The occasional open thread: open hearts and open hands edition.

Place your Obama Conspiracy items not related to the current articles here. The thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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316 Responses to The occasional open thread: open hearts and open hands edition.

  1. alg says:

    So here’s the latest….Barack Obama is really Bill Clinton’s and Monica Lewinski’s love child.

  2. richCares says:

    On FogBow they identify a new birther lawyer, Derek J. Howell, Esq., who states “Mr. Obama, the question of your being a Natural Born Citizen is NOT going away. It is a focal point of our Constitution!”
    His site at claims to be devoted to the Constitution. this is an “educational effort” sponsored by a law firm, Paroutka & Paroutka in Pasadena, Md. A quick search of the firm shows that it’s apparently mainly a bill collection enterprise.
    I found 2 troubling statements which suggests this constitutional site doesn’t like the constitution.
    1. “American political philosophy is based on the belief that the world was created by God in six days and that this creation event occurred about six thousand years ago. So, the whole idea of evolution and an earth that is millions of years old is absolutely antithetical to America. When you see and hear folks describe the earth as millions of years old, you know that they are either willfully anti-American or they are ignorant of their own heritage and history.”
    2. “What I am saying is that the promotion of evolution is an act of disloyalty to America”
    And he states “I’m the Director of Operations for the Institute on the Constitution. We must restore our republic. We can only do that by returning our nation first to God and then to the Constitution. Contact me if you or your group want to learn the Constitution!”
    These views appear to be common among birthers.

  3. JPotter says:

    richCares: These views appear to be common among birthers.

    Indeed … I caught a comment at WND the other day to the effect of, “we should strip citizenship from anyone who can’t demonstrates three generations of Christian heritage.”

    I kiddeth ye not.

    1. Defined by whom?
    2. Documented how?
    3. And what is to be done with those so ‘stripped’?
    4. And what if you don’t like who you’re left with?


  4. linda says:

    Yikes! There goes the First Amendment and that whole “no religious test” required to hold office thingy.

    I think you are on to something. They may be looking at different edition/translation of the Constitution.

    JPotter: Indeed … I caught a comment at WND the other day to the effect of, “we should strip citizenship from anyone who can’t demonstrates three generations of Christian heritage.”

  5. Lupin says:

    I’ve told you for a while that birther thing is but the tip of a vast KKK-white christian supremacy movement. When I researched the founding documents of the KKK they used the same language as Mario’s.

  6. G says:

    Yep. Mainly a bunch of hate-based zealots behind all of this…

    The correlation between such hate-groups and extremist fundamentalism worldviews is quite strong…

  7. Northland10 says:

    richCares: His site at claims to be devoted to the Constitution. this is an “educational effort” sponsored by a law firm, Paroutka & Paroutka in Pasadena, Md. A quick search of the firm shows that it’s apparently mainly a bill collection enterprise.

    From the site:

    Briefly stated, “The American View” of government is that there is a God, the God of the Bible, our rights come from Him, and the purpose of civil government is to secure our rights.

    So, the law firm is promoting a “Biblical government” during their spare time from helping in collection efforts from companies engaged in usury. Makes perfect sense…

  8. So instead of Sharia Law, they want Talmudic law?

    Northland10: So, the law firm is promoting a “Biblical government” during their spare time from helping in collection efforts from companies engaged in usury.

  9. I have added John Woodman’s site, Investigating the Obama Birth Mysteries, to the “good list” below.

  10. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So instead of Sharia Law, they want Talmudic law?

    One of my standard talking points: projection.
    Those that most vocally oppose “Sharia law” (and mostly it’s a straw man anyway – to them, being told “you cannot treat Muslims like second class people” is already “implementing Sharia”) are usually also the ones who would favour the Bible to be above the Constitution.

    Those people who actually have a legitimate concern about the subject are very few and pinpoint their concern on very specific occurrences. (E.g. in my country there was a lower court’s ruling some years ago that boiled down to “a Muslim may beat his wife because his religious laws allow him to”; the ruling was later overturned if my memory serves me right.) They don’t go “dem ebil Mooslems are takin over, help!”.

  11. Thomas Brown says:

    I’ve told you for a while that birther thing is but the tip of a vast KKK-white christian supremacy movement. When I researched the founding documents of the KKK they used the same language as Mario’s.

    There’s a shocker. But it makes me wonder: how would the KKK feel about an Italian Catholic running for President?

  12. bgansel9 says:

    JPotter: Indeed … I caught a comment at WND the other day to the effect of, “we should strip citizenship from anyone who can’t demonstrates three generations of Christian heritage.”

    I kiddeth ye not.

    1. Defined by whom?
    2. Documented how?
    3. And what is to be done with those so ‘stripped’?
    4. And what if you don’t like who you’re left with?


    My now deceased father was a first generation American with several generations of Christian heritage in his ancestry. So, does this mean he would be considered an NBC by the birthers even though both of his parents were foreign born and weren’t naturalized at the time of his birth? (they were naturalized, but it’s a hypothetical).

    Christians sure do seem to be intolerant and pushy. Doesn’t make me want to be one.

  13. donna says:

    “But it makes me wonder: how would the KKK feel about an Italian Catholic running for President?”

    an italian catholic with dual citizenship – the wing nutzzz supported saint-orum but, according to polls, most republicans thought he was evangelical

    catholics are only used by the right when it advances their agenda – the bishops and the nuns called the ryan plan “immoral” – romney referred to it as “marvelous” and a “model” for the country – the pope is to the left of obama and pelosi when it comes to social justice, trickle down, regulations, inequality and a number of other issues republicans support

  14. JPotter says:

    bgansel9: My now deceased father was a first generation American with several generations of Christian heritage in his ancestry. So, does this mean he would be considered an NBC

    What popped into my mind as hysterical was all of the Catholics from Latin America. 😀 If anything, this super-Christian citizen idea would just accelerate the advent of the dreaded White Minority.

    And that might not bother the particular commenter at WND, but it would make the rightwing in general suffer a sudden, “significant” cranial expansion.

    Very sudden, and very significant.

  15. Andrew Vrba says:

    Seriously, what is it with all of these wannabe lawyers attaching “Esquire” to the end of their name? Do they think it makes them sound smarter, or more serious?

  16. donna says:

    last night, colbert had a rant about az and sovereignty

    Colbert: Arizona Needs To Assert Its Sovereignty On All Sorts Of Things

    Stephen Colbert on Tuesday welcomed only “some” viewers to the program. Those not welcome? “Los illegales,” he said. “Which is, of course, Spanish for Mexican.”

    Colbert called the Supreme Court’s Arizona immigration law ruling a “disaster.” The court struck down most of the law, but left in place its controversial “show me your papers” provision.

    “We must must return to our founders’ dream of every state deciding who it could turn away at its border,” Colbert said. “Fifty states, 50 immigration policies. Every state gets its own bird, right? If Georgia can say ‘yes’ to the Brown Trasher, why can’t South Carolina say ‘no’ to the brown Guatemalan?”

    Colbert then listed all the other things Arizona should have control over as a sovereign state. It’s a long list.

    Watch the video:

  17. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba: Seriously, what is it with all of these wannabe lawyers attaching “Esquire” to the end of their name? Do they think it makes them sound smarter, or more serious?

    Apparently so ….

    I am Bill S. Preston, Esq.!!!

    ( Bill & Ted 3 is due out next year 😉 )

    Perhaps anti-birthers could use apellations. (EpisD….doctorate of epistemology?). Or get a certification board together, some exams to determine mastery of the arts of birther destruction. A system of belts and degrees, perhaps? Kenshutsu (detecting)? Abaku (debunking)?

  18. US Citizen says:

    Thomas Brown: But it makes me wonder: how would the KKK feel about an Italian Catholic running for President?

    Hard to say, but they didn’t settle down much when there was an Irish-Catholic president.

  19. richCares says:

    the most accurate election forecasts has been Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight
    he currently projects Electoral votes of 287.9 for Obama, 250.1 for Romney
    chances of winning: Obama 61.1%, Romney 38.9%
    in 2008 Nate so was spot on in his projections that the New York Times brought him aboard

  20. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba: Seriously, what is it with all of these wannabe lawyers attaching “Esquire” to the end of their name? Do they think it makes them sound smarter, or more serious?

    It’s a highfalutin affectation. My crowd sometimes does it too. They’ll sign their name:

    Misha Marinsky, FNAO – It makes you sound better than a garden variety schlepper.

  21. Andrew Vrba says:

    Maybe I should add PM to the end of my name, for Punch-Master.

  22. donna says:


    if you’re interested, the following link is interactive – the “tan” states are swings and, if you click on them or the others, the possibilities change – if you scroll down, there are even possibilities for ties

  23. Andrew Vrba says:

    Saw another pic of Sheriff Joe today. Did that man have some kind of stroke that resulted in his index finger being in a permanent pointing position? Or are these photos all being snapped while he’s asking someone to guess where his finger has been?

  24. JPotter says:

    richCares: the most accurate election forecasts has been Nate Silver of fivethirtyeight

    Thanks for the reminder Rich, Mr. Silver is the best! Haven’t looked him up since ’08. It’s a wonderland for infographics types.

  25. US Citizen says:

    Andrew Vrba:
    Saw another pic of Sheriff Joe today. Did that man have some kind of stroke that resulted in his index finger being in a permanent pointing position? Or are these photos all being snapped while he’s asking someone to guess where his finger has been?

    True enough- I went to Google’s image search and there’s many of Joe’s finger.
    I’m curious as to what he’s thinking when this shot was taken though:

  26. JPotter says:

    US Citizen: I’m curious as to what he’s thinking when this shot was taken though:

    Hmmm …. Adolf or Vader?

  27. Andrew Vrba says:

    JPotter: Hmmm …. Adolf or Vader?

    He lacks the charisma of either. But speaking of cranks who think people actually listen to them, how about that Citizen Wells guy? All of his blog entry titles are just word soup. I’ve seen more coherent sentences scrawled into restroom stalls.

  28. US Citizen says:

    JPotter: Hmmm …. Adolf or Vader?

    I wasn’t really considering who he was emulating, rather what action he was describing.
    In martial arts, he seems to be executing a movement known as “monkey grabs the peach.”
    Though perhaps as a law enforcement officer he’s describing “testicular manslaughter.”

  29. GLaB says:

    Andrew Vrba: Saw another pic of Sheriff Joe today. Did that man have some kind of stroke that resulted in his index finger being in a permanent pointing position? Or are these photos all being snapped while he’s asking someone to guess where his finger has been?

    Arpaio: “C’mon. Someone pull it.”

  30. richCares says:

    donna – “if you’re interested, the following link is interactive ”
    neat site I enjoyed it Thanks

  31. Andrew Vrba says:

    GLaB: Arpaio:“C’mon.Someone pull it.”

    I’d be afraid to, at his age he might end up like Arius!

  32. Bob says:

    Andrew Vrba:
    Saw another pic of Sheriff Joe today. Did that man have some kind of stroke that resulted in his index finger being in a permanent pointing position? Or are these photos all being snapped while he’s asking someone to guess where his finger has been?

    That’s the Fickle Finger of Hate.

  33. G says:


    The Magic M: One of my standard talking points: projection.
    Those that most vocally oppose “Sharia law” (and mostly it’s a straw man anyway – to them, being told “you cannot treat Muslims like second class people” is already “implementing Sharia”) are usually also the ones who would favour the Bible to be above the Constitution.

  34. JPotter says:

    US Citizen: Though perhaps as a law enforcement officer he’s describing “testicular manslaughter.”

    The Law of Arpaio: “Tebag them first, lest ye be bagged.”

  35. richCares says:

    VOELTZ – FL BALLOT CHALLENGE, new docket entry
    6/26/2012 NOTICE OF HEARING Event: NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 06/29/2012 Time: 9:00 am Judge: LEWIS, TERRY P Location: COURTROOM 3G

  36. Jim says:

    VOELTZ – FL BALLOT CHALLENGE, new docket entry
    6/26/2012 NOTICE OF HEARING Event: NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 06/29/2012 Time: 9:00 am Judge: LEWIS, TERRY P Location: COURTROOM 3G

    Wonder what Judge Lewis has up his sleeve, if it was just a dismissal you’d think he’d just have a written opinion.

  37. donna says:

    “if it was just a dismissal you’d think he’d just have a written opinion.”

    from the docket, neither the SOS nor obama has submitted their proposed orders

  38. Paul Moore says:

    People worry so much(?) about where Obama comes from, his start. But people
    ought to worry more about what they are n o w–since none of candidates seem good
    enough for USA woes.
    The only power that Romney allows or shows influences him is one in Salt Lake City
    Utah. Much influences Obama–good or bad–and he is a Christian.
    Both parties and both candidates have put out mistruths. But Romney put out
    misleading statements about his non-Christian faith in public.
    You have an idea what Obama does or doesn’t do, including what you resent.
    But on stuff outside his faith–Romney has spun around and wiggled around and
    pushed or spoken for sides against each other. Neither Republican nor Democrat
    has ben able to do much about busines woes. Since 2007.– But the ones in Wall
    Street love Romney ovewhelmingly–same ones that made the crisis. Obama they
    act cool towards and are nervous. He (faint chance) might do someting about them.
    Romney shows a bad character. None of candidates include ones dropped out seem
    big enough for job. Nothing Romney ever did shows he can wave a magic wand over
    world economic crisis. Obama keeps struggling and grinding away…makes a few
    tiny gains here and there. But it is not a dream or a wish only. So I feel bad about election. But dread a bungler in White House and his huge crowd of Utah appointees.

  39. donna says:

    NC birther v birther

    mark meadows v vance patterson

    i guess if’ one’s bad two must be worse-er

    all the conspiracies NOT fit to print

    Meadows, Patterson Provide Helpful Information

    Tilting at Windmills is an English idiom which means attacking imaginary enemies.

    They both publicly stated their belief that the United Nations is leading a conspiracy to steal your property rights and freedom, and that’s not the only ludicrous belief they’re pushing out on the campaign trail.

    With the microphone in front of him during a public forum, Mark Meadows didn’t hesitate.

    “Yes,” the Republican candidate told the questioner, he would call for an investigation into whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S.
    Meadows told the Blue Ridge Tea Party on June 12 that if Republicans are successful in the fall, “we will send him (Obama) back home to Kenya or wherever it is.”
    Patterson told the same group that “there is something there that’s not right” about Obama’s birth certificate and that “I don’t know where he is from.”

    The candidates’ willingness to advocate conspiratorial, fringe beliefs is helpful information for the rest of the electorate as folks look toward the November general election. Without the primary we might never have known that the two Republican candidates were men who espouse such farcical views. When confronted by rational people in the press? The story changes fast:

    “Meadows and Patterson, in interviews with the Citizen-Times days later, said they believe Obama was born in the United States.”
    “It doesn’t matter where he is from, and that was my point,” Meadows said. “What we have to do is go on the issues and turn out the vote based on the issues.”

    Well that’s not what you said, Mr. Meadows and Mr. Patterson. And now we’ve all got to wonder whether you’re tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists or just two more GOP politicians who’ll say anything to get elected. Either way, it’s helpful information for voters.

    I would think that people who want to be part of our U.S. Congress would be willing to rise above these cheap conspiracy theories that inflame fearful passions without generating any solutions to the real challenges western North Carolina faces.

  40. JPotter says:

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Navy pilot Jim Bridenstine has defeated five-term incumbent John Sullivan to capture the Republican nomination in Oklahoma’s 1st Congressional District.

    Bridenstine, who had tea party backing, is a political newcomer … criticized Sullivan for missing votes; the incumbent missed votes in 2009 while being treated for alcoholism.

    Both men squabbled over Sullivan’s voting record, who held the more important job in the private sector and which one would be the most conservative candidate for the job.

    The Tea Party cannibalization continues. 😉

  41. richCares says:

    Donna “from the docket, neither the SOS nor obama has submitted their proposed “orders
    Recall that the Judge requested they be sent direct to him electronically in easily editable form.

  42. JD Reed says:

    Notice that Orly once again demonstrates her ignorance of U.S. constitutional law – or is outright lying, again.
    She said that Obama can’t set foot in Arizona, or the state’s immigration law – what’s left of it – would kick in to cause his arrest and deportation.
    Constitutionally, a president can’t be arrested. An ex-president might be, after being impeached, convicted by the Senate and ousted from office. But a sitting president, no, except extraconstituionally in extraordinary circumstances. Suppose a suddenly deranged president takes a street-sweeper automatic weapon and starts mowing down citizens. Surely he could be arrested – if not shot dead first – as a matter of common sense public-safety considerations temporarily overriding some writing on a 225-year-old document.
    In short, it wouldn’t do to wait until both chambers of Congress gathered in emergency session to impeach and convict as fast as they could, with the slaughter continuing until the final Senate vote to convict authorized law enforcement to act.
    In the real world though, the possibility of arresting the president is virtually zero. The Supreme Court ruled that cops cannot stop or arrest anyone solely on suspicion that he or she is an illegal immigrant, and can only check someone’s immigration status after a stop or arrest on some other legitimate grounds.
    “(The law requires) ‘a reasonable attempt . . . to determine the immigration status’ of any person they stop, detain, or arrest on some other legitimate basis if ‘reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien and is unlawfully present in theUnited States.’ “ — from U.S. v Arizona, majority opinion
    So the president can’t be arrested, but if he could, there would still be no basis for inquiring about his immigration status, in view of the unanimous findings of all the state and federal courts and elections officials who have considered any issue related to his citizenship.
    Thus there are no legitimate “other grounds” to arrest or detain a president. And a president shares with every other inhabitant of the U.S. immunity from being stopped for the sole purpose of checking his immigration status, per the Arizona ruling.
    And good luck to any state or local law enforcement officer who would try to apprehend the president. Confronting his Secret Service protectors in the process .would not be a pleasant experience.

  43. donna says:

    “Recall that the Judge requested they be sent direct to him electronically in easily editable form.”

    yup but they were due on monday – klayman was prompt and verbose

    the other 2 have not complied ….. curious

    from the transcript:

    klayman: would you like an order which contains legal analysis as well? or do you write your own memorandum opinion on this?

    court: whatever you think would stand up on appeal, and the grounds of what you’ve argued and what you think should go into an order.

  44. richCares says:

    Donna “the other 2 have not complied ….. curious”
    and how do you know this?

  45. donna says:

    “She said that Obama can’t set foot in Arizona, or the state’s immigration law – what’s left of it – would kick in to cause his arrest and deportation.”

    gee with her accent, there is more of a “reasonable suspicion” that SHE is here illegally than obama – now THAT would be hysterical

    this was great from Gutierrez

    On House Floor, Rep. Luis Gutierrez Rails Against AZ Law With ‘Guess Who’s The Immigrant’ Quiz

  46. donna says:

    Donna “the other 2 have not complied ….. curious”
    and how do you know this?

    the docket:

    you can keep refreshing the page

  47. JPotter says:

    JD Reed: She said that Obama can’t set foot in Arizona, or the state’s immigration law – what’s left of it – would kick in to cause his arrest and deportation.

    Seriously? Checking her site …. seriously, indeed. And I see “raicha” ripped her a new one over it.

    I hope Obama campaigns in AZ, early and often.

  48. JPotter says:

    donna: the docket:

    My guess is that the hearing Friday is for Judge Lewis to call Klayman on the carpet.

    Lewis laid out a simple roadmap for the resolution of the case, and everyone agreed to it., Then Klayman derailed the process by filing a 2nd amended complaint, which Lewis specifically told him not to file, having told him to put whatever he had in mind in the proposed order. Lewis promised to rule quickly after rec’g the orders.

    Instead there’s a 2AC, a MtD, now an opp. MtD … Lewis wanted to wrap it up nice and quick (might as well, because he anticipates Klayman appealling (see transcript … foreshadowing! 😉 )), and it’s flown off the rails.

    Friday will be a judicial “WTF” harangue …. but a nice one, Lewis is pretty laid back.

    Just my read …. as always, IANAL.

  49. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So you’re saying that he has basically torpedoed their case, before a ruling could be rendered? This is like watching some surreal mash up of Law & Order and the Keystone Kops!

    -(Punchmaster General)

  50. Jim says:

    JD Reed:
    She said that Obama can’t set foot in Arizona, or the state’s immigration law – what’s left of it – would kick in to cause his arrest and deportation.

    Oh yeah, I can see Arpaio and his henchman trying to do that…while the Secret Service stands by and lets them. Even Arpaio isn’t dumb enough to try that…I hope! 😀

  51. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I dunno, it might be fun to watch his geriatric butt get dog-piled by several armed guards. Let’s see him point a finger after that!

    -(Punchmaster General)

  52. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: So you’re saying that he has basically torpedoed their case, before a ruling could be rendered?

    Just my reading, based on the transcript, and the events since the first hearing. I’m no authority , just enjoy making predictions 😀

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Anyone else seen this “Obama was raised in Singapore!” nonsense? I swear, every time the birthers exhaust one story, they invent another even more ridiculous one.

  54. donna says:

    Justice Scalia must resign

    E.J. Dionne Jr.

    Not content with issuing a fiery written dissent, Scalia offered a bench statement questioning President Obama’s decision to allow some immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children to stay. Obama’s move had nothing to do with the case in question. Scalia just wanted you to know where he stood.

    “Arizona has moved to protect its sovereignty — not in contradiction of federal law, but in complete compliance with it.” Cue the tea party rally applause.

  55. richCares says:

    “the docket:”
    why would the docket be involved in the Judges request for a proposed order, there is no need to put that on the docket. Larry put his on the docket for PayPal pushes. I can guarantee that the defendants submiited thier proposed orders as per the Judges instructions (you will probably find out on Friday)

  56. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Anyone else seen this “Obama was raised in Singapore!” nonsense? I swear, every time the birthers exhaust one story, they invent another even more ridiculous one.

    Goes back to a 1990 misprint in Vanity Fair. Article about his election to as head of the Law Review. Old news.

  57. JPotter says:

    Need a new piece for your Birther Madness scrapbook?

    Lord Monckton is back!

    Alex Jones featured this ‘briefing paper’ on 6/8, it’s been making the winger rounds ever since.

    It’s the usual crap. I suppose we are to believe His Moncktonness submitted this toteh House of Lords and Her Majesty.

  58. donna says:

    “why would the docket be involved in the Judges request for a proposed order, there is no need to put that on the docket.”

    WHY? if you look at the docket, everything is on there including fees

  59. richCares says:

    “WHY? if you look at the docket, everything is on there including fees”
    repeat this on Friday after the orders are written

  60. misha says:

    JPotter: Lord Monckton is back!
    Alex Jones featured this ‘briefing paper’ on 6/8, it’s been making the winger rounds ever since. It’s the usual crap. I suppose we are to believe His Moncktonness submitted this toteh House of Lords and Her Majesty.

    Lord Monckton is Sasha Baron Cohen:

  61. richCares says:

    Realist on FogBow Says:
    “Just FYI .. the fact that SOS/Commission/FDP/OFA “proposed orders” do not show up on docket does not mean (at all) that they didn’t submit one.
    The hearing transcript makes clear that Judge asked parties to send to HIM electronic proposed orders”
    “I strongly suspect that the other parties (who are not interested in publicity) actually followed his request and submitted TO HIM electronic WORD versions fo proposed orders””

  62. donna says:

    richCares :

    ok thanks

    in ny, i know that, although papers are filed electronically, hard copies are also filed/recorded with the county clerk and stamped/dated “filed”

    we will see but thanks again

  63. ASK Esq says:

    Anyone catch tonight’s episode of Futurama? It was about the 3012 elction campaign for President of Earth. Nixon’s head was running against a squeaky-clean senator, who also happened to have graduated from Harvard Law and spent time as a community organizer. The only dirt they could dig up on him was that he had an alien-sounding middle name. Naturally, a movement sprang up demanding that he show his Earth certificate to prove he was born on the planet (One person demanding his long-form). He says he was born in Kenya (Leela pointing out that it is the cradle of humanity). He refuses to give in to the demands of the “Earthers”, however. I won’t spoil the ending. It’s just nice to see that now everyone recognizes birtherism as the joke it is.

  64. JPotter says:

    JPotter: Lord Monckton is back!

    … and Corsi just ‘went there’! LOL!

    Corsi is gathering up recruits in the clown car, and it’s starting to get crowded …. Corsi, Arpaio, Zullo, Gillar, Klayman, Monckton …. what happened to Irey, Vogt, Harrison? Kicked to the curb? Is Zebest still in the car, or just riding on the roof?

  65. donna says:

    in 2010, the GOP Chose Non-Scientist Lord Monckton as Sole Expert Witness at Climate Change Hearing


    Dr. Lisa Graumlich, Director, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, and member of the “Oxburgh Inquiry” panel

    Dr. Chris Field, Director, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, and co-chair of “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” portion of new IPCC report due in 2014

    Dr. James McCarthy, Professor of Biological Oceanography, Harvard University, past President and Chair of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, co-chair of “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” portion of IPCC report published in 2001

    Dr. James Hurrell, Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, contributor to IPCC reports

    Lord Christopher Monckton, Chief Policy Adviser, Science and Public Policy Institute

  66. G says:

    LOL! Darn, I’ll have to catch it next time it airs… 🙂

    ASK Esq:
    Anyone catch tonight’s episode of Futurama? It was about the 3012 elction campaign for President of Earth. Nixon’s head was running against a squeaky-clean senator, who also happened to have graduated from Harvard Law and spent time as a community organizer. The only dirt they could dig up on him was that he had an alien-sounding middle name. Naturally, a movement sprang up demanding that he show his Earth certificate to prove he was born on the planet (One person demanding his long-form). He says he was born in Kenya (Leela pointing out that it is the cradle of humanity). He refuses to give in to the demands of the “Earthers”, however. I won’t spoil the ending. It’s just nice to see that now everyone recognizes birtherism as the joke it is.

  67. The Magic M says:

    “Soylent Majority”, hilarious, I love this stuff!

  68. Stanislaw says:

    ASK Esq:
    Anyone catch tonight’s episode of Futurama? It was about the 3012 elction campaign for President of Earth. Nixon’s head was running against a squeaky-clean senator, who also happened to have graduated from Harvard Law and spent time as a community organizer. The only dirt they could dig up on him was that he had an alien-sounding middle name. Naturally, a movement sprang up demanding that he show his Earth certificate to prove he was born on the planet (One person demanding his long-form). He says he was born in Kenya (Leela pointing out that it is the cradle of humanity). He refuses to give in to the demands of the “Earthers”, however. I won’t spoil the ending. It’s just nice to see that now everyone recognizes birtherism as the joke it is.

    I love Futurama. It looks like this episode is going to be appointment viewing tonight!

  69. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LMAO, now the birthers are Comedy Central fodder? Fan-TAS-tic! XD

    -(Punchmaster General)

  70. y_p_w says:

    I’m seeing some issues with this site. When I try to load it at first, the top article is still “The Last Word” and reloading doesn’t bring it up. I only get a refreshed page if I click on “Home” at the top.

    If I clear my cache it goes back to looking like it’s a few days old with that same article at the top.

  71. Thrifty says:

    Totally off topic, so I apologize, but the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in its entirety.


  72. Scientist says:

    The Supreme Court has upheld the ACA almost entirely, including the mandate. There was somethiing to do with expanded Medicaid that they rejected, but I don’t have all the details.

  73. Arthur says:

    Totally off topic, so I apologize, but the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in its entirety.


    Second that.

  74. Thomas Brown says:

    Totally off topic, so I apologize, but the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in its entirety.


    Wasn’t it 5-4? Just to be accurate.

  75. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LOL! At ORYR they are crowing about how the GLOBE, as in one of the copycat Enquirer style rags is reporting that “The forger has been caught!”, and they are treating it like a legitimate news article! I guess they believe in Batboy too!

  76. El Diablo Negro says:

    Thomas Brown: Wasn’t it 5-4? Just to be accurate.

    All my sources says 5-4 also. Unless something has changed.

    And it was a conservative appointed judge that had the deciding vote….guess his check got lost in the mail.

  77. Thrifty says:

    Yeah it was, but it was 6-3 from my sources when I made my initial post. Either CNN or Yahoo News. They’ve since corrected.

    You know how little details can get screwed up when big news is breaking. I was following SCOTUS Blog and CNN at the same time around 10:10. SCOTUS Blog said that the individual mandate was upheld, the court considering it a tax, while CNN said that the mandate was struck down.

    Tiny details aside, it’s great that the act stood. Without it, I am blackballed from health insurance due to pre-existing condtions. These aren’t even serious pre-existing conditions. You see a couple psychiatrists for depression and suddenly you’re uninsurable.

    Thomas Brown: Wasn’t it 5-4?Just to be accurate.

  78. The vote to leave the mandate provision was 5-4 under the power to tax. This is the crucial part of the decision. Roberts sided with the majority on that vote.

    This is a big win for the American people. However, I think Roberts only sided with the majority because it is better for insurance companies. He is a corporatist and not a conservative. It doesn’t matter in the end why he voted as he did.

  79. y_p_w says:

    I’m seeing some issues with this site.When I try to load it at first, the top article is still “The Last Word” and reloading doesn’t bring it up.I only get a refreshed page if I click on “Home” at the top.

    If I clear my cache it goes back to looking like it’s a few days old with that same article at the top.

    I figured it out. I typically type in “” and it used to work by redirecting with www in the full address. Now it doesn’t do that and I see something a few days old.

  80. bovril says:

    Well, it is an Obama Conspiracy according to the freaks at Freeperville….heck Butterdezillion is screaming how HE and THEY got at Roberts.

    If you want to drink deeply at the well of RWNJ tears I give you this link… 😎;page=201

  81. El Diablo Negro says:

    States can opt out without penalty to medicaid. I agree with that.

    “Congress cannot “penalize States that choose not to participate in that new program by taking away their existing Medicaid funding,” Roberts said.

    The Medicaid provision is projected to add nearly 30 million more people to the insurance program for low-income Americans — but the court’s decision left states free to opt out of the expansion if they choose.”


    Reality Check: I think Roberts only sided with the majority because it is better for insurance companies. He is a corporatist and not a conservative.

  82. misha says:

    Thrifty: Totally off topic, so I apologize, but the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in its entirety.

    Obama paid them off, I tells ya.

    A businessman gets an audience with the Pope. “Your Holiness, I’d like to donate $1 million to the Church.” The Pope says, “Thank you. It will be used to help spread the Gospel and keep religion in the world.”

    The businessman says, “You have to do one thing for me.” The Pope replies, “Well, that depends what it is.” The businessman says, “You know that prayer you say in the morning, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’?” The Pope replies, “Yes, of course I know it.”

    The businessman says, “I want you to change it to beer.” The Pope replies, “That’s out of the question.”

    “I’ll give you $2 million.”
    “I’ll give you $3 million.”
    “I’ll give you $4 million.”
    “No. The prayer is ‘Give us this day our daily bread,’ and it shall remained unchanged.”

    “Well, how much are you getting from the bread people?”

  83. misha says:

    Gotta go, there’s a communist under my bed.

  84. Stanislaw says:

    El Diablo Negro:
    States can opt out without penalty to medicaid. I agree with that.

    “Congress cannot “penalize States that choose not to participate in that new program by taking away their existing Medicaid funding,” Roberts said.

    The Medicaid provision is projected to add nearly 30 million more people to the insurance program for low-income Americans — but the court’s decision left states free to opt out of the expansion if they choose.”

    I’m looking forward to reading the actual opinion once I get home and have more time…all 193 pages of it. Should definitely be an interesting read.

  85. Bob says:

    Well, it is an Obama Conspiracy according to the freaks at Freeperville….heck Butterdezillion is screaming how HE and THEY got at Roberts.

    If you want to drink deeply at the well of RWNJ tears I give you this link…;page=201

    Thanks. That was delightful.

  86. Stanislaw says:

    Well, it is an Obama Conspiracy according to the freaks at Freeperville….heck Butterdezillion is screaming how HE and THEY got at Roberts.

    If you want to drink deeply at the well of RWNJ tears I give you this link…;page=201

    Given my past experience reading Freeper threads, something tells me that I’m going to need a drink (or three) before I can even think about testing those waters.

  87. Scientist says:

    Reality Check: The vote to leave the mandate provision was 5-4 under the power to tax. This is the crucial part of the decision. Roberts sided with the majority on that vote.

    The “mandate” was never really forcing anyone to buy health insurance, as the opponents argued. It simply said that if you don’t, you will pay higher taxes. To my mind, this is equivalent to the provisons in 401(k) plans; you are not forced to participate, but if you don’t you will pay more taxes than someone who does.

  88. JPotter says:

    bovril: Well, it is an Obama Conspiracy according to the freaks at Freeperville….heck Butterdezillion is screaming how HE and THEY got at Roberts.If you want to drink deeply at the well of RWNJ tears I give you this link…;page=201

    Thanks for the link, I could read that all day LOL!

    (but better not)

  89. donna says:

    “The “mandate” was never really forcing anyone to buy health insurance,”

    the penalty/fine/tax is so minimal that it’s ridiculous

    on your 2015 tax return, you will have to provide the irs with proof of purchase for insurance in 2014

    without that proof, you are fined a minimal fee – there is no enforcement of that provision either

    in mass, the tax on romneycare was much more expensive – a mass resident sued because he couldn’t afford the $2k tax and made too much to qualify for the subsidies – i don’t know how that was resolved

  90. richCares says:

    I mentioned Nate Silvers excellant political projections

    he was spot on the Supreme as well!

  91. donna says:

    for those interested in the “tax”, roberts makes some statements about enforcement in the footnotes on pages 18, 35, 36, & 44

    from page 44

    Those subject to the individual mandate may lawfully forgo health insurance and pay higher taxes, or buy health insurance and pay lower taxes. The only thing they may not lawfully do is not buy health insurance and not pay the resulting tax.

  92. misha says:

    This nonsense about being forced to buy something from a for-profit business – if you don’t want to buy auto insurance, just don’t buy a car. If you don’t want to buy homeowner’s insurance, just rent, or live under a bridge. I have to say, libertarians give new dimensions to “callous.”

    How has that worked out for people who refused to buy a fire department contract, then called, and were told “burn, baby, burn.”

    I have health insurance on my cat and my dog. No one can live without insurance. Those who try are both foolish and stupid.

    Gotta go – some librul is prying my mouth open, and shoving in broccoli.

    Interesting historical note: At the time of his death, Albert Broccoli directed all but two James Bond films. His ancestors crossed the asparagus and cauliflower, and named the result after themselves.

    Google “broccoli james bond.”

  93. Thrifty says:

    It was an interesting ruling, one which I didn’t really expect. I guess the lawyer arguing for the law said “Oh, the individual mandate is covered under the Commerce Clause.” but the court said “We aint buying it.” but the Obama administration had the backup argument “This is a tax, and it is within our power to levy taxes.”

    Smart move I think. I guess they figured a while ago that going with the Commerce Clause argument was a long shot.

    Still… don’t bills that levy taxes have to originate in the House? The PPAC Act originated in the Senate.

  94. justlw says:

    And in unrelated news, John Roberts becomes the first Supreme Court justice licensed to operate two nuclear power plants.

  95. Thrifty says:

    I’m not sure I agree with that. While I agree that the individual mandate is essential, it’s $695 per year for an individual or $2085 for a family. That comes out to about $58 per month individual, $174 a month for a family. That could be a strain for someone getting by on a really tight budget.

    donna: the penalty/fine/tax is so minimal that it’s ridiculous

  96. Scientist says:

    Thrifty: Still… don’t bills that levy taxes have to originate in the House? The PPAC Act originated in the Senate.

    No, I recall this from the time it was being voted on, the Senate took some unrelated House bill, stripped all the language out of it and substituted the PPAC then sent that back to the House. That is a parliamentary manoeuver that has been used before, though I don’t have the specific cites.

  97. misha says:

    richCares: I mentioned Nate Silvers excellant political projections he was spot on the Supremeas well!

    Intrade has Obama at 55.3; Rmoney at 42.5.

    Apologies to Thrifty, in advance: Gail Collins has now mentioned the dog on the roof, over 55 times.

    “This isn’t an election about two people. This isn’t an election about being a Republican, Democrat or an independent. This is an election about …

    A) lowering the corporate tax rate.”

    B) lowering the individual marginal tax rates.”

    C) keeping dogs off the car roof.”

    D) the future of America.”

  98. misha says:

    Thrifty: That could be a strain for someone getting by on a really tight budget.

    Wait until the medical bills start pouring in.

  99. Thrifty says:

    That’s…… silly.

    Scientist: No, I recall this from the time it was being voted on, the Senate took some unrelated House bill, stripped all the language out of it and substituted the PPAC then sent thatback to the House.That is a parliamentary manoeuver that has been used before, though I don’t have the specific cites.

  100. donna says:

    “That could be a strain for someone getting by on a really tight budget.”

    you have to define “tight budget”

    there are subsidies for the poor

    In 2014, the penalty will be $285 per family or 1% of income, whichever is greater.

    By 2016, it goes up to $2,085 per family or 2.5% of income.

  101. Scientist says:

    Thrifty: That’s…… silly.

    Perhaps, but that is how the rules work. The filibuster is silly, but there it is. Some think the designated hiitter is silly too.

    Believe me, if there was a valid contest on that point, the Court would have considered it.

  102. Thrifty says:

    Scientist: Perhaps, but that is how the rules work. The filibuster is silly, but there it is.Some think the designated hiitter is silly too.

    Believe me, if there was a valid contest on that point, the Court would have considered it.

    Yeah I agree. Parliamentary procedure and the law can be silly sometimes, but I just shrug and say “It is what it is.”

    I’m conflicted on the filibuster. On the one hand, I hate how much the Republicans used it to block legislation in 2009 and 2010. On the other hand, it’s also a tool Democrats can use to save the PPAC Act if Republicans get the House, Senate, and presidency.

  103. Thrifty says:

    I’m reading through that now. It’s nice that the comments are in chronological order and individually timestamped. The decision came at 10:15 and I’m up to 8:15 in the comments. There’s a lot of optimism at this point in the comments. Can’t wait to get past the 10:00 mark.

    If you want to drink deeply at the well of RWNJ tears I give you this link…;page=201

  104. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: I’m not sure I agree with that. While I agree that the individual mandate is essential, it’s $695 per year for an individual or $2085 for a family. That comes out to about $58 per month individual, $174 a month for a family. That could be a strain for someone getting by on a really tight budget.

    Compared to typical insurance premiums?

  105. Thrifty says:

    I was saying compared to $0 a year of carrying no insurance at all.

    JPotter: Compared to typical insurance premiums?

  106. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: I was saying compared to $0 a year of carrying no insurance at all.

    Life w/o insurance isn’t all its cracked up to be. Been there. Saving up front so you can take it in the rear later? Yikes. Further, the low end of the income scale is where Medicaid is supposed to kick in. Hope your state’s legislature doesn’t screw that up for you.

  107. US Citizen says:


    I have health insurance on my cat and my dog. No one can live without insurance. Those who try are both foolish and stupid.

    Many people are living and don’t have insurance.
    However never confuse brain power with financial ability.
    Many intelligent people have been disenfranchised despite the best planning and protectionism they could afford.

  108. US Citizen says:

    donna: In 2014, the penalty will be $285 per family or 1% of income, whichever is greater.

    Wouldn’t this be a problem for those making less than $28500/yr?
    The fine would be greater than 1% and placed upon those with the least ability to pay.
    Where do subsidies start?
    When is a person considered poor?

  109. JPotter says:

    US Citizen: donna: In 2014, the penalty will be $285 per family or 1% of income, whichever is greater. Wouldn’t this be a problem for those making less than $28500/yr?The fine would be greater than 1% and placed upon those with the least ability to pay.Where do subsidies start?When is a person considered poor?

    Read up at the act’s website. I believe people will love this plan. Not perfect, but better than the past. The haters are hating out of ignorance. The unfortunate thing for Obama is how long the plan takes to kick in. The Reds are in a frenzy to tear it down w/o even knowing what it’s about! Which is why I’m hoping we hang in there …. to someday hear an old nutter scream “Keep your gov’t hands off my Obamacare!” 😉

  110. donna says:


    Mass. healthcare premiums down 5%

    Massachusetts residents who participate in the state’s healthcare program are seeing their insurance premiums going down by 5 percent

    While healthcare insurance premiums have gone up in other states, those participating in the state’s Health Connector Commonwealth Care program are enjoying a second year of reduced premium payments courtesy of the healthcare reform act signed into law by then Gov. Mitt Romney, reported.

    Currently, Massachusetts has the highest level of healthcare coverage in the country with more than 98 percent of its residents having healthcare insurance, but ranking as the 48th lowest state in the nation in healthcare expenditures.

    The combined saving of last year and this year will save the state approximately $91 million with no benefit reductions or member co-pay increases, the report said.

  111. donna says:

    JPotter: Read up at the act’s website. I believe people will love this plan. Not perfect, but better than the past. The haters are hating out of ignorance. The unfortunate thing for Obama is how long the plan takes to kick in. The Reds are in a frenzy to tear it down w/o even knowing what it’s about! Which is why I’m hoping we hang in there …. to someday hear an old nutter scream “Keep your gov’t hands off my Obamacare!” 😉

    i agree – but these things take time – bush’s prescription drug plan was signed in 03 but didn’t kick in until 06

    and these things change over time – the new healthcare law closes the donut hole left open in the prescription drug plan

  112. Thrifty says:

    Before checking the link, I thought you were linking to The Onion.

    I can’t wait to hear their take on this.

    This old article about health care on the front page is funny.

    Romney Blasts Supreme Court, Calling Healthcare Act ‘Worst Idea I Ever Had’
    Vows to Repeal Own Law


  113. Thrifty says:

    As much as I previously said I like that this act makes me insurable, I don’t actually have insurance right now. I was paying $163 a month for the national high-risk pool, but then I dropped coverage because of a financial scare. I’m not working, but I’m in college now trying to get into programming, and hoping to stretch my savings out for 4 years. It was an impulsive move that was probably not the best idea. Now I can’t get back into it until November or December.

    On the other hand, I really hate being alive. I don’t really have the guts for suicide, so I don’t know that I would classify myself as suicidal. But I’m just tired of being alive. My aunt was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and I am honest-to-God jealous of her.

    Of course, that’s all well and good for me to say that now, when I am strong and healthy. But if I got sick, I might change my tune.

    misha: No one can live without insurance. Those who try are both foolish and stupid.

  114. Thrifty says:

    I noticed that quite often, when someone opposed to the bill starts railing against it, they’ll say something like “it was rammed through Congress!” or “this dirty and really long bill was passed through back-room dealings!”. It was telling that people weren’t objecting to the content of the bill, but rather the procedural methods by which it was passed.

    Even when they’re not hung up on procedural details, you get into arguments about how it’ll kill jobs or it’ll raise the deficit or it’s the biggest tax increase in history (seriously…. a 1% increase is the biggest in history?). Still, there’s no ACTUAL criticism of anything in the actual law.

    For people who complain about how nobody in Congress read the bill, they sure don’t appear to have read even so much as a summary of it.

    JPotter: Read up at the act’s website. I believe people will love this plan. Not perfect, but better than the past. The haters are hating out of ignorance. The unfortunate thing for Obama is how long the plan takes to kick in. The Reds are in a frenzy to tear it down w/o even knowing what it’s about! Which is why I’m hoping we hang in there …. to someday hear an old nutter scream “Keep your gov’t hands off my Obamacare!”

  115. Peter says:

    Has anyone else gotten a robocall from The Donald saying that the President isn’t a citizen and asking for money to prove it?

  116. JPotter says:

    Thirfty, sorry to hear about your troubles. Really. If there’s anything random people on the internet can do, let me/us know.We’re all literally in this thing called life together. 🙂

    Reading up on birthers certainly isn’t the most inspirational activity.

  117. US Citizen says:

    Peter: Has anyone else gotten a robocall from The Donald saying that the President isn’t a citizen and asking for money to prove it?

    When Trump is broke he makes robocalls? Who knew!?

  118. justlw says:

    donna: ranking as the 48th lowest state in the nation

    So… 3rd highest?

  119. donna says:

    thrifty: hang in there – 6 months isn’t that far off – sorry about your aunt too – i’ll pray for both of you – as you said, you’re strong and healthy – be grateful – others are not so lucky and fight to survive

  120. linda says:

    Same here, Thrifty. I hope at least some of the postings here (I will not name names) can give you a giggle.

    Be well.

    Thirfty, sorry to hear about your troubles. Really. If there’s anything random people on the internet can do, let me/us know.We’re all literally in this thing called life together.

    Reading up on birthers certainly isn’t the most inspirational activity.

  121. linda says:

    What a scuzzbucket! Gee, I wonder what ever happened to all those shocking things his investigators and those from Maricopa County have found? Darn that disappearing ink?

    Has anyone else gotten a robocall from The Donald saying that the President isn’t a citizen and asking for money to prove it?

  122. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “The Donald” made his fortune by writing a book about how he was a failure at the real estate business.

  123. Scientist says:

    Peter: Has anyone else gotten a robocall from The Donald saying that the President isn’t a citizen and asking for money to prove it?

    According to Mario Apuzzo, citizens are not eligible to be President, so I guess it’s a good thing he isn’t.

  124. linda says:

    Klayman says he is going to indict Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kagan.

    “Klayman issued this statement in light of these facts. “Chief Justice Roberts and his colleague must now be held to account to the American people. By refusing to disqualify Kagan and then writing the majority opinion which upholds the unconstitutional violation of the freedoms the Constitution grants to We the People, Roberts and Kagan have violated their oath of office and must be subject to possible indictment by a Citizens Grand Jury. Ironically, the Court has previously held that the grand jury belongs to the people, and not the other three branches of government. Following established grand jury procedures, I will empanel a grand jury in Florida and seek the indictment of Chief Justice Roberts and Kagan. The Framers of our Constitution created the Citizens Grand Jury for the people as found in the 5th Amendment. By so doing, they created a legal mechanism to hold corrupt judges and politicians accountable under our criminal laws, thereby hoping to avoid another revolution as occurred in 1776.”

  125. JPotter says:

    linda: Klayman says he is going to indict Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kagan.

    Holy crap. What pandering! Give me money for fantasy vigilante justice! And what nuttiness, threatening another revolution.

    Pair the demeanor of Taitz with the … ummm … amibition of Klayman. Now that would be a show!

  126. misha says:

    JPotter: What pandering! Give me money for fantasy vigilante justice! And what nuttiness, threatening another revolution.

    linda: Klayman says he is going to indict Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kagan.

    He’s nuts, but he got the idea from Newt McPherson Gingrich:

    Gingrich went on to describe “the rule of two of three” — a made-up rule with no foundation in American law — in which two branches of government could out-vote the other one. He wasn’t kidding, by the way.

    SCHIEFFER: One of the things you say is that if you don’t like what a court has done, that Congress should subpoena the judge and bring him before Congress and hold a congressional hearing … how would you enforce that? Would you send the Capitol Police down to arrest him?

    GINGRICH: Sure. If you had to. Or you’d instruct the Justice Department to send a U.S. Marshal.

    Just so we’re clear, this week, a leading presidential candidate articulated his belief that, if elected, he might (1) eliminate courts he doesn’t like; (2) ignore court rulings he doesn’t like; and (3) take judges into custody if he disapproves of their legal analyses.

    I hope it’s unnecessary to note that Gingrich’s vision is stark raving mad.

    Read on:

  127. JPotter says:

    misha: He’s nuts, but he got the idea from Newt McPherson Gingrich:

    Oh, Misha, that’s one of my favorites! I always watch Face the Nation, and saw that one the day it aired. My eyes were bugging out of my head on that one. Schieffer has a great poker face, but he was clearly flummoxed as well.

    Here’s another brilliant move by that political genius: He came to the Tulsa Petroleum Club, and promised the members $2/gallon gas. Ummmm, Newt? Would you promise farmers lower corn prices? Well, yes, he probably would.

  128. JPotter says:

    Collette claiming to have offered “Obama’s” lawyers a ridiculous deal.

    “My offer was very simple. If I survive the motions to dismiss, Obama would permit me access to the original and microfiche birth records in Hawaii and the copies he claims to have gotten from Hawaii last year, then I would waive all other discovery. They declined my offer.”

    “Give me something that isn’t your to give, and I’ll leave you alone. If you don’t accept, I win!”

    I don’t know if this was really communicated, or is just BS on the blogs.

  129. linda says:

    I remember that, too, it was particularly disturbing. Odd, I don’t remember the republican outrage that ensued, nothing like what followed when Obama “warned” the Court not to overturn the healthcare act.

    JPotter: Oh, Misha, that’s one of my favorites! I always watch Face the Nation, and saw that one the day it aired. My eyes were bugging out of my head on that one. Schieffer has a great poker face, but he was clearly flummoxed as well.

    misha: He’s nuts, but he got the idea from Newt McPherson Gingrich:

  130. linda says:

    The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals even ordered the Justice Department to write a letter stating the executive branch’s understanding of the Court’s role.

  131. linda says:

    The article is titled “Paralegal Checkmates Obama’s Lawyers”.


    JPotter: Collette claiming to have offered “Obama’s” lawyers a ridiculous deal.

  132. Majority Will says:

    Collette claiming to have offered “Obama’s” lawyers a ridiculous deal.

    “Give me something that isn’t your to give, and I’ll leave you alone. If you don’t accept, I win!”

    I don’t know if this was really communicated, or is just BS on the blogs.

    Oh my.

  133. JPotter says:

    linda: The article is titled “Paralegal Checkmates Obama’s Lawyers”. smh

    Don’t you just love the assertion of (groundless) superiority / authority? Internet Heroes of the World Unite!

  134. Northland10 says:

    linda: “Klayman issued this statement in light of these facts. “Chief Justice Roberts and his colleague must now be held to account to the American people. By refusing to disqualify Kagan and then writing the majority opinion which upholds the unconstitutional violation of the freedoms the Constitution grants to We the People, Roberts and Kagan have violated their oath of office and must be subject to possible indictment by a Citizens Grand Jury.

    The right wing is sure a bunch of sore losers lately. The left loses Bush v. Gore, Citizens United, and various elections, and the grumble, grumble and “move on.” When the right loses, they scream treason, nullification, worse than 9-11, tenth amendment solutions, secession, toss out the courts, citizen grand juries, impeachment and frog marching.

  135. Thrifty says:

    Thanks for your kind words guys. Contrary to the tone of my post, things are going relatively well for me. I was working at a mutual funds company doing technical support work until the end of September 2011. The technical term for what happened there is “being laid off”, but I hated the job so intensely that I usually think of it as “being paroled”. It was a contract job, which paid pretty well, but had no benefits. Hence why I was particularly thrilled when the PPAC Act passed. The terms of the contract said that you got hired for 1 year at a time, renewable twice. Then they lay you off and replace you with someone with no experience who they have to train. And they wonder why it takes so long to close a trouble ticket :Q The terms of the contracts actually dictate that if you use up all of your 3 years, you can get restart the cycle, but you have to go through a cooling off period of 1 year. So I could be recalled this October.

    I saved up some money working there, and get unemployment benefits until the end of the year. The money I saved up can stretch pretty comfortably until the middle of 2015, and it can MAYBE go until 2016. Recently I decided I would pursue my dreams of becoming a programmer, so I’m in school right now. If I get recalled to my old job, as much as I detested it, I just may go back, so that I can save up the money to go through school debt free. That’d be cool.

    As per the quasi-suicidal thoughts that may have come out in my other post, I think that people interpret these things as more serious than they sound. It’s not so much that I wish I was dead, it’s just that I’m so exhausted with the effort being an adult takes. It’s like some sort of terminal case of senioritis. Or maybe it’s like a woman who’s 9 months pregnant and just wants the damn baby to come out so she can stop feeling so horrible all the time. Like, some people are very upbeat and see some sort of beauty and joy in life, but I just view it as some sort of curse that was inflicted upon me because back in 1982 I shared a crib with a brother who died of a highly contagious disease that I somehow didn’t get.

    But, objectively speaking, life is okay for me. It was terrible in 2005 and 2006 and in the summer of 2008. Now, I think, life is just… annoying. It’s like being stuck in a theater watching Freddy Got Fingered.

  136. donna says:

    why didn’t klayman call for the indictments of judges sutton and silberman? they are considered very conservative and both upheld the law – sutton clerked for scalia and was appointed by bush, silberman by reagan – i’m sure that wasn’t lost on roberts

  137. Thrifty says:

    Aren’t judges already held accountable by impeachment? Okay yes, that only applies to criminal misconduct. They’re completely unaccountable if they make an unpopular decision. But that’s the entire point. They’re supposed to be able to interpret the law as objectively as humanly possible, never influenced by pressure of being fired or of upsetting the electorate.

    Birthers are such sore losers.

    linda: “By so doing, they created a legal mechanism to hold corrupt judges and politicians accountable under our criminal laws, thereby hoping to avoid another revolution as occurred in 1776.”

  138. G says:

    Thanks for sharing Thrifty. Keep your spirits up the best you can. I totally “get” what you are saying here.

    Yeah, adult life, especially in the 24/7 modern day world is full of an endless set of responsibilities, chores, bills, unexpected life issues, health concerns, etc, etc, etc. Plus, just about everyone has friend, family and associate connections that lead to additional drama from their lives that spill into our own. All part of the messy and never ending dynamic that is the web of society in a rapidly changing fast-paced world. So yeah, it never ends and a lot of the mundane or even the “dramatic” aspects are not fun at all… so I understand what you mean by “exhausting”.

    But you are not alone and your situation is certainly not that uncommon at all. The key is to not focus on all those exhausting and non-fun portions of the day and instead, use them as a reason to CHERISH the little things in life that you probably otherwise overlook, but actually do appreciate. Enjoy and savor the positive and fun moments and memories whenever they crop up. And most importantly, don’t waste too much energy stressing out on things that simply are what they are.

    The old saying, “take time to stop and smell the flowers” might sound silly and glib, but in my 40 years of life, I’ve repeatedly found it to be one of the most profoundly helpful maxims to help reset perspective on life during exhausting times and to recharge the batteries. Obviously, it doesn’t have to be “flowers”. I for one like to take a few moments every now and then during the day and go outside and simply marvel at the both the simple and vast wonders of nature…and even of everyday life – whether that is looking up at the stars at night or listening intently to the different sounds of birds, bugs and frogs buzzing and chirping…or even watching different types of vehicles drive by on the road (admittedly, we get a lot of cool classic cars on the road all the time where I live, so that increases the “fun” level)..

    But those are just examples of what I like to do to savor and appreciate the little things that are always around and otherwise overlooked. For me, it really does work to recharge and perk up perspectives.

    I simply offer what I can from my own experiences, in hopes that maybe it will trigger some things in your own life that you can use to help refresh and reinvigorate your spirits.

    Best wishes and warm regards to you.

    Thrifty: As per the quasi-suicidal thoughts that may have come out in my other post, I think that people interpret these things as more serious than they sound. It’s not so much that I wish I was dead, it’s just that I’m so exhausted with the effort being an adult takes. It’s like some sort of terminal case of senioritis. Or maybe it’s like a woman who’s 9 months pregnant and just wants the damn baby to come out so she can stop feeling so horrible all the time. Like, some people are very upbeat and see some sort of beauty and joy in life, but I just view it as some sort of curse that was inflicted upon me because back in 1982 I shared a crib with a brother who died of a highly contagious disease that I somehow didn’t get.

  139. JPotter says:

    Northland10: … they scream treason, nullification, worse than 9-11, tenth amendment solutions, secession, toss out the courts, citizen grand juries, impeachment …

    Don’t forget Watergate. They’ve really been hung up on that lately. In fact, I think they’re STILL ticked off about the original Watergate, and looking to pin one on a Dem just to even the score!

  140. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: Aren’t judges already held accountable by impeachment? Okay yes, that only applies to criminal misconduct.

    Does it require some criminal aspect? I thought that was still left fairly vague, as impeaching the President is …. sort of like, “If that big of a consensus is hacked off enough to go through with it, then you really need to go, no matter the stated reason!”

  141. James M says:

    It was a GREAT DAY to be an Obot!

    My new conspiracy theory. The secrets that the Obama administration is keeping in the “Fast and Furious” investigation are embarrassing to people connected with the Bush Administration, and Chief Justice Roberts did this giant favor for President Obama as a reward.

  142. Thrifty says:

    I’m pretty sure they need at least something vaguely resembling a crime. You can’t just say “You’re impeached because we don’t like you.”

    JPotter: Does it require some criminal aspect? I thought that was still left fairly vague, as impeaching the President is …. sort of like, “If that big of a consensus is hacked off enough to go through with it, then you really need to go, no matter the stated reason!”

  143. Majority Will says:

    I’m pretty sure they need at least something vaguely resembling a crime.You can’t just say “You’re impeached because we don’t like you.”

    Tell that to Newt “Adulterous Hypocrite” Gingrich.

  144. Thrifty says:

    What are you talking about? If you’re referring to the Clinton impeachment, they had a criminal charge of perjury and obstruction of justice. Whether you think these were silly is beside the point. They still had something vaguely resembling a crime.

    Majority Will: Tell that to Newt “Adulterous Hypocrite” Gingrich.

  145. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yesterday was pretty hilarious, but at the same time a big waste. If only there was a way to harness all of the energy generated by the wingnuts going completely ape, we could have powered the entire country for an entire year!

    And here is the latest crack from Bitherdom. Hawaii is misspelled with a “u” on the BC! An error, I’d like to point out, that didn’t exist until yesterday!

  146. sactosintolerant says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    And here is the latest crack from Bitherdom. Hawaii is misspelled with a “u” on the BC! An error, I’d like to point out, that didn’t exist until yesterday!

    They missed he was born in Oabu county?

  147. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    sactosintolerant: They missed he was born in Oabu county?

    No, they’re showing a very blurry, out of focus photo of the word Hawaii, and trying to say that the first “a” is a “u”. But then again this was on ORYR, the same site that took a story from THE GLOBE and published it as genuine news.

  148. Yeah, somebody send me that a few days ago. Just now I was reading a manual printed on an inkjet printer from Microsoft Word text (not blurry) and I was reading a boldfaced heading that I took to be “Rale Editor.” I thought it was a typo, but upon closer examination, it said “Rule Editor.” So I’m living proof that this is a visual mistake that’s easy to find.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: And here is the latest crack from Bitherdom. Hawaii is misspelled with a “u” on the BC! An error, I’d like to point out, that didn’t exist until yesterday!

  149. sactosintolerant says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: No, they’re showing a very blurry, out of focus photo of the word Hawaii, and trying to say that the first “a” is a “u”. But then again this was on ORYR, the same site that took a story from THE GLOBE and published it as genuine news.

    The picture on ORYR also shows what looks like “Oabu” as the county. Just wondering why anonymous YouTuber didn’t point that out.

  150. JPotter says:

    Yup, interpolation results in pixel splitting. When looking at a video of a blown up cellphone photo of a copy of a document, image integrity cannot be guaranteed.

    In other news, water is wet, and today’s date is 6/29/12.

    As the nut says in his video: “I’ve been looking at this for so long ….” 😀

  151. ellen says:

    The latest in the allegations of forgery from the birthers go back to Savannah Guthrie’s posting of the image of Obama’s long form. The new claim is that on that image, and on it only, the word that on other copies appears as “Hawaii” is in this case “Huwaii.”

    And I looked, and it does look more like a U than an A.

    But big deal, perhaps there was a speck on the paper or on the lens.

    Still, perhaps someone who has looked more closely into the forgery allegations than I would like to check it out and comment.

  152. I read that article and it is just more proof that there is no reason to take anything Mara Zebest writes seriously. She is a complete loon.

    ellen: The latest in the allegations of forgery from the birthers go back to Savannah Guthrie’s posting of the image of Obama’s long form. The new claim is that on that image, and on it only, the word that on other copies appears as “Hawaii” is in this case “Huwaii.”

  153. JPotter says:

    ellen: Still, perhaps someone who has looked more closely into the forgery allegations than I would like to check it out and comment.

    Sure. The birthers are foaming-at-the-mouth obsessed with discrediting those photos, as they complicate their “argument” that the PDF has no paper antecedent. Suprisingly,m they have yet to smear Guthrie personally …. that I have seen …. wonder why they’re holding back?

    All of the birther’s forgery memes are baseless.

  154. misha says:

    Reality Check: She is a complete loon.

    Please, do not insult that magnificent bird:

  155. JPotter says:

    This day in WND History: June 29
    Check today’s milestone in news site’s path to greatness

    WND sues Esquire for faked report

    June 29, 2011: WND filed a lawsuit in the nation’s capital seeking tens of millions of dollars in damages for a faked “report” in Esquire magazine that falsely said a New York Times best-selling book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President,” by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., had been pulled from store shelves by the publisher.

    (slow day)

  156. Thinker says:

    Breaking news from Indiana: State of Indiana asks for $9405 in sanctions against Taitz and her co-plaintiffs. Motion at Jack Ryan’s

  157. JPotter says:

    Thinker: State of Indiana asks for $9405 in sanctions against Taitz and her co-plaintiffs

    Sanctions in the form of costs! About time! Including the print out of her website was a nice touch!

  158. misha says:

    Thinker: Breaking news from Indiana: State of Indiana asks for $9405 in sanctions against Taitz and her co-plaintiffs.

    I’m surprised they did not ask for triple damages, which legally they are entitled to.

    Orly Taitz and Joseph Farah are fascists, in the true sense of the word – along with the rest of their coterie.

    I’m not surprised about Farah, but I never thought I would see the day when Jews flirt with fascism.

  159. G says:

    Yeay! About time!!!

    Still waiting for the HI sanctions to eventually get compiled together and submitted on her too.

    It has been slow in coming, but I suspect this is the sign of things to come for Orly and the rest of these frivolous clowns…

    Breaking news from Indiana: State of Indiana asks for $9405 in sanctions against Taitz and her co-plaintiffs. Motion at Jack Ryan’s

  160. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yeay!About time!!!

    Still waiting for the HI sanctions to eventually get compiled together and submitted on her too.

    It has been slow in coming, but I suspect this is the sign of things to come for Orly and the rest of these frivolous clowns…

    Yes, Yes…this is so good that it has to be fattening!

  161. Thrifty says:

    I didn’t think it was possible to make her web site even uglier, but there we go.

    JPotter: Including the print out of her website was a nice touch!

  162. G says:

    LMAO! 😉

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Yes, Yes…this is so good that it has to be fattening!

  163. bob j says:

    –According to Dr. Taitz( on her site: in response to a disparaging poster. I assume it is her from the e-mail, but it is always a risk to assume.):
    June 29th, 2012 @ 5:40 pm

    Judge Reid denied all demands for sanctions filed by corrupt Deputy AG of Indiana Garn, however Indiana bar might sanction Garn for flagrantly aiding and abetting elections fraud and forgery by Obama. Time to hold corrupt AGs and corrupt US attorneys accountable

    –How long does such a filing take to be ruled upon? Is she right that it has been denied by the judge?

  164. JPotter says:

    bob j: –How long does such a filing take to be ruled upon? Is she right that it has been denied by the judge?

    Wouldn’t there be a record of that somehwere? A transcript at least?

  165. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    bob j:
    –According to Dr. Taitz( on her site: in response to a disparaging poster. I assume it is her from the e-mail, but it is always a risk to assume.):

    dr_taitz@yahoo.comJune 29th, 2012 @ 5:40 pm

    Judge Reid denied all demands for sanctions filed by corrupt Deputy AG of Indiana Garn, however Indiana bar might sanction Garn for flagrantly aiding and abetting elections fraud and forgery by Obama. Time to hold corrupt AGs and corrupt US attorneys accountable

    –How long does such a filing take to be ruled upon? Is she right that it has been denied by the judge?

    It scares the hell out of me that people like her are allowed to practice law, and have their hands inside of peoples’ mouths all day.

  166. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: and have their hands inside of peoples’ mouths all day.

    Marathon Man.

    Misha Marinsky, Esq. M.O.U.S.E. FNAO

  167. Majority Will says:

    What are you talking about?If you’re referring to the Clinton impeachment, they had a criminal charge of perjury and obstruction of justice.Whether you think these were silly is beside the point.They still had something vaguely resembling a crime.

    I was referring more specifically to Newton’s moral outrage that he claimed was his motive to pursue Clinton.

  168. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Taitz’s latest crazy-train stop is about physically sickening. Now she’s pinning the Arizona shooting on Obama. Saying that it’s because the judge who died was a “threat” to him. I would never hit a woman, but for something this disgusting, I wouldn’t flinch if someone bloodied her mouth real good. If it wasn’t for Reagan, we would still have the correct facilities to put people like her.

  169. Keith says:

    JPotter: It’s the usual crap. I suppose we are to believe His Moncktonness submitted this toteh House of Lords and Her Majesty.

    He is not and never has been a member of the House of Lords. They want nothing what-so-ever to do with him.

    From Wikipedia:

    The House of Lords authorities have said Monckton is not and never has been a member and that there is no such thing as a non-voting or honorary member of the House.[6][24] In July 2011 the House took the “unprecedented step” of publishing online a cease and desist letter to Monckton from the Clerk of the Parliaments, which concluded, “I am publishing this letter on the parliamentary website so that anybody who wishes to check whether you are a Member of the House of Lords can view this official confirmation that you are not.”

    And the Queen wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot Beefeaters bearskin hat.

    There is strong evidence that Monckton is, in fact, the greatest creation of political satirist Sasha Baron Cohen.

  170. Keith says:

    misha: Lord Monckton is Sasha Baron Cohen:

    Hey! That’s my line!

  171. Keith says:

    misha: Lord Monckton is Sasha Baron Cohen:

    Hey! That’s my line!

  172. Keith says:

    bovril: Well, it is an Obama Conspiracy according to the freaks at Freeperville

    Of course its an Obama conspiracy. He campaigned for it didn’t he? He lobbied for it didn’t he? He argued for it in front of SCOTUS didn’t he? How could it not be an Obama conspiracy?

  173. dunstvangeet says:

    El Diablo Negro:
    States can opt out without penalty to medicaid. I agree with that.

    “Congress cannot “penalize States that choose not to participate in that new program by taking away their existing Medicaid funding,” Roberts said.

    Which actually flies in the face of precedent. For instance, the reason that the drinking age is 21 across the nation is that the Federal Government tied Highway Money to states raising their drinking age to 21. This was done by the great Saint Ronald Reagan. South Dakota sued, and Justice Reinquist delivered the opinion, joined by Scalia (the only two justices who are still on the court), said that it was constitutional.

  174. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Latest on WND’s hit list? Hallmark! They made a greeting card that offended them.
    No, seriously!

    Isn’t getting all bent out of shape, over someone exercising their first amendment rights, something they accuse “Marxist” Liberals of doing? But then again, WND and their ilk have proven time and time again what Hypocrites they are.

  175. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Latest on WND’s hit list? Hallmark! They made a greeting card that offended them.
    No, seriously!

    Eaux, the faux concern! Hallmark has made political cards for decades. Not the first time they’ve tripped winger concern reflexes. Funniest of all, they are tons of more pointed cards out there, many intentionally offensize, particulrly from small imprints. They only get excited when the largest company crosses some imaginary line. Introduce them to various e-card sites or JibJab and they heads should explode (if they’re truly offended by these Hallmark cards 😛 )

  176. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    More proof that when they do anything “For the people” or “For America” they mean Themselves and the America that exists in their head.

  177. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    More proof that when they do anything “For the people” or “For America” they mean Themselves and the America that exists in their head.

    Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be,2849/

  178. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    ‘Tis a strange day indeed, when The Onion his the nail on the head.

  179. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    ‘Tis a strange day indeed, when The Onion his the nail on the head.

    Yes, it’s an Onions classic, about a penomenon that needs no satire to appear satirical. Wingnuts is jus’ Poe folks.

  180. RuhRoh says:

    Once again, Arpaio is using his “birth certificate investigation” to try to deflect from the DOJ case against him.

    He’s scheduled the next press conference for July 17th. His trial begins on July 19th.

    This is essentially the same thing he did when the DOJ filed the case. Arpaio knew he had suspended negotiations with the DOJ, meaning the DOJ would file suit, though it hadn’t yet become public. Arpaio scheduled his press conference immediately prior to suit being filed against him.

  181. G says:

    As with all his other WND-backed “press” duds, this one will also serve to fool nor distract anyone from his DOJ problems… in fact, it will only serve to hurt his credibility further…

    Some people are prone to self-destructiveness, I guess…

    Once again, Arpaio is using his “birth certificate investigation” to try to deflect from the DOJ case against him.

    He’s scheduled the next press conference for July 17th.His trial begins on July 19th.

    This is essentially the same thing he did when the DOJ filed the case. Arpaio knew he had suspended negotiations with the DOJ, meaning the DOJ would file suit,though it hadn’t yet become public. Arpaio scheduled his press conference immediatelyprior to suit being filed against him.

  182. Arthur says:

    On the one hand, I like it when birthers post here, because it adds a little spice to the comments. On the other hand, people like John, (who comments but never responds) and Mario, (who comments but never listens) soon become tiresome. With that in mind, I was reading about how one blogger deals with tiresome guests. Among other things, he uses something called, “hellbanned.”

    “A hellbanned user is invisible to all other users, but crucially, not himself. From his perspective, he is participating normally in the community but nobody ever responds to him. When nothing they post ever gets a response, a hellbanned user is likely to get bored or frustrated and leave.”

    I’d love to see every third comment left by Mario get hellbanned. I think it would drive him nuts. Well, nuttier.

  183. linda says:

    Here is a fine example of lunacy, from Cody Robert Judy’s letter to the Supreme Court.

    “If the Justices had been informed of my case it may have altered their decision on the ACA Decision asObama is not eligible or qualified by the demands of the Constitution for the Office of the President. I feelthat withholding my case from their consideration is a blatant discrimination towards me and towards theJustice of their decisions that may have been altered if presented.”

    “That circumvention of Justice is not at all my fault. It is remains at the feet of the Clerk‘s
    office of whichyou are in charge. If the ACA needed an eligible person first qualified under the Constitution as Presidentto sign it, and Obama was not, the Act was not ripe for the U.S. Supreme Court decision and their
    decision is rendered ‘moot‘.”

  184. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ah yes, more “Wahhh! I didn’t get my way, so everyone is a communist!”

  185. RuhRoh says:


    It’s essentially the birther claim of a “magic reset button”. They truly believe that if they succeed in declaring Obama ineligible, we all get in the Tardis and go back to November 3, 2008.

  186. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Can we stop for some Jelly Babies first?

  187. Lupin says:

    misha: Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be,2849/

    Oh my! That’s brilliant.

    The stooge on the photo looks much too sane to be a proper stand-in for “john”. IMHO.

  188. JPotter says:

    RuhRoh: we all get in the Tardis and go back to November 3, 2008.

    Thanksfully, there’s plenty of room! 😉

  189. Thrifty says:

    That is brilliant!

    Arthur: “A hellbanned user is invisible to all other users, but crucially, not himself. From his perspective, he is participating normally in the community but nobody ever responds to him. When nothing they post ever gets a response, a hellbanned user is likely to get bored or frustrated and leave.”

  190. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: That is brilliant!

    Take it farther …. all other users see his comments and an explanatory disclaimer, but are unable to reply. They may go quietly, or they may go nuts. Fun for all if they do!

    Unfortunately in birtherism, some of the trolls are the story.

  191. Thrifty says:

    I want to find an actor who does a really really good Barack Obama impersonation, and have him call Orly Taitz’s dental practice, and leave a message confessing to various things Birthers accuse Obama of. She would go nuts.

  192. misha says:

    Thrifty: I want to find an actor who does a really really good Barack Obama impersonation, and have him call Orly Taitz’s dental practice, and leave a message confessing to various things Birthers accuse Obama of.

    Sarah Palin already did.

  193. I finally got around to reading George Bancroft’s History of the United States chapter dealing with the debate in the Federal Convention over the office of the Presidency.

    Having read similar material, there wasn’t any new information about the Convention. However, it is interesting to note that Bancroft understood the 14-year residency requirement for the Presidency to apply to the “foreign born.” That is, he understood that someone born a US Citizen abroad and who had lived in the US for 14 years was eligible.

    I thought it was interesting.

  194. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I thought it was interesting.

    An interesting note, Doc! Thanks for sharing.

  195. Thrifty says:

    That link says that it’s Sarah Palin tricked into thinking she’s talking to Nicholas Sarkozy. How is that the same as tricking Orly Taitz into thinking she’s talking to Barack Obama?

    misha: Sarah Palin already did.

  196. linda says:

    Mario says he filed an appeal in Purpura v Obama.

  197. G says:

    Well, he is a masochist and glutten for punishment…(or at least his paying clients are), so he’s itching to add another LOSS to his record…

    His filing pretty much starts out with a long whine about the Constitutional Republic cannot survive…ZOMG!!! Eleventy!!! blah, blah, blah. After his over-the-top histronics, he just goes to regurgitate the same erroneous and disingenuous misreadings of Minor, etc. as well as rant about his imaginary class of “born naturalized” citizens that he made up… Basically all the same nonsense that he’s failed with repeatedly before, both here and in the courts.

    So another quick dismissal is easily predictable here… what a LOSER.

    Mario says he filed an appeal in Purpura v Obama.

  198. Lupin says:

    G: Well, he is a masochist and glutten for punishment…(or at least his paying clients are), so he’s itching to add another LOSS to his record…

    Meretricious Mario will gleefully stretch this as long as he can squeeze a dime out of it. He is vile.

  199. linda says:

    He better be careful. I am reading through it now and (in addition to just being wrong), I think he is intentionally deceptive and misleading. He does his two-parent two-step then says “…that specific meaning became the supreme law of the land…” That is followed by “There has never been any doubt in our nation as to this definition. Minor.”

    I am rooting for sanctions.

    G: So another quick dismissal is easily predictable here… what a LOSER.

  200. Keith says:

    “Dogs and Dead People” is a dog whistle?

    The Dog That Voted and Other Election Fraud Yarns

    Misha, please don’t go registering your Afgani refugee house mate to vote.

  201. donna says:

    NBC: NJ – Purpura v Obama – Appeal to NJ Supreme Court

    it’s amazing how many of these courts have “erred” and how the birthers have NEVER “erred”

  202. misha says:

    Thrifty: How is that the same as tricking Orly Taitz into thinking she’s talking to Barack Obama?

    Birds of a feather.

  203. Thrifty says:

    It’s a completely different prank. They’re similar, but it’s still a different prank.

    misha: Birds of a feather.

  204. donna says:

    latest from wing nutzzz daily:

    WND Exclusive
    What did Congress know about ‘natural-born citizen’?
    8 tries at eliminating requirement suggests organized strategy in place

    There were eight attempts by members of Congress during the years Barack Obama was developing a power base and running for president to remove the Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural-born citizen,” suggesting an organized strategy, according to a new video.

    The video documentary was produced by Carl Gallups, the senior pastor at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church for more than 24 years with a long history of community and law enforcement involvement.

    under “Obama’s qualifications never were reviewed.”

    After his election, Gallups points out, Obama held a secret meeting with eight of the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court – from which no public information was released.


  205. Majority Will says:

    latest from wing nutzzz daily:

    WND Exclusive
    What did Congress know about ‘natural-born citizen’?
    8 tries at eliminating requirement suggests organized strategy in place

    There were eight attempts by members of Congress during the years Barack Obama was developing a power base and running for president to remove the Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural-born citizen,” suggesting an organized strategy, according to a new video.

    The video documentary was produced by Carl Gallups, the senior pastor at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church for more than 24 years with a long history of community and law enforcement involvement.

    under “Obama’s qualifications never were reviewed.”

    After his election, Gallups points out, Obama held a secret meeting with eight of the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court – from which no public information was released.

    Well, there you have it.

    What’s more funny is that people think there are actual journalists at WND and not just a small group of confused and angry circus freaks fighting to drive the clown car.

  206. donna says:

    Majority Will: “What’s more funny is that people think there are actual journalists at WND” who report “facts” based on “proof” asserted by “experts” who provide “evidence”

  207. Majority Will says:

    Majority Will: “What’s more funny is that people think there are actual journalists at WND”who report “facts” based on “proof” asserted by “experts” who provide “evidence”


  208. Majority Will says:

    “America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity. That part of America which had encouraged them most had advanced most rapidly in population, agriculture and the arts.”

    – James Madison

  209. Majority Will says:

    Anti-Obama telethon beyond bad taste

    (excerpt) It’s an anti-Obama festival of negativity featuring the illustrious Herman Cain, Joe “America’s Sheriff” Arpaio of Arizona tent city fame, 1940s poster person Phyllis Schlafly and a long list of Obama haters you likely have never heard of.

    The most recognizable among the lesser names are Danny Tarkanian, whose claim to fame is that he is the son of the most rule-breaking basketball coach in U.S. history, former “Saturday Night Live” cast member Victoria Jackson, and actress Janine Turner, late of “Northern Exposure.”


  210. donna says:

    Majority Will: from your link

    “Can you imagine a ‘Defeat George W. Bush Telethon’ anywhere except on the Comedy Channel.?'”

    answer: HARDLY

    Star Spangled Birther: Meet John Philip Sousa IV

    The patriotic composer’s great-grandson runs a PAC backing Sheriff Joe Arpaio and says the jury’s still out on President Obama’s citizenship.

  211. Lupin says:

    donna: Majority Will: from your link

    “Can you imagine a ‘Defeat George W. Bush Telethon’ anywhere except on the Comedy Channel.?’”

    Myself, I’m reminded of BLAZING SADDLES.

    They don’t love Romney but they sure hate the n***.

    Mel Brooks come to life: frightening and hilarious and sad.

  212. donna says:

    lupin: tu m’amuses!!!!

  213. Arthur says:

    A brither wrote, “A statutory citizen is a naturalized citizen by statute. For example Obama is naturalized by statute, so is McCain. Mitt Romney is natural born citizen, who needs no statute.”

    Could someone explain this for me? When birthers refer to Obama being “naturalized by statute”–what statute are are they refering to?

  214. Well, given that it’s from a birther, it doesn’t have to make sense on any level or be based on any fact. It is POSSIBLE that they think that he’s a citizen through his mother when born in Africa, but that’s not so. Maybe they think the 14th Amendment is a statute.

    It may be that they follow Vattel who says that the laws of England naturalize a child born there.

    Arthur: Could someone explain this for me? When birthers refer to Obama being “naturalized by statute”–what statute are are they referring to?

  215. Yeah, but most all of them were by Republicans.

    donna: There were eight attempts by members of Congress during the years Barack Obama was developing a power base and running for president to remove the Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural-born citizen,” suggesting an organized strategy, according to a new video.

  216. Scientist says:

    Arthur: For example Obama is naturalized by statute,

    I like Obama very much, but I think it’s premature to put up a statue right now. Maybe after his second term.

  217. misha says:

    Arthur: Mitt Romney is natural born citizen, who needs no statute.”

    Willard Mitt Romney’s father was born in Mexico, ostensibly to US citizens, and did not set foot in the States until age 6. George Romney’s US citizenship has never been proven.

    I repeat – Arizona SoS Bennett is a Mormon. If Romney gets in, he will let this fester and multiply like bacteria. Bennett never demonstrated to Hawaii, that he was checking every candidate, rather than targeting one person.

    Arthur: When birthers refer to Obama being “naturalized by statute”–what statute are are they refering to?

    Guess you missed it. This statute was explained in depth by Newton McPherson Gingrich: “Gingrich went on to describe “the rule of two of three” — a made-up rule with no foundation in American law — in which two branches of government could out-vote the other one. He wasn’t kidding, by the way.”

    It’s the conservatives’ playbook – inventing from whole cloth, like Condi Rice: “On CNN, Condi Rice acknowledged that “there will always be some uncertainty” in determining how close Iraq may be to obtaining a nuclear weapon but said, “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”

    Or, Shrub: In his January 2003 State of the Union speech, George W. Bush said, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

    It filters down to the street: “Pharmacist denies meds because religion – An Albuquerque woman claims she was denied her birth control pills because of her pharmacist’s religious beliefs… Matt Bowman with the Alliance Defense Fund said women have their rights, but pharmacists also have the right to religious freedom.

    “One person’s right to do something doesn’t mean they can force other people to help when it violates the other people’s faith,” said Bowman. “Protecting the right of a health care professional’s conscience is part of the right of religious freedom because representing the right of conscience isn’t stopping anyone from getting drugs. They can go elsewhere.”

    Or this: “Bus driver who refused to take women to Planned Parenthood gets $21K in settlement – System board members interviewed today said they agreed to settle after determining the cost of defending the lawsuit could exceed the settlement amount. ”

    Or this: “Attorneys for a Christian wedding photographer say they will appeal a New Mexico court decision that ruled she violated anti-discrimination laws by refusing to photograph a lesbian commitment ceremony…Huguenin claims her refusal was rooted in her Christian faith that views marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman.”

    Don’t get me started on evangelicals who tell Settlers the bible justifies stealing from Arabs.

    Textbooks on the conservative mind could fill an entire library.

  218. JPotter says:

    Majority Will: a long list of Obama haters you likely have never heard of.

    Is this the cast of Trump’s new spin-off, Birther Apprentice,to be webcast by WND this fall?

  219. Arthur says:

    It doesn’t make any sense even when you try to explain it. Thanks, though.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, given that it’s from a birther, it doesn’t have to make sense on any level or be based on any fact. It is POSSIBLE that they think that he’s a citizen through his mother when born in Africa, but that’s not so. Maybe they think the 14th Amendment is a statute.

    It may be that they follow Vattel who says that the laws of England naturalize a child born there.

  220. Arthur says:

    As reported by ORYR,

    “Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.

    “Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention ‘that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.'”

    Let me guess . . . dismissed?

  221. Whatever4 says:

    A brither wrote, “A statutory citizen is a naturalized citizen by statute. For example Obama is naturalized by statute, so is McCain. Mitt Romney is natural born citizen, who needs no statute.”

    Could someone explain this for me? When birthers refer to Obama being “naturalized by statute”–what statute are are they refering to?

    They are referring to 8 U.S.C. 1401-NATIONALS AND CITIZENS OF UNITED STATES AT BIRTH. They claim that since 2 citizen parents is the only option not mentioned, that’s the one that is a natural born citizen. But the first option covers 0, 1, or 2 citizen parents.

    The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
    (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

  222. Arthur says:

    Thanks, Watevah4. This nonsense makes no sense, but at least I know what they’re talking about.

    Whatever4: They are referring to 8 U.S.C. 1401-NATIONALS AND CITIZENS OF UNITED STATES AT BIRTH. They claim that since 2 citizen parents is the only option not mentioned, that’s the one that is a natural born citizen. But the first option covers 0, 1, or 2 citizen parents.

    The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:
    (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

  223. Keith says:

    Majority Will: actress Janine Turner, late of “Northern Exposure.”

    That’s a pity. She was hot back in the day.

  224. Majority Will says:

    Keith: That’s a pity. She was hot back in the day.

    Yep. Another pity is Patricia Heaton, an over the top RWNJ who was “devastated” by Breitbart’s demise.

  225. Majority Will says:

    JPotter: Is this the cast of Trump’s new spin-off, Birther Apprentice,to be webcast by WND this fall?

    My guess is Trump’s going to meet karma head on and hard very soon.

  226. Rickey says:

    As reported by ORYR,

    “Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.

    “Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention ‘that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.’”

    Let me guess . . . dismissed?

    I would like to hear her explain when having a Social Security Number became an eligibility requirement.

    Also, it is impossible to vet someone’s Social Security Number with 100% accuracy unless you have access to the Social Security Administration’s database. Daniels undoubtedly uses a service such as LexisNexis or Intellius. Those services are useful, but they also contain many errors.

  227. donna says:

    doc has an article from 1/2011 entitled “Phil Berg: Obama is not using a fraudulent SSN”

  228. JPotter says:

    Majority Will: My guess is Trump’s going to meet karma head on and hard very soon.

    Nah, he’s been a walking tabloid joke for 25 years. Have you seen his work with the WWE? Going political is a stupid move for an entertainer, but that ego demands it, and he isn’t the first to make that mistake.

  229. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: Daniels undoubtedly uses a service such as LexisNexis or Intellius.

    Wasn’t she the one who used e-Verify, got neither “never assigned” nor “mismatch” checked and still claims the result means the number was never Obama’s, or stolen from another person? I can smell perjury…

  230. The misuse of eVerify is a crime, but plain stupidity is not perjury.

    The Magic M: Wasn’t she the one who used e-Verify, got neither “never assigned” nor “mismatch” checked and still claims the result means the number was never Obama’s, or stolen from another person? I can smell perjury…

  231. Thrifty says:


    Rickey: I would like to hear her explain when having a Social Security Number became an eligibility requirement.

  232. Arthur says:

    Here’s what a birther wrote to me, regarding my question about “statutory citizen.”

    “US Code 1401 (a) “born subject to jurisdiction” covers former slaves born country-less, as was the entire raison d’etre for the 14th amendment.

    “THEN US Code 1404 goes on to say if you’re born in the USA with ONE US Citizen parent, you are also a statutory citizen.

    “So, and here is that ‘logic’ thing that stifles the drug-addled brains of the retardobots…

    “the two sections are obviously unrelated, since if (a) covered (b) there’d be no reason for (b). The purpose of 1401 (a) as per the current law Civil Rights Act of 1866 was to give citizenship to former slaves or persons without any country-link at all.

    “Want to read current US law?

    “p.s. it’s so much fun to ram logic down the throats of pea-brain dumbots…

    “‘1866 Civil Rights Act
    14 Stat. 27-30, April 9, 1866 A.D.
    An Act to protect all Persons in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their Vindication.
    ‘Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States; and such citizens, of every race and color, without regard to any previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall have the same right, in every State and Territory in the United States, to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, and give evidence, to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property, and to full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property, as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, and penalties, and to none other, any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.’

    “Then in 1868 the 14th amendment was added, upon which the 1401 statutes are based, none of which define a NBC. This is obvious since NBC is not in the 14th.

    “Then the CRA1866 was passed.

    “Then it was reenacted AGAIN 2 years later to reinforce the intention, which was NOT to grant citizenship to those born here with other citizenship. So the current anchor baby situation violates current law CRA1866. Since anchors are born Mexicans only…bla bla bla”

    Is it just me, or is this incohrent? What really gets me is how arrogantly this person dishes out his word salad.

    Arthur: A brither wrote, “A statutory citizen is a naturalized citizen by statute. For example Obama is naturalized by statute, so is McCain. Mitt Romney is natural born citizen, who needs no statute.”Could someone explain this for me? When birthers refer to Obama being “naturalized by statute”–what statute are are they refering to?

  233. Northland10 says:

    Then there is the FDR conspiracy to create the SSA so he would not be found ineligible for not having a SSN. How sly of him.


  234. JPotter says:

    Arthur: Is it just me, or is this incohrent? What really gets me is how arrogantly this person dishes out his word salad.

    It’s good old neo-cornfedrate crap, they’ve been serving that up for decades. Used to be passed around via newsletters, now on the web. “Sovereign citizens” have adopted it, too. Despite the persistent laughter and eye-rolling.

    Run a search for “14th amendment federal citizen” for a good run of the crazy.

    I like how he closed, with the implication that only Mexicans can produce an “anchor baby”. Sorry, Canadians, you’ve been sterilized! Everyone else is also out of luck.

  235. donna says:

    Taitz v Sibelius – OMG

    Breaking news! New 113 page complaint with exhibits class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of the US Constitution, as it exempt Muslim citizens and places a heavy tax burden on Christian and Jewish U. S. Citizens to pay a de facto Judeo-Christian Obama Tax not only for themselves, but also for Muslim citizens, who are exempt.

    MORE @

  236. DG says:

    I’ve tried searching here and a couple other places but I am not finding what I am looking for (though I really thought I had read it here…)

    1) The Alan Keyes/Obama 2004 debate where Obama allegedly admitted that he wasn’t an NBC with a retort of ‘So what, I’m running for senate not presidency’. I can’t find a video of it or a transcript. Can anyone link me to something that shows what was actually said? Or anything about it?

    2) Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya. Again, I can’t find anything about that that isn’t from WND, Freep, etc. Does anyone know where this claim originates?

    Thank you!!!

  237. G says:

    You are not going to find things that don’t exist. The Birther claims are tall tales, that’s all.

    I’ve tried searching here and a couple other places but I am not finding what I am looking for (though I really thought I had read it here…)

    1) The Alan Keyes/Obama 2004 debate where Obama allegedly admitted that he wasn’t an NBC with a retort of ‘So what, I’m running for senate not presidency’.I can’t find a video of it or a transcript.Can anyone link me to something that shows what was actually said?Or anything about it?

    2) Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya.Again, I can’t find anything about that that isn’t from WND, Freep, etc. Does anyone know where this claim originates?

    Thank you!!!

  238. DG says:

    You are not going to find things that don’t exist.The Birther claims are tall tales, that’s all.

    I guessed that was going to be the truth but I thought I’d check here. If there was anything out there supporting or refuting the claims, I figured the knowledgeable people here would know.


  239. justlw says:

    DG: Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya.

    This may have its Bizarro-world origin in the fact that when Obama became the first black president of Harvard Law Review, he was interviewed by many national publications, and in several of them, the resulting article explicitly said he was born in Hawaii.

    Meanwhile, here on Earth, there is no place where the Law Review would have ever mentioned any of its members’ birthplaces while they were active members. It’s not exactly a standard datum for mastheads, and a law review is not the kind of publication that would have a “Spotlight on Our Staffers!” feature.

  240. Northland10 says:

    I’ve tried searching here and a couple other places but I am not finding what I am looking for (though I really thought I had read it here…)

    1) The Alan Keyes/Obama 2004 debate where Obama allegedly admitted that he wasn’t an NBC with a retort of ‘So what, I’m running for senate not presidency’.I can’t find a video of it or a transcript.Can anyone link me to something that shows what was actually said?Or anything about it?

    2) Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya.Again, I can’t find anything about that that isn’t from WND, Freep, etc. Does anyone know where this claim originates?

    Thank you!!!

    Another blogger, NBC had an article on the Keyes claim and how the Keyes campaign stated it never happened.

    As for the Harvard Law Review claim, I have not heard it like that before but I tend to avoid WND and Freep (I would rather get conservative views from thinking conservatives). I suspect the law review claim came from a place that is best cleaned with thin sheets of tissue paper.

  241. misha says:

    DG: I’ve tried searching here and a couple other places but I am not finding what I am looking for (though I really thought I had read it here…)

    Here’s a story told about Svetlana Orly Taitz:

    A refusenik is living in Tel Aviv, and a man proposes to her. She tells him she wants to talk to her rabbi, first.

    She goes to her synagogue, and says to the rabbi, “I came here from Romania one year ago. When I first told them I wanted to leave for Israel, I was fired from my job, and the authorities would not give me back my work permit.

    So I took to streetwalking and shoplifting to make ends meet. Finally, the authorities had enough of me, and let me emigrate. Now a man has proposed.”

    The rabbi says, “Well, you’re here now, a man has proposed, and you’re starting over. Mazel Tov.”

    The woman replies, “There’s just one problem.”

    “Problem? How should there be a problem?”

    “What should I tell my fiancé?”

    The rabbi says, “Tell him everything, but DON’T tell him you’re Romanian.”

  242. I doubt that there’s any original basis for this one. It sounds like a lie of convenience. Birthers do that sometimes.

    As for the Keyes thing, there’s no documentation that the exchange ever happened, and Alan Keyes doesn’t say it happened. So why think it happened?

    DG: Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya. Again, I can’t find anything about that that isn’t from WND, Freep, etc. Does anyone know where this claim originates?

  243. Northland10 says:

    In the Maryland Fair v. Obama case, there is a new docket entry of note:

    Doc No./Seq No.: 28/0
    File Date: 07/02/2012 Close Date: Decision:
    Document Name: Ordered: Plaintiffs motion for default judgment is denied
    copies sent to Fair, Miltenberger, Obama, Darsie

    They had requested on May for a default judgement. I have not seen the motion but Tracy had mentioned it was something to do with a response being a day late or something(she mentioned, might as well try). The defendants filed an objection a couple of weeks later and now the judge has dismissed the motion for default.

    So, the case is back to a 17 August hearing on the MTD.

  244. misha says:

    Every time I hear “Judeo-Christian,” I want to throw up.

    I’ll repeat: Israel has universal healthcare, and it is socialized. All ambulances and hospitals are government owned. Physicians and nurses receive a government salary.

    Here in the States, we do the opposite: Banks and brokerages privatize profits, but socialize losses.

  245. donna says:


    Every time I hear “Judeo-Christian,” I want to throw up.

    I’ll repeat: Israel has universal healthcare, and it is socialized. All ambulances and hospitals are government owned. Physicians and nurses receive a government salary.

    Here in the States, we do the opposite: Banks and brokerages privatize profits, but socialize losses.

    GREAT post

    every year, the koch dealers’ heritage releases their foundation’s Economic FREEDOM Index

    #1 Hong Kong: Its healthcare system is primarily publicly funded, very efficient, and hardly interferes with the laudable low-regulation libertarian policies that have made it a beacon of prosperity in Asia.

    The next nine nations on Heritage’s list are

    #2 Singapore (government-run universal healthcare),

    #3 Australia (free universal healthcare),

    #4 New Zealand (mixed public-private system),

    #5 Switzerland (individual mandate),

    #6 Canada (single-payer system),

    #7-9 Chile, Mauritius, Ireland (two-tiered public-private system),

    and #10 the United States (individual mandate by 2014).

    How can economically freer nations than the US also be more “socialist?”

  246. Keith says:

    donna: #3 Australia (free universal healthcare),

    Not sure what their terms mean exactly, but Australia is, by my reckoning, a mixed public-private system and I pay a Medicare “levy” every year, so it isn’t “free”, and it isn’t “universal” from the point of view of covering everything. It is universal from the point of view of covering everyone, though.

    Aussie Medicare does not necessarily cover 100% of bills, if the doc charges more than the standard rate, you pay the “gap”. Medicare doesn’t cover optical or dental or ambulance. I have insurance for all that. The insurance also gets me in to the hospital when I need to get into the hospital, not 6 or 8 months down the track. My brother-in-law waited 10 months to get his knees operated on, I waited 10 days to get my hip done.

    Dental is the next great leap forward for Medicare, in theory. Every campaign pollies are talking up how they want to add dental coverage, but never quite come up with the goods. Its the universal promise that never comes off. At the Victorian State level, its a train to the airport, at the Aussie Federal level its dental on Medicare.

    I suggest that the Koch’s analysis is full of the stuff that is known to populate Huggies.

  247. Keith says:

    Hmmm, that post above is from me. I think I took too long to edit or something, but the header changed to ‘undefined’. Weird. Edit: OK, I see that it fixed itself and has my name right now, but it didn’t keep the edits I had added).

    I was trying to add that in Australia, if you don’t have private insurance, you pay an additional penalty tax (on top of the universal Medicare Levy), which is the same thing as the individual mandate in the US.

    And that penalty tax was put in place by the most conservative government in Australian History.

    The Koch’s are full of bovine excrement.

  248. donna says:

    keith: thanks for the clarification

    i actually quoted from this link

    from wiki

    “The public health system is called Medicare, which funds free universal access to hospital treatment and subsidised out-of-hospital medical treatment. It is funded by a 1.5% tax levy on taxpayers with incomes above a threshold amount, an extra 1% levy on high income earners without private health insurance, as well as general revenue.”

  249. misha says:

    Keith: Medicare Levy

    Ah, Dr. Levy – a fine Jewish physician. [bada-bing]
    Thank you. I’ll be here all week.

  250. Keith says:

    Former Arizona Governor and US Ambassador to El Salvador, Bolivia, and Argentina sets off ‘radiation sensor’ at the border and get detained in 100 degree heat for 45 minutes.

    Raul Castro, Former Arizona Governor, Detained At Border Checkpoint

    This treatment of a 96 year old man is embarassing, but once they knew who he was and his quite reasonable explanation it is just unforgivable. I set off alarms in the airport because of the titanium in my hip, but they are almost universally polite when they are verifying my story; they don’t make me stand around in 100 degree weather getting heatstroke for 45 minutes.

    Castro needs a biographer and soon! He has had a great career, and was U.S. Ambassador to Argentina during the height of “the dirty war”. I would love to hear his view on that.

  251. Rickey says:

    Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya.Again, I can’t find anything about that that isn’t from WND, Freep, etc. Does anyone know where this claim originates?

    As others have suggested, you could fill a book with the unsourced fictitious claims which birthers have made. This claim is similar to the one in which birthers insist that they were taught in school that a natural-born citizen must have two citizen parents, yet when challenged to produce a textbook which supports the claim they come up empty.

    Obama only wrote one article for the Harvard Law Review, and that one was unsigned. If there had been an issue which said that he was born in Kenya, it surely would have surfaced by now. It’s not as if back issues are locked in vault somewhere.

  252. JPotter says:

    donna: In A Post-Birther World, GOP Embraces New Conspiracy Theories

    Fun article, but a very short list! Short because it focuses on very current winger memes. Is there a master list of longer term rightwing phobias somewhere? Liberal media? Commies under the bed? Climate science as anti-free market plot? Illegal voters? Persecution of religion? Sex ed as corruption of the youth? Planned parenthood as the source of all evil? Creationism? Vaccinations? Fluoride in the water? Science as the tool of Satan? Radicalized brown people seeking to usurp America’s “right owners” (the white majority) through reproduction? The existence of Unreal Americans?

  253. donna says:

    JPotter: GREAT post

    you should add a reply to the link

  254. Whatever4 says:

    I’ve tried searching here and a couple other places but I am not finding what I am looking for (though I really thought I had read it here…)

    1) The Alan Keyes/Obama 2004 debate where Obama allegedly admitted that he wasn’t an NBC with a retort of ‘So what, I’m running for senate not presidency’.I can’t find a video of it or a transcript.Can anyone link me to something that shows what was actually said?Or anything about it?

    Here’s the whole story, with links to transcript and video. Birthers were close but not in the actual ballpark. The actual quote:

    OBAMA: I don’t need Mr. Keyes lecturing me about Christianity. That’s why I have a pastor. That’s why I have my Bible. That’s why I have my own prayer. And I don’t think that any of you are particularly interested in having Mr. Keyes lecture you about your faith.

    What you’re interested in is solving problems like jobs, and health care, and education.I’m not running to be the minister of Illinois. I’m running to be its United States Senator.

    2) Someone told me that Harvard Law Review published multiple times that Obama was born in Kenya.Again, I can’t find anything about that that isn’t from WND, Freep, etc. Does anyone know where this claim originates?

    Harvard Law Review never published anything about Obama while he was there, or prior to 2000 (I haven’t looked after that date). They aren’t that kind of publication. The only place editors appear in on the masthead. He does appear in the satirical Harvard Law Revue, a publication by the staff of the HLR for their annual banquet. (very funny, at the link. The character Baroque Yo Mama says he was born in Norway and his mother was a singer for ABBA.)

    Here’s what we’ve found.

    Do you have links to the WND or Freeper claims? I’d like to check them out.

  255. Majority Will says:

    Racist Birther Luke Scott Close To All-Time MLB Hitless Record

    (excerpt) The other thing about Luke Scott—and now in most respects the bigger thing about him—is that he is a self-important jerkwater dope who likes going around saying that Barack Obama wasn’t born in America. Not just who quietly thinks it sorta might be true, that the president of the United States is a scheming foreign impostor, but who makes sure people hear his important views on the subject, and goes on to celebrate how proud he is to believe this and how brave he is to say it.

    He calls his Latino buddies “savage” and “animal”—and “bogeyman,” for the especially dark-skinned Felix Pie, the Orioles’ other left fielder. They are dear friends, Pie and Scott. Scott took it upon himself to improve the younger Pie’s character when Pie, a former can’t-miss prospect for the Cubs, came to Baltimore. Among the tools of improvement, he told Nelson, is a bag of plantain chips:

    “So I throw bananas in his helmet. Here are my banana chips to remind him that whenever he acts like an animal, ‘Hey, that’s what other people are thinking. They’re just not telling you, but that’s what they’re thinking about. And I’m telling you so that you’re aware of that so you can make a cognitive decision to not behave like that.'”

  256. donna says:

    FORGER of OBAMA’s Birth Certificate INTERVIEWED

    BUSTED! Arpaio team FINDS THE MAN who forged Obama BC!

    Spoiler alert: the news is so big that it’s on the front of a supermarket tabloid.

  257. Scientist says:

    donna: BUSTED! Arpaio team FINDS THE MAN who forged Obama BC!

    Did you notice how right above the story is an ad about “America’s Food Shortage”? A quick walk around your neighborhood supermarket will indicate that America’s food problem is quite the opposite.

    Birthers and their ilk must always portray the world on the edge of catastrophe against which we must be storing massive quantities of dried beans. Karl Denninger is a perfect example. Yes, he called the crash of 2008; so did a lot of people, myself included. What he doesn’t mention is his failure to call a doubliing of the market since March 2009. He’s a stopped clock who occasionally tells the correct time, but usually is way off.

  258. donna says:


    yes, “prepare america”

    as the entrepreneur that i am, i’m drafting a business plan for an “under the bed checking” company – i won’t need venture capitalists just a paypal begging button

    my latest rant is that, while republicans are sponsoring bills to defund planned parenthood and railing against the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer, george and laura bush recently opened a women’s health clinic in Zambia, a country that has the second highest rate of CERVICAL CANCER in the world:

    “Today I’m proud to announce that Zambia is the first country to implement a new effort to combat CERVICAL AND BREAST CANCER in the developing world,” said President Bush. It’s not acceptable to save a woman’s life from HIV/AIDS and watch her die from cervical cancer.”

    and GUESS WHAT? remember the HPV VACCINE republicans SCREAMED ABOUT?

    to combat CERVICAL CANCER, there’s a vaccination program of FOURTH-GRADE GIRLS against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the cause of nearly all cervical cancer.

    An initial donation of Gardasil HPV vaccine was made by Merck Inc., one of the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon corporate partners. The Ministry will seek to expand this program to reach high-risk districts through a program of vaccination and prevention messages.

    Susan G. Komen for the Cure, in partnership with Merck, will invest approximately $1.5 million over three years for cervical and breast cancer community sensitization and mobilization activities in Zambia.

    where are the BISHOPS??????

    in THIS COUNTRY, Planned Parenthood operates about 800 health centers across the country that provide nearly 770,000 Pap tests and nearly 750,000 breast exams each year, BOTH CRITICAL PREVENTATIVE SERVICES TO DETECT CANCER.

    ME THINKS democrats should SUBPOENA laura and george to appear and testify UNDER OATH about their efforts in africa

    let them tell REPUBLICANS about planned parenthood-like programs and HPV VACCINE INITIATIVES (to 4th grade girls) THEY STARTED in africa

    we are FUNDING planned parenthood-like clinics in africa and REPUBLICANS WANT TO DEFUND THEM HERE

    “Earlier this year, Republicans proposed a plan to avoid an increase in student loan interest rates by taking money from a preventative health care fund that largely benefits women’s health. “

  259. misha says:

    Scientist: He’s a stopped clock who occasionally tells the correct time, but usually is way off.

    A stopped clock is correct twice a day, unless it is a 24-hour dial. Then, it’s correct once a day.

    Scientist: Did you notice how right above the story is an ad about “America’s Food Shortage”? A quick walk around your neighborhood supermarket will indicate that America’s food problem is quite the opposite.

    In the States, food hunts us. You should see the obesity here in Philly. This is not a joke, nor a slur: The city sent some obese people on public assistance, to a gym. The medical bills from obesity were more expensive.

  260. misha says:

    Scientist: Birthers and their ilk must always portray the world on the edge of catastrophe

    Don’t laugh. I found a communist under my bed.

    Scientist: we must be storing massive quantities of dried beans

    Well, Mario’s and Larry Klayman’s fathers were wrong: Those two did amount to a hill of beans.

  261. misha says:

    Orly Taitz, Larry Klayman and their crowd have given us a black eye. Someone here in Philly screamed at me that Orly is Jewish. I would like readers to see the real Jewish culture. These were filmed in Budapest. If you like them, send the links to friends, with a message to help re-elect President Obama.

  262. Scientist says:

    donna: george and laura bush recently opened a women’s health clinic in Zambia, a country that has the second highest rate of CERVICAL CANCER in the world:

    While I give Bush an F overall, I give him an A for his efforts against AIDS and other diseases in Africa. In fact, he surpasses Obama in that area (so much for someone with a African father favoring Africa).

  263. donna says:

    Scientist” While I give Bush an F overall, I give him an A for his efforts against AIDS and other diseases in Africa”

    me too, EXCEPT for the fact that there were strings attached – he prohibited the use of condoms, other contraception and counseling programs

    without education about the spread of the disease & family planning and the use of condoms, the populations exploded

    it’s like kissing your hand while peeing on your foot

    2010: At age 45, after giving birth to 13 children in her village of thatch roofs and bare feet, Beatrice Adongo made a discovery that startled her: birth control.

    Under President George W. Bush, the United States withdrew from its decades-long role as a global leader in supporting family planning, driven by a conservative ideology that favored abstinence and shied away from providing contraceptive devices in developing countries, even to married women.

    Bush’s mammoth global anti-AIDS initiative, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, poured billions of dollars into Africa but prohibited groups from spending any of it on family planning services or counseling programs, whose budgets flat-lined.

    The restrictions flew in the face of research by international aid agencies, the U.N. World Health Organization and the U.S. government’s own experts, all of whom touted contraception as a crucial method of preventing births of babies being infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

    in 07, mccain was asked, while sitting with reporters on his bus as it rumbled through Iowa,

    Did he support the distribution of taxpayer-subsidized condoms in Africa to fight the transmission of H.I.V.?

    What followed was a long series of awkward pauses, glances up to the ceiling and the image of one of Mr. McCain’s aides, standing off to the back, urgently motioning his press secretary to come to Mr. McCain’s side.

    he finally said he agreed with coburn that you should do what you can to encourage abstinence where there is going to be sexual activity

    His press secretary, Brian Jones, later reported that Mr. McCain had a record of voting against using government money to finance the distribution of condoms.

    and i agree, obama should do more

  264. G says:

    Wow! Those were so very enjoyable and so much fun to watch and listen to!!!

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Orly Taitz, Larry Klayman and their crowd have given us a black eye. Someone here in Philly screamed at me that Orly is Jewish. I would like readers to see the real Jewish culture. These were filmed in Budapest. If you like them, send the links to friends, with a message to help re-elect President Obama.

  265. The Magic M says:

    Scientist: Birthers and their ilk must always portray the world on the edge of catastrophe

    Since they have a large intersection with the set of religious wingnuts, their support for the notion of “we’re living in the end times” is obviously high. It’s no coincidence WND has a large section on faith issues as well.

  266. JPotter says:

    The Magic M: Since they have a large intersection with the set of religious wingnuts, their support for the notion of “we’re living in the end times” is obviously high. It’s no coincidence WND has a large section on faith issues as well.

    Magical thinking, Magic M, magical thinking. Hitting the fear button leapfrogs the raional mind and speaks directly to the instinctual, animal brain. Wingnuts comments sound all knee-jerky, like brain farts, as that’s precisely what they are. No thought behind. Just regurgitated mantras … liturgy.

    I have a soft-spot for fire-and-brimstone preaching (it’s Americana!) …. but how many times can you here, “Jesus could come back … before the end of this very sentence!” and still take it seriously?

    For some unfortunates, it’s about twice a week (Sunday night, Wednesday night) for the span of their natural lives.

  267. Keith says:


    Another forum I visit is being scam/spammed by some clown claiming that “We offer only original high-quality passports, driver’s licenses,ID cards”. If you have trouble accessing their web site, by all means send them all your details in an email.

  268. misha says:

    Keith: some clown claiming that “We offer only original high-quality passports, driver’s licenses,ID cards”.

    That’s where I got this Kenya BC from. What’s the big deal?

  269. Thrifty says:

    I am beginning to understand the Birther mind a little better after watching Gremlins for the first time last week. I saw Gremlins 2 in theaters when I was a kid, and saw it at home about half a dozen times after that. Yet until last week, I had never seen the original Gremlins.

    Anyway, I was convinced throughout the whole movie that the part of Randall Peltzer (the inventor of useless garbage who buys Gizmo for his son), was played by Joe Don Baker. They look kinda alike and they sound awfully similar too. Then I saw the credits and checked IMDB, and both say that he was played by Hoyt Axton.

    But you know what, clear evidence aside, I STILL think Randall Peltzer was played by Joe Don Baker. Even if director Joe Dante and casting director Susan Arnold told me that the part went to Hoyt Axton, I’d ask them what they are hiding and why they are covering for Joe Don Baker.

  270. Lupin says:

    The Meretricious One is back spewing his lies on John Woodman’s blog — with counter posts from ballantine and yrs truly.

  271. MN-Skeptic says:

    Lupin: The Meretricious One is back spewing his lies on John Woodman’s blog — with counter posts from ballantine and yrs truly.

    I swear, Apuzzo and his followers live in an alternate universe. It is just bizarre to read Apuzzo’s followers on his blog. They are so very convinced that everything Apuzzo says is gold.

  272. My spam filter caught a few of those.

    Keith: Another forum I visit is being scam/spammed by some clown claiming that “We offer only original high-quality passports, driver’s licenses,ID cards”. If you have trouble accessing their web site, by all means send them all your details in an email.

  273. Thrifty says:

    The weird thing is that they think the exact same thing about us.

    MN-Skeptic: I swear, Apuzzo and his followers live in an alternate universe. It is just bizarre to read Apuzzo’s followers on his blog. They are so very convinced that everything Apuzzo says is gold.

  274. misha says:

    G: Wow! Those were so very enjoyable and so much fun to watch and listen to!!!

    Here’s another version of the 1st video, with lyrics:

  275. G says:

    The difference is that reality consistently matches up with our understandings quite well…

    …they only have their pretend…and thus, they don’t do so well anytime they bump up against the real world…

    The weird thing is that they think the exact same thing about us.

  276. misha says:

    Thrifty: The weird thing is that they think the exact same thing about us.

    G: The difference is that reality consistently matches up with our understandings quite well…

    The difference is people like me believe there is a scientific explanation for everything.

  277. G says:

    Same here, obviously.

    That is because folks like us actually grasp what a scientific process is all about in the first place – a rational and evidentiary method to arrive at real answers.

    To me, “magic thinking” is lazy thinking and nothing but an intentional act of deliberate escapism…

    The difference is people like me believe there is a scientific explanation for everything.

  278. G says:

    Misha, just curious – are you able to read all those Hebrew characters in written form? Is that alphabet something that most Jewish kids are taught?

    misha: Here’s another version of the 1st video, with lyrics:

  279. JPotter says:

    Check out this WND ad for this bext episode of Political Theater:

    A switchblade? Really? Methinks they are telegraphing an implication of the Mafia. Literally, the Sicilian cosa nostra, was involved in the Hawaiian BC trade.

    And, apparently, the Next Big Event will be held in a darkened basement by candlelight.

  280. misha says:

    G: Misha, just curious – are you able to read all those Hebrew characters in written form?


    G: Is that alphabet something that most Jewish kids are taught?

    It depends on their upbringing. I grew up in my grandfather’s house. He and my mother spoke exclusively to each other in Yiddish, plus my grandfather was studying to become a rabbi, until he had to flee for his life. So I had exposure to both Yiddish and Hebrew.

  281. misha says:

    G: To me, “magic thinking” is lazy thinking and nothing but an intentional act of deliberate escapism…

    I was with friends at a Center City restaurant. Sitting next to me was a black woman, who was an evangelical. I finally became exasperated, and said “Where was this god in Auschwitz, or at slave auctions when children were sold from their parents?”

    She replied, “The lord works in strange ways.” I said, “I want a logical explanation, not bromides and platitudes.” Silence.

    When I was in college, I went by a Baptist church. The sign outside said, “This Sunday’s sermon – I’m afraid of Viginia Woolf.” I wrote the minister a letter, and basically said he did not know what he was talking about.

  282. donna says:

    Drudge Pushes Conspiracy That President Obama Was Secret CIA Agent In Pakistan

  283. G says:

    Drudge has always been a tabloid hack. He got undue attention and his start following the Clinton/Lewinski mess and somehow, in those early days of the internet, people stuck with him…even though he rarely rises above anything but cheap cut/paste ripoffs of other internet stories and rumour-mill level gutter trash. He’s also a conservative propagandist, so he appeals to those folks who need their daily red-meat fix to reaffirm their existing pre-fabricated fears and angers….heck, someone’s got to tell the sheep what to think and what to gnash their teeth at for the day…

    Drudge Pushes Conspiracy That President Obama Was Secret CIA Agent In Pakistan

  284. misha says:

    G: Drudge has always been a tabloid hack.

    Drudge does not have a degree in Journalism, or a degree in anything. He is a cut and paste RWNJ hack.

  285. Dave says:

    donna: Taitz v Sibelius – OMG

    Haven’t seen a lot of discussion of this lawsuit here — and it’s a doozy. It starts out with the claim that the ACA violates all kinds of Constitutional protections because it exempts Muslims from the individual mandate. (Won’t she be relieved when she realizes that Muslims are actually not exempted.) But then it proceeds to rehash all of birtherism, so she can also claim that the law is invalid because is was signed by a usurper. Then it goes on to RICO and mail fraud. And she wants the lawsuit certified as a class action (can you do this with a pro se lawsuit?).

  286. Scientist says:

    donna: Drudge Pushes Conspiracy That President Obama Was Secret CIA Agent In Pakistan

    Why would it be a negative for Obama, if he had served his country as the article claims?

  287. misha says:

    Dave: And she wants the lawsuit certified as a class action (can you do this with a pro se lawsuit?).

    IANAL, so correct me if I’m wrong. I believe class action is for torts.

    Titanic In Tort Suit:

  288. misha says:

    Scientist: Why would it be a negative for Obama, if he had served his country as the article claims?

    Confessions of a Dangerous Mind – An adaptation of the cult memoir of game show impresario Chuck Barris, in which he purports to have been a CIA hitman.

  289. Keith says:


    Taitz v Sibelius

    WTF is that?!?

    Is someone suggesting that Obama is ineligible because Jews shouldn’t have to pay residency taxes in the Phillipines? Surely Taitz isn’t that stupid. Oh. Wait…


  290. donna says:



    the original posting was on NBC

  291. Rickey says:


    Is someone suggesting that Obama is ineligible because Jews shouldn’t have to pay residency taxes in the Phillipines? Surely Taitz isn’t that stupid. Oh. Wait…

    That particular gem is from nutjob Dr. Paul Maas Risenhoover of the “Robin Hood International Human Rights Legal Defense Fund of the Yeshiva Bnai Noah of the Bnai Noah Religious Society.” Risenhoover is a certified crank who I believe has posted here in the past. He has filed a motion to intervene in Orly’s hopeless lawsuit.

  292. Lupin says:

    Speaking of jews, one if my jewish inlaws in the US received a particularly hate-filled spam mail from I can best guessed is a zionist/tea party source (a frightening combination).

    That email purports to have been written by a French jew, but I strongly doubt that this is the case; I am well familiar with our National front & other far right extremists’ views, and none (AFAIK) would express similar ideas in such a way. Obviously I can’t be 100% sure, but I smell a rat.

    This is the text of that e-mail:

    “This e-mail was sent from a friend in France XXX [NAMES DELETED BY ME].

    “Hello to my American friends,

    “As you know, the Socialist François Hollande won the presidential elections in France, last Sunday. It is a catastrophe for France.

    “Hollande was elected by the Muslims:

    “A survey (of 10,000 Muslims) shows that 93% of the Muslims voted for him.

    “As 2 million Muslims participated in this election, Hollande got 1,720,000 Muslim votes more than Sarkozy did: (0.93-0.07) x 2,000,000 = 1,720,000. But at the end, from the entire population, he got only 1,139,316 votes more than Sarkozy. So, without the Muslims’ votes, Sarkozy would have been re-elected.

    “All the Muslim criminals feel now empowered. Criminality is already on the rise (1,700 cars were burnt in France for the first night). Muslims are screaming anti-French and anti-Jews watchwords in our streets.

    “Veiled women, wearing the illegal burqa, are strolling in our streets.

    “And, as if this wasn’t enough, Hollande wants to give to all the foreigners the right to vote in our elections!!

    “France will face a very hard situation. We are heading for civil war in a few years.

    “That’s the last news from occupied France.”


    The “statistics” above strike me as just a bunch of hooey. This entire thing is yet one more strike in the crazy right-wing screed emanating from the United States. (And the Breivik case in Norway has taught us to not ignore such vile propaganda.)

    It is true that the so-called 1% don’t like Hollande because he is likely to target them to a much greater extent than the previous Sarkozy regime. But if you look at the real election results, he got a whopping majority of votes in virtually all geographical and social classes — not just “Muslims”.

    (In fact, our region doesn’t have many “Muslims” at all, it’s an old historical “white” region, and Holland got something like 62% of the vote.)

    As for “Muslims”, most are simply French citizens, 3rd, 4th generation descended from immigrants from the 50s and 60s; they can vote for whomever they want. The reality is that many are poor and working class, and poor, working class people in France tend to vote Socialist (or Front National, sometimes, which is also anti big business), in the hope that these parties will improve their lot in life.

    Contextually, Sarkozy made it harder for those living in rural communities by closing down or curtailing various public services. It’s no wonder that the same folks voted for Hollande, when he promised to try to improve things.

    France is a country of great solidarity amongst the majority of its people. IMHO we are far less likely to have a civil war of any kind here than you are in the US. We are most definitely a “laic” (ie: not religious), and while it is true that that has created some friction with religious fundamentalists (not just Muslim ones, although they get more attention), laicity is so ingrained in our Constitution and Laws that trying to undo it would be like undoing your First or Second Amendment in the US.

    No one is obligated to pretend to go to church to get into political office, and their religion is their personal business, not something that gets talked about on 24 hour news!

    I suppose I should consider it flattering that France is still deemed important enough to attract the attention of the American right-wing propaganda machine, but it is really irksome to have to deal with such tripe (my wife had to wrote a long explanation to her cousin).

    End of rant.

  293. JPotter says:

    Lupin: End of rant.

    Very interesting, Lupin, pretty clear implications there, using France as an analog for teh US … “Look what happened to France, don’t let America be next!”

    “Occupied” France? Jeeeee-zuhss. Yes, occupied by the French.

    What was your inlaws response?

    And yes, zionism and the tea party have approximately 99.5% overlap here. I admit that’s a rectal projection, but I swear I aimed low.

  294. donna says:


    i look forward to your posts and love your “rants” – i’m of italian decent and learned italian by osmosis – my family spoke italian so we (children) couldn’t understand what they were saying (about us) – but French ….. i began studying french in the 7th grade …. “100 years ago” and love the french and the french language

    you add a great deal to the conversation

  295. JPotter says:

    G: someone’s got to tell the sheep … what to gnash their teeth at for the day…

    How about the lawn?

    I have suspected that Drudge’s success was due to his being the first wingnut to figure out rudimentary web authoring. Other than plod on, what has he done this century?

  296. bovril says:


    Definitely writte by a non resident of France or eIse there would hjave been the typical French politicians blather praising France Profonde and speaking warmly of peasantry………

  297. donna says:

    tweets of the day

    President Obama wants @MittRomney to hand over even more past tax returns- he should when @BarackObama reveals his college applications.

    @realDonaldTrump via web

    .@MittRomney should not give any other further information until @BarackObama releases the things that everyone wants to see—-
    — @realDonaldTrump via web

  298. JPotter says:

    donna: @realDonaldTrump

    Is there such a person? LOL!

  299. Scientist says:

    donna: tweets of the dayPresident Obama wants @MittRomney to hand over even more past tax returns- he should when @BarackObama reveals his college applications.@realDonaldTrump via web.@MittRomney should not give any other further information until @BarackObama releases the things that everyone wants to see—-— @realDonaldTrump via web

    Of course Mitt Romney (or his accountants and lawyers) HAVE copies of the last several years of tax returns readily available. I have at least 10 years of returns, likely more, in my files. But, does ANYONE actually have a copy of their college applications? From 30 years ago? I certainly do NOT. Those applications belong to the college once you submit them, so even if they kept applications from 30 years ago, they are under no obligation to release them.

  300. JPotter says:


    Heh, @DonaldTrump has been suspended. So he was getting opunk’d and registered @realDonaldTrump. That still cracks me up! Why not @DonaldRTrump, or just twist Twitter’s arm. He’s so unsophisticated.

    Meanwhile @fakeDonaldTrump has 5 followers 😉

  301. donna says:

    “Of course Mitt Romney (or his accountants and lawyers) HAVE copies of the last several years of tax returns readily available. I have at least 10 years of returns, likely more, in my files. ”

    in 08 mitt released 23 years of returns to mccain …… 23 years

    i’m certain there’s a file with a cover letter beginning with … pursuant to your request, please find enclosed 23 years of my tax returns – call me with any questions

    i wonder if what was included in those returns is the reason why mccain picked palin over mitt –

    my fave tweet: “mitt and i have the same accountant. trust me, you DO NOT want those tax returns released.”

  302. Scientist says:

    Just out of curiosity does anyone actually have a copy of their college application? Bueller? I sure don’t. My son who is in college now probably doesn’t have a copy of his applications. Why would anyone keep them?

  303. Arthur says:

    We all know of Larry Klayman’s recent failures representing birthers, but did you know that Klayman also just suffered a loss at the hands of lawyers representing MSNBC and Rachel Maddow?

    Here are the details from Talking Points Memo:

    Here’s some background to the lawsuit:

  304. misha says:

    Arthur: We all know of Larry Klayman’s recent failures representing birthers, but did you know that Klayman also just suffered a loss at the hands of lawyers representing MSNBC and Rachel Maddow?

    The only good thing that shonde excels at, is suing his mother. Momser.

  305. G says:

    Just goes to show what a sewer-dwelling sleazy RWNJ lawyer that Klayman is.

    I’m glad to see that the judge is making the plaintiff’s pay for the defendent’s court costs in the malicious frivolous case. This is what should happen more often.

    Of course, the plaintiff’s pull their usual victimhood whine and outrage at the result – I mean how *dare* they have to pay the expenses incurred as a direct result of their own maliciously induced witch hunts… *rolls eyes*…

    I noticed that your second article contained a link to a rather apt skit about such “blame the victim” faux-outrage that the irresponsible and overly self-entitled RWNJ display all the time:

    Well worth the laughs…

    We all know of Larry Klayman’s recent failures representing birthers, but did you know that Klayman also just suffered a loss at the hands of lawyers representing MSNBC and Rachel Maddow?

    Here are the details from Talking Points Memo:

    Here’s some background to the lawsuit:

  306. misha says:

    Keith: Is someone suggesting that Obama is ineligible because Jews shouldn’t have to pay residency taxes in the Phillipines?

    I refuse to pay a Dhimmi tax to Ruritania.

  307. misha says:

    G: I’m glad to see that the judge is making the plaintiff’s pay for the defendent’s court costs in the malicious frivolous case.

    That is why the Sharper Image liquidated. They sued Consumer Reports about CR’s rating of SI’s air cleaner/purifier.

    SI lost, was sued by CR for defense costs, and had to give CR $500K.

  308. Rickey says:

    Scientist: But, does ANYONE actually have a copy of their college applications?From 30 years ago?

    I never kept copies of my college applications. Why would I? I filled them out and mailed them. There was no reason to keep copies, even if I had easy access to a Xerox machine (which I did not).

  309. JPotter says:

    Arthur: Klayman also just suffered a
    loss at the hands of lawyers representing MSNBC and Rachel Maddow?

    On what planet would Dean have been damaged to the tune of $50M! Do all Klayman suits involved magnifying damages by several orders of magnitude (recall WND’s $200+M Esquire suit!) ?

    For comparison, Google was just fined $22M today for spying on an entire class of Apple users. A few hour’s revenue. for damaging millions of people, in a small way.

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