I enjoyed listening to the interview (audio not available) last night on Reality Check Radio on the occasion of Patrick McKinnion’s 4th anniversary blogging about the birthers at Bad Fiction. Patrick is an engaging personality with a sharp wit and a deep knowledge of the characters of the birther movement. I think that emphasis on individual birthers and their society (which Patrick calls Birtherstan) is what makes his blog stand out.
Patrick usually posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You can always find your way to his blog under the “Good” list at the bottom of the page.
I apologize that no archive for the show is available because Blog Talk Radio decided to have a hiccup in the middle of the show. Patrick is to be commended for his long time work as an anti-birther and yet he has been able to maintain his sense of humor.
Or it was a glitch, take your pick.
Please keep up the excellent work and thanks, Patrick.
Cockroaches scatter when there is light.
Patrick is terrific. He reads the birther blogs so we don’t have to!
More than that—Patrick reads Lame Cherry so we don’t have to!
I love Patrick’s dispatches.
I loves me some Patrick stuff, especially his skillful putdowns of birthers.
What was really spooky is that we were just just getting to the good stuff about the bowling ball and the Dental Chair O’love when I heard a “click” and a voice that screamed “Obots” Thugs” and it was all over.
Thank you, Patrick! And you’ve been faithfully summarizing and translating Birther-Speak for years now! You set the bar high as far back as Oct 5th, 2009 when you reported a Birther’s interpretation of Orly’s hapless failure in Judge David Carter’s courtroom, and then gave us your spot-on translation of the reality!
Birther’s account:” Orly Taitz closed with a rational, highly effective and impassioned plea that the U.S. Constitution must be protected and the people have a constitutional right to seek redress from their government!…absolutely emotional plea on behalf of the American people that stirred everyone in the courtroom including the judge I do believe.”
Patrick’s translation: “Dr. Orly spewed forth a disjointed, conspiracy filled ramble that sounded like rabid hamsters [had eaten] her forebrain. The birthers in the audience, weaned on the paranoid fantasies leaking from Dr. Orly’s nitrous-filled teats, lapped it all up and asked for more.”
And you remind us constantly, that Orly has taken the cartoon concept of “Cavity Creeps” and given it life, allbeit not a good life.
PAtrick helps keep me sane in an insane world.
I love Patrick’s little “Skippy” meme. I steal it all the time, but don’t tell him.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I am thankful for Patrick’s sacrifice. I can only take some of those blogs and their commentors in limited portions. If not, I might find myself using a sledgehammer in an enjoyable yet, unproductive manner.
However, there I do find a danger as Patrick-isms slide into my vocabulary. I have caught myself commenting on whether a Birther did research for information or did they hear it in their corn flakes. I fear, during a meeting about reports/requirements that somebody wanted, I may have blurted out, “and a pony.”
I’m a big fan.
I laugh out loud so many times when reading Patrick’s stuff, especially when he talks about Dean Haskins’ imaginary friend Skippy the Wonder Platypus.
I’ve been a long time follower of Patrick, going back to the Yes to Democracy blog, prior to his shifting the “Cult of the COLB” coverage (the early Birther days) to his BadFiction blog.
He truly is one of the best out there. I agree with all the other wonderful points that everyone has already brought up and I’m very glad that he’s continuing to devote his time and talents to these topics…
Sorry it is not available, but I am glad it is not just me. I kept trying to listen and could only get the intro.
IIRC, I discovered Badfiction before I found this site, and it’s still my second stop on my daily dose of birther news (#1: Doc C, #2: Badfiction, #3: NativeBornCitizen, #4: Orly, #5: WND, #6: ORYR, so I equally split between the good and the bad (and ugly ;))…).
I love Patrick’s decidedly more vivid style of writing which provides a good contrast to the matter-of-fact stance that Doc C takes (which I also respect greatly).
Me, too. I’ve adopted things like “Birtherstan”, “how did that work out for you, skippy?” or “O RLY?” when posting on birther sites. 🙂
And I think he should be credited with making “Tribble mobility scooter” the best Trump nickname ever.
I agree. Patrick’s clever phraseology is quite catchy! I too love having the combo of Doc’s straight reporting style (with some clever with thrown in) and Patrick’s regular dose of colorful recaps. So both sites are at the top of my daily places to check, whenever I get the chance. I’ve become a huge fan of Squeeky’s own unique style and imagery, so she’s been added to my must view daily routine as well.
I avoid Orly’s messy and often infested site and look to these other sources to provide the recaps, so I don’t have to risk going there myself. Besides, I don’t like giving web traffic to the ugly sites. I consider those folks to be hopeless Cult deadenders anyways, so I’ve already given up on them and don’t care to waste time wading through their sewers. The only one I still force myself to check up on is ORYR, simply because it seems to be a clearinghouse to monitor whatever the latest “meme” is in Birtheristan. But those folks are also too delusional and full of all sorts of crazy paranoid hate fests, so I’ve never considered it worth my time to comment there. I don’t see a need to give any traffic to WND or other BIrther places, because ORYR will just immediately cut/paste parrot their articles anyways.