One source of birther content is Before It’s News, a republisher of RSS news feeds from other web sites, including mine. They have a special section on Obama Birthplace Controversy that includes sites such as (links to BIN):
- The Daily Pen
- Give Us Liberty
- Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire
- The Right Side of Life
- Citizen WElls
- Expose Obama
- We the People of the United States
- King of Shambhala
While I haven’t personally seen a problem for a while, concerns persist over the safety of browsing Orly Taitz’ site. One way to read her articles without visiting her site is at Before It’s News, where you can quickly scan a compact list of her articles, and read the content without actually visiting her site. Frankly, the articles look much, much better on Before It’s News than on her own site. The down side is that you can’t read comments (although BIN has its own comment system that’s not much used). Taitz herself seems confused about Before It’s News as she seems to be publishing articles about Before It’s News publishing her articles, it seems to me implying that they think them important. News feeds don’t make value judgments.
You can also aggregate news feeds using Google Reader and any number of other RSS reading tools.
On a related Taitz item, we got a rare bit of information from her regarding donations to her anti-Obama campaign:
less than 700 people ever donated to help to continue this fight.
So Before It’s News is like a condom for your web browser?
I think an oven mitt is the better analogy.
Before It’s News prints my Internet Articles, too. They have me under “Opinion>Liberal” for some reason. Oh well, I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You can counterbalance Sam Sewell, whose “Steady Drip” blog is under Opinion > Conservative. I used to be on the Obama topic, but I’ve been moved to Opinion > Liberal too.
I found this gem over there:
Dr C:
I have never paid much attention to BIN before, but one of my posts there is over 16,000 views, and even has about 30 comments, including mine. My views at The Birther Think Tank went up a lot, which is not saying much because my stuff is sooo “artsy-fartsy” as Mario says, that it only appeals to a very limited clientele.
But if the BIN stuff can get that much attention, I am going to start tailoring more stuff to that audience to get the message out. There has to be a way to get “Bigfoot” and “Alien Abduction” into a Birtherish Internet Article.
Here is a link if you are interested:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter