Corsi &^%$@#

As you may know, there are certain words you can’t say on this blog without getting your comment thrown into moderation. I’m not going to engage in a double standard, no matter how sorely tempted I am by this [pause for a breath] video by Jerome Corsi. (For some reason, this video is protected against embedding, but that’s fine by me. I don’t want it here anyhow.)

In a burst of irony, Corsi utters one true thing:

Document… that amateurs have been able to determine is a computer-generated document1.

Unfortunately for him, professionals know better.

Did Corsi admit that the Posse “created evidence.” Listen for yourself:

Has anyone seen one word on an “obot blog” asking about what Arpaio is doing?

1Of course all PDF’s are computer-generated, but we know what Corsi means.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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75 Responses to Corsi &^%$@#

  1. misha says:

    From the mouth of a pathological liar, and white supremacist.

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So speaketh the eggplant.

  3. I also learned from the video that August is early summer. Winter will be late this year. There were also a few other lies in the video.

  4. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:So speaketh the eggplant.

    I am the egg man
    Goo goo kah choo

  5. Underdog says:

    If there were a real conspiracy surrounding Barak Obama’s Presidency, it would have taken out this idiot a long time ago.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    If there were a real conspiracy surrounding Barak Obama’s Presidency, it would have taken out this idiot a long time ago.

    Exactly. All of these morons screeching about a conspiracy, fail to realize this. You would think that the moron who runs Citizen Wells would have been the first to realize this, seeing as he lives in his own George Orwell fan-fiction.

  7. donna says:

    seriously, doc:

    isn’t there a way to edit these videos with “lie” intermittently dispersed? or a buzzer?

  8. Dave B. says:

    “…over two different computer experts ran over 600 tests each”
    That’s my favorite line so far. To Corsius, that would be “over II different computer experts ran over DC tests each”.

  9. DP says:

    I must admit to finding Corsi mildly fascinating.

    His great moment of fame was the whole Kerry Swift boat thing, and it’s clear how that worked. You have a number of people who were in the vicinity of the event, or knew people who were. There were a number of people who despised Kerry for his post-war testimony. Lots of axes to grind in the fog of war. It doesn’t take great skill as a liar to make an effective “he said-she said” dynamic out of that, but Corsi is the guy who sat down and did it. He was a successful political operative on that one.

    But Birtherism is such an obvious dry hole. It doesn’t have the slightest patina of meaningful credibility outside the lunatic fringe. There is no effective storytelling trope (i.e., “he said-she said”) in which to frame it. Simple physical evidence blows it out of the water. This is one sow’s ear that no one can make into a silk purse, and yet Jerome just keeps plugging away, seemingly oblivious as to the decimation of whatever street cred Swiftboating gave him.

  10. Daniel says:

    I think Corsi got lucky with “Swift Boat”; success by dumb luck stumbling into just the right hole at just the right time.

    I suspect he badly overestimated his actual skill level when he took on the mantle of birthermonger.

  11. linda says:

    Freudian slip? Just past the 8 minute mark, he says Arpaio is going to be closed mouth about the evidence that has been created.

    I have to bathe in Purell now.

  12. AnotherBird says:

    I was going to listen to him, but decided to not afterwards. Listening to Corsi and other argument about the validity of Obama’s birth certificate is just boring.

  13. misha says:

    Underdog: If there were a real conspiracy surrounding Barak Obama’s Presidency, it would have taken out this idiot a long time ago.

    The world is filled with bloggers and reporters dying to be the next Woodward and Bernstein.

  14. nbc says:

    Reality Check and Dr Conspiracy noted that Corsi said

    “…increasingly closed mouth about the evidence that is being created.”

    Evidence is being created? Is that Corsi’s conscience speaking?

    Spread the news…

    Double check the quote…

  15. JPotter says:

    “We held a press conference …”

    Corsi includes himself in the posse. Then states Arpaio held a press conference. Who’s in charge here? 😛

    “There are negroes in Africa.”


    And he dropped the term … “October Surprise”.

    This boat has too many holes, too many anchors, and no blades on the propellers. Not very swift, this boat of Corsi’s.

    “This things take time.”


    An injunction against the state of Hawaii will open the archives? huh?

    No one pays attention to the election. Good to know.

    “We’ll fight Mitt Romney next!” Buckle up, folks!

    This Corsi guy does alright when talking to himself.

    8745 hits. It’ll go viral any second now.

  16. LW says:

    I listened to it on my commute home. It made the minutes fly by, as if they were mere hours.

    Doc, I think you have to consider it an honor to be considered He Who Must Not Be Named by the likes of Corsi.

  17. Doc

    If you would like you may add this audio to the article and delete my comments.

  18. LW says:

    A question on one of the Corsi memes, as told to Arpaio.

    What’s the deal with the “microfiche” being considered the Holy Grail?

    I know the answer: it’s where they’ve moved the goalposts this time. But what’s even the faintest shred of rationale behind this?

    A microfiche is a picture of a piece of paper.

    Isn’t the piece of paper, then, necessarily the canonical source? Not the microfiche?

  19. linda says:

    Shh! They don’t suspect that Obama could “get to” the micofiche…yet.

    LW: Isn’t the piece of paper, then, necessarily the canonical source? Not the microfiche?

  20. misha says:

    Reality Check: If you would like you may add this audio to the article

    No thanks. I already took a Restoril™.

  21. Steve says:

    A question on one of the Corsi memes, as told to Arpaio.

    What’s the deal with the “microfiche” being considered the Holy Grail?

    I know the answer: it’s where they’ve moved the goalposts this time. But what’s even the faintest shred of rationale behind this?

    A microfiche is a picture of a piece of paper.

    Isn’t the piece of paper, then, necessarily the canonical source? Not the microfiche?

    I think the reason Arpaio gave for needing to see “the microfiche” is so he could compare Obama’s birth certificate to other peoples’ and see if the number on it is in sequence or something like that.
    I’ll admit, while they’re completely wrong about this, I can understand how some people can think that President Obama forfeited protection from Hawaii’s privacy laws when he chose to run for President. They’re wrong, but I can see how the average guy on the street might think, “Well, he’s running for President, so my right to make sure he’s eligible supercede his right to privacy.”
    What I find objectionable about this demand is their disregard for other people’s privacy rights. The other people whose birth certificates might be on the same roll are private citizens. Why should they not be entitled to the protection of Hawaii’s privacy laws simply because their birth certificates happen to be on the same roll as Obama’s.

  22. JPotter says:

    Steve: I think the reason Arpaio gave for needing to see “the microfiche”

    Arpaio emphatically, repeatedly demanded to see the “mi-KRUH-fimm”, not microfiche.

    Check the audio from 7/17 😛

  23. The Magic M says:

    > Has anyone seen one word on an “obot blog” asking about what Arpaio is doing?

    I think he is referring to demands (from here and elsewhere) to show their alleged 1961 code book. It’s kinda funny to see how he doesn’t like being fed his own medicine – “release it already”. 😉

  24. Lupin says:

    If a bunch of Pacific Islands natives are looking for a lost image of their Toad God, we could sell them Corsi.

    I mean, give him away free.

  25. Lupin says:

    BTW, anyone wants to bet that Corsi is a closeted homosexual?

  26. JPotter says:

    He has double-downed on ‘free’ oil (trying his hand at fiction again!):

    The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People

    Soon to be out in hardback. Whopping 192 pages. Looking at the preview, the man needs an editor.

  27. Northland10 says:

    I suspect they never expected the long form to be released. The microfilm/fiche gives them their hiding meme since they feel confident it will never be released and may not even exist.

    A question on one of the Corsi memes, as told to Arpaio.

    What’s the deal with the “microfiche” being considered the Holy Grail?

    I know the answer: it’s where they’ve moved the goalposts this time. But what’s even the faintest shred of rationale behind this?

    A microfiche is a picture of a piece of paper.

    Isn’t the piece of paper, then, necessarily the canonical source? Not the microfiche?

  28. Scientist says:

    JPotter: He has double-downed on ‘free’ oil (trying his hand at fiction again!):The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American PeopleSoon to be out in hardback. Whopping 192 pages. Looking at the preview, the man needs an editor.

    The Fischer-Tropsch process developed in Germany in the 1920s isn’t abiotic. It converts coal or nat gas (which are fossil fuels) into oil. There are operating plants in South Africa and even one in Colorado. There is no conspiracy to suppress it, it simply is not considered economically viable unless oil were to go to around $150/barrel or higher and stay there. South Africa adopted it under apartheid because they had coal and oil was embargoed as Germany did under Schickelgruber for the same reasons.

    As for oil from the earth’s core, I hear there are ponies iin the earth’s core too.

  29. LW says:

    He has double-downed on ‘free’ oil

    Sorry, Reince Priebus has raised the bar. You have to triple down now.

    (Which made me think of… )

  30. Potter, J. says:

    Scientist: The Fischer-Tropsch process developed in Germany in the 1920s

    I hadn’t looked that deep into it …. the idea is so silly. But that’s his Nazi tie-in??? Holy crap. Hydrocarbons make hydrocarbons. Duh. That’s his idea of a mineral source for oil? Essentially …. itself? Wow. When I saw the nazi tie-in, I thought he was going really far out. Teutonic mysticism or something. Petro-fountains fueled by the blood of the innocents or something LOL.

    Why isn’t Corsi writing about Tesla yet?

  31. bgansel9 is not going away says:

    I’ve been asking about what Arpaio is doing in several places. He’s my sheriff and he’s embarrassing our county (and apparently our state, since many seem to think he’s a state official, even though he was elected by county residents).

    I just found out that Miki Booth confronted Senator Tom Coburn at a town hall in OK and asked him if he was going to contact Arpaio about his evidence. Miki Booth reports that Coburn stated he would. I’ve just written a message to Coburn on his contact form:

    “I understand you had a town hall in which you were confronted by one Miki Booth who asked you if you were going to contact Sheriff Joe Arpaio regarding his investigation into Barack Obama’s eligibility. She asked you if you would be contacting Sheriff Arpaio regarding his investigation, and she reports that you stated that you would.

    I wonder if you could cite for me the law or rule that gives Sheriff Joe Arpaio jurisdiction in this matter? Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a Maricopa County Sheriff of a county in Arizona. Arizona has already accepted Hawaii’s verification of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and Sheriff Joe is not a state official with any authority to challenge this. Sheriff Joe Arpaio would do best to stick to the duties of his job description. Are you really going to involve yourself in a conspiracy theory and align yourself with a rogue sheriff who is overstepping his authority?”

    As a Maricopa County resident who is a constituent of our crazy sheriff, I believe I have the right to know what jurisdiction Arpaio has to conduct this farcical nonsense “investigation”. I’ll be waiting to hear back from Mr. Coburn.

    P.S. – Post and Email is reporting that Indiana is going to allow Orly’s case to go forward. It’s apparently behind a firewall, but, I’ve seen a post about the news just a few minutes ago. You may want to check it out.

  32. Benji Franklin says:

    Lupin: BTW, anyone wants to bet that Corsi is a closeted homosexual?

    Well, that’s the Tea Party’s concern, but I’m willing to bet that you just mispelled, “corsetted”.

  33. bgansel9 is not going away says:

    nbc: Evidence is being created? Is that Corsi’s conscience speaking?

    Why YES, yes it is. 😛

  34. Thomas Brown says:

    Benji Franklin: Well, that’s the Tea Party’s concern, but I’m willing to bet that you just mispelled, “corsetted”.

    Better a corset than spandex. Corsi in tights? Oog.

  35. LW says:

    What’s truly wonderful about this video is how forcefully it tosses Romney under the bus. “Yeah, we know. He sucks. But after he’s elected, then we’ll git him, too!” appears to be the new rallying cry.

    There’s your new base, Mitt.

  36. misha says:

    Scientist: As for oil from the earth’s core, I hear there are ponies iin the earth’s core too.

    There’s also a tunnel from Mombasa to Honolulu.

  37. misha says:

    JPotter: He has double-downed on ‘free’ oil (trying his hand at fiction again!): The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People

    Scientist: The Fischer-Tropsch process developed in Germany in the 1920s isn’t abiotic.

    There was a film made about this, with the same premise, which I saw at a cinema: “The Formula”

  38. Scientist says:

    misha: There’s also a tunnel from Mombasa to Honolulu.

    There is a tunnel from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I can’t prove Mitt’s mother used it when she travelled there to have Mitt, because there is also a bridge. It was March and the river may have been frozen, so she also could have driven or walked across the ice. However she got to Canada, it was much easier than a trip from Honolulu to Mombasa would have been (even if there were a tunnel)..

  39. JPotter says:

    bgansel9 is not going away: I just found out that Miki Booth confronted Senator Tom Coburn at a town hall in OK and asked him if he was going to contact Arpaio about his evidence.

    Was this before or after their letter exchange?

    Curiously, none of the Booth / Coburn hijinks are making the local news. In fact , I’ve never heard of Booth offline. The interwebs is again, merely powerful theater of the mind.

  40. Flo says:

    They call it a tunnel, but actually to be precise it is a tesseract. Scientist knows. I believe he helped build it, right?

    misha: There’s also a tunnel from Mombasa to Honolulu.

  41. Thrifty says:

    There’s something odd about that photo. Something about the lighting. It looks like Corsi fell in a puddle of mud on his way to wherever it was taken.

  42. bgansel9 says:

    JPotter: Was this before or after their letter exchange?

    It was on a Facebook anti-birther group post. I don’t know the timing of it.

  43. The Magic M says:

    Thrifty: There’s something odd about that photo. Something about the lighting.

    It’s clearly shopped. They obviously removed the incriminating pictures on the wall (Mao? Charles Manson? The Smurfs?) and Fidel Castro’s arm around his shoulder.

  44. JPotter says:

    misha: There was a film made about this, with the same premise, which I saw at a cinema: “The Formula”

    Corsi is biorrowing plots from movies? Amazing how this stuff trickles through the public consciousness and pops up as gospel truth after some crowdsourced mutation. Like the macro-version of the Rumor Game!

    I worry about the dumbing down of cable. “Ancient Aliens” on the (used to be) History Channel. Anythinhg buts arts on the Arts & Entertainment Channel. Discovery is slipping. TLC will follow. Can’t wait for The Real Life on HGTV.

  45. Have you seen Rat B*stards, on Spike?

    JPotter: I worry about the dumbing down of cable.

  46. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Have you seen Rat B*stards, on Spike?

    No, never heard of. The title is not very motivating LOL

    I could start a blog called Sh*t John Will Never Bother To See. I’d start by listing things I am aware of having not seen, and encourage passersby to ask if I have seen [whatever] and try to convince me to.

    Admittedly, after reading that description, I would not see myself, unless I proved to be devastatingly witty 😉

    So, what’s it about?

    Thankfully, there is much excellent content on the airwaves.

  47. Greta Alexander says:

    Rather strong language to call our Sheriff ‘crazy’. What you say is what you are.

  48. G says:

    Well, that was a weak and hollow rebuttal.

    Sorry, but crazy is a valid opinion and is hardly “strong language”. I’d say that if such mild language as “crazy” offends you, that says more about you and how fragile and thin-skinned you are. That you were unable to defend your rebuttal with any points of substance, further demonstrates your insignificance and irrelevance to this discussion.

    As Birtherism alone is widely viewed as a crazy belief system, that criteria alone is enough to justify sane and rational people viewing him as crazy.

    Greta Alexander: Rather strong language to call our Sheriff ‘crazy’. What you say is what you are.

  49. Rat B*stards is about nutria eradicators in Louisiana. A nutria is a non-native rodent with huge bright orange teeth, maybe the size of an otter, that’s doing considerable environmental damage along the Gulf region. They shoot them with semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. My wife who is from Mobile shot some nutria when she was young defending the home place; she says that until this show, she never understood the justification for wanting to hunt with an automatic weapon.

    This show follows in the line of other nuisance eradication shows such as American Hoggers.

    JPotter: No, never heard of. The title is not very motivating LOL

  50. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Rat B*stards is about nutria eradicators in Louisiana.

    Nutria are evil. Nutria B*stards would be a poor title. The activity is better enjoyed than watched, like golf and baseball, IMO 😀

  51. Thomas Brown says:

    Greta Alexander:
    Rather strong language to call our Sheriff ‘crazy’.What you say is what you are.

    I don’t know about ‘crazy,’ but Arpaio is one of America’s top enemies. He has been involved with anti-government militia-style groups, white power hate groups, etc…. the same groups that inspired Tim McVeigh.

    Arpaio and McVeigh at one point lived within an hour’s drive of each other. I have probable cause to believe Arpaio assisted McVeigh in procuring the ingredients for the bomb he detonated in Oklahoma City. My ‘posse’ is still researching this, but already we can’t believe what we are finding. At this preliminary stage we can’t yet accuse him of an actual crime, but if we can connect Arpaio to the second most horrific act of terrorism in American history, with solid, honest evidence, he may get the death penalty.

    Which, frankly, would be too good for him.

    Arpaio is an evil, egotistical, dishonorable disgrace to the uniform, and a traitor to this great country. He is utter scum. He shouldn’t be putting people in jail… the people should be putting HIM in jail.

    That strong enough for ya?

  52. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: Arpaio is an evil, egotistical, dishonorable disgrace to the uniform, and a traitor to this great country. He is utter scum.

    I read on the ‘Net that Arpaio tortures dogs, just like those good Christians Mittens and David Huckabee:

    (Miller County, Arkansas) Two boy scout counselors, 17 year old Clayton Frady and 18 year old David litickabee [sic], the son of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, have admitted to catching a stray dog during their summer session at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, AR, and hanging the dog by his neck, slitting his throat and stoning him to death.

  53. LW says:

    Or you could look up what AZ SecState Bennett’s son was up to. What is it about these guys and their kids?

  54. donna says:


    the turd doesn’t fall far from the bird

    in 2006 Bennett’s son, Clifton, pled guilty to sexual battery, specifically, to having rectally violated at least one fellow minor:

    A 2006 plea bargain involving [Bennett’s] son, Clifton, became controversial after several parents of victims accused [Bennett] of exerting undue influence to affect the case. In what a county attorney described as a summer camp “hazing ritual” gone wrong, Clifton [Bennett] and another man inserted a broomstick into the rectums of at least 18 boys in over 40 separate incidents.

    Ultimately Clifton [Bennett], only 17 years old and a minor, pled guilty to one count of aggravated assault. Clifton was sentenced to 30 days in jail and three years’ probation. [Democratic] Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said he “had questions about the handling of the case,” but that his office had no authority to intervene. Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk defended the plea bargain and accused the news media of misrepresenting the issue.

  55. G says:

    Yikes! That is horrible! What the f**k is wrong with these sick people???

    donna: LW:the turd doesn’t fall far from the birdin 2006 Bennett’s son, Clifton, pled guilty to sexual battery, specifically, to having rectally violated at least one fellow minor:A 2006 plea bargain involving [Bennett’s] son, Clifton, became controversial after several parents of victims accused [Bennett] of exerting undue influence to affect the case. In what a county attorney described as a summer camp “hazing ritual” gone wrong, Clifton [Bennett] and another man inserted a broomstick into the rectums of at least 18 boys in over 40 separate incidents.Ultimately Clifton [Bennett], only 17 years old and a minor, pled guilty to one count of aggravated assault. Clifton was sentenced to 30 days in jail and three years’ probation. [Democratic] Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said he “had questions about the handling of the case,” but that his office had no authority to intervene. Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk defended the plea bargain and accused the news media of misrepresenting the issue.

  56. misha says:

    G: Yikes! That is horrible! What the f**k is wrong with these sick people???

    Nothing is wrong. It’s a manifestation of conservatives’ rapacious beliefs.

    Romney, David Huckabee, his father’s slandering Obama…

  57. donna says:

    G: Yikes! That is horrible! What the f**k is wrong with these sick people???

    connect the dots:

    a study connecting people who agreed with the statements “I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage” & “AIDS might be God’s punishment for immoral sexual behavior” with zip codes and subscriptions to porn found that “those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption”


    Tampa area Strippers – ‘Hands Down’ GOP Are ‘Best Customers’


    do they hold their bible during lap dances?

  58. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Greta Alexander:
    Rather strong language to call our Sheriff ‘crazy’.What you say is what you are.

    He’s not crazy, he knows exactly what he’s doing, and what he’s done.
    He knows exactly the neck level of trouble his past actions have put him in.
    Notice how Ol’ Joe has lost his bark?

  59. misha says:

    donna: do they hold their bible during lap dances?

    Ave Maria
    Gee, it’s good to see ya – Tom Lehrer

  60. G says:

    Sounds like an unhealthy mix of repression and self-loathing to me…

    donna: G: Yikes! That is horrible! What the f**k is wrong with these sick people???connect the dots:a study connecting people who agreed with the statements “I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage” & “AIDS might be God’s punishment for immoral sexual behavior” with zip codes and subscriptions to porn found that “those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption”AND Tampa area Strippers – ‘Hands Down’ GOP Are ‘Best Customers’it’s TRULY FASCINATING do they hold their bible during lap dances?

  61. donna says:

    G: Sounds like an unhealthy mix of repression and self-loathing to me…


    i would ADD “hypocrisy”

    they are soooo busy running the rest of our lives by invading doctors’ offices and bedrooms

    what do they do with all of that (jewish) guilt?

  62. G says:


    But I did want to point out that the Jews don’t have “guilt” all to themselves. Coming from a Roman Catholic background, trust me when I say that Roman Catholicism is a faith based on guilt as well! After all, we’re the faith that gave the world the Confession Booth…

    donna: G: Sounds like an unhealthy mix of repression and self-loathing to me…SERIOUSLY!!! i would ADD “hypocrisy” they are soooo busy running the rest of our lives by invading doctors’ offices and bedrooms what do they do with all of that (jewish) guilt?

  63. donna says:

    G: “Coming from a Roman Catholic background, trust me when I say that Roman Catholicism is a faith based on guilt as well! ”

    MOI AUSSI – but i think we catholics have “fear” rather than (jewish) guilt

    the “fear of god”

  64. G says:

    An interesting premise…but I’m not sure we have that over the other faiths either.

    After all, the Jewish God is the God of the Old Testament… quite the scary dude, willing to turn people to salt, lay waste to entire cities and heck, even drown the entire world!

    Plus, most of American Evangelicalism has its roots deeply connected to pioneer Jonathan Edwards and his whole “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon… so that’s a pretty wrathful smiting deity there too…

    donna: G: “Coming from a Roman Catholic background, trust me when I say that Roman Catholicism is a faith based on guilt as well! ”MOI AUSSI – but i think we catholics have “fear” rather than (jewish) guilt the “fear of god”

  65. Keith says:

    G: “Coming from a Roman Catholic background, trust me when I say that Roman Catholicism is a faith based on guilt as well! ”

    MOI AUSSI – but i think we catholics have “fear” rather than (jewish) guilt

    the “fear of god”

    My ‘take’ is that Roman Catholicism is based on the ‘experience of suffering’. If that is due to guilt or fear or whatever, its all the same… suffering.

    Protestantism on the other hand is based on the ‘redemption from suffering’.

    The clue is in the iconography. The Roman Crucifix bears the suffering Christ, the Protestant Crucifix is empty because the suffering has ended.

  66. misha says:

    donna: MOI AUSSI – but i think we catholics have “fear” rather than (jewish) guilt

    Howard Johnson’s used to run a motel chain. Their slogan was “If it’s not Howard Johnson’s, it’s your mother.”

    I went to the desk to check out, and the woman there said “Go ahead and leave. I’ll be dead in six weeks, anyway.” – Rita Rudner

  67. G says:

    Good observations on the difference in the emphasis of cross portrayal and what that implies!

    I’m not disagreeing in any way with the points you’ve made. I just want to not lose sight of the more general focus argument we started with – a concept of a “fear of a God” as a personal motivator across various religions. As your example helps to illustrate, the perspective and implications of that “fear” certainly translate differently, but in a simplistic and general sense, I would still argue that these faiths implicitly tie-in that “fear of a God” into that equation.

    Keith: My ‘take’ is that Roman Catholicism is based on the ‘experience of suffering’. If that is due to guilt or fear or whatever, its all the same… suffering.Protestantism on the other hand is based on the ‘redemption from suffering’.The clue is in the iconography. The Roman Crucifix bears the suffering Christ, the Protestant Crucifix is empty because the suffering has ended.

  68. Keith says:

    Good observations on the difference in the emphasis of cross portrayal and what that implies!

    I’m not disagreeing in any way with the points you’ve made.I just want to not lose sight of the more general focus argument we started with – a concept of a “fear of a God” as a personal motivator across various religions.As your example helps to illustrate, the perspective and implications of that “fear” certainly translate differently, but in a simplistic and general sense, I would still argue that these faiths implicitly tie-in that “fear of a God” into that equation.

    As I am reading your reply, Eric Idle just came on the Closing Ceremony to sing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”.


    Edit: and now ‘the Fat Lady’ is singing with him! I guess that means its over… Oh, no such luck. Somebody else is going on now.

  69. G says:

    LOL! How funny!

    Even more coincidental, my wife & I had a sudden craving to watch The Life of Brian last night, so I dug through the video collection and popped it in. That song is still playing in our heads all day today… LOL!

    Keith: As I am reading your reply, Eric Idle just came on the Closing Ceremony to sing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”. Serendipity?Edit: and now ‘the Fat Lady’ is singing with him! I guess that means its over… Oh, no such luck. Somebody else is going on now.

  70. Majority Will says:

    Keith: My ‘take’ is that Roman Catholicism is based on the ‘experience of suffering’. If that is due to guilt or fear or whatever, its all the same… suffering.

    Protestantism on the other hand is based on the ‘redemption from suffering’.

    The clue is in the iconography. The Roman Crucifix bears the suffering Christ, the Protestant Crucifix is empty because the suffering has ended.

    Friedrich Nietzsche had a particularly harsh view:

    “Christianity is based on the rancour of the sick, the instinct against the healthy, against health. Everything well-constituted, proud, high-spirited, beauty above all, hurt their ears and eyes…God on the cross—have people still not grasped the gruesome ulterior motive behind this symbol?—Everything that suffers, everything nailed to the cross is divine…We are the only ones who are divine…Christianity won, and with this, a nobler sensibility was destroyed,—Christianity has been the worst thing to happen to humanity so far.” (The Antichrist, 51, p. 50-51).

  71. misha says:

    Keith: the suffering has ended

    Yes, but the guilt continues.

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