Cold Case Posse: more contradictions in their story

The Cold Case Posse attempted to smear the State of Hawaii by misrepresenting their laws and practices. In the process, they contradicted themself. The Cold Case Posse video stated:

In 1982 Hawaii legalized what had been its unofficial policy for decades by making laws that codified Hawaii out of state and foreign births as Hawaiian births. Observe this letter …

Let’s look at the letter from the Director of Health, which I will transcribe from the video (emphasis added).

This bill would require the Department of Health to issue birth certificates for children born or adopted anywhere in the world if their parents were legal residents of the Territory or State of Hawaii and paid income tax in Hawaii at the time of their birth or adoption.

The Department supports this measure, but wishes to point out that such a new activity could have a workload/budgetary impact in the delayed registration section of the Vital Records Program. While the Department presently has no data to project the size of such impact, a large number of requests for such birth certificates would require additional, staffing and funds for the program.

Note that the letter states that out of state registrations is a “new activity” and that Department has “no data to project the size of such[workload] impact.” If they had been doing it for decades, how is it a “new activity” and how could they have any data as to the workload?

imageThe fact is that the 1955 Revised Law specified only the registration of births in Hawaii, and vital statistics agencies don’t do things the law (inset) doesn’t authorize. Note the phrase: “district in which the birth occurred.”

The other false suggestion from the video is that out of state births were registered as “Hawaiian births.” As the Special Assistant to the Hawaii Attorney General stated:

…anyone who receives a birth certificate under this section would have noted on their birth certificate the physical location of their actual birth.

It is not a “Hawaiian birth” when the birth is indicated to have taken place somewhere else.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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50 Responses to Cold Case Posse: more contradictions in their story

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    *Bad Dr. Claw impressions*
    “Curse you, facts! Curse yoooooooooou!”

  2. Lupin says:

    It’s quite clear the so-called Cold Case Posse is a bunch of grifters; I’m not even sure they’re Republican Operatives (like the Swift Boaters) as it seems to me they’re actually damaging the Republican Brand.

    As for “john”, “magic bullet” and the rest, they’re nearly autistic in their grasp of reality when it comes to this issue.

  3. donna says:

    Lupin: As for “john”, “magic bullet” and the rest, they’re nearly autistic in their grasp of reality when it comes to this issue.

    what can one expect when their confirmation bias implodes?

    arpaio’s racial profiling trial begins today and today his dem opponent released an ad attacking him on the birther issue

    Penzone for Sheriff – Birther Ad – 7/18/12

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    And since your average person has an aversion against conspiracy theories, there goes Joe’s tenure as sheriff! Well, he could always get a job as a Joe Don Baker impersonator.

  5. Ed Carden says:

    One question: Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms? From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”.

    Why is that? Do you not realize that you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts without slang terms? There are some who will be immediately turned off by your excessive use of terms like “birthers” and will not even bother to read your points.

    What a shame.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    For me, it is because the idiots keep coming back for more abuse.
    But what we say here, has nothing on the hateful, racist, seditious spew that their ilk regularly posts on birther sites.

    There is just something compelling about verbally slapping someone who not only doesn’t get that they are wrong, but refuses to listen to a lick of evidence to that effect. When the State of Hawaii came out and made it their official word that Obama is eligible and that all of the documentation related to his birth is legitimate, that should have been all she wrote, but no…because it doesn’t go along with their terminal case of confirmation bias, it MUST be a lie!

  7. sactosintolerant says:

    Ed Carden:
    One question:Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms?From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”.

    Why is that?Do you not realize that you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts without slang terms?There are some who will be immediately turned off by your excessive use of terms like “birthers” and will not even bother to read your points.

    What a shame.

    A shame for them… the facts speak for themselves, name calling or not. FWIW, I find “birther” descriptive… I don’t consider it derogatory in itself.

  8. sactosintolerant says:

    Wouldn’t a real investigation have investigators who appreciate these corrections? Wouldn’t real investigators publicly correct the record if they had publically released faulty “evidence?”

  9. bovril says:

    Lets see,

    Birfoons….a SMALL selection of their modus operandi

    Support and advocate extra-judicial acts and activities
    Regard the law and Constitution as a pick-n-mix document that they can violate at will
    Call for armed revolution against this country and it’s institutions
    Regularly threaten any and all indivuduals who do not kowtow to their insanity
    Demand an effective theocratic state be instituted inthe USA
    Lie some more
    Forge documents (Daily Pen anyone..?)
    Lead the weak willed and stupid into criminal acts…Lakin and Huff come to mind

    I could go one but yiu should get the drift by now

  10. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:


    Also, listing the facts doesn’t work on birthers. They have this strange ability to utterly ignore anything that doesn’t confirm their insane theories. Below are some real-life examples.

    In the birther mind the following holds true:

    A solid fact is no match for misinformed guesses, based on poor research done by people who have zero experience in the field.

    A certified document expert who says “Yes, this document is legit!”, is no match for some guy with Adobe Photoshop and a youtube account.

    A State’s official stance on a matter, based on all of the original paperwork, records, and testimony of those who were actually there, is no match for the word of an out-of-state Sheriff, who can’t even keep his own house in order.

    All judges everywhere are corrupt, that is the only explanation for every single birther case against the president going down in flames, it can’t possibly be that the birthers are in the wrong.

    Regardless of what the Constitution actually says, it “clearly” states the long debunked two-parent rule.

    I’m sure I’ve left a few out, but you get the idea.

  11. Thrifty says:

    We get this question a lot. Doctor Conspiracy’s articles are pretty well written and polite. The insults always come in the comments section. I think that Birthers are just using our caustic words as an excuse to dismiss Doc’s arguments. There’s a common misconception that the logical fallacy of ad hominem refers to attacking the person. It actually refers to attacking the person instead of the argument.

    If a person is leaning Birther but is really truly curious about this, he’ll weather the attacks and show that he’s willing to consider our arguments. We had a fellow named Joyeagle come around last year who was met with the usual level of hostility, but he was also patient and clearly willing to listen. Most Birthers just repeat the same long-discredited claims, and when corrected…. continue to do so. Joyeagle was the only exception among dozens of Birthers.

    And quite frankly, I don’t give a crap about winning people over or convincing them. It’s not a contest. Birthers being Birthers doesn’t affect me any more than Twilight fans being Twilight fans affects me.

    Ed Carden:
    One question:Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms?From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”.

    Why is that?Do you not realize that you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts without slang terms?There are some who will be immediately turned off by your excessive use of terms like “birthers” and will not even bother to read your points.

    What a shame.

  12. Paper says:

    FYI, for those who don’t know, Corsi is one of the original “Swift Boaters.” The term comes from the book he co-authored: *Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.*

    It’s quite clear the so-called Cold Case Posse is a bunch of grifters; I’m not even sure they’re Republican Operatives (like the Swift Boaters) as it seems to me they’re actually damaging the Republican Brand.

  13. Paper says:

    I personally know a number of people who believe, or in a few cases used to believe, Obama was born in Kenya (or in some instances, “could have been, who knows.”). Of those few who have changed their mind (after the LFBC was released), they allow he was born here, but that he is still a socialist blah blah blah. The reasonable ones in my experience are the ones who say fine, but I can still hate him even if he was born here, that’s the important thing. So one could argue that they at least are reasonable and honest enough to have their priorities straight.

    Ed Carden:
    …you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts…

  14. Lupin says:

    Ed Carden: One question: Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms?

    You’re coming late to the party.

    Arguments have been made, remade, baked, cooked and served a zillion times here, and carefully archived by our esteemed host.

    If you were a genuinely concerned and curious person, you would look at a few simple basic facts available in the “Features” section of this site; they would like answer every possible question you might have.

  15. Thomas Brown says:

    Ed Carden:
    One question:Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms? What a shame.

    Hey, at least we can spell.

  16. donna says:

    derrogative may be misspelled. Find out more at

  17. justlw says:

    Poking around I bit, I see that Ed appears to be a truther, and is equally upset that people sometimes describe such folks as being a few joules short of a high-energy demolition beam.

  18. DP says:

    Ed Carden:
    One question:Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms?From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”.

    Why is that?Do you not realize that you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts without slang terms?There are some who will be immediately turned off by your excessive use of terms like “birthers” and will not even bother to read your points.

    What a shame.

    To answer your question, many “birthers” actually refer to themselves as “birthers.” It’s a term now in the vernacular.

    I believe the host of this site generally does not use intemperate language. The comments section can go astray, but the “birthers” often initiate it.

  19. JPotter says:

    Being a PDF Madness-specialty Obot, I was particularly struck by while Zullo’s nonsensical claims about PDF compression, which were repeats from previous WND performances, and wondered where they were getting this poo. Thanks to “Hermitian” now I know: the Garrett Papit “analysis”:

    My responses to Papit’s assertions (he calls them “conclusions”):

    1. “Layers are too logical because separate elements are on separate layers” – No basis for this assertion. Simply wrong. My email inbox is full of attachments refuting this claim. Papit does not understand when/why compression algorithm create separate layers. Further, unstated, he is referring to human logic v. computer logic. Computers, being devices of pure logic, are logical by nature!

    2. “Compression only create 1 bitmap layer” – Utterly wrong, demonstrates failure to comprehend MRC compression algorithm … and contradicts his first claim, which asserts that the layers are too ‘logical’, rather than impossible. If they are impossible, then what would they be more ‘logical’ than?

    3. “Form lines were not bitmapped” – again, failure to understand MRC compression. The algorithm highlights distinct, isolated, definite elements.

    4. “Bitmaps should either be all black, or retain full color” – again, Papit does not understand MRC compression! When he states bitmap layers created by MRC should retain varied color values, he *really* blows it. The bitmap layers in the LFBC, solid colors averaged from the element being highlighted, are the signature of Xerox MRC.

    5. “Compression does not result in white halos” – I swear with each point he becomes more blatant. “White halos are another signature of Xerox MRC. Again, the attachments in my inbox, full of “halo’d” elements, cry out, “I refute!”

    6. “Object code does not match” – Baseless assertion, as proof he offers nothing about object code, but repeats erroneous claims that compressed files are limited to 1 bitmap layer.


    If you’d like the real story, go to the source:

    US Patent 7,139,442 (Filed 2002, granted 2006)
    Template matching applied to selector planes for multiple raster content (MRC) representation of documents

    Mixed Raster Content (MRC) Model for Compound Image Compression
    (Xerox Corp white paper, 1999)

    Recent Advances in Document Image Segmentation, Compression, and Encoding
    (Presented at PARC, 2000)

  20. Rickey says:

    Ed Carden:
    From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”.

    Many birthers proudly proclaim that they are birthers.

    Sadly, the Birther Summit was cancelled. It would have been very entertaining, I’m sure.

  21. This article does not use the word “birther;” however, the term is in such widespread use, including in publications such as the New York Times, that I think its use is appropriate and I make no apologies for its use in other articles. You may not like it, but the term “birther” carries a negative connotation because of what it is, not anything imposed upon it from the outside.

    Make no mistake. This is a blog, and in addition to presenting objective facts and analysis, I also express how I feel. I do not have respect for the birthers in general and I don’t hide that fact.

    As for “winning over more individuals,” you obviously don’t have a clue about birthers. It was never about logical arguments.

    Ed Carden: One question: Whay (sic) are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative (sic) terms? From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”.

    Why is that? Do you not realize that you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts without slang terms? There are some who will be immediately turned off by your excessive use of terms like “birthers” and will not even bother to read your points.

    What a shame

  22. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: “winning over more individuals,”

    Further, if I may, the ideal should be truth for truth’s sake … nothing about “winning” … efforts to refute birtherism are not competing for hearts and minds. It’s not persuasion, sales, or an effort to convince, but rather to investigate and inform.

    It isn’t birthers versus Obots for the muddled masses, it’s birthers vs. reality, with a toupe of observers manning the containment walls, posting *CAUTION* signage.

  23. While birthers and Obama haters correlate strongly, it appears that birthers and conspiracy theorists do as well. I think it requires a predisposition to conspiracy-style thinking and a predisposition to disliking Obama to trigger a full-on birther response.

    Paper: The reasonable ones in my experience are the ones who say fine, but I can still hate him even if he was born here, that’s the important thing. So one could argue that they at least are reasonable and honest enough to have their priorities straight.

  24. Bob says:

    WND sells bumperstickers that say:


    Where’s the outrage?

  25. Paper says:

    That fits my experience very closely. The people in my family who most adamantly rant about their birtherism are the ones most locked into conspiracy-thinking. The worst one is also a full-on truther, chem-trailer and previously hated Clinton and talked relentlessly about Clintonian conspiracies. He also despises Romney as just being the other arm of the conspiracy, another puppet of the NWO that controls both Republicans and Democrats and is preparing us all for slaughter. Only Ron Paul is free of conspiracy, so I am told.

    Those who just hate Obama or his policies tend to be the ones to either be indifferent about birtherism, or have let it go while maintaining their hate, or in some cases maintaining “a pox on all their houses” attitude.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    While birthers and Obama haters correlate strongly, it appears that birthers and conspiracy theorists do as well. I think it requires a predisposition to conspiracy-style thinking and a predisposition to disliking Obama to trigger a full-on birther response.

  26. BillTheCat says:

    Ed Carden: One question: Whay are you unable to make your arguments in a logical fashion free of derrogative terms? From what I’ve read so far you make very sound arguments save for the excessive use of unnecessary terms like “birthers”. Why is that? Do you not realize that you could be winning over more individuals by listing just the facts without slang terms? There are some who will be immediately turned off by your excessive use of terms like “birthers” and will not even bother to read your points.What a shame.

    Because they (you) are Birthers. Call ’em like we see ’em. And considering the “derrogative” nature and implications of the “Eligibility” case side, being called a “birther” is mild. Grow a thicker skin, thanks.

  27. Steve says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    And since your average person has an aversion against conspiracy theories, there goes Joe’s tenure as sheriff! Well, he could always get a job as a Joe Don Baker impersonator.

    My, my, my, my Mitchell!

  28. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Steve: My, my, my, my Mitchell!

    I’m dead serious too. Go watch Mitchel, Final Justice, and then any one of Joe’s pressers. Just not all in one sitting, that much fail at one time will give you lupus.
    Separated at birth I tells ya.

  29. Benji Franklin says:

    john: Here is Cmdr. Kerchner’s account on the Press Conference.

    Yeah, Kerchner is a real objective commenter – he’s one of the lawsuit bringers against Obama!

    John, your habit of ignoring reality in favor of what you need to believe, is a special power reserved for people who cannot adjust to some aspect of reality. Society collectively recognizes this power, often, as we see it exhibited by you, in appalled fascination, but also cautiously because it is a power of belief which can be seized by any person to almost any extreme degree, and about any subject. You experience it as the power to “be correct” from a imagined privileged perspective that transcends reality. But normal people recognize it in you as the power reserved to a lunatic.

  30. Heh, I banned that guy for flooding the blog with comments and generally causing an uproar. He posted as Garrett and Emperor Garrett.

    JPotter: Thanks to “Hermitian” now I know: the Garrett Papit “analysis”:

  31. nbc says:

    Paper: That fits my experience very closely. The people in my family who most adamantly rant about their birtherism are the ones most locked into conspiracy-thinking. The worst one is also a full-on truther, chem-trailer and previously hated Clinton and talked relentlessly about Clintonian conspiracies.

    Yep, it also overlaps with those (genetic) qualities that are more likely to make one a conservative.
    Scary stuff…

  32. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Heh, I banned that guy for being a troll.

    Even trolls have their uses. Easier to follow a particularly ‘productive’ one (“Hermit”) that schlep through all the birther echo chambers. I can’t bend over that far anyway, the floor always gets in the way!

    Was Papit trolling, too? Never heard of him, other than his ‘analysis’. Telling that the Corsi crew uses this one, the one willing to tell them they were right, while continuing to bury Zatkovich, et al., for the sin of telling the truth.

  33. justlw says:

    Steve: My, my, my, my Mitchell!

    Deeep hurting…

    I love the strong correlation between Obots and some very benign forms of fanaticism.

  34. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Heh, I banned that guy for flooding the blog with comments and generally causing an uproar.

    I made brief foray onto Teh Fogbow yesterday and noticed he’s spouting off there about the “1-bit layers” and “manual intervention required.”

    Excellent spike at the net with the MRC references, JPotter. I’m betting that this was not one of the “over 600 tests” the CCP’s cracked field of experts made.

  35. I was referring to Papit, not Hermitian.

    I looked back and see that Papit wasn’t really a troll, but a disruptive frequent commenter. See comments to the article following for what remains:

    JPotter: Even trolls have their uses. Easier to follow a particularly ‘productive’ one (“Hermit”) that schlep through all the birther echo chambers. I can’t bend over that far anyway, the floor always gets in the way!

    Was Papit trolling, too? Never heard of him, other than his ‘analysis’. Telling that the Corsi crew uses this one, the one willing to tell them they were right, while continuing to bury Zatkovich, et al., for the sin of telling the truth.

  36. Thomas Brown says:

    Just saw that Her Orlyness has subpoena’d Zullo and Arpaio under her case in Indiana. Can someone tell me if these are just OrlyLawBalloons, and as such without penalty for ignoring, or are the Clowns really expected by a Judge to appear?

  37. donna says:

    IN – Orly v Election – Subpoenas for Zullo and Arpaio

    This is going to be a lot of fun. Either they show up and are destroyed on cross examination, or they do not show up and lose as well. Will Zullo and/or Arpaio allow themselves to be submitted to examination under oath? Time shall tell. So far they do not even have taken the step of submitting their findings to the appropriate institutions.

    Subpoena for Mike Zullo to appear in court [PDF]

    Subpoena for Sheriff Joe Arpaio to appear in court [PDF]

    PS: Yulia forgot to check the boxes on the subpoenas.


    did i miss the signature of the court?

  38. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I was referring to Papit, not Hermitian.

    Oh, that Garrett! Appreciate the connection.

    I keep reminding my self not to underestimate. I keep misunderestimating. Partial knowledge and hefty bias has taken that guy far down the spiral.

  39. JPotter says:

    Thomas Brown: Just saw that Her Orlyness has subpoena’d Zullo and Arpaio under her case in Indiana. Can someone tell me if these are just OrlyLawBalloons, and as such without penalty for ignoring, or are the Clowns really expected by a Judge to appear?

    I don’t see a judge’s signature anywhere …. look’s like standard Orlyness … still having trouble checking boxes 😛 :

    How many times has that woman subpoena’d Arpaio? Isn’t this #3???

  40. donna says:

    sorry – the link i posted is for criminal procedure

    this is civil

    Rule 45. Subpoena

    For Attendance of Witnesses – Form – Issuance.

    Every subpoena shall:
    state the name of the court;
    state the title of the action (without naming more than the first named plaintiffs and defendants in the complaint and the case number); and
    command each person to whom it is directed to attend and give testimony at a time and place therein specified.
    The clerk shall issue a subpoena, or a subpoena for the production of documentary evidence, signed and sealed but otherwise in blank, to a party requesting it or his or her attorney, who shall fill it in before service. An attorney admitted to practice law in this state, as an officer of the court, may also issue and sign such subpoena on behalf of (a) a court in which the attorney has appeared for a party; or (b) a court in which a deposition or production is compelled by the subpoena, if the deposition or production pertains to an action pending in a court where the attorney has appeared for a party in that case.

    is she admitted in indiana? it doesn’t appear so

  41. jayHG says:

    john: Here is Cmdr. Kerchner’s account on the Press Conference.


  42. Chef says:

    The good Dr. can represent til he’s blew in the face; as my homies say: the PDF ain’t shit.

    Fact of the matter is the paper document is being hidden from scrutiny.

    All the arguments and insults in the world don’t outweigh that evidence of the alleged perp’s guilt.

    Carry on, homies.

  43. Scientist says:

    Chef: All the arguments and insults in the world don’t outweigh that evidence of the alleged perp’s guilt.

    Then arrest the perp and let’s have a trial. Let’s have Zullo and Corsi testify under oath. Let’s hear from certifiied experts. Sheriffs are supposed to domake arrests, not hold pressers.

    Come on big boy, where is the arrest?

  44. BillTheCat says:

    Chef: The good Dr. can represent til he’s blew in the face; as my homies say: the PDF ain’t shit.Fact of the matter is the paper document is being hidden from scrutiny.All the arguments and insults in the world don’t outweigh that evidence of the alleged perp’s guilt.Carry on, homies.

    The evidence has been presented, over and over. If you are too ignorant to read, that’s your choice, champ.

  45. donna says:

    Scientist : Let’s have Zullo and Corsi testify under oath.

    and i want a front row seat for the cross examination

    but BEFORE that, i want to attend the hearing “qualifying” them and their “experts” pursuant to the rules of evidence – neither corsi not zullo are licensed as “investigators”

  46. Majority Will says:

    The good Dr. can represent til he’s blew in the face; as my homies say: the PDF ain’t shit.

    Fact of the matter is the paper document is being hidden from scrutiny.

    All the arguments and insults in the world don’t outweigh that evidence of the alleged perp’s guilt.

    Carry on, homies.

    Then don’t be a crap weasel and show your evidence.

    It’s you vs. the state of Hawaii.

    Let us know how that works out.

  47. Whatever4 says:

    The good Dr. can represent til he’s blew in the face; as my homies say: the PDF ain’t shit.

    Fact of the matter is the paper document is being hidden from scrutiny.

    All the arguments and insults in the world don’t outweigh that evidence of the alleged perp’s guilt.

    Carry on, homies.

    Did the Cold Case Posse ever contact The White House? I think they would have mention it if they had. Obama isn’t hiding it if no one has asked.

  48. bgansel9 says:

    Benji Franklin: John, your habit of ignoring reality in favor of what you need to believe, is a special power reserved for people who cannot adjust to some aspect of reality. Society collectively recognizes this power, often, as we see it exhibited by you, in appalled fascination, but also cautiously because it is a power of belief which can be seized by any person to almost any extreme degree, and about any subject. You experience it as the power to “be correct” from a imagined privileged perspective that transcends reality. But normal people recognize it in you as the power reserved to a lunatic.

    That was lovely, Benji! Can I please have your babies?

  49. Benji Franklin says:

    bgansel9: That was lovely, Benji! Can I please have your babies?

    Thanks! Unless you just misspelled the word, “halve”, yes, you may have as many of my babies as you can round up. That is, by the way, not the rounding up that the CCP does in enumerating Obama’s imagined eligibility-disabling faults.

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