Topics not covered

This blog, while called Obama Conspiracy Theories, is largely about Obama Eligibility Conspiracy and Legal Theories. It’s mostly about the birthers. However, I was reminded this morning by long email that President Obama is tied into a long tradition of government conspiracy theories. This is a bit from the email:

America is in grave danger. Mr. Obama is either a complete imbecile, incapable of understanding our constitution, or so inconceivably evil he unabashedly refuses to abide by it. My guess is the latter. From the time he was selected to occupy this land’s highest office by the puppet masters running this country, he has systematically dismantled and ignored the laws of the land, far exceeding his authority as President. His favorite phrase seems to be “Executive Order.”

The key phrase here is “puppet masters” referring to a vast conspiracy where by a secretive group (Bilderbergers or Illuminati or whatever) grooms each President for office and controls their selection and policies. While these “puppet masters” are powerful beyond imagination (at least the imagination of normal folks like me), they cower in the shadows and carry out their evil designs through the most complex and convoluted means rather than the direct application of power.

The particular genesis of the rant I reference is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), called “ObamaCare” by its opponents.1 My correspondent called it the “poison tipped, razor-wire fence that will be used to imprison and enslave the American people.” Get ready for the FEMA internment camps, drone surveillance, and total control by the New World Order. Oh, and according to the writer, I better get Jesus real quick.

I think that the threat of terrorism is used to justify things that aren’t good ideas and I think we should draw the line on intrusions by the government into civil liberties; however, there is a remedy in the political process for this, no need to get all paranoid.

Here is the complete text of the emails:

Part 1:

On June 28, 2012, our Supreme Court decided to assist President Obama in erecting the proverbial poison tipped, razor-wire fence that will be used to imprison and enslave the American people. Chief Justice, John Roberts, cast the deciding vote in favor of upholding the destructive monstrosity that is Obamacare. From here on, I will refer to Obama as ‘Mr.’ because to address him as ‘President’ triggers my gag reflex. I struggle with respecting him as President. I respect the office, but I strongly disagree with his far left policies that are destroying this country.

Now, I’ve always liked Chief Justice Roberts, with his tendency to rule conservatively, so I’m as stunned by his bizarre ruling as anyone else in the country. What was he thinking?? By not overturning the entire unconstitutional bill and playing games by changing its wording from ‘mandate’ to ‘tax’, he has effectively given the Federal Government the all clear to levy whatever ‘tax’ it deems appropriate when we, the people, refuse to act on whatever ludicrous law they might pass.

Congress is now, for the first time in American history, allowed to tax us for something we don’t or won’t do. And since the Supreme Court supports their desire to levy inappropriate taxes on the people regardless of what the Constitution allows, that pretty much gives the Feds unlimited power.

‘Oh,’ but you say, ‘the American people are angry and ready to throw Obama out of office! The Republican Party is raking in millions of dollars for Mitt Romney’s Presidential campaign and the voters are energized! We have to make sure he’s elected because he promises that repealing Obamacare will be one of the first things he does once he’s in office.’

HA! Think so, huh? Where did many of the policies and structure of Obamacare come from? It was partially modeled on the healthcare plan Mr. Romney passed when he was Governor of Massachusetts. He designed and pushed through a mini version of what the Supreme Court just ruled is constitutional for the entire country.

America is in grave danger. Mr. Obama is either a complete imbecile, incapable of understanding our constitution, or so inconceivably evil he unabashedly refuses to abide by it. My guess is the latter. From the time he was selected to occupy this land’s highest office by the puppet masters running this country, he has systematically dismantled and ignored the laws of the land, far exceeding his authority as President. His favorite phrase seems to be “Executive Order.”

This abuse of power started right after 9/11 when Americans were shocked and grieving, looking to our government for vengeance and protection. We asked for it and we got it!

The Patriot Act (passed in 2001 by Bush and granted additional powers by Obama in 2011), expands law enforcement powers and removes our civil liberties as well as constitutionally guaranteed rights.

The National Defense Authorization Act, (a/k/a NDAA) signed in secret on 12/31/2011, when the members of Congress were on Christmas leave, allows the military to arrest and imprison indefinitely any ‘suspects’ of terrorism without allowing due process of law. No phone calls. No attorney. This includes American citizens on American soil! No proof is necessary. They only need to ‘suspect’ you.

The MAP-21 Bill allows the IRS to suspend the passport rights of any American, based on the premise that they have not fulfilled their tax obligations.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness Order, (Executive Order March 2012) allows the President to take complete control of all food, water, transportation, labor and industry in the U.S. to “promote national defense.” This includes all airplanes, trains, buses and our personal cars. There will be no escape.

30,000 Drones (approved by Executive Order, February 2012), are scheduled to fly over the U.S., providing the government with an unparalleled level of surveillance ability to spy on American citizens. They will be equipped with night vision and heat sensors and can carry weapons providing a killing capacity ranging from individuals to entire communities. But our government would never use those against U.S. citizens…right?

FEMA Internment Camps have been constructed with 3 to 15 in each state, for an undisclosed purpose. Can anyone say ‘concentration camp?’

Multiple thousands of Disposable Coffins, each with a 4 to 5 person capacity, are being stored near city centers around the country, for those pesky, citizen dissidents.

450 Million Hollow Point Bullets were ordered by the Department of Homeland Security. These bullets are never used in war, military operations or practice drills, and the DHS is not responsible for addressing national invasions or overseas wars. These bullets are specifically designed to inflict maximum tissue damage. This should eliminate the need for a double-tap.

Our Federal Government is preparing to wage war on American citizens. The Supreme Court has handed them a blank check that enables them to levy taxes for unconstitutional reasons, supplying the funds they’ll need to control American citizens in the New World Order’s totalitarian police state.

‘Oh, no, our Senators and Representatives would never allow that to happen!’ HEY! Snap out of your stupor and accept the fact that the Senators and Representatives you elected are the very ones passing the legislation to make this happen! They are turning a blind eye to the Executive Order abuses by our narcissistic President, paving the way for our new Marxist government that’ll make communist Cuba look like a dreamy vacation destination. It is coming. Very soon.

It is so demoralizing to watch the vast majority of American sheeple, going about their business, blissfully unaware of the demonic rulers and powers influencing our leaders in Washington. This Marxist plan to break America and bring her to her knees was born in the 1930’s, when the Institute for Social Research, a Marxist think-tank, was closed in Germany due to WWII. Some of its most radical members fled to New York City, reestablished the Institute with the help of Columbia University and set their sights on destroying Western culture and capitalism so their socialist utopia could be achieved.

Their disciples were taught how to indoctrinate a generation of supposed intellectual elites who formulated a plan to change how business should be conducted in America, as well as what standard of living was appropriate for her ignorant masses.

They slithered into our universities, discovered and groomed a man for decades, steeping him in their Marxist ideology and set him up to become the first black President of the United States; a man who has systematically dismantled our Constitution from the moment he took the oath of office. If you’ll remember, he proudly announced during his campaign that he planned to “fundamentally change America.”

Well, Mr. Obama, you’ve done just that. You’ve listened well to your puppet masters and accomplished their bidding with unspeakable, brazen arrogance. Perhaps time will reveal what your handlers did to intimidate Chief Justice Roberts into giving away the keys to the kingdom. In the mean time, your narcissistic attitude has gotten you into hot water, hasn’t it? The people have had enough.

The New World Order puppet masters you serve have seen the writing on the wall. They’ll appease the disgruntled American public by providing the grand illusion that they actually have the power to foment real change; to reverse some of the damage you’ve done to our Republic by voting in a different man from a more conservative political party. What folks don’t realize, or more accurately, don’t WANT to realize is that the Democratic and Republican parties are merely different sides of the same coin and are controlled by the same people.

Anytime a candidate for the Presidency gains enough exposure with the American people, they are invariably spotted attending the yearly, highly secretive meeting of the New World Order puppet masters, the Bilderberg Group. If they pass muster, they are anointed the next President. The voters really have no say in who is elected. Guess who was seen attending this year’s meeting? You got it…Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States. Bet on it.

You can call them Communists, Marxists, Fascists or Globalists but regardless of the label, they despise America’s middle class, capitalism, free enterprise, God and patriotism and have promoted and encouraged anything that would help bring America down. They intend to rule the entire earth, but cannot do so until the last bulwark of freedom, the United States is destroyed. We must be eliminated, and they are well on their way of accomplishing just that.

This country is in very serious danger of being destroyed from within by those who have patiently waited for the right moment in history, while manipulating politicians and bureaucrats into doing their bidding and setting the stage to take control. Our freedoms have been stripped away from under us as we apathetically watch our insipid reality TV shows and attend our meaningless ball games.

‘Naw, it CAN’T be true, can it?’ Oh, yes it can and it is! We are a land in denial because we refuse to read the writing on the wall right in front of our faces. The comfy, middle class life we enjoy and take for granted, with plenty of food, cool gadgets to entertain us, multiple cars and nice houses, is about to come to an end. Here’s a good explanation why we can’t seem to see the forest for the trees:

“Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, 1956.

The frightening international news we’re bathed in every day is building up to such an absurd level of danger and doom that it’s actually becoming comical in strange way. I mean, step back and look at the entire picture of troubles; U.S. economy, gas prices, high tensions in the Middle East; startling increase in demonically inspired crime; unemployment rate; elected officials betraying us; natural disasters, etc. This world is going insane!

Or is it? One of my all time favorite Bible passages is Psalm 2. Here’s some of it, “Why do the heathen rage, (conspire/plot) and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh (scorn/mock/deride): the Lord shall have them in derision (mock/ridicule). Then he shall speak to them in his wrath (face to face anger), and vex (make terrified/disturbed/anxious) them in his sore displeasure (burning anger).”

Picture this: Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth and everything therein, settles back on His heavenly throne, snickering and shaking his head in amazement at the unbridled, haughty, arrogant impudence of man. He literally mocks Ahmadinejad, Putin, Assad, the New World Order goons, and He probably busts a gut laughing at Obama! But the longer He watches, the angrier He gets.

All of these megalomaniacs think they are calling the shots in the international nuclear chess game they’re playing. They aren’t. Not even close! God is sovereign and in complete control of the chaos this earth seems to be spiraling into. So what does that mean for us Christians? It means, “No worries, mate!”

However, for those of you who don’t belong to Christ—well, you have every reason in Iran to be terrified. There’s some serious scat coming and the escape train is about to pull out of the station. An honest look at current events in light of Biblical prophecy should persuade you that the ticket office is going to close very soon and this is one train you do NOT want to miss!

Wow, so much is happening at an exponential rate; how should I explain it? When I was little and acted up, my Mom would snap her fingers at me as a warning to knock off that behavior, pay attention and obey. When 9/11 occurred, God snapped his fingers, really loud! *SNAP* It got our attention all right, but after a couple of months America was back to her wicked ways, ignoring the Godly principals this country was founded on.

As a result, we began to have our constitutional rights slowly but surely stripped away, right under our self absorbed noses. The average Joe has no idea what a precarious position we, the people, are in. *SNAP* Obama was elected. This narcissistic, egotistical, mainstream media messiah has made rewriting the constitution and Bill of Rights his Marxist passion. And he’s good at it. Very, very good. *SNAP*

Take a walk down memory lane with me and look at the various ways this ungodly, heathen, Muslim butt smoocher has dragged this country into the toilet. During his inauguration speech in 2008, Mr. Obama, standing in his favorite arrogant, look-down-his-nose-on-the-ignorant-masses posture, promised to “fundamentally change America.” That made my head snap around. America didn’t NEED to be fundamentally changed; we were the preeminent nation of all time! Little did we know…

While visiting Turkey in 2009, he announced to the world, “We are not a Christian nation.” As the most anti-Israel President of all time, he voted to support an anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations in 2010, as well as continually insist Israel capitulate to Palestinian demands. Genesis 12:3 “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Thanks for calling down curses on this land, Mr. Obama.

Now we have Obamacare. What can I say? THE biggest tax hike in American history, despite the promise, “if your income is under $250,000, your taxes will not go up!” Liar, liar, pants on fire! When you see what this monstrosity from hell contains, you’ll absolutely faint. Here’s a VERY small sample:

HB3200 (paraphrased)

Page 50/section 152: Obamacare will provide insurance to all non-U.S. citizens, even illegal aliens. (buying votes)

Page 58-59: The government will have real time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts. (excuse me???)

Page 272/section 1145: Treatment for cancer will be rationed according to the patient’s age. Death panels of bureaucrats, NOT physicians, will decide what, if any, treatment you’ll receive. Really. (say bye-bye to Grandma!)

Page 65/section 164: This plan will be subsidized (paid for) by the government for all union members, union retirees and community organizations (like ACORN) (paying off the cronies)

Nice, huh? As you all remember, this ‘bill’ was rammed down America’s throats and Congress voted on it without having read it! This week, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, completely blindsided the country by basically re-writing the bill’s language so it could pass as constitutional. *SNAP* Only time will tell his reasons for doing so.

Wow! Those heavenly finger snaps of warning are really piling up here!

Hey, how ‘bout them wild fires? Thousands of acres devastated in several states. Hundreds of homes destroyed and many thousands of people displaced. And all the poor animals! Firefighters know for sure one blaze was started by lightning. Some of the others were, no doubt, arson by some pathetic little creep who’s taking the fact he can’t get a date, out on innocent people. Regardless of the origin, the destruction and heartbreak remains the same. Strange how the weather refuses to cooperate in putting them out; high winds and no rain. *SNAP*

In the last week of June, tropical storm Debbie stalled over several southern states for a few days, causing widespread, record breaking floods. Homes destroyed. Families displaced for weeks. Alligators and snakes swimming in people’s back yards. (no kidding!) *SNAP*

Now we have record breaking heat over much of the nation. Highs temperatures well above 100 degrees have been reported, causing several deaths and a whole lot of misery. *SNAP*

On June 29, 2010, an unforeseen, freak storm called a derecho tore up the Mid-Atlantic States including Washington D.C. (well, there are some small blessings…) This storm did not originate over water, yet it dealt hurricane strength winds up to 80+ MPH, flipping cars and tractor trailers and scattering debris everywhere. It also caused huge trees to topple onto cars, homes and businesses.

Twenty-six+ people were killed as a result. Electrical power was cut off for millions of citizens and because of the high number of power lines downed by falling trees and debris, power crews reported it would take days to restore power to the majority of the population. No electricity = no air conditioning in record breaking heat. No refrigeration. No cell phone service, as towers were damaged. No computers. Abject misery for millions of men, women and children! *SNAP*

And what news just came out on 7/1/2012? How could America possibly hack God off even more? Scientists have announced that the first genetically- modified human beings have been created. Swell. Thirty healthy babies were born after a series of experiments conducted by the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St. Barnabas in New Jersey.

These babies were born to women who had problems conceiving, so extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they were fertilized. Genetic fingerprint tests on two, one-year-old babies confirm they inherited DNA from THREE adults—two women and one man. A human chimera. Arrogant mankind has stepped further into God’s domain and will pay dearly for it. This is another brick in the wall of this country’s destruction. FOOLS!

The vast majority of Americans are living in denial. They can sense time is running out and something big is on the horizon, but…what? That feeling is so disconcerting it’s more comfortable to ignore the obvious signs and hope things return to normal. Sorry, but they’re not going to.

Denial is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person faced with a fact that’s too distressing to cope with, will unconsciously decide to reject it, insisting it’s not reality despite overwhelming evidence.

Day after day, we hear the finger *SNAP*s of God, but most people prefer to disregard them, conducting business as usual. We rationalize that these events are just coincidence, because to give credence to a supernatural cause is to admit the “doomsday” end time signs of the Bible are true. That would mean there IS a God and we are indeed accountable to Him. Most folks don’t like that! We humans want to live life on our own terms, by our own rules.

Almighty God has shown great favor to this country from its inception and what has she done in return? She’s gotten big for her britches and turned her back. She’s flipped Him off time after time, telling Him He’s not welcome and she doesn’t need Him. What did my Mom do when I ignored her finger snaps of warning? What do you think? I got my butt justifiably spanked.

God is our Heavenly Father and He’s had enough of our haughty attitude and our wicked ways. We’ve systematically barred Him from our schools as well as every area of public life and government offices, including our courtrooms. We have turned a blind eye to the slaughter of over 50,000,000 innocent babies since Roe vs. Wade was passed in the early 1970’s. We’ve happily embraced the rampant use of drugs and alcohol which has led to extreme levels of cruelty laced crime. Even cannibalism seems to be in vogue!

We’ve lost sight of the value of investing time teaching our children the difference between right and wrong. There is little reverence for the sanctity of life. We no longer have sense enough to be embarrassed about our complete lack of sexual morality, both personally and in our forms of entertainment.

Main Street America has been relentlessly hounded and shamed by a very small, loud mouthed minority of people into accepting the homosexual lifestyle as perfectly normal. We’re even allowing these reprobates to teach their degenerate blather to our young school children!

The final bastion of human civilization, the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman, has nearly been destroyed by those whose only wish is to bring society down to their level of perversion. America richly deserves the wrath that Almighty God is preparing to pour out. Can you hear the *SNAP*s now?? Here is where I find myself in all this:

Ezekiel 33:6 states, “But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”

I stand every day on the wall of the city, jumping up and down, waving my arms, shouting warnings that grave disaster is coming, because I don’t want your blood on my hands! The Word of God is very clear about what signs to look for right before He unloads His fury on the sinful people of this world. The next event on the prophetic timeline is the rapture of the church and all of creation seems to be holding its breath, waiting for our departure which literally could happen any minute.

Those of us who have been cleansed of sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, can sense in our spirit that we will be going home very, very soon. We’re painfully aware what those of you left behind will face and it chills us to the bone. We gladly risk our reputations and endure being mocked for the chance to explain how you can escape what is so clearly coming.

The ‘escape train,’ is for those who have accepted the pardon God’s Son, Jesus Christ, died to provide. We don’t know exactly when the ticket window will close but once it’s closed, that’s it. Those who miss their chance will be left to face a very angry God.

Please, please…before you run out of time, ask Jesus to come into your heart and save your sin filled soul. Tell Him you want Him to be Lord of your life before it’s too late.

The ticket costs you nothing and this train won’t wait for you to change your mind. Don’t be foolish.

Part 2:

The frightening international news we’re bathed in every day is building up to such an absurd level of danger and doom that it’s actually becoming comical in strange way. I mean, step back and look at the entire picture of troubles; U.S. economy, gas prices, high tensions in the Middle East; startling increase in demonically inspired crime; unemployment rate; elected officials betraying us; natural disasters, etc. This world is going insane!

Or is it? One of my all time favorite Bible passages is Psalm 2. Here’s some of it, “Why do the heathen rage, (conspire/plot) and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh (scorn/mock/deride): the Lord shall have them in derision (mock/ridicule). Then he shall speak to them in his wrath (face to face anger), and vex (make terrified/disturbed/anxious) them in his sore displeasure (burning anger).”

Picture this: Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth and everything therein, settles back on His heavenly throne, snickering and shaking his head in amazement at the unbridled, haughty, arrogant impudence of man. He literally mocks Ahmadinejad, Putin, Assad, the New World Order goons, and He probably busts a gut laughing at Obama! But the longer He watches, the angrier He gets.

All of these megalomaniacs think they are calling the shots in the international nuclear chess game they’re playing. They aren’t. Not even close! God is sovereign and in complete control of the chaos this earth seems to be spiraling into. So what does that mean for us Christians? It means, “No worries, mate!”

However, for those of you who don’t belong to Christ—well, you have every reason in Iran to be terrified. There’s some serious scat coming and the escape train is about to pull out of the station. An honest look at current events in light of Biblical prophecy should persuade you that the ticket office is going to close very soon and this is one train you do NOT want to miss!

Wow, so much is happening at an exponential rate; how should I explain it? When I was little and acted up, my Mom would snap her fingers at me as a warning to knock off that behavior, pay attention and obey. When 9/11 occurred, God snapped his fingers, really loud! *SNAP* It got our attention all right, but after a couple of months America was back to her wicked ways, ignoring the Godly principals this country was founded on.
As a result, we began to have our constitutional rights slowly but surely stripped away, right under our self absorbed noses. The average Joe has no idea what a precarious position we, the people, are in. *SNAP* Obama was elected. This narcissistic, egotistical, mainstream media messiah has made rewriting the constitution and Bill of Rights his Marxist passion. And he’s good at it. Very, very good. *SNAP*

Take a walk down memory lane with me and look at the various ways this ungodly, heathen, Muslim butt smoocher has dragged this country into the toilet. During his inauguration speech in 2008, Mr. Obama, standing in his favorite arrogant, look-down-his-nose-on-the-ignorant-masses posture, promised to “fundamentally change America.” That made my head snap around. America didn’t NEED to be fundamentally changed; we were the preeminent nation of all time! Little did we know…

While visiting Turkey in 2009, he announced to the world, “We are not a Christian nation.” As the most anti-Israel President of all time, he voted to support an anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations in 2010, as well as continually insist Israel capitulate to Palestinian demands. Genesis 12:3 “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Thanks for calling down curses on this land, Mr. Obama.

Now we have Obamacare. What can I say? THE biggest tax hike in American history, despite the promise, “if your income is under $250,000, your taxes will not go up!” Liar, liar, pants on fire! When you see what this monstrosity from hell contains, you’ll absolutely faint. Here’s a VERY small sample:

HB3200 (paraphrased)

Page 50/section 152: Obamacare will provide insurance to all non-U.S. citizens, even illegal aliens. (buying votes)

Page 58-59: The government will have real time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts. (excuse me???)

Page 272/section 1145: Treatment for cancer will be rationed according to the patient’s age. Death panels of bureaucrats, NOT physicians, will decide what, if any, treatment you’ll receive. Really. (say bye-bye to Grandma!)

Page 65/section 164: This plan will be subsidized (paid for) by the government for all union members, union retirees and community organizations (like ACORN) (paying off the cronies)

Nice, huh? As you all remember, this ‘bill’ was rammed down America’s throats and Congress voted on it without having read it! This week, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, completely blindsided the country by basically re-writing the bill’s language so it could pass as constitutional. *SNAP* Only time will tell his reasons for doing so.
Wow! Those heavenly finger snaps of warning are really piling up here!
Hey, how ‘bout them wild fires? Thousands of acres devastated in several states. Hundreds of homes destroyed and many thousands of people displaced. And all the poor animals! Firefighters know for sure one blaze was started by lightning. Some of the others were, no doubt, arson by some pathetic little creep who’s taking the fact he can’t get a date, out on innocent people. Regardless of the origin, the destruction and heartbreak remains the same. Strange how the weather refuses to cooperate in putting them out; high winds and no rain. *SNAP*

In the last week of June, tropical storm Debbie stalled over several southern states for a few days, causing widespread, record breaking floods. Homes destroyed. Families displaced for weeks. Alligators and snakes swimming in people’s back yards. (no kidding!) *SNAP*
Now we have record breaking heat over much of the nation. Highs temperatures well above 100 degrees have been reported, causing several deaths and a whole lot of misery. *SNAP*

On June 29, 2010, an unforeseen, freak storm called a derecho tore up the Mid-Atlantic States including Washington D.C. (well, there are some small blessings…) This storm did not originate over water, yet it dealt hurricane strength winds up to 80+ MPH, flipping cars and tractor trailers and scattering debris everywhere. It also caused huge trees to topple onto cars, homes and businesses.

Twenty-six+ people were killed as a result. Electrical power was cut off for millions of citizens and because of the high number of power lines downed by falling trees and debris, power crews reported it would take days to restore power to the majority of the population. No electricity = no air conditioning in record breaking heat. No refrigeration. No cell phone service, as towers were damaged. No computers. Abject misery for millions of men, women and children! *SNAP*

And what news just came out on 7/1/2012? How could America possibly hack God off even more? Scientists have announced that the first genetically- modified human beings have been created. Swell. Thirty healthy babies were born after a series of experiments conducted by the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St. Barnabas in New Jersey.

These babies were born to women who had problems conceiving, so extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they were fertilized. Genetic fingerprint tests on two, one-year-old babies confirm they inherited DNA from THREE adults—two women and one man. A human chimera. Arrogant mankind has stepped further into God’s domain and will pay dearly for it. This is another brick in the wall of this country’s destruction. FOOLS!

The vast majority of Americans are living in denial. They can sense time is running out and something big is on the horizon, but…what? That feeling is so disconcerting it’s more comfortable to ignore the obvious signs and hope things return to normal. Sorry, but they’re not going to.
Denial is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person faced with a fact that’s too distressing to cope with, will unconsciously decide to reject it, insisting it’s not reality despite overwhelming evidence.

Day after day, we hear the finger *SNAP*s of God, but most people prefer to disregard them, conducting business as usual. We rationalize that these events are just coincidence, because to give credence to a supernatural cause is to admit the “doomsday” end time signs of the Bible are true. That would mean there IS a God and we are indeed accountable to Him. Most folks don’t like that! We humans want to live life on our own terms, by our own rules.

Almighty God has shown great favor to this country from its inception and what has she done in return? She’s gotten big for her britches and turned her back. She’s flipped Him off time after time, telling Him He’s not welcome and she doesn’t need Him. What did my Mom do when I ignored her finger snaps of warning? What do you think? I got my butt justifiably spanked.

God is our Heavenly Father and He’s had enough of our haughty attitude and our wicked ways. We’ve systematically barred Him from our schools as well as every area of public life and government offices, including our courtrooms. We have turned a blind eye to the slaughter of over 50,000,000 innocent babies since Roe vs. Wade was passed in the early 1970’s. We’ve happily embraced the rampant use of drugs and alcohol which has led to extreme levels of cruelty laced crime. Even cannibalism seems to be in vogue!

We’ve lost sight of the value of investing time teaching our children the difference between right and wrong. There is little reverence for the sanctity of life. We no longer have sense enough to be embarrassed about our complete lack of sexual morality, both personally and in our forms of entertainment.

Main Street America has been relentlessly hounded and shamed by a very small, loud mouthed minority of people into accepting the homosexual lifestyle as perfectly normal. We’re even allowing these reprobates to teach their degenerate blather to our young school children!

The final bastion of human civilization, the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman, has nearly been destroyed by those whose only wish is to bring society down to their level of perversion. America richly deserves the wrath that Almighty God is preparing to pour out. Can you hear the *SNAP*s now?? Here is where I find myself in all this:

Ezekiel 33:6 states, “But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”

I stand every day on the wall of the city, jumping up and down, waving my arms, shouting warnings that grave disaster is coming, because I don’t want your blood on my hands! The Word of God is very clear about what signs to look for right before He unloads His fury on the sinful people of this world. The next event on the prophetic timeline is the rapture of the church and all of creation seems to be holding its breath, waiting for our departure which literally could happen any minute.

Those of us who have been cleansed of sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, can sense in our spirit that we will be going home very, very soon. We’re painfully aware what those of you left behind will face and it chills us to the bone. We gladly risk our reputations and endure being mocked for the chance to explain how you can escape what is so clearly coming.
The ‘escape train,’ is for those who have accepted the pardon God’s Son, Jesus Christ, died to provide. We don’t know exactly when the ticket window will close but once it’s closed, that’s it. Those who miss their chance will be left to face a very angry God.

Please, please…before you run out of time, ask Jesus to come into your heart and save your sin filled soul. Tell Him you want Him to be Lord of your life before it’s too late.

The ticket costs you nothing and this train won’t wait for you to change your mind. Don’t be foolish.

1One could probably do an entire blog the size of this one just on debunking misinformation about the PPACA.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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39 Responses to Topics not covered

  1. Norbrook says:

    I’m always amazed by the idiocy that various people will indulge in. One might ask the person sending this sort of mail around if they’re planning on foregoing Medicare, and just how they’re going to do that.

  2. ellen says:

    Wondering if anyone with a legal background would like to help on the definition of “jurisdiction” over at


  3. The Magic M says:

    > His favorite phrase seems to be “Executive Order.”

    Another example of how made-up stuff becomes “fact” if it is repeated often enough.
    From my experience over at WND, I can say that most of the loons believe Obama is dishing out EO’s by the minute when in fact his average is below that of GWB.

    There was one poster who claimed Obama had signed “over 1,000 executive orders” so far. The truth of course is that Obama so far has signed 135 compared to 291 by GWB (in twice as many years, so same average). And GWB had the lowest average of all recent Presidents (Reagan: 380 in 8 years, FDR: almost 10 times as much).

    But as with all wingnut talking points, the truth doesn’t really matter. If pressed on the issue, they will probably claim he issued hundreds of “secret EO’s” on top of that….

  4. ASK Esq says:

    “…there is a remedy in the political process for this, no need to get all paranoid.”

    Doc, after all these years, don’t you get how the mind of the conspiracy theorist works? The puppet masters control both the Democrats AND the Republicans, so it doesn’t matter who we vote for. We’ve had our power stolen from us by the Bilderbergers or illuminati or NWOers or Kardashians or whoever. They’re only pretending to let us have a say in the matter.

    Reminds me of the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror where Kang and Kodos had replaced both presidential candidates. “What are you going to do, vote for a third-party candidate?”

  5. sponson says:

    Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    You can already smell the desperation coming from the conspiracy theorists.
    The closer it gets to November, the crazier and more numerous their lies get.

  7. Thomas Brown says:

    ASK Esq: “What are you going to do, vote for a third-party candidate?”

    In every recent election Cthulhu got a significant number of write-in votes…

  8. Yes, of course. I barely scratched the surface of the alternate world view in that email. Romney, according to the writer, is part of the conspiracy too and George Bush set in motion the things this fellow is so anxious about.

    ASK Esq: Doc, after all these years, don’t you get how the mind of the conspiracy theorist works? The puppet masters control both the Democrats AND the Republicans,

  9. insomnia says:

    “Why vote for a lesser evil? Vote Cthulhu!”

  10. I didn’t get much into the Christian message from the email, but it strikes me, as a Christian, as decidedly odd. The three gifts of Christianity are: faith, hope and love. This fellow was preaching anxiety, fear and hatred.

    Indeed, it is anxiety, fear and hatred that makes people susceptible to demagogues who would lead them into the very suppression of liberty that they seem to fear losing the most. Ironically, the people they should be most afraid of are the people like themselves.

  11. Bob says:

    “Mr. Obama is either . . .”

    It’s not a good conspiracy theory unless it covers all the bases.

    There are hundreds of people on the White House staff alone that would notice, much less go along with, any un-Constitutional shenanigans. And then there is Congress and legal scholars and the media etc.

  12. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Yes, of course. I barely scratched the surface of the alternate world view in that email.

    Could you post the entire email?

  13. Paper says:

    I swear I didn’t tell my family about your blog! ;-}

    They must have found it by themselves.

    Either that or they are just like every other conspiracy theorist out there, and this is just someone else channeling the same exact thinking. But I don’t know how that could be. They always assure me that they do their own thinking and investigation for themselves. I would be shocked, shocked I say, to find out they just parrot other people’s fears from YouTube videos and Alex Jones and so on and so on.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Yes, of course. I barely scratched the surface of the alternate world view in that email. Romney, according to the writer, is part of the conspiracy too and George Bush set in motion the things this fellow is so anxious about.

  14. Paper says:

    My biggest issue with conspiracy thinking is just this, that it distracts from seeing and understanding actual power.

  15. I’m sure the guy wouldn’t mind the publicity. I added it to the end of the article.

    American Mzungu: Could you post the entire email?

  16. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “Why vote for a lesser evil? Vote Cthulhu!”

    I’m voting for these guys.
    Now that’s an honest face!

  17. misha says:

    FEMA Internment Camps have been constructed with 3 to 15 in each state, for an undisclosed purpose. Can anyone say ‘concentration camp?’ Multiple thousands of Disposable Coffins, each with a 4 to 5 person capacity, are being stored near city centers around the country, for those pesky, citizen dissidents.

    Ouyay agreedway otnay otay illspay ethay eansbay.

    One of my all time favorite Bible passages is Psalm 2.

    Mine is Psalm 23: ‘my cup overflows’ My cup isn’t going anywhere. It’s running on empty.

    Even cannibalism seems to be in vogue!

    I see you’ve been hanging out at Robert Pickton’s farm:

    Scientists have announced that the first genetically- modified human beings have been created.

    Good – in 30 years, people will not be born with cystic fibrosis, or have hereditary diabetes – to name two chronic illnesses.

    The rest of your rant reminds me of what my mother – עליה השלום – used to say: He should see a doctor.

    When people talk to God, they are praying. When God talks to them, they are schizophrenic.

  18. misha says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:I’m voting for these guys.

    I’m voting for Hank:

  19. Northland10 says:

    misha: When people talk to God, they are praying. When God talks to them, they are schizophrenic.

    When God talks to this one, he will say.. Take your damn Thorazine.

  20. Majority Will says:

    Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

    Kang had a bigger Super PAC.

  21. Arthur says:

    My biggest issue with conspiracy thinking is just this, that it distracts from seeing and understanding actual power.

    I agree. I sometimes listen (briefly) to Alex Jones. I’m always amazed at how much fury he can muster over illusions. If he were rational, and would devote his energy to detailing the role of, say, big money in politics, he would uncover things more revolting than the b.s. he typically peddles. But of course, scaring half-wits into buying a year’s supply of freeze-dried food is more profitable and less time consuming that doing real investigative journalism.

  22. misha says:

    Arthur: But of course, scaring half-wits into buying a year’s supply of freeze-dried food is more profitable and less time consuming that doing real investigative journalism.

    WND is constantly flogging seed banks, to protect against the coming financial crisis, the coming social unrest, the coming _____ crisis.

    It’s the same market that buys Franklin Mint (Not associated with the US Mint™) items, because they are going to appreciate some day. All of those instant collectors’ items are mass produced in China. All of those coming crises are mass produced by the RWNJ noise machine.

  23. G says:

    WELL SAID!!!!!!

    In fact, that is such a succinct and accurate truism of what is really going on here, that I’m awarding you not just “Quote of the Day” for this, but “Quote of the Century”.

    Seriously. What you just said really sums up the root cause of soooo many problems we face in today’s world, that THIS is the type of simple truth that deserves to be repeated over and over and over again…until it finally sinks in with more people.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Indeed, it is anxiety, fear and hatred that makes people susceptible to demagogues who would lead them into the very suppression of liberty that they seem to fear losing the most. Ironically, the people they should be most afraid of are the people like themselves.

  24. misha says:

    Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
    I will fear no evil

    To borrow from a college classmate: ‘No one f***s with me because I am the biggest SOB in the valley.’

  25. Dave says:

    Many conspiracy theories that were around before Obama have been applied to him. Here’s one of my favorites: Photographic Evidence that Barack Obama is a Human/Reptilian Hybrid.

  26. G says:


    That was such a lengthy bit of crazy screed, that I’m not sure posting the entire steaming pile of delusion at the end of the blog post was a good idea at all.

    It simply became a clutter of crazy…and not even entertaining crazy, where I was entertained enough to stay awake. No, eventually the droning paranoia just caused my eyes to glaze over and I couldn’t force myself to care enough to keep reading.

    But unfortunately, such a long dis-interesting dump can also cause folks to abandon a particular blog post and never make it to the end or to the commentary below. As I said, it came across more like wasteful clutter and unnecessary propaganda for the hopelessly unhinged.

    I totally understand and champion the concept of wanting to have the full context of statements to see for myself.

    However, this was clearly one in which putting the email into some sort of format that could merely be linked to, would have been a better overall solution.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’m sure the guy wouldn’t mind the publicity. I added it to the end of the article.

  27. Arthur says:

    misha: It’s the same market that buys Franklin Mint (Not associated with the US Mint™) items,

    Ah, aluminum slugs with enhanced with a layer of 14 milligrams of real gold!

  28. JPotter says:

    Many conspiracy theories that were around before Obama have been applied to him. Here’s one of my favorites: Photographic Evidence that Barack Obama is a Human/Reptilian Hybrid.

    Awesome avatar, Smilin’ Dave!

    If I were more industrious, I’d go with T::E … or my DISQUS avvie, a hammer-and-sickle ‘CCCP’ 😉

  29. Keith says:

    misha: WND is constantly flogging seed banks, to protect against the coming financial crisis, the coming social unrest, the coming _____ crisis.

    It’s the same market that buys Franklin Mint (Not associated with the US Mint™) items, because they are going to appreciate some day. All of those instant collectors’ items are mass produced in China. All of those coming crises are mass produced by the RWNJ noise machine.

    My brother in law’s de facto mother in law (I challenge you to parse that but it is accurate) has a house full of Franklin Mint. But she isn’t a RWNJ. She is just a blue haired lover of kitsch.

    I myself have the full set of the Franklin Mint’s “The Greatest Jazz Recordings of All Times”. 100 LP’s in all selected from the ‘Institute of Jazz Studies’ at Rutgers.

    At least it is more useful than plates with cute kittens painted on them.

    * Maybe this is easier? My wife’s brother’s wife’s father’s companion.

  30. BranMakMorn says:

    You know, this fearmongering has always been a part of the nation — Washington himself had to deal with it with critics of the Constitution!

  31. misha says:

    Keith: She is just a blue haired lover of kitsch…At least it is more useful than plates with cute kittens painted on them.

    There is a website full of this:

    Don’t tell her. She’ll spend all her money.

  32. Dave B. says:

    Arthur: I sometimes listen (briefly) to Alex Jones. I’m always amazed at how much fury he can muster over illusions.

    I’m just amazed he has any voice at all left.

  33. James M says:

    Actually, I support the PPACA and also call it “ObamaCare” sometimes. But most of the time when I engage in discussion about it, I call it “US Public Law 111-148 et. seq.” and try to discuss it in terms of the law as written and the rulemaking authority that derives from it. So far I have not found one person who has been willing to begin their argument from the text of the law, let alone who would follow the development of the CFR and Federal Register. In fact, I have yet to engage one “ObamaCare opponent” who is willing to look at the law enough to know what the title page says, or even know approximately how many pages it contains.

    Opponents of “ObamaCare” hold it as an abstract symbol, but when I try to nail down their opposition to anything specific about the law — or even metadata (like the title of the Act or its page count), I have yet to receive a cogent response.

    I find this unfortunate, because the law does have flaws, including many flaws that are due to flaws in the myriad legislation and rules cited in the Act and from which the Act derives most of its authority in the first place. Of course, a commentator who cannot be bothered to even glance at the title page of a law, cannot be expected to understand that concept.

    There is apparently a widespread believe that “ObamaCare” was cut from whole cloth, is entirely new legislation (based on nothing prior), and that it can be simply “repealed” without putting into jeopardy the mountain of other prior legislation from which it is derived.

    I suspect that if you took any single provision from the PPACA and presented it as an abstract idea to any opponent, they would accept that provision. I suspect further that if a Republican administration had produced the PPACA, it would enjoy broad support among Republicans (and probably, opposition among Democrats.)

    But I have mostly stopped discussing the matter, since becoming completely frustrated by people who criticize the law without so much as reading its title.

  34. misha says:

    James M: But I have mostly stopped discussing the matter, since becoming completely frustrated by people who criticize the law without so much as reading its title.

    The Tea Party Is a Religious Movement

  35. Arthur says:

    Dave B.: I’m just amazed he has any voice at all left.

    Indeed. He has the most unhealthy vocal production of anyone in radio. My throat hurts just listening to him.

  36. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I didn’t get much into the Christian message from the email, but it strikes me, as a Christian, as decidedly odd. The three gifts of Christianity are: faith, hope and love. This fellow was preaching anxiety, fear and hatred.

    Indeed, it is anxiety, fear and hatred that makes people susceptible to demagogues who would lead them into the very suppression of liberty that they seem to fear losing the most. Ironically, the people they should be most afraid of are the people like themselves.

    Right wing Christians are totalitarian dictators.

  37. misha says:

    bgansel9: Right wing Christians are totalitarian dictators.

    Rick Santorum Announces He Doesn’t Believe In the Separation of Church and State:

    Preacher Dennis Terry of the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church introduced GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum at a campaign rally recently… “Listen to me,” he continued. “If you don’t love America and you don’t like the way we do things, I have one thing to say… GET OUT!”…

    “We don’t worship Buddha!” he yelled. “I said we don’t worship Buddha, we don’t worship Mohammed. We don’t worship Allah. We worship God. We worship God’s son Jesus Christ.”

    “The church needs to be the conscience of the nation,” he added, before denouncing abortion and same-sex marriage. The solution to curbing these? “Put God back in our state house,”

    Santorum is seen in the crowd, clapping…

  38. bgansel9 says:

    misha: Santorum is seen in the crowd, clapping…

    People like Santorum think Americans should have the freedom to be what they are, and nothing more.

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