult of Birtherism and is very passionate in his beliefs. Sadly, he views the rest of the world as merely ignorant and needing “education” to see what he sees and can’t grasp that so many of the rest of us, including all the government officials to date, have looked at the same stuff and came to the exact opposite conclusions that his Cult beliefs.

    Rudy can be very passionate and say things that really anger and concern me. But he is also very sincere and from watching many of his videos, it is clear that from his POV, he thinks he is just trying to be law abiding and do what he feels is right. I definitely don’t think he is a bad person at all, just sadly brainwashed and misled by the true Birther Con artists out there who manipulate otherwise decent folk such as him.

    I do attribute there being a strong connection between those who are predisposed to Fundamentalist ways of thinking and to also buy into paranoid conspiracy to cause otherwise decent and law abiding folk to think and do dangerous and horrible things. There certainly is a very real need to try to deal with such “behaving” “true believers” in a calm manner, whenever possible, in order to avoid tragic escalation. Rudy is right that it is human nature to fight back when one feels cornered or mistreated and I’m glad that was avoided.

    For as passionate as he is, at least he so far remains “hinged” enough to not want to harm others or encourage others to do harm either. So, I’ll take passionate but stable over unstable or cravenly manipulative anyday.

    So, despite his views, my heart goes out to Rudy in a way. I can sympathize and have deep compassion for a man like him, even though I completely and passionately oppose his Birtherism and reject it as nonsense. I truly hope and pray he can somehow maintain a better and more responsible balance in his paranoia, frustration and passion in the future and that no matter what, he does not lose his sincerity and honesty.

    If more of the “true believer” Birther faction were simply of his character, I wouldn’t be so concerned. However, I remain cynical from everything that I’ve obvserved in Birtherism that there are simply too many in that Cult that are already unstable and who lack Rudy’s sense of core ethics, misdirected as they are.

    Most of my contempt and ire will appropriately remain on the cynical shameless propagandists, manipulators and con artists who are really to blame for Birtherism existing and continuing in the first place.

    DSAgent: He could have gone away in cuffs if he’d have said the wrong things, but he stayed calm, reasonable, and polite – just a citizen voicing his views and beliefs. Whether he’s right or wrong is irrelevant to why they were there.
    Likewise, the SSAgents were faultless in their demeanor and questions.
    Happy ending for all…this time.

  7. Xyxox says:

    Rudy seemed to release his inner klansman while talking about the Africa American agent.

  8. RuhRoh says:

    ORYR is HEAVILY censoring the comments about this SS visit.

    I generally have absolutely no problem getting my comments through over there. I’m still surprised that my comment on the SS visit was denied.

    I’ve never made any sort of insult or potshot at the Birthers over there. And in this case, I gave a frank accounting of all the ways Rudy misled the SS during his interview and that was sufficient to preclude my comment from being displayed.

    ORYR wants to promulgate a sense of irrational fear. No comment that even mentions why Rudy invited this visit or how he was less than forthright during same will be posted.

    These people who will scream that they are “patriots” as loud as the day is long are rather offended when it’s even suggested that they are anything but.

  9. ORYR exists to promote a particular point of view. It’s not there to be objective.

    RuhRoh: ORYR wants to promulgate a sense of irrational fear. No comment that even mentions why Rudy invited this visit or how he was less than forthright during same will be posted.

  10. john says:

    Hats off to Rudy for defending his position. A proud and respected patriot Rudy is.

  11. Paul says:


    I was very glad to see Rudy publically come out and tell his audience that NO ONE should even consider taking matters into their own hands, regardless of how they feel about it.

    Notice the “out” he left himself though: “unless we’re attacked” or “unless it’s defensive”, something like that. Just what does it take for someone like Rudy to come to believe he’s being “attacked”?

  12. Paul says:

    Hats off to Rudy for defending his position.A proud and respected patriot Rudy is.

    I’m sorry, John, but just how DOES one defend the position that the popularly elected President of the United States should be beheaded in the public square?

  13. I haven’t paid that much attention to Rudy, but that one video (now deleted) titled “us birthers were right all along” stuck with me. I got the impression that Rudy gets a lot of push back from other people, and that at least in June of 2010 he felt like an embattled minority. When Tim Adams came along and made it “official” that there was no birth certificate, Rudy had this cathartic release of joy that he had finally been vindicated. Likewise he gets excited by Arpaio’s “official” pronouncements.

    What I am trying to get to is that Rudy has so much invested in his conspiracy theory that he couldn’t give it up if he wanted to.

    G: Sadly, he views the rest of the world as merely ignorant and needing “education” to see what he sees and can’t grasp that so many of the rest of us, including all the government officials to date, have looked at the same stuff and came to the exact opposite conclusions that his Cult beliefs.

  14. Ms. Conspiracy, the history major, was not impressed.

    Paul: I’m sorry, John, but just how DOES one defend the position that the popularly elected President of the United States should be beheaded in the public square?

  15. Thrifty says:

    G, I think you’re being too charitable toward Rudy. I think the guy was feigning politeness out of fear.

  16. Arthur says:

    Thanks for your input, Yoda, now back to Dagobah must you go.

    john: A proud and respected patriot Rudy is.

  17. Paul says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    What I am trying to get to is that Rudy has so much invested in his conspiracy theory that he couldn’t give it up if he wanted to.

    He also FIRMLY believes he is doing God’s work. I maintain that is what makes Rudy really dangerous. You can justify anything if you believe the Lord is on your side. I think he’d be all too happy to “martyr” himself.

  18. BillTheCat says:

    john: Hats off to Rudy for defending his position. A proud and respected patriot Rudy is.

    Yes, a proud seditionist traitor piece of human garbage who suggests executing the President, respected by other America hating traitors and mentally incapacitated people. You’re in good company, just like the rest of your mentally ill ilk.

  19. Penguin 0302 says:

    Rudy might want to reconsider the real deep-seeded reasons for his high-strung insecurities.

    If nothing else, the video ironically demonstrates that constitutional rights are alive and well in the USA.

    Recap in Rudy world:
    Obama should be put to death once convicted for not usurping a shred of your constitutional rights? (usurping is what usurpers usually do)

    Notice this delicious little detail: After the SS have left, he says he and his wife were going out to dinner. Lol! Then we can assume they went out and ranted and spiked each other about the travesty of justice the birth certificate issue has become.


  20. G says:

    Then again, I think he is just being humanly honest with stating that type of defensive “out”.

    Part of why I’m being so charitable is I had quite an interesting and welcome long talk with my rabid ODS suffering RW brother-in-law on Memorial Day. Yes, it got intense (of course) in parts… but in so many ways, I see the parallels between his crazy, offensive statements and behaviors and Rudy’s (including the religious fundamentalist type views that really drive the POV). Despite certain areas of politics, etc. where we obviously extremely clash/disagree, he’s a really good person at heart. Like Rudy, he sees it as some imperitive duty to try to get his POV through to the rest of us, who he feels are the ones who are “misinformed” and need to be “awakened” to the severe dangers and threats all around us. (His favorite fallback bogeyman word is the commies/socialism “poopyhead” term).

    So yeah, these folks do live in a perpetual state of FEAR driving their bizarre, offensive and assinine beliefs. One that is constantly reinforced and hyped to further and further levels through their self-selective echo chamber of media and social circles. To them, they’ve become convinced we’re always under a constant high threat of attack “from within” (and without)…and that it is their imperitive duty to defensively fight against that attack, out of threat for their own survival and what they see as the risk of near immanent collapse of the USA.

    Trust me, having these conversations are very difficult with such heightened and extreme paranoia… because he’s so reflexively predisposed to lash out against anything that doesn’t 100% agree with his brainwashed positions and takes any questioning at all as an immediate personal insult and attack against him.

    However, as crazy as it sounds for me to describe him like that, he’s also what I’d consider extremely stable and desiring of being “law abiding” and sincerely wanting to see a strong and “united” America, without polarization. Sadly, to that mindset, lack of polarization seems to only mean that the rest of us finally grasp, accept and convert to the “wisdoms” of their POV.


    But yes, I do consider it more stable than some others, as passionate yet sincere folks such as my BIL and how I perceive Rudy DO seem to not want to actually “go there” and see any actual harm happen, unless they defensively “feel” that all of their other options to protect themselves have been taken away from themselves…

    Of course there is always the threat of destabalizing anyone who “feels” threatened and pushed too far and with little left to lose. That really is part of human nature. See the movie “Falling Down” as a classic example:

    I can’t stop or change such folks from being so sincerely susceptible to paranoia and fundamentalist views. All I can do is hope that they remain as stable and functioning as possible and that there remains enough other positive things in their life to cling to that they don’t get pushed to any further levels of “activism” besides attending meetings, obsessing about stupid stuff and unwisely running off at the mouth in offensive ways at times…

    Paul: Notice the “out” he left himself though: “unless we’re attacked” or “unless it’s defensive”, something like that. Just what does it take for someone like Rudy to come to believe he’s being “attacked”?

  21. Joe Acerbic says:

    So now the little racist scumbag will add some disclaimers to the death threats and incitement, “…but although it has to be done to save Amurca, I’m telling you not to do it, wink wink.“

  22. US Citizen says:

    I imagine that if someone produced “evidence” Obama was born in Indonesia, Rudy would embrace it and say he was right all along.
    However right now, Rudy believes Obama was born in Kenya.
    This begs the question of how right Rudy actually is if he now believes Obama was born in Kenya, but would later believe it was instead Indonesia or elsewhere.
    Point is, he wants to believe Obama is a foreigner.
    It doesn’t matter if his “truth” suddenly changed.
    He’ll embrace whatever supports Obama isn’t a US citizen.

    Also.. a stack of bibles four wide?
    Isn’t a single copy of the bible enough for him?

  23. El Diablo Negro says:

    I must say, I have never watched any of the video rants by Birthers (and never will). Rudy seems sincere (misguided in my opinion). A bit paranoid also. To me NWO is a hoax, I had a friend who almost fell for the NWO nonsense, till his wife threatened to leave. I was taught to be a critical thinker and never take a hardline side. It does get me into trouble when I question religion though.

    Now do I believe Obama is an illegal alien? No. The logistics is way out of reason. The difference is that there are levels of government I trust more than others. And if for some reason he does get “Frogmarched” out of the White House. I have no inclination of rioting, frankly the entire nation would be in too much shock to do anything…but watch FOX News gloat.

  24. G says:

    Sadly, I solidly agree.

    The only way I see such “investment” diminishing so such a “true believer” doesn’t really obsess over it anymore is for an extended period of time to pass where there aren’t constant reminders and influences around them feeding that particular Cult obsession addiction. Only when that happens can they begin to focus on enough other things in their life as to pick of something else to latch onto as “more important” to spend time on. Then, with the passage of time, their former priority obsession will start to fade in memory and emotional intensity and hopefully one day won’t even be worth them getting riled up anymore, regardless of whether they still cling to those delusions or not….

    The only other quicker option is heavy-handed deprogramming methods, such as used to undue brainwashing on die-hard Cult followers. But that requires a fairly personally invasive process and means of extended isolation until the deprogramming takes hold… and can also have unpredictable consequences of how they react, once their former worldview is shattered…

    As the diffuse Birther Cult is not hunkered down in some isolated compound (where one can justify storming in to “recover and rescue”), but instead is already integrated and living fairly typical lives throughout areas of society, I don’t see pragmatic or sensible way of heavy-handed deprogramming coming into play, unless someone crossed the line of acceptable behavior and such treatment was prescribed through the course of their restitution to society via the justice system…which even then, would be a controversial matter…

    Dr. Conspiracy: What I am trying to get to is that Rudy has so much invested in his conspiracy theory that he couldn’t give it up if he wanted to.

  25. G says:

    I do not disagree with your assessment at all. See my explanation & reasoning at 6:35pm.

    I am certainly more charitable to sincere and honest misguided zealots (until they cause real physical harm/damage that is) than I ever am to the shameless liars, con artists and propagandists…

    It simply comes down to my personal values and what I hold in higher regard.

    Thrifty: G, I think you’re being too charitable toward Rudy. I think the guy was feigning politeness out of fear.

  26. Paul says:

    All I can do is hope that they remain as stable and functioning as possible and that there remains enough other positive things in their life to cling to that they don’t get pushed to any further levels of “activism” besides attending meetings, obsessing about stupid stuff and unwisely running off at the mouth in offensive ways at times…

    I agree with a lot of what you write. I’ve listened to almost every one of his videos, plus I’ve read things he’s posted on other sites arguing about religion — he’s VERY tolerant of others’ beliefs, and he argues for his own religious beliefs in a logical and well-thought-out manner. He’s well-educated and he’s smart. Don’t let the hick accent fool you.

    BUT… that’s what makes him even more frightening. Ya know… these hicks in Florida got caught before they could even get started, these ignorant “sovereign citizens” end up dead along the side of the road before they do squat, maybe they take out one Highway Patrol officer on their way. But Tim McVeigh wasn’t an ignorant hick. Ted Kasinsky wasn’t an ignorant hick. Rudy is the kind of guy, convinced he’s guided by God, who might actually cause some serious feckin mayhem, and then glory in being martyred “for the cause”.

    Some of his videos you should see…

    All three of those are pretty scary.

    He needs to be taken seriously.

  27. G says:

    I do certainly agree with the first part of your statement. The slippery slope between fundamentalist worldview and righteous zealotry in the name of one’s leaders / chuch / God is always a danger and history is replete with examples of otherwise good people who condone, support or even commit bad acts as a result. Definitely a concern and why such things bear at least casual if not careful monitoring in order to keep them from getting out of hand.

    Paul: He also FIRMLY believes he is doing God’s work. I maintain that is what makes Rudy really dangerous. You can justify anything if you believe the Lord is on your side.

    On this second part, I disagree. I’ve watched a lot of Rudy’s videos over the past few years, especially many of his recent ones. He truly seems to prefer and see himself more of the “righteous humble servant” type. The greatest danger is in someone in his esteemed “trusted chain of authority” goading him into taking more extreme actions in the name of “righteousness”.

    He certainly doesn’t seem to have an actual Martyr’s Complex to me. That is a whole different narcisistic and fatalistic ego/insecurity driven form of zealousness and a much more unstable and dangerous beast. One that I have very little sympathy for whatsoever at all. Those types don’t want to just “serve” their God, they want others to idolize them and raise them up to be viewed as “godlike” themselves, via the veil of persecution and victimhood. Those types of folks really get off on wanting the conflict to continue and to wallow in the “woe is me” aspects and seem to need to keep the conflict alive and escalating. It really is like such types get off on such things…which personally, I find both disturbing, much more dangerous and quite frankly, a bit sickening.

    Folks like Rudy on the other hand, seem to be just sincerely disgusted and outraged but would rather have their personal paranoid matter actually resolved (to THEIR POV satisfaction of course…something which is obviously not reasonable with Birtherism, as Birtherism isn’t reasonable in the first place…)

    I certainly am very concerned by the signs of wannabe martyrdom amongst some of the Birtheristani…but so far, I don’t see Rudy in that mold at all. …Some of Rudy’s “heroes”…like Manning & Lakin… now that’s a whole different story.

    I think he’d be all too happy to “martyr” himself.

  28. G says:

    I disagree. We’ve seen plenty of insincere *wink wink* apologies and disclaimers over these years – in both Birtherism and in politics.

    Watching Rudy’s videos and his behavior and how he (so far) expressed his latest disclaimer (again, closely watch the video starting at 7:26) – I have to say it is one of the ONLY instances in recent memory that actually comes across as VERY SINCERE and utterly without the *wink wink* you state.

    Maybe I’m simply being too hopeful or willing to give some charitable grace and benefit of the doubt here. Time will certainly tell.

    But I’m not being naive and I’m fully aware of the seemingly endless string of awful examples of insincere or insufficient disclaimers out there.

    Remember, we ourselves are always in danger of becoming too cynical and hard-hearted in our assessments of these folks and their intentions as well. When being rational and dealing with the frustrating outrageousness of Birtherism for so long, it becomes understandably hard not to see only bad intentions in these characters.

    Joe Acerbic: So now the little racist scumbag will add some disclaimers to the death threats and incitement, “…but although it has to be done to save Amurca, I’m telling you not to do it, wink wink.“

  29. Xyxox says:

    I have a feeling the birthers are going to be doubling down on the crazy come November 7. If Obama is re-elected, their obsession will only increase and the possibility of real violence will escalate exponentially.

  30. Paper says:

    Well, I have someone like Rudy in my life, more than one such someone. So I understand him completely.

    What I’ll note here is that it never goes away, just gets layered over by new conspiracies. After Obama has finished his term(s), this will fade, but there will be the new thing. I still hear about the supposed murders by the Clintons. Strangely (or not ) I don’t hear much about Iran Contra, an actual conspiracy. But you get the idea. That’s why the New World Order angle is so potent, because it allows the conspiracy to continue fresh all the time (same conspiracy, new twist). So what becomes “more important” is the new twist, but it’s conspiracy 24/7 for all the days of their lives. I’ve known one such man my whole life, and he will never move on to more important things. He’ll deal with life as everyone does, but it is all framed by this overriding worldview, which surfaces at the slightest, and I do mean slightest, breeze.

    G: The only way I see such “investment” diminishing so such a “true believer” doesn’t really obsess over it anymore is for an extended period of time to pass where there aren’t constant reminders and influences around them feeding that particular Cult obsession addiction. Only when that happens can they begin to focus on enough other things in their life as to pick of something else to latch onto as “more important” to spend time on. Then, with the passage of time, their former priority obsession will start to fade in memory and emotional intensity and hopefully one day won’t even be worth them getting riled up anymore, regardless of whether they still cling to those delusions or not….

  31. G says:

    Sadly, I’ve been expecting the same thing.

    As the election gets nearer, we’ve had a fairly predictable increase in GOP birther talk in the media (Trump, shameless pandering by a never ending parade of GOP officials, WND’s desperate & endless propaganda attempts, etc).

    In many ways, such feeding of false hopes to the Birtheristani hopefulls is actually useful, as it serves as both a distraction from their endless failures and also helps ease the desperation valve (at least temporarily) from the most unhinged amongst them. For a long time, I’ve been quite concerned that a new uptick of RW violence could emerge with the combined heat of summer and an impending reelection battle.

    As long as the “true believers” get spoonfed enough endless “any day now” false hopes to keep stringing them along, it will pacify and distract from some of their utter desperation.

    Can that last until the fall election? I don’t know. Can a group this entrenched in denial and delusions continue to be as eternally gullible in pining their hopes on angry write-ins / call-in campaigns and just another batch of rinse/repeat court cases and tall tales fed to them by WND and other RW rumour mills, once Obama is re-elected? (Just assuming that scenario for the purposes of this question).

    So, if the Birthers string themselves along until that point… then what happens next? Will they just whine bitterly (of course) but fade away harmlessly over the next year, as did the PUMAs before them? For some, certainly. For most, we can only hope this will be the outcome…but that could be wishful thinking…

    Or will the endless and unhealthy diet of BS fear and paranoia that they’ve fed themselves to cope this far cause the bursting bubble of their false hopes to lead to a wave of violent and unhinged tantrums…

    I remain concerned that we’re still approaching a period in which the latter becomes a greater and greater chance of risk…

    Xyxox: I have a feeling the birthers are going to be doubling down on the crazy come November 7. If Obama is re-elected, their obsession will only increase and the possibility of real violence will escalate exponentially.

  32. Fred says:

    What a bunch of crap. Its has to be friends of his posting asfederal agents.

  33. Paper says:

    The thing is it is all very close to the line. I completely agree with G on this one. For much the same reason. I know people like this. I have had to search my soul my whole life about such people. I am related to them. Are they racists? They really do not seem to be. Pondering it, though, sometimes I think they are worse than racists, because they give “aid and comfort” or at least cover to such “wink-winkers.” They spend so much time defending themselves, their honor, that they do not see who their comrades in arms actually are. I used to have to listen to arguments about how it isn’t racism to worry about African-Americans moving into the neighborhood, because the problem was red-lining, not race. Without the slightest doubt or embarrasment. This was from people who are incredibly caring souls who I have personally seen go to the mat, give their last inch of devotion, for people, including African-Americans. It is a bit maddening and mind-boggling, the cognitive dissonance in play.

    There is a lot of fear, anger, even hatred under the surface. Depending on which person I know, there is a different mix. And for some of them, the hate is so strong, it doesn’t matter what you call it. Not a racist? Fine. So what? This hate is worse, or just as bad by any other name. Some are more like Rudy here. They believe whole-heartedly they are protecting their family and the country. Some don’t actually care, but say that if they were to look at the evidence it wouldn’t surprise them to find Obama was born somewhere else.

    Long story short: I have seen it all. I don’t think Rudy is being disingenuous. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a line that he (and those I know) come close to crossing, and perhaps even cross at times. I am worried about when or if such people cross and do not come back. So I am glad Rudy has had his visit. Perhaps it will keep him from going too far beyond the line.

    G: I disagree. We’ve seen plenty of insincere *wink wink* apologies and disclaimers over these years – in both Birtherism and in politics.

    Watching Rudy’s videos and his behavior and how he (so far) expressed his latest disclaimer (again, closely watch the video starting at 7:26) – I have to say it is one of the ONLY instances in recent memory that actually comes across as VERY SINCERE and utterly without the *wink wink* you state.

  34. alg says:

    Isn’t it those radical fundamentalist muslims who run around beheading people?!? Is Rudy a closet islamist? Inquiring minds want to know.

  35. It’s a possibility, but I would think that in a birther-imagined visit from the secret service, the agents wouldn’t be so nice — more thugs from the new world order.

    Fred: What a bunch of crap. Its has to be friends of his posting as federal agents.

  36. I think the Saudis are the only government that executes by beheading (not 100% sure). But it was radical muslims that beheaded Daniel Pearl. There’s a book on that in my recommended books widget.

    alg: Isn’t it those radical fundamentalist muslims who run around beheading people?!?

  37. Paper says:

    Taken seriously, yes. Thus, it is good he had a visit. But I have to agree with G, there is a distinction to be made here.

    The first video of the three you post, I actually quite like. It’s almost endearing. It’s a poem. Mind you, it also is quite sad, and as seems to be his way, he builds the anger to the hilt, and that’s precisely, near the end, where it fails and breaks as a poem.

    The second one strikes quite close to home for me, with his discussion of family. It also demonstrates one of the bigger fallacies (especially for someone making such prolific use of YouTube!), that they need to be “killed” to stop them from telling the truth. No, we just let them rant. That is the American way. You may get a visit from the Secret Service, mind you, if you cross or get near the line. But rant already, rant. Howl, if you like; just ask Alan Ginsberg.

    I wil say that by the time I get to the third one I start to wonder about how eager he is to be the executioner. How many times has he proclaimed that by now?

    I guess my main point is even after watching these videos, I still see a distinction between this type and the type that is McVeigh or Kasinsky. That doesn’t make Rudy right or more noble or something, nor any less disturbing than he is. He deserves to be on the Secret Service radar. He also should reconsider his view of what it means to be religious, or what is truth. He should do a lot of things for his own good, but he also can rant all he wants. The worst part is how his energy is wasted on nonsense. At least the Unabomber had an argument, however misapplied, with the way things are; Rudy only has an argument with the way things *aren’t.*

    Paul: But Tim McVeigh wasn’t an ignorant hick. Ted Kasinsky wasn’t an ignorant hick. Rudy is the kind of guy, convinced he’s guided by God, who might actually cause some serious feckin mayhem, and then glory in being martyred “for the cause”.

    Some of his videos you should see…

    All three of those are pretty scary.

    He needs to be taken seriously.

  38. Paul says:

    What a bunch of crap.Its has to be friends of his posting asfederal agents.

    Those are the real thing. Trust me.

  39. G says:

    Yes, we are certainly in complete agreement on this.

    Paper: Taken seriously, yes. Thus, it is good he had a visit…. .

    …I guess my main point is even after watching these videos, I still see a distinction between this type and the type that is McVeigh or Kasinsky. That doesn’t make Rudy right or more noble or something, nor any less disturbing than he is. He deserves to be on the Secret Service radar. He also should reconsider his view of what it means to be religious, or what is truth. He should do a lot of things for his own good, but he also can rant all he wants. The worst part is how his energy is wasted on nonsense. At least the Unabomber had an argument, however misapplied, with the way things are; Rudy only has an argument with the way things *aren’t.*

    I definitely take Rudy very seriously, even though I don’t buy into his views.

    There are so many others out there that are a much bigger cause of concern for being the next McVeigh than someone like Rudy. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t become something like that, if circumstances went horribly downhill for him. I certainly hope that never becomes the case and that he can resolve his current IRS issues and other problems in a calm and reasonable way as well and eventually get back to leading a more productive life.

    I don’t think it is worth bothering to even correct such a devout “true believer” Birther like him on where he’s factually wrong on any of these issues. As Doc C pointed out, he’s way too heavily invested at this point. All we can hope is that others don’t goad him further over the edge and that someday, when most of Birtherism is just a dusty memory, that he’s living a happy and productive life, without just refilling it with another irrational paranoia that is as sick and potentially dangerous as Birtherism is.

    Paul: I agree with a lot of what you write. I’ve listened to almost every one of his videos, plus I’ve read things he’s posted on other sites arguing about religion — he’s VERY tolerant of others’ beliefs, and he argues for his own religious beliefs in a logical and well-thought-out manner. He’s well-educated and he’s smart. Don’t let the hick accent fool you.BUT… that’s what makes him even more frightening. Ya know… these hicks in Florida got caught before they could even get started, these ignorant “sovereign citizens” end up dead along the side of the road before they do squat, maybe they take out one Highway Patrol officer on their way. But Tim McVeigh wasn’t an ignorant hick. Ted Kasinsky wasn’t an ignorant hick. Rudy is the kind of guy, convinced he’s guided by God, who might actually cause some serious feckin mayhem, and then glory in being martyred “for the cause”.Some of his videos you should see… three of those are pretty scary.He needs to be taken seriously.

  40. richCares says:

    on 5/30/2012 CNN did a story on Obama’s BC that wiped out Trump’s lies, was well done..

  41. Lupin says:

    I was very impressed by the calm and professional behavior of the Secret Service agents.

    Having lived in LA, I’m so used to seeing the black-helmeted, riot-geared stormtroopers of the LAPD respond with overwhelming force to even the most minor of offenses (a tactic that often leads to dreadful tragedies) that seeing officials respond to a man who is obviously a lunatic with civility and calm was very refreshing.

    Kudoes to your Secret Service!!!!

  42. Kate1230 says:

    How many of these birfers, like this nutcase, grew up with parents who were anti-gov’t? I noticed that he not only asked that they not visit his father but he mentioned that his father “hated the gov’t”. These same people are going to pass this lunacy down to their kids.

    For all his bravado, his belief in standing up for what’s honest and true (according to his rules, of course) Rudy didn’t want the SS talking to his employers. If you believe in what you’re saying and you’re such a great guy, other than when you’re screaming for the President to be be-headed, wouldn’t your employers recognize this? Or does he, as I suspect, have a list of enemies a mile long, people who don’t believe in what he’s saying but that he has to deal with anyway or lose his livelihood?

    No matter how he spins it, he’s a lunatic. I’ve noticed that another common tactic is how they refer to TPTB in the birfer organization, giving their full names and any titles they have, real or imagined, when speaking about them. His continuous referral to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Rev. James David Manning, using their full name as if it somehow made them more believable or important was laughable especially since they consider it an insult to call the President, Barack Hussein Obama!

    The birfers will never be happy unless President Obama is in prison. However, barring that outcome, they want this nonsense to go on as long as possible or maybe I should say they NEED it to continue. It’s what they live and breathe for, their reason for getting up in the morning and probably a reason why many of them lack sleep.

  43. bob j says:

    Rudy is the living embodiment of the axiom; A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    Too bad he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know.

    I do feel more charitable to him than I do towards someone like Ramb0 Ike, even though they both suffer from the same affliction.

  44. Bran Mak Morn says:

    And of course, the comments on WND does not disappoint. There is indeed a great danger and threat to the president out there.. with people who think they are the law…

  45. Horus says:

    john: A proud and respected patriot Rudy is.

    More like a severely deluded ignoramus.

  46. Horus says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Likewise he gets excited by Arpaio’s “official” pronouncements.

    These people don’t really know a thing about Arpaio, all they need to know is that he supports their position.
    They don’t want to know about Arpaio’s history of his false Press Conferences against people he viewed as a threat to his job.

  47. Paper says:

    I don’t know, you don’t need enemies a mile long to not want the Secret Service talking to your boss, even for something more mundane than this. I don’t want to get stuck into a position defending such a guy as this; he deserves whatever consequences come his way, and the Secret Service will do what it thinks best, anyway. It’s good he fears the Secret Service talking to his employers. That’s a (relatively) healthy sign.

    Kate1230: For all his bravado, his belief in standing up for what’s honest and true (according to his rules, of course) Rudy didn’t want the SS talking to his employers. If you believe in what you’re saying and you’re such a great guy, other than when you’re screaming for the President to be be-headed, wouldn’t your employers recognize this? Or does he, as I suspect, have a list of enemies a mile long, people who don’t believe in what he’s saying but that he has to deal with anyway or lose his livelihood?

  48. misha says:

    Xyxox: If Obama is re-elected, their obsession will only increase and the possibility of real violence will escalate exponentially.

    That is a legitamate concern; I have that too. See Timothy McVeigh.

  49. Paper says:

    Here’s what I consider the most telling point: he is trying to convince the Secret Service agents! That puts him in his own league, where we don’t need to compare him to McVeigh and such ilk. He has no clue, but it is almost sweet how much he thinks he knows. He also thinks these guys are merely following orders, just doing their jobs. Yes, they are, and they wouldn’t be there except for their jobs (who would?), but that also is just a line. I would bet a fair amount these guys have actual opinions that are not favorable to Rudy. I have worked with and talked with Secret Service agents, and the ones I knew were great guys, not mere cyphers.

    That all aside, Rudy is like birther catnip with his stack of bibles! That fact, along with his Truth poem, what I call a poem, tell me he gets swept up in his poetic imagination; he imagines it so clearly and thus it is truth, and he lets himself be carried along by the power of that imagination. He could be an interesting artist if he could actually tell the difference, and didn’t succumb to the temptation of power (his own emotional energy), all the more poignant and sad given his avowed Christianity.

  50. y_p_w says:

    I was very impressed by the calm and professional behavior of the Secret Service agents.

    Having lived in LA, I’m so used to seeing the black-helmeted, riot-geared stormtroopers of the LAPD respond with overwhelming force to even the most minor of offenses (a tactic that often leads to dreadful tragedies) that seeing officials respond to a man who is obviously a lunatic with civility and calm was very refreshing.

    Kudoes to your Secret Service!!!!

    I remember when a student reporter at my alma mater (UC Berkeley) wrote a parody article in the student newspaper about a famous student at our rival school (Stanford University). He said something about celebrating a victory over “her bloodied carcass”. That student happened to be Chelsea Clinton and that young reporter got a nice visit from agents from the local office of the Secret Service. Apparently Hillary wasn’t too happy about it and ordered them to investigate. From the accounts of what happened, they were polite and professional. They were all former college students and probably understood some of the hyperbole that might come from a college rivalry. They even said to him that they figured that he was probably not making a serious threat, but that they had to investigate just in case he was a crazed out kid with pictures of Chelsea Clinton covered with blood (or something similar).

    You also have to remember that the vast majority of Secret Service agents aren’t involved in protection services or investigating threats to people under Secret Service protection. The USSS was founded around the time of the US Civil War to investigate counterfeiting of US currency. The majority of field agents in local offices who handle this sort of thing are typically assigned to counterfeiting or electronic fraud on a regular basis. They might occasionally do some prep in advance of a Presidential (or other VIP) visit. A good threat investigation sort of breaks up the monotony.

  51. G says:

    Agreed. Same here.

    bob j: I do feel more charitable to him than I do towards someone like Ramb0 Ike, even though they both suffer from the same affliction.

  52. Joe Acerbic says:

    Al-Qaeda leaders and propagandists who have never personally killed anyone still get blown to bits on a regular basis. Domestic RWNJ terrorist leaders and propagandists like this critter get to smirk, boast and enjoy the fruits of their efforts without any consequences every time their followers commit terrorist acts. They have special protection, they don’t need any sympathy on top of that.

  53. Paper says:

    I give him no sympathy. I know someone like this, and I constantly hold him to the fire. It is not about sympathy, but understanding. There is a difference between this guy’s errors, his broken perceptions, and the craziness and guile of the people you mention, the real, committed monsters. This guy is not crazy, just clueless. With a whole lot of emotional baggage that reinforces his cluelessness. No need to fill the role he expects of us, which is to call him crazy and worse. He is lost. That is all.

    Joe Acerbic:
    … and propagandists like this critter get to smirk, boast and enjoy the fruits of their efforts without any consequences every time their followers commit terrorist acts. They have special protection, they don’t need any sympathy on top of that.

  54. Elizabeth says:

    Some enlightenment for this board and its patrons:
    This is a comment regarding the Crook-in-Chief
    written on another board, but noteworthy for all of
    the readers here.

    Assimilate and try to understand what it means
    to you and to the rest of the globe.

    Henceforth,as an analyst for over 25 years with the federal government it was my job to determine what was real and what was fake, Barry Soetoro(name used until 1988) aka Obama is a fraud.

    His use of a Pakistan passport in 1981 with the protection of Muhammadian Mian Soomro during his visit, validates and confirmed my belief and opinion of his Indonesian citizenship, the main reason he cannot release his Occidental College records which would list him as a foreign student.

    His roommate at Columbia University was a Pakistani Muslim by the name of Sohale Siddiqi,and they are housed in the dorms for foreign students. Not to many people know that with Obama’s poor grades he is still admitted into Harvard in 1988 with a letter from Attorney Percy Sutton,a civil rights activist and attorney for Malcolm X.

    It was Khalid Abdullah Traiq al-Mansour, a radical Muslim and vitriolic anti-Semite, mentor of Black Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, close associate of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and acquaintance of Obama, who alleges in his 1995 book, “The Lost Books of Africa Rediscovered,” that the United States is plotting genocide against black Americans. Alinsky-inspired agitator,William Ayers, convinces al-Mansour to raise funds for Obama’s Harvard tuition.

    In spite of his claims of financing it himself there was no record or financial disclosures showing this.

    In 2004 he listed zero liabilities on his disclosure forms which would have subject him to impeachment from the Senate, since his wife stated in April of 2008,”just paid off his loan debt”.

    There are many more things that could be looked at on this person with multiple names and many social security numbers.

  55. gorefan says:

    Elizabeth: Barry Soetoro(name used until 1988) aka Obama is a fraud.

    Not according to the the 1971 through 1979 Punahou School yearbooks.

    If they screwed up the first paragraph with such an easily disproved fact than the rest of the article is probably not worth the time reading.

    Clearly, simple research is beyond the author.

  56. Paper says:

    it means there are gullible people who believe this nonsense and who do nothing to resolve real issues facing us.

    Elizabeth: Assimilate and try to understand what it means
    to you and to the rest of the globe.

  57. JPotter says:

    Elizabeth: Some entertainment for this board and its patrons:

    Doc, are you collecting these for future publication, a birther retrospectacle perhaps?

  58. Majority Will says:

    Elizabeth: Some b.s. for mocking.

    You spread many lies. Shame on you.

  59. nbc says:

    Majority Will: Elizabeth: Some b.s. for mocking.

    You spread many lies. Shame on you.

    Poor Elizabeth such a tool in the hands of those who are counting on the ignorant to spread falsehoods. Note that NO support has provided for any of the claims.

    Why people are so weak that they allow themselves to be used is beyond me.

  60. The comments portion on this site is for discussion of the articles here and not republication of anonymous, off-topic material from other web sites. Also this site is only for discussion of conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. I don’t see that your paste-job relates to a conspiracy.

    Also, your article is littered with false information. It appears that the crook and fraud is whoever wrote it.

    However, if education interests you, there are over 2,000 articles here, many of which you might find very educational.

    Elizabeth: This is a comment regarding the Crook-in-Chief
    written on another board, but noteworthy for all of
    the readers here.

  61. Lupin says:

    Elizabeth: Some enlightenment for this board and its patrons:
    This is a comment regarding the Crook-in-Chief
    written on another board, but noteworthy for all of
    the readers here.

    Yes, yes, but where are the reptoids?

  62. Arthur says:

    Assimilate? Who do you think you are, the Borg? While I appreciate your invitation to join the birther hive-mind, I’d prefer to retain my independence.

    Elizabeth: Assimilate and try to understand

  63. Whatever4 says:

    Henceforth,as an analyst for over 25 years with the federal government it was my job to determine what was real and what was fake, Barry Soetoro(name used until 1988) aka Obama is a fraud.

    His yearbooks from Punahou School, where he attended from 1971 to 1979 list him as “Barry Obama.” He registered for the Selective Service in 1980 as “Barack Hussein Obama.” The Columbia Student Directory lists his name as “Obama, Barack Hussein.” He published an article in “Sunset”, a Columbia University student magazine, in 1983 as “Barack Obama.” His graduation program from Columbia (1983) lists him as “Barack Hussein Obama.” His supervisors for Business International Corp, NYPIRG, and the Developing Communities Project all knew him as “Barack Obama.”

    Where was he ever known as Soetoro after 1971?

    His use of a Pakistan passport in 1981 with the protection of Muhammadian Mian Soomro during his visit, validates and confirmed my belief and opinion of his Indonesian citizenship, the main reason he cannot release his Occidental College records which would list him as a foreign student.

    Pakistan passport? You mean Indonesian I suppose, although he never had one from either country.

    His roommate at Columbia University was a Pakistani Muslim by the name of Sohale Siddiqi,and they are housed in the dorms for foreign students. Not to many people know that with Obama’s poor grades he is still admitted into Harvard in 1988 with a letter from Attorney Percy Sutton,a civil rights activist and attorney for Malcolm X.

    Obama never lived in the Columbia dorms as he was a transfer student and thus ineligible for on-campus housing. Instead, he lived in several apartments in NYC. What evidence do you have for Obama’s poor grades? His professors from Occidental and Columbia said he was an outstanding student. Was it because he didn’t graduate with honors? He wasn’t eligible as a transfer student after 2 years. He could have had straight A’s and still not have received honors. He DID graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something only 10% of graduates do.

    There are many more things that could be looked at on this person with multiple names and many social security numbers.

    Two last names (much like Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, and millions of other people who used a stepfather’s name while living in a blended household) and a nickname (like Ronnie, Jimmy, Bill, Jerry, Jack…). Only one Social Security number (Examine the source documents, there’s only one number used by Barack Obama.) Plenty of rumors and misinformation, though.

  64. Northland10 says:

    Whatever4: His yearbooks from Punahou School, where he attended from 1971 to 1979 list him as “Barry Obama.” He registered for the Selective Service in 1980 as “Barack Hussein Obama.” The Columbia Student Directory lists his name as “Obama, Barack Hussein.” He published an article in “Sunset”, a Columbia University student magazine, in 1983 as “Barack Obama.” His graduation program from Columbia (1983) lists him as “Barack Hussein Obama.” His supervisors for Business International Corp, NYPIRG, and the Developing Communities Project all knew him as “Barack Obama.”

    This would be.. how does Rudy refer to it…?

    TRUTH!!! 😡 😡 😡

    Elizabeth appears to have trouble with this concept (and so does Rudy).

  65. JPotter says:

    Elizabeth: Henceforth,

    I do not think henceforth means what Elizabeth thinks it means. Opening a reference to the past with “From now on”? An embarrassing way to introduce a false claim of expertise …. actually, wait, it’s a convenient tell! “From this moment on, I wish to be regard as a ‘gov’t analyst’ with 25 years experience. Yes, that should be sufficiently impressive. 25 years exactly.”


    * Analyst of what? And why associated with the government? They just aren’t making lies like they used to.

  66. Arthur says:

    A recent exchange recorded at the National Bureau of Milk Solids, Lamonie, IA

    Carl: Elizabeth!

    Eliz: What?

    Carl: Take a look at this.

    Eliz: Yeah?

    Carl: As a analyst for the government, who henceforth tells real from fake, what’s your opinion?

    Eliz: Of that?

    Carl: Yes.

    Eliz: Lemme’ see. What is that, butter?

    Carl: That’s what we need to know: is it real butter or “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”?

    Eliz: Little above my pay grade Carl. But I’m pretty sure Obama has a fake social security number.

    Elizabeth: Henceforth,as an analyst for over 25 years with the federal government it was my job to determine what was real and what was fake, Barry Soetoro(name used until 1988) aka Obama is a fraud.

  67. clestes says:

    This guy is so scared that he is about to shit in his pants. He is a coward and a bully. He blabs his big mouth and then gets in trouble and is now running for cover. Throwing names around Terry Larkin, Sheriff Joe and all these other nuts who give him no credibility at all.

    The cops are as professional as possible and it is perfectly obvious this clown is skirting around on the edge of legally. His guns are not registered. He can’t bring anyone forth that will vouch for him. And he won’t give any professional contacts.

    Truthfully he is dodgy as hell. He is nothing but a racist without the hood. He makes threats, but when called upon them, he runs for cover.

    They should have been a bit rougher. He is already as scared as possible, they should have given him some good reason to be.

  68. Northland10 says:

    Documents that refer to President Obama as Barack Obama or Barry Obama – Numerous (as seen below)

    Documents that refer to President Obama as Barry Soetoro – 1 from an Indonesian school in the late 1960s (probably)

    So the Birthers state that the 1 document is absolute solid evidence and ignore everything else. Talk about “can’t handle the TRUUUUTTHHH!!!”

    Whatever4: His yearbooks from Punahou School, where he attended from 1971 to 1979 list him as “Barry Obama.” He registered for the Selective Service in 1980 as “Barack Hussein Obama.” The Columbia Student Directory lists his name as “Obama, Barack Hussein.” He published an article in “Sunset”, a Columbia University student magazine, in 1983 as “Barack Obama.” His graduation program from Columbia (1983) lists him as “Barack Hussein Obama.” His supervisors for Business International Corp, NYPIRG, and the Developing Communities Project all knew him as “Barack Obama.”

    Where was he ever known as Soetoro after 1971?

  69. Northland10 says:

    For those who may not get my reference to (as Rudy says) TRUTH. This might help…

    Warning: He is not as sane and calm as usual in this one.

  70. Rickey says:


    His roommate at Columbia University was a Pakistani Muslim by the name of Sohale Siddiqi,and they are housed in the dorms for foreign students.

    Obama didn’t live in a dormitory when he attended Columbia. He lived in an off-campus apartment.

    And you were a fact checker for the government? What government might that have been?

  71. y_p_w says:

    Elizabeth: His roommate at Columbia University was a Pakistani Muslim by the name of Sohale Siddiqi,and they are housed in the dorms for foreign students.

    Ooh. Pakistani Muslim. That must be scary, like the Pakistani Muslim classmate of mine in high school. About the only thing I remember about him where he let us know about his Islamic faith was that he didn’t want to share a pepperoni pizza. Outside of that, he had a part-time job at a hot dog stand where he handled sausages containing pork all day. When asked how he reconciled it with his religious tenants, he said it was OK if he washed his hands before eating.

    Other than that, it’s well known who this roommate was.

    Obama spent the six years between 1979 and 1985 at Occidental College in Los Angeles and then in New York at Columbia University and in the workplace. His memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” talks about this time, but not in great detail; Siddiqi, for example, is identified only as “Sadik” — “a short, well-built Pakistani” who smoked marijuana, snorted cocaine and liked to party.

    Obama’s campaign wouldn’t identify “Sadik,” but The Associated Press located him in Seattle, where he raises money for a community theater.

    Yeah – he sounds like a religious radical to me.

  72. BillTheCat says:

    Some enlightenment for this board and its patrons:
    This is a comment regarding the Crook-in-Chief
    written on another board, but noteworthy for all of
    the readers here.

    Assimilate and try to understand what it means
    to you and to the rest of the globe.


    Your deranged drivel would mean more if you could get one court to agree with you.

    Poor baby.

  73. Thomas Brown says:


    And you were a fact checker for the government? What government might that have been?

    I think their national anthem was “Hail Fredonia!”

  74. Rickey says:

    Thomas Brown: I think their national anthem was “Hail Fredonia!”

    Why, this is so simple a five-year-old child could understand it!…Go find me a five-year-old child; I can’t make heads or tails of it.

  75. 1% Silver Nitrate says:

    Elizabeth: His roommate at Columbia University was a Pakistani Muslim by the name of Sohale Siddiqi,and they are housed in the dorms for foreign students.

    Another roommate of Obama’s at Columbia, this one a fellow transfer student from Occidental, in his own words:

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