Zombie epidemic

Despite recent denials of zombie attacks from the Centers for Disease Control (the FBI used to say there was no organized crime), there continue to be sightings. We here at the Obama Conspiracy Theories blog have been lulled into a sense of complacency by Mario Apuzzo who has been posting extensively in comments here; unbeknownst to us it was only a distraction while he created a zombie of his Purpura v. Obama lawsuit. The undead case has been seen and documented at the New Jersey Supreme Court1. It is well known that just about the only effective means of destroying a zombie is massive trauma to the head, preferably by a strike from a large wooden mallet.


Indeed, another brain-consuming zombie brief has appeared at the Supreme Court of the United States no less. Birther Zombie queen Orly Taitz filed an appeal of the Georgia ballot challenge,  Farrar v. Obama. Zombies have been identified by their decaying physical bodies, and this is clearly evident in the Farrar brief, for example on page 43 where some of the text has deteriorated to the point that it is barely recognizable.


1I’ve been reading the appeal and am researching it for a possible serious article.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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103 Responses to Zombie epidemic

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, there is only one way to take out a zombie. Aim for the head.

  2. Jim says:

    Probably not much need to read Mario’s brief…like it will be brief. We heard all his arguments here over the weekend, guess he was testing out some of his material. Massive failure headed his way…again.

  3. Majority Will says:


  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    And remember, when there is no more room in hell, hack-lawyers will walk the Earth.

  5. Sam the Centipede says:

    Probably not much need to read Mario’s brief…like it will be brief.We heard all his arguments here over the weekend, guess he was testing out some of his material.Massive failure headed his way…again.

    Absolutely correct. As the Superior Court of New Jersey said, and the contributors here can honestly say: “We have carefully considered appellants’ arguments and conclude that these arguments are without merit.”

    How can Apuzzo not understand that? Oh, I forgot, he won’t pay heed to anybody who disagrees with him, certainly not anybody below the level of Supreme Court judge of at least fifty years standing.

    A steaming pile of Mariomerda. Complete nonsense about the several degrees of citizenship he recognises based on upper case and lower case letters, article numbers, and various Swiss authorities on the US constitution. He simply doesn’t get it: it’s binary, citizen or non-citizen, if citizen then citizen at birth or citizen by naturalisation.

    Oh, and the usual birther lies about lack of evidence for anything that disagrees with their lies.

    He should get a (metaphorical) spanking for being an annoying vexatious litigant who is attempting to harass the president and immobilise the court system through his seditious activities. Why is the law afraid to act against these dishonest folk?

  6. Lupin says:

    Guys, you all seem to forget Mario’s deep-seated convictions: $$$$.

  7. The Magic M says:

    I wonder who prepared this document. It was obviously typeset in TeX (the fonts are a dead giveaway), unlike Orly’s previous amalgamations of strange fonts and styles.

    And yet another unredacted SSN – in a filing to SCOTUS? Is she trying to be one of the few lawyers to get sanctioned by the highest court in the country?

  8. donna says:

    “Well, there is only one way to take out a zombie. Aim for the head.”

    i suggest another ….. stink bugs

    Government Declares War on Stink Bugs

    Stink Bug Crisis: Congress Sniffs Out a Solution

    The stink bug, in case you were wondering, gets its name from the smell it emits whenever it feels threatened. This is used to prevent birds, lizards, and other predators from using the insect as a food source. Even handling the bug can result in the emission of the odor, which, according to Wikipedia, smells like cilantro. However, anyone who has ever come into contact with the bug will tell you that it has an odor all its own.

    “Much of the time he will come back to life because they are very resistant to these sprays,” said Bartlett, who has a PHD and worked for more than twenty years as a scientist and engineer.

  9. Xyxox says:

    Like the morons who deny the moon landings, birthers will never let their idiocy end.

  10. Bob says:

    Here is Orly’s post on the subject of your article:


    (Apart from the incoherence) she can’t spell “filing” yet it’s her whole life.

  11. donna says:

    (Apart from the incoherence) she can’t spell “filing” yet it’s her whole life.

    lol “filling” ?

    she must have been in her dental office when she wrote that

  12. JPotter says:

    Orly’s typography, layout, and overall organization have greatly improved. Did she get new assistants? I trust her content is the usual.

    Yeah, her docjument handling is a horror ….. copies of crumpled up copies, faxes, etc. Also, those washed-out pages … looks like some improperly processed images in the file. They shouldn’t be that faint. Some engines place translucent white masks over images when saving as PDF /X or PDF /A …. I’ll be charitable and assume that’s the problem.

  13. Rickey says:

    Orly hasn’t exactly filed an appeal. Her latest pile of excrement is a petition for a stay of the certification of the Georgia Democratic primary results, pending a cert writ which she apparently plans to file.

    However, it looks to me as though she is a tad late, because the results were certified on March 14.


    The petition hasn’t been docketed yet, but of course it is yet another waste of time and paper. Perhaps Orly doesn’t realize that SCOTUS won’t be in session again until October, by which time Obama will have been the nominee for a month and the Georgia primary results will be moot.

  14. Rickey says:

    Guys, you all seem to forget Mario’s deep-seated convictions: $$$$.

    Correct. When I challenged Mario to admit that his mission isn’t about winning lawsuits, he refused to address it. He knows that he is never going to win a birther lawsuit. It’s all about keeping the “controversy” alive.

  15. donna says:

    “When I challenged Mario to admit that his mission isn’t about winning lawsuits, he refused to address it. ”

    he didn’t answer me either when i asked him if he has dual citizenship (like moi apparently and probably santorum)

  16. R U 'STUPID"? says:

    Would any SANE person ever allow a real estate agent having the questionable credentials that the USURPER has… allow that agent to be their real estate representative ? the answer is a HUGE NO.
    I want to see the PROOF that the STINK in the White House has to be where he is.

  17. I don’t know a lot about this, but I seem to recall seeing companies that commercially format and bind Supreme Court filings. Here is a document that explains the requirements and cites frequent mistakes:


    It appears that whoever produced the filing was at least minimally familiar with the rules.

    I take that back. While there are a few things that match the rules, there are others that are totally wrong. No commercial company did this. The rules say that the font should be from the Century family.

    The Magic M: I wonder who prepared this document. It was obviously typeset in TeX (the fonts are a dead giveaway), unlike Orly’s previous amalgamations of strange fonts and styles.

  18. Thrifty says:

    I know those words but that post doesn’t make any sense. Is he pro-Obama or anti-Obama. Is he pro-Orly or anti-Orly?

    R U 'STUPID"?:
    Would any SANE person ever allow a real estate agent having the questionable credentials that the USURPER has… allow that agent to be their real estate representative ?the answer is a HUGE NO.
    I want to see the PROOF that the STINK in the White House has to be where he is.

  19. Thrifty says:

    Congratulations Doc. It looks like you got Orly’s attention with this one. She’s posted about it on her site under the heading Obama’s hired guns produced their highly intellectual response to my filling of the application for stay with Justice Thomas: “(she)… is a birther zombie with a decaying body”. Why, you may ask? One of the the pages of the brief on the blog did not scan well, was not clear.

  20. Thrifty says:

    You’re one of Obama’s hired guns now? Congratulations on the new job, I guess. I always figured you just did this for a hobby. Does it pay well?

  21. JPotter says:

    Thrifty: I know those words but that post doesn’t make any sense. Is he pro-Obama or anti-Obama. Is he pro-Orly or anti-Orly?

    Oh, he’s just a’birfin’ away there. Possibly an Orly fan. Definitely an atrocious writer.

    I am somewhat frightened I could parse that scrawl. It did take some diagramming.

  22. I described Orly as Zombie Queen, but I did not intend to call her a zombie, but rather someone who presides over zombies — in this case dismissed lawsuits raised on appeal.


  23. hipshotpercusion says:

    You O-bot scum are nothing more than useless idiots

    [The balance of this comment has been deleted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

  24. JoZeppy says:

    Thrifty: I know those words but that post doesn’t make any sense. Is he pro-Obama or anti-Obama. Is he pro-Orly or anti-Orly?

    Perhaps it’s a game….put put a bunch of words in a hat, and randomly pull them out to make a statement?

  25. JPotter says:

    Hey, that’s some awesome B-movie dialogue! Maybe if we get rowdy enough, we can be “Rebel scum”.

    No sense of humor over at Orly’s. The description of zombie litigation is accurate, ya might as well wear it.

    Will there be a satire suit in the works? Think of the free publicity! How will Orly define the injury caused by having her filing referred to as a member of the undead?

    Would a “paper golem” have been less offensive? 😉

  26. Paul says:

    You O-bot scum are nothing more than useless idiots [The balance of this comment has been deleted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

    At least Birfers never need to worry about zombies. Zombies eat brains. They’d starve in a room full of Birfers.

  27. Daniel says:

    You O-bot scum are nothing more than useless idiots [The balance of this comment has been deleted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

    Thank you for giving us a glimpse into the festering mind of a birther.

    Why do you hate the Constitution, hipshot?

  28. Stanislaw says:

    Paul: At least Birfers never need to worry about zombies.Zombies eat brains.They’d starve in a room full of Birfers.

    If birthers had one more brain cell, they’d be amoebas.

  29. nbc says:

    hipshotpercusion: You O-bot scum are nothing more than useless idiots [The balance of this comment has been deleted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

    I notice the absence of any argument or logic. Yes, you surely sound like a birther. Sad really… May the Lord have mercy…

  30. BillTheCat says:

    hipshotpercusion: You O-bot scum are nothing more than useless idiots [The balance of this comment has been deleted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

    Have a happy November! 😀 Word on the street is that your brand of fascism isn’t working for us anymore, kthx.

  31. Bob says:

    JoZeppy: Perhaps it’s a game….put put a bunch of words in a hat, and randomly pull them out to make a statement?

    Perhaps he was using the William S. Burroughs Cut Up technique:

    “Cut-up is performed by taking a finished and fully linear text and cutting it in pieces with a few or single words on each piece. The resulting pieces are then rearranged into a new text.”

  32. bovril says:

    Reading the word jumble it looks like the actual name should be more along the lines of “hip-flask-reduction”….. 😎

  33. Thrifty says:

    Awww. I love you too, hipshotpercusion.

    You O-bot scum are nothing more than useless idiots [The balance of this comment has been deleted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

  34. justlw says:

    Is Rick O’ Shay still published somewhere?

  35. Rickey says:

    R U 'STUPID"?:
    Would any SANE person ever allow a real estate agent having the questionable credentials that the USURPER has… allow that agent to be their real estate representative ?the answer is a HUGE NO.

    I agree with you. Somehow Orly managed to usurp a law license in California in spite of highly dubious credentials, and she is a real estate agent as well. I wouldn’t allow her to represent me in either capacity.

    Thank you for your keen insight.

  36. Rickey says:

    Reading the word jumble it looks like the actual name should be more along the lines of “hip-flask-reduction”…..

    And the anagram is “Oh! This porcupines.”

  37. hipshotpercusion says:

    Hipshot hates no one. He despises O-bot scum who are Brain washed little zombies. Your tin plated DOG will turn on you when he is done with you. Communist history will repeat itself and you ignorant tools will be swept away. God Bless the Republic, death to the NWO

  38. hipshotpercusion says:

    By the way, hipshot
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] is not afraid of anyone. You should learn by his example. Silly O-Bot trolls!

  39. Majority Will says:

    Hipshot hates no one. He despises O-bot scum who are Brain washed little zombies. Your tin plated DOG will turn on you when he is done with you. Communist history will repeat itself and you ignorant tools will be swept away. God Bless the Republic, death to the NWO

    How can I sign up for your newsletter?

  40. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    By the way, hipshot
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] is not afraid of anyone. You should learn by his example. Silly O-Bot trolls!

    Just how many closets have you jumped out of in your life?

  41. roadburner says:

    By the way, hipshot
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] is not afraid of anyone. You should learn by his example. Silly O-Bot trolls!

    oh wow! i wish i could be cool like you, but i can’t afford the lobotomy.

  42. Majority Will says:

    roadburner: oh wow! i wish i could be cool like you, but i can’t afford the lobotomy.

    Small doses of methyl alcohol would probably yield the same result.

  43. hipshotpercusion says:

    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] This makes hipshot a free citizen, not a subject. Go ahead and mock hipshot, he has a thick skin, unlike your DOG O-Bozo, who treads on everyones rights. But. you just keep drinking his bodily fluids and
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] in ignorance, as the rest of us survive.

  44. Wow, I can’t believe the number of brain dead zombies that blindly follow “O”. Facts don’t matter, the number of lies this guy tells doesn’t matter, what does? It is a proven fact the white house b.c. is a forged document along with his s.s.number and selective service card. Have a nice day and try to think for yourself’s, but I know thats a long shot.

  45. linda says:

    Looks like the birther welcome wagon is over for a visit. They only send the best and the brightest!

  46. donna says:

    linda: i received those “connection” messages last night again, did you?

  47. Majority Will says:

    Steve Holloway:
    Wow, I can’t believe the number of brain dead zombies that blindly follow “O”. Facts don’t matter, the number of lies this guy tells doesn’t matter, what does? It is a proven fact the white house b.c. is a forged document along with his s.s.number and selective service card. Have a nice day and try to think for yourself’s, but I know thats a long shot.


  48. Thomas Brown says:

    Steve Holloway:

    Wow, I can’t believe the number of brain-dead zombies that blindly smear the President. Facts don’t matter, the number of lies their beloved demagogues tell doesn’t matter… what does? It is utter nonsense that the white house b.c. is a forged document (Hawaii has repeatedly verified BHO’s birth records); among the other bogus Birther clown-car fantasies are that his s.s.# isn’t his (it is, as can be seen on his tax return) and that his selective service card is forged (it isn’t, as has been verified by the Selective Service System).

    Have a nice day and try to think for yourself… don’t just believe the long-debunked swill
    you read on Right-Wing Nutjob websites!


    Oh, and do try and notify somebody before you engage in tasks that are beyond your abilities, such as riding a tricycle or eating pretzels… we wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt.

  49. hipshotpercusion says:

    Linda, I’m sorry I can’t say the same for you. You are an ignorant, brain washed little O-bozo tool.
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] hipshot holds no hate for you, just contempt.

  50. G says:

    He’s too busy hiding under the bed…

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Just how many closets have you jumped out of in your life?

  51. linda says:

    Yes, I did. It was slow, on and off, I error messages a couple times, too. All good today, though!

    linda: i received those “connection” messages last night again, did you?

  52. G says:

    *yawn* A bunch of little piss-pants sore losers throwing a verbal tantrum. Oooohhh… nothing but puffing hollow smoke at a first grade level to cover for your own chicken-little insecurities and fears.

    While you sad sacks wake up in a sweat every morning, fearing commies behind every shadow, the rest of us wake up safe and sound, knowing Obama is President, just as he was the day before and will be the next time we wake up as well…

    But hey, keep crying. That’s all you can do…

    Steve Holloway:
    Wow, I can’t believe the number of brain deadzombies that blindly follow “O”. Facts don’t matter, the number of lies this guy tells doesn’t matter, what does? It is a proven fact the white house b.c. is a forged document along with his s.s.number and selective service card. Have a nice day and try to think for yourself’s, but I know thats a long shot.


    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] This makes hipshot a free citizen, not a subject. Go ahead and mock hipshot, he has a thick skin, unlike your DOG O-Bozo, who treads on everyones rights. But. you just keep drinking his bodily fluids and
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] , as the rest of us survive.

    Linda, I’m sorry I can’t say the same for you. You are an ignorant, brain washed little O-bozo tool.
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] . hipshot holds no hate for you, just contempt.

  53. donna says:

    hipshotpercusion: Linda, I’m sorry I can’t say the same for you. You are an ignorant, brain washed little O-bozo tool.
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] . hipshot holds no hate for you, just contempt.

    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] “no hate”?

    seriously? if
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] is NOT HATE, what is it?

    i suppose you also say you’re “christian”, huh?

  54. linda says:

    You tell people
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] , but hold no hate? Sounds mutually exclusive to me. Also sounds like fundamentalism. When caught doing something that evidences ill will (like telling someone to
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] ), they say they have no hate in their heart, because that is a big no-no. As if proclaiming otherwise changes anything.

    Linda, I’m sorry I can’t say the same for you. You are an ignorant, brain washed little O-bozo tool.
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] . hipshot holds no hate for you, just contempt.

  55. Bob says:

    After you scrape the bottom of the Birther barrel you’re left with Orly fans.

  56. hipshotpercusion says:

    Steve Hollow head. you just keep drinking that O-Bozo Koolaid. He has something terrible planned for you. Don’t believe me? Just open a history book as to the Soviet Union. That is, if you are capable of reading and comprehending what you read. God bless the Republic and death to O-Bozo and the NWO!

  57. Thomas Brown says:


    Brain-dead aptly describes people who throw around the word “communist” like you do. Plus, speaking of oneself in the third person indicates toxic narcissism and delusions of importance.

    Personally, I despise you and everybody who ‘thinks’ like you do. You are ruining America; we are the real Patriots here. We believe in fair elections, freedom and the Constitution. You believe the utter horsecrap fed to you by the pinheads on Fox and that big sweaty oxymoron on the radio.

    We most certainly will not be swept away. We shall prevail. We are not morons; we are not brain-washed. We are widely educated and open-minded, unlike you. [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.] You cannot intimidate me, no matter how hard you try. You’ve tried for bully, but only achieved clown.

    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.]

    I will vote for Obama again gladly. And my business is doing better every day (since Obama rescued us from the economic hell-hole Bush left us in), so I will be contributing the maximum allowed by law to re-elect one of the smartest and bravest Presidents this great country has ever known.

    God bless America.

  58. ScottRS says:

    Doc’s call, but Hipshotpercusion (sic) has pretty well blown the troll meter off its peg.

  59. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Steve Hollow head. you just keep drinking that O-Bozo Koolaid. He has something terrible planned for you. Don’t believe me? Just open a history book as to the Soviet Union. That is, if you are capable of reading and comprehending what you read. God bless the Republic and death to O-Bozo and the NWO!

    Fun fact. It was Flavor Aid that they drank at Jamestown.

  60. G says:

    Well, it is clearly a violation of this site’s posting policy, for one. Even hollow threats, such as from this juvenile troll turd, are not to be tolerated.

    hipshotpercusion:Linda, I’m sorry I can’t say the same for you. You are an ignorant, brain washed little O-bozo tool. [This comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]. hipshot holds no hate for you, just contempt.

    [This comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

    i suppose you also say you’re “christian”, huh?

  61. Jim says:

    Alright, who left the door to the birther ward open again? Do you realize how hard it is to get them out of the trees once they get loose?

  62. hipshotpercusion says:

    Linda and Donna. hipshot wishes no pain or hate towards you. O-Bozo and his Communist minions will show you the real terror of Communism, not hipshot. hiptshot is an American patriot and loves his Republic. Just pick up a history book sometime and turn your TV off.

  63. donna says:

    ScottRS: “Doc’s call”

    G : “it is clearly a violation of this site’s posting policy, for one.”

    when i read posts like that, i just can’t believe this is 2012 and we are in the US – i don’t know where and how these people were raised, but it in no way resembles my experience – it is truly disturbing!!!!!

    ditto: “Doc’s call”

  64. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Linda and Donna. hipshot wishes no pain or hate towards you. O-Bozo and his Communist minions will show you the real terror of Communism, not hipshot. hiptshot is an American patriot and loves his Republic. Just pick up a history book sometime and turn your TV off.

    No, you love the image of what you think the Republic stands for, an image that does not match up with reality.

  65. hipshotpercusion says:

    iThomas Brown. Thank you for for delightful attack. I don’t watch that trash Television to get my news. If you vote for O-bozo, you will reap what you sow. O-bozo is a phony and should have never been elected. It was brain dead sheep like you who allowed him to screw up my country. I am 60+ years old and really disgusted by the brain dead Sheep who think they are so enlightened. Pick up a book and turn off the
    Boob Tube and take your head out of your Ass!

  66. hipshotpercusion says:

    Andrew, you wouldn’t know reality if it jumped up and bit you on your fat stupid Ass!

  67. hipshotpercusion says:

    [The balance of this comment has been redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks and threats. Doc.]

  68. JoZeppy says:

    Ever notice how anything Orly links to is quickly flooded with comments from our more “challeneged” citizens?

  69. BillTheCat says:

    Steve Holloway: Wow, I can’t believe the number of brain dead zombies that blindly follow “O”. Facts don’t matter, the number of lies this guy tells doesn’t matter, what does? It is a proven fact the white house b.c. is a forged document along with his s.s.number and selective service card. Have a nice day and try to think for yourself’s, but I know thats a long shot.

    Proven fact professor? Care to link to a court that has agreed?

    OH WAIT, you can’t. Talk about a “long shot”! Buh Bye!

  70. BillTheCat says:

    hipshotpercusion: iThomas Brown. Thank you for for delightful attack. I don’t watch that trash Television to get my news. If you vote for O-bozo, you will reap what you sow. O-bozo is a phony and should have never been elected. It was brain dead sheep like you who allowed him to screw up my country. I am 60+ years old and really disgusted by the brain dead Sheep who think they are so enlightened. Pick up a book and turn off theBoob Tube and take your head out of your Ass!

    I don’t believe you are 60. Even a 12 year old knows what the word “communism” means, and you clearly do not.

  71. donna says:

    “proven fact the white house b.c. is a forged document along with his s.s.number and selective service card.”

    “proven fact” means a trier of fact deemed it so – until then, it is NOT proven

    someone may have “allegedly” committed a crime, but, unless there has been a conviction, it’s only an allegation –

    it’s NO WONDER so many are misinformed/uninformed – people throw around words/terms like “fact”, “expert”, “evidence”, “proven”, etc with nothing but hot air to back it up

  72. Well I can believe that he’s 60+. A younger person couldn’t have arrested his development back in 1965.

    My apologies for not keeping up with comments today and dealing with hipshotpercusion sooner. He’s in moderation now, and I cleaned up his comments. I wonder how a guy wound up that tight stays out of jail (or other institution).

    BillTheCat: I don’t believe you are 60. Even a 12 year old knows what the word “communism” means, and you clearly do not.

  73. donna says:

    doc: no apologies necessary – you did a yeoman’s job cleaning up the mess – i wonder what his drug/alcohol intake level is

    thanks for keeping this site a safe place to share

  74. Majority Will says:

    hipshotpercusion: It was brain dead sheep like you who allowed him to screw up my country.

    Correction: it’s not your country. It’s our country.

    Do you understand the difference?

  75. jtmunkus says:

    This is how the ‘patriot’ hipshotpercussion wants to handle an election that didn’t go his way – execute the president.

    I hope hipshot enjoys being monitored by the Secret Service – if he isn’t already.


    God bless the Republic and death to O-Bozo and the NWO!

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Andrew, you wouldn’t know reality if it jumped up and bit you on your fat stupid Ass!

    It wouldn’t be a fair fight, because I won’t strike the mentally retarded.

  77. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Andrew, you wouldn’t know reality if it jumped up and bit you on your fat stupid Ass!

    I’m not sure you know what reality is. And before you answer, no, it is not a kind of ham.

  78. hipshotpercusion says:

    Well, I guess that anyone who posts here that doesn’t agree with your leftist bent is just redacted, or Moderated. It seems to me, that terms like politically correct and moderated were invented in the old Soviet Union. Prove me wrong. Oh, You will just redact or moderate me. So much for free speech, scum bags.

  79. I guess you took the link from Orly’s web site.

    I tell you, Steve, I’ve been at this Obama conspiracy business for almost 4 years now and I have studied in depth all the evidence, and I daresay a lot more depth than you have. Not only is Taitz’ allegations about social-numbers, birth certificates and selective service not proven, they are to the extent possible with the information available proven false.

    I know that there are lots of reasons given by Taitz and other birthers to believe these things, but they can be taken one by one, examined, and shown fallacious. Birthers are simply deluded; there’s no question about it.

    The difference between you and me is that I understand your argument, but you don’t understand mine. You don’t even understand that I have an argument. That is your weakness, and your inevitable failure.

    Steve Holloway: Wow, I can’t believe the number of brain dead zombies that blindly follow “O”. Facts don’t matter, the number of lies this guy tells doesn’t matter, what does? It is a proven fact the white house b.c. is a forged document along with his s.s.number and selective service card. Have a nice day and try to think for yourself’s (sic), but I know thats (sic) a long shot.

  80. Scientist says:

    R U 'STUPID"?: Would any SANE person ever allow a real estate agent having the questionable credentials that the USURPER has… allow that agent to be their real estate representative ? the answer is a HUGE NO.
    I want to see the PROOF that the STINK in the White House has to be where he is.

    If I were hiring a realtor, I would certainly not care in the slightest where they were born or who their parents were. Furthermore, if they showed me a realtor’s license and the state agency that regulates realtors confirmed that they were in good standing, I wouldn’t be claiming a huge conspiracy, nor demanding to see the copy of the licensure exam they wrote, which I have no right to see,

  81. Thrifty says:

    I see Doc is doing a lot of redacting. As soon as I saw the link here on Orly’s site, I immediately thought “We’re gonna get a rash of birthers, I just know it. Doc’s really gonna have to be on his toes for a few days.”

  82. Scientist says:

    hipshotpercusion: It seems to me, that terms like politically correct and moderated were invented in the old Soviet Union

    Can you document that statement? Do you even know what the Russian words for “politically correct” and “moderated” are?

    hipshotpercusion: So much for free speech, scum bags.

    You do know that the 1st amendment does not apply to private parties? Actually, you probably don’t.

  83. Actually, I put up with a lot here. I certainly don’t agree with Dr. Taitz and Mario Apuzzo, but they have posted here, and they are not in moderation and I haven’t redacted them.

    I don’t put someone in moderation without a reason, and that reason is that I have seen the person act in ways that violate site policy, which you might read here:


    Dr. Taitz and Mr. Apuzzo moderate everything on their sites, and Dr. Taitz generally approves nothing I say, no matter now informative and polite. Of course, if you had posted the kinds of crap at the Taitz web site that you posted here, she would be seeking volunteers to look up your IP address and report it to the FBI, the CIA and the International Criminal Bar. You’ve seen that haven’t you?

    hipshotpercusion: Well, I guess that anyone who posts here that doesn’t agree with your leftist bent is just redacted, or Moderated. It seems to me, that terms like politically correct and moderated were invented in the old Soviet Union. Prove me wrong. Oh, You will just redact or moderate me. So much for free speech, scum bags.

  84. Majority Will says:

    hipshotpercusion: So much for free speech, scum bags.

    This is a privately owned blog and not a government website.

    Private ownership. You claim to honor private ownership.

    And you’re posting here as a guest. Were you raised without manners?

  85. Speech is not free here; it’s $20 a month. To quote Ronald Reagan:

    “I paid for this microphone.”

    You are a guest, and apparently your parents didn’t teach you how to act like one.

    hipshotpercusion: So much for free speech, scum bags.

  86. Majority Will says:

    R U 'STUPID"?:
    Would any SANE person ever allow a real estate agent having the questionable credentials that the USURPER has… allow that agent to be their real estate representative ?the answer is a HUGE NO.
    I want to see the PROOF that the STINK in the White House has to be where he is.

    Real estate agent? Are you sure?
    Who made the deal for her multi-million dollar Laguna Niguel mansion?

  87. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    hipshotpercusion: hipshotpercusion: So much for free speech, scum bags.

    No wonder you birthers can’t understand why you have yet to win a single court case. You can’t even get the small stuff right! Do you even know what the first Amendment is about?!
    The first amendment doesn’t protect your right to be a jerk on someone’s personal blog. It doesn’t work that way.
    Much in the same way that I would exercise my powers as Punchmaster General, if you were carrying on this way in my home, Dr. Conspiracy has the right to edit/delete your posts on HIS website.

    And he is FAR more tolerant of people who don’t share his beliefs and point of view. Go try posting something on Orly’s site that she might not like to read. You can’t, because she screens all posts ahead of time. This allows her to give the illusion that everyone who posts on her site is in agreement with her.

  88. Thrifty says:

    I wonder if you can post anything at all on Orly’s site. It’s obviously possible, since her articles occasionally have comments. Except you never see that many. I once tried to post a complimentary comment (by which I mean I was kissing her ass), up there. I just got some message about the comment being in moderation.

    So I’m guessing everything is in moderation by default, except the handful of things she lets through when she gets around to it.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: And he is FAR more tolerant of people who don’t share his beliefs and point of view. Go try posting something on Orly’s site that she might not like to read. You can’t, because she screens all posts ahead of time. This allows her to give the illusion that everyone who posts on her site is in agreement with her.

  89. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.]This makes hipshot a free citizen, not a subject. Go ahead and mock hipshot, he has a thick skin, unlike your DOG O-Bozo, who treads on everyones rights. But. you just keep drinking his bodily fluids and
    [Comment redacted for violation of site policy regarding personal attacks, threats and related implications. Doc.]in ignorance, as the rest of us survive.

    Bob Dole is that you?

  90. JPotter says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Bob Dole is that you?

    Everybody hurrrrrrts …… suuummmmm-tiiiime.

    (If anyone has a link to that clip, please share!)

  91. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Speech is not free here; it’s $20 a month.

    He’s gonna take that to mean we’re all paying membership fees …. and now he’s freaking out over how can he cancel before the trial period ends and his prepaid VISA is charged. Allowance only goes so far.

    Man! The things one misses when doing the dishes! I can only dream of the gems those geniacs posted. After waiting so long, all I get is the afterglow.

    And clean dishes.

    And fortune cookies …. first 2 have no fortunes (*GASP!*), but the 3rd is very interesting:

    “Cooperate with those who have both know-how and integrity.”


  92. Keith says:

    G: *yawn* A bunch of little piss-pants sore losers throwing a verbal tantrum.

    I am assuming that they are 10yo kids, home from school for the summer, that broke into their daddy’s computer while he was at work and their mommy was out shopping.

  93. Keith says:

    Thrifty: (by which I mean I was kissing her ass)


    Did you need an operation to replace your lips afterward?

  94. G says:

    Trust me, you didn’t miss anything.

    JPotter: Man! The things one misses when doing the dishes! I can only dream of the gems those geniacs posted. After waiting so long, all I get is the afterglow.

  95. Lupin says:

    We need more popcorn on this aisle.

  96. Thrifty says:

    I have prosthetics that I use for such hazardous work.

    Keith: eeeeewwwwwwwwww!

    Did you need an operation to replace your lips afterward?

  97. Stanislaw says:

    Linda and Donna. hipshot wishes no pain or hate towards you. O-Bozo and his Communist minions will show you the real terror of Communism, not hipshot. hiptshot is an American patriot and loves his Republic. Just pick up a history book sometime and turn your TV off.

    It really is hard to take you seriously when you misspell your own name.

  98. Thomas Brown says:

    iThomas Brown. Pick up a book and turn off the
    Boob Tube and take your head out of your Ass!

    Well, jeez… At least I can spell “percussion”!

  99. Thomas Brown says:

    iThomas Brown. Pick up a book and turn off the
    Boob Tube and take your head out of your Ass!

    My Shakespeare library contains over 500 volumes, most of which I’ve read, and much of my Early American library has been accepted for donation when I depart this turgid vail by the University of Virginia because I have several items missing from their collection.

    “Pick up a book”? I’ve donated more books than you’ve touched!

  100. Thomas Brown says:

    iThomas Brown. Pick up a book…

    My favorite Shakespeare-related accession: one of a dozen or so surviving copies of Richard Verstegan’s A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, 1605. The pseudonymous author attempts to capture cultural data rapidly fading from memory concerning Anglo-Saxon family names, terms of law, titles of respect, epithets, old tales and folklore, etc. at 1605. It contains the first English printing of the Pied Piper of Hamelyn story, and the first mention in print of reports of Werewolves in Britain. It provides invaluable insight into the precise meanings of numerous terms used by the Bard in his time, which meanings shifted over time and so are often misconstrued.

    Glad am I to be able to flush your smug, not to say idiotic, delusion that Obama supporters are ignorant, ill-informed sheep down the crapper. That’s where it, and everything else you’ve written here, belongs.

    You must have had us confused with his detractors.

  101. Keith says:

    Thomas Brown: My Shakespeare library

    Shakespeare!?! That lime-sucking bundle of sticks?!?

    You should be reading REAL AMERICAN LITERARY GIANTS.

    Like Zane Grey, Earl Stanley Gardner, and L. Ron Hubbard!

  102. bovril says:

    Whillst sitting in my family room/library, watching Wimbledon, I just looked around the room which is panelled with book shelves, each 3 foot in length.

    Each shelf averages at about 17 book each, currently 49 are fully lined with books, only 17 to go so about 850 books.

    That doesn’t inclue the 15 boxes I bundled and donated to the troops for inclusion in care packs last month.

    The there are my Amazon and B+N e-books, currently at 185 and increasing by no less than one per week.

    Oh and I donate a Kindle keyboard 3G to my godsons’ Royal Marine Commando each month.

    So, HipFlskReduction you were sayng abut books ‘n stuff..?

  103. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    bovril: Whillst sitting in my family room/library, watching Wimbledon, I just looked around the room which is panelled with book shelves, each 3 foot in length. Each shelf averages at about 17 book each, currently 49 are fully lined with books, only 17 to go so about 850 books.That doesn’t inclue the 15 boxes I bundled and donated to the troops for inclusion in care packs last month.The there are my Amazon and B+N e-books, currently at 185 and increasing by no less than one per week.Oh and I donate a Kindle keyboard 3G to my godsons’ Royal Marine Commando each month.So, HipFlskReduction you were sayng abut books ‘n stuff..?

    Jolly good mate

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