The occasional open thread: better late than never

Place your Obama Conspiracy items not related to the current articles here. The thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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119 Responses to The occasional open thread: better late than never

  1. justlw says:

    The open thread, she is closed!

    And I just found this potentially very useful “go to” answer to the most popular birfer questions:

  2. JPotter says:

    One just for Misha (and he’s por’ly already seen it):

    To Boost Popularity, Romney Sprinkles Self with Bacon

    “Hits Campaign Trail with Zesty Meat Topping”

    — Borowitz

  3. JPotter says:

    Still having fun with the retro-revisionist curriculums the Vattelist birthers keep imagining, I’ve come across a trove of late-19th, early-20th century civics texts. If any of them cover Presidential eligibility, will share.

    As Francis Simkins wrote in Tolerating the South’s Past (1955), “… they used formal schooling to teach what they think happened.” Some homeschooler’s are duing that today. Vattelists are weirdly going one better by rewriting their own schooling into what they think they were taught!

    Last night, I came across some humorously- a/o unfortunately-titled textbooks online:

    American Government and Politics Today … Texas Edition, 2011-2012

    The American Democracy …. Texas Edition

    Understanding American Politics and Government, Alternate Edition (2nd Edition)

    Living Democracy, Brief Texas Edition

    The New American Democracy, Alternate Edition

    The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics

    Perhaps Texas really is another country!

  4. Keith says:

    JPotter: Perhaps Texas really is another country!

    Texas is the single largest buyer of textbooks in the country. Publishers tend to either make books to satisfy Texas and then supply those to everybody else, or make special editions just for them. IN general what Texas want, everybody gets.

    California pretty much dictates what cars are like in Arizona and other western states (or at least they used to). Arizona always got cars compliant with California air pollution and MPG rules because the difference in market size didn’t justify supplying two different cars.

  5. JPotter says:

    Keith: Texas is the single largest buyer of textbooks in the country.

    Yeah, I know, there are even books about Texas books!

  6. Dave says:

    Here’s a recent non-birther lawyering activity of Taitz: Woman arrested at Mother’s Market may sue city. Deborah Tharp of Irvine was collecting signatures to put a medical marijuana referendum on the ballot, and felt the need to insist on collecting them on private property after the owner asked her to take it elsewhere, and the police explained that if she persisted she’d get arrested. She is represented by Orly Taitz. Tharp seems to be fully aware of who Taitz is and what she’s been up to, so this seems to be a case of fully informed extraordinarily bad judgement. This seems certain to end badly for Tharp.

    Here is Tharp blogging about the situation: OJ’s Debbie Tharp jailed….

  7. G says:

    Wow… just how stoned out of someone’s mind do they have to be to think having Orly Taitz as your lawyer would be a “good thing…”

    *face palm*

    Dave: Here’s a recent non-birther lawyering activity of Taitz: Woman arrested at Mother’s Market may sue city. Deborah Tharp of Irvine was collecting signatures to put a medical marijuana referendum on the ballot, and felt the need to insist on collecting them on private property after the owner asked her to take it elsewhere, and the police explained that if she persisted she’d get arrested. She is represented by Orly Taitz. Tharp seems to be fully aware of who Taitz is and what she’s been up to, so this seems to be a case of fully informed extraordinarily bad judgement. This seems certain to end badly for Tharp.Here is Tharp blogging about the situation: OJ’s Debbie Tharp jailed….

  8. JPotter says:

    Dave: Woman arrested at Mother’s Market may sue city.

    I saw that post today! Whew, good thing that, as a member of the ICB, she can take this straight to the ICC!

    The woman was petitioning on private property. I dunno the local ordinances, but around here, that’s a loser. She shouldn’t have been arrested unless she refused to leave. A reporter looking to create a story … ? …. Taitz mode!

  9. G says:

    The second link at the bottom of Dave’s post not only tells the story, but also includes several videos of the whole elaborate event and arrest.

    In a nutshell, YES, she intentionally got arrested and refused to leave and the officers went out of their way to give both the store lady filing the “Citizen’s Arrest” and also Debbie Tharp every possible chance they could to avoid having to arrest her and informed both of them of other options to avoid that outcome as well.

    But *both* the store lady AND Debbie Tharp INSISTED upon making the arrest episode take place…

    JPotter: She shouldn’t have been arrested unless she refused to leave. A reporter looking to create a story … ?

  10. Joe Acerbic says:

    Wow… just how stoned out of someone’s mind do they have to be to think having Orly Taitz as your lawyer would be a “good thing…”

    Maybe she runs a dispensary and this was a marketing gimmick: “Buy my weed: it’s so potent it made me hire Orly Taitz as lawyer!”

  11. Sam the Centipede says:

    … this seems to be a case of fully informed extraordinarily bad judgement.

    By Tharp, perhaps, but I wonder if Taitz wanted this to turn into an advertisement for her new “Taitzorama – The One Stop Shop For All Your Problems.”

    Scenario: Tharp gets punched in the mouth (yeah, the project fell at the first hurdle), Taitz the dentist mends her teeth, Tharp sues for damages to cover the cost of the dental work, Taitz the lawyer acts as attorney and loses the suit, Tharp has to sell her home to pay the other party’s legal costs, now Taitz the real estate broker sells the house!

    Yes, you can get a whole raft of problems at Taitzorama! (formerly OrlyWorld)

  12. Majority Will says:

    Sam the Centipede: Tharp gets punched in the mouth

    The amateur attorney allegedly holds a second degree black belt in Tae kwon do.

    Orly and fellow birther bigot Chuck Norris would make quite a pair. But is she really happy with a “black” belt?

  13. JD Reed says:

    Hate to ageree with birthers, but I’m not sure that the woman is on the wrong side legally. Legal actions in other states, if not in California, have resulted in decisions that the sidewalk is a public venue — even if the adjacent store owner paid for that part of the sidewalk.

    Several years ago in Las Vegas, a casino tried to stop a street preacher from handing out his cards to customers as they entered the establishment. The casino owner (or owners, my memory is not clear), backed by the cops. took the position that the inner half of the sidewalk, paid for by the adjacent property owner, could control what went on.
    But the ACLU (some will find this ironic) went to bat for the preacher, threatening to sue the city and/or the casino, and won an agreement that the preacher could hand out his literature on the inner half of the sidewalk,

    That said, I agree that the choice of Orly as an attorney is a bad one, and that the poor lady might yet lose even though on the right side legally.

  14. US Citizen says:

    Majority Will: The amateur attorney allegedly holds a second degree black belt in Tae kwon do.

    From firsthand experience, I know it’s possible to get a TKD blackbelt in about a year.
    It’s not correctly taught or tested and it’s not a proper timeframe in which to develop true blackbelt skills, but many TKD teachers do just that.
    To many TKD masters, graduating a black belt is like a notch in their bedpost. It’s quantity, not quality.
    Normally it should take several years to attain a 1st degree belt and several more to get to 2nd.
    The higher the dan (belt), the more years it should take.

    However, all Orly has ever shown is her 1st degree certificate. The belief she attained 2nd degree has been promulgated via Wikipedia, where no matter how many times it’s been edited, it remains at 2nd degree.
    As far as I’ve seen, she can’t fight city hall, can’t fight plaque and can’t fight the constant belief she is never wrong.

    SHOW US THE 2nd dan blackbelt and certificate Orly!!
    What are you trying to hide?

  15. Majority Will says:

    US Citizen: However, all Orly has ever shown is her 1st degree certificate.

    But it’s just an image on the web and it probably has many suspicious layers just like her clown make-up.

  16. The Magic M says:

    Majority Will: Orly and fellow birther bigot Chuck Norris would make quite a pair.

    Since Chuck is in obvious violation of his own Chun Kuk Do rules #5, #7 and #8, maybe they can start a new martial art “Birf Fail Duh” once they’ve thrown Chuck out of his own dojo.

  17. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Orly Taitz and Debbie Tharp are “just good friends”.

    So the question is not why did Ms Tharp hire a pseudo-lawyer, but did Ms Tharp get legal advice from la Taitz before petitioning.

  18. Majority Will says:

    Paul Pieniezny:
    Orly Taitz and Debbie Tharp are “just good friends”.

    So the question is not why did Ms Tharp hire a pseudo-lawyer, but did Ms Tharp get legal advice from la Taitz before petitioning.

    I liked this part:

    “Editor’s Note: After this article was published, the author hired Orly Taitz to represent her in court. The author is a freelance writer, not an employee of Patch, and will no longer be allowed to cover political news for Patch.”

  19. BTW, sorry for any quality issues. I’ve got a couple of kidney stones and am on drugs.

  20. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    BTW, sorry for any quality issues. I’ve got a couple of kidney stones and am on drugs.

    Oh, dear. Here is hoping that you get over them and get well soon.

  21. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Something un-birfer that Misha might find particularly interesting:….29

    The late right-wing French government set 11 seats aside for French citizens living abroad, hoping most of them would go to the right-wing parties. Bad calculation, the socialists and their allies are ahead in seven of them.

    One is this eighth seat, where 56% of the potential voters live in Israel. No wonder that the first three finishers and … the Front National candidate are Jewish. The third finisher, also eliminated because abstention was so high (only 13% voted, even though both postal and internet voting were allowed), the right-winger Philippe Karsenty has created an uproar by asking his first-round voters to vote for the socialist candidate to ensure the non-election of Valerie Hoffenberg, who happens to be an AJC member.

    Although Ms Hoffenberg got fired as a French government envoy for opposing the Palestinian UN bid, she has declared herself in favour of eventual Palestinian statehood and against the protective wall. It got her into trouble with the right-wing in the AJC and may now cost her a seat in the French parliament, which observers had thought dead certain. Left-wing parties got only 48.5 % in the first round, so next Sunday Karsenty’s voters will be crucial in this seat. If the socialists win a one-seat majority in the French Chamber, you know who did it: people like Orly Taitz.

  22. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    BTW, sorry for any quality issues. I’ve got a couple of kidney stones and am on drugs.

    Here’s hoping they understay their welcome, and make a quiet passing. “Now, remember, stones, always leave’em asking for more!”

  23. JPotter says:

    Here’s a groups birthers might be interested in:
    National Association of Secretaries of State

    And an interesting idea they are promoting:
    Rotating Regional Primary System

  24. G says:

    Two points of clarification:

    1. I don’t recall anyone stating nor implying that Ms. Tharp is actually a Birther. There is, so far, no clear evidence of that. She obviously seems to hold some sort of “preferential” opinion towards Orly… but so far, the reasons for that are limited to baffling speculation.

    So, beyond the tangential connection of Mad Orly being the Queen Bee Birther and also being Ms. Tharp’s “lawyer of (bad) choice”, I see ZERO connection to Birtherism here.

    Therefore, you are not, in fact, “agreeing with birthers”, as the birthers are NOT really involved with this particular issue at all. Ms. Tharp’s concerns and actions in relations to this particular lawsuit and the hiring of Orly are specifically about a CA ballot issue dealing with medical marijuana dispesaries, NOT Birtherism.

    2. In regards to whether Ms Tharp is on the “wrong side” legally, I think you are jumping ahead of the focus of the commentary so far – in regards to whether or not she was legitimately arrested (from her own tapes and site, it certainly appears she was) and to the next part of the issue – whether or not she has a valid court case to argue that under CA laws, she had a legal right to petition without permission at that specific location. The latter is certainly a question worthy of her seeking legal representation to pursue and challenge…

    However, the KEY point of that whole issue remains that *ANYONE* who choses Mad Orly as their legal representation is demonstrating a severe lack of good judgement.

    JD Reed: Hate to ageree with birthers, but I’m not sure that the woman is on the wrong side legally. Legal actions in other states, if not in California, have resulted in decisions that the sidewalk is a public venue — even if the adjacent store owner paid for that part of the sidewalk.

  25. Keith says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Oh, dear. Here is hoping that you get over them and get well soon.

    Ditto. Never had ’em. Never want ’em. Wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. My mom got hers blasted with ultrasound or something. Do they do that anymore?

  26. linda says:

    Prayers for the speeding and painless purging of those pesky stones, Doc. Hope all is well.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    BTW, sorry for any quality issues. I’ve got a couple of kidney stones and am on drugs.

  27. misha says:

    Sam the Centipede: Yes, you can get a whole raft of problems at Taitzorama!

    You can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant.

  28. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve got a couple of kidney stones and am on drugs.

    My Siamese had kidney stones. It was $800 with health insurance.

  29. Majority Will says:

    Two points of clarification:

    1.I don’t recall anyone stating nor implying that Ms. Tharp is actually a Birther.There is, so far, no clear evidence of that. She obviously seems to hold some sort of “preferential” opinion towards Orly… but so far, the reasons for that are limited to baffling speculation.

    So, beyond the tangential connection of Mad Orly being the Queen Bee Birther and also being Ms. Tharp’s “lawyer of (bad) choice”, I see ZERO connection to Birtherism here.

    There’s more to her interest in birtherism and her implied support of Orly’s crusade than she was willing to discuss.

    From the comments section of Tharp’s opinion piece in the Laguna Niguel Patch:

    Debbie Tharp

    5:52 pm on Saturday, June 2, 2012

    [Orly Taitz] did question mccain. Look it up. I.didn’t ask her about the birther issue because that is all the press talks about with her and i don’t.think that.chewing over the same issue that has been chewed to death three days before a maajor vote is good reporting. It is merely propaganda. I don’t think that you would have any problems with me asking these same questions of any other candidate. Let her speak her mind. You decide. I will not participate in the MSN feeding frenzy.

  30. misha says:

    JPotter: there are even books about Texas books!

    Texas has books other than the bible? I don’t believe you.

    Just look at Shrub. God told me to invade Iraq. You can’t make up this stuff.

  31. misha says:

    One just for Misha (and he’s por’ly already seen it):

    To Boost Popularity, Romney Sprinkles Self with Bacon

    “Hits Campaign Trail with Zesty Meat Topping” — Borowitz

    Borowitz is going to follow with an update: Hundreds of dogs jumped off car roofs, and knocked Romney over in their frenzy.

  32. bob j says:

    This is part of Dr. Taitz’s complaint against Gary Kreep. Conspiracy nuts are nothing if not entertaining.

    “California attorney Gary Kreep put his name and California bar license under this garbage and this attorney might become a judge in the near future. This is absolutely frightening. It is mind boggling that a person like this will be allowed to become a judge.

    If Kreep becomes a judge, lives of multiple individuals can be ruined. Many lives are affected even now, with him being an attorney. This matter requires urgent investigation, as Kreep might become a judge in near future. If he could show zero conscience, zero integrity and zero moral values in attacking multiple innocent individuals with a bogus law suit, colluding with a dangerous criminal and another attorney without ethics, he can inflict much more damage to the society as a judge. While I agreed with the subject matter of some other cases brought by Kreep, his latest actions are so outrageous that I cannot be silent and an urgent attention is needed.

    I trust the disciplinary counsel of the CA bar with review this matter with the outmost urgency.


    Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ”

    what the #$@% is the outmost urgency?

  33. Keith says:

    misha: You can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant.

    ‘scept’n Alice

  34. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    BTW, sorry for any quality issues. I’ve got a couple of kidney stones and am on drugs.

    You have my sympathy. I’ve had kidney stones twice. Both times they passed, but not before some severe back pain and nausea. Fortunately for me, the last time was about a dozen years ago.

  35. Rickey says:

    It occurs to me that it might be fun to compile a list of the major OMG moments for birthers during the past four years.

    The first OMG moment which I recall is when birthers were convinced that SCOTUS had ordered Obama to produce his birth certificate by December 1, 2008. This is typical of what they were saying in November, 2008:

    At this point, Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s Clerk informed Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who brought the case against Obama, that his petition for an injunction to stay the November 4th election was denied, but the Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond.

    Does anyone remember an earlier OMG moment?

  36. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Rickey: It occurs to me that it might be fun to compile a list of the major OMG moments for birthers during the past four years. The first OMG moment which I recall is when birthers were convinced that SCOTUS had ordered Obama to produce his birth certificate by December 1, 2008. This is typical of what they were saying in November, 2008:At this point, Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s Clerk informed Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who brought the case against Obama, that his petition for an injunction to stay the November 4th election was denied, but the Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond.Does anyone remember an earlier OMG moment?

    I think it was OMG the democrats nominated a black man.

  37. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): I think it was OMG the democrats nominated a black man.


  38. JPotter says:

    Rickey: It occurs to me that it might be fun to compile a list of the major OMG moments for birthers during the past four years.

    It is hysterical to review that rollercoaster ride. But, you know the OMG peddlers are counting on you to forget. If you insist on remembering, you might not fall for the next one.

    What’s really is that the birthers do remember, and just get frustrated. “Maybe this time we’ll win.” Those comments crack me up. They get so frustrated at their prohets, especially over at WND. I suspect the vast majority got fed up and moved on long ago, but we never hear from them. Oh, no, once they’ve abandoned the birf, they’ll deny it forever.

    Lt. Col. Aldo Rain would not be happy.

    (does that count as going Godwin?)

  39. JD Reed says:

    (Quoting Orly).I trust the disciplinary counsel of the CA bar with review this matter with the outmost urgency.Sincerely,Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ”what the #$@% is the outmost urgency?

    Orly’s calling for someone else to be disciplined by the California bar is an all-time greatest example of the pot calling the kettle black. If that august organization did anything with the utmost urgency, her own law license would be only a distant memory.

  40. Keith says:

    JPotter: It is hysterical to review that rollercoaster ride. But, you know the OMG peddlers are counting on you to forget. If you insist on remembering, you might not fall for the next one.

    I dunno about that.

    The EOTWAWKI bunch seem to come back for more every time the predicted End of The World event fails to materialize (or dematerialize or rapture or whatever).

  41. Arthur says:

    Conservative Pours Cold Water on Birther Wet Dreams

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Conservative activist Ralph Reed, who runs the Faith and Freedom Coalition, said on Friday that “it isn’t enough to be anti-Obama,” and dismissed the fringe elements of his party, despite answering a birther question during a breakout session.

    A Faith and Freedom Conference attendee named Robert Dickstein asked Reed why conservatives don’t go harder on Obama, saying “his birth certificate which is clearly fraudulent, they never mention that allegedly he’s had homosexual affairs, where drugs were involved, his whole Columbia situation is as vague as anything” and “even his name is a phony, his real name is Barry Sotero.”

    Reed nodded slightly throughout Dickstein’s question, but said he disagrees.

    “I think he was born in the United States,” Reed said.

    “Allow me to, as your friend, and I mean this in that spirit, to disabuse you of the notion that there is something about Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers or his personal life that’s going to win this election,” Reed continued. “It’s not going to happen.”

    Asked about the exchange later, Reed said he didn’t think that extremists would be an important part of this election cycle.

    “Well, I don’t really think it’s a significant number of voters,” Reed said. “I don’t think it was an issue in 2008 and I don’t think it’ll be an important issue in 2012.”

    “I think social issues are in play, but not Obama’s birth certificate,” Reed said.

  42. misha says:

    Meet Your Cousin, the First Lady: A Family Story, Long Hidden

    There were even tantalizing hints of a link to a Jewish family with ties to the Charleston, S.C., synagogue that became the birthplace of the American Jewish Reform Movement in the 19th century.

  43. Majority Will says:

    “Paul Spickard: Birthers’ attack on Obama is not only bogus, it’s irrelevant.”

    Check out the idiotic birther (redundant, I know) comments.

  44. Majority Will says:

    “N.C.-based website does battle with ‘birther’ movement”

    (excerpt) RALEIGH, N.C. — More than a year after President Barack Obama produced a copy of his birth certificate documenting his arrival on Earth in a Honolulu hospital in 1961, the conspiracy theory persists that his citizenship is bogus, a forgery, a fiction, a liberal plot involving Kenya, Indonesia, Communists and Malcolm X.

    So from his North Raleigh home, Bill Bryan keeps up a spirited fight against this line of thinking known as the “birther” movement, piloting what is probably the best-known online counterpunch: The Fogbow.

    Nearly two years old, with roughly 300 members worldwide, Bryan’s Fogbow exists to shove a burr under the saddle of birthers and their intractable belief that Obama wasn’t born in the United States, and Bryan provides detailed and wildly funny attacks.

    Link to the rest:

  45. JPotter says:

    In just another low for WND, they make a ghoulish choice for their “Father’s Day” issue of WorldNetWeekly.

    Frank’s son Mark popped in on Amazon today. It didn’t seem to impress the birthers.

  46. gorefan says:

    Arizona SOS Bennett is back on the birther bus.

    Obama spent millions to seal college records.

    Obama fibbed on college entrance applications


    Gives a detailed version of his side of the verification story.

  47. JPotter says:

    gorefan: Arizona SOS Bennett is back on the birther bus.

    Do they ever really get off? LOL!

    What a coward! Wants to birf in relative privacy of the online world and small groups, while placating the public sphere. The birthers should tar and feather this chicken for selling them out! He’s a real example of what they accuse every judge and gov’t official of being! A two-faced sycophant.

    Well, dang, the birthers are right about something. In this one specific example. I mean, we’ve seen several Red pols who want to birf smalltime, or at least birf passively, but is this a truly blatant case of playing both sides.

    OK, admittedly, he didn’t actually refute birtherism, just stated he was placated by Hawaii.

  48. gorefan says:

    JPotter: OK, admittedly, he didn’t actually refute birtherism, just stated he was placated by Hawaii

    But he knows that college records are sealed by law and that President Obama has not spent millions to keep his records hidden.

    He went to Arizona State, I wonder if his records are “sealed”? And what he might be hiding?

  49. Keith says:

    gorefan: But he knows that college records are sealed by law and that President Obama has not spent millions to keep his records hidden.

    His talk was pretty straightforward and even reasonable until right at the 7 minute talk. Then he went off the rails (I don’t think there are and ‘third rail’ electric trains in Arizona, by the way). I halfway suspect he was trying to tell a joke, but it went over like an electrified cactus.

    He went to Arizona State, I wonder if his records are “sealed”? And what he might be hiding?

    I’m gonna ‘phone a friend’ for this one. As the Governator said, “I’ll be bahck”.

  50. JPotter says:

    gorefan: But he knows that college records are sealed by law and that President Obama has not spent millions to keep his records hidden.

    Does he? Are you sure…? I’m not. [Self-]Delusion is a powerful thing. And the way the unreality-peddlers can entertain multiple conflicting truthinesses at the same time in the same mind boggles mine. Your calling, should you wish to peddle it, is to know one way but believe another.

  51. Keith says:

    And now for the serious stuff…

    Q: Why did Forrest Gump choose ‘Bama over Arizona State?
    A: He wanted an academic challenge!

    Q: Why do Arizona State grads keep their diplomas on their dashboards? A: So they can park in handicap spaces.
    Q: Did you hear about the power outage at the Arizona State University library? A: Thirty students were stuck on the escalator for three hours.
    Q: How many Arizona State freshman does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, it’s a sophomore course.
    Q: If you have a car containing a Sun Devil wide receiver, a Sun Devil linebacker, and a Sun Devil defensive back, who is driving the car? A: The cop.
    Q. What do you get when you drive quickly through the Arizona State campus? A. An undergraduate degree.
    Q: What do tornadoes and graduates from Arizona State University have in common? A: They both end up in trailer parks.
    Q: Why don’t Arizona State Sun Devils fans let their kids play in sand boxes? A: Because cats keep covering them up.

  52. JPotter says:

    Maybe he’s hiding this:

    (Not too sure about the ending.)

  53. Keith says:

    Fckn Hell. Was it good for you too?

    I just sat through an Earthquake in Melbourne Australia. First one I’ve felt that I can remember. Shook the heck out of the house. Slow rumbling lasted about 45 seconds. (or felt that way anyway – maybe it was less than 30 😎 ); not a short sharp shock like the one I was in in San Diego years ago.

    Started out as a slight vibration, barely noticeable (is it just me? is there a truck outside?), then slowly built up to feeling like the clothes washer was on an unbalanced spin downstairs, and kept going until the house was rocking and rolling. It ended quicker than it took to build up.

    No flicker to electricity even; a lot lesser things than that have cause fuses to trip or transformers to go to protect mode or knock it out altogether.

    Freaky, I tell you! Freaky!

    Edit: it took ~15 minutes to hit the news ticker. 5.2 quake 10km deep about 40km east of me.

  54. Lupin says:

    I lived through the 1994 Northridge earthquake in LA; at the time we lived less than 10 miles away from the epicenter. 6.7.

  55. JPotter says:

    Keith: Fckn Hell. Was it good for you too?

    Sure was. We’ve had a series of tremblors in Okieland. Most very small, but up to 5. Rare here, so everyone freaks. One injury …. a man ran outside during one, slipped and fell on ice. My dishes settled in the sink, insurance wouldn’t cover it.

    I hope all is well in Aussieland!

  56. Rickey says:

    I lived through the 1994 Northridge earthquake in LA; at the time we lived less than 10 miles away from the epicenter. 6.7.

    I was in the Philippines for the Casiguran earthquake on 1968. It was a 7.3 and caused an apartment building in Manila to collapse. It happened in the middle of the night and the building I was in shook but fortunately sustained no damage to speak of.

    I have a couple of friends who live in Christchurch, NZ and they still feel tremors 16 months after the big one hit last year.

  57. bgansel9 says:

    I just emailed Bennett and told him to put a stop to this because he is becoming a major embarrassment to our state.

  58. y_p_w says:

    JPotter: Sure was. We’ve had a series of tremblors in Okieland. Most very small, but up to 5. Rare here, so everyone freaks. One injury …. a man ran outside during one, slipped and fell on ice. My dishes settled in the sink, insurance wouldn’t cover it.

    I hope all is well in Aussieland!

    Amateurs. Here in California we shrug off earthquakes. My alma mater even built a football stadium right on an active fault to thumb their noses at those who said it couldn’t be done. Of course there’s a big expansion joint there and they’re not retrofitting the whole thing to allow it to ride out a major earthquake, but that’s another story.

    I didn’t even feel the Loma Prieta quake. I was driving at the time, and I didn’t feel anything through the dead steering of my parents’ car. I only knew an earthquake was happening because I was listening to the radio and the local station started going in and out as their equipment was shaking.

  59. linda says:

    Earthquakes creep me out. I have never experienced one personally and would like to keep it that way. In Texas, we get tornadoes. Those are bad enough, but at least you usually have some warning. They test the sirens once a month.

  60. linda says:

    Good! Maybe he will get thousands of emails, like the he did asking him to check if Romney is a unicorn. He seems particularly easily swayed to act or retract, even for a politician.

    I just emailed Bennett and told him to put a stop to this because he is becoming a major embarrassment to our state.

  61. gorefan says:

    Under the theme of Better Late than Never:,0,7467392.story

    House apologizes for the Chinese Exclusion Acts that help produce the Wong Kim Ark case.

  62. JPotter says:

    y_p_w: Amateurs.

    Indeed, I’m from CA, and have a good chuckle at the over-reactions here. The strongest we have had was somewhere around a 5. There were over 1,000 shocks last year, but only a handful could be felt …. and usually only then if you were sitting on it.

    linda: They test the sirens once a month.

    Once a week here! But it’s been such a dry spring, there’s no action. We’ve been in a low-grade drlought for a few years now. No water = no sky violence. We did have one so-so thunderstorm, and that sent a renter from San Francisco into hiding for a few days.

    Above ground or below, you may as well enjoy what you can’t control, I say.

    And thus I laugh at birthers 😛

  63. linda says:

    At least the big thunderstorms that spawn tornadoes are good to watch or a nice time to read a book. Sort of works for birther shenanignans, too. I don’t think applies to earthquakes, though.

    JPotter: Above ground or below, you may as well enjoy what you can’t control, I say.

  64. misha says:

    Lupin: This explains a lot:

    Conservatives and theocrats are determined to wreck public education, and they are
    succeeding. The fight over contraceptive coverage was an attack on the 1st Amendment, and an attempt to tear down that wall.

    Think you know the Middle East? Take our geography quiz.

    I scored 100%.

  65. Majority Will says:

    Romney says Rubio is being vetted for VP slot,0,3786988.story

    The birther bigot bonanza will bellow on.

  66. linda says:

    That makes sense, whether they really are or just saying they are. It was discussed on CNN, about the news leaked the same as Rubio’s book was coming out. Seems like he would be the best choice, being from FL and his background. It would be a counterbalance to Romney. The birther crowd’s reaction was the only reason I could think of for Romney not at least considering Rubio.

    If Romney does choose Rubio, doesn’t that end the birther debate? They would be down to the forgery crap, which is easily refuted if it ever reached that point. What is a birther to do?

    Majority Will: Romney says Rubio is being vetted for VP slot

  67. bgansel9 says:

    Majority Will:
    Romney says Rubio is being vetted for VP slot,0,3786988.story

    The birther bigot bonanza will bellow on.

    At the same time that WND has a post from Jerome Corsi stating Rubio is not eligible and a few birthers are asking if Romney is even eligible and aren’t sure. LOL

    Popcorn, get your popcorn! 😛

  68. Majority Will says:

    bgansel9: At the same time that WND has a post from Jerome Corsi stating Rubio is not eligible and a few birthers are asking if Romney is even eligible and aren’t sure. LOL

    Popcorn, get your popcorn!

    May we live in interesting times.

  69. Majority Will says:

    linda: They would be down to the forgery crap, which is easily refuted if it ever reached that point. What is a birther to do?


  70. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Majority Will:
    Romney says Rubio is being vetted for VP slot,0,3786988.story

    The birther bigot bonanza will bellow on.

    That’s interesting earlier today all the news outlets were saying Rubio wasn’t even on the list so I guess they threw him on

  71. linda says:

    Nice! I needed either a “beverage alert” or one of those screen shields.

    Majority Will: Depends.

  72. JPotter says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: That’s interesting earlier today all the news outlets were saying Rubio wasn’t even on the list so I guess they threw him on

    That’s just smoke to placate the birthers … the last thing they need is for the nutters to go freak before they’re committed to the top of the bill.

    One of the most interesting angles of this election is how the extremes of both ends have been radicalized to the point that both ends object to the candidate they’re “supposed” to like …. and both flavors of extremists are threatening not to vote for the candidate best representing their interests. As if voting for the other guy will serve them better?!? I’m sure they’ll all hold out and vote third parties. 😉

  73. JPotter says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: That’s interesting earlier today all the news outlets were saying Rubio wasn’t even on the list so I guess they threw him on

    Hmm, Rubio is all over the news this morning, and has an autobiography out! I hope the birthers have drained some cranial fluid, asinsurance against any sudden increase in pressure. 😉

  74. bovril says:

    The squealing and dissonance over at Freeperville over Rubio is truly entertaining…. 😎

  75. Dave says:

    Apparently Corsi has a new shocking revelation — he found a 1990 Vanity Fair article about Obama that states that he was raised in Singapore. I learned this in a place I’m not used to finding breaking birther news, Wonkette, in the aptly named Typo Changes Everything We Know About Obama, Despite Being Typo. I gather that Corsi is trying very hard to insinuate that this is an example of Obama lying about his past, in spite of his customary complete lack of evidence.

  76. JPotter says:

    Dave: Apparently Corsi has a new shocking revelation — he found a 1990 Vanity Fair article about Obama that states that he was raised in Singapore.

    LOL! Just read the article and its comments—good times! This was Corsi’s article on the day of the Klayman show …. just moving on from one fail to the next, pretending the previous one hadn’t happened. Got to keep the rubes distracted!

  77. Dave says:

    Here’s Corsi’s pathetic article at WND: Now we learn Obama raised in Singapore?.

    This article, while just insinuatinating that Obama is the source of the Singapore typo, now states as established fact that Obama was the source of the typo in the publisher’s pamphlet.

  78. Whatever4 says:

    Apparently Corsi has a new shocking revelation — he found a 1990 Vanity Fair article about Obama that states that he was raised in Singapore. I learned this in a place I’m not used to finding breaking birther news, Wonkette, in the aptly named Typo Changes Everything We Know About Obama, Despite Being Typo. I gather that Corsi is trying very hard to insinuate that this is an example of Obama lying about his past, in spite of his customary complete lack of evidence.

    I put this “revelation” in the same bucket as the publicist’s bio, the article in the Hawaii paper that said he was born in Indonesia (but later corrected), Gov. Bill Richardson saying Obama was an immigrant, etc. They are ERRORS. Sheesh. (Or Furrfu, if you are old and geeky.)

    Lately I’ve been reading quite a few articles pre-2004 about Obama, and almost every one has a few things not-quite-right. One article said he was raised in LA, another had him moving to Indonesia when he was 2. One spelled his nickname Berry.

    It’s not a conspiracy, Obama didn’t tell different stories to different reporters. They got some details wrong. (Fox news occasionally gets countries mislabeled — it’s not a political statement, it’s an error.) All the articles got the critical (at the time) details right.

    Many years ago, my apartment building had a fire. Of the 5 news reports, only one was error-free. One said it was a porch fire (well, that and the rest of the building…), one said that no one was hurt (a fireman had stepped on a live wire, so I’m sure he was happy to hear his hospital stay wasn’t necessary), one had the wrong neighborhood, and one dropped a zero in the valuation of the building. The error-free one was the only one who showed up with a camera and did interviews. It happens.

  79. bgansel9 says:

    WND has a post up stating Gary Kreep has won the judges seat in San Diego County.

  80. justlw says:

    Dave: he found a 1990 Vanity Fair article

    Gee, would that be the one The Fogbow has had a link to for ages? You can’t hide anything from his investigative brilliance.

    Since nothing else in the birfer canon points to Singapore, this seems to be shocking proof that people sometimes make innocent mistakes.

  81. JPotter says:

    justlw: Gee, would that be the one The Fogbow has had a link to for ages? You can’t hide anything from his investigative brilliance.

    I’m telling ya, they mine anti-birther material for “research”. It’s a parasitic operation. It was really blatant back in the heyday of PDF madness. Lifting material from here, Amazon, probably Fogbow, too. I don’t visit FB, but the birthers are obsessed with it. The very existence of OCT and the Fogbow get’em all frothy!

  82. Thrifty says:

    Birthers kinda remind me of the Skeptic’s Association in this Dilbert strip.

  83. Thrifty says:

    So Obama’s Secretary of Commerce resigned today, after a seizure and some car accidents. Anyone hear any juicy new conspiracy theories tied to that?

  84. john says:

    The Clintons were the original birthers. Good point on the fact the Phil Berg was one the earliest lawyers to file against Obama. Who was Phil Berg? Not a Republican. Not a Conservative. Not a tea party members. Phil Berg was a DEMOCRAT and a Hillary Clinton supporter. Very telling.

  85. JPotter says:

    So Obama’s Secretary of Commerce resigned today, after a seizure and some car accidents.Anyone hear any juicy new conspiracy theories tied to that?

    Surprisingly not yet … why not comething simple, like, he was going to spill the beans, and this ‘accident’ was a setup and a warning, A setup excuse to dump him, and a reminder to him from the administration that they’ve got his number.

    There, rumor started.

    These are the dullest conspiracists ever. Can’t even make up their own fantasies.

  86. Greenfinches says:

    misha: I scored 100%.


    I couldn’t work out where Qatar was, thought it was Bahrain ……18/19 isn’t bad though, is it?.

  87. JPotter says:

    Greenfinches: I couldn’t work out where Qatar was, thought it was Bahrain ……18/19 isn’t bad though, is it?.

    I did get 19/19, but have to admit the multiple choice helped on a couple. Nearly confused Oman and Yemen, was sweating bullets, finally went right for Oman … and scored!

    Oops, just gave that one away.

    They also have a 96-question ‘citizenship’ quiz. 32 for 32 so far. will take forever. I had to chuckle when it asked about economic system, and included ‘socialism’ as an option. They’re toying with the Reds!

  88. G says:


    Trying to trot out that moldy old lie again, John? Puh-lease.

    The Clintons had nothing to do with the lame-@ss group of whiny malcontents known as PUMAs who were nothing more than a bunch of sore-losers, upset that their “Dear Hillary” wasn’t entitled to automatically win the Democratic nomination for President in the 2008 primary cycle.

    They may have claimed to worship the Clintons, but the Clintons had ZERO to do with any of their lot.

    Phil Berg is nothing but another crazy person known for filing frivolous conspiracy crud, who also became a PUMA and then a Birther. You are aware that Phil Berg had a long prior history of filing bogus 9-11 conspiracy lawsuits, right? He’s a Truther nut. Now he’s a PUMA Birther nut too. BFD.

    Yes, many of the PUMA losers were the proto-Birthers and Berg was the first to file a Birther lawsuit as a result. Old news. Based on their own posts at the time, most of the PUMAS voted for McCain in the last election and afterwards, went on to become Birthers, Tea Partiers, Fox News fans and Sarah Palin fanatics…. These folks mostly vote GOP and listen to RW radio and info sites these days…and pretty much have been doing that since prior to the last election.

    Talk about “Democrats in Name Only”. Sounds like the typical RWNJ ODS whiner crowd to me…

    The Clintons were the original birthers.Good point on the fact the Phil Berg was one the earliest lawyers to file against Obama.Who was Phil Berg?Not a Republican.Not a Conservative.Not a tea party members.Phil Berg was a DEMOCRAT and a Hillary Clinton supporter.Very telling.

  89. Keith says:

    JPotter: and has an autobiography out

    Hey! What is he hiding?

  90. JPotter says:

    Keith: Hey! What is he hiding?

    Romney’s flirtations? 😉

  91. bovril says:

    Things to remember about Bahrain

    Home of the 5th Fleet

    First place where oil was first discovered in the Gulf States

    Historically regarded as one of the original sites of The Garden of Eden

    Has the world largest collection of burial tumuli (burial mounds and chambers)

    The name Bahrain is a translation of “two seas” from the off shore under water fresh water springs the Bahraini’s in historic times used to capture fresh water from

    Archaelogical evidence shows contiunal human presence and civiization going back to at least 3000 BC

    Great place to be an ex-pat brat in the 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s…beer, barbies, dhow trips, and other recreational actiivities of teenagers/young adults… 😎

  92. Thrifty says:

    Okay first of all, Phil Berg is not “The Clintons”. He was, if you are telling the truth, a Hilary Clinton supporter. Phil Berg is no more one of the Clintons than I am one of the Obamas.

    Secondly, it doesn’t matter if a few Democrats started Birtherism as Hilary Clinton supporters opposing Barack Obama. Republican nutjobs are the ones who took that ball and keep running with it. You sound like those racists who try to excuse their horrid racism by saying “back at the time of the Civil War, Democrats were racists”. While it’s true that Democrats largely favored continuation and expansion of slavery and did some not so nice things in the Reconstruction era south, that was over a century ago and those were different people.

    The Clintons were the original birthers.Good point on the fact the Phil Berg was one the earliest lawyers to file against Obama.Who was Phil Berg?Not a Republican.Not a Conservative.Not a tea party members.Phil Berg was a DEMOCRAT and a Hillary Clinton supporter.Very telling.

  93. donna says:

    thrifty: “Okay first of all, Phil Berg is not “The Clintons”. He was, if you are telling the truth, a Hilary Clinton supporter. Phil Berg is no more one of the Clintons than I am one of the Obamas.”


    and about the clintons, this is what huckabee said: (abc news)

    I asked Huckabee why Speaker Boehner or Rep. Bachmann would not clearly state that Obama is a Christian and citizen of the United States?

    “You know, I don’t know why it’s hard,” Huckabee said.

    “I just don’t think it’s completely necessary for us to delve into such extraneous matters. And I’ll tell you, the idea that he’s not a citizen – you know why that’s nonsense? Because if there was a shred of truth to it, Hillary Clinton and her wonderful investigative opposition research team would have found it and would have used it,” he told me. “And for Republicans to even be bringing it up, I think it’s a waste of energy and time.

  94. bgansel9 says:

    G: The Clintons had nothing to do with the lame-@ss group of whiny malcontents known as PUMAs who were nothing more than a bunch of sore-losers, upset that their “Dear Hillary” wasn’t entitled to automatically win the Democratic nomination for President in the 2008 primary cycle.

    They may have claimed to worship the Clintons, but the Clintons had ZERO to do with any of their lot.

    It was a Republican disinformation campaign and Democrats saw right through it.

  95. bgansel9 says:


    and about the clintons, this is what huckabee said: (abc news)

    I asked Huckabee why Speaker Boehner or Rep. Bachmann would not clearly state that Obama is a Christian and citizen of the United States?

    “You know, I don’t know why it’s hard,” Huckabee said.

    “I just don’t think it’s completely necessary for us to delve into such extraneous matters. And I’ll tell you, the idea that he’s not a citizen – you know why that’s nonsense? Because if there was a shred of truth to it, Hillary Clinton and her wonderful investigative opposition research team would have found it and would have used it,” he told me. “And for Republicans to even be bringing it up, I think it’s a waste of energy and time.

    Don’t think Huckabee didn’t have an agenda by stating that. Careful quoting that snake.

  96. G says:

    Political parties, their platforms and their compositions shift over time. The Dixiecrats of yesteryear are mostly solid GOP types today.

    Thrifty: by saying “back at the time of the Civil War, Democrats were racists”. While it’s true that Democrats largely favored continuation and expansion of slavery and did some not so nice things in the Reconstruction era south, that was over a century ago and those were different people.

  97. donna says:

    “Don’t think Huckabee didn’t have an agenda by stating that. Careful quoting that snake.”

    huckabee KNEW cause he complained about the clintons going through HIS GARBAGE looking for dirt

  98. G says:

    Some of it was. Not all. But in the end, just about all of the PUMAs became corrupted by it and “converted” to RWNJ thinking. Petty hatred can damage and really change some people.

    A number of the PUMAs were simply bitter that their “Dear Hillary” didn’t win as they felt she was owed. Their motivations seem not to be rooted in party politics as much as some sort of deeper personal longing that they needed to see a woman – really *any* woman – assume the highest office in the land. Which is why those types so quickly shifted their “worship” from HRC to Palin. For those folks, HRC was never anything more than a symbol or a type of projection of their own resentments against men. HRC and Palin have very little in common, other than “lady parts”…but “lady parts” seem to be the sole qualifier for a number of those PUMAs.

    Then there were the PUMAs who expressed a lot of racial and religious bigotry in their posts. Who knows if they were merely Dixiecrats or GOP in disguise when they started… I suspect that there was a mixture of both within that crowd and those are the ones who seemed to convert to Birtherism the quickest. All that can be truly ascertained from their posts is that bigotry was a major factor in their thinking… and since 2008, they’ve pretty much been nothing but spouting and supporting RWNJ causes…

    bgansel9: It was a Republican disinformation campaign and Democrats saw right through it.

  99. G says:

    Huckabee also has a long history of using the “dog whistle” to feed red meat to the bigots out there. He’s on record with a number of shameful statements that he tries to get away with when he thinks he is only talking to certain audiences… He’s simply good at also coming across as charming and feigning innocence. But yeah, I agree that he knows full well what he’s doing when he says any of these things.

    He is a very charismatic snake…but definitely a snake.

    “Don’t think Huckabee didn’t have an agenda by stating that. Careful quoting that snake.”

    huckabee KNEW cause he complained about the clintons going through HIS GARBAGE looking for dirt

  100. Northland10 says:

    G: For those folks, HRC was never anything more than a symbol or a type of projection of their own resentments against men. HRC and Palin have very little in common, other than “lady parts”…but “lady parts” seem to be the sole qualifier for a number of those PUMAs.

    I was just thinking about this the other day, but considering more those who are great Palin, Bachman, and Taitz supporters but not sharing the same part (i.e. men). At times, I have wondered about the rabid support for the likes of Palin and Taitz, even by people who may at one time supported HRC. After reflection, I am left with the unfortunate realization that there are likely many male supporters of Taitz, Palin, Bachman (and likely Dr. Kate), whose support comes from the fact that these are strong, domineering women. These strong willed women, umm.. excite the various men, which then follow these women’s every whim (need I mention RacerJim). This goes a long way into explaining their blind obedience to the likes of Taitz.

    Having said this, I don’t feel well now.. Shudder…

  101. G says:

    I guess some folks are into domineering and being screeched at by harpies… Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    Not me. *yuck*

    I don’t have much tolerance (nor appreciation) for pushy, annoying and b*tchy crazy women at all. That’s putting it mildly.

    I always assumed the male fan factor had to do with physical attraction…but I guess those other elements must come into play too. Although I don’t like the personalities of Palin or Bachmann, I can at least understand how they have some physical appeal.

    But the Birther women? WTF is all I can say. I just don’t get what anyone sees as physically attractive in the Moldavian mop-top mascara mess that is Orly. *puke*. Even on a pure physical level, I’ve always considered her to be homely…or fugly is a more accurate term. But Dr. K(h)ate??? Ewwwww…. Isn’t she some wrinkly crone?

    Northland10: After reflection, I am left with the unfortunate realization that there are likely many male supporters of Taitz, Palin, Bachman (and likely Dr. Kate), whose support comes from the fact that these are strong, domineering women. These strong willed women, umm.. excite the various men, which then follow these women’s every whim (need I mention RacerJim). This goes a long way into explaining their blind obedience to the likes of Taitz.
    Having said this, I don’t feel well now.. Shudder…

  102. JPotter says:

    The Al Halbert Archive!

    Courtesy of my pet birther troll, a direct link to all of our buddy Al’s long-winded ramblings at WND’s Twestern Sister, the Western Center for “Journalism”.

    I may be totally behind the times, but he’s a blogger over there. He writes his screed there, and copy-pastes his own ramblings here! How original!

    Your eyes will never lack for a reason to be gouged again.

  103. Keith says:

    You are in one of the directional Carolinas aren’t you Doc?

    If you’re in NC, I expect you’ll be happy to know that Arizona just beat the snot out of ntUSC in the College World Series.

    If you’re in SC, I expect you are marvelling at the wondrousness of the Arizona team that just beat the snot out of ntUSC.

    Either way, rest assured that SC was well represented by a great team that fought well to the end trying to make history and win 3 CWS championships in a row. But in the end…

    Arizona Owns Omaha 😎

    Bear Down!

  104. donna says:

    Orly Taitz Compares Self To Nelson Mandela and Thurgood Marshall, Accuses Obama’s Mother Of Fraud

  105. G says:

    Thanks for the story link.

    Orly Taitz Compares Self To Nelson Mandela and Thurgood Marshall, Accuses Obama’s Mother Of Fraud

  106. donna says:



    i was “scolded” by NBC for saying “if she somehow found herself admitted to a psychiatric facility, NO ONE would believe she didn’t belong there”

    but seriously, ………

    the best “suggestion” to the ditz was made by nh republican house majority leader bettencourt who wrote “Please, Dr. Taitz, go away and leave New Hampshire alone”

  107. donna says:

    An Open Letter to presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee W. Mitt Romney

    re his running mate

    only partial quotes

    …..Your choice for a running mate MUST comply with requirements mandated by Article 2, Section 1 and the 12th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Nothing less will be acceptable.

    You are no doubt fully aware that two of the favored choices for vice-president, bandied about by the left-leaning media and heartily endorsed by the republican political establishment, Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal, are in fact constitutionally ineligible to be vice-president and/or president. Simply stated they are not “natural born Citizens” as required by law. Given the controversy of your father’s presidential candidacy in the sixties as it pertained to his citizenship status, and of course the ever-growing controversy surrounding the identity of the current resident in the White House, we are confident that you are intimately knowledgeable of this issue. If not, we invite you to review the historical facts by going to

    Neither Governor Bobby Jindal, nor U.S. Senator Marco Rubio’s nativity conform to the American citizenship requirement of “natural born Citizen” outlined under Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. Americans, a majority of which are independent conservative voters, know the definitive definition of “natural born Citizen” as being born to citizen parents on American soil. It matters not one iota what the political class pontificates on high as it relates to this most basic of citizenship definitions, a category of citizenry that has been defined for millennia.

    it goes on

    “A natural born citizen, by contrast, is not dependent upon Congress passing a statute or the constitution being amended. A natural born citizen is a citizen of a specific nation by the law of nature of citizenship. The law of nature of national citizenship is written into the very nature of the universe of nation-states, and is universal as to place, uniform as to person, and fixed as to time. By definition the law governing natural born citizenship exists independent of any human power, legislative or otherwise. That is why “natural born citizenship” is not defined in the Constitution. Such citizenship exists whether recognized by positive law or not. Such citizenship is God-given. To qualify one must be born to a father and a mother each of whom is a citizen of a particular state in order for the person to be “natural born” citizen of that state.”(emphasis added)

    American citizens have endured a four-year constitutional battle with the media establishment and the political class of this nation over the meaning of “natural born Citizen” due to Barack Hussein Obama and his “dual-citizenship” status. As you know, Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., never claimed citizenship in America, but rather held citizenship as a British born subject under the 1948 British Nationality Act. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born a citizen of the United States, clearly rendering Mr. Obama a “dual citizen” not a “natural born Citizen” at birth. Nowhere in any law or Supreme Court precedent has anyone ever made the argument that “dual citizenship” equates with “natural born citizenship”. Yet for some peculiar reason, the political class seems to believe the American electorate can be fooled by their rather amateurish obfuscation on the precise definition of “natural born Citizen” by attempting to rewrite thousands of years of settled law.

    Therefore, Article II Super PAC respectfully requests you honor the U.S. Constitution and remain within the confines of Article II, Section 1 when making your final selection for a Vice Presidential running mate.

    We trust you understand a constitutionally “clean” ticket will not only garner you votes, but will earn the respect of the electorate.

  108. Paper says:

    Beat me to it…

    I love how now welfare is being thrown into the mix. Because people on welfare are not natural born, you know. Yes, yes, she isn’t saying that. She’s just saying Ann Dunham lied about Obama’s birth to get welfare. Because you know it’s not enough to be a citizen; to get welfare you have to be a natural born citizen. Indeed, even American mothers themselves cannot get welfare if their children are not natural born citizens.

    Standard disclaimer: Barack Obama is a natural born citizen and none of this matters anyway. But the logic is hilarious.

    Orly Taitz Compares Self To Nelson Mandela and Thurgood Marshall, Accuses Obama’s Mother Of Fraud

  109. Jim says:

    An Open Letter to presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee W. Mitt Romney

    re his running mate

    GREAT!!! Now if Romney doesn’t pick either of them, he can be shown to be caving in to the conspiracy nuts in the party.

  110. donna says:

    and if he doesn’t pick rubio, he will piss off some conservatives

    rubio recently won the conservative straw poll

    “Sen. Marco Rubio won CPAC’s straw poll vote to be Mitt Romney’s running mate. Rubio denies wanting the job, but would bring two important things to the ticket: his Hispanic background and tea party support.”

  111. JPotter says:

    donna: An Open Letter to presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee W. Mitt Romney

    Right over a giant DONATE button, classic!

    I’m still pulling for Bennett!

    Romney – Bennett 2012!
    “Your money or your wife!”

    It’s the ultimate “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!” ticket. 😉

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