Orly Taitz, bless her heart, has struck out plying her conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. Courts just aren’t listening to her claims about Obama having an illegitimate social-security number. With losses piling up, Taitz has appealed to the President of the International Criminal Bar, Luis del Castillo Aragón (pictured right). In an article on her web site today, Taitz posted the text of a letter [link to Taitz web site], asking for international observers for the next Presidential election. She wrote:
As a member of the International Criminal Bar I am saddened to report on intensification of complete lawlessness, complete lack of free press, unprecedented level of corruption in the high positions of power and in courts and persecutions and hounding of dissidents as myself. Many courts in the United States are becoming a complete sham.
Who knew?
Having read the ICB’s objectives, I don’t think they will be interested. Mr. Aragón may also be unhappy that Taitz omitted part of his name. Perhaps commenters here can suggest a more appropriate organization to which Taitz might appeal.
“Perhaps commentators here can suggest a more appropriate organization to which Taitz might appeal.”
Just a grammatical correction, Doc, “Orly Taitz” and “appeal” should not appear together in a sentence.
“appropriate” …. and intriguing choice of words, Doc!
She claims to be a member of the ICB … why, other than vanity, would she want to be a member? I see, of course, why she would claim to be, but really …. a correspondence course hobbyist claiming association with international criminal practice? And, by extension, the ICC, in direct contradiction with her politics? This is serious Walter Mitty action. Looking over the membership form, it appears that you pays your money and you’re in, resumé padded and pocket lightened.
Anyway, where should her pleas be addressed …. to secure what she says will cure her fever dreams (removal/prosecution of a President) …. I dunno, I’m stumped.
For career opportunities in this country, she’s reached the end of that road. The only people interested are her competition, and her material is all public domain.
• If she can apply the same schtick against other personalities on demand, she could build a post-Obama career as a rightwing, politicized Gilbert Godfrey (Sorry, GG!)
• On the international scene, gov’ts that get mileage out of America-bashing might her her to play Axis Orly.
• Russian television is full of zany, wannabe-“reality” conspiracy laced crap …. and she already has the accent down!
Other than that, here’s a few appropriate receptacles:
CA Department of Mental Health
Mental Health Association in California
California Institute for Mental Health
Because using a run-of-the-mill, state-generated birth certificate to demonstrate that you’re eligible to be president is the same thing as genocide.
We must stop foreign influences — call in the ICB!
“Perhaps commenters here can suggest a more appropriate organization to which Taitz might appeal.”
Here’s one that she might try.
She wants Court Observers too!
Ah, Orly.
The ego, it burns!
She sent this letter on the day before the hearing. They won’t get it until after it’s all over.
The stupid, it burns!
Here’s one better:
“Taitz has appealed to the President of the International Criminal Bar, Luis del Castillo Aragón”
Like all conservatives, Orly Taitz has contempt for international tribunals, except when it suits their purposes – just like the Israeli government. Birds of a feather…
Glenn Beck does the same thing. He ridicules the UN and related forums, and then goes running to them, when he doesn’t get favorable US court decisions:
“Having read the ICB’s objectives, I don’t think they will be interested.”
De minimis. Orly Taitz involved members of the military in her suits. And that, in an international context is a big no-do. Interpol (which she also appealed to at least once) after World War II introduced new rules to block dictatorial governments from using Interpol to go after political dissidents (something Interpol had done, by criminalizing any German dissident after 1933). Funnily, the rule about the military plaintiffs was introduced thinking that the military would always do what the commander-in-chief told them. And if Interpol declines collaboration, how are you going to prceed – you might as well ask the Canadian mounties to cross into the US and arrest the usurper.
“Mr. Aragón may also be unhappy that Taitz omitted part of his name.”
She may have thought Aragón was where he lived. Or Orly has problems typing Spanish letters on her combined Russian+ US English keyboard?
Someone ought to tell her that you can change the languages on the language part of the task bar on the right.
I think what Orly needs now is a bottle of warm milk, a lullaby, and a nice nap.
Technically, Misha, that isn’t really an organization, it’s just a professional arguer.
Also, what Orly does isn’t really an argument.
Don’t give the birthers ideas!