We win!

It’s hard to remember exactly what I was thinking in December 2008 when I started this web site. Before this blog, I argued about Obama’s eligibility on my personal blog and another online forum. I think the main impetus for the site was just to document an argument so I wouldn’t have to repeat it over and over in email and elsewhere. In building the site, I have striven for two things: to make the site attractive and accessible, and to make the site authoritative and informative.

The site is attractive and accessible enough so that 20,000 different people visit the site on an average month (plus feed subscribers and syndication). What’s important, though, is that second goal, authoritative and informative.

I have dedicated myself to telling the truth as best I know it, and I have expended much time and effort looking up references so the reader knows where to go for primary sources and documentation. I think that attention to detail has built up a great well of trust among my readers, and I don’t just mean the regular commenters here, but authors, newspaper fact checkers and researchers, from whom I get the occasional inquiry or thank-you. This web site is a great way for someone new to the topic to get a handle on what the story is, and where to go for more.

The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of birthers out there, millions. But I cannot think of one person that I respect as an intelligent person of integrity that turned out to be a birther. Birthers are indeed the right-wing nut jobs, the crackpots, the con men, the conspiracy theorists, the xenophobes, nativists and racists. Frankly I don’t care what that bunch believes. I don’t take credit for this, but the thinkers in the country, the newspaper editors, judges, and decent folks everywhere wouldn’t give a birther the time of day. Everybody that matters is convinced, and that is why I say:

“We win!”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
This entry was posted in Birthers, Lounge. Bookmark the permalink.

123 Responses to We win!

  1. donna says:

    correction doc: and I don’t must mean (just?)

    “YOU’ win doc and your work is greatly appreciated – grazie mille!!

  2. gmyers25 says:

    Huzzah! A well deserved if long in coming victory, for all who have fought for this valiant effort. Excellent work Doc and everyone else fighting the good fight!

    To mark this momentous occasion I shall listen to Queen’s “We Are The Champions.”

  3. Apparently, one reader disagrees. I got this in email:

    Your site is a joke and so are you.. you just keep on following blindly and drinking the kool-aid the media keeps feeding you. You’re little catch-phrase should be “don’t question authority, be like everyone else, obey..obey…brains…..brains…….. …… .brains…good…..obama…..”.

    seriously.., you want all our our rights taken away and you want to live in a police state where obama is the dictator.. go away you socialist piece of sh%t

  4. JPotter says:

    You mean Dec 2008, right, Doc? Unless we’re living in the second term already. Hey, that’s it, leave it just to mess w/de birfers. The reason we’re always right, is because we’re writing from the fee-yooo-cher!! Spooky. ;-P

    Dr. Conspiracy: Apparently, one reader disagrees. I got this in email:

    Same mindless pap from way back. Guess who hasn’t won? 😀

    Sewell will appear any second now. (esp since he has alerts on his own name LOL)

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, the birthers lose in any case. Whether he gets re-elected or not.

  6. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Your site is a joke and so are you.. you just keep on following blindly and drinking the kool-aid the media keeps feeding you. You’re little catch-phrase should be “don’t question authority, be like everyone else, obey..obey…brains…..brains…….. …… .brains…good…..obama…..”.

    seriously.., you want all our our rights taken away and you want to live in a police state where obama is the dictator.. go away you socialist piece of sh%t

    Yep, we win. They are lost for arguments, just fear and ignorance.

  7. US Citizen says:

    “He’s going to take your guns away!” – Ok… when?
    “He’s a dictator and will put you in a FEMA camp!”” – Ok… when?
    “We’re going to win in court!” – Ok… when?
    Sheriff Joe is going to get him!” – Ok… when?

    Birthers seem to live in a continuous state of anticipation.
    Any-day-now syndrome.

  8. Whatever4 says:

    Awesome job, Doc. Thanks for being you!

  9. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Apparently, one reader disagrees. I got this in email:

    It is e-mails such as that which prove your point.

  10. bob j says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You’re little catch-phrase should be “don’t question authority, be like everyone else, obey..obey…brains…..brains…….. …… .brains…good…..obama…..”.

    Wow, first time I have seen someone use you’re in place of your.

    Your site is an excellent resource, Doc. I really appreciate the links to primary sources.

  11. justlw says:

    Birthers don’t like brains. They just cause them no end of trouble.

  12. Jamese777 says:

    Good job on Reality Check Radio tonight Doc! It was good to put a voice with a profile!

  13. G says:


    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Well, the birthers lose in any case. Whether he gets re-elected or not.

  14. Chef says:

    Not only do you win, but you’re the only one demonstrating flawless integrity while calling others names!

  15. Jim says:

    Nice job on RC Doc! Thanks for going on.

  16. justlw says:

    Chef: Not only do you win, but you’re the only one demonstrating flawless integrity while calling others names!

    And just think how hard it is for him to live up to the high standards y’all demonstrate every day.

  17. richCares says:

    “Birthers don’t like brains. They just cause them no end of trouble.”
    your’e wrong, they eat brains, birthers are zombies!

  18. misha says:

    An adviser to Mitt Romney told a London paper that Obama has not been an effective partner for Britain because he doesn’t “fully appreciate” America’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage.”

    “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

    Read on:

  19. G says:

    Geez! Who the heck talks like that, other than white supremacists!???

    An adviser to Mitt Romney told a London paper that Obama has not been an effective partner for Britain because he doesn’t “fully appreciate” America’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage.”

    “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

    Read on:

  20. John Reilly says:

    Doc: Keep up the good work. All real Americans, Republicans and Democrats, should be proud of your efforts.

    Your work is not done.

    Yesterday a stock broker friend in New York told me that he had heard that Mrs. Obama had thirty aides while Mrs. Bush only had 1. He said he tried to check it out on Snopes but could not find anything contradicting it. It took me thirty seconds to find the truth. On Snopes. He then said why does the first lady get any aides. I allowed as he had a good point; could he kindly show me where he had criticized Mrs. Bush for her “waste” of taxpayer resources. He could not, but insisted we did not need a first lady who told us what to eat.

    A neurosurgeon I know told me last night that the President had spent millions on lawyers concealing his school records. Others at the table concurred. I put my money clip on the table and offered up the cash, a few hundred, to anyone who could find a reliable source that the President had spent $1 in such an effort. I still have my money.

    I read Dr. Taitz out of both amusement and fear. (yes, Misha, I concur that she is trying to stir up a lone wolf.) Someone posted that the President was going to sign a treaty on Friday which would allow the UN to take away our guns. (It probably won’t surprise you that I belong to the NRA and own a gun or two.) I posted a note that there was no such treaty, and to my amazement, Dr. Taitz allowed it through moderation. Today my stock broker buddy in New York sent me the same news. I told him my experience was that treaties to be signed by the President generally made it into the Wall Street Journal. He replied the press was controlled by the liberals. I think Mr. Murdoch may find that an insult. I asked how he could reliably research investments if the press was fixed? He had no answer.

    So, Doc, your work is like bailing out a sinking lifeboat with a thimble. It does not look like it will work, but you must keep trying.

    As one of the Republicans who occassionally posts here, I salute you.

  21. JPotter says:

    misha: An adviser to Mitt Romney told a London paper that Obama has not been an effective partner for Britain because he doesn’t “fully appreciate” America’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage.”

    How so very blue-blooded!

    Yeah, birthers are definitely NOT winning. They have spent 4 years railing against a ‘Muslim Socialist’ who keeps his past hidden. For their efforts, this year they are rewarded with a choice of the ‘Muslim Socialist’ who supposedly hides his past while posting his vital records on national TV and publishing autobiography, and a Mormon corporate socialist who adamantly declaring his determination to hide his past on national TV. Ouch!

  22. aarrgghh says:

    G: Geez! Who the heck talks like that, other than white supremacists!???

    exactly. romney knows his base.

  23. John Reilly says:

    It is sad that Gov. Romney did that dog whistle to racists.

    I have to say that in my family we are not to fond of the English, either. I’m confident my grandparents donated to the “cause” (IRA). This is like Gov. Huckabee saying that President Obama was an anti-colonialist. I though George Washington was an anti-colonialist.

    In any event, on his Mother’s side, President Obama traces back to the Pilgrims, while my family was starved out of the Emerald Isle by those Anglo-Saxons.

  24. justlw says:

    Is it still a “dog whistle” when everyone can hear it?

  25. G says:

    And as a voice of rational, thinking sanity, admist an every increasing sea of tabloid-mentality thinkers, I salute you and desperately wish for a day in which the majority of voices from your side of the aisle could behave and think more like you do…

    John Reilly: As one of the Republicans who occassionally posts here, I salute you.

  26. John Reilly says:

    G: Me too. I wish Gov. Romney would say he does not want the support of the nuts and cranks, some of whom we have elected on the Republican ticket. We need more Richard Lugar’s and Mitch Daniels, and we do not need Alan West. Such a position might persuade the independents who think Gov. Romney is the better choice on the economy that they can vote for him without fear that contraception will be made a criminal offense, or that schools will start teaching the world is flat.

  27. foreigner says:

    thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)
    What would this blog be without that…

  28. G says:

    Well, I really feel for you on this one. As far as candidates go, Romney is probably the weakest and lamest person to ever make it to the top of your party’s ticket… at least in my 40-year lifetime.

    Really, his main selling points for support amount to 4 things:

    1 – to those who dislike Obama, he’s “not Obama”. At least he physically looks different and talks different. Then again, he simply will say anything to any audience and then turn around and say something different to the next group, simply because he seems to stand for nothing except wanting to be elected President. So for people who dislike Obama only on a policy position level (and not an ODS level), I can’t even guarantee that Romney is “not Obama”…as who the heck knows what Romney “is” from one minute to the next…

    2- to those who are simply loyalist GOP voters, he’s the presumed nominee for your party, so by default, that is who you are voting for and who all the various think tanks and bundler groups on that side of the aisle will be pouring their massive amounts of money towards electing. But then again, any name in that spot will get the majority of the loyalist faction party to grit their teeth and support it, no matter what.

    3- For the moment, there is still a perception that simply because he’s uber-rich and ran a business and has ultra-rich friends, that somehow translates to him being able to manage the US economy… well, as long as one doesn’t try to think past the surface level of “has money, had a business, therefore must understand economy” and dig deeper to see if any of that actually correlates in a sensible way…

    4- He has a presidential looking “face” and good hair. So from appearances alone, he looks like someone who could pull off posing as a president…

    But that’s about it. Definitely nothing to be enthused about. So this election cycle really comes down to whether Obama defeats himself or continues on in the position. It is a choice between Obama and simply “brand X, which happens to not be Obama…at least we don’t think he is”.

    John Reilly:
    G:Me too.I wish Gov. Romney would say he does not want the support of the nuts and cranks, some of whom we have elected on the Republican ticket.We need more Richard Lugar’s and Mitch Daniels, and we do not need Alan West.Such a position might persuade the independents who think Gov. Romney is the better choice on the economy that they can vote for him without fear that contraception will be made a criminal offense, or that schools will start teaching the world is flat.

  29. G says:

    BS. Birtherism created itself.

    Obama and his campaign did comment several times. You wouldn’t have either the COLB or the LFBC if he hadn’t, so you’re proven wrong right there.

    For some ludicrous reason, you seem to demand and expect people to keep answering the same set of questions over and over and over and over and over again, simply because a certain group of malcontents who oppose him don’t like the answer he gave them.

    You keep pushing that competely laughable and unreasonable premise…which is why you are clearly little more than a disingenuous Concern Troll.

    thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)
    What would this blog be without that…

  30. Jim says:

    thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)
    What would this blog be without that…

    I’ve been following this for almost 4 years now, birtherism was not created by Obama nor is there anything he could have done to prevent it.

    Did you know, WND said that the original COLB that was shown on the web and verified by factcheck was authentic? Did you know that WND called Orly Taitz a “nutcase” when she first popped on the scene? Then, they realized that there was money to be made from the rubes and the bigots and started calling the COLB fake and supporting Taitz. If you think this was ever about the President’s eligibility and not money, you have totally missed out.

  31. Covert Informant says:

    New Ads started airing on Fox News channel nationally yesterday evening. One aired during Bill O’Reilly’s program. The group behind the ads is the Conservative Majority Fund out of Arlington,Va. The man behind it is president of PoliticalMedia.com. His name is Larry Ward.

    Larry Ward:

    First Ad:

    Second Ad:

  32. G says:

    Not sure if this more appropriately falls under this particular blog topic or the Open Thread, but it sounds like the Birthers and WND are now trying a new tactic, since they’ve failed with the Arpaio dog and pony show:

    They have decided to go directly to putting their Birtherism front and center in paid television attack ads.

    The video of the new 30-second TV ad is being touted on ORYR right now. The article is from Bob Unruh of WND. According to their reporting, Fox News is running these ads already:


    When watching the ad, it was so over-the-top that I was almost sure I was watching a piece of satire parody, instead of a real ad. Just goes to show that Poe’s Law has taken over this cycle.

    I’m sure that the ad will give all the wingnuts boners. Beyond that built-in audience, I suspect it will either be assumed as parody or turn people off.

  33. G says:

    LOL! Looks like we were both getting read to post about this at the same time!

    Covert Informant:
    New Ads started airing on Fox News channel nationally yesterday evening. One aired during Bill O’Reilly’s program. The group behind the ads if the Conservative Majority Fund out of Arlington,Va. The man behind it is president of PoliticalMedia.com. His name is Larry Ward.

    Larry Ward:

    Ad that aired on Fox News:

    Second Ad:

  34. JPotter says:

    Covert Informant: New Ads started airing on Fox News channel nationally yesterday evening. One aired during Bill O’Reilly’s program. The group behind the ads is the Conservative Majority Fund out of Arlington,Va.

    LOL! The party famous for lockstep groupthink can’t control its nuts anymore!

    CMF was ‘born’ only 2 weeks ago …. has a nearly blank registration … and supposedly supports or opposes more than one candidate. Supposedly.


    I notice the audio in the ad was slightly different than the text. At the end, it read ‘must’ but said ‘need’. Oops 😉

  35. Covert Informant says:

    LOL!Looks like we were both getting read to post about this at the same time!

    Good timing!!.

  36. G says:


    I hadn’t seen that 2nd Ad, until you provided the link. Yuck!

    While the first ad was just a clownishly over-the-top and unbelievably laughable spaghetti-against-the-wall mish-mash of every stupid RWNJ and Birther ODS meme rolled into one, this SECOND ad is VILE!

    This second ad isn’t even a “dog whistle”…it is just full of pure lies and open religious bigotry to falsely portray Obama as a muslim and to stir up anti-muslim sentiments.

    What’s next, are they going to put ads out accusing Obama of eating children and tearing the heads off of kittens, while conducting a Black Mass?

    Sheesh… that second ad really crosses a line of bad taste and bald-faced lies.

    The first ad is just so chock full of hater-nuttery that it will probably just get routinely mocked and laughed off the public stage and is probably beneath even invoking any actual campaign response at all.

    The second ad however is so vile that I strongly suspect ANY actual TV airtime devoted to it will result in a lot of outrage and pushback for any network insensitive enough to air it…

    Covert Informant: Second Ad:

  37. G says:

    Yeah, signs that the RWNJ are truly losing it and getting scared.

    I mean seriously, a campaign to get 10 K signatures from EVERY congressional district in the USA to force the Democratic Party to remove Obama from their nominating ballot at the DNC…

    …yeah…right…like that’s going to happen.

    Because demands from the party’s opponents is what the DNC would listen to in selecting their nominee…

    *rolls eyes*

    JPotter: LOL! The party famous for lockstep groupthink can’t control its nuts anymore!

    CMF was ‘born’ only 2 weeks ago …. has a nearly blank registration … and supposedly supports or opposes more than one candidate. Supposedly.


    I notice the audio in the ad was slightly different than the text. At the end, it read ‘must’ but said ‘need’. Oops

  38. justlw says:

    The first ad reminded me of the Powerthirst / Brawndo ads. (“400 BABIES!”)

    The second ad looks like someone repurposed the Tracy Fair campaign ad for Lena — complete with the fake “Welcome to Kenya” sign.

  39. nbc says:

    foreigner: thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)

    Sure blame the victim.

    What a wonderful person you must be.

  40. JPotter says:

    G: Because demands from the party’s opponents is what the DNC would listen to in selecting their nominee…

    Hey, it’s only 4.35M ‘signatures’. Where is this 10K sigs rule from every district rule coming from? Oh, right, it doesn’t exist.

    Wait … you can ‘sign’ over the phone? I couldn’t resist calling. Surprise! It’s an automated hustle! LOL! Asks for your name, then reels off a spiel about why they need your support / donation. Can they count on me? “No.” It immediately repeats itself, same spiel. Can they count on me? “No.” *CLICK* Dead line.

    If you say yes, it rings through to … someone. I assume a human who will be happy to take your money. What a scam! You have to pay to sign an impotent petition! What a deal!

  41. foreigner says:

    > Birtherism created itself.

    “supported” by Obama

    > Obama and his campaign did comment several times. You wouldn’t have either
    > the COLB or the LFBC if he hadn’t, so you’re proven wrong right there.

    OK, but in many cases, like the cold case posse, they followed a noncommenting strategy

    > For some ludicrous reason, you seem to demand and expect people to keep answering
    > the same set of questions over and over and over and over and over again, simply because
    > a certain group of malcontents who oppose him don’t like the answer he gave them.
    > You keep pushing that competely laughable and unreasonable premise…

    that’s exactly what this blog is doing, why you are here and what this thread is about, right ?
    So, in your opinion :
    The Dr.C. may and should do, what the WH could do much better but shouldn’t
    (except all the ridiculing and insulting which would be inappropriate for the WH, agreed ?)
    And even why the WH shouldn’t comment, that shouldn’t be debated either.
    (“can’t plaster it on my forehead”)


    > birtherism was not created by Obama nor is there anything he could have
    > done to prevent it.

    OK, let’s say “supported” instead of “created” and “reduce” instead of “prevent”.
    Republicans are not happy with the birther movement. What’s bad for the
    Reps is good for the Dems . wrt.publicity, I mean – there is no real political content
    in birtherism.

  42. linda says:

    Obama released a copy of his birth certificate in June 2008, and it was posted on the internet. That was unprecedented for US presidential candidates. You will have to explain how he created birtherism.

    foreigner: thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)

  43. G says:


    So the whole thing is a MONEY SCAM !!!

    ROTFLMAO!!! …Why am I not surprised…

    …the Cons gotta keep fleecing their loyal, gullible flock!

    JPotter: Wait … you can ‘sign’ over the phone? I couldn’t resist calling. Surprise! It’s an automated hustle! LOL! Asks for your name, then reels off a spiel about why they need your support / donation. Can they count on me? “No.” It immediately repeats itself, same spiel. Can they count on me? “No.” *CLICK* Dead line.
    If you say yes, it rings through to … someone. I assume a human who will be happy to take your money. What a scam! You have to pay to sign an impotent petition! What a deal!

  44. Foggy says:

    Uhh, Doc? I think you started the blog before December 2012. Might need a slight edit to the first sentence of this post.

  45. G says:


    Utter nonsense! Obama does NOT support the Birther movement at all. Your “blame the victim” BS is really getting old. Give it a rest.

    “supported” by Obama

    Of course. WHY should they comment? NO charges have been filed against them. The CCP is just a clown show, not an actual “investigation”. REAL investigations involve pursing charges with the D.A., not holding press conferences for no other reason than as a PR stunt. The whole thing is an obvious sham, so there is NOTHING for the administration to concern itself with on this inept and impotent nonsense at all.

    Face it, what you REALLY mean when you say such stuff is that you are pissed off BECAUSE the White House continues to properly IGNORE you Birthers and your pathetic attempts to goad them into giving you attention. How sad!

    Bravo to the White House for continuing to ignore you insignificant malcontents and nutbags!

    OK, but in many cases, like the cold case posse, they followed a noncommenting strategy

    This is a private blog, coving a topic for personal interest reasons. Same as blogs exist for just about EVERY hobby one could think of and for every conspiracy phenomenon that exists. The White House doesn’t comment on Bigfoot sightings or the latest episode of Ghost Hunters either. But the blogs that follow those things are full of lots of constant commentary.

    You’ve had your “debate” on why the WH shouldn’t comment. We’ve given you our answers on that repeatedly. But you keep asking the same question, as if we’re going to give you a different answer. How foolish is that? Face it, you simply don’t like our answers, but they are OUR answers. You don’t like the WH responses, but those ARE their responses. NO is a valid answer. Deal with it.

    We’ve already given you our answers on this “debate” and we are aware of your position, which we all think is ludicrous. You may not like it, but that is how it is. So, move onto another topic or go elsewhere, if you want a different answer. But wasting time saying the same thing over and over and over again isn’t going to change reality at all. Grow up.

    When you have something new and different to add to the conversation, fine. But lately, you’re reverting back to being just a broken record again. Why should anyone tolerate such endless inanity?

    that’s exactly what this blog is doing, why you are here and what this thread is about, right ?
    So, in your opinion :
    The Dr.C. may and should do, what the WH could do much better but shouldn’t
    (except all the ridiculing and insulting which would be inappropriate for the WH, agreed ?)
    And even why the WH shouldn’t comment, that shouldn’t be debated either.
    (“can’t plaster it on my forehead”)

  46. G says:

    Overall as a party, no. The establishment folks that run the GOP will wink & nod at the crazies in their base, but they know it hurts their credibility and ability to expand their base. However, there are a number of GOP officials at the state levels that are actual Birthers. So the GOP can’t avoid being tarnished and associated with Birtherism as a result. So I disagree that there is no real political content in Birtherism. After all, it is a fictitious movement that has very little really to do with NBC or eligibility and everything to do with coming up with excuses to pretend that Obama didn’t really get elected president…and for the propagandists…to try to prevent him from getting re-elected. So there is a lot of mixed motives at play here – that includes fear/hate, bigotry, politics, religion, ideology, immigration, and definitely profit.

    The con artists seem to be quite adept at stringing along the gullible “true believers” and getting them to push those PayPal buttons… I’ve never seen a conspiracy that has been turned into such a money-based scam as Birtherism! It must really suck to be a birther “true believer”. Every one of their sources is always pushing some sort of reason for why they have to cough up more money to support the movement or buy something…

    Republicans are not happy with the birther movement. What’s bad for the Reps is good for the Dems . wrt.publicity, I mean – there is no real political content in birtherism.

  47. Lupin says:

    misha: “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

    And here comes Brigadier Gordon’s PRECEPTS again.

    Why doesn’t he just wear a hood?

  48. Lupin says:

    After misquoting Vattel, nothing irks me more than seeing the proud label of “soc-ialist” being applied to Obama,

    A) it is most definitely NOT correct; and

    B) You wish!

  49. That’f fiction. Within days of the fist questions, Obama released his birth certificate in June of 2008. It had no effect on the birthers. The birthers created themselves out of their own biases and prejudices. It has nothing to do with Obama releasing information. After all, Obama had published a very frank biography years before.

    No matter what Obama releases, birthers lie about it and keep on birthin’.

    foreigner: thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)

  50. Uhhh. No it was December 2012. If I said, it must be true. I’m always right and I never lie.


    Foggy: Uhh, Doc? I think you started the blog before December 2012. Might need a slight edit to the first sentence of this post.

  51. Given that governance is about politics, I do not agree that ridicule and insults are inappropriate from the White House. Nor do I agree that they could do better in dealing with birthers. I should point out that he released two documents proving beyond any reasonable doubt that he was born in Hawaii (one by the campaign and one by the White House). That’s more than enough. Birthers themselves are immune to evidence, and everyone else is convinced already. An occasional verbal slight is all the White House should do.

    foreigner: The Dr.C. may and should do, what the WH could do much better but shouldn’t
    (except all the ridiculing and insulting which would be inappropriate for the WH, agreed ?)

  52. donna says:

    doc: my phrase is “im not always right but i’m never wrong”

    can ANY OF US FORGET the night of the correspondents’ dinner when he skewered trump? it was hysterical then but historic once we learned he had already given the order to get bin laden …… an order for a plan, that, if it went wrong, would have ended his presidency and been the first line in his bio – no matter what you think of the guy, for me, those moments measured the man

    oh and i’m still responding to “obama spent millions hiding records in his 1st executive order”

  53. Thrifty says:

    You did the bulk of the work Doc, but can I get one of those chintzy “participant” trophies?

  54. Thrifty says:

    Interesting rationale. Do you lobby for rapists to be acquitted because the woman was wearing provocative clothing too?

    thanks to Obama’s noncommenting policy which gives Dr.C the chance to fill the gap.
    (and which created birtherism in the first place.)
    What would this blog be without that…

  55. Stanislaw says:


    OK, let’s say “supported” instead of “created” and “reduce” instead of “prevent”.
    Republicans are not happy with the birther movement. What’s bad for the
    Reps is good for the Dems . wrt.publicity, I mean – there is no real political content
    in birtherism.

    You really should learn to use the “quote” function inside the comment box; it would make your replies much easier to read. It would do nothing to fix your ridiculous logic and weak arguments, though. That apparently cannot be helped.

    In what conceivable way did the President “support” birtherism? Refusing to respond to every single ridiculous, unreasonable request is in no way showing support to the birthers or any of the nonsense that they believe in.

    The entire world has seen two different documents that prove that the President was born in Hawaii. Birthers still believe, despite a mountain of both direct and circumstantial evidence to the contrary, that the President was somehow born in Kenya. That isn’t the fault of the President, that’s the fault of delusional people who refuse to accept reality. The President has no control over whether people choose to believe in conspiracy theories.

    You use that word “support.” I do not think it means what you think it means.

  56. Thrifty says:

    Birthers are airing ads on a major news network during some of its highest rated shows? Where the Hell did they get that kind of money?

  57. sactosintolerant says:

    Birthers are airing ads on a major news network during some of its highest rated shows?Where the Hell did they get that kind of money?

    Certainy wasn’t from here:


    That doesn’t even buy you a MCSO escort to Hawaii for 9 days.

  58. Rickey says:

    Birthers are airing ads on a major news network during some of its highest rated shows?Where the Hell did they get that kind of money?

    So far I haven’t seen any evidence that these ads have aired anywhere except on YouTube.

    There is a website which constantly monitors Fox News and I feel certain that they would have commented if the ads had run.


    If anyone has actually seen these ads running on TV, please chime in.

  59. misha says:

    sactosintolerant: Certainy wasn’t from here: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/7JJgd That doesn’t even buy you a MCSO escort to Hawaii for 9 days.

    I almost feel sorry for this guy:

    Anonymous5 June 2012 – gave $10
    All I could do. Unemployed. Thank you Dr. Corsi, and thank you Sheriff Joe and Posse

    $1,122.76 raised as I write.

  60. misha says:

    sactosintolerant: Certainy wasn’t from here: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/7JJgd

    That website has raised $1,122.76 since ~16 May 2012.

    “But the donors can be kepy anonymous — I do not have to report publicly the names of contributors to Constitution Consultants. If you want to contact me directly, email me at jcorsi@wnd.com.”

  61. jjcherry says:

    US citizen – “Birthers seem to live in a continuous state of anticipation.”

    Gosh, what if the Rapture comes before they can remove Barack from office?

  62. G says:


    US citizen – “Birthers seem to live in a continuous state of anticipation.”

    Gosh, what if the Rapture comes before they can remove Barack from office?

  63. Potter, J. says:

    jjcherry: what if the Rapture comes before they can remove Barack from office?

    That’s the only thing that will remove Obama anytime soon 😉

    You thought de birfers went nuts over him being President, just wait till he shows up in Heaven!

  64. bovril says:

    Considering that Jeebus was a swarthy and Semitic individual with probably substantial North African genetics, they will freak their lilly white asses off…..

  65. Stanislaw says:

    Considering that Jeebus was a swarthy and Semitic individual with probably substantial North African genetics, they will freak their lilly white asses off…..

    Would they freak out before or after they asked for his birth certificate?

  66. Judge Mental says:

    bovril: Considering that Jeebus was a swarthy and Semitic individual with probably substantial North African genetics, they will freak their lilly white asses off…..

    Nonsense. No way was that his appearance. Such a man could never cultivate the devotion of four white chaps called Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

  67. Covert Informant:
    New Ads started airing on Fox News channel nationally yesterday evening. One aired during Bill O’Reilly’s program. The group behind the ads is the Conservative Majority Fund out of Arlington,Va. The man behind it is president of PoliticalMedia.com. His name is Larry Ward.

    Larry Ward:

    First Ad:

    Second Ad:

    I also found that the treasurer for the “Conservative Majority Fund” is one Scott B MacKenzie, former campaign treasurer for the presidential campaign of Pat Buchanan, and treasurer for “Conservative Strikeforce”, Cain’s “9-9-9 Fund”, “Sam vs The Machine”, and “Freedom’s Defense Fund”

    “Freedom’s Defense Fund” is particularly interesting. They’ve done anti-Obama campaign ads before (their focus seems to be attack ads), and their consultant is one Jerome Corsi……

  68. Benji Franklin says:


    US citizen – “Birthers seem to live in a continuous state of anticipation.”

    It’s nothing new. Charles Dickens had a sad sack character named Wilkins Micawber in David Copperfield who waved off all of life’s obstacles by declaring, “Something will turn up!” over and over again.

    He substituted repeating his optimism, for logic, saying famously, “Welcome poverty! Welcome misery, welcome houselessness, welcome hunger, rags, tempest, and beggary! Mutual confidence will sustain us to the end!”

    Being fiction, Dickens was able to make Wilkins’ have that stroke of good luck. But the Birthers are faced with a contradictory reality, and and the triumphs of their hateful optimism will thankfully never quite escape the bounds of prospectivity.

  69. G says:

    Gee…what a surprise…(not)

    Patrick McKinnion: “Freedom’s Defense Fund” is particularly interesting. They’ve done anti-Obama campaign ads before (their focus seems to be attack ads), and their consultant is one Jerome Corsi……

  70. donna says:

    Potter, J: You thought de birfers went nuts over him being President, just wait till he shows up in Heaven!

    you owe me a new computer screen – HYSTERICAL

  71. G says:

    But how would the Birthers know? They won’t end up there… 😉

    Potter, J.: That’s the only thing that will remove Obama anytime soon

    You thought de birfers went nuts over him being President, just wait till he shows up in Heaven!

  72. Potter, J. says:

    G: But how would the Birthers know? They won’t end up there…

    I had the same thought, but never fear … Several classic passges from the OT make it clear that those in Sheol have a clear view of Heaven … it’s part of what makes Hell so darn Hell-y!

    The Rich Man and Lazarus

    “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house—for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”

    (Luke 16:19-31 ESV)

    Note that birther-y conclusion!

  73. Keith says:

    Potter, J: You thought de birfers went nuts over him being President, just wait till he shows up in Heaven!

    you owe me a new computer screen – HYSTERICAL

    At your service

  74. The Magic M says:

    Majority Will: Massachusetts SSN?

    The second dumbest birther comment ever on WND claimed this was a deliberate error (as in “if Obama corrects it, he has to admit his SSN is from Connecticut”). The guy even invented a name for this strategy (which came up empty on Google).

    Factoid #1: WND has banned my Disqus account yesterday, I’m flattered, it took them several months.

    Factoid #2: The dumbest birther comment ever on WND was by “duh_swami” claiming that having a Hawaiian BC “strongly suggests” Hawaiian birth even if it states foreign birth, therefore my argument that “anyone can get a Hawaiian BC – but it would not state Hawaiian birth” was moot.

  75. Majority Will says:

    The Magic M: The second dumbest birther comment ever on WND claimed this was a deliberate error (as in “if Obama corrects it, he has to admit his SSN is from Connecticut”). The guy even invented a name for this strategy (which came up empty on Google).

    Factoid #1: WND has banned my Disqus account yesterday, I’m flattered, it took them several months.

    Factoid #2: The dumbest birther comment ever on WND was by “duh_swami” claiming that having a Hawaiian BC “strongly suggests” Hawaiian birth even if it states foreign birth, therefore my argument that “anyone can get a Hawaiian BC – but it would not state Hawaiian birth” was moot.


  76. foreigner says:

    I’m no birther expert, I can’t do everything. You do the birther’s thing, my mission is
    to convince the planet about the danger of a H5N1-pandemic.
    And the need for probability estimates.
    “support” was a bad word, I meant: contributed to the rise of birtherism
    Dr. Conspiracy July 25, 2012 at 8:33 am Dr. Conspiracy(Quote) #
    > I do not agree that ridicule and insults are inappropriate from the White House.
    > Nor do I agree that they could do better in dealing with birthers.

    you won’t ridicule and insult your people. Well, large groups of it.
    Possible voters. It’s unscientific,childish, aggressive – not what you see in
    articles,statements,books,newspapers,what they tell you in school.
    they could link to your blog
    they could upload the Hawaii codes
    they could explain how the .pdf was created
    they could say that the CCP speaks nonsense
    they could reply to questions
    they could upload a high-resolution camera-pic
    they could

  77. sactosintolerant says:

    The Magic M: Factoid #1: WND has banned my Disqus account yesterday, I’m flattered, it took them several months.

    I got banned yesterday too. They must be cleaning house.

  78. sponson says:

    I agree with Dr. C’s assessment above that the White House’s policy on not responding to birtherism has been just about right. I’d also like to point out that the President released his old-style obsolete birth certificate form for the good of the country, in order to take the birther distraction of Trump off the table because we were secretly preparing to attack Bin Laden in a few days. That weapon (the old form former birth certificate document) would have been much more effectively used in 2012, but the President thought about the country first and his political fortunes second, and I salute him for it.

  79. Jim says:

    sactosintolerant: I got banned yesterday too. They must be cleaning house.

    Classic bunker mentality. The whole CCP episode is blowing up in their face and they want to limit it to only like-minded voices.

    Instead of being the country’s “Toughest Sheriff” this has brought country-wide attention to his trial(s) and he’ll end up being known as the country’s “Most Bigoted Sheriff”

  80. misha says:

    sponson: That weapon (the old form former birth certificate document) would have been much more effectively used in 2012, but the President thought about the country first and his political fortunes second, and I salute him for it.

    That is exactly what I felt.

  81. Paper says:

    I wasn’t discussing anything with you on this thread, but I’ve copied in bold below the post from the Damocles thread that looks like the one to which you are responding. I also didn’t discuss your use of the word “support” above. I think that was G.

    For the record, I am not a birther expert or someone who does the birther thing. As I mentioned to you, I come from a birther family, and visit this site as a forum for birther codependents. I would never make myself into someone doing the birther thing, or trying to convince Birthers. If my family wasn’t infested, I would never spend a moment on such silliness.

    By your logic then, you have contributed to the rise of vaccine-deniers, people and doctors who resist or reject vaccines, even using religious waivers to get out of getting vaccinated. Why? Because despite your efforts they exist and even seem to be growing in numbers, and they increase the risk of a variety of pandemics, including H5N1.

    You just come across as trying to goad people into feeling like, or reacting to the feeling that, they are failures for not being able to convince the remaining Birthers to give up the ghost. or for not bending over for Birthers, for not treating them with kid gloves, as if they were the most sensitive and delicate of souls.

    On the topic of treating Birthers with kid’s gloves, all I ever did with the birther who threatened my life was discuss the topic without calling him names ever, only calling him out for calling me names incessantly and asking him to stop. My attempt to let him save face, in your manner of speaking, led to him threatening my life. That is what comes of your idea of how to treat such individuals.

    I’m no birther expert, I can’t do everything. You do the birther’s thing, my mission is
    to convince the planet about the danger of a H5N1-pandemic.
    And the need for probability estimates.
    “support” was a bad word, I meant: contributed to the rise of birtherism

    Paper July 25, 2012 at 6:03 pm(Quote) #
    So then why did *you* not stop the mistakes that damaged the Fukushima reactors in Japan, same for Chernobyl and Three Mile Island? Why have you not convinced every single person on the planet that the earth is not flat? Why have you not not convinced any of these killers to stop shooting up the public? What about aliens–are you on that one?

    foreigner: Not avoiding a devoidable fault is also a fault.
    Unterlassene Fehlerverhinderung

  82. G says:

    Well said Paper, you beat me to it in pointing that out to foreigner, so I’ll just echo what you said and hold out some small hope that this might sink through to him:

    Paper: By your logic then, you have contributed to the rise of vaccine-deniers, people and doctors who resist or reject vaccines, even using religious waivers to get out of getting vaccinated.

    Why? Because despite your efforts they exist and even seem to be growing in numbers, and they increase the risk of a variety of pandemics, including H5N1.

  83. misha says:

    G: Well said Paper, you beat me to it in pointing that out to foreigner, so I’ll just echo what you said and hold out some small hope that this might sink through to him:

    Paper: By your logic then, you have contributed to the rise of vaccine-deniers, people and doctors who resist or reject vaccines, even using religious waivers to get out of getting vaccinated.

    OT, but the craziness continues:

    The city of Santa Fe will discontinue its longstanding practice of adding fluoride to municipal drinking water. The city has added the mineral to its water supply since 1955 because of the belief that it helps reduce tooth decay.

    Calvert, who said he did graduate research on fluoride, said the city should give the $32,000 it currently spends on fluoridation to local dental clinics for the poor. Another speaker, Helen Oates, called fluoridation “one of the greatest scientific frauds done to the unsuspecting public.”

    “There are people who want Santa Fe to stop fluoridating water, and I think that’s a terrible idea,” said Dr. Jessica Brewster, a dentist at La Familia clinic who noted that she was not speaking on behalf of the medical center. “It’s the most vulnerable, the poor and the uninsured who will suffer the most.”

    Five other dentists also spoke at the hearing, making similar arguments. Rudy Blea, of the state Office of Oral Health, said Santa Fe is experiencing an increase in tooth decay among Hispanic youth and that maintaining fluoridation is “a good health policy.” Without fluoridation, he said, the problem is likely to worsen.

    “Back in 1955, Phillip Morris was very strong on smoking too … Until we found out later that cigarettes are poisonous and killing a lot of people,” Dimas said. “I’ve studied this issue a lot before coming here tonight, and I’ve reached my conclusion that we don’t need to add any more fluoride to our water.”

  84. G says:

    *face palm*

    …The John Birch Society rears its ugly head. I blame Glenn Beck for bringing them back out from under their rocks.

    How sad. The regressives are truly just that. People that won’t be happy until they’ve wiped away all the achievements of civilization and we’re back to living in caves…

    misha: OT, but the craziness continues:
    The city of Santa Fe will discontinue its longstanding practice of adding fluoride to municipal drinking water. The city has added the mineral to its water supply since 1955 because of the belief that it helps reduce tooth decay.

  85. justlw says:

    Rickey: So far I haven’t seen any evidence that these ads have aired anywhere except on YouTube.

    Based on the evidence (crappy production values, not a lot of YouTube hits, the site you mentioned didn’t notice them), it sounds like this was a local ad buy. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that G and Covert Informant live in the same area, served by the same cable system.

  86. Potter, J. says:

    G: People that won’t be happy until they’ve wiped away all the achievements of civilization and we’re back to living in caves…

    The roofing industry employs people of the wrong color. I have seen Hispanics gathering on rooftops, looking suspiciously industrious. I am calling Shurruff Joe!

    Oh, and don’t forget: glazed winderpanes are the work of the devil. They trap evil spirits and stifle God’s air, which He intended to flow freely.

    For a people so addicted to modern convenience to be this suspicious of the moder world … ! I wish tehy could be relegated to the Dark Ages as a wake-up call. I bet they’d get science and quick! 😉 And if they fit in, great, everyone’s happy.

    Except for the original inhabitants of the Dark Ages. “Why has God cursed us with these whiners from the distant land of ‘Future’?” LOL

  87. G says:


    Let me be crystal clear on this to clear up any confusion: I didn’t SEE any of these adverts on TV at all. I am merely reporting what I saw reported on a Birther site (ORYR):


    In their article (and the early comments), they “claim” that this first ad was shown on Fox News cable channel twice.

    …Yet there has been ZERO notice of such elsewhere, that I’m aware of…and there are a lot of media watchdog sites that monitor Fox News closely.

    So I too am very skeptical that these ads have actually run on TV at all…

    Birthers are well known for telling whoppers and making up what they claim to have heard and seen, so even the few early ones that claim to state a precise date and time that they “saw” the ad run are to be taken with heavy doses of a grain of salt.

    justlw: Based on the evidence (crappy production values, not a lot of YouTube hits, the site you mentioned didn’t notice them), it sounds like this was a local ad buy. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that G and Covert Informant live in the same area, served by the same cable system.

  88. G says:

    That is because they live in perpetual fantasy-lands that only ever existed within their own imagination.

    Wistfully wanting to “take their country back” to an imaginary and heavily “sanitized” past that never actually existed in the simplistic pollyanna description that they imagine.

    They tend to conveniently overlook all the problems that also existed and came with those earlier times and which advances in technology and civilization helped to mitigate.

    To some extent, I blame TV. I think too many people watch old westerns and shows like Leave it to Beaver and think of the past as nothing more than those simplistic fantasy portrayals…

    Potter, J.: For a people so addicted to modern convenience to be this suspicious of the moder world … ! I wish tehy could be relegated to the Dark Ages as a wake-up call. I bet they’d get science and quick! And if they fit in, great, everyone’s happy.

  89. misha says:

    G: How sad. The regressives are truly just that. People that won’t be happy until they’ve wiped away all the achievements of civilization and we’re back to living in caves…

    I hope Romney is happy. “Romney Won’t Repudiate Birthers – Romney would not correct Trump or his followers. “I need to get 50.1 percent or more” of the vote, Romney said. “My guess is they don’t all agree with everything I believe in.”

    To John Woodman, John Reilly and others: A GOP vote will –
    – Criminalize reproductive freedom
    – Eliminate universal healthcare
    – Laid off workers will not have health insurance
    – Subvert the 1st Amendment
    – Theocratize the country
    – Slow down, or halt, scientific progress

    One of the photographers in my workshops is a NJ licensed physician. He told me when W was prez, his hostility towards embryonic research had damaged scientific research in general. I believe him, before I believe a politician or clergyman.

    Remember, Adolf Schicklgruber Romney is the only one who appreciates our Anglo-Saxon heritage.

    I still have not figured out the difference between a fundie clergyman and a witch doctor.

  90. justlw says:

    G: NO.

    Let me be crystal clear on this to clear up any confusion: I didn’t SEE any of these adverts on TV at all. I am merely reporting what I saw reported on a Birther site (ORYR):

    Argh. My apologies. I totally misread your and Covert Informant’s posts.

  91. Potter, J. says:

    G: In their article (and the early comments), they “claim” that this first ad was shown on Fox News cable channel twice.
    …Yet there has been ZERO notice of such elsewhere, that I’m aware of…and there are a lot of media watchdog sites that monitor Fox News closely.

    Well, they do have to give the appearance of Doing Something. Birther bux is cheap, but they ain’t free!

    The real crackup is that, all denials aside, birthers watch FAUX religiously (haha), and you KNOW they would have sh-t themselves and expressed themselves with great joy and triumph all over the interwebs the second they saw those ads on their idiot box.

    “Screen tells me what I want to hear! Yay!” (and many other more colorful things)

    … but that didn’t(?) happen.

    What also hasn’t happened are any outbreaks of birthers calling BS. 😉

    Lemme guess, the one time the ad actually aired on Fox, the entire birther nation, all 47 of ’em, just happened to take a collective potty break? LOL!

  92. Paper says:

    Fluoride is an interesting case in that it makes clear the exact border of a conspiracy. It is perfectly reasonable to not want to drink fluoride or be concerned despite its benefits. But the conspiracy theory begins when the fluoride becomes a communist or other kind of plot to poison everybody etc etc ect.

    Similarly it is perfectly reasonable to prefer a different president, without making the President’s very existence into a conspiracy.

    *face palm*

    …The John Birch Society rears its ugly head.I blame Glenn Beck for bringing them back out from under their rocks.

    How sad.The regressives are truly just that.People that won’t be happy until they’ve wiped away all the achievements of civilization and we’re back to living in caves…

  93. justlw says:

    G: the early comments […] “claim” that this first ad was shown on Fox News cable channel twice.

    Were any of those comments by Abby Farle? I hear she’s quite the looker.

  94. justlw says:

    Paper: plot to poison everybody

    People should start keeling over any. Decade. Now.

  95. misha says:

    misha: I still have not figured out the difference between a fundie clergyman and a witch doctor.

    Can you imagine this clown as President? An admission of kidnapping, false imprisonment, and assault and battery.

    A much bigger reason why Jindal won’t be Romney’s running mate is the exorcism he conducted.

    No, really. Jindal himself wrote about the experience in 1994 for the New Oxford Review, in an article entitled “Beating a Demon: Physical Dimensions of Spiritual Warfare.” The short of it is that, while Jindal was an undergraduate, his close friend, Susan, with whom he had maintained a wholly non-romantic relationship, began acting strange. One might attribute this to the fact that she was undergoing treatment for cancer. Jindal assumed she had been possessed.

    Susan chose the perfect opportunity to attempt an escape. She suddenly leapt up and ran for the door, despite the many hands holding her down. This burst of action served to revive the tired group of students and they soon had her restrained once again, this time half kneeling and half standing. Alice, a student leader in Campus Crusade for Christ, entered the room for the first time, brandishing a crucifix.

    The crucifix had a calming effect on Susan, and her sister was soon brave enough to bring a Bible to her face. At first, Susan responded to biblical passages with curses and profanities. Mixed in with her vile attacks were short and desperate pleas for help. In the same breath that she attacked Christ, the Bible’s authenticity, and everyone assembled in prayer, Susan would suddenly urge us to rescue her. It appeared as if we were observing a tremendous battle between the Susan we knew and loved and some strange evil force. But the momentum had shifted and we now sensed that victory was at hand.

  96. donna says:

    G: Wistfully wanting to “take their country back” to an imaginary and heavily “sanitized” past that never actually existed in the simplistic pollyanna description that they imagine.

    oh, as a female, i KNOW where they want to take us “back” to –

    some have made it CLEAR:

    Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson:

    “I think that one of the greatest mistakes America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned this over to women,” Peterson said in a 14-minute sermon in March. “And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees [sic] with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.”

    or perhaps “back” to communist romania under Nicolae Ceaușescu when the maternal mortality rate EXPLODED resulting in the lost generation

    they want our country back to when wasp males ruled – enough of this diversity stuff – let’s go back to quotas for college admissions – women now outnumber men in college and graduate degrees – enough of that too

    they want the pat buchanan country who predicts the end is near if you’re white, Christian, and conservative.

    “Nothing in the Constitution or federal law mandated social, racial, or gender equality.”

  97. G says:

    Sadly, that pretty much sums up the dark core at the heart of these matters.

    donna: they want the pat buchanan country who predicts the end is near if you’re white, Christian, and conservative.

  98. misha says:

    G: That is because they live in perpetual fantasy-lands that only ever existed within their own imagination.

    Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be – Spurred by an administration he believes to be guilty of numerous transgressions, self-described American patriot Kyle Mortensen, 47, is a vehement defender of ideas he seems to think are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and principles that brave men have fought and died for solely in his head.


  99. misha says:

    donna: they want the pat buchanan country who predicts the end is near if you’re white, Christian, and conservative.

    …and male.

  100. G says:

    Why do I suspect that her real reason for attempting to escape and pleading for help was because she was being assaulted, held against her will and abused by a bunch of freaky zealots trying to force-convert her…

    misha: Susan chose the perfect opportunity to attempt an escape. She suddenly leapt up and ran for the door, despite the many hands holding her down. This burst of action served to revive the tired group of students and they soon had her restrained once again, this time half kneeling and half standing. Alice, a student leader in Campus Crusade for Christ, entered the room for the first time, brandishing a crucifix.

  101. G says:

    That has always been one of my favorite The Onion articles that you bring up.

    It never gets old…unfortunately, because there is such a ring of truth to it…

    misha: Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be – Spurred by an administration he believes to be guilty of numerous transgressions, self-described American patriot Kyle Mortensen, 47, is a vehement defender of ideas he seems to think are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and principles that brave men have fought and died for solely in his head.


  102. G says:

    Very good observations!

    Paper: Fluoride is an interesting case in that it makes clear the exact border of a conspiracy. It is perfectly reasonable to not want to drink fluoride or be concerned despite its benefits. But the conspiracy theory begins when the fluoride becomes a communist or other kind of plot to poison everybody etc etc ect.

    Similarly it is perfectly reasonable to prefer a different president, without making the President’s very existence into a conspiracy .

  103. Paper says:

    Actually this makes me realize how they faked the President’s birth! They didn’t. They just floridated the water, putting everyone who drinks it into a hypnotic state in which we all have been programmed by various subliminals into seeing an authentic birth certificate where none such exists, believing Hawaii has verified the birth certificate when in fact they are screaming at the top of their lungs that they have no record of his birth, etc. Obviously, people who have avoided the fluoride treatments, such as Corsi and Arpaio and Taitz, see the unflouridated truth.

    The biggest birther conspiracy question (how did *they* pull off such a big conspiracy?) is thus answered by a conspiracy dating all the way back to the birth if the President, just in time in fact. Coincidence? I think not.

    Voici, voila.

    justlw: People should start keeling over any. Decade. Now.

  104. misha says:

    Paper: The biggest birther conspiracy question (how did *they* pull off such a big conspiracy?) is thus answered by a conspiracy dating all the way back before the President was born.

    Be careful. You figured it out.

    They’re after you now. Better hide in an attic, so they can’t aieee……………………………

  105. Paper says:

    Flouride is goooooood.

    Soylent green is corporations.

    President Cheney tear down this Iran Contra.

    Niagara Falls, slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch.


    What was I saying?

    Toothpaste anyone?

    misha: Be careful. You figured it out.

    They’re after you now. Better hide in an attic, so they can’t aieee……………………………

  106. justlw says:

    PROOF: The conspirators at work.


    (I’d forgotten Vincent Price was in this…)

  107. Stanislaw says:

    The Magic M:
    Factoid #2: The dumbest birther comment ever on WND was by “duh_swami” claiming that having a Hawaiian BC “strongly suggests” Hawaiian birth even if it states foreign birth, therefore my argument that “anyone can get a Hawaiian BC – but it would not state Hawaiian birth” was moot.


  108. Paper says:


    PROOF: The conspirators at work.


    (I’d forgotten Vincent Price was in this…)

  109. justlw says:

    Paper: Exactly

    Note at 3:05 that 99 (Two 9s! What a giveaway!) is… half black and half white.

    It is truly insidious and frightening how far back they were laying the groundwork for this.

  110. justlw says:

    Stanislaw: Wait…what?

    I think the idea is that as a furriner, once you’ve gotten your coveted Hawaiian BC, when you were actually using it to obtain a driver license or become leader of the free world, you’d just flash it rilly quickly and hope no one noticed where you were really born.

    Proof of this is how Obama’s birth certificate has been up on the web for four years now, and some people still think it explicitly says he was born in Honolulu.

  111. Paper says:

    I was thinking of Star Trek there. Hmmm…aliens whose home planet’s oceans are full of flouride?

    justlw: Note at 3:05 that 99 (Two 9s! What a giveaway!) is… half black and half white.

    It is truly insidious and frightening how far back they were laying the groundwork for this.

  112. Keith says:

    PROOF: The conspirators at work.


    (I’d forgotten Vincent Price was in this…)

    Now you’ve done it!

    I thought I’d seen ’em all. I don’t even remember there being a 5th season, but on second thought, I sort of remember Max and 99 getting married and nothing much after that.

    Hmmmm….. I guess I’m gonna have to invest in some DVDs.

  113. justlw says:

    Keith: Now you’ve done it!

    “Sorry about that, Keith.”

  114. justlw says:

    Paper: I was thinking of Star Trek there.

    An odd coincidence (there are no coincidences): Star Trek‘s “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” first aired on January 10, 1969; Get Smart‘s “Is This Trip Necessary?” first aired on December 12, 1969.

    It’s of course entirely possible that the Get Smart people saw Frank Gorshin’s makeup and said, “What if we did the same thing, only much, much hotter?”

  115. Bob Weber says:

    misha: 1,189 hits since Feb 4, 2012. A resounding success.

    They’re not on YouTube any more. Must have gone over like the proverbial turd in the punchbowl.

  116. MN-Skeptic says:

    Doc, I’m glad you posted this just to see the high dudgeon it caused over at Apuzzo’s web site! The Putz is in a huff and declaring that …”the Obots have received a shellacking from we constitutionalists.” Apuzzo is truly pathetic.

  117. misha says:

    MN-Skeptic: Apuzzo is truly pathetic.

    Hey Mario – there’s been a multiple car accident on the Jersey Pike. Better get to the ER.

  118. They read my blog, but I don’t read theirs. I win.

    Being more quantitative, I refer to these results from Alexa.com:

    Puzo1.blogspot.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 1,378,372, and visitors to it spend roughly two minutes per visit to the site and 78 seconds per pageview. Roughly 67% of visits to the site are bounces (one pageview only). Search engines refer roughly 14% of visits to Puzo1.blogspot.com. Almost all the site’s visitors are in the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 362,834.

    Obamaconspiracy.org’s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 424,156. It is relatively popular among users in the cities of Dallas-Fort Worth (where it is ranked #7,804) and Chicago (#19,032). Visitors to the site spend approximately 77 seconds on each pageview and a total of five minutes on the site during each visit, and approximately 88% of visitors to Obamaconspiracy.org come from the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 72,173.

    MN-Skeptic: Doc, I’m glad you posted this just to see the high dudgeon it caused over at Apuzzo’s web site! The Putz is in a huff and declaring that …”the Obots have received a shellacking from we constitutionalists.” Apuzzo is truly pathetic.

  119. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Obamaconspiracy.org’s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 424,156. It is relatively popular among users in the cities of Dallas-Fort Worth (where it is ranked #7,804) and Chicago (#19,032).

    Just doing my part to help…

  120. JPotter says:

    Paper: President Cheney tear down this Iran Contra.

    I have been keeping a secret.

    A major, US-based, international confglomerate popularly associated with Dick Cheney sends me PDFs.

    PDFs with layers.

    They are everywhere.

    74 years, their last invasion was undone by microbes. This time, they have been more careful …. but we are tracking their communications …. we shall know them by their layers! 😉

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