New poll: birthers resist evidence

A new poll from YouGov surveying 1000 Americans between June 30 and July 2, 2012, showed that birtherism is pretty much where it was in April of 2011, and that the release of Obama’s long-form birth certificate has had no lasting impact on the conspiracy theory. Responding to the statement: “Barack Obama was born in the United States:” 55 % responded true, 20% false, and 24% not sure.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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107 Responses to New poll: birthers resist evidence

  1. Scientist says:

    I hate to say I told you so, but I was very dubious at the time that releasing the LFBC would accomplish anything. Most people are (sadly) impervious to facts. Frankly, if someone is silly enough to believe the preposterous story of a pregnant 18-year old traveling to Kenya to give birth, why would they be swayed by official documents?

    Here is what I would really like to see in such a poll, but no one ever seems to ask these questions:

    1. Do you believe Obama is eligible? Yes, I know what the law said in 1961, but the public doesn’t spend their time parsing the citizenship statutes and State Dept manuals. I bet there will be a significant number of people who believe the President is eligible even if he was born outside the US (and of course there will be some who believe he was born in the US but is ineligible).

    2. Ask who you plan to vote for. I know that everyone here is an “eligibility nerd”, but I’m not sure that all that many of those in the general public really care that much. I would bet money that there are a substantial number of people who think the NBC clause is silly and don’t care if the candidate they prefer meets some technical legal definition. So, I think you will find people who say Obama might not be eligible, but they will vote for him anyway. Which, IMO, they have every right to do.

  2. donna says:

    republicans only:

    “Barack Obama was born in the United States.”

    31% true (before release 30%)

    33% false (25%)

    36% not sure (45%)

    “head shaking”

    “resist evidence”??

    i think some people don’t care – they voted for him cause they liked him

    others? had he been delivered by jesus in bethlehem, pa, or galilee, ri he would still be ineligible

  3. Jamese777 says:

    I think it’s hard for people who despise a public figure to agree to say anything good about that person. Those poll questions are asking Obama’s political enemies to register “support” for him on an issue. Republicans are loathe to do that in a highly partisan environment.

  4. aarrgghh says:

    so while birfers resist the evidence, everyone else resists the birfers. i guess this means we’re gonna have to wait a little bit longer for that “million birfer march” …

    oh shucky darn.

  5. Rickey says:

    It’s the Internet. People who dislike Obama allow negative stories about him to overcome whatever incredulity they would normally have.

    In the past week alone, well-educated people have sent me e-mails or posted links on Facebook which claim:

    1. That Obama was asked (and refused to answer) in a TV interview if he would give up his family’s current health care coverage and “join the new universal health care program that the rest of us will be on.”

    2. That the Obama administration entered into a $5 billion contract to have a Chinese firm rebuild an Interstate highway in Texas.

    3. That Obamacare will require all Americans to be implanted with microchips which contain their medical information.

    4. That some 16,000 new IRS agents are being hired to enforce Obamacare.

    All of the above stories have been debunked by Snopes, FactCheck, etc., but they cannot be killed.

  6. Steve says:

    I’ve heard many people speculate that people sometimes respond to these polls a certain way just because they like messing with pollsters.
    Could that factor be at play here at all?

  7. This isn’t a poll of birthers; it’s a poll of the general public. Obviously, the issue isn’t well settled. Or are the birthers really winning?

  8. Sam the Centipede says:

    Jerry Collette:
    This isn’t a poll of birthers; it’s a poll of the general public. Obviously, the issue isn’t well settled. Or are the birthers really winning?

    A poll of the general (US) public asking them to name the winners of the soccer championship in Uruguay in 1960 would probably find a 99% “don’t know” response but that does not indicate that the matter is not settled. It indicates indifference.

    OK, with the LFBC issue, one would wish that the US electorate would be a better informed body, but the well of ignorance and the fountain of prejudice are both well supplied by nasty, nasty folk spreading misinformation and disinformation, including birthers, tea partiers, talk show vitriol merchants.

    You are one of those, an unrepentant maker of myths and delusions. Every single part if your idiotic case has been filleted and sniffed and pronounced rotten by people with a decent understanding of the law, yet you continue to attempt to plough your furrow across a lake, laughed at by those onlookers, who are kind enough to try to help you not to drown, but have enough respect for your rights and liberties to allow you to continue.

    You, on the other hand, have no respect for the rights of others. You reject the right of the people of the US to have the President they chose, placing your own preferences over theirs. You and the other amoral birthers harass officials, the Democratic Party and the President incessantly in your seditious and unpatriotic endeavors.

    Birthers winning? No, it is to the credit of more tolerant parts of society that you have the freedom to continue in your tilting at black windmills. A win for tolwrance and free speech, not a win for birthers.

    Not a win for birthers, and it won’t be even if you can find one judge insane enough to agree with your fantasies, because that wouldn’t stick.

    Look at a partial list of things that are wrong with your suit: you don’t have standing, your court doesn’t have jurisdiction, you don’t have a tort (look it up in a legal dictionary because you clearly don’t understand the the term), you have the wrong defendants, you don’t define your damages or remedy, and you misrepresent the facts of the case (Mr Obama is eligible, and anybody but a lying racist knows that). And yet you somehow think you might be winning.

    The Black Knight is not a good role model for legal practise.

    Birthers lose. They will always lose. In their upside-down world lies are truths, fictions are facts, idiots are experts, specualation is proof, refutation (from the real world) is proof of conspiracy and every loss is another win.

  9. linda says:

    Only if your “win” is to smear a sitting President. If any still have doubts that all this is just politics at its worst, a compilation of comments like yours, Klayman’s, Sewell’s, etc., should be the proof enough. I hope those comments make their way into more courts.

    Jerry Collette:
    This isn’t a poll of birthers; it’s a poll of the general public. Obviously, the issue isn’t well settled. Or are the birthers really winning?

  10. Scientist says:

    Jerry Collette: Or are the birthers really winning?

    I am convinced that there are people who think Obama was born outside the US, but will vote for him anyway, whether because they like him regardless of where they think he popped out, or because they can’t stand Mr. lying, two-faced, I left Bain but still was the sole shareholder, listed as CEO on documents signed under penalty of perjury. What’s more, I think there are some who will vote for him BECAUSE they think he was born outside the US, just to thumb their noses at whiny snivellers like you. Spend some time running THAT through your Gifted Legal Mind.

  11. Robert says:

    Can anyone explain to me, after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001! If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1 (Rev. 11/01) LASER} I am very familiar with creating, revising or updating new information on older, outdated forms. One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated. This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

  12. @jerry
    If the birthers win it will be a win for lies. That is certainly so. It would be a crime against Democracy for the electorate to decide based on a lie. The birther movement is rotten to the core. It praises innuendo, lies, junk science and bigotry. It is the inmates trying to run the asylum.

    Words cannot express my disgust and loathing for the perpetrators of the birther rumors and the pity I feel for the weak-minded sheep who follow them willingly.

  13. Arthur says:

    Can anyone explain to me,after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001!If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1(Rev. 11/01) LASER}I am very familiar with creating, revisingor updating new information on older, outdated forms.One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated.This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

    I think I can help, Robert. You see, Barack Obama is a cybernetic hologram, and his so-called “Certificate of Live Birth” is an artifact from the star system know to the people of Altair Forward as Babyfartmcgeezaks. Your deepest fears and strangest loathings are all true! Sell your clothes, buy golden dentures, and flee to the BWCA before FEMA gets your weena.

  14. Robert says:

    Just explain the form! That is all I ask!

  15. Arthur says:

    Just explain the form!That is all I ask!

    I did, I did explain it! Can’t you read! Go back to Altair 21–we don’t need you knob-gobblers on this planet.

  16. Robert says:

    Well Arthur, with your childish response, it shows that you don’t want to even look at what I am asking!

  17. Robert says:

    Just wondering if there are any mature adults on this thread?

  18. Arthur says:

    Well Arthur, with your childish response, it shows that you don’t want to even look at what I am asking!

    Dude, I’m 13 years old–what do you expect! And I certainly DO NOT want to look at anything you’re holding. Gross. Trying to pull a Sandusky on me? Listen, I don’t play that way.

  19. Majority Will says:

    Robert: I am very familiar with creating, revising or updating new information on older, outdated forms

    Obviously, you’re not.

  20. realist says:

    Can anyone explain to me,after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001!If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1(Rev. 11/01) LASER}I am very familiar with creating, revisingor updating new information on older, outdated forms.One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated.This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

    You’re joking, right? The form was a form revised by HI in 01. The COLB was printed in on that revised form in 07.

    Hello??? Is anyone home? Your comment is akin to the morons who claimed the COLB could not be real because they didn’t have laser printers in 1961.

    And guess what? They have since revised the form again.

  21. Majority Will says:

    Can anyone explain to me, after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001! If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1 (Rev. 11/01) LASER} I am very familiar with creating, revising or updating new information on older, outdated forms. One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated. This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

    Here you go:

  22. Robert says:

    Thank you realist! That answers my question!

  23. Majority Will says:

    Just wondering if there are any mature adults on this thread?

    You are posting here as a guest.

  24. Arthur says:

    I learned a lot! THANK YOU ROBERT FOR ASKING! aBOUT THIS! THING! At first, it seemed so strange that someone would use a form that was printed BEFORE it was filled out. Who has ever heard of such a thing????

  25. clestes says:

    Well at 56 I am certainly an adult and also mature. I am also trained in the sciences and program for a living so logic is second nature for me.

    I needed only 1 single fact to know that Mr. Obama was born in HI and eligible to be president. That was the sworn statement from the ONLY person that mattered. The Dept Head of Records for the state of HI.

    At the request of the repub governor she went and looked at the BC and officially, in her capacity as head of the Dept of Records, signed a legal document that will stand up in any courtroom in this country, that the BC existed and was the same as the one shown on the web.

    Add to that fact this 1898 Supreme Court case where by a 6 to 2 ruling the judges LEGALLY DEFINED what natural born citizen is. They said if you were born in this country, you are granted citizenship at birth and in fact a natural born citizen.

    Therefore I submit to you these are the only facts needed to make a decision. The legal word of the HI official and the legal word of the Supreme Court.

    Mr. Obama is a citizen, he is over 35 years of age and he has lived in this country more than 14 years consecutively. Those are the only qualifications needed to be president. He meets them all.

    If a person cannot understand these 2 simple facts and put them together, they are hopelessly illogical or mentally retarded or completely prejudice in their outlook on people’s skin color IE racist.

    Besides these 2 facts, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

  26. john says:

    I believe the State of Hawaii is lying about Obama’s alleged birth there and is and has been involved in a massive cover up to bury the truth. It is the birther calm before the storm on Tuesday when Sheriff Apraio gives more information on his criminal investigation. I suspect at the end of the press conference, the Hawaii DOH will have big target painted all over it. As for the 1898 Supreme Court Case (Wong Kim Ark), SCOTUS did not rule Wong Kim a Natural Born Citizen an NBC but only a “Citizen of the United States” under the 14th Amendement. Any discussion of the meaning of Natural Born Citizen under Article II Section 1 in Wong Kim Ark is merely dicta and has no precedential holding. In fact, in many birther cases, the lawyers have argued the fundamental point of law under Maybury Vs. Madison that every term in the US Constitution have distinct meaning and a separate independent effect. So far, the courts have ignored (but not rejected) this argument.

  27. donna says:

    “Besides these 2 facts, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.”??

    you mean his elementary school records and circumcision certificate, etc don’t matter?

    who knew?

  28. Keith says:

    Can anyone explain to me,after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001!If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1(Rev. 11/01) LASER}I am very familiar with creating, revisingor updating new information on older, outdated forms.One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated.This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

    Sure, no problem.

    Hawai’i put Birth Event data onto a computer database in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s. All birth certificates are produced from this database since about 2001 when the form you see was defined in 2001 as you point out.

    When Senator Obama requested a new Birth Certificate in 2007, the Hawai’i DoH followed the standard procedures (in place since at least 2001 apparently) and printed the information from its database onto the current form and applied the certification and the seal. You see? It was printed on a modern laser printer in 2007, using the data recorded in the database. You may be interested to know that almost every state in the union follows this exact procedure.

    You may also be interested to know that the information on that database has been officially verified by the Hawai’ian Officials in charge of the Hawai’ian vital statistics to match exactly the information on the 1961 birth event record document. Not once, but at least five times, including once under oath, and twice officially to officials from other states.

    The non-standard Birth Certificate published last year was produced using a different, non-standard, method. In that case, the 1961 birth event record, which is bound into a book, was photocopied onto modern security paper and then the certification and seal applied.

    You may have noticed that the information is consistent on both of these published Birth Certificates, has been officially verified by the Hawai’ian Officials in charge of the Hawai’ian vital statistics several times, matches the published vital statistics index, and is consistent with newspaper notices published in 1961. The information on those Certificates proves that the President was born in Honolulu in 1961. That is two of the three Constitutional eligibility requirements met.

    Finally always remember that it is the information on the Birth Certificate that is important, not the form. Remember also, that a ‘Certificate’ is a document that carries a certification that the information on the document is correct. Both Birth Certificates that President Obama has published carry that certification. The information could have been printed on toilet paper, and as long as it carried the correct certification it would be a valid birth certificate.

    One more time for emphasis: it is the information on the Birth Certificate that is important, not the form of the Birth Certificate.

    That you are getting grief from some people is because your question is rather naive; that question has been asked so many times on this forum over the last 3 years, and patiently explained so many times that many folks are automatically assuming that you are just another concern troll spewing bullshit and fake ignorance, and they have in all honesty run out of patience.

    If this forum has a motto, it would have to be: “If you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.”

    You aren’t a troll are you, Robert?

  29. Thrifty says:

    Maybe because it was printed in 2007? My own Delaware birth certificate was printed in 2011. I got it to replace a ratty old copy that was printed in 1994. They look pretty similar, actually. Both were printed long after my birth in 1981.

    Can anyone explain to me,after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001!If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1(Rev. 11/01) LASER}I am very familiar with creating, revisingor updating new information on older, outdated forms.One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated.This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

  30. JPotter says:

    Just wondering if there are any mature adults on this thread?

    Umm, no, this is defintely not an “adult” website …. no mature threads here. Those aren’t hard to find; would you like some keyword suggestions?

    Hilarious that in a discussion of poll results re: professions of birtherism, we have a simpleton come along and demonstrate just how dense a person can be.

  31. G says:

    Well said, bravo!

    Sam the Centipede: You, on the other hand, have no respect for the rights of others. You reject the right of the people of the US to have the President they chose, placing your own preferences over theirs. You and the other amoral birthers harass officials, the Democratic Party and the President incessantly in your seditious and unpatriotic endeavors.

    Birthers winning? No, it is to the credit of more tolerant parts of society that you have the freedom to continue in your tilting at black windmills. A win for tolerance and free speech, not a win for birthers.

    Not a win for birthers, and it won’t be even if you can find one judge insane enough to agree with your fantasies, because that wouldn’t stick.

    Look at a partial list of things that are wrong with your suit: you don’t have standing, your court doesn’t have jurisdiction, you don’t have a tort (look it up in a legal dictionary because you clearly don’t understand the the term), you have the wrong defendants, you don’t define your damages or remedy, and you misrepresent the facts of the case (Mr Obama is eligible, and anybody but a lying racist knows that). And yet you somehow think you might be winning.

    The Black Knight is not a good role model for legal practise.

    Birthers lose. They will always lose. In their upside-down world lies are truths, fictions are facts, idiots are experts, specualation is proof, refutation (from the real world) is proof of conspiracy and every loss is another win.

  32. richCares says:

    “Or are the birthers really winning?”
    Correction Jerry:
    Or are the birthers really whinning?

  33. G says:

    Yep. That is a more accurate summation.

    “Or are the birthers really winning?”
    Correction Jerry:
    Or are the birthers really whinning?

  34. richCares says:

    Talk about evidence, Sheriff Joe gots it lots of ‘em, just you wait. On the July 17th Joe will reveal an unnamed forger of the BC, that forger will sign an affydayvid without his name., real proof (or is it poof). Frog marching is expected to occur on the 18th. As Sheriff Joe speaks please note the hand stuck in his back, that’s Corsi’s hand, the head of the great (or is it grate) News site WND. I feelz sorry for all you Obots, it’s OMG time on the 17th. WOW!

  35. I understand, but WHY do you believe that. That’s the part that I can’t figure out.

    john: I believe the State of Hawaii is lying about Obama’s alleged birth there and is and has been involved in a massive cover up to bury the truth.

  36. For the answer to this and many other exciting questions, see “The debunker’s guide to Obama conspiracy theories.”

    I spent 36 years in public health information technology and a significant part of that work was in vital records. I wrote my first birth certificate printing program in the 1970’s and today I’m working on death registrations for a large US state. I know intimately how birth records are stored and how they are printed.

    The State of Hawaii adopted an electronic birth registration system (EBRS) about 2001 and all the records were stored as data, not as images. There is no “form” involved. When the Obama Certification of Live Birth was printed in 2007 it was printed in the format (2001) that was current at the time. ALL certifications of live birth printed at the time of Obama’s (for any year of birth) are in the 2001 format also, because that’s what the computer is programmed to do when it formats the data for printing.

    We can be certain that the information was not entered in 2001 because the Certification is of a “Live Birth” without the words “delayed” which are required by law for births registered later than one year after birth. See:

    The actual image of Obama’s 1961 registration was released by the President in April of 2011 and that shows the form the hospital used to register the President’s birth.

    Robert: Can anyone explain to me, after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001!

  37. That’s a good point. It’s not like every one in that 24% has studied the issue carefully and came up with an opinion based on evaluation of all the available evidence. Some just guessed, some guessed because there’s something about Obama and Kenya in the story, and some maybe just repeated what someone told them.

    Sam the Centipede: A poll of the general (US) public asking them to name the winners of the soccer championship in Uruguay in 1960 would probably find a 99% “don’t know” response but that does not indicate that the matter is not settled. It indicates indifference.

  38. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy responding to John:
    I understand, but WHY do you believe that. That’s the part that I can’t figure out.

    John provides examples to your article.

  39. justlw says:

    john: I believe the State of Hawaii is lying about Obama’s alleged birth there and is and has been involved in a massive cover up to bury the truth.

    I have the same question Doc has. In fact, I’ll branch it out a bit:

    1. What is your basis for believing the State of Hawaii is lying?

    2. When did this lie start?

    3. Who in the state do you believe is lying? I just want to sort out the bad actors from the harmless Dupes of the Conspiracy, here.

    4. What do you think their motivation is for lying? If there are different reasons for different people, please give all the various reasons.

    5. How have they managed to get away with it?

  40. Jamese777 says:

    I can certainly understand why John would think that the current Democratic Administration in Hawai’i would lie to support a Democratic President but what would be the motivation of the previous Republican administration in Hawaii for attesting to the authenticity and veracity of the Obama birth records?
    Former Governor Linda Lingle who delivered one of Governor Sarah Palin’s endorsement speeches at the Republican National Convention said: “You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Senator McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this.I t’s been established. He was born here.”

    After Governor Lingle made the statement above, every, and I mean without exception, Republican in Congress backed off the birther issue.
    “The state of Hawai’i has said that he was born there. That’s good enough for me.”-Representative John Boehner, Speaker of the House, R-OH.

  41. justlw says:

    Jamese777: I can certainly understand why John would think that the current Democratic Administration in Hawai’i would lie to support a Democratic President

    I can’t. That’s some serious jail time you’re looking at if you’re caught.

  42. AlCum says:

    Can anyone explain to me,after looking at obama’s “Certification of Live Birth”, why this form was filled out on a form that didn’t exist until 2001!If you look at the form itself, in the lower left hand corner, it reads: {OHSM 1.1(Rev. 11/01) LASER}I am very familiar with creating, revisingor updating new information on older, outdated forms.One always shows the date on which the form was altered or updated.This means that this information on obamas birth records was filled in AFTER NOV. 2001! HMMMMM!

    Are you seriously this ill-informed? The certification of live birth was obtained by Obama in 2008. [The document was obtained in 2007 and released in 2008. Doc.]That’s after 2001, that’s why the 2001 revision is the form on which the information was printed.

    DO you have a problem with this?

  43. AlCum says:

    I believe the State of Hawaii is lying about Obama’s alleged birth there and is and has been involved in a massive cover up to bury the truth.

    Well, too bad. You’re wrong.

  44. Steve says:

    I can certainly understand why John would think that the current Democratic Administration in Hawai’i would lie to support a Democratic President but what would be the motivation of the previous Republican administration in Hawaii for attesting to the authenticity and veracity of the Obama birth records?
    Former Governor Linda Lingle who delivered one of Governor Sarah Palin’s endorsement speeches at the Republican National Convention said: “You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Senator McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this.I t’s been established. He was born here.”

    After Governor Lingle made the statement above, every, and I mean without exception, Republican in Congress backed off the birther issue.
    “The state of Hawai’i has said that he was born there. That’s good enough for me.”-Representative John Boehner, Speaker of the House, R-OH.

    I’ve brought this up with some birthers, most notably Garland on the Amazon forums, and his response is that McCain was a “one-world government supporter.”
    I suspect there is some cynicism among them about the two-party system “They’re all a bunch of crooks,” “The election was fixed.” “McCain took a dive, etc.”
    Of course, if both parties worked together so Obama would win in 2008, it begs the question of why the Republican House is trying to overthrow the Affordable Health Care Act.

  45. Scientist says:

    Steve: I suspect there is some cynicism among them about the two-party system “They’re all a bunch of crooks,”

    If that’s true, then what is the motivation to file ballot challenges only to Obama in order to ensure the election of crook, believer in one-world government, outsourcer, very possibly born in Canada to a Mexican father Romney?

  46. I should qualify this. Some states to print electronic certificate in different formats for different eras, when the content of the certificate was radically different. The most I recall seeing is 3 formats. However, the format selected is based on the year of birth, not the year the birth was filed. Different formats are used so that an old record with little information won’t appear on a modern form with lots of blank spaces. The Hawaii certificate, based on many samples, prints them all the same.

    Dr. Conspiracy: ALL certifications of live birth printed at the time of Obama’s (for any year of birth) are in the 2001 format also, because that’s what the computer is programmed to do when it formats the data for printing.

  47. Rickey says:

    It is the birther calm before the storm on Tuesday when Sheriff Apraio gives more information on his criminal investigation.I suspect at the end of the press conference, the Hawaii DOH will have big target painted all over it.

    And when everyone (except birthers) yawns with indifference after Sheriff Joe’s press conference, are you going to come back here and admit that you were wrong?

    I didn’t think so..

  48. Keith says:

    john: It is the birther calm before the storm on Tuesday when Sheriff Apraio gives more information on his criminal investigation.

    I wasn’t aware that Arpaio did criminal investigations anymore.

    Does this mean that he is finally going back to catch up on all those hundreds of sex crimes he ignored?

  49. john says:

    I can’t wait until Tuesday. I am dying to find out what Sheriff Arpaio will reveal. Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger. Who knows? But if he is planning to, I have some idea of who that might be – Dr. Palafox. Recall, Dr. Palafox was appointed director of the Hawaii DOH for a very short time before being fired by Governor Abercrombie. (Dr. Palafox actually resigned.) It was never clear why Dr, Palafox resigned but someone indicated it involved some medical scandal he was caught up in. Is Dr. Palafox the key? We may soon find out. Dr. Palafox may know who forged Obama’s BC and if so he is under great pressure to tell all. We will all know on Tuesday.

  50. G says:



    Seriously John, how many endless “OMG” moments can you have, that just blow up in your face and turn out to be nothing, before you finally get a clue…

    Arpaio’s latest dog & pony show will deliver just another smoke & mirrors dud for you, with ZERO results….just as every Birther stunt prior. But hey, these cheap tricks keeps fooling you folks…

    john: It is the birther calm before the storm on Tuesday when Sheriff Apraio gives more information on his criminal investigation.

  51. Stephen says:

    How many of the people answering “False” or “Not sure” are unclear on whether Hawaii is a state? I mean, you can’t drive there so it mustn’t be a state.

  52. G says:

    Sadly, there are real people out there that think exactly in those terms… *sigh*

    How many of the people answering “False” or “Not sure” are unclear on whether Hawaii is a state?I mean, you can’t drive there so it mustn’t be a state.

  53. aarrgghh says:

    i’d say it’s the birfer calm before the yawn.

    wake me when it’s over.

  54. That can be ruled out, since Fukino saw the certificate in the files during the previous administration. Sorry, but you are an excellent example of the problem with conspiracy theorists: they connect dots but lack the ability to detect when the connection is nonsense.

    john: I can’t wait until Tuesday. I am dying to find out what Sheriff Arpaio will reveal. Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger. Who knows? But if he is planning to, I have some idea of who that might be – Dr. Palafox. Recall,

  55. That is unlikely. Arpaio has carefully avoided naming ANYBODY in his innuendo campaign, and for the obvious reason that it would be libel. He won’t name any real person because all of the sudden he becomes accountable for what he says — and he’s not stupid enough to give up his shield of vagueness.

    john: Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger.

  56. Bob says:

    Hate to burst your bubble John but the only ramification from Arpaio’s “press conference” will be the spam received as a result of the email addresses WND captured and sold.

    And remember, this is only July’s “press conference.” There will be an August “press conference,” a September “press conference,” and an October “press conference.”

    Birtherism is nothing more than innuendo and threats.

  57. john says:

    Dr. Fukino claimed she saw vital records that support Obama was born in Hawaii. Dr. Fukino never claimed she saw the birth certificate. At least, her official statements don’t indicate that. Dr. Fukino did tell CNN she saw the birth certificate but apparently described one that was different from the one Obama released.

  58. The Magic M says:

    Bob: There will be an August “press conference,” a September “press conference,” and an October “press conference.”

    I think they’ll stick with the two-and-a-half-men, uh, -month schedule they have right now. If they had enough material to fill one presser a month, they would have done so already and not postponed a PC announced for early June to mid-July.
    This would allow them one final press conference about 2-3 weeks before the elections, of course to be the mother of all OMG moments (“OMG they have kept the best parts for last, short before the elections when it’s too late for Obama to counter OMG OMG OMG the frogs are marching, Hallelujah!”).

  59. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: That is unlikely. Arpaio has carefully avoided naming ANYBODY in his innuendo campaign, and for the obvious reason that it would be libel. He won’t name any real person because all of the sudden he becomes accountable for what he says — and he’s not stupid enough to give up his shield of vagueness.

    Aren’t law enforcement officials immune from being sued for libel or slander if they name a suspect as part of an official investigation into a crime and that suspect turns out to be innocent? Oh, wait, Arpaio has made it very clear that this is NOT an official investigation, the posse aren’t actual law enforcement and there is not even a crime within his jurisdiction (maybe not even a crime anywhere).

    As Gilda Radner used to say, never mind…

  60. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birthers: “We demand proof that Obama is who he says he is!”
    White House: “Here you go!”
    Birthers: “No no no, you see, we demand proof that coincides with our delusions!”

  61. Keith says:

    Scientist: As Gilda Radner used to say, never mind

  62. I’ve enjoyed participating in the YouGov site, expressing and reading opinions. One of the true classics came from an opinion of Rush Limbaugh, from someone who rated his opinion of Rush as “really respect.” The rater said:

    “He has to courage to say exactly what I think!!”

  63. donna says:

    doc: “He has to courage to say exactly what I think!!”

    lol the epitome of “confirmation bias”

    imagine if scientists thought that way or steve jobs – there would be no PROGRESS

  64. Chef says:

    “release of Obama’s long form birth certificate” blah blah…

    A reasonable facsimile…. maybe.

  65. So the vital records of Hawaii show that Obama was born there. You ignore the facts, and focus on non-existent distinctions between words. This is what I was saying about confirmation bias. You ignore facts that contradict your belief, and belief smoke and glimmers. Anyone can see the confirmation bias and how your perceptions are flawed.

    john: Dr. Fukino claimed she saw vital records that support Obama was born in Hawaii. Dr. Fukino never claimed she saw the birth certificate.

  66. James M says:

    Scientist: Aren’t law enforcement officials immune from being sued for libel or slander if they name a suspect as part of an official investigation into a crime and that suspect turns out to be innocent?Oh, wait, Arpaio has made it very clear that this is NOT an official investigation, the posse aren’t actual law enforcement and there is not even a crime within his jurisdiction (maybe not even a crime anywhere).

    As Gilda Radner usedto say, never mind…

    Has there even been any suggestion that a crime was committed by anyone?
    I know there was a suggestion that certain people believe that a Selective Service registration might contain errors. What else?

  67. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I can’t wait until Tuesday.I am dying to find out what Sheriff Arpaio will reveal.Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger.Who knows?But if he is planning to, I have some idea of who that might be – Dr. Palafox.Recall, Dr. Palafox was appointed director of the Hawaii DOH for a very short time before being fired by Governor Abercrombie. (Dr. Palafox actually resigned.) It was never clear why Dr, Palafox resigned but someone indicated it involved some medical scandal he was caught up in.Is Dr. Palafox the key?We may soon find out.Dr. Palafox may know who forged Obama’s BC and if so he is under great pressure to tell all.We will all know on Tuesday.

    I am reposting this comment, when Tuesday rolls around and it turns out to be more meaningless WND fluffing/vague theories about people who may or may not exist. I am going to proverbially beat you over the head with that comment for probably a good week or so, every time I see you post more of your nonsense.

  68. Bob says:

    I’d like to ask John the Birther what further information he wants about Obama. Is he on the fence about voting for him?

  69. G says:

    Well said! 😉

    i’d say it’s the birfer calm before the yawn.

    wake me when it’s over.

  70. misha says:

    Robert: Just wondering if there are any mature adults on this thread?

    Of course there are. Take my wife. Please me, for example.

    I swear on a stack of Korans bibles, this is true: I was half asleep, when my cat whispered in my ear, “four legs good, two legs bad.” I now sleep with one eye open. Only problem is that my one cornea dries out.

    Any suggestions?

  71. G says:

    Yes they do. What do you think “vital records” are, after all?

    HINT: The birth certificate and the index. *DUH*

    So yes, she not just claimed but confirmed that she saw his BC with that statement. You are simply too much of a willfully ignorant simpleton to grasp that.

    Dr. Fukino claimed she saw vital records that support Obama was born in Hawaii.Dr. Fukino never claimed she saw the birth certificate.At least, her official statements don’t indicate that.Dr. Fukino did tell CNN she saw the birth certificate but apparently described one that was different from the one Obama released.

  72. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Has anyone else noticed that the birthers are stuck in a mutated loop of the Kübler-Ross model?

    Instead of going through Denial-> Anger-> Bargaining-> Depression-> Acceptance, they’re stuck at Bargaining, and go right back to stage one.

  73. Scientist says:

    James M: Has there even been any suggestion that a crime was committed by anyone?
    I know there was a suggestion that certain people believe that a Selective Service registration might contain errors. What else?

    The “errors” are in the stamp placed by the Post Office, which appears to have been somewhat worn. No crime in that. I don’t even think that faking a birth certificate and sticking it on a web site is a crime. There are dozens of spoof b.c.’s posted, like the Dudley Do-Right British Columbia one. Misha has done one for his cat. Is he in trouble?

  74. Scientist says:

    Bob: I’d like to ask John the Birther what further information he wants about Obama. Is he on the fence about voting for him?

    Could john be the ever-elusive pro-Obama bither? At long last? Dare I to dream?

  75. misha says:

    Stephen: you can’t drive there so it mustn’t be a state

    That’s the problem with people like you. You refuse to accept what is possible.

    In fact, it is possible to drive a car to Hawaii.

    Wake up and smell the seawater coffee!

  76. misha says:

    Chef: A reasonable facsimile…. maybe.

    You accept what is spit out by a facsimile machine, correct? Or do you call the person who sent the fax, to confirm what you received?

  77. Jamese777 says:

    Dr. Fukino claimed she saw vital records that support Obama was born in Hawaii.Dr. Fukino never claimed she saw the birth certificate.At least, her official statements don’t indicate that.Dr. Fukino did tell CNN she saw the birth certificate but apparently described one that was different from the one Obama released.

    John is wrong yet again. Not only did Dr. Fukino publically and officially state that she had seen President Obama’s ORIGINAL birth certificate, she also stated that on the basis of seeing the original birth certificate and confirming it, Barack Obama was a natural born United States citizen.
    Dr. Fukino’s 10/31/08 statement: “There have been numerous requests for Senator Obama’s official birth certificate. State Law prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record.
    Therefore I as Director of Health for the state of Hawai’i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these types of records have personally seen and verified that the Hawai’i State Department of Health has Senator Obama’s ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE (caps mine) in accordance with state policies and procedures.
    No state official, including Governor Lingle has ever Instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawai’i.”

    Dr. Fukino’s 7/27/09 Media Release: “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai’i Department of Health have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai’i Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued on October 31, 2008, over eight months ago.”

  78. Joey says:

    Here’s a link to former Hawai’i Department of Health Director Dr. Fukino’s 2011 CNN interview for anyone who hasn’t seen it. The interview confirms that John is either mistaken or lying about what Dr. Fukino actually said:

  79. misha says:

    clestes: Mr. Obama is a citizen, he is over 35 years of age and he has lived in this country more than 14 years consecutively.

    One minor point. Hoover’s and Eisenhower’s 14 years were cumulative, not consecutive. The Constitution is silent on whether they be consecutive or cumulative.

    Note: IANAL.

  80. misha says:

    Robert: Just wondering if there are any…adults on this thread?

    I’m sorry, but this is not an adult oriented website. We discuss serious matters here, not the lives of swingers.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to teach my mistress discipline.

  81. G says:

    Agreed. …Although some certainly do seem to spend some time in depression before returning to denial…

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Instead of going through Denial-> Anger-> Bargaining-> Depression-> Acceptance, they’re stuck at Bargaining, and go right back to stage one.

  82. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Agreed.…Although some certainly do seem to spend some time in depression before returning to denial…

    Well there are variations, with Ocrazy it is Anger and Denial at the same time. She suffers from Squidward Syndrome “Everyone is an idiot but me!”
    I mean, I don’t really use the word degenerate to describe people, but I really think it fits her, because her mind seems to be in a constant state of degeneration.

  83. G says:

    LOL! That was a cool article! I didn’t realize those Amphibicars were actually made…or still around in functioning condition. Fascinating!

    misha: In fact, it is possible to drive a car to Hawaii.

  84. G says:

    Agreed! I think you are really onto something with that particular combo – many of these RWNJ-types seem to only flit back-and-forth between those two stages, IMHO….

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Well there are variations, with Ocrazy it is Anger and Denial at the same time.

  85. misha says:

    Arthur: Dude, I’m 13 years old

    I’m 14. Got a problem with that?

  86. donna says:

    john: Dr. Palafox may know who forged Obama’s BC and if so he is under great pressure to tell all.

    he was either fired or resigned over 18 months ago so how much pressure has there been?

    IF he had anything valuable to “tell”, why not tell it in court papers? there have been DOZENS over the past 18 months

  87. misha says:

    Lupin: Nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels.

    There’s a poltergeist in my building. I swear it’s true.

  88. misha says:

    john: I have some idea of who that might be – Dr. Palafox.

    Ah, yessss, Dr. Palafox. I knew him well. He’s related to Dr. Maalox, who always ate nova lox.

    [Say it with a W.C. Fields inflection.]

  89. Keith says:

    G: LOL! That was a cool article! I didn’t realize those Amphibicars were actually made…or still around in functioning condition. Fascinating!

    misha: In fact, it is possible to drive a car to Hawaii.

    Of course you wouldn’t really want to attempt to drive an AmphiCar to Hawai’i.

    But the Top Gear guys (the real ones) did cross the English Channel in a home made one.

    (The US Top Gear show is identical to the Aussie one a few years back. And just as bad.)

  90. Keith says:

    misha: Arthur: Dude, I’m 13 years old

    I’m 14. Got a problem with that?

    Get a room, you too.

    (What? What did I say?)

  91. Rickey says:

    I can’t wait until Tuesday.I am dying to find out what Sheriff Arpaio will reveal.Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger.Who knows?But if he is planning to, I have some idea of who that might be – Dr. Palafox.Recall, Dr. Palafox was appointed director of the Hawaii DOH for a very short time before being fired by Governor Abercrombie. (Dr. Palafox actually resigned.) It was never clear why Dr, Palafox resigned but someone indicated it involved some medical scandal he was caught up in.Is Dr. Palafox the key?We may soon find out.Dr. Palafox may know who forged Obama’s BC and if so he is under great pressure to tell all.We will all know on Tuesday.

    The story about Dr. Palafox being under investigation was reported by Hawaii News Now, citing unnamed sources.

    Dr. Palafox has not been charged with anything and no evidence has ever surfaced that he was actually under investigation. He continues to be licensed and is in good standing in Hawaii.

  92. Arthur says:

    Spoiler Alert!

    According to reliable sources, John, Sheriff Arpaio will reveal that it was Colonel Mustard with a lead pipe in the Billiard Room.

    john: Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger.

  93. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    How IS Sheriff Joe’s last name pronounced? I keep wanting to pronounce it “Dip$%#@”.

  94. misha says:

    Arthur: Spoiler Alert! According to reliable sources, John, Sheriff Arpaio will reveal that it was Colonel Mustard with a lead pipe in the Billiard Room.

    Look, I’m tired of your being flippant. Stop doing that. The butler did it. The butler talked with his confederates in Yiddish.

    Will you please be serious for once.

  95. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    How IS Sheriff Joe’s last name pronounced? I keep wanting to pronounce it “Dip$%#@”.

    No. His name was originally Arpstein. He thought Arpaio was the proper way to Anglicize it.
    He can’t get anything right.

  96. AlCum says:

    I can’t wait until Tuesday.I am dying to find out what Sheriff Arpaio will reveal.Will Arpaio reveal the identity of a potential forger.Who knows?But if he is planning to, I have some idea of who that might be – Dr. Palafox.Recall, Dr. Palafox was appointed director of the Hawaii DOH for a very short time before being fired by Governor Abercrombie. (Dr. Palafox actually resigned.) It was never clear why Dr, Palafox resigned but someone indicated it involved some medical scandal he was caught up in.Is Dr. Palafox the key?We may soon find out.Dr. Palafox may know who forged Obama’s BC and if so he is under great pressure to tell all.We will all know on Tuesday.

    We all know right now. The case was closed four years ago. There is no forgery. Sorry, your president is still a black man.

  97. Arthur says:

    I’ve been unable to be serious since seeing the Cohen Bros. film, “A Serious Man.”

    misha: Will you please be serious for once.

  98. Joe Acerbic says:

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to teach my mistress discipline.

    Ooh, you’re so kinky that you do that thing exactly backwards from the conventional way.

  99. JPotter says:

    Scientist: Could john be the ever-elusive pro-Obama bither?At long last?Dare I to dream?

    You mean a real one, not a garden-variety, full of sh*t “I voted for Him” birfer troll? I too, have longed awaited the fabled double-positive.

  100. JPotter says:

    john: I can’t wait until Tuesday. I am dying to find out what Sheriff Arpaio will reveal.

    Tough tubesteaks, John. It’s at 1730, you’ve still got 3250 to go.

  101. richCares says: is offering a special on frogs to coincide with Sheriff Joe’s amazing new evidence. For the frog marching, you can get frogs at $1.00 each or 2 for $3.00. If you are female and sign up, Birthermigle offers a free frog. The frog marching is expected to start when Joe identifies the forger (or is that froger). The Trump investigators were found hiding in a leper colony in Molokai, their findings were turned over to Sheriff Joe, as they were in a bat cave most of their findings consisted of droppings, that fits into WND’s editorial position. After the frog marching all of Obama’s orders will be revoked, rising Osama Bin Laden from the dead is their one major hurdle but they expect success as they contacted Houdini for help.

  102. Montana says:

    Willard is the original anchor baby and Sheriff Joe Arpaio is short, dumb and a liar! Go find your FlatEarth…..Ha…Ha!

  103. misha says:

    Montana: Willard is the original anchor baby…Go find your FlatEarth…..Ha…Ha!

    Piyush Bobby Jindal and Michelle Malkin are anchor babies. Malkin is married to a neocon, which is how she got a Russian surname, and why what she writes and says is blathering idiocy.

    Malkin and her spouse live in Colorado Springs, where non-Christians were run out of town.

    New Life Church:

    “Crime, of course, looms over this story. Not the actual facts of it—the burglary rate in and around Colorado Springs exceeds that in New York City and Los Angeles…Even pollution plays a part: Christian conservatives there believe that they breathe cleaner air, live on ground untainted by the satanic fires of nineteenth-century industry— despite the smog that collects against the foothills of the Rockies and the cyanide, from a century of mining, that is leaching into the aquifers and mountain streams.

    He [Ted Haggard] moved the church to a strip mall. There was a bar, a liquor store, New Life Church, a massage parlor. His congregation spilled out and blocked the other businesses. He set up chairs in the alley. He strung up a banner: SIEGE THIS CITY FOR ME, signed JESUS. He assigned everyone in the church names from the phone book they were to pray for. He sent teams to pray in front of the homes of supposed witches—in one month, ten out of fifteen of his targets put their houses on the market. His congregation “prayer-walked” nearly every street of the city.

  104. jayHG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    If the birthers win it will be a win for lies. That is certainly so. It would be a crime against Democracy for the electorate to decide based on a lie. The birther movement is rotten to the core. It praises innuendo, lies, junk science and bigotry. It is the inmates trying to run the asylum.

    Words cannot express my disgust and loathing for the perpetrators of the birther rumors and the pity I feel for the weak-minded sheep who follow them willingly.

    Bravo…..every single word!!!

  105. Thomas Brown says:

    jayHG: Bravo…..every single word!!!

    Seconded. I was never prouder of Doc than when I read that statement.

    I love it when the gloves come off.

  106. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The birther movement is rotten to the core. It praises innuendo, lies, junk science and bigotry. It is the inmates trying to run the asylum. – Words cannot express my disgust and loathing for the perpetrators of the birther rumors

    Romney, Boehner, shonde Cantor and the rest refuse to repudiate birthers, and sometimes pour gasoline on it.

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